JULY 13, 2000

Gillian: You know, we took a really big chance last night?
Ryan: Scott's in his own world these days. Wouldn't have been too tough to fool him.
Gillian: Yep. That's what we're doing, right? Fooling people.
Ryan: Plus, you were in pretty bad shape last night. How are you feeling? Better?
Gillian: I'm feeling better.
Ryan: Yeah? You're not smiling.
Gillian: Well, I should probably get up and get dressed so you can get to work.
Ryan: Yeah, I guess you should, probably. Greenlee's going to be by sometime this morning, so -- but you're going to have time for coffee, if you'd like. Of course, I have to come up with some ridiculous lie about why I stood Greenlee up last night and how jealous I am of Leo and that whole thing.
Gillian: No. Not one more lie, Ryan. We're going to tell everybody how we're feeling today.

[Door slams]

Erica: Get out of my bed -- now!

Adam: Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I want to write this down. So Martin is going to enforce the safety rules at all of the Pacific Rim plants? Amateur. That's going to cost him millions. I'm not going to have to do a thing. He's going to destroy Chandler Enterprises all by himself. Wait, wait, what did you -- productivity is up by what? No, I don't want to write it down. Call me after the next board meeting. Yes, I'll make it worth your while.

Arlene: Wait, Adam, don't go.
Adam: You better pour yourself some breakfast.
Arlene: I've sworn off the stuff.
Adam: Oh, yeah, and they're wearing earmuffs in hell.
Arlene: No, no, I mean it. Look, I've always prided myself on being able to handle my liquor, but I've never had -- well, I've never had hallucinations before, so --
Adam: What now, Arlene?
Arlene: No, Adam, it was more than a dream. I could even smell it. We were in this tacky roadside bar, and you tell me that you've just bought it and that you want me to run it.
Adam: Yeah, I did buy a tacky roadside bar. And, yes, I want you to help me run it.
Arlene: No! No!
Adam: Arlene -- Arlene -- will you shut up?
Arlene: No!
Adam: The staff will think you're killing me.
Arlene: A bar. Dive. Can't be true.
Adam: Yeah, so what? You've done worse, Arlene.
Arlene: Yeah, I have done worse. I mean, just a few months ago, I was lying under my dead boss, the carpet king of Dalton, Georgia, with his toupee hanging over me. And I swore to myself -- I swore right then and there that I was going to make a life for myself, something that I deserve. And I did. I did. I became Mrs. Adam Chandler.
Adam: Were you so drunk last night that you don't understand why we're doing this?
Arlene: Because I don't.
Adam: Well, I need everyone to understand that I am no longer a major player. And if they think I've lost my sense of reality, that's fine, that's all the better. The bar is a perfect front. No one is going to have any idea that I plan to decimate Chandler Enterprises from there.
Arlene: Adam, there's got to be a better way. I mean, couldn't we just -- couldn't we just spend the money and bankrupt the company?
Adam: No, no, no. Not when Liza's in charge, no. And besides, where's the fun for me? I want to eviscerate Tad Martin. I want an epic humiliation for him. That's what I want. He and Liza are going to be sorry that they embarrassed me in front of my board.
Arlene: Look -- look, I understand that you want to make them wish that they had never crossed you. I get that. But you don't have to ruin Chandler Enterprises. This was your entire -- your whole life.
Adam: My whole life has been ruined anyway. I married you, didn't I?
Arlene: Ok, all right. I help you with the bar or whatever, but once you destroy Tad and Liza and the company, you build it up again, right?
Adam: Yeah, I suppose so.
Arlene: Right. So running this bar is just a front, and then, well, we can be rich again.
Adam: I'm still rich.
Arlene: So I can have more diamonds and furs and shoes -- expensive shoes. Closets and closets of them. And trips to faraway places like the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.
Adam: Arlene, I promise you, when this is over, you'll be going somewhere far, far away.


Adam: Excuse me.

Hayley: Morning, Dad.
Adam: What do you want?
Hayley: Please tell me you didn't buy a little roadside dive last night.
Adam: I can't do that because I did.
Hayley: Has losing Uncle Stuart really done this to you?
Adam: What?
Hayley: Dad, listen to me. You are not well.

Esther: I just had my coffee looking out at the Mesa. Isn't it just beautiful and majestic?
Stuart: Oh, yeah.
Esther: You know what I like best about living in the middle of the desert?
Marilyn: Oh, let me think. Uh -- oh, I know. Nothing.
Esther: No, you can hang your clothes up to dry in the middle of the night, and they're all dry in the morning.
Marilyn: Right, I forgot about that.
Esther: I did that last night. I better go get them.

Stuart: It's good to see Esther happy.
Marilyn: Yeah, maybe too happy.
Stuart: Why do you say that?
Marilyn: I think she's getting used to the fact that you're not getting your memory back.
Stuart: Don't say that, Marilyn. Esther doesn't want that. She loves me.
Marilyn: Yeah. The big question is, who else does?
Stuart: No, don't, Marilyn.
Marilyn: Come on, Stuart, that woman in your painting? What if she loves you even more than Esther?
Stuart: You've got a really wild imagination.
Marilyn: No, and we can find out. All we have to do is call this phone number that I found in your trailer. This Adam. Maybe he knows.
Stuart: Well, go ahead. Who's stopping you?
Marilyn: Esther, that's who. Every time I try to make this call, she shows up like she has ESP. No, I mean it. You've got to take her out in the desert for a walk or something.
Stuart: Well, she's out back now. Why don't you go call.
Marilyn: Yeah
. Yeah, I could. Esther: Help me fold these?

Leo: Erica. I wasn't expecting you till later.
Erica: No, apparently.
Greenlee: This is not what it looks like.
Erica: Oh, no? Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but to me it looks like there are two uninvited people in my bed with two cartons of melted ice cream.
Greenlee: Well, yes, that is what it is, but, I mean, that's not what it is. I mean, all we did was eat and talk and sleep. That's all we did.
Erica: Well, I certainly hope so because otherwise I am on the phone to the police and the fumigator. And you're wearing my peignoir!
Greenlee: Uh, yeah. I'll just go to the bathroom and take off your thing.
Erica: Yeah, please. And leave neatly in the hamper. I will send you the dry cleaning bill.
Greenlee: Oh, of course. It's the least I can do.
Erica: It certainly is the least you can do. You'll do more than that. I expect you to make a donation to my Teens Against Addiction.
Greenlee: Um -- yeah. Of course. I'll send you a check. No, I'll bring you one. I'll give it to the maid. Excuse me.

Leo: Well, that was fun -- for you.
Erica: I see no reason to smile. You know, you try to pass yourself off as some sophisticated young man. You put on all these continental airs, but the truth is you're nothing but an overgrown child who's used to having people be amused when you act up.
Leo: Look, I'm sorry. If it's that big of a deal --
Erica: I -- you are a guest in my home. I certainly don't expect you to abuse that trust.
Leo: For the record, all I was trying to do was tend to that young woman's broken heart.
Erica: You broke her heart?
Leo: No, not me. It's not me that she loves. Greenlee's in love with someone else.

Ryan: Princess, I'll do whatever you want. You know that. But are you sure? I mean, you said you wanted to wait and tell Jake face to face. I still think that's the best idea.
Gillian: It is. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Ryan: Well, Jake's halfway around the world, Gillian.
Gillian: I know. I'm going to speak to Joe. I'm going to find out exactly where Jake is. Then I'm going to get on a plane, I'm going to look him in the eye, and I'm going to tell him that this marriage is over.
Ryan: You're serious about this.
Gillian: Ryan, I hate lying. Every time I've done it, it's brought me nothing but heartache.
Ryan: Well, what if Joe asks you why you suddenly want to run off and see Jake?
Gillian: Well, I can't tell him that I'm going to go there for some kind of honeymoon. I would have to tell Joe the truth. And Joe and Ruth will be really upset with me, and so will Tad and Dixie, because they've been nothing but sweet to me, but I have to tell them. And -- and they're going to be mad, and they have every right to be mad, but then it'll be over.
Ryan: Sometimes I forget how strong and how incredibly brave you are.
Gillian: Me, too.
Ryan: So I suppose compared to what you have to do, telling Greenlee should be pretty easy for me.
Gillian: You'll tell her today?
Ryan: Yes, I will. I'll tell her that there is only one woman in the whole world that I love and, thank God, she loves me back.

Leo: So, when he stood her up, Greenlee was very hurt. She tried to pretend like it was nothing, but it was all just a cover for the hurt. And being a friend, I felt compelled to cheer her up, so I brought her up here to the holy of holies, knowing how much she idolizes Erica Kane. She does. She really does. She thinks you're great.
Erica: Thanks. I believe you.
Leo: So I filled her up with ice cream, and we talked till dawn. And then she felt better. After we went to sleep, she felt human again. And if you would have kept to your schedule, I would have cleaned up after my mercy work and nobody would have been the wiser.
Erica: Well, I guess there's no real harm done.
Leo: Oh, come on, Erica. Admit it -- you love playing the Queen Mother and scaring the peignoir off Greenlee.
Erica: Oh --
Leo: But I don't mind you calling me an overgrown child. You're probably right. But I don't want you to think that I'm ungrateful. I appreciate everything you've done for me.
Erica: Oh, look, it's fine. You don't have to say that.
Leo: No, and it's not just you letting me stay in your house. It's you defending me to David, and it's you understanding my situation. If I don't say sorry, it's because I don't want you to think that I'm putting something over on you.
Erica: Oh, so you think I can't tell when someone's being sincere.
Leo: Ok. Here goes. Other than Greenlee, you're the only friend that I have in this town. And I don't want to do anything to screw that up. So, is that sincere, or am I trying to hose you?
Erica: Sincere.
Leo: You're right.

Greenlee: Ahem. I'm ready to go.
Erica: Yes, well, then off you go. Bye, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Bye, Erica.
Erica: Oh, and the next time you decide to drop by, please limit your visit to the first floor. My bedroom is not on the house tour.
Greenlee: Ok.
Leo: Oh, and if I could make one suggestion? A big-screen TV would go perfect right there.
Erica: You happen to be right. I think that's a very good idea. Out! Now. Out!

Jack: Your young friends tell me that you're doing your receiving in here this morning. And by the way, is this my tie?
Erica: Actually, yes, it is.
Jack: Uh-huh.
Erica: So, what is it?
Jack: Actually, Erica, it's about Bianca.

Adam: It's funny. I never doubted your sanity after all the mistakes you've made.
Hayley: This is a colossal mistake.
Adam: My whole life has been a colossal mistake. So what? I'm going to start a little business with my new wife, who happens to be your mother.
Hayley: Well, this is just a last step before AA. Or institutionalization. This turn your life has taken is scary and --
Adam: And deliberate. Quite deliberate. I don't like who I was becoming, so I decided to be something else.
Hayley: This is what you do. Something bad happens in your life, and you react by going after the guilty party. Well, in this case, Uncle Stuart's death, you are the guilty party, so you are punishing yourself. You are punishing yourself with this bar purchase and marrying her. And I'm not going to stand back and watch you do it.
Adam: Why? You didn't have any trouble during Colby's custody hearing. You swore under oath that you regretted being my daughter.
Hayley: That is not what I did.
Adam: Fine. I'm giving you the best gift I could possibly give you. I'm releasing you. You don't have to be my daughter anymore.

Winifred: Excuse me, Mr. Chandler. They just delivered all the stuff.
Arlene: Oh. That's mine. I did a little internet shopping. Thank you. Now, wait. What's this? This does not look like it's mine. What am I going to do with two fishing rods? This is ridiculous. And what's this? Catch-and-release hooks? What the heck?
Hayley: This is for Dad and Uncle Stuart's fishing trip that was planned months and months and months ago. Do you understand that? They do it every year together, the two of them.
Winifred: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have read the return address.
Adam: Don't do this to me, Stuart. How can I go on living if everything reminds me of you?

Esther: I'm going to take this out to the trailer. I'll be right back, ok?
Stuart: Ok.

Marilyn: You see what I mean? She has ESP. About this phone call.
Stuart: That's silly. She just needed help with the laundry. But she's gone outside now.
Marilyn: Are you sure?
Stuart: Yeah, she went to the trailer. I'm sure. Go ahead and, please, call this Adam guy, whoever he is.
Marilyn: Ok.

[Door opens]

Esther: Is anything wrong?
Marilyn: No. Why? What could be wrong?
Esther: Were you going to make a phone call?
Marilyn: How did you know?
Esther: Because you have a phone in your hand.
Marilyn: Oh, yeah. I was going to make a call about napkins. Yeah, I was going to put a call in about why the shipment hadn't arrived yet.
Esther: Oh, they came yesterday.
Marilyn: Oh, they did? Well, good. I'm glad.
Esther: You're glad about napkins?
Marilyn: Yeah. Well, you know, I didn't want to have to hear my dad all like, "where are my napkins? I ordered napkins. Why don't --"
Stuart: Esther. I'm sorry. Did you really enjoy it when you went out and looked at the Mesa this morning?
Esther: Oh, it was beautiful.
Stuart: Well, what if you and I took a walk over there? Right now. Just the two of us.
Esther: You and me? Oh, Stuart, that would be so romantic.
Stuart: Well, you know, to look for arrowheads. Judd said that there were scads of Indian arrowheads all over.
Marilyn: Yeah, there are. There are plenty. You'll love it. It's such a great idea.

Adam: Catch-and-release hooks. They don't kill the fish. They hook the fish, and then they let them swim away. Stuart wasn't too keen on that, either, so I convinced him that the fish needed the exercise. He humored me. Sometimes we didn't fish at all. Sometimes we'd just sit. It was a special place, that waterfall, and he'd sketch. And we would just sit quietly for hours on end and not say a word. This is the reservation for the lodge, the fishing lodge in Idaho. I better call them and tell them we won't be coming back.

Arlene: Look, Sweetie, I know that you're worried. I am, too. But we've both got to realize and understand that your father is not the king of industry anymore.
Hayley: Well, I won't accept that.
Arlene: Sweetie, right before you came in, he was telling me that people had to understand and know that he was no longer a major player. And the sooner that people understand that, the better it will be.
Hayley: Hmm. Well, why do I find this hard to believe, Arlene? I find it nearly impossible to believe that you would work this hard to land yourself a billionaire and then give up this easily.
Arlene: Don't I have a very smart daughter. All right, just between you and me -- I think this is just a phase he's going through and as soon as he gets over losing Stuart, he'll be back to his old self. And in the meantime, what could possibly go wrong, Hayley? I'll be by his side every step of the way.
Mateo: You're right. What could possibly go wrong?

Arlene: Were they understanding about the cancellation, Sweetie?
Adam: Oh, yes, yes. Why shouldn't they be? They get to keep the deposit. Well, as you all know, I have a new job to occupy me. I think you can all find your way out.
Hayley: Dad, listen to me. Just one more thing. No matter what you do, I will always be your daughter.

Jack: I gave Bianca a call last night, as I do from time to time. Only this time, I caught her in mid-argument with Barbara. Barbara got on the phone then, and I got to tell you, Barbara was very, very upset.
Erica: About what?
Jack: About the fact that Bianca has been skipping school.
Erica: Now, that's impossible. Bianca doesn't skip school anymore.
Jack: Well, it gets even stranger than that. Evidently, she's neglecting her horse.
Erica: Oh, come on. Now, that's impossible. I mean, because riding and her horse, those are things Bianca loves best in the whole world.
Jack: I find it very hard to believe myself, but Barbara also told me that she's let a lot of things go that she used to really care about. And she's become sullen, sometimes even surly.
Erica: You know something? Every time I talk to Bianca, Bianca is totally adorable, and I talk to Bianca a lot. What did Travis have to say about this?
Jack: Well, that, I believe, is a further complication. I guess he's having a little trouble at work, spending a lot of late hours at the office. He's not around there very much, I guess.
Erica: Oh, I see. Well, then it all becomes crystal clear now. Barbara's marriage is crumbling, and she's blaming my daughter.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, I think that's a pretty big leap. Barbara sounded genuinely concerned when she was talking to me about Bianca.
Erica: Barbara is a crashing bore, and Barbara has no clue how to talk to my teenage daughter. I could tell her what she's doing wrong.
Jack: Now, wait, wait. Just wait a second. Now, let's be fair about this. Ok? Barbara has been a very good stepmother to Bianca through some very, very hard times. Now, you have to admit that.
Erica: But a stepmother, nonetheless. And I doubt very much if Bianca has ever felt very at home there.
Jack: Sweetheart, listen to me a second. When Bianca was released from that clinic, we all agreed that because of her eating disorder, the best thing for her was to lead an ordinary life.
Erica: Yes, and I agreed that she should spend time with Travis temporarily, but I certainly didn't like it.
Jack: I know you didn't like it. That's why I was so damn proud of you when you agreed to it. But she is now out of the spotlight. She's getting to be herself, not a child of a celebrity.
Erica: And luckily, Blanca's eating disorder is fine now. And she's grown into a beautiful and bright teenage girl, thanks to a lot of work on her own part.
Jack: Amen, Sister.
Erica: And so she's wonderful now. Unless Barbara is undermining all of this. Hmm, hmm.
Jack: "Hmm, hmm"? What are you doing?
Erica: I'm going to Bianca, that's what I'm doing. You know something? It may have been really difficult for Bianca at one time to be the daughter of Erica Kane. But right now, it is very important that she knows that I stand by her. And it's important that Barbara knows I stand by my daughter, too. There are a lot of people I have to go out there and straighten out.
Jack: No, you, my dear, are not going anywhere.

Ryan: So you going to call me after you talk to Joe?
Gillian: Yes, I will.
Ryan: And you really, really don't want me to go with you?
Gillian: I'm going to be ok. And then once I do this, we're going to be ok.
Ryan: One more.
Greenlee: Well, I suppose you can --

Gillian: Is that Greenlee?
Ryan: Yes, it's Greenlee. She never comes over this early.
Gillian: Well, I better go, you know --
Ryan: Go that way, go that way.
Gillian: Before you talk to her.
Ryan: Ok.

Greenlee: Morning. You see, he's alive. He thought you'd be dead in a ditch after you stood me up last night.
Ryan: Oh, yeah, I'm sorry about that.
Greenlee: Yeah, I told him that you were probably caught up with work.
Ryan: Yes. Yes, that's exactly what happened.
Leo: You look like you've been up all night, man.
Greenlee: Well, anyway, you need to learn how to delegate more, Ryan. I'm here to do whatever needs to be do. Oh, I'm going to have to go home, though, for a few minutes, I think.
Ryan: Go ahead. Go ahead. I mean, technically, you're not on the payroll, so, you know --
Leo: No, she means that she just realized that she came to work in the same clothes she was wearing last night.
Greenlee: Leo!
Leo: A dead giveaway she's been partying.
Greenlee: Leo, that's enough. You can go.
Ryan: Yeah, Leo, I agree. Please. You know, I'm swamped here.
Greenlee: Ok, Leo. I'll deal with this.
Leo: Whoa, whoa, I do hope that we can handle this in a civilized manner. I mean, we are adults here, after all.
Greenlee: Go, Leo. Come on. Come on.

Greenlee: Nothing happened last night, really. I'm a big idiot for showing up looking like this. Are you very upset?

Erica: Look, Jack, I'm just going along with everything you just said. I'm sure that Blanca's feeling very alone right now. Her father's not around, her stepmother doesn't understand her. I'm not going to let my daughter think that I'm letting her be stranded.
Jack: Erica, you can't do this, and I'll tell you why. Because I know what you're going to do the minute you get there. You're going to start pointing fingers and making accusations and in general making a bad situation worse. Do you really think it's going to be helpful if you go out there and try to tell them how to raise your child?
Erica: I think that's the only thing I can do. I mean, look, Barbara has children of her own, and maybe there is a problem in her marriage to Travis, and heaven knows what else is going on in that house. No, I cannot bear it, Jack, to think that they're going to allow Bianca to be shunted to some minor position in that family.
Jack: So what are you going to do? Go charging in there and start barking orders and expect them to say, "Oh, Erica, thank goodness you're here because we have so many big problems in our life, we just don't have time for Bianca"? Now, what the hell do you think that's going to do to my niece's self-image, huh?
Erica: Well, that's the first thing you've said that makes any sense.
Jack: Well, thank you very much. It's nice to hear I haven't been completely useless.
Erica: On the contrary. You're the one who's going to solve the whole problem.

Adam: The only way that you can be in my life is if you let me live it as I see fit.
Hayley: Ok. You're right. I mean, for years you tried telling me what to do, and that doesn't work. That never works. So I will support you with whatever you do with your life.
Adam: Really?
Hayley: Mm-hmm. Maybe I'll even give you some tips on saloon keeping.
Adam: Good. I've been thinking about calling the place Adam's Place. How do you like that?
Hayley: Sounds good.
Adam: What do you think, sweetheart?
Arlene: Adam's Place -- it's perfect.
Adam: Well, good. Good, good. Then it's all settled, then.
Hayley: Ok, I'm all set to go.
Mateo: Yeah, I'm right behind you.
Hayley: We're going to go. Bye-bye.

Arlene: Bye, Sweetie. Adam: Thanks for stopping by.

Mateo: You' not going to go along with that, are you?
Hayley: Did you see? Did you see him with Uncle Stuart's fishing poles? He had tears in his eyes. I know that my old father is in there and he's hurting, and I'm not going to abandon him to Arlene.
Mateo: Yeah, but what you said was right, though. When somebody's screwing up --
Hayley: Forget about what I said, and watch what I do.
Mateo: You're going to bring back the old Adam.
Hayley: You bet I am.

Greenlee: Here is last week's progress report on the Incredible Dreamers. It looks like the underwater wedding is a go. There's no use telling me you're not mad at me, Ryan. You've hardly said a word to me.
Ryan: I'm not mad at you, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Then what's going on with you this morning?
Ryan: Well, there's actually something that I have to tell you, something that I probably should have told you a long time ago.
Greenlee: Ok. What?
Ryan: I haven't been completely honest with you, Greenlee.

Gillian: Hi, Joe. I had a terrible time finding you. They said at the hospital --
Joe: I know. I didn't want to stay there.
Gillian: What's wrong?
Joe: Sit down, Gillian.
Gillian: Is it Jake?
Joe: I'm not sure how to tell you this, but it is Jake. His medevac helicopter -- it's missing over Chechnya.

Erica: It has to sound like your idea.
Jack: I see. Well, in that case, maybe you better tell me. What's my idea?
Erica: Ok. I want you to call Travis, and I want you to suggest to him that Bianca come here and spend some time with me here. And you tell him it's because I'm feeling very blue because I'm depressed and Bianca is the only one in the whole world who can really cheer me up.
Jack: Well, I know Bianca would like that.
Erica: Of course she would. And Barbara doesn't have to know anything about that this has anything to do with her problems.
Jack: Ok. All right, all right. Let's -- whoa, whoa. What about your other boarder, Leo Le Pew?
Erica: Oh, Leo. Poor Leo.
Jack: Poor Leo?
Erica: Yeah.
Jack: Can I take that to mean that you're going to be showing poor Leo the door?
Erica: Well, I can't help feeling sorry for Leo because he doesn't have anyplace to go.
Jack: And you trust him with Bianca?
Erica: I trust Bianca.
Jack: I trust Bianca, too, but let's not forget, she's growing up.
Erica: Well, I'll just keep an eye on everything.
Jack: Yeah, you and me both, Sister. Ok, I'll do it. I'll call Travis right now.

Marilyn: I made you some sandwiches.
Stuart: Oh, thanks.
Marilyn: Here.
Esther: Marilyn, that's so sweet of you.
Marilyn: Yeah, well, you know, have a good time. Go find lots of arrowheads, and make sure to cover your heads. You don't want to t sunstroke.
Esther: Right.
Stuart: We'll be careful.
Marilyn: Ok. Bye. Have fun.

Hayley: My father may be a lot of things, but he's not insane.
Mateo: He married Arlene, and he bought that dive bar. That makes him a little insane.
Hayley: Well, so what? We drop him? Look, for some reason, my father wants to get everybody who loves him out of his hair.
Mateo: And?
Hayley: And I plan on parking myself at the top of his silver mane.
Mateo: How?
Hayley: Well, with my TV show and everything, I got a lot of downtime, you know.
Mateo: Hayley --
Hayley: And I still like tending bar and stuff.
Mateo: Hayley --
Hayley: And since there's really no positions open at S.O.S. --
Mateo: Oh, you're not serious, are you?
Hayley: I'm very serious.
Mateo: You're serious.

Adam: Why didn't I listen to you, Stuart? You told me that I should live my life and be happy. If you were here, I'd go off with you right now. I'd drop everything, and we'd go. We could go fishing. And we could talk about life and be really happy.

[Telephone rings]

Arlene: Hello?
Marilyn: May I speak to Adam?
Arlene: Who is this?
Marilyn: You don't know me, but I found this phone number and it said "Adam." And I was wondering if --
Arlene: Yeah, well, I'm not interested.
Marilyn: Wait, wait. Do you know somebody named Stuart?
Arlene: What did you say?
Marilyn: I met this guy, and he's real sweet, and he's kind of a weirdo, but he can't remember anything about his past.
Arlene: And his name is --
Marilyn: Stuart. Does he belong to you? I mean, are you missing somebody named Stuart?


Ryan: I don't love you, Greenlee.

Gillian: Jake's alive, right?

Dixie: It would help so much if we could just tell her that Dimitri is alive.

Arlene: My God, it's him.

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