JANUARY 30, 2001

Gillian: Come on, Ryan, hurry up.

[Gillian sighs]

Gillian: Ryan.
Ryan: Hey.
Gillian: Hey, let's go.
Ryan: You sure you're all right?
Gillian: Yeah, yeah, let's go.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. What did -- what did Jake want to talk to you about?
Gillian: Oh, you know, it's his job. He wants me to take more tests.
Ryan: Well, this wasn't the first time it happened. You sure he's not right?
Gillian: Ryan, we've been over this. I -- I just, you know, didn't eat and, um, I'm fine --
Ryan: Twice? You didn't eat twice?
Gillian: All right, you know, um, I -- I -- then let's go get me a cheeseburger. I'm -- I'm fine. I just --
Ryan: You sure you're not holding out on me?
Gillian: No, I just made a stupid mistake. I'm fine. Let's go get me some food.
Ryan: Ok, cheeseburger it is.

Joe: Was that Gillian?
Jake: Yeah.
Joe: I just heard she was brought into the ER. She had a fainting spell?
Jake: Yeah.
Joe: You already released her?
Jake: There's nothing wrong with her, Dad.
Joe: Healthy young women don't have fainting spells for no reason. What was your diagnosis? Son?
Jake: She's pregnant. She's carrying my baby.

Dixie: I should go.
David: The road's impassable, remember?
Dixie: I shouldn't be here like this.
David: This is exactly where you should be.
Dixie: What if I'm needed? What if there's a problem?
David: And what if I need you? What if there was no one in the whole world except you and me?
Dixie: It's not that simple.
David: It can be.
Dixie: Oh, David. I just feel like -- this isn't me. This isn't who I am. This isn't my life, you know? In my life I know who I am, what to do, what's expected of me. When I'm here with you, I just -- everything that I know about myself doesn't make sense. I don't make sense.
David: You want to know who you are? In my arms, this is the real you, Dixie, the woman who made love to me with total abandon, who gave herself completely. Dixie, please, give yourself permission to be that person.

Bud's voice: She's in a red coat. Can't miss her.

Vanessa: Oh -- oh -- oh --
Hayley: Get off me, you witch! Oh. Damn it! That bullet was meant for me. This was supposed to be my party! What the hell is going on? I've got to get out of here.

[Vanessa moans]

Derek: We have shots fired. I need backup. The shooter's location is unknown. Use extreme caution. You stay there.

Adam: Are you all right?
Liza: Yeah, are you all right, Adam? Mama?
Marian: Oh, Liza, I'm all right. I'm here, I'm here.
Mateo: Hayley? Hayley, where are you!
Palmer: Vanessa?
Derek: You all stay down! The shooter's outside.
Palmer: My wife's out there.
Derek: You stay here.
Mateo: Derek, Derek -- Derek: Mateo, that is an order!

Palmer: Vanessa went on deck.
Mateo: Listen, Hayley's out there. Come on, let's go.

Adam: Are you sure you're all right?
Liza: Yeah, I'm fine. You got to find Hayley.

Derek: Yeah, I've got one victim down. We need an ambulance.

[Derek sighs]

Derek: Is backup on the way? All right, be advised the perp is armed and dangerous. I want the marina shut down. Nobody gets in, nobody gets out until the perp is caught. Is that understood? All right.

Palmer: Oh, my God!
Derek: What the hell are you guys doing out here?
Palmer: Vanessa!
Derek: I thought I told you to stay put.
Palmer: Vanessa --
Derek: Go on, get back, the shooter's still out here somewhere.
Mateo: I'm going to check the other side.
Derek: Mateo!
Mateo: I'm going to check the other side!

[Telephone rings]

Derek: Damn! Yeah, this is Frye. What's your E.T.A.? Well, how soon can you get in the area? How soon till the marina's shut down?

Adam: Oh, my God.
Palmer: Vanessa? Vanessa --
Vanessa: What ---
Marian: Oh, my God. This can't be happening.
Adam: Any sign of Hayley?
Palmer: Vanessa, I'm here. Help's coming.
Mateo: Vanessa, listen, did you see Hayley?
Palmer: Leave her alone, leave her alone. Can't you see --
Mateo: Did you see Hayley?
Palmer: Vanessa, Vanessa --
Vanessa: Hayley --
Mateo: Yeah, yeah?
Palmer: What happened?
Vanessa: Arlene --
Mateo: Tell me what you saw.
Vanessa: Arlene -- Hay-- Ar--
Palmer: Vanessa!
Mateo: Damn it!

Hayley: Damn them. I was so close. You want to play rough? Fine. You can play rough. I'll show you rough.

Dixie: This isn't real, you know? We have lives, commitments, people who expect us to show up.
David: And what about your expectations? What I see is a woman who is alive with passion and freedom. This is you, Dixie. Don't -- don't suffocate yourself under duty and obligation and what other people want from you. You have to live the life that you want, Dixie. No one is going to do it for you.
Dixie: I kind of thought I was.
David: Are you happy right now?
Dixie: It's just a moment.
David: It doesn't have to be. Hey. I love you.
Dixie: How long can this last?
David: Why not forever?
Dixie: Or until the bridge is repaired or your cell phone rings.
David: Uh-uh. The hospital ER. Is the only one that has my cell number and that's because I'm on call. And I promise you there aren't going to be any emergencies tonight. So, there's no reason for us to leave this room or this bed.
Dixie: Except for more soup.
David: Mm-hmm.
Dixie: And I have a feeling I'm not going to be hungry again tonight.

Joe: Gillian's pregnant? You sure?
Jake: Yeah, yeah, we ran all of the routine tests. She's fainted twice, she's of childbearing age, so I ordered a pregnancy test.
Joe: Well, if she is pregnant, the assumption would have to be that Ryan is the father.
Jake: Well, that's just not true.
Joe: Jake.
Jake: Dad, listen, I overheard the two of them talking. They have always used protection.
Joe: Well, it's no guarantee.
Jake: Well, the only -- the only time that Gillian hasn't used protection was when she was with me on that yacht that night. Now, odds are overwhelming that this child is mine.
Joe: And Gillian? Is she pleased about the pregnancy?
Jake: I think it's still sinking in. Yeah. It's hard for her to admit that the baby's mine.
Joe: You told her that? Shouldn't have done that. You can't be certain. It's far too early to determine who the father of the baby is.
Jake: Well, I had to say something, Dad. She needs prenatal care, and I want that baby to have the best possible start, and I'm going to be there from the beginning.
Joe: You're talking like a father, not like a physician.
Jake: Well, you know what? It's an instinct that I have. I feel like the father.
Joe: Yeah.
Jake: And the odds are overwhelming. I'm telling you, she's carrying my child.
Joe: All right, now slow down. You got to slow down. Now, you remember how devastated you were when you learned that Colby was not your daughter. You're still dealing with losing Gillian.
Jake: You think I'm nuts.
Joe: No, I just don't want you hurt again.

Patricia: Doctors, we have a gunshot victim en route.
Joe: I'll notify O.R. To stand by.
Jake: What do we know?
Patricia: Nothing yet.
Jake: All right, set up a D.P.L. kit, an echocardiogram. Have a thorochotomy set and chest tube trays ready to go. Come on.

Derek: Hey, power's back on. I want a top-to-bottom search of the yacht. Has the marina been secured yet?
Officer: It's been shut down, Sir.
Derek: Good, good. All right, the shot sounded like it came from a high-powered rifle. My guess is the shooter was on the dock. I'm going to need all the available people you have searching the area.
Officer: Yes, Sir.
Derek: All right, good.

Derek: How many people do we have here?
Adam: Did you find Hayley?
Mateo: No.
Adam: Where the hell is she?
Marian: You think she's with Arlene?
Mateo: I hope not. I'll go check the condo and the bars.
Derek: Whoa, whoa, whoa, nobody's going anywhere.
Mateo: Derek, if Arlene shot Vanessa Cortlandt, she could've forced Hayley to leave with her.
Derek: There is no proof of that.
Adam: Vanessa mentioned both their names. Obviously Hayley was there and now she's gone!
Derek: Adam, my people are all over it.
Mateo: Well, so am I.
Derek: Hey, come on, Mateo. I understand your concern, but nobody's getting out of here until I get a few answers.
Liza: Please, Derek, obviously Arlene is unbalanced. She's gotten to Colby once before. Please, let me go home to my child.
Marian: And Stuart. She always goes to him when she is in trouble. He might be in danger. Please, let us go.
Derek: You're free to go.
Mateo: Thanks --
Derek: But not you two. I'm giving you a police escort. You keep me posted.
Adam: Go on, go on.

Adam: Derek, this is ridiculous. Why -- why are you keeping me? Why aren't you out looking for Arlene?
Derek: Adam, I already told you, my people have it covered.
Mateo: She is out there with a gun. She could have Hayley with her.
Derek: Mateo, there is no evidence that Arlene ever fired the gun.
Adam: Arlene sent all of us notes. She lured us here to this yacht. Who knows, maybe she's hired a hit man to pick us off one at a time.
Derek: You know, that's an interesting theory, Adam. Are you ready to tell me now why Arlene is so angry she wants to kill everybody she invited onboard? All right, now. How about this? There's no proof that Arlene was ever here at all.
Adam: What about her slip?
Derek: Anybody could've planted that.
Mateo: Here's your proof.
Derek: What is that?
Mateo: Arlene took this from the condo. Derek, she's got Hayley. Hayley's with her.
Derek: Mateo, why would Arlene want to kidnap her own daughter?
Mateo: Hayley tried to kill her.
Derek: Hayley tried to kill Arlene. Is that what Hayley was trying to tell me?
Mateo: Yes!
Adam: He's completely overstating the case.
Mateo: Arlene wants revenge. Now, that bullet that hit Vanessa was obviously meant for Hayley, ok? Arlene is desperate. She's scared. Derek, my wife is in danger. Do you understand me? I'm sitting here on a boat -- I have to find my wife.
Derek: All right. When did Hayley attack Arlene? I mean, what happened?
Adam: It was no big deal. It was nothing. It was -- Arlene and Hayley had a fight on the yacht, an argument on the yacht. Arlene is a lunatic! In her mind, Hayley was attacking her, and it was no small leap for her to decide that Hayley was trying to murder her.
Derek: Well, Hayley seems to think so and so does Mateo.
Adam: Hayley feels very guilty, but she didn't do anything wrong. Arlene is delusional, Derek. Good grief, and everyone in my family is in danger as long as she -- until she is caught. So why are you standing here keeping us here like a couple of prisoners when we've told you everything we know?
Derek: I have a feeling I still haven't heard the whole truth, Adam. Maybe Arlene will be more forthcoming. You're free to go.

Derek: Officer Williams? I want a status report of all of our units. We're going to expand the scope of our search to include Arlene's known hangouts.

Mateo: I'm out of here. Let me know if you hear anything.

Adam: Duffy! Pick up, damn it! Pick up! Did you fire that shot? If you did, you hit Vanessa Cortlandt, you idiot! Call me back. I want some answers.

Mateo: So do I. Who fired the shot?

Greenlee: Dr. Martin! Thank God!
Joe: Greenlee, what is it? You all right?
Greenlee: It's not me, it's Leo.
Joe: Leo? What's wrong?
Greenlee: I just heard on the radio there was a shooting on the yacht fidelity and Leo lives there.
Joe: Well, was he onboard at the time of the shooting?
Greenlee: Well, he was supposed to go to New York City tonight.
Joe: Uh-huh. Well, he's probably all right.
Greenlee: Yeah, but what if he changed his mind? What if he was on the yacht?
Joe: Greenlee, listen, what I want you to do is try and relax, ok?
Greenlee: So, it wasn't Leo?
Joe: The victim, whoever it is, is going to be arriving any minute. Now, we need to devote all our resources to them at that time, so what I want you to do is sit down, take a deep breath, and be quiet, ok?

[Sirens approach]

Jake: What do we got? E.M.T.: Single gunshot to the chest, no exit wound.
Jake: Vitals?
EMT: B.P. 100 over palp. Pulse 120. Respiration's 26.
Jake: Ok, nurse, gloves, please. Let's move her down.

Greenlee: Oh, my God. Vanessa. I've got to call Leo.

[Laura laughs]

Leo: This better be important, whoever you are.
Laura: Who's calling you?
Greenlee: Leo, it's me.
Leo: Greenlee?
Laura: Oh, figures.
Greenlee: Don't hang up. You have to --
Leo: No, I don't have to do anything, Greenlee. I'm in a limo on the way to New York City and you are not on my list of things to do, ok? Oh, oops, I got to go, Laura's waiting.
Greenlee: Leo, something terrible has happened. You have to turn around right away --
Leo: No, I don't want to hear about your dogs, Greenlee, or your drownings, or your dry-cleaning bills, ok? Get a new act.

[Leo hangs up]

Jake: All right, her pressure's dropping. We got an internal bleeding. Let's get her stabilized and prepped for surgery. I want an internal defibrillator. Ready to go. Come on outside.
Doctor: We need six units of O-negative stat.
Joe: So what do you think?
Jake: I have not seen an entry like this since I was in Chechnya. It's definitely a large-caliber bullet, very close to her heart. I got x-ray coming down here in a minute. We're going to pinpoint the exact location.
Joe: Nurse, who's the on-call cardiologist tonight?
Nurse: Dr. Hayward.
Jake: We need him. We need him.
Joe: I know, Vanessa's his mother.
Jake: Yeah.
Joe: Well -- all right, we'll call another cardiologist, as well. Nurse?
Nurse: Yes, Doctor?
Joe: Call Dr. Heinemann. Tell him we have a gunshot wound and the heart is compromised.
Jake: Nurse, you have Dr. Hayward's phone number? I need his number. Thank you.

Dixie: You got to bring some blankets. Some candles, something.
Dixie: There's nothing wrong with the dark.

[Telephone rings]

Dixie: David?


Dixie: Hello?
Jake: Yes, I need to speak with Dr. Hayward. Hello? This is Dr. Jake martin from Pine Valley Hospital. I need to speak with Dr. Hayward. It's vital I get in touch with him. Is anyone there? This is an emergency.
Dixie: Dr. Hayward will be right back.
Jake: Dixie? Dixie, is that you?
Dixie: Yeah, Jake, it's me.
Jake: What are you doing answering Hayward's cell phone?
Dixie: You know what? You just hang on a second, ok? He'll be right back.
Jake: What are you doing? Where is he, Dixie?
Dixie: He went -- you know what? Can you just hang on a second because he'll back in a minute.
Jake: Dixie, what the hell is going on?

David: Oh. Ok. This is Hayward.
Jake: What the hell are you doing with Dixie?
David: This phone is reserved for emergencies, Jake. This sure as hell better be one.
Jake: Your mother's been shot.
David: Where?
Jake: The mid-thoracic area. I'm waiting to get x-rays up here now to get an exact location. I got Heinemann in there, and I need your expertise over here. Get over here right away.
David: All right. I'm at the Sleepy Hollow Inn.
Jake: With Dixie? What the hell are you doing --
David: Just send a medevac, Jake. The bridge is out.

Dixie: Well, what is it?
David: It's my mother. She's been shot.

Adam: Why are you eavesdropping? There's been enough snooping around here.
Mateo: Who shot Vanessa?
Adam: I don't know.
Mateo: Come on, Adam. I heard you on the phone.
Adam: I'll handle it.
Mateo: Who fired the shot?
Adam: All right. The man I hired to find Arlene.
Mateo: Duffy?
Adam: Yeah.
Mateo: Why did he shoot Vanessa?
Adam: Well, maybe because I may have mentioned that I would double his fee if he -- if I didn't have to look at Arlene's smirk again.
Mateo: Are you -- are you crazy? What are you thinking? He could've killed Hayley.
Adam: I know. I was trying to protect her.
Mateo: No! No, no, not her. You. If Arlene disappears, if Arlene dies, you don't go to jail.
Adam: I'll tell Duffy to back off.
Mateo: Back off? It's too late. It's too late. Arlene knows that bullet was meant for her. I mean, she was already crazy. Now she's probably spun out of control, and she has Hayley with her.
Adam: We don't know that for sure.
Mateo: Listen, I swear to God, if anything happens to her --
Adam: Are you going to kill me? I know. I've heard it before. Ok, now, can we concentrate on finding Hayley?
Mateo: Derek. Derek's our best bet.
Adam: Well, the next time you see Derek, would you keep your mouth shut? Enough with this show-and-tell.
Mateo: I'm not covering your butt for anything. I don't care. I don't care what happens to you. I'll tell him whatever he wants to know to find my wife. What about your hit man? Did he see anything?
Adam: I'll try him again. Meantime, I'm on my way to the hospital, see if Vanessa saw something.
Mateo: Well, let me know.

Ryan: Adam, what the hell is going on? There's cops all over the marina.
Gillian: They said somebody got shot onboard. Who was it?
Adam: The wrong person.

Palmer: Joe. Joe, I'd prefer to be with my wife.
Joe: Yes, I know that. I know that, Palmer, but we need to let the doctors get on with their work.
Palmer: Joe, I'll stay out of the way. I will.
Joe: Palmer, please, get yourself some coffee, and you wait here. I'll keep you informed if there's any change.
Palmer: But --
Joe: Palmer, please. Please, come here.

Greenlee: Sorry.
Leo: Good Ship Lollipop.
Greenlee: Leo.
Leo: You hear this, Greenlee? This is the sound of me rolling down the window to toss my phone.
Greenlee: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Please, please listen to me. Please.
Leo: You have five seconds.
Greenlee: It's your mother.
Leo: She killed another boy toy? What?
Greenlee: Leo, your mother was shot.
Leo: Greenlee --
Greenlee: I swear, she's at the Pine Valley Hospital. I think it's bad. Leo?
Leo: My mother? This better not be a trick.
Greenlee: It's not.

[Leo hangs up]

Joe: What's the prognosis?
Jake: Well, the x-ray shows that the bullet is lodged in the right chamber and there's considerable bleeding.
Doctor: We need to get her into the OR, stat but there's no guarantee we can save her. I prefer to work with Dr. Hayward.
Jake: Too bad we need him.

Joe: Ahem. A moment, Jake. Excuse me. What's up? What's up? Did you get a hold of Hayward?
Jake: He's with Dixie. I just called him, she answered the cell phone. I just sent the medevac out to get him.
Joe: What do you mean, he's with Dixie? Where are they?
Jake: They're snowbound, apparently, Dad. What the hell are they doing together?
Joe: Well, I'd rather not speculate. Anyway, right now our only concern is Vanessa's health, and for that we need Hayward.
Jake: Yeah, yeah. You're right about that.
Joe: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Dixie, Dixie -- what are you doing? What are you doing?

Dixie: I'm sorry about your mother.
David: I'm sorry, what?
Dixie: Your mother. I mean, I know you're not very close, but I'm sure you must be worried about her, right?
David: Vanessa?
Dixie: Yeah.
David: No, I'm not.

[Helicopter approaches]

David: You ready? Here, why don't you put this on, ok? The medevac can get cold.
Dixie: Ok. Thanks.
David: Good. Let's go.

Adam: Joe, have you seen Vanessa Cortlandt? I need to talk to her.
Joe: Adam, Vanessa has a life-threatening injury.
Adam: Is she conscious? I have to know what she saw. Maybe she knows what happened to Hayley.
Joe: She's not up to talking to anyone. She's been unconscious since she arrived here.
Adam: I have to know if she saw Arlene!
Palmer: What the hell are you and your trashy wife mixed up in?
Adam: Stay out of this, Palmer.
Palmer: I demand an explanation.
Adam: It's none of your business.
Palmer: My wife has been shot. It damn well is my business. Vanessa is dying, and you're responsible somehow. I know it, somehow. If I lose her, it's on your head.
Adam: You ought to thank me. Maybe I've saved you the cost of a divorce.
Joe: Come on, come on, come on. If you can't be civil to each other, stay away from each other, please. Please, Palmer, come with me. Please.

Adam: Liza.
Liza: Darling.
Adam: How's Colby?
Liza: Oh. Oh, good. She wants to have breakfast with her father in the morning. Stuart is fine.
Adam: I've hired extra security.
Liza: Ok, the police are going to be at the house all night.
Adam: Have they heard anything about Hayley?
Liza: No. That's why I came. I wanted to know if you heard anything.
Adam: No. Dear God, what's happened to her?

Mateo: Anything?
Officer: We've searched the boat several times, Sir.
Mateo: What about the dock?
Officer: We've got lights on the water -- boats, divers. Nothing.
Mateo: Nobody saw anything?
Officer: We'll keep you informed, Mr. Santos.

Ryan: Mateo, what's going on? Fill me in here. What'd going on?
Mateo: Arlene threw a little party here. She invited her immediate family, including the Cortlandt's.
Gillian: Why?
Mateo: She wants revenge.
Ryan: For the night of the party --
Mateo: Yeah.
Ryan: When Hayley attacked Arlene.
Mateo: Yeah. Now she wants her to pay. So Arlene had some kind of plan. I don't know what it was, but it got screwed up. And someone fired a shot, hit Vanessa Cortlandt. She's wounded. And then Arlene just took off.
Ryan: Well, what about Hayley?
Mateo: My guess is that Arlene's got her. That's why I've got to get out of here. I have a few places that I want to check out, you know?
Gillian: Wait a minute, Mateo. Hayley's not with Arlene.
Mateo: What do you mean?
Gillian: Because I saw Arlene.
Mateo: Tonight? Gillian: Yes. And she was alone.

Greenlee: Hi. Has Leo du Pres come in to see his mother, Vanessa Cortlandt?
Nurse: Not that I'm aware of.

Palmer: How is Vanessa?
Jake: She's stable and ready for surgery, Palmer. Excuse me.
Palmer: Joe, how is she?
Joe: Dr. Heinemann is a very fine cardiologist --
Palmer: Yes, well, you didn't answer my question, Joe.
Joe: The bullet is lodged in the right chamber of her heart.
Palmer: Uh-huh. You mean it's hopeless?
Joe: Say a prayer. Say --
Palmer: A blasted prayer! What are you waiting for, Joe? My wife is languishing on a gurney! Get her into the OR.
Joe: Palmer, Vanessa needs every advantage. We are waiting for the best man we have.
Palmer: Oh, well, that may be too late, Joe.

David: What's Vanessa's status?
Jake: Here's her chart.
Palmer: Dixie, what are you doing with him?
Dixie: Uncle Palmer, I'm so, so sorry to hear about Vanessa. How is she?
Palmer: It's not good.
Dixie: Don't worry, ok, because David is going to take excellent care of her.
Palmer: That's the expert? That man is not touching my wife!
Palmer: You hear me, Hayward? You stay away from my wife.
David: This is what I do, Palmer.
Dixie: Uncle Palmer, listen -- no matter what you think of David, he is -- there's a reason he is one of the best cardiologists in the world, ok? He's a healer. He has a gift.
Palmer: He hates his mother. He'd let her die on the table. Vanessa wouldn't want him.
Dixie: Yes, she would because she wants to be with you. She wants to have a life with you, and David is her chance at doing that. Don't deny her that. Just at least let him confer with the other doctors.
Palmer: All right. Don't let her die.

Patricia: Dr. Hayward.
Doctor: Thank God you're here. She's stable, but barely. There's extensive damage to the pericardium.
David: Do you have the CAT scan results?
Doctor: I've never worked on a heart so damaged. We're lucky to have you on staff. Without you, I don't want to think about the odds.

Mateo: Are you sure you saw Arlene?
Gillian: Yes. I only saw her from the back, but I'm certain of it.
Mateo: Well, what was she doing? Where was she?
Gillian: She was in the marina parking lot, and she was in a hurry.
Mateo: Was Hayley with her?
Gillian: No, no. She was alone. Just Arlene.

Hayley: She's coming.
Mateo: What -- what's the matter?
Hayley: Nothing. I --
Mateo: Oh, man.

Man: What are you doing down there? Hayley: Watching the action. Unless you've got a better idea.
Man: Maybe I do.
Hayley: Great. Let's go.
Man: Uh, getting out of here might be tough. Cops are all over the place.
Hayley: Oh, don't worry about that, Sweetie. I know how to work my way around a man in uniform -- and out of uniform. My name's Arlene. What's yours? Ah -- don't tell me. It's more fun that way.
Man: Do you know what's going on?
Hayley: Mm-hmm. They're looking for Hayley. They're not going to find her, though. You know why? Because she's gone forever. Come on. Let's go celebrate her bon voyage.

Greenlee: Leo! Thank God you came.
Leo: Greenlee, if this is another one of your twitchy little schemes to ruin my date with Laura, I swear to God --
Greenlee: No, it's not, ok? Your mother was shot. I don't know if she's going to make it.
Laura: No. What happened?

Palmer: Hey. Hey. Remember our first party? I thought Leo was your lover. I was so jealous, I -- well, you know what I did. It was only because I loved you so much, Vanessa. Sometimes I've forgotten that. Oh.
Palmer: I wish to God I could've taken this bullet for you.
Patricia: Mr. Cortlandt? I'm sorry, it's time for her to go to the OR.
Palmer: Uh-huh. Don't you leave me, Vanessa.

Jake: The bullet is firmly lodged in her right chamber. Your mother needs the best cardio-thoracic surgeon we have.
Joe: And with the bleeding and the collapsed lung, complications are almost inevitable.
Doctor: If she bleeds out, there's no --

Leo: David, David --
David: Not now, Leo.
Leo: Is it true? No, is it true? Mother could die? You're going to operate, aren't you? You're going to save her?
Palmer: It's up to you now, David.
David: Palmer is absolutely right. I can't do this.
Leo: What? Since when do you listen to Palmer? You're the only one that can do this, David. You have to!
David: It's against hospital policy for a doctor to operate on a family member.
Leo: Yeah, well, make an exception now!
Joe: I have. David, you're the only surgeon we have who's qualified to perform this operation.
David: Dr. Heinemann is very competent.
Dr. Heinemann: I've never undertaken such an intricate procedure. You've done it several times. You've set the standard.
David: I won't do it.
Dixie: David.
Leo: David, for God's sake, she's our mother. You have to save her.
Leo: You're going to let her die, aren't you?


Erica: Under my roof? Under my nose?

Tad: What's the emergency?
Jake: It's Dixie. She needs you.

Leo: You cannot let her die! Promise me, David, please!

Tina: I heard some noises coming from your place, and I think someone must've broken in again.
Mateo: I'm on my way.

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