JANUARY 24, 2001

Leo: Greenlee, I --
Greenlee: Don't -- don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. No talking, no thinking, no making each other crazy, ok? Just kiss me. Leo, please, love me.

Hayley: What do you mean, you know what's going on?
Mateo: Come on, come on, come on. Give me a little credit, ok? Come here. Listen -- I don't know how long it's been going on, but have you -- have you been meeting with your mom?
Hayley: What?
Mateo: The perfume. And you've been wearing -- you came here wearing her scarf. What was that?
Hayley: Look, I have no idea how that scarf got mixed up in my clothes, but it was in my closet somewhere. It probably had her perfume on it, her scent on it, and that's -- that's probably what you're smelling.
Mateo: What's wrong? Hayley, what is it?

[Door opens]

David: If you came back to punch me again, Tad, you should know that I called security.
Palmer: You're going to need them. You are a sorry excuse for a human being. I tell you, if I was just -- I don't know -- five years younger, I'd kick your keister from here to the parking lot.
David: And what's with all this animosity, Palmer? What did I ever do to you?
Palmer: It's what you did to Dixie, you despicable cad. Nobody treats my family like that.

Leslie: What was that about?
Tad: I had to see something for myself.
Leslie: You're going to have to do better than that.
Tad: Ok.
Tad: How's that?
Leslie: I meant your explanation. I mean, the last time I saw you, you were trying to have me arrested, and now you can't keep your lips off me? I mean, that's a pretty wild flip-flop.
Tad: I kind of got the impression you liked it rough. What's the matter? Isn't this what you wanted?
Leslie: You know it is, Tad.
Tad: So?
Leslie: So did I mention that your brother Jake stopped by to see me? He made some pretty angry threats, insinuated that I was stalking you. Where do you suppose he came up with that?
Tad: He's just trying to be overprotective. You don't have to worry about Jake.
Leslie: I'm not. It's you I can't seem to figure out. I mean, yesterday you're treating me like I'm an escaped mental patient, and today I'm your Honey. Excuse me if I'm a little confused.
Tad: Well, you know what? Considering my whole world has been turned upside down, including my relationships with two small boys, I'm a little confused, too. Look, I -- forget it. I never should've come here. I just wanted you to know, for my part, that I'm sorry.
Leslie: Wait. Don't go.
Leslie: So what are you sorry about?
Tad: At this point, everything. My whole life. But where you're concerned, I just wanted to say that I'm -- I'm sorry I behaved like a jerk.
Leslie: You can say that again. So what's changed?
Tad: My marriage. I don't have one anymore. I left Dixie.
Leslie: You did?
Tad: Yeah.
Leslie: And you came to me?
Tad: What do you want to hear, Leslie, you know? You really want me to say it -- that you were right and I was wrong? Ok, you win. My marriage is a complete fiasco. I'm never going to be a good little housebroken husband. You satisfied? I don't know who I was trying to kid.
Leslie: What about Dixie?
Tad: What about her? She's in love with another man, remember? You were right about that, too. I was afraid of it for months and still somehow refused to see it.
Leslie: So you're just giving up on her?
Tad: No, I'm not giving up. I'm -- I'm exhausted. Dixie and I both are. This is the third time around for us. We've both been trying to hold on to this marriage forever, and I guess that -- personally, I just got tired. And as painful as that was, I -- I owe that to you.
Leslie: So what are you saying?
Tad: You're the reason I stopped lying to myself. No matter how much I want it, I'm never going to be a well-mannered drone. Whether I like it or not, I'm more the man that I was on that boat, who wanted you so badly I couldn't think about anything else.
Leslie: Well, you've done a great job of hiding him away since that night.
Tad: I was scared. I had the right. I'm not the first person who's had trouble dealing with the truth. I wanted to run back to my safe little existence. I guess it's a little late for that now.
Leslie: So what about us?
Tad: I don't know. I haven't got the slightest idea. Do you? For one thing, can you forgive me for -- for behaving so badly?
Leslie: I don't know, Tad. You were -- you were very mean to me.
Tad: Well, like I said, that's why I'm here -- to apologize and to tell you that when all is said and done, you were right. I guess I have to thank David Hayward for that, too.
Leslie: What, for stealing Dixie from you?
Tad: No. That still hurts. No, I was thinking about giving me Libidozone. I mean, as dramatic as it was, I guess it took something like that to wake me up.
Leslie: And now you want to be with me.
Tad: I wouldn't mind. I guess Dr. Hayward knew that, too, when he set this whole thing up, didn't he?

David: I assure you, Palmer, I've never treated your niece with anything other than respect, and I resent --
Palmer: You assure me. You assure me. Well, isn't that rich. I know you don't like to hear this, David, but you have inherited some of your mother's traits. And one of them is the incredible ability to lie with almost every breath you take.
David: Why don't we keep my mother out of this, shall we? Vanessa: Oh -- well, too late. Palmer, I have been looking all over the hospital for you, and then I heard your voice -- as I'm sure everyone around did -- coming from David's office.
David: Well, that's because your hubby is accusing me of somehow harming Dixie.
Vanessa: Well, tell him you're blameless and let's move on to more pleasant matters.
David: I am blameless.
Vanessa: Of course you are, darling.
Palmer: Button your lip, Vanessa. You know, I live at the Pine Valley Inn, David. Do you imagine there is anything that goes on in that building that I don't hear about?
David: I still don't know what you're going on about, Palmer.
Palmer: Really? That little tussle in the bar last night is the talk of the lobby this morning.
David: Tussle?
Palmer: Mm-hmm. David: You're talking about with Junior. It was nothing.
Palmer: Well, maybe to you it wasn't. But I hate to think how upset that boy was to physically confront a grown man.
David: It was hardly a confrontation.
Palmer: Oh -- well, he pulled you off a bar stool. He warned you to stay away from his -- have you no shame?
David: I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Palmer: Really? You tried to ruin the only stable home life my grandnephew has ever known.
David: If Junior believes that, Palmer, it's because Tad has been feeding his fears about me, painting me out to be some kind of a home wrecker.
Palmer: Well, that's an outrageous statement. Tad may have his failings, but he has been a devoted stepfather to Junior. Why would he badmouth you, anyway?
David: All I've done is help Dixie through an extremely difficult time. She's very upset because of Tad's infidelity.
Vanessa: Oh, do tell.
Palmer: Shut up.
David: Will you stay out of this, please?
Palmer: Tad? Tad with another woman? Well, that is the most outrageous lie so far.
David: Is it? Well, that's really surprising coming from you, Palmer. I mean, with all your informants at the Valley Inn. Yet none of them told you that Tad was keeping a love nest there with Leslie Coulson?
Palmer: That's rubbish. Absolute rubbish. Tad would never cheat on Dixie.
David: Oh, yeah? Well, from what I understand, he's practically a legend, Pine Valley's own Casanova.
Palmer: Oh -- that was years ago, years ago. And he learned his lesson after that unfortunate incident with Liza Colby.
David: Yeah, well, I don't give a damn if you believe me or not, but just remember this -- I haven't done anything with Dixie except help and support her.
Palmer: You don't have a supportive bone in your body.
David: You know, Palmer, I have been trying really hard to be upfront with you here, and yet you keep tossing it back in my face.
Palmer: I warn you -- stay away from Dixie.
David: And I'm warning you, Palmer -- don't ever come storming into my office barking orders at me again. I don't answer to you.
Palmer: Really
David: Really.
Palmer: Really? Let me remind you that I am chairman of the board in this hospital. I can have your degenerate butt tossed out on the street without even an hour's notice. When I'm finished with you, you won't be able to work in an animal hospital.

Mateo: Hey. Take a sip of that.
Hayley: Thanks.
Mateo: You ok? Where did you go?
Hayley: I just zoned out. I think with everything that's been going on, I just get overwhelmed.
Mateo: Yeah, I'm a little freaked out, too.
Hayley: I swear to you, Mateo, I don't know how that scarf got with my clothes. But I have not seen or spoken to Arlene since --
Mateo: The night on the yacht.
Hayley: No. I don't believe that you would think that I could keep something like that from you. I mean, that doesn't make any sense.
Mateo: Well, I mean, come on. When it has to do with your mom, you can just throw sense out the window, Hayley.
Hayley: Yeah, but why would I keep something that big from you?
Mateo: Ok, you wouldn't. Ok, you wouldn't. Unless she was threatening you.

[Hayley sighs]

Mateo: Is she threatening you?
Hayley: I can't believe I freaked out like that in front of the camera. When I saw that videotape, though, I just knew. I mean, who else but Arlene could've switched that tape?
Mateo: I don't know how she could've done that. Liza had this place guarded like Fort Knox. I mean, how does she keep slipping in and out of places without being noticed? I mean --
Hayley: Why do I let her get to me the way I do?
Mateo: She's your mom. I mean, she's going to push your buttons. She installed them.
Hayley: Yeah. But, I mean, to strangle her, to actually put my hands around her throat and choke her? Now Arlene is waging some sort of holy war. She wants revenge and nobody can stop her.
Mateo: I think you're giving your mom too much credit. I just have to do a better job of protecting you. You know what? Let's go somewhere that your mom would never, ever think of. Yeah?
Hayley: Ok.
Mateo: Come on. Let me grab my coat.

Gillian: Hey, Laura.
Hey. What's up?
Laura: Gillian. Hi. I was here earlier, but I left my camera, so I came by to pick it up.
Gillian: Oh. Is Ryan in there?
Laura: No, but Leo is. We were talking about me doing some photography for
Gillian: Oh, wow. That sounds promising.
Laura: Yeah, well, it was until Miss Nasty turned up. She just -- she won't leave Leo alone.
Gillian: You mean Greenlee?
Laura: Yeah. Who else?
Gillian: She's in there now?
Laura: I think so.
Gillian: No. As long as I live on this boat, she's not allowed to set foot onboard.

[Knock on door]

Gillian: Leo? Leo, are you in there? Did you lock this door? Open it.

Greenlee: Get rid of her, Leo.
Leo: I don't believe this. I did it again. I tell myself, "Leo, stick to your principles. Be strong." And I spend two minutes alone with you and I'm helpless. What the hell are you doing to me, Greenlee?
Greenlee: I didn't do anything to you.
Leo: Oh, please. Greenlee, you wrote the instruction manual on yanking guys' chains.
Greenlee: That is so rude.

[Pounding on door]

Gillian: Come on, Leo. Open the door.

Leo: No, it is so true. What about when you got the room at the Pine Cone Motel -- you know, psycho pool boy? Trying to make Ryan jealous. Nearly got raped.
Greenlee: Why do you always throw that in my face?
Leo: You don't like that one. Ok, um -- fine, how about this one? How about when you impersonated Opal's voice on the phone and sent Becca off on a wild-goose chase and broke up our date. Do you remember that, Greenlee? Or how about when you -- when you told me that happy was missing?
Greenlee: So I go after what I want. Is that a crime?


Leo: No, it's when you scheme and you cheat and you manipulate --

Gillian: Come on, Leo, open the door!
Leo: I let myself keep falling for these little lies that you keep telling me, all these tricks and everything!
Greenlee: I have not tricked you.
Leo: Oh -- right.
Greenlee: Get honest with yourself, Leo. The only reason you keep ending up with me is because you want to.
Leo: Do you know what, Greenlee? You are absolutely right. Absolutely right. It's because you bat your eyelashes and you pout your little lips and my knees turn to rubber.


Leo: And my brain turns to mush.

Palmer: As far as your scurrilous claim that Tad is having an affair, I don't believe it for a minute.
David: Well, then I guess there's nothing left to talk about. Check it out yourself.
Palmer: I certainly will. I want you to understand -- if there is one more questionable incident involving you -- even a hint of one -- I'll drop on you like a scourge.

Vanessa: Is it true? I mean, is Tad having a liaison with Leslie Coulson? Well, how delicious. But, darling, it's quite a big mistake to antagonize Palmer.
David: He's your meal ticket, Vanessa, not mine. I'm not afraid of Palmer.
Vanessa: Well, you should be. Darling, I don't care how many aortas you've stitched together. He can have your job. He can ruin your career.
David: Don't you have a cauldron to go stir up somewhere?
Vanessa: Oh, all right. Don't listen to me. Have your fun. But, you know, you're playing a very dangerous game, trying to separate Tad and Dixie, the golden couple of this provincial town. Unless, of course, that's the first reason or the only reason you're interested in Dixie in the first place.
David: Hmm, yet more opinions I didn't ask for.
Vanessa: Oh, Lord. There's just no talking to you, is there, David? Fine. I will go and smooth Palmer's feathers. And you know what? Might be very nice if you would appreciate me just a bit more.
David: Yeah, right. Try holding your breath for that one.

Leslie: I can't stop thinking about the first time that we made love.
Tad: You? My God, how do you think I feel? In the best of circumstances, marriage gets kind of comfortable, and it's been a long time since I felt anything like that.
Leslie: We were wild together.
Tad: You know what I'd like?
Leslie: Tell me.
Tad: Another ride. What do you say, huh? You think we can take it from the top with the same passion?
Leslie: Oh, yeah.
Tad: So you -- do you think can get some more of that stuff?
Leslie: What stuff?
Tad: You know, the Libidozone, whatever Hayward put in the punch that made us so incredibly hot.
Leslie: Yeah. I remember that.
Leslie: I don't need any boosters when I'm with you, Tad. You turn me on so much.
Tad: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Don't you remember what it was like? How wild -- don't you want to feel like that?
Leslie: There's only one thing I want.
Tad: I want you, too. I was just thinking it might be kind of nice --
Leslie: Enough talking. I want you right here, right now.
Tad: Wait -- Leslie, Leslie, there's just one other quick question I want to ask you.
Leslie: You weren't this talkative the last time we were together.
Tad: Well, there wasn't as much on the line last ti
Leslie: Like what? Tad: Like what's about to happen in a minute.
Leslie: You know, the pillow talk is supposed to come after. That's when you whisper the sweet nothings.
Tad: All I want is an answer.
Leslie: You know, if you're playing hard to get to make me want you, it's working.
Tad: I'm not playing hard to get. Look, this is serious, ok? It's very important to me.
Leslie: All right. What is it?
Tad: I've been thinking about this for a while, and it's been bugging me ever since that night on the yacht. I just want to know how much of what happened happened because you wanted me and how much of it was David's idea.
Leslie: You know I want you, Tad. I have since I was a teenager.
Tad: Yeah, well, that's very flattering, but, meanwhile, you know, back in reality, I just want to make sure that when something happens that there's actually something between you and me and we're not some kind of bizarre side effect.
Leslie: Of what?
Tad: Of David's plan to sleep with my wife.
Leslie: You sure are obsessed with David today.
Tad: I'm not obsessed with David. It's a perfectly legitimate question.
Leslie: It's a stupid question.
Tad: No, it isn't. Leslie, can you blame me for wanting him out of my life, for wanting him out of my head? Personally, I'd rather concentrate on you.
Leslie: Sounds good to me.

Greenlee: Don't they teach you any manners over there in Hungary?
Gillian: This is my bedroom, Greenlee. And we're happy to have you living with us, Leo, but there's one condition -- and I know I speak for Ryan, too. You are not allowed to bring this person onboard.
Greenlee: Who do you think you are, Tramp?
Laura: Gillian has more class in one eyelash than you have on your whole frosted head.
Greenlee: I don't believe this. Now I'm getting lectures about class from a homeless girl you can download nude off the internet.
Laura: The only reason you're not doing jail time for pushing me overboard is because some hotshot got you off the hook.
Greenlee: How was I supposed to know you'd be in any danger in the water? Every teenage boy with a modem says you look like a terrific swimmer.
Laura: You little --
Gillian: Just ignore her. Greenlee, now, you go!
Greenlee: I will not.
Laura: Well, then we'll throw you off. That works for me.
Gillian: Go now!
Greenlee: Leo, aren't you going to say something?
Leo: Yeah, actually. Do you want to use the gangplank?
Greenlee: Leo --
Leo: Greenlee, nobody wants you here. Try not embarrassing yourself. Beat it.
Greenlee: I can't believe --
Leo: Go!
Greenlee: You're talking to me like this. Five minutes ago, were about to make love --
Leo: No, don't remind me. Please, Greenlee. I'm ashamed enough as it is. Go.
Greenlee: Please, Leo, don't do this. Don't side with them against me.
Leo: Sorry.
Gillian: Yeah, so this makes it unanimous, Greenlee. Just go.
Greenlee: No. This boat does not belong to you and Ryan. It's Adam Chandler's. And until he tells me to go, I'm not going anywhere.
Leo: Don't you love her mature reaction?
Laura: I'm going to split before I do something I regret.
Leo: I'll be right there. Wait.
Greenlee: Leo, don't leave me.

Mateo: How's that?
Hayley: Oh, much better. Thank you, Mr. Bacon.
Mateo: You're welcome, Mrs. Bacon.
Hayley: I can't believe you registered under that name. How did you come up with it?
Mateo: You remember that movie we saw this summer with Kevin Bacon where he's the invisible man? Well, that's what we are here. We're invisible.
Hayley: It's clever, but we can't live in a hotel forever.
Mateo: We won't have to. They're going to pick up your mom soon -- the cops or that detective that your dad hired.
Hayley: She's eluded everyone so far.
Mateo: Just a matter of time.
Hayley: Well, you know what I always say. If you're going to hide out, do it first class.
Mateo: That's what you get. Just the best. Plus you need to catch up on some sleep, huh?
Hayley: I try to, but every time I close my eyes, I see Arlene's face.
Mateo: Here. Dr. Joe Martin gave me these. Guaranteed to put you out, and I'll sit by your side the whole time, ok?
Hayley: You're really sweet, but I can't.
Mateo: Why not?
Hayley: Well, it's like a, you know, controlled medicine, mind-altering. I don't think I can take it. It messes with my sobriety.
Mateo: You haven't slept all week.
Hayley: I'll tell you what. Put it on the nightstand. If I change my mind, I'll take one. But right now I want to try to fall asleep the old-fashioned way, in the arms of my husband.
Mateo: Drink to that.
Hayley: What is this?
Mateo: Sparkling cider.
Hayley: Will you do me a favor and get me some ice please?
Mateo: Sure thing. Anything else while I'm up?
Hayley: Uh-uh.

David: You've got the wrong office, Pal.
Gordon: No, I don't.
David: Gordon! What the hell are you doing here? We can't be seen together!
Gordon: I can't be seen anywhere, Dr. Hayward. I am -- I'm marked man, ok, thanks to you. The police want me for questioning. They seized my computer. I just snuck by the lab. There's yellow tape all around my workstation.
David: You cleared all your records, didn't you? So they're not going to find anything.
Gordon: They don't have to. The hospital claims that I falsified records, that I altered all those blood tests for the people at that yacht party.
David: Well, you did do that, Gordon.
Gordon: Because you made me!
David: Look, at least lock the door, would you, please? I don't want anybody to see you here!
Gordon: You know, I'm already as good as convicted. Did you see that article in the newspaper that said that I'd been promised stock in some internet company?
David: Yeah, yeah, I read that. What was that all about?
Gordon: What are you talking about? You probably wrote it. Somebody has been working overtime to make me out to be the guy behind this whole Libidozone thing, and I really think that person is you.
David: Gordon, Gordon, why would you even think that? You're not the only one under scrutiny here. The police, they confiscated my records, too. I'm in jeopardy as well.
Gordon: Oh, don't give me that crap! You're standing in your office, ok? Your name is still on the door. You still have your job. I'm a fugitive.
David: Yeah, and apparently not a very good one. Why did you come back here, Gordon? I mean, you got away clean. Why would you risk that?
Gordon: Because. I got to thinking, you know. I'm sitting there in this boarding house in Ohio and I hear all this noise and I realize that it's New Year's Eve, ok? And I've got nobody to celebrate with and I can't go home and I can't call my friends and I am stuck in a rat hole! And I think "what happened to my life?"
David: All right, all right, look, let me try to understand this. Now, you're upset because you missed New Year's Eve? Gordon, I'm sorry. I never really -- I never picture you as being a party animal.
Gordon: Yeah, well, you know, at least I could go out, have a few laughs. I mean, what do I have now? Nothing.
David: You really have to do something about all this self-pity, Gord-O.
Gordon: Don't -- don't mock me, Doctor. This is all your fault! "Help me develop Libidozone," you said. "You'll be rich. You'll be famous."
David: Shh.
Gordon: Well, you were half right! Everybody knows my name now! Everybody with a badge, at least.
David: All right, I'm very well aware of the situation, Gordon. Now, what do you want me to do about it?
Gordon: Not a thing.
David: Then why did you risk coming here in that -- that mangy costume?
Gordon: Why? Because I figured a way out of this mess, and I thought you should be the first to know.
David: Great. That's wonderful. What is it? Tell me.
Gordon: I'm turning state's evidence.
David: Now, that, Gordon -- that would not be a very good idea.
Gordon: Shut up and listen. I'm going to tell the cops everything. I'm going to tell them how you ordered that drug. I'm going to tell them how you used it, first on yourself and then on Erica Kane. And I'm going to tell them how you blackmailed me to make more and then you gave it to everybody on that yacht!
David: Are you really that stupid and destructive?
Gordon: I'm going to tell them everything. I'm definitely going to leave in the part about how you made me fix those blood tests and how you gave me money to run away. Everything! The whole shooting match!

Leslie: I can put your mind at ease, Tad. I didn't need any encouragement to go after you. I've wanted you for as long as I can remember. In fact, every man I ever slept with, I fantasized it was you.

[Tad laughs]

Tad: Yeah, there's a bridge you want me to look at, right? Come on. Can't we at least be honest with each other? We both know that David orchestrated that entire thing, right?
Leslie: Come on. I answered your question. Now you have to do something for me.
Tad: Ok.
Leslie: Tell me that you've been thinking about me for a long time, too.
Tad: I have.
Leslie: For how long?
Tad: Long enough.
Leslie: Tell me you want me.
Tad: I do.
Leslie: Tell me you want me bad.
Tad: I want you bad.
Leslie: Tell me you want me more than that backwoods hick you married. I knew it! I knew it. You were just trying to get me to rat out David. You don't want me at all. You still love Dixie.

Laura: Leo --
Leo: Laura, Laura --
Laura: You're making me dizzy. You tell me you're finished with Greenlee, and then I walk in that stateroom and you're lip-locked.
Leo: So I guess we're both confused.
Laura: Seriously. What's going on with you?
Leo: I don't know. I wish that I could explain.
Laura: Well, give it a shot.
Leo: All right. You know, it -- I'm totally fed up with Greenlee. I'm way over that. Arrivederci, Basta, everything's over with.
Laura: Ok, I'm with you so far.
Leo: Here's the tricky part. Even though I can't stand the girl, every single time get close to her -- and believe me, she makes absolutely sure that that does happen -- every single time I get close to the girl, it's like this crazy chemical reaction goes off. And the next thing I know, I turn into her love zombie.
Laura: So it's like some sort of voodoo?
Leo: It has to be. I come to and I hate myself and I hate her. Laura, will you please help me?
Laura: What, you sure you want to be helped?
Leo: Absolutely. I'm begging you.
Laura: Ok, I'll give it a try. I mean, no man should have to suffer like that.
Leo: Ok, good. The first thing that we have to do is ensure that I will never be alone. Ok?
Laura: Ok. Sounds like a tall order.
Leo: Well, you know, we'll just have to take it day by day, just until I'm strong enough to resist.
Laura: All right, well, what can I do?
Leo: Well, I think that it's absolutely necessary that you help me get through this evening without relapsing. I seem to be particularly vulnerable after the sun goes down. Can I count on you?
Laura: To keep Greenlee at bay? Definitely.
Leo: Good. Excellent. Now, the second part of my recovery is proper nutrition. You know, keep my strength up.
Laura: That's always useful.
Leo: Uh-huh. I was thinking maybe I could pick you up around 7:00, We'll go have dinner?
Laura: Oh -- well, if it's for a good cause, why not?
Leo: All right.
Laura: But, you know, you should probably get back in there.
Leo: Yeah. Those two are probably about to kill each other.
Laura: But, Leo, whatever you do, keep Gillian in the room with you and Greenlee.
Leo: You see? See, you're already helping me. Bye.

Gillian: I've known a lot of mean-spirited rich girls, Greenlee, but none of them is as cold-hearted as you are.
Greenlee: Hmm. This from the Ice Princess. Spare me.
Gillian: You're a spoiler. You know that? You're unhappy, so you have to make everybody around you miserable.
Greenlee: Oh, like all you do is spread sunshine. You're a one-woman disaster area.
Gillian: And you're a little brat throwing a tantrum every time you can't --

[Gillian faints]

Leo: Gillian, Gillian? Hey! Are you ok? Gillian -- what the hell did you do to her? Gillian?

David: Let's not cut off all our options, Gordon. I'll help you, all right? I promise I will get you situated.
Gordon: Oh, you've been a big help so far. I'll take my chances with the police.
David: How can you be so naive? Do you honestly believe that you're going to get your life back if you turn yourself in? What laboratory is going to hire a convicted felon?
Gordon: I am prepared to face my punishment, ok? That's the difference between you and me, all right? I feel bad about what I did. I'm willing to take responsibility.
David: Are you? Oh, well, that's admirable of you, Gordon. You were saying that it was bleak living in a boarding house? How do you think living in a jail cell is going to be?
Gordon: I may not be there long.
David: And how do you figure that?
Gordon: Friend of my uncle's is a criminal lawyer. I talked to him last week, find out what I'm facing. He said that in situations like this, usually the guy that comes in first then helps make the case, usually gets a pretty light sentence.
David: All right, so you think that if you turn yourself in, you confess to everything, what, they're going to give you a slap on the wrist? Gordon, Gordon, come on. All right, look, let's review all of this, shall we? Using hospital facilities, you cooked up several batches of a dangerous and illegal drug. Then you falsified hospital records, intentionally misleading emergency personnel and endangering lives. Now, even if we disregard everything else, that's two serious offenses, Gordon. Assuming that they do go light on you, you're still talking 10 years of hard time. But on the bright side, Gordon, that loneliness that you were concerned about -- well, now, that -- that is going to be a thing of the past once you get to Statesville. Because, you see, you're going to be living day in and day out surrounded by thousands of sociopaths, guys who won't even think twice before coming up to you and trying to get up close and personal.

Tad: Actually, not wanting you is putting it mildly. Fact is, having you that close to me makes me cringe. I wouldn't. You know what really makes me sick? Hearing Dixie's name come out of your mouth.
Leslie: Don't say that.
Tad: How could you possibly think a man married to a woman like that would want to have anything to do with you?
Leslie: Oh, you just blew it big time.
Tad: Oh, really? You're not going to talk to me anymore? Say it's not so.
Leslie: Oh, no. We're not done, not by a long shot. But you're not going to get what you came for, either. In fact, listen to this. I don't know why you'd say that David encouraged me to go after you. David Hayward had nothing to do with us. What do you think of that?
Tad: Don't be stupid. Can't you see he used you?
Leslie: You used me. I want you to get out because I never want to see your face again! I have never felt so violated in my life. You make me sick! Go back to your precious little Dixie. You know, maybe she'll have you.
Tad: You are in desperate need of psychiatric help because you're a nut! A psycho! Sleeping with you was the worst mistake I ever made!

[Door slams]

[Elevator bell chimes]

Vanessa: Ah -- oh, my.
Palmer: Tad Martin is a damn fool.


Dimitri: I'm going to offer you a deal to save your life.

Leo: I need a cash infusion. I'm thinking about a thousand bucks. I got a sweet little honey babe that I'm taking out.

Doctor: Is it possible, Miss Andrassy, that you are pregnant?

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