JANUARY 4, 2001

[Shower runs]

Dixie's voice: We're finished. I almost made a very stupid mistake tonight. Nothing is going to happen between us.

David: I know. You want to be faithful to Tad. But is he being faithful to you?

Dixie: This is one of those shirts that you love so much I'm just trying to get the stain out. You know, lipstick is a hard enough stain to get out when it's mashed in like this, but when you stuff the shirt in the bottom of the hamper, it's practically impossible. Why did you stuff it in there like that?
Tad: I should have just thrown the damn thing away.
Dixie: Why throw it away?
Tad: Baby, it's just a shirt. I was going to buy some new shirts anyway.
Dixie: But what's wrong with this one? Tad, I happened to notice that Opal wasn't wearing this shade. But somebody else was. Leslie Coulson. Am I right?
Tad: Yeah. Yes.
Dixie: Do you know that because you kissed her?

Jake: What do we have here?
Ryan: I found her clinging onto the side of the fidelity.
Jake: You went overboard? That water's freezing, Greenlee.
Gillian: Actually, she poured water on herself to make it look like she fell.
Jake: Ah. Well, what would possess you to do that?
Gillian: A man. What else?
Ryan: Trying to squeeze a little sympathy out of her boyfriend.
Greenlee: That's a lie! Leo and I had a terrible fight. I was devastated. I didn't think I could go on. It's true!
Jake: Ok, all right. Well, I see. So we had anxiety.
Greenlee: Yes. Everything's dark.
Jake: I think we can help.
Greenlee: Leo's number is 555-453--
Jake: No, I'm not actually calling Leo. I'm arranging to have you admitted.
Greenlee: Well, I suppose that's best. Can you see if I can get a single room?
Jake: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's no problem. Everyone gets their own room when they're admitted to Psych.

Bianca: Mom?
Jack: My guess is that Dimitri probably took her someplace to talk.
Bianca: About how much she hates me?
Jack: Please don't do that. Please.
Bianca: Uncle Jack, I totally humiliated her tonight. I mean, it was like her worst fear realized -- me standing up in front of the whole world and saying, "I'm gay."

[Doorbell rings]

Leo: You were awesome tonight. You know that?
Bianca: I didn't want to be.
Laura: Bianca, I totally understand why you couldn't say Greenlee pushed me off the yacht.
Bianca: Oh, you don't know how much I wanted to.
Laura: Yes, I do. I know what it's like to have a secret you're forced to keep, especially when you want to tell it -- and on top of everything else you were dealing with. I am so sorry.

Erica: Is it me, Dimitri? I've always care what people thought when they looked at me. I've never understood a person -- especially a woman -- who leaves her house without at least trying to look her best.
Dimitri: What the outside world thinks isn't that important to some people.
Erica: But the bottom line is, if you look a certain way or you act a certain way or if there's just something about you that people don't like, they never give you another chance.
Dimitri: And you think Bianca is limiting her chances.
Erica: I know she is. She's too young to see what she did tonight, but people will never look at her the same way again. She made a public declaration that she can never take back.
Dimitri: Yeah, yeah. After being ambushed, everyone there could see that. I say bravo to her integrity.
Erica: You both seem to think that this choice that she's making affects only her.
Dimitri: I didn't say that.
Erica: Well, I might able to forgive her for ruining her own life. But I don't think I can forgive her for ruining mine.

Greenlee: Are you refusing to treat me? Please say yes. I'll stay alive just long enough to sue you and this entire hospital.
Jake: Ok, fine, Greenlee. I believe cube one looks open. Jake: So, haven't you two given me enough grief?

Gillian: Sorry, Jake.
Jake: I mean, we get a ringer in here every shift, and I think you just brought me my first.

Greenlee: Hello? Frostbite! I think I'm losing some digits in here.

Jake: Next time, do me a favor -- take her to Seaview Hospital.

Gillian: You know, maybe you should call Leo. At the very least, he'll be able to get Greenlee off Jake's hands.
Ryan: You know, it's a good thing we're in a hospital because once I tell Leo that Greenlee's been faking this whole thing --
Gillian: No, no, don't.
Ryan: It's called payback. It's payback. I'm just the messenger. She's the one going down.
Gillian: You know, we really shouldn't be having this much fun.
Ryan: You're right, but we are.
Gillian: Yes.

Bianca: I'll be ok, Laura. Really.
Jack: You know, they say it's the friends that you can call at 4:00 A.M. That really matter, and it sounds like you're one of those. And I really appreciate all the help and support you've given my niece here. And now I'm going to make myself a drink. Anybody want a soft drink?
Leo: Uh-uh.
Jack: Soft drink?

Bianca: I'm so sorry that I ruined the party. I should call Edmund and Dimitri.
Leo: No, no, no, no. You stood up to that little twerp Donald Steele. You should be proud of yourself.
Bianca: I didn't want to. I mean, I just barely came out to Mom. The last thing I wanted to do was go public.
Leo: Well, at least you got it over with. I'm going to go get something to drink after all.

Laura: I can't believe what a jerk I've been to you.
Bianca: Oh, no, Laura. You thought I shoved you off of Ryan's yacht.
Laura: Yeah, but I should have known better than to believe someone like Greenlee. I mean, you and I got along right from the start.
Bianca: We still can. Friends?
Laura: Absolutely.

[Telephone rings]

Leo: Hello?
Ryan: Leo. It's Ryan.
Leo: What's up?
Ryan: I'm here at the hospital with Gillian. We just brought Greenlee in.
Leo: Oh, my God. You're kidding me. She wasn't kidding. Where exactly are you?
Ryan: Well, we're at the ER, but just hold on a minute.
Leo: Where's Greenlee?
Ryan: Jake is with her now, but will you just listen to me for a sec?
Leo: Ok, tell her I'll be right there.

Leo: Greenlee's in the hospital.
Jack: What?
Bianca: What? What happened?
Leo: I don't know. She was dropping all these weird hints, but I didn't think she was going to actually hurt herself. Can you get another ride home?
Laura: Of course.
Jack: I'll make sure she gets home safely.
Leo: All right. Thank you, counselor. You did the right thing, Bianca. All right. I'll call you.

Bianca: Did you want him to drive you home?
Laura: Oh, I don't care. Well, yeah, I did.
Bianca: You like him, don't you?

Dimitri: Erica, Bianca's life isn't ruined. Neither is yours.
Erica: I asked her to keep this revelation of hers in the family.
Dimitri: I don't think Bianca wanted her sexuality to be the focus of the Crystal Ball.
Erica: Which is exactly why I didn't want her to go.
Dimitri: And what kind of a message is that to send?
Erica: Dimitri, my whole reality is turned upside down. Nothing will ever be the same again. Why couldn't she just do as I asked?
Dimitri: Erica, you wanted Bianca to lie. Now, it is a tribute to you that she didn't. She's full of fire like her mom.
Erica: Dimitri, everybody says that, but I'll tell you, I think that I have lost her to something that I can't even begin to understand. Why can't I see what I've done?
Dimitri: Wait, wait. First you were blaming Barbara's influence, and now you're blaming yourself?
Erica: I'm the one who lost custody, Dimitri. And what if Bianca feels like I rejected her? Then this would be the perfect way to get back at me.
Dimitri: No. No, I don't believe Bianca would do that, no.
Erica: Well, maybe not consciously. But I am hurting, Dimitri. Look at me. Erica Kane, the woman other women want to be like. I mean, how many women, how many mothers would want to be like me now?

Tad: I haven't been completely honest with you.
Dixie: Did you two --
Tad: No, no, wait a minute. Just a second. Don't say anything, ok? Before anything gets said, before you ask me anything, I just want you to know something. I didn't kiss Leslie Coulson, Sweetheart. Honestly, I mean, it wasn't anything like that.
Dixie: Did she kiss you?
Tad: Yes. To, you know, wish me happy new year.
Dixie: Ok. Well, that's innocent enough. It was a party. Everybody kisses somebody on New Year's Eve. Why lie about it?
Tad: Because you know me better than anyone. You've loved me better than anyone.
Dixie: Tad, you're scaring me.
Tad: I don't want to. I don't want to scare you or hurt you. Honey, you -- you're my heart. You're my heart and soul. Anything inside me that keeps me going is you.
Dixie: Tad, what did you do?
Tad: Leslie isn't exactly what she -- what she appears to be.
Dixie: What does that mean? She's an incompetent lawyer?
Tad: No, no. She's a great lawyer. I mean, she's intelligent, she's smart. You know, successful, all of that.
Dixie: She's very attractive.
Tad: Oh. Oh. No, not when you get to know her.
Dixie: How well do you know her?
Tad: Sweetie, she handled Jake's custody suit. I mean, you know what. You were there.
Dixie: Did you know her before that?
Tad: Yeah. Honey, I -- I guess so. I've known Leslie for years. I've seen her around town. I guess I dated her sister in high school.
Dixie: You guess? You don't remember?
Tad: Sweetheart, do you know what I was doing when I was 17?
Dixie: Everything that moved.
Tad: I love you.
Dixie: Look, this is about us, ok? Tell me -- tell me about Leslie.
Tad: I just don't -- I -- I -- I don't want to risk anything that we have.
Dixie: Well, then we're both going to have to make sure that that doesn't happen.
Tad: In high school -- it was nothing. I mean, when I dated her sister, Leslie had this speech impediment. She was -- she used to stutter. And instead of being mean to her like all the other kids, I guess I was nice.
Dixie: What's wrong with that?
Tad: Nothing. I mean, I would think nothing, but apparently it meant something to her because she hasn't forgotten.
Dixie: You mean she hasn't forgotten you.
Tad: No. Sweetheart, I -- I've been killing myself trying to tell her that there is not the slightest possibility that anything is ever going to -- I've told her -- I've told her over and over again that I love you -- I love you and only you. I have made that abundantly clear.
Dixie: Then why would an obviously intelligent woman who could have any man she wan not take no for an answer?
Tad: Because she's used to getting her own way.
Dixie: Is she throwing herself at you?
Tad: Yeah.
Dixie: Why?

Jake: Deep breath.
Greenlee: I think there's fluid in my lungs.
Jake: Or did you inhale that bucket of water that you poured all over yourself?
Greenlee: Your bedside manner stinks.
Jake: Greenlee, you have a low-grade fever. You'll probably end up with a cold.
Greenlee: Nothing worse? You haven't even looked at my extremities. Aren't you worried about frostbite?
Jake: Nope.
Greenlee: But I suppose you'll keep me in here for overnight observation. I mean, you wouldn't want to be sued for malpractice if you missed anything.
Jake: No, actually, you're free to go.
Greenlee: I could collapse the minute I walk out of here.
Jake: Well, if you do that, just make sure you do it in the parking lot. We'll drag you back in. In the meantime, drink plenty of fluids and turn up the electric blanket. Good-bye.

Greenlee: Leo. I knew you'd come.

Laura: You don't have to drive me home, Mr. Montgomery.
Jack: Are you sure? I don't think you want to be out on the streets alone this late, do you?
Laura: Oh, I'll call a cab. I just want to spend some more time with Bianca.
Jack: That's my cue. I know my cue when I hear it. I'm out of here.
Bianca: Wait, Uncle Jack.
Jack: Yeah?
Bianca: I love you.
Jack: Oh, I love you, too, Hon.
Bianca: Thank you. For everything -- I mean, even before tonight. You're not my dad, but you're helping me like he would have. Jack: Well, that's high praise indeed. I'd better get out of here before I get sloppy. See you later. Laura, good night.
Laura: Good night.
Bianca: Good night.

Laura: So how come you didn't tell me?
Bianca: I didn't really tell anybody except Leo.
Laura: I just want to make sure you don't feel like you have to hide from me. I mean, I'm a city girl. I'm from New York. You know, I'm open-minded.
Bianca: Yeah. And I bet some of your closest friends are gay, huh?
Laura: Well, as a matter of fact, yeah. Some of them are.
Bianca: Oh, I didn't mean --
Laura: You don't have to feel defensive at all.
Bianca: It's just that I don't know how people are going to react, you know? I mean, either they'll be cool with it, or they'll treat me like I have some kind of disease.
Laura: You think it's bad here? Don't go to China. They give new meaning to the word "oppression." Did you know that if you're a woman and --
Bianca: You see, Laura? This is exactly what I was afraid of.

Erica: Do you think that Bianca will ever find the kind of love that you and I had?
Dimitri: Well, I think our relationship would be difficult for anyone to duplicate. Oh, Erica, you and Bianca are very different people. That is a strength. And besides, no one can be Erica Kane.
Erica: How did we ever fall apart?
Dimitri: Fate.

[Knock on door]

Dimitri: I'll be right back. I'm going to get that.
Edmund: Hey, Dimitri. How you doing? You take Erica home? Because I was wondering about that reporter. I wanted to make sure she --
Edmund: Excuse me. I didn't know you brought Erica here.
Dimitri: Well, a little reassurance before heading home.
Edmund: It's been a rough night. Erica, are you ok? I'm sorry that Donald stele was so rude.
Erica: Me, too, Edmund. But I'm better.
Edmund: Good. Well, on a lighter note, congratulations. This was our best event ever.
Dimitri: Yeah, I'm glad
to hear that, Edmund. Erica: Well, this ball is just a lovely way of keeping Maria's memory alive.
Edmund: Yes, it is. Don't forget tomorrow. Derek's going to get back to us about that phone call from Alex. Hopefully, he'll be able to get a location from that trace.
Dimitri: I'll be up bright and early. See you at breakfast.
Edmund: All right, I'll be there. Erica? It took guts.

Dimitri: You all right?
Erica: I just feel so foolish.
Dimitri: Why?
Erica: Before Edmund came in, for a brief moment I had almost convinced myself that it was just the two of us, the way it used to be.
Dimitri: Yeah. Well, it's -- it's not.
Erica: I know. But the memory lingers. I just had no idea that being here in the hunting lodge was going to bring back so many memories.
Dimitri: This was a very special place to us.
Erica: And the fire burning. And speaking of hearts and minds -- if I close my eyes, it feels like nothing has changed at all.

Laura: Wait, wait. What did I say?
Bianca: No. Never mind.
Laura: No, I want to know. What -- what were you afraid of?
Bianca: Ok. First, I was Erica Kane's daughter. Then, I was Erica Kane's anorexic daughter. Now I'm Erica Kane's gay daughter. I mean, what do I have to do to be seen for who I really am?
Laura: Announce it at the Crystal Ball? I don't know.
Bianca: It's just that my sexuality is a very, very small part of who I am. And it shouldn't be the first thing that people have to relate to or get by to prove a point.
Laura: What point?
Bianca: That they're ok with it, that they're liberal, open-minded thinkers, that, you know, they don't laugh at gay jokes unless a gay person tells them. Whatever.
Laura: Is that what I was doing?
Bianca: I just -- I just want to stop talking about the big G word.
Laura: Sure. Sure.
Bianca: Thank you. You know, tonight was so weird. But all I feel is sad about me and my mom.
Laura: I get it. From now on you're just Bianca -- nothing more, nothing less. Just Bianca Montgomery, my friend.

Jake: Well, Leo, I'll let you take it over from here.
Greenlee: Thank you, Doctor. Leo, I'm so ashamed. I was totally traumatized. I didn't know what I was --
Leo: Yeah, great. Whatever. I just talked to Ryan and Gillian. They told me about your little scam, so, please, stop the Oscar-winning performance.
Greenlee: Then why'd you come in here?
Leo: The moth to a flame, I guess.
Greenlee: Then you still care.
Leo: A little bit.
Greenlee: I'll take what I can get.
Leo: No, this is it, Greenlee. Pretending to throw yourself overboard? Oh, I'll say this -- you've got a great sense of irony. What, did you ask Laura if -- just how to do it so you could play the part right?
Greenlee: I -- I know you're angry, Leo, with everything. But what can I say? I did it for you. Everything I've ever done is because I --
Leo: Stop! All right? This is a waste of time.
Greenlee: No, it's not. I'd do anything for you, anything for your love. Don't you see that?
Leo: Yes, I do. And it scares me. I don't want that kind of devotion. All the lying and the manipulating -- that's not love. It's Vanessa.
Greenlee: Don't leave. I mean, if you walk out that door, what about -- what about the things you wanted for us? What about the life we were making together? I mean, can you just throw that away?
Leo: Looks like it.
Greenlee: Leo --

Leo: The next time Greenlee throws herself overboard, call the Coast Guard.
Ryan: Look at this! A changed man. Wow, I didn't think he had it in him.
Gillian: No, not until now.
Leo: Had what?
Ryan: Well, look at you. Walked out on Greenlee, got this look of finality about you.
Leo: I am off the round-go-round. That ride is officially over.

Tad: Sweetheart, if you're asking me to explain somebody like Leslie Coulson, I'm sorry. I can't.
Dixie: Should I speak to her?
Tad: No. No. Promise me you won't do that. Look, it's very obvious to me that she's -- she's got a -- she has a lot going through her mind right now. She's unstable. I think she might even be dangerous.
Dixie: In what way?
Tad: Well, for one thing, do you remember when she stopped by here when you were in the hospital?
Dixie: She left her glove.
Tad: Yeah, on purpose.
Dixie: Why do you think that?
Tad: Because I think she's trying to make trouble between you and me.
Dixie: What about when you were in New York?
Tad: Oh, perfect case in point. Listen, the truth is, Dixie, I didn't hire her to come with me to New York. I had no idea she was in the city.
Dixie: Did you think that that was her in your shower?
Tad: I didn't know what to think when I heard the water running.
Dixie: Why didn't you just say something, then? I mean, you said that it was some psycho housemaid person that was terrorizing you.
Tad: I know I did. I'm sorry I said that. I -- I didn't know what else to say.
Dixie: Well, why cover for Leslie?
Tad: Because I didn't want you to worry. I didn't want you to be upset. I wanted to take care of the situation myself, and, Dixie, I have, ok? I promise you. I swear I have taken care of it.
Dixie: How?
Tad: Well, when she jumped on me in the Wildwind study, I told her in no uncertain terms to stay the hell away from me and my family.
Dixie: You really think she's that dangerous?
Tad: Well, why take the chance? With some people, you just -- you don't have a choice. You just have to be firm.
Dixie: What you're describing -- you know, it's so extreme, her behavior. Are you sure you never gave her a reason to think that she might have a chance with you?
Tad: I want to be clear about something. I love you. I love only you. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God that you're my wife.
Dixie: Tad, I --
Tad: No, no, it's the truth. I thank God on my knees that you gave me a second chance because I don't want to think about what my life would be like, what I would be like if you hadn't.
Dixie: Sweetheart, you've more than made up for your mistakes.
Tad: You believe that?
Dixie: Yes. Of course I do.
Tad: Do you believe in me?
Dixie: Yes.
Tad: Come here. I'd have to be insane to risk what we've got. I don't want to mention Leslie's name in this house ever again. As far as I'm concerned, spent too much time dealing with people outside this marriage who mean absolutely nothing.
Dixie: I agree.
Tad: Look, this is about you and me and no one else.
Tad: What is it? What's wrong?
Dixie: I'm just tired. I'm just tired. I'd love to just, you know, hold each other, just feel you --
Tad: Dixie --
Dixie: Is that ok?
Tad: I'm sorry, I --
Dixie: No, it's ok, it's ok. You have nothing to apologize for.

Ryan: Don't worry about it, man. There's life after Greenlee.
Leo: I look forward to it.
Gillian: See, think of it as a fresh start.
Leo: I lost my job, my girlfriend. I'm homeless. I'd say that's a clean slate. Hey, you guys got a place for me to stay?
Gillian: Maybe.
Ryan: You hang on to your toothbrush. Gillian, what are -- what, are you out of your mind?
Gillian: One night's not going to kill us.
Leo: And then I'm gone.
Gillian: Yeah. He can stay in the yacht, and we can stay in the turret.
Leo: I don't even know what a turret is, but it sounds really cozy.
Ryan: You be quiet.
Leo: Shutting up, Captain.
Gillian: Come on, Leo has nowhere else to go. And besides, we should support his new declaration of independence.
Ryan: I guess freedom from Greenlee kind of a big deal.
Leo: Yeah, and you would know, right?
Ryan: I want you out by morning. By morning.
Leo: All right, you won't even know I was there. Hey, could I get you guys anything from Bermuda?
Ryan: The yacht stays anchored!
Leo: I'm just kidding, just kidding. Thank you.

Ryan: What did you just talk me into?
Gillian: A kind gesture.
Ryan: Really?
Gillian: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: And what do I get for my generosity?
Gillian: Ahem. Me in the turret, wearing nothing but perfume.

Erica: You gave me this hunting lodge as a wedding gift.
Dimitri: I did. Long time ago.
Erica: Yes. But the memories will always be here.
Dimitri: The time we had together was very special. You're a unique woman, Erica.
Erica: You always made me feel that way, beyond all imagining. Everything since then pales compared to you, Dimitri. You made me feel that way tonight. I don't think anyone could have done that but you, Dimitri.
Dimitri: Well, you came to the right guy. Think -- think we should be getting you home.
Erica: Oh, yes. Of course. Thank you.
Dimitri: Erica, I couldn't love Bianca any more if she were my daughter. When you get home, I want you to -- I want you to work your way through this.
Erica: I'm very grateful to you, Dimitri.
Dimitri: And as always, it was my pleasure.

Gillian: I love it here.
Ryan: Do you remember where we were this time a year ago?
Gillian: Ugh. I don't even want to think about it.
Ryan: Somebody asked me if I had a dream of my own, if there was something that was driving me. And all I could think about was you.
Gillian: You know, Ryan, we need a plan. I don't want to go through the same stuff as we did last year.
Ryan: So, should I hire somebody? A bodyguard, something -- make sure we stay together?
Gillian: That's it! That's it. I -- I can't remember that I just remembered this.
Ryan: Huh?
Gillian: I need a strip of material. There we go.
Ryan: What are you -- what? What's going on?
Gillian: I -- I can't believe that I just thought about this. Put your hands right above your head like that.
Ryan: Well, aren't we taking this relationship to a whole new phase?
Gillian: Definitely.
Ryan: This is definitely a first for us.
Gillian: We used to play this as kids.
Ryan: Tying yourselves together?
Gillian: Mm-hmm. And then Grandmama explained it to me. It's for a man and woman who love each other. And then she says, "with this tie I do thee bind, my heart is yours and yours is mine two souls that beat as one entwined I live for you and I am thine."
Ryan: That's beautiful.
Gillian: Happy New Year, Ryan.

Greenlee: Why can't I make anything work? There's no way I'm losing Leo just because of what happened with Laura. There's no way.
Jake: We need this cubicle.
Greenlee: He'll be sorry.
Jake: Greenlee.
Greenlee: He didn't care. He broke the sound barrier getting over here. He cares. That other stuff's just ego.
Jake: A bit of advice?
Greenlee: If it's free.
Jake: Cut your losses.
Greenlee: On second thought, keep it to yourself.
Jake: Sometimes it's just better to walk away.
Greenlee: In your case, that was definitely true. Me? I don't quit. I'll get Leo back.

Bianca: Hi.
Dimitri: Hello, Bianca. Come here, come here, come here. Come on. Yes. Oh. Are you all right?
Bianca: I'm ok.
Dimitri: Fine. I am delivering mom -- a little battered by the evening, but unbowed. I want you to be kind to her and with yourself.
Erica: Thank you, Dimitri.
Dimitri: Now, you call me for whatever you need, day or night.
Erica: I will. Thank you.
Dimitri: That goes for you, too, huh? All right?
Bianca: Ok.

Erica: It's very late, Laura.
Laura: I'll see you later, Bianca.
Bianca: Ok.

Bianca: Mom?
Erica: We'll discuss it in the morning, Bianca.
Bianca: But, Mom, I --
Erica: Certainly it can wait until then.
Bianca: But nothing will have changed. I'll still be gay.
Erica: Must you keep saying that?

[Telephone rings]

Tad: Hello? Hello?
Tad: Hello? Who is this? Is someone there? Leslie? Leslie, I swear, if this is you, you better stop calling me or you're going to -- you're going to regret it.


Stuart: I think Arlene is a lot closer than anyone thinks.

Ryan: What, do you got a couple million dollars stashed away that I don't know about?
Leo: No, but I could help you get it.

Liza: You have got to get rid of Leslie Coulson.

Dixie: You saw Tad with Leslie. Did he kiss her?

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