JULY 20, 2000

Leo: Guess who. Oh, easy. Commentary on our first official date last night, Becca?
Becca: This? No. No. I had a -- I had a good time. I mean, except for one thing.
Leo: It was the oysters, wasn't it?
Becca: They did taste kind of funny.
Leo: Well, can promise you this -- there will be no oysters on our next date. We'll skip straight to miniature golf. Friends of yours?
Becca: Look, it wasn't the oysters, either.
Leo: Well, it couldn't have been me. I was charming, sincere, and entertaining.
Becca: It started with those guys who sent the oysters.
Leo: Idiots. Becca, don't even give them another thought.
Becca: But listen -- strange stuff has been happening, ok? I'm walking down the street this morning, this guy rolled down his window and yells outside at me, like he knows me. Then I walk into the coffee shop. One guy points, and everyone turns around and they look at me. I mean, am I going crazy?
Leo: If you are going crazy, Becca, you are the most beautiful nut case I have ever seen in my life.

Scott's voice: "Hey, all you virgin viewers. I thought last night would be the night, especially after those oysters at BJ's. Thanks for the effort. Too bad our virgin didn't like them. But don't give up, hombres. How about 5-1 odds that the damsel is bedded by midnight tonight? Keep those hits coming. Signed, Victor, the Virgin Master."

Ryan: Scott.
Scott: Hey.
Ryan: Didn't expect to see you here.
Scott: Yeah. Just -- just finishing up.
Ryan: Oh, that's right. Your project. Creating that gallery web site to show your dad's artwork.
Scott: Yeah.
Ryan: Man, that's such a good idea. How's that coming along?
Scott: Good. It's generated a lot more interest than we'd expected, actually.
Ryan: Do you see? That's why I love the internet. A site can take off overnight.
Scott: Yeah. So, hey, what's -- what's got you so charged up?
Ryan: Well, we have a pretty major client we just booked, man. I'd say major enough to maybe put us on the Nasdaq.
Scott: Yeah? Who's this client?

Ryan: Yes, it's me again. Did you get the champagne? No, no, no. That's the wrong vintage. Well, find it. Find it. We got to get everything this guy wants. How are you coming with the other supplies? Ok, good. We have to coordinate that with the chopper pilot, right, for delivery? Ok. Call me when you know something. Bye.

Leo: [Imitating Julia Child] you slice the carrot.
Becca: You're pretty good at that.
Leo: [Normal voice] yeah? They usually don't even let me into a kitchen.
Becca: We can change that.
Leo: Greens. Grab a peeler. You can help us out.
Greenlee: What's that smell?
Becca: It's my meatless soup.
Greenlee: A virgin vegan? No men, no meat? Don't you let yourself have any fun at all?
Leo: It's good, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Oh, spare me the gourmet review.

Leo: Well, why don't you come by the potluck later. You can try it out for yourself.
Greenlee: Well, if you listen to your messages, you would know that I'm busy and so are you -- for a while, anyway.
Leo: Oh, that message. That was a joke, right? Getting shipwrecked with Ryan on a deserted island?
Greenlee: It's no joke.
Leo: Sorry, Greenlee, I'm fresh out of uninhabited islands.
Greenlee: Leo -- Leo -- this is my last chance with Ryan, and you're the only one who can help me.

Eliot: Whoa. Mm-hmm.
Brooke: Oh.
Eliot: You know, you should always have a spotter when you do this. You almost lost it.
Brooke: Oh.
Eliot: Hi.
Brooke: Hi. Thank you. Thank you. Well, usually I do work with somebody, one of the trainers here, but he was out sick. So, what are you doing here?
Eliot: You know, same as you. You're surprised.
Brooke: No. No.
Eliot: Oh, come on. No, I get that all the time. I'll let you in on a secret. Prayer does wonders for the soul but not much for muscle tone. Brooke: You know, what I was going to say --
Eliot: Let me guess. Do I wear a collar when I'm working out?
Brooke: No. I was not going to say that. No. I was going to ask if you wanted to work out together because I just started.
Eliot: It would be my pleasure.

Dixie: How's it going?
David: It's not. There's an anomaly in Dimitri's blood work. Till I can figure out what the hell is going on, I can't continue his treatment for fear that it might continue to jeopardy his health.
Dixie: I think you need some sleep.
David: I can't. I can't sleep, not with Dimitri's life span being measured in days or hours even. I'll be damned if I'll waste my time sleeping.
Dixie: Is there anything I can do to help?
David: I need Dimitri's medical history, especially his neurological profile. And I need someone who understands the patterns and the permutations of this disease. I -- I need --
Dixie: You need Alex?
David: Exactly. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to take everything out of Dimitri's file that would alert Alex to the identity, ok? And I'm going to put the other stuff in this file. Listen, take this, lock it in your desk. All right?
Dixie: What are you going to say when Alex asks who the patient is?
David: I'll -- I'll work it out. I'll figure it out, ok? Did you talk to Jake? Did you find out about Jake, anything, any news?
Dixie: No. We're still waiting for Adrian to call from Chechnya. Thanks for asking.
David: Uh-huh. Are you going to be ok with keeping Dimitri's secret?
Dixie: I don't have a choice, do I?

Alex: Oh, good morning.
Dixie: Hi.
Alex: Hi, Dixie. How you settling in?
Dixie: I'm very well, thank you. Can I get you anything?
Alex: Oh, no, no. I'm fine.
Dixie: Ok.
David: So, are you just visiting, or you here to work?
Alex: No, I'm here to devote some time to the foundation.
David: Great. Great. I'm happy to hear that because I have a case that I want you to help me with.
Alex: Oh, well, you know what? I've got my hands full playing catch-up. Maybe a little later.
David: I think you'll be very interested in this one.
Alex: All right. What is it?
David: Well, it's a blind case study that was sent to us from Stanford. Ok? As part of their research proposal. Now, I'd really like your help in trying to understand some of the blood test results.
Alex: Ok.

Dixie: Erica?
Erica: Is he in?
Dixie: Yes, he is, but he is busy.
Erica: Dixie, obviously you're new here. David doesn't mind if I drop in.
Dixie: I'm sorry, but he's been working all night on a very important case. They're in a conference now.

Alex: David, do you have any more information?

Erica: David spent all night here? With Alex?
Dixie: Dr. Hayward worked alone. Dr. Marick just walked in.
Erica: Well, I won't be long. Dixie: I'm sorry.
They just got started, and they don't want to be disturbed.
Eric you know something, Dixie? You really should work on your office manners. Do you happen to know what this case is about?
Dixie: No, I can't say that I do.

David: Cracking this case could be a real coup for the Andrassy Foundation. But I can't do it without your help.
Alex: A coup for the foundation or for you?
David: Still so cynical, huh?
Alex: No, I know you're using this place just to further your career. I understand.
David: No, actually, I'm using it to help find cures for rare diseases.
Alex: Oh. That almost sounded sincere.
David: However suspect you believe my motives, Alex, think of the good that this would do.
Alex: Why would Stanford send this to you?
David: Well, actually, they didn't send it to me directly. I mean, it's not as if you've been spending a lot of time here.
Alex: Oh.
David: I accepted on behalf of the foundation.
Alex: You know this is Prion disease.
David: Mm-hmm. That's why I wanted your input.
Alex: It's the same disease that Dimitri had. How strange.

Erica: Dimitri?

David: So, you see, your work with Dimitri can be continued.
Alex: I mean, this is definitely, definitely the same disease, but I'm confused by the blood work. I mean, look at the EEG results here. Now, there's the characteristic patterns indicative of the Prion disease.
David: Uh-huh.
Alex: However, Dimitri's data was very different to this. Right here, this result -- see?
David: Right, right. You see, now, that's exactly what had me stumped. Now, did you find this in Dimitri's case?
Alex: No.

Erica: Why are you talking about Dimitri? What's going on?

Ryan: Now, you promised, man. Do not say anything.
Scott: Wow. So he's your client, huh? But what's the deal? I mean, with the money that guy's got from his music, he could buy a deserted island.
Ryan: It's not going to leave this room?
Scott: Hey.
Ryan: It's a surprise for his girlfriend. It's her fantasy.
Scott: I -- I thought he was married.
Ryan: Like I said, it's a surprise for his girlfriend. That's why we got to keep it a secret.
Scott: Right.
Ryan: Just the two of them, the white sand, the blue sky, and all the luxuries.
Scott: Huh.
Ryan: And his name has to stay out of it. But you know what, man? I got tons to do.
Scott: Don't you have a staff to take care of all this stuff now?
Ryan: Staff? Well, yeah, kind of, but I want to do this one myself. I am going to be on the beach in a few hours to make sure every single grain of sand is in place.
Scott: Sounds intense.
Ryan: Well, this could put us on the map, man. You realize if we pull this off, I'm talking about serious infusion of venture capital from Chandler Enterprises and Robert Winship. I mean, like, big, big, big numbers.
Scott: Well, good luck to you, man.
Ryan: Thanks.
Scott: Hey, keep me -- keep me posted, you know.
Ryan: Yeah.
Scott: All right.

[Telephone rings]

Ryan: IncredibleDreams. Yes. Did you get the vintage? Very nice. And how about the delivery schedule? No, that's too tight. That's too tight. Call him back. Tell him to come back -- come in 45 minutes earlier, before that. Well, just tell him that there's another 50 in it for him. All right? Ok. Good. Get back to me. All right.

Greenlee: I need to get to Sunrise Island before Ryan does.
Leo: Ok. Let me get this straight. You want me to drop you off on a deserted island and leave you there alone?
Greenlee: Not alone. Ryan will be there -- eventually.
Leo: How did you come up with this scheme, Greenlee? Did somebody put something in your brownies?
Greenlee: A mega rock star asked To arrange a romantic tryst for him and his girlfriend. Ryan's going to sunrise island today to set it up.
Leo: A rock star?
Greenlee: Yeah.
Leo: Who?
Greenlee: Promise you won't tell?
Leo: Yeah, I swear. Really?
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Leo: Wow. I thought he was married.
Greenlee: None of my business. Now, listen. Listen. Sit down. Ryan's having the shipment of luxury items taken to the island by helicopter. After I help Ryan unload the helicopter, the helicopter will take off. Then I will light some candles, pop a cork, and I will have Ryan all to myself. Is that the most romantic thing you've ever heard of?
Leo: Hold on, Greenlee. How do you know that the helicopter's going to leave you there?
Greenlee: I bribed the pilot.
Leo: And the client?
Greenlee: He's not supposed to show up until tomorrow.
Leo: Ok. So let's say that you and Ryan do end up on this island alone. Then what? Seducing Ryan isn't exactly your best event, Greenlee. The last time you tried to snare him on a beach, you ended up looking like a corn dog and getting a bad sunburn.
Greenlee: Which is exactly why I need to do this. We're going to be alone. I'll be in control, and things will be different.
Leo: And the seduction tactic this time would be?
Greenlee: I'm going to pretend that I'm scared.
Leo: Ah. The fear factor.
Greenlee: Yes. Ryan will comfort me, and then one thing leads to another. Doesn't it?
Leo: Are you sure that Ryan's worth all this trouble, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Leo, please say that you'll do this for me.
Leo: Oh. No, Greenlee. Not this time.
Greenlee: What do you mean, no? Because of Becca?
Leo: No. Because it's a stupid idea. That's why.
Greenlee: Oh, yeah, yeah. And bailing you out of jail -- that was real dumb, right up there with all those hours of listening to you boo-hoo about your horrible childhood and your mean mommy.
Leo: Greenlee --
Greenlee: No, you know what? It's fine. Fine. I'll do it myself. There's not going to be any mad pool boy there. There's no chance of rape, so you don't have to play yourself out as hero, all right? Oh. And do me a favor -- lose my number.
Leo: Look, Greenlee, wait.
Greenlee: I'v
got things to do. Leo: Did I ever tell you that I took a joyride on a Motoscafo in Venice? I am a whiz on motorboats.
Greenlee: You'll do it?
Leo: You scare me when you're angry, Greenlee. But I just want you to know that I got a really bad feeling about this.
Greenlee: But you'll do it?
Leo: Yeah.
Greenlee: Ah! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Becca: Greenlee. Do you want me to sign you up for the potluck dinner?
Greenlee: Well, you know, as much as I'd hate to miss the Ham Surprise, I've got things to do. Come on, let's go.
Becca: Wait, wait, wait. You're leaving?
Greenlee: Find somebody else to shuck your peas.
Leo: I'll call you. All right?

Man: Hey, babe.
Becca: Me?
Man: Who else?
Becca: Um -- I'm sorry. Can I help you?
Man: Oh, you bet you can. Get it?

[Man laughs]

Man: The name's Arthur. Becca: What can I do for you?
Arthur: It's what I can do for you. How'd you like to make a 1,000 bucks? All you got to do is take a dive tonight. What do you say?

Eliot: So it's constant motion. All right? You're coming up with your left, you're going down with your right.
Brooke: Right. So they cross.
Eliot: Bring it up. Ok?
Brooke: Uh-huh.
Eliot: Ok?
Brooke: Uh-huh. Ok.
Eliot: Your turn.
Brooke: Let me try yours.
Eliot: Really?
Brooke: Yeah, really.
Eliot: Ok. Ready?
Brooke: Ok.

[Eliot laughs]

Brooke: No laughing.
Eliot: One, two, three, go.
Brooke: Ok.
Eliot: Good. Good. I thought reporters only pumped sources for information.
Brooke: Well, sometimes they have to use strong-arm tactics.
Eliot: Oh.
Brooke: Am I done?
Eliot: Great, great. Ok.
Brooke: Ow!
Eliot: Yes.
Brooke: I confess -- I could never curl that much weight in my life. I'm just -- I was trying to show off.
Eliot: Well, you know what they say.
Brooke: "Pride goeth before a fall"?
Eliot: "No paineth, no gaineth." Is that funny?
Brooke: No. Not really.

Erica: I heard you talking about Dimitri.
David: Erica, what are you doing?
Erica: Please don't do that. Please don't cover for her. If she's guilty of malpractice in Dimitri's death, I have a right to know.
David: This has nothing to do with Dimitri.
Erica: David, I heard you. I was standing right outside your door.
David: Were you eavesdropping?
Alex: We were discussing a case that is very similar to Dimitri's.
Erica: A case? I can't believe how cold you are. Dimitri was your husband. Are you saying to me that you remember him as a case?
Alex: No. Surely I would be honoring Dimitri's memory by using what I learned in treating him to help others.
David: Alex, would you give us a second, please?
Erica: Yes, please.
Alex: Certainly.

Erica: Did you hear her?
David: No. All I heard was you barging in and making a scene.
Erica: If I did, it is your fault.
David: You know, Erica, I didn't sleep a lot last night, ok? I've been up all night. I really can't deal with this right now.
Erica: Yes, I know you were up all night. Who is this mysterious patient with Prion disease who is keeping you up all night?
David: It's an anonymous case study that was sent to the foundation.
Erica: I see. And for that, you ignored all our plans. That doesn't sound like a life-and-death situation to me.
David: Erica, you don't understand.
Erica: Don't do that. Don't condescend to me. Something is obviously going on.
David: Look, this is work. All right? Let's not make it personal.
Erica: How can I not make it personal when you are spending more time with a woman that you claim to dislike?
David: All right. Look, I'll make it up to you, ok?
Erica: David. I know you. Something's going on, and I want to know what it is.
David: You're being paranoid.
Erica: Oh, don't dismiss me. Obviously you and Alex are closer than you were.
David: Erica, will you please just trust me?
Erica: David, how can I possibly trust you when I know that you're keeping secrets from me?
David: All right, can we discuss this later?
Erica: No, I need to discuss this now. I need that. You stop talking when I join you. You suddenly have become incredibly mysterious about your patient, about your work, about your assistant who guards you like the dalai lama, so of course I think something's going on, David. You are shutting me out of your life.
David: Erica, I can't deal with a tantrum right now. Ok?
Erica: A tantrum? Who are you? I have never been treated like this in my life.
David: Oh, ok, great. Here we go. The gloriously noble, the infinitely chivalrous Dimitri treated you like a goddess, like no man ever has or ever will. Come on, Erica, will you please just get over the myth, all right?
Erica: How dare you.
David: All right, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Alex: Hi. I'm just going to go down to the lab.
David: Why? Did you find something?
Alex: I don't know. I want to investigate that EGG anomaly a little more.
David: Great, great. Well, thanks for your help with this.
Alex: Dimitri would have wanted me to help others with the same disease, so --

Dixie: So, does this office come with a bomb shelter?
David: Look, I'm sorry that you had to witness Erica's outburst. Ok? What? What is it?
Dixie: Nothing. It's none of my business.
David: Dixie, it's all right. You can say it, ok? We don't need any more secrets in this office.

Becca: What are you still doing here?
Arthur: I'm a nice guy. That's why I gave you time to reconsider. Hey, it's not every day you could make an easy grand.
Becca: Sorry, I'm not interested.
Arthur: What's the big deal? We're all adults. Consenting adults. If you catch my drift.
Becca: Look, who are you?
Arthur: A businessman.
Becca: What is your business?
Arthur: Making dough. I've got an office. I pay taxes. And then there's the family. Want to see pictures? You know, the wife is still a looker but high-maintenance. Know what I mean? The kids are my life. Well, you can't fault a guy for wanting to do for his family. You see, that's where you come in.
Becca: You must have the wrong person.
Arthur: Just give Victor what he wants, and everybody wins.
Becca: Victor? Victor? Who is Vic--
Arthur: Come on, listen -- the odds are 5-1. We can't lose --
Becca: What are you talking about?
Scott: Hey, she's not interested.
Arthur: Why don't you let the lady speak for herself?
Becca: I already have. You haven't been listening, Arthur. Go away.
Scott: You heard her. Go away.
Arthur: You know, you try to help people --

Scott: Are you ok? What -- what was that all about? Becca: I don't know. Arthur wants me to take a dive for something?
Scott: Take a dive? How?
Becca: I don't know. He said, "Give Victor what he wants."
Scott: And what would that be?
Becca: I have no idea, but those -- those two guys are willing to pay me a lot of money to lose something. I mean, that's what taking a dive means, right?
Scott: Yeah.
Becca: What kind of game are they playing, and what does it have to do with me?

Leo: Not much ambience.
Greenlee: Love will supply all the atmosphere I need.
Leo: Your outfit's a little skimpy, don't you think, Greenlee?
Greenlee: I'll take that as a compliment.
Leo: Here, why don't you just take my shirt.
Greenlee: You're jealous.
Leo: Oh, please.
Greenlee: Oh, don't worry, Leo. When Ryan and I are a couple, I will always have time for you.
Leo: Get real, would you? Look, Greenlee, I know that you're resourceful, but I don't feel comfortable leaving you here alone.
Greenlee: When did you become such an old lady? I've left nothing to chance. Things can only go my way.
Leo: What if Ryan doesn't show?
Greenlee: No, he's so hip on dazzling this new client, he's going to be here if he has to walk on water.
Leo: Ok, how about if I just -- I'll go hide behind the bushes, just in case it doesn't work out.
Greenlee: Your cup is always half empty, isn't it, Leo?
Leo: Please, let's just go. I'll take you home.
Greenlee: Oh, come on, you're adorable to be so concerned, but Ryan's going to be here any minute and I really do not want him to find a welcoming committee.
Leo: Greenlee, you are a beautiful woman alone on a deserted island. Anything can happen.
Greenlee: No, now I have everything I've wanted. I am going to have Ryan completely to myself. No telephones, no business, no Gillian and her crisis du jour. Just me and Ryan. And by tomorrow morning, he'll realize that he was wrong and that he really does love me.
Leo: Whoa, hold on. What do you mean, "realize that he was wrong"?
Greenlee, I'm not leaving here until you tell me what you meant by that.
Greenlee: All right. He told me he didn't love me. Satisfied? Now you can go. What are you waiting for? Scoot. What are you doing?
Leo: We're leaving.
Greenlee: No! What is wrong with you?
Leo: What's wrong with us Greenlee, what the hell are we doing out here? Does the phrase "lost cause" mean anything to you?
Greenlee: Ryan doesn't love me yet. The circumstances have never been right.
Leo: Oh, yeah, and now they are, right? You are delusional, you know that?
Greenlee: No, I'm optimistic. I know in my soul that Ryan is the man for me. How can feelings that deep be wrong? And this may seem hopeless to you, Leo, but maybe, without any distractions, Ryan will suddenly realize that he feels what I feel.
Leo: Oh, yeah, and I'm supposed to just stand here and watch you get hurt?
Greenlee: That's a chance I'll have to take.
Leo: Greenlee, we have been over this over and over and over. The last time you tried to make Ryan jealous, you almost got raped. You've cried a lot of tears over this guy. And if he doesn't realize how fabulous you are by now, you may as well just forget about him.
Greenlee: Never.
Leo: We're leaving. Come on.
Greenlee: Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok. Deal, ok? If Ryan doesn't love me by tonight, I swear I'll stop.
Leo: Do you promise?
Greenlee: Yes. Now, will you go now so you don't blow this whole thing?
Leo: Do you have enough sunscreen?
Greenlee: Yes.
Leo: What about citronella candles? The mosquitoes are fierce.
Greenlee: And a shawl and all other kinds of goodies. Now, get out of here. Go have fun tonight.
Leo: Do you mean that?
Greenlee: Unless you're going to the pot-yuck with Becca.

Scott: You still angry about that guy?
Becca: Look, it's not the strangest thing that's happened to me lately.
Scott: What else is going on?
Becca: You're not going to believe this. This is going to sound really weird. But people are staring at me, pointing at me, laughing like I have a "kick me" sign on my back.
Scott: Look, please, don't let it get you down, ok?
Becca: What are you talking about? I mean, I am really creeped out by this. If I hadn't signed up for this potluck dinner, like, a month ago, I would never have come.
Scott: Oh, come on. I'm really glad you're here. Your soup smells great.
Becca: I have got to find out what's going on.
Scott: How?
Becca: I don't know. That guy mentioned someone named Victor. I think Victor's the key. You know what? I'm going to hunt this guy down and find out what the heck he's doing, ok? Where's Arthur? Maybe I can --
Scott: Hey, hey. Um --

Dixie: You're enjoying this, aren't you?
David: Did that really look like fun to you?
Dixie: You know, it's just like this power trip. You know the secret about Dimitri being alive, and you won't tell Alex or Erica, two women that you know love him.
David: Look, don't you think you're making more of this than it deserves? The way I remember it, Dimitri's the one that wants to keep his presence a secret.
Dixie: Oh, and you're just honoring his wishes. How generous.
David: It's not my secret to tell.
Dixie: That's never stopped you in the past.
David: Colby and Jake? That was different.
Dixie: You discovered a secret about them that could hurt a lot of people, and you used it as a weapon. What's stopping you from doing it now?
David: Maybe I learned some valuable lessons.
Dixie: Maybe.
David: Listen, I'm sorry that you're in the middle of this Dimitri mess.
Dixie: Yeah, it wasn't in the job description.
David: Would you like to quit?
Dixie: No. I'll stick it out.
David: Thanks.
Dixie: Don't thank me.
David: It'll be over soon enough.
Dixie: No, it won't. You know, you think you can control this, but it's all going to come out sooner or later.
David: No, no, I'm not going to let that happen.
Dixie: Well, you can't stop it from happening. I know. I've been in this sort of situation before, and a secret like this can ruin a relationship.
David: Well, you don't have to worry about anything on that front. Alex and I don't even have a relationship.
Dixie: I'm not talking about you and Alex. I'm talking about you and Erica.

Eliot: Hey, you were doing great there at the end.
Brooke: I'm never doing that again.
Erica: Oh, Rev. Freeman. My goodness, how nice to see you again. Brooke.
Brooke: Erica.
Erica: Rev. Freeman, if you dressed like that in church, I'm sure your congregation would be overflowing. Where do you keep your collar when you work out?

[Brooke and Eliot both laugh]

Erica: Well, it wasn't that funny.
Eliot: I'm sorry. Um --
Brooke: It's just a question that he gets a lot.
Erica: Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm here to work out, not to socialize. Jimmy, will you hold this for me? Thanks. Oh, Brooke, you might think about hitting the showers.

Brooke: I'd rather think about hitting you. I really feel in the mood to do some kickboxing. Just kidding.
Eliot: I had a good time.
Brooke: Yeah, so did I. So did I. Thank you again for spotting me.
Eliot: Remember, don't lift weights by yourself. You can get hurt.
Brooke: Oh, believe me, I'm not going to ever again.
Eliot: Good.
Brooke: All right, so, I'll be seeing you.
Eliot: Ok.
Brooke: Ok.
Eliot: Brooke?
Brooke: Hmm?
Eliot: Are you free for dinner tonight?
Brooke: Who's asking -- Eliot or Rev. Freeman?
Eliot: Both, I hope.
Brooke: What did you have in mind?
Eliot: I'm open. But I promise you that it includes Grace's outrageous red beans with rice.
Brooke: Oh. The potluck dinner at the community center.
Eliot: Right. You up for it?
Brooke: Sure, sure. Actually, I've made a double batch of my famous potato salad.
Eliot: Then I'll see you there?
Brooke: You bet.
Eliot: I'm going to go shower. Thanks again for the company.

Dixie: You know, I'm sorry, this is none of my business. Your private life is your personal hell. So I'll just make a couple of copies of these grant applications and go.
David: No, no, no, no, no. You don't just drop something like that on me and walk out of the room. What about me and Erica?
Dixie: I don't think there is a you and Erica. I mean, ok, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong, but, like, from what I saw --
David: What?
Dixie: I -- I think that it's really over between you and Erica.

Becca: Look, maybe Arthur can tell me who Victor is and tell me what he wants.
Scott: Look, Arthur's a bookie. Ok? He's total sleaze. And this Victor guy -- he probably came from the same gutter. You know, I -- I don't want you involved in this.
Becca: But I am involved. I cannot walk down the street without people staring at me, and these two guys want me to take a dive for something I know nothing about.
Scott: They probably just have some kind of a gambling scam going on. You know, wait it out. It'll blow over.
Becca: What are you saying? Are you saying that you want me to walk around being the butt of some universal joke that everyone is in on but me? No way. No one's going to have that kind of power over my life. And I'm going to find out what's going on.
Scott: Ok. Look, you're right. But I'm going to do it with you. I'm not going to let you do it alone, all right?
Becca: You will?
Scott: Yeah. Whoever's behind this is a real lowlife. And we'll make sure he pays.

Ryan: There is no one else in the world, Greenlee. Only you. I want to make love with you.

Greenlee: Hurry up, Ryan.

Ryan: He canceled? Well, what if we just postpone it until after he's out of rehab? Ok, so, you know, that sounds good. Sounds good. So I'll just tell my people that the deserted island fantasy is put off until we hear from you. Great, great. So just keep in touch, ok? Bye. Damn it! Everything was riding on this.

Greenlee: Soon, Ryan, we'll share a night we'll never forget.


Becca: "Virgin Victor." I wonder what that is.

Jack: You are one high-maintenance piece of work.

Leo: Aren't you supposed to be on some deserted island?

Greenlee: Ryan?
Greenlee: Is that you?

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