JULY 21, 2000

Jack: Looks like you might want to try these, champ.
Erica: I'm working out, Jackson.
Jack: Really? It looks like you'd like to hit somebody upside the head to me.
Erica: Will you go away?
Jack: Yeah, I will, right after you tell me why you are abusing this poor, innocent machine.
Erica: I had a difficult day at the office, all right?
Jack: Yours or Hayward's? Ah, that's it, isn't it? It's David, isn't it?
Erica: Go away.
Jack: Let me guess further -- whatever the problem is, it's not your fault. Am I right?

David: First you accuse me of getting off on some perverse power trip because I have Dimitri's secret?
Dixie: Can you deny that?
David: Now you claim that I have no relationship with the woman that I love?
Dixie: Look, you pushed me for an answer. You got it.
David: You know, Dixie, you witnessed something that really should have been a private conversation between Erica and myself. But a disagreement, regardless of how loud, does not necessarily signal the end of a relationship.
Dixie: You know what? You're right. I'm going to go make these copies, and I'll get out of your way.
David: I mean, Erica and I have had a few problems lately, ok? But couples do.
Dixie: Look, just put whatever spin on it you want. Just pay attention before it's too late.
David: You know, it's kind of funny. I mean, I thought I was hiring an administrative assistant, but actually I got a couples' therapist.
Dixie: You want to fire me, or do you want to hear what I have to say?
David: Well, something tells me you're going to say it whether I want to hear it or not.

Scott: Becca, please, look, don't let this betting scam get to you. It's probably just, I don't know, somebody's idea of a bad joke, you know?
Becca: Joke? Oh, you try being a walking punch line, ok? Who hates me so much that they would do something so radical? I've got to find out, and I've got to find out why.
Scott: How are you going to do that?
Becca: I don't know, but I will.
Scott: Well, you know I'm there for you, right?

Eliot: Make way, make way.
Opal: Oh, my goodness. Here we go. Thank you, honey.
Becca: What smells so good?
Marian: Oh, probably Opal's pineapple upside-down cake.
Becca: Wow.
Opal: No, I think it's your spaghetti and meatballs, honey.
Marian: It's Stuart's -- it's Stuart's spaghetti and meatballs. He made them every year.
Opal: I know it must be hard for you to be here without him, huh?
Marian: Well, Stuart, he loved these pot-luck events.
Opal: Yeah.
Scott: Hey. His spaghetti's become a bit of a tradition, huh?
Marian: Yeah.
Eliot: We're glad you came.
Marian: Thank you.
Eliot: Scott, can you help me outside, carry some more stuff in?
Scott: Sure, yeah.
Marian: Let's get the rest of the stuff.
Scott: I'll be right back, ok? All right.

Man: You're Becca, right?
Becca: Yeah.
Man: Some guy dropped this off for you.
Becca: Are you serious? For me?
Man: Oh, yeah.
Becca: Oh, my gosh! So beautiful. A condom? What? "Don't be a late bloomer. Don't make Victor wait. Give it up to your cyber lover before it's too late." Gross.

Ryan: Yeah, we have to cancel the chopper, too. Just tell him the project's been postponed. Indefinitely.

[Knock on door]


Ryan: I'm coming. All right?
Tad: I'm growing old in the hallway. Listen, you ready to start clawing your way up the ladder of success?
Ryan: Tad, I just got a phone call.
Tad: I don't want to hear it. I saw you first. And I'm glad I caught you before you took off because when you get back I want you to pitch Liza, ok? I've got a feeling, with the right kind of nudge, IE., a signed autograph of your mov-- rock star, excuse me, client, Liza's going to be all too happy to invest her $11 million in
Ryan: Well, what I wanted to tell you was that --
Tad: No, no, no. Don't backtrack on me, ok? She needs to be sold, so you do it. I shouldn't be telling you this, but as soon as she found out who you were setting up fantasy island for, she was hooked. Once you got the buzz, the rest is easy. Why are you staring at me like you just ate bad shellfish?
Ryan: Our star just canceled.
Tad: Huh?
Ryan: The deserted island fantasy is not going to happen. At least not for a little while.
Tad: You better be joking. That's great, that's just terrific. You know what? I'm starting to feel like I've been scammed here. What the hell are you doing? What was the other day all about? You thought you were going to just walk into my office, drop a big name, flash some figures, and I was going to beg you to take our money?
Ryan: No, Tad, no, no.
Tad: Don't be a jerk. Don't make me look like a jerk. I should have known. I just --
Ryan: Now, wait a minute, what is that supposed to mean?
Tad: What do you think it means? Think about it. You screwed over Jake. You did everything you could to ruin his marriage, so why not try to con me out of --
Ryan: Wait a second, that is so not true!
Tad: Anything you have to do to break --
Ryan: Would you just shut up and listen to me for one second?

Greenlee: "Ryan, I know you don't love me." That's too pathetic. "Ryan, I know that I've made a fool of myself chasing you, but what I feel for you is so real. If you could just, this one last time, give us a chance. You and me, here alone. No games, just our feelings. Ryan, I need you to want me as much as I want you. Please hurry."

Ryan: Why would I risk everything on such an idiotic scheme like that? I wouldn't. I've worked too hard to be that stupid.
Tad: What happened?
Ryan: The guy's manager called, and he can't make it.
Tad: Do you realize that Liza is this close to jumping all over this deal?
Ryan: The gig is not canceled, it's just postponed, and he's got a legitimate reason.
Tad: Well, don't they always.
Ryan: IncredibleDreams has still got -- it's still hot. It's still very hot.
Tad: Well, don't look now, Gilligan, but it just lost a little bit of its sizzle.
Ryan: Now, wait a second. Wait a second. Tad, you haven't lost anything. It's me. I've lost the money that I put up for this gig. I've got boxes of perishable goods in warehouses, waiting for this guy to finally make good on his request.
Tad: Well, life's a beach. Sorry it worked out this way.
Ryan: Wait a second. What about our meeting with Liza?
Tad: Liza's interest was predicated on your ability to secure A-list clients. You haven't done that. Now, don't take this personally, all right? In about a year, you get a few more dreams under your belt, you show me a solid financial statement, and then maybe we'll work together.
Ryan: Tad, this company is bigger than some superstar trying to impress his latest groupie. All right, man? This is my dream -- my dream. I've worked hard and I'm going to make this happen.
Tad: Glad to hear it. You won't need me.
Ryan: Wait a second. Tad, come on. I've been around long enough to know your past in Pine Valley.
Tad: That's an interesting negotiating tack. You sure you want to go here?
Ryan: I'm just saying that you got yourself into a decent amount of trouble back in the day and you turned your life around, and now you're running this mega corporation. All I'm asking for is a chance to do the same thing, that's it, to put my past behind me, to prove to myself -- to prove to everyone that I can do this. And let me tell you something. You do what you want. But this company is going to be big. I'm going to make sure of it.
Tad: Yeah, all right. I set up the meeting with Liza. I see no reason to cancel it. It sure as hell would have been easier to sell this iceberg if your rock star was on his way to Fantasy Island.
Ryan: Tell me about it.
Tad: All right. You be at the Valley Inn in an hour.
Ryan: I will. I will. I will. Thank you, Tad. Wait, Tad. Have you heard anything about Jake, from Jake?
Tad: No, not yet. I'm going to try to make some phone calls and see if anything has happened.
Ryan: Well, I hope you get some good news.
Tad: Me, too.

Ryan: Yes! IncredibleDreams is back in the game, baby!

Scott: Hey. What's wrong? Where'd you get that?
Becca: Oh, it's just this thing I grew -- no, it's another concerned gambler, and there was a condom attached to it. I would be scared, but I am so steamed.
Scott: This is sick.
Becca: So what are you going to do with that?
Scott: I'm going to trash it.
Becca: No, wait, that's not going to solve anything. Look, I must have really ticked somebody off.
Scott: No, look, becca, this is not your fault.
Becca: I mean, who could be so angry? And why would they be so cruel? And what a coward! I mean, if he has something to say to me, he should at least say it to my face.

Scott: What are you looking at? Whoa, what are you looking at?
Becca: Maybe -- maybe I --
Scott: Get out!
Becca: Maybe -- look, Scott. Maybe I should be scared.

Opal: Oh, my Lord, we got trouble out there, and it's the good kind.
Eliot: What's up?
Marian: Too many mouths to feed and not enough food.
Opal: Yeah, we planned for 60 people. There must be 80, close to 100 people out there milling around the buffet.
Marian: 80 Hungry people. Anyway, I called the serving spoon for reinforcements. Scott, darling, would you like to come with me and pick everything up?
Scott: Do you want to go with us?
Becca: No. No, I'm on KP. Duty.
Marian: We'll be back as soon as we can.
Opal: All right, I'll calm the masses. Tell them that there's more food on the way. Right this way, kids.

Brooke: I think this is time for the loaves and fishes routine, isn't it?
Eliot: Would you settle for crackers and tuna? Well, I guess the least I can do -- I hate to sacrifice it, but we're going to have to give them the rest of the potato salad.

Brooke: I'll see Becca about the coffee. Listen, I want to thank you. We've had such a big turnout this year, and you've done a lot of hard work. Really, we appreciate it.
Becca: Thanks.
Brooke: Are you ok?
Becca: How do you find a cyber-lover?
Brooke: Um -- a cyber-lover? Well, I guess on-line chat rooms, personal ads. Are you looking for a date?
Becca: No, I'm looking for an answer, and I don't have a lot of time. Ryan -- Ryan can help me. Will you excuse me?
Brooke: Sure. Sure.

David: All right, Dear Abby. Go ahead, enlighten me. Please, tell me. What is the key to living happily ever after?
Dixie: Look, I'm still trying to get this right myself, ok? I just would like to think that I've learned something from my mistakes.
David: Oh, ok, so this is where you show me the errors of my ways.
Dixie: I know that this is none of my business, but from what I observed, you and Erica are in trouble.
David: We love each other, Dixie.
Dixie: Well, sometimes -- I wish that was enough. Sometimes it's just not enough. What about commitment, understanding, trust?
David: We possess all of those things to varying degrees.
Dixie: You have something, but it's just not enough.
David: Well, maybe in your world it's not enough. In ours it works just fine.
Dixie: Does it? Because watching you two is like watching this big tug-of-war. It's like you just fight with each other instead of communicating.
David: You know, I think I hear a lecture coming on.
Dixie: No, I just -- listen. Listening is a good place to start.
David: Believe me, Erica makes herself heard. Loud and clear.
Dixie: Maybe you hear her, but are you listening? David all right, so what do you suggest? Hmm? Should I buy her some flowers and some candy? Whisper sweet nothings in her ear?
Dixie: I'm just saying don't close yourself off to her. How can you expect to give love if you can't accept it yourself?
David: We are committed, Dixie.
Dixie: You know, keeping clothes at somebody's place and staying over there is not commitment. It's just convenient. You guys are so busy running away from each other, trying to keep from being hurt, trying to keep from looking stupid, that it's like you're always looking f an escape route.
David: Well, there's nothing wrong with protecting yourself.
Dixie: And you're so defensive. You're just like the most defensive man I've ever met in my life. How do you expect to have a mature relationship?
David: I am not defensive.
Dixie: Oh, yeah, right.

[Pager beeps]

David: I have to go to ICU.
Dixie: All right. Well, I'm going to make these copies and I'm going to call it a day.
David: No, you're not. You're staying right here. This discussion is not over yet.

Erica: I'm not defensive!
Jack: Look, all I'm saying is it sounds like there's a communications problem.
Erica: I listen to David. It's David who refuses to listen or talk.
Jack: Aha. So it is David's fault, huh?
Erica: No, it's Vanessa's fault. Vanessa has really scarred him so badly that he's incapable of trusting anyone, especially a woman who really cares for him.
Jack: You don't have to defend David to me, but you do need to find a way to communicate. Now, I don't care if you use semaphore, smoke signals, or the sweet science, but you've got to find a way, Erica.
Erica: Well, I don't think going a few rounds is going to solve our problem.
Jack: Ah. So there is trouble in paradise.
Erica: Look, why are you so interested in my love life?
Jack: Because Blanca's coming home. And whatever problems you guys have, you better have them straightened up before she gets here.
Erica: Well, I don't think that's any of your concern.
Jack: Oh, you don't? Do you want to welcome your daughter, my niece, to a war zone?
Erica: Jack, I have every intention of showering Bianca with all the love and attention that she needs. David won't interfere with that.
Jack: Tell me something. Is David looking forward to her visit?
Erica: Actually, you know what? We haven't even had a chance to discuss that. David's been so completely overworked.
Jack: Yeah, I know he's got his private practice and the foundation, but he does find time to spend with you, now, doesn't he?
Erica: He did. He did. He just right now is putting his work first.
Jack: Look, you're both high-powered and high-profile professionals. You had to expect to share him with his career.
Erica: Share him with Alex is more like it.
Jack: With Alex? I thought they weren't even especially friendly.
Erica: Yes, so did I. It's just that lately David seems to have become secretive, and I'm sure that he's taken Alex into his confidence.
Jack: But not you. Look, do you suspect that there's anything going on between those two?
Erica: No, of course not. No, it's just that there are certain parts of David I can't reach no matter how much I love him.
Jack: Oh, yes, well, these men of mystery, sometimes they're just incapable of commitment.
Erica: No, Jack, David loves me. It's just sometimes he seems to be oblivious to the way I feel.
Jack: Have you spoken to him about this?
Erica: No, of course not. Why would I do that? I mean, he knows me well enough to know what my needs are. I'm certainly not going to beg.
Jack: What do you think he wants out of it?
Erica: You know, it's just frustrating to keep on giving and giving more and getting and getting less, that's all. What?
Jack: Erica, you're a slice of heaven, no doubt about that. But a giving lover you are not.
Erica: How can you say that? I wore that French maid's uniform for you -- twice. Now, how many women would do that?
Jack: And I could never thank you enough, but the fact remains - you spend too much time on planet Erica.
Erica: No, Jack. I have absolutely upended my life for David. I've accommodated his schedule. I've put up with his mother, I've taken in his brother. And I'm the only person in this community who stood by him when everybody else ostracized him.
Jack: Well, that's all very commendable. But let's face it, you are one high-maintenance piece of work. Don't get me wrong, Erica. You're worth every second of it. But it can be very wearing on even the strongest relationship.
Erica: So you're saying I'm the one who has to change?
Jack: I'm saying if you want this relationship to last, if you want to make it work -- this, or any relationship -- you should look to yourself first.

Eliot: Now, that was a hostile crowd.
Brooke: I'll say.
Eliot: You know, I had something a bit more leisurely in mind for our dinner tonight. Listen, let me make it up to you with a picnic out by the old quarry on Route 25?
Brooke: Oh, well, only if you like fast food.
Eliot: What do you mean?
Brooke: Well, actually, a couple of years ago, the quarry was turned into a mini-mall. How do you know about the quarry?
Eliot: I used to live in Pine Valley. You know, before, when I was younger.
Brooke: I got the impression that you were new in town. Do you have family here? Maybe I know some people.
Eliot: Are you a born-and-bred local?
Brooke: Well, close. No, I moved in with my Aunt Phoebe when I was a teenager and never left.
Eliot: Oh.
Brooke: It's just odd that we never ran into each other, you know, when we were growing up here.
Eliot: You know what? If the quarry's no longer here, there's probably a lot of other changes. How would you like to volunteer to be my tour guide for the city?

Marian: Oh, excuse me. Hi, everybody. Oh, boy. Reinforcements, and there's more in the car.
Brooke: All right, so put us to work.
Opal: Oh, thank God you're here. I'm telling you, that charade's turning into a nightmare.
Marian: All right, I'll be right in.
Brooke: All right. You got it?
Opal: Yeah.
Brooke: Ok.

Marian: Scott, are you absolutely sure you want to call this thing off?
Scott: Yes. I set up the Virgin Victor web site to frame Leo, not to hurt Becca.
Marian: But from what you told me, it just seems to be starting to work. Once she believes that Leo set up this web site, she'll never want to speak to him again. I thought that's what you wanted.
Scott: Yes, but not at the expense of Becca's feelings. Look, you didn't see the look on her face when that guy brought her the plant with a condom in it. She's a wreck. It's my fault. I have to do something.

Becca: So, I've got to find out what's going on, and all I know is that this guy Victor has some sort of web site, and --
Ryan: All right, sounds a little vague, but I'll set you up with a search engine and we'll see what we can pull up on this guy. All right.
Becca: Thank you so much.
Ryan: You're welcome. It's going to take you a while to go through everything.
Becca: I don't care. I really want to get this creep. Oh, my gosh. Why are there so many Victors? Ryan: Well, I mean, you know how to go through with them all?
Becca: Yeah.
Ryan: I wish I could help you, but I really have a big meeting. I got to go.
Becca: Oh, no, no, no, it's ok. Go get dressed. I'll handle it. Thanks, Ryan.

Leo: Becca.
Becca: What are you doing here?
Leo: I called the community center, and Brooke told me that you were here. I was hoping I could try some of your veggie soup.
Becca: Oh, it's gone.
Leo: Yeah, well, maybe you could make me a new batch. Becca, I was hoping that we could spend an evening together. You know, movie, dinner, miniature golf.
Becca: Uh-huh.
Leo: Just you, me, and the computer.
Becca: Yeah, that sounds good.

Leo: What the hell are you doing here?
Ryan: I live here.
Leo: I mean, aren't you supposed to be on some deserted island?
Ryan: Yeah, how'd you know about that?
Leo: Uh -- Greenlee mentioned something about it. She said it was hush-hush, but you know her. She's always babbling on about something.
Ryan: Oh. Yeah, well, I mean, the gig was canceled last-minute, so I guess the island's going to stay deserted for a little while.

Greenlee: Perfect. Where are you, Ryan? You should have been here by now.
Greenlee: Ryan? Is that you? Oh, my God. Aah!

Leo: You guys look busy, so I'm going to --
Ryan: No, I'm on my way out. You can hang out if you want to.
Leo: Yeah, well, um -- I've got a friend who's going to be sick, and I promised that I'd check in, so -- but thank you. Thank you very much. And, Becca, I'll call you later.

Becca: Ryan, what was that all about?
Ryan: You tell me.
Becca: I don't know. He comes in here with all these plans for the evening, and then he just takes off. What's up with that?
Ryan: I stopped trying to figure Leo out the day after I met him. How's it coming along?
Becca: Not too good. There's a gazillion Victors. There's Victor Borge, Victor Victorious, Victor Victor --
Ryan: Ok, why don't we try adding gambling into the search here? Just put -- go back -- "Victor and gambling."

Marian: Scott, you can't tell Becca that you were behind the scheme.
Scott: Well, I can't allow it to continue anymore.
Marian: Well, what are you going to say to her? That you did it for her own good? Look, you and I know you did this to protect Becca, but maybe she's not going to see it that way.
Scott: I've got to say something. She's humiliated.
Marian: None of this would be happening if Leo hadn't started it.
Scott: I agree with you, but up till now Leo was absolutely fine, and Becca -- Becca's on the verge of a meltdown. I don't even know what I'm doing. If my dad were alive he'd be absolutely ashamed of me right now.
Marian: No, he wouldn't because you're doing this to protect the woman that you love.
Scott: Well, it ends now.
Marian: What are you going to do?
Scott: I'm going to find Becca and put a stop to this.

Brooke: Marian, do you need something?
Marian: What I need, I'm afraid nobody can give me.
Brooke: Stuart.
Marian: Yeah. That's right. You know, nothing makes sense when he's not here. I mean, Scott's lost his father. He might lose the woman that he loves. Liza's miserable. Colby hasn't seen her daddy in weeks. Arlene and Adam are married and running some dump out on the highway somewhere. I mean, nothing makes sense. Everything's turned upside-down.
Brooke: Adam bought that dump out on the highway?
Marian: He and Arlene are running it.
Brooke: Are you kidding?
Marian: And Hayley's helping them.
Brooke: Hayley is working in a bar with Arlene? You're right, Marian, the world has gone mad.
Marian: She's got it in her head that if she's close to her father she can save him, but what Hayley doesn't understand, or doesn't want to admit, is that Adam can't be saved because Adam doesn't want to be saved.

Dixie: Ok. Well, yes, I will tell him that you called. Mm-hmm. Yes. Thank you very much for calling. Bye-bye. Oh. Hi. How long have you been standing there?
Tad: Long enough to watch you in action. You ok?
Dixie: Yes, I'm fine. I'm a little messy.
Tad: You've got some moves on you.
Dixie: Really?
Tad: Yeah.
Dixie: Well, I learned some of my best ones from you.
Tad: Hmm. Did I ever show you this one?
Dixie: No.
Tad: No?
Dixie: How about a nice adult dinner? You and me, some candles, and perhaps a wine list?
Tad: Paper placemats to draw on?
Dixie: We could bring our own.
Tad: I wish I could, Sweetie, I really do, but I got a meeting with Liza and Ryan.
Dixie: Oh. Well, that's ok. You go ahead, and, you know, I've got so much work I've got to do here -- I'll get a couple hours jump-start on tomorrow.
Tad: That's my worker bee. I appreciate it.
Dixie: Well --
Tad: Hey, you've got yourself a lovely family.
Dixie: Yes, we do. You're thinking about Jake, huh?
Tad: Yeah. I stopped by Dad's office on the way over to see if Adrian had called in.
Dixie: Did he? Have you heard anything?
Tad: No. The more time that goes by without finding him, the odds get worse and worse.
Dixie: Don't. Stop. Don't think about it, ok? You have to stay positive. We'll find Jake.
Tad: Not exactly my strong suit.
Dixie: I know, that's why you have me. Come on.

David: Missing the wife, huh? Well, I hope the demands of Dixie's new job aren't taking away from the famous Martins' home life.
Tad: No. Believe me, she's got it all, and she can do it all. And she's a hell of a lot more than you deserve. Love you. Check in later?
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: Ok.

Dixie: What?
David: Nice show.
Dixie: Nice show? What, do you think we staged that for you?
David: Oh, come on. Picture of domestic bliss -- the understanding wife, the adoring husband. It was a little obvious.
Dixie: God, I feel so sorry for you.

Erica: Jackson?
Jack: What? Don't hit me.
Erica: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I walked away from you. You just made me really angry.
Jack: Yeah? And now?
Erica: Now? A hot shower has put a lot of perspective on things. And I think you were right, ok? I mean, I hate to admit that, but I think I have been a little too critical, and I'm going to work hard to be more understanding of David's work.
Jack: Well, good for you.
Erica: I mean, he's a world-famous doctor, for heaven's sakes. I can't expect him just to short-change his career for me every time he turns around. I mean, he's going to have to work at this, too, obviously. I mean, I'm just as dedicated to my career as he is.
Jack: Well, of course you are. Can ask you a question? When you two are alone, you don't argue about who's the more famous, do you?
Erica: Well, now, why would we do that? It's obviously me. It's a joke.
Jack: No, it's not. But I commend you. That's good. I think now if just David would follow your lead and lighten up a little bit, everything's going to be fine.
Erica: It is. It really is, Jack. With Bianca, too, you'll see.
Jack: Good.
Erica: Thank you, Jack.
Jack: One more thing. You haven't worn that French maid's outfit for him, have you?

[Everyone at the health club hears Jackson]

Jack: That's right, a French maid's outfit.

David: You want to go to dinner, but Tad has other plans, and that's ok with you?
Dixie: Well, I'm disappointed, yeah, but Tad's having to work isn't a rejection of me. I know Erica gets upset, right? Every time you have to work, you break plans with her.
David: Well, you did witness a scene that happens occasionally.
Dixie: How do you feel when she has to break plans with you? Go away on business.
David: Well, Erica is consumed by Enchantment, her public image. I can't compete with that.
Dixie: Ah, but who says that you have to? I mean, just because she loves her work doesn't mean that she loves you any less.
David: You and Tad, you choose to do things separately. Doesn't that cause friction sometimes?
Dixie: Yes, it does. But loving each other doesn't mean that we have to spend 24/7 connected at the hip. You know, part of being involved is about being yourself, pursuing your own interests. That's kind of the deal. You know, you have to be your own person. You can't always be together all of the time.
David: I think Erica would disagree with you on that one.
Dixie: Well, probably, but look at her track record. Do you want to do a little experiment?
David: Oh, great. What does it involve -- a maze and some cheese?
Dixie: No. Next time that she has to go away on business or she has to cancel plans because of her work, just take a deep breath and be thrilled that she has such an exciting life. Tell her that, and tell her that that is what makes her the woman that you love. Just celebrate it. Throw a party. Don't resent it at all.
David: Yeah, right. If I carried on like that, Erica would be suspicious and she wouldn't go at all.
Dixie: Hmm. Well, maybe you should stick with the mouse and the cheese and the maze.
David: Maybe.
Dixie: I have to make these copies of this, I really do. I'll be back in a flash, ok?
David: All right, fine.
Dixie: Just think about it, you know? Think about what I said.

[Telephone rings]

David: Dr. Hayward here. Dimitri? Where are you? Are you all right?

Opal: Can I interest you in a little peanut butter pie?
Marian: Thank you, Opal. That's very sweet of you.
Opal: You ok?
Marian: You know, the first time Stuart asked me to go to one of these potluck dinners I said, "Oh, I don't want to go, Stuart." He said, "Oh, come on. It'll make you feel lucky." And you know, he was right. Because being with him, I was one of the luckiest women in the world.
Opal: Well, Stuart would be mighty proud of you making his spaghetti and meatballs and all, and coming here tonight.
Marian: But I didn't want to be here. You see, I'm trying to do the things that are important to Stuart so I can hold on to some of his magic -- the magic that we had.
Opal: Well, you've got some pretty powerful magic of your own, you know. And you've got lots of friends and family that love you so much.
Marian: Thank you.
Opal: Yeah. Remember that.

Scott: Marian? Has Becca come through here? I'm sorry.
Marian: I thought she was out helping with the buffet.
Scott: Opal?
Opal: No, last time I saw her was when the extra food came, I guess.
Marian: Maybe she went home.
Opal: Yeah, she did seem kind of upset, now that you mention it.
Scott: Damn, I got to go find a computer.

Becca: "Virgin Victor"? I wonder what that is.

Greenlee: Oh, my God.

David: No, no, not here. Let's meet at Wildwind, ok? Find someplace where no one will see us. We've had a few close calls already. Well, you're the one that wants to make sure that Erica doesn't find out.

Erica: Oh, my God. Alex.

David: This is not an easy secret to keep, Dimitri. I give you my word that I will do everything within my power to keep you alive.

Brooke: Hey, there.
Eliot: Hey.
Brooke: Are you still interested in that tour of Pine Valley? My Pine Valley?
Eliot: You got something in mind?
Brooke: Are you free?
Eliot: Well, everybody left here with a full belly and a smile. My work here is done.
Brooke: Well, then how would you like to accompany me on a visit to my ex-husband's new business?
Eliot: You're on.

Ryan: So just close the door on your way out. The door will lock.
Becca: Oh, my God!
Ryan: What?

Leo: So that's the story. No rock star, no helicopter, no dreams, no Ryan.
Greenlee: No life. I'm such a failure.
Leo: They were circumstances beyond your control, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I should have known something like this would happen.
Leo: Come on, I'll take you home. Let's go. The boat's just right over there.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, I can't wait. Stupid idea. If I never see this island again, it'll be too soon. Go, get a move on. The faster we get out of here, the better.
Leo: The boat --
Greenlee: Where is it? Come on, let's go. Move it!
Leo: It was just right here.
Greenlee: It's gone?


Becca: Could Leo have done this to me?

Ryan: I needed to see you alone.

Stuart: Do you still have that Adam guy's phone number?

Greenlee: What am I supposed to do out here with you all night?
[Animal growls]
Greenlee: Oh!

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