JANUARY 31, 2001


Rain: Shh. Did you hear something?
Bianca: Yeah, my stomach growling "feed me."
Rain: Are you sure it's cool to be doing this?
Bianca: Coral's, like, the best cook. She makes chicken wings you won't believe.
Rain: What if your mom wakes up?
Bianca: It's not going to happen, Rain. She sleeps with, like, an eyeshade and earplugs. It's catching beauty Zs the Erica Kane way.
Rain: Well, if she finds out I'm crashing here, you know, she'll have a meltdown.
Bianca: I promise you, Rain, my mom is so wrapped up in her so-called life, she'll never know you're here.
Rain: You're taking a real risk for me, Bianca. I mean, I'd be out on the highway hitching, freezing my tushy off if it wasn't for you.
Bianca: Rain, Rain, I'm glad you're here. I want you here, ok? Come on.

Erica: That girl. Under my roof? Under my nose? Bianca, how could you do that?

Hayley: Here we are. Home sweet home. Come on in. Set your carcass down for a while.
Man: This is your place?
Hayley: Mm-hmm. What's the matter? Don't you like it?
Man: No, it's -- it's real nice.
Hayley: Mm-hmm. Oh, what, you can't feature a broad like me in a classy dump like this?
Man: When you picked me up down at the docks --
Hayley: What, you thought I was a hooker? No, Sweetie. I don't have anything against the working girl, but you don't have to pay for my favors. Everything here is on the house. This place actually used to belong to my kid, my little girl Hayley. She was always real fond of these ferny things.
Man: She doesn't live here now?
Hayley: Uh-uh. She moved on, so I'm moving in. I'm going to redecorate the whole place in leopard and black leather. Hang some of those really pretty, sparkly beads in the doorways. It'll be real, real pretty when I get done with it.
Hayley: Everything goes except for this. This stays, in memory of my little girl.
Man: Oh, jeez. She passed on?
Hayley: Yep. Just like the song says, "Only the good die young." Except Hayley -- well, Hayley was not a good girl. She needed to be punished. You know, unfortunately, it hurt her more than it hurt me, if you know what I mean. Enough with the chitchat. Why don't we have a little Drink, a toast to my daughter's timely demise?
Man: If you don't mind me getting personal --
Hayley: No, that's what I'm counting on, Sugar.
Man: What happened to your kid?
Hayley: Well, I killed her.
Man: No, come on, really.
Hayley: I killed her. Oh, don't -- don't look at me like that. I mean, it wasn't like I did it on purpose. It was strictly self-defense. It was her or me. And I won.

[Cork pops]

Hayley: Whoo!

Adam: Damn it.
Liza: You weren't able to get a hold of Derek?
Adam: He was in my face all night and now he's unreachable.
Mateo: I just talked to him.
Adam: Has he found Hayley?
Mateo: No, no, he put out an APB on Arlene and Hayley and he's got all the men he can spare working on the case.
Liza: I don't understand what's happening. Why would Arlene shoot Vanessa?
Mateo: Yeah, well, we don't know that's what happened for sure.
Liza: Well, who else would have done it?
Adam: We won't know anything for sure until Vanessa regains consciousness.
Mateo: She's still out?
Liza: They've just taken her into surgery. They don't know that she's going to make it. Palmer's upstairs in the waiting room.
Adam: She's going to make it and she's going to tell us what Arlene did with Hayley.
Mateo: Well, Hayley's gone. But I'm not sure she was kidnapped.

Leo: David -- our mother has one chance at survival. You're it. You have to operate.
David: No, Leo. I can't be the one to operate on our mother.
Leo: You want her to die, that's why. If she does, I swear to God, I will come after you!
Jake: Leo, Leo.
Leo: I will kill you with my bare hands!
Leo: David, I don't give a damn what Vanessa's done to you or to me. None of it matters now. She's our mother. She gave us life. You cannot let her die, please.
Dixie: Leo, let him go.
Leo: No! No! Promise me, David, please.
Joe: Son, you're not going to accomplish anything this way.
Leo: Save her. Please. Save her. Promise me.

Joe: David, won't you reconsider your decision not to operate on Vanessa?
Jake: David, Heinemann is willing to perform this procedure, but this surgery is your area of expertise, it's not his.
Joe: And you took an oath when you became a surgeon.
David: That's right, Joe, that's right, I took an oath -- "first do no harm."
Dixie: Can we talk in private?
Jake: Dixie, I don't think that's such a good idea.
Dixie: Wasn't asking you, Jake.
Joe: All right. Jake, Jake -- let it go.
Jake: Dad, she has no business being alone with Hayward.
Joe: Well, she might be able to get through to him, get him to change his mind about performing the surgery.
Jake: How? How's she going to do it, Dad? How, by using her influence? Do you know where they were when I tried to contact the two of them? They were at the Sleepy Hollow Inn. Doesn't take much of an imagination to figure out what was going on there.
Joe: We can't get into that now, Jake. We just can't.
Jake: Dad, Dad, Dixie's Tad's wife. We owe him that respect.
Joe: Look, Jake, you can't fight Tad's fight. If he wants to preserve his marriage, he's going to have to do it himself, he's going to have to do it in his own way. Please, you stay out of it.

Dixie: I don't understand. Why won't you operate on Vanessa?
David: It's not that I won't, Dixie. I can't.
Dixie: Why? What's stopping you?
David: My father's finger on the trigger of the gun when Vanessa goaded him into killing himself. My scalpel slicing through Vanessa's heart. Palmer's right. I hate my mother too much to want to save her.
Dixie: I don't believe that.
David: I'm dedicated to saving lives, but I have this fear that when they roll my mother into that OR and I see her and I start to operate that all these -- these feelings, these memories will come back and they'll guide my hands. And all this pain that's been stored up, these wounds -- they'll be reopened again with every slice that I make. Because she shattered my life when I was too young to defend myself. That boy and I have never forgiven her. And he's going to be there, Dixie, right there at my side at that operating table, begging me to even the score, for us, for my father. I mean, this is the chance that we've been waiting for. But, Dixie, god help me, I can't take that chance.

Adam: Wait a minute, Mateo, wait a minute. For months now you've been making a case for Arlene coming back and taking revenge on Hayley, and now that she's succeeded, you've decided she's not the culprit?
Mateo: Listen, I -- I don't have the answers. I have no clue where my wife is, if she's with Arlene, or if Arlene's even back in town.
Liza: Vanessa saw her. She said her name.
Adam: And what about all the calling cards Arlene left? Your trashed apartment, the broken doll?
Mateo: Don't you think that Arlene left a lot of clues? Too many?
Liza: What do you mean?
Mateo: Just thinking out loud here, all right? Now, how did Arlene get Hayley off that boat? How did she do it without anybody seeing her? There was cops all over the place, right? And we know Hayley. She would have screamed, she would have yelled, she would have fought like hell to get free.
Adam: Not if Arlene had a gun to her head.
Mateo: Whoa, Arlene wants Hayley to confess. Why would she want to kidnap her?
Liza: Maybe she was going to make her sign a confession and give it to the police.
Mateo: The police were on the boat. They were right there. And we know Arlene, all right? She likes to make a scene. The bigger, the more public, the better. And now l of a sudden she's slipping in and out of places without anybody seeing her? She's keeping a low profile? It doesn't make sense.
Liza: Vanessa has the answers. When she comes to, she can tell us what she witnessed.
Adam: I'm going to go check on her condition.

[Telephone rings]

Mateo: That's probably Derek.
Liza: Oh, you know, you probably shouldn't take that in here because of the ER.
Mateo: Oh, right, right. Ok.

Mateo: Hey, hold on one second. Hello?
Tina: Mateo, it's Tina.
Mateo: Hey. What's up?
Tina: I just got home from work and I heard some noises coming from your place. I know you and Hayley are staying at Adam's, so I think someone must have broken in again. I'm afraid to check it out myself.
Mateo: Yeah, just sit tight and lock your door, and I'm on my way, ok?

Man: That stuff about you offing your kid -- you were just pulling my leg, right? Hey, that's you.
Hayley: No, this is my little girl and her husband on their wedding day.
Man: Man, she could be your twin.
Hayley: We're nothing alike. We're worlds apart.
Man: Sure do look alike.
Hayley: I told you, we're nothing alike. Hayley's had everything. Had a great life, great job, great husband all wrapped up in a pretty pink ribbon. And what have I got? Life has given me the shaft.
Man: So you've had a few bad breaks.
Hayley: Is that what you call it when your kid puts her hands around your throat and tries to choke the life out of you? She would have gotten away with it, too. The guilt started eating her alive. Eating her alive, just like the sharks were supposed to eat me alive. I tell you what -- now I have Hayley's life and she has the life that she deserves.
Man: Look, it's been fun, but I got to get back to the ship. You take care, ok?

Mateo's voice: In the name of God, I, Mateo, take you, Hayley, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part. This is my solemn vow.

Hayley: Please help me, Mateo.

Bianca: We can eat in my room and watch a DVD.
Rain: Oh, cool.
Bianca: And then we can paint our toenails. I have this wicked new polish.

Erica: Bianca, tell your friend to collect her things and leave.
Bianca: Ok, she will -- in the morning.
Erica: No, now.
Bianca: Mom, it's practically the middle of the night. She needs a place to crash. It's just for one night.
Rain: Bianca, it's ok. It's your mom's house.
Bianca: No, it's my house, too, and I want you to stay.
Rain: Look, it's not worth getting in a hassle.
Bianca: Rain, where you going to go? It's freezing outside. You can't sleep on the street.
Rain: I'll go back to the shelter.
Bianca: But you hate it there.
Rain: Ok, I can maintain, ok, really.

Bianca: Look, Mom, I'm sorry for sneaking Rain in the house, but she had nowhere to go. She -- her stuff was stolen at the shelter and it's freezing outside.
Erica: I told you never to go near that girl again.
Bianca: No, you ordered me.
Erica: Yes, I ordered you and you disobeyed. Bianca, Rain is a terrible influence on you. She has you skipping school and staying out all night and begging in the streets and -- and God knows what else.
Bianca: Mom, what if it were me out on the street? Wouldn't you want someone to take me in and reach out to me and help me out? Why can't we do that for Rain?
Erica: I have no desire to reach out to Rain, and I don't want you reaching out to Rain. And I don't want Rain under my roof, and I certainly don't want her sleeping in your bed!
Bianca: Oh, my God. You think I'm sleeping with Rain.

Leo: People think my mother's a barracuda, but that's only partly true. She's also very naive. She has a bad habit of getting mixed up with the wrong people.
Laura: Like Arlene Vaughan?
Leo: Arlene, Paolo. The list goes back to when I was a kid and I thought she hung the moon. Do you know that I spent my 10th birthday bailing her out of a Parisian jail?
Laura: What happened?
Leo: A friend of a friend told my mom that she could get a better exchange on her American currency, and she was between lovers at the time, so we were broke. As luck would have it, the French francs turned out to be counterfeit.
Laura: Well, if you were broke, how'd you post bail?
Leo: I'd like to think that the desk sergeant felt sorry for me, but it's more likely my mother made a private arrangement to pay for her freedom. After hours, of course.
Laura: Oh.
Leo: Every year she messed up again was the year that I was going to walk away. But I always came back to hold her hand and dry her tears and tell her everything was going to be brighter tomorrow. Until she let me take the rap for murder, let me sit in that jail cell. That's when I crossed her off my list. I threw her out of my life. Good riddance.
Laura: But you're here because you love her and you need her like you did when you were 10 years old. I know, Leo, because I've been there.
Leo: I don't want to lose my mother, Laura. But there's nothing that I can do to save her. Only David can do that, and he doesn't give a damn.

Adam: Here's Palmer. Maybe Vanessa's awake.
Liza: No, no, he looks like he's upset.
Adam: Palmer, is Vanessa conscious?
Palmer: No, and just leave me alone.

Palmer: Joe? Why haven't you found someone to help Heinemann do the operation?
Joe: We're working on it, Palmer.
Palmer: Vanessa is dying, for heaven's sakes. Why don't you -- what are you waiting for?
Joe: David Hayward is the only man we have who's qualified to perform the surgery. Far, he refuses to cooperate.

Dixie: Look, I -- I understand how you feel about Vanessa, ok, and I know why you're afraid -- I do -- but you can't let your feelings stop you from doing what you know is right.
David: I'm just not as sure about this as you are, Dixie.
Dixie: Look, you have never let the character or the morality of your patients stop you in the past. Because it's life. Every life is sacred, and that's your job -- to preserve life the way you preserved mine.
David: Yeah, but the difference is, Dixie, I love you.
Dixie: And you love your mother.
David: No. No.
Dixie: You may not know it, but you do. Please, use your gift to save her. I believe in you, David. I believe in you with all my heart.

Tad: Hello?
Jake: Tad, it's me.
Tad: Jake? What's up?
Jake: Just hold on a second.

Palmer: David? Joe tells me that you still refuse to operate on your mother. If it's because of my indictment earlier, I apologize. Joe says you're my only hope, so would you please save my -- my wife?
David: I won't promise anything. But I'll do what I can.

Jake: Listen, I hate to ask you to cut the ski trip short with the boys, but you have to come back to Pine Valley ASAP.
Tad: Why? What's the emergency?
Jake: It's Dixie. She needs you.

Dixie: I was so lonely. How you doing?

Adam: So the great God David Hayward is condescending to operate on his mother. Where's Mateo?
Liza: Oh, he went to take a phone call. He never came back.

Tina: Look. Someone did break in.
Mateo: Stay here.
Tina: Mateo?
Mateo: This held our wedding photo. It's missing. What the hell happened to the picture?
Tina: This jacket -- it's so tacky. It must be Arlene's. It's like she lives to terrorize Hayley. Thank God Hayley's at her dad's house. Mateo, she is safe, isn't she?
Mateo: She disappeared tonight.
Tina: What happened?
Mateo: The theory is that she was kidnapped. I don't --
Tina: You're not sure?
Mateo: Arlene sent us all notes. She invited us to Ryan's yacht, a whole bunch of -- look, a lot happened. Vanessa Cortlandt was shot. She -- Hayley vanished. She's gone.
Tina: But why would Arlene kidnap her own daughter?
Mateo: She -- she has her reasons.
Mateo: It's Hayley's perfume.
Tina: Are you sure?
Mateo: Yeah, I gave it to her for Christmas. Huh.
Tina: What?
Mateo: Look at this.
Tina: Oh, my God.
Mateo: Hayley's rings. She would never take these things off, not willingly.
Tina: There's something written on the back.
Mateo: "The guilty cannot love. The guilty cannot exist."
Tina: It's just more Arlene madness.
Mateo: No, this isn't her handwriting. Hayley wrote this.

Leo: Hey, Dr. Jake, how long before we hear anything?
Jake: Well, the surgery could take several hours, Leo.
Leo: Several hours? God, I'm going to crawl out of my skin.
Laura: Hey, hey, we didn't get dinner in New York. Maybe we should hit the cafeteria for the dinner --
Leo: I can't eat, I can't eat.
Laura: Well, a bowl of soup? Make you feel better, I promise.
Leo: All right.
Greenlee: Hey, I'm going home. Will you tell Leo that -- actually, never mind.

Palmer: I should run home and get some of Vanessa's things. You know how she hates to be seen without her makeup.
Dixie: Look, I'll go to the Valley Inn and I'll pack a bag. Don't you worry about Vanessa, ok? David's going to take very good care of her.
Palmer: You promise me that, Dixie? This woman's a match for me. I don't want to lose her.
Dixie: Excuse me a minute?
Palmer: Mm-hmm.

Dixie: Yeah? Ok. Jake? Jake? Hey.
Jake: Listen, I got work to do.
Dixie: Come on. You know why you're avoiding me. It's because I came here with David.
Jake: Well, Dix, I'm sorry to interrupt your cozy country retreat.
Dixie: Look, I know how hard this must be for you and Joe. I do. But I know how much you love Tad. It's --
Jake: You know, this just isn't about our feelings for Tad, Dix. You're part of our family. We thought you were. You loved Tad. You turned his whole life around. Now you're with David? Did you sleep with this guy? I mean, you run off to Sleepy Country Cottages with him? What the hell's happened to you, Dix?
Liza: I'd love to know the answer to that one.

Mateo: You know, when someone's missing, I heard every second counts, so why don't you guys go out there and look for her because everything's fine here. And to tell you the truth, I'm a little freaked out. I just need a few minutes to myself. If you want to come back in the morning, you can have the run of the place.
Officer: It's your call. We'll be back first light.
Mateo: Ok.
Officer: Good night.
Mateo: Good night.
Mateo: Uh -- I think I need some time to think about some stuff, ok?
Tina: Ok. I understand. Just call me if you need me, ok?
Mateo: Thank you.
Tina: Ok.

Mateo: "The guilty cannot love. The guilty cannot exist." What the hell does that mean? If she was kidnapped, she wouldn't leave that for a clue from it.
Mateo: You put your rings in Arlene's coat? What the hell does that mean? And your wedding ring. I got to figure this out.

Bianca: I am so sorry, Rain.
Rain: It's not your fault.
Bianca: Am I going to see you again?
Rain: Swing by the community center.
Bianca: Take care, ok?
Rain: And you, too. Ok.
Bianca: Thanks.

Bianca: Mom, just so you know, Rain and I did not sleep together. She needed a warm place to stay.
Erica: Well, she's gone now. It's late. Just go back to bed.
Bianca: I would never disrespect you by sneaking a date into my bedroom.
Erica: Well, that's exactly what you did do.
Bianca: Rain is my friend.
Erica: Rain is a troublemaker. Bianca, do you do these things on purpose just to punish me?
Bianca: No. Of course not.
Erica: Well, I don't know how much more I can take.
Bianca: Mom, what did I do that's so bad?
Erica: You ignore me. You disregard my wishes. You just do whatever you want to do and my feelings be damned.
Bianca: That is not true I care what you think.
Erica: Is that why you do everything in your power to hurt me? When all I want to do is love you? It's as if you're looking for trouble just to rub my face in it.
Bianca: I'm not looking for trouble. I'm looking for someone who won't judge me.
Erica: You turned to Rain, but you refuse to turn to me.
Bianca: I wish I could turn to you, Mom. I hate to see you so unhappy.
Bianca: You know, I miss you as much as you miss me.

Erica: Don't do this. Don't do this. No. I won't do this. Falling apart is not an option. I won't do that.
Erica: If Bianca can't be strong, I'll be strong for her.
Erica: I know exactly what to do.

[Pager beeps]

Jake: Well, I got to go. I hate to see you lose what you had with Tad.
Liza: Me, too.
Dixie: Liza, my private life is not up for grabs.
Liza: That's not what I hear. In fact, I hear you're cheating on Tad. Which means you can't sit in judgment of me anymore.
Dixie: Go away.
Liza: You know, all these years you've been calling me a whore and a home-wrecker. Think it's time I should be allowed to throw a few stones.
Dixie: Your opinion means nothing to me.
Liza: Well, neither does your husband's, obviously. You know, Tad is my friend. I care about him. When you shared with me that you kissed David, I thought, "sure, everybody's allowed to make a few mistakes." But now what? What is this, a full-blown affair?
Dixie: You don't know anything about it.
Liza: Are you getting a divorce?
Dixie: I don't know what's going to happen.
Liza: Well, I hope you work it out. It's simpler that way.
Dixie: You know, Tad and I have a lot of problems, starting with the fact that he slept with you.
Liza: What, did it take you 45 seconds to jump back up on that pedestal?
Dixie you know, I don't need your advice, Liza, or your sarcasm. You were always coming in between me and Tad.
Liza: Wait a minute. Let me understand this. You trash your wedding vows, all of a sudden it's my fault? Funny -- I don't recall pushing you into David's bed.

Adam: Liza, Marian just called. Colby's awake. She's crying for you.
Liza: I was just leaving.
Adam: I have to wait for word on Vanessa. I'll walk you to the car.
Liza: Thank you.

Bud: Yo, Arlene.
Hayley: Hey there, buddy boy. Did you miss your girl?
Bud: Like crazy.
Hayley: I missed you, too.
Bud: Really? How much?
Hayley: This much. And there's plenty more where that came from.
Bud: Yeah, well, you keep saying that, but, you know, you don't make good.
Hayley: Well, I had some stuff to take care of. You know, I had to take care of my daughter.
Bud: Oh, yeah?
Hayley: Mm-hmm.
Bud: Well, how'd that go?
Hayley: I got her to see things my way. Now I can focus all my attention on you.
Bud: Hmm, hmm.
Hayley: Here. Let's party.
Bud: Ooh. You like champagne, huh?
Hayley: Hmm.
Bud: Oh. That goes down nice and smooth. Come on, Sweet Cheeks, you said you were ready to party.
Hayley: You're right, Babe. Let's get wet and wild.
Bud: Oh! Oh! Oh, God!

Mateo: This isn't Hayley's. What the hell's Arlene's stuff doing here?
Mateo: Hayley's perfume, Arlene's jacket. She's been keeping her stuff here so she could wear it.

Erica: Rain.
Rain: Ms. Kane. What are you doing here?
Rain: What's this? Funny money.
Erica: It's $10,000. You take this and you leave town tonight and don't ever contact my daughter again.
Rain: Hold on.
Erica: Take it. And not another word. If you don't take this and leave tonight, I swear to you, I promise you, you will be very sorry.

Palmer: Joe. Joe. What is taking so long?
Joe: Just try and be patient, Palmer. We should be hearing something shortly.

Laura: Can I bring you something else, Leo?
Leo: A stomach pump. Was that soup or brake fluid?
Laura: We can play the candy machine.
Leo: Nah, I'm ok, thank you.
Laura: Who you looking for?
Leo: Greenlee. I wanted to apologize about giving her a hard time earlier when she called about Vanessa. Thought she was scamming me again.
Laura: Well, it looks like she left. You can call her later.
Leo: I guess.

Palmer: Well, David. How is she?
David: I was able to remove the bullet and repair the damaged aorta.
Leo: She going to be all right?
David: It's too soon to make that call. The next 48 hours are going to be critical.
Palmer: I want to see her.
Adam: So do I.
Joe: Family only. Everyone else is going to have to wait until she's stronger. Palmer, Leo, come with me. I'll walk you to recovery.
Laura: Go on, Leo. I'll catch up with you later.
Leo: Ok. Thank you.

Dixie: I knew you could do it.
David: I could only do it because of you, Dixie. I couldn't have made it through this night without you.

Joe: I'll leave you alone. Just don't stay too long.
Palmer: Vanessa? It's Palmer.
Leo: You think she can hear us?
Adam: She can hear you, all right. Vanessa, listen to me -- where is Arlene and what has she done with Hayley?

Bud: You know, the next time you give me a bubble bath, don't forget the tub. Bartender, let me settle my tab.
Hayley: Hey, what's your rush?
Bud: Well, since you're not going to drink with me, I thought maybe we could take this party out to the back of my van. After we get through rocking-and-rolling, we could head to Sea City. I'll blow my paycheck at the craps tables. Who knows -- maybe we'll get one of those heart-shaped beds.
Hayley: Well, sounds like a blast, but I can't get away tonight.
Bud: Why not?
Hayley: Because I just can't, that's why.
Bud: You know something, Arlene? You're a great-looking chick, but you're all tease and talk. I'm out of here.


Dixie: I'm sorry you had to find out like this.
Tad: What exactly am I finding out?

Bianca: You did something tonight to Rain, didn't you?

Mateo: I really need to see Hayley. You know where I can find her?

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