JULY 4, 2000

Greenlee: Trying to sneak a peek, Leo?
Leo: Just protecting you from the V.T.L., that's all. Visible tan line.
Greenlee: Well, if you want, I can save you the trouble and take my top off.
Leo: Greenlee, this is Pine Valley, not the south of France.
Greenlee: Afraid I'll shock the natives?
Leo: Well, some views are best appreciated in private.

Ryan: Hey! What's up?
Hayley. Hey.
Hayley: Hi!
Ryan: What's going on? How was your honeymoon?
Hayley: Oh, it was steamy.
Ryan: Was it?
Hayley: Yeah.
Ryan: Look out. Sounds like a good time to me.
Hayley: It was a good time.
Ryan: Was it?
Hayley: The down time took years off my life.
Ryan: Really?
Hayley: I needed it.
Ryan: Years that maybe your parents put on when they showed up at the wedding?
Hayley: You mean you noticed that?
Ryan: Yeah, slightly. Arlene kind of knows how to make an entrance.
Hayley: That's my mom -- lubed and crude.
Ryan: Hmm. Well, it's good to see that it's not getting you down. You look great.
Hayley: Thanks. You know, I figured it's the fourth of July and I'm declaring my independence against my parental units. Simple as that.
Ryan: Excellent.
Hayley: It's the summer of fun for me and Mateo.
Ryan: Yeah, well, it looks like you're not the only one having fun in the sun.

Greenlee: Put your hands on me. Ryan's watching.
Leo: I hope he doesn't kick sand in my face.
Greenlee: Shut up and rub, ok? If this doesn't get his attention, I'll --
Leo: What, go skinny-dipping?
Greenlee: Hmm, you wish.
Leo: Get over yourself, would you, Greenlee? The only reason I'm at this clam bake is because you said Becca would be here.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, the teen virgin's probably changing into her swimsuit right now -- a retro version with a padded foam bra and a full-length skirt.
Leo: Yeah, well, she'd better get here before Scott shows up. I want to prove that in a comparison test, nine out of 10 women preferred Leo over Chandler Lite.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, forget Becca. Act like you want me so bad you can practically taste it.

Marian: Oh, hi, Scott. I ordered some iced tea for us.
Scott: Oh, thank you. It's scorching out there.
Marian: And why aren't you at Hayley's "Wave" party?
Scott: Oh, I'm running over there just as soon as we work out our Becca strategy. So, why'd you want to meet me here and not back at the house?
Marian: Memories. Stuart and I came here together last fourth of July. He was dressed as Uncle Sam and I was the Statue of Liberty.
Scott: Yeah, I remember.
Marian: Yeah, happier days. But I guess one year as Stuart's wife is better than a lifetime with any other man. If was still here, this family wouldn't be divided like it is right now.
Scott: Yep, Adam and Liza. Everybody's hurting.
Marian: Well, I can't help that. But you are another matter now. I have been giving a lot of thought to the Becca-Scott-Leo triangle.
Scott: You know, I still don't understand what she sees in that jerk.
Marian: Darling, Leo is a bad guy. Women are often attracted to men like that.
Scott: You know, the hell of it is nothing sticks. After all the stuff that he's pulled in this town, he still walks around like he's the king of the planet. I mean, there's got to be some way to bring him down.
Marian: There is, darling, but if you don't stop behaving like a jealous fool, you're going to defeat yourself before you even begin.
Scott: Just tell me what to do.
Marian: Ok, listen to me, I want you to believe -- to believe you have the power to make Becca forget that Leo Du Pres ever existed. Ok?
Scott: Ok.

Arlene: Well, Mateo. Don't just stand there. Come and give your mother-in-law a nice, big wet one.
Mateo: I'm here to see Adam.
Arlene: My husband's not here.
Mateo: Tell him to give me a call.
Arlene: He doesn't want to see you. I'm the only one he wants or needs.
Mateo: Look, I really don't give a damn what he wants or what you want, all right? I'm here for Hayley.
Arlene: Well, that's our common bond, Mateo -- it's our love for Hayley -- and finally I'm in the position to be the mother that she's always needed.
Mateo: That's such a load, and you know it.
Arlene: I do?
Mateo: Yeah. You don't want to mother Hayley. You want to destroy her.

Tad: Well, Ms. Colby, I would say on the over all that the meeting was productive.
Liza: Well, considering the circumstances, it exceeded our expectations. Pam? Yes, could you hold all calls for me and for Mr. Martin, please? Thanks.
Tad: Thank you, Pam.
Tad: I don't know about you, Baby. I say we finessed the whole lot of them.
Liza: Oh, my gosh. We came, we saw, we kicked major butt.
Tad: Figuratively speaking. Baby, congratulations. You are definitely swimming with the big boys.
Liza: Oh, let me tell you something, you were awesome.
Tad: No.
Liza: Your presentation --
Tad: No, no.
Liza: You did not drop the ball once!
Tad: No, no, no. Wait, wait.
Liza: You were so amazing.
Tad: Come here, come here. I want to show you something. I want to show you the future of Chandler Enterprises, huh?
Liza: Hmm.
Tad: What do you think? The cover of "Financial" magazines.
Liza: Really?
Tad: Take a good look. I mean, the whole thing. We need some champagne. What do you think, huh?
Liza: Absolutely. Oh, thanks. Here. I'll hold, you pour. We held our own with the financial gurus.
Tad: Oh, are you kidding? Held our own?
Liza: Yes.
Tad: Darling, call a press conference because Adam's days as power broker are over.
Liza: Over.
Tad: Over.
Liza: Over.
Tad: As a matter of fact, you know what?
Liza: Oh, my gosh.
Tad: I think this calls for my Burt Lancaster imitation. You ever seen it?
Liza: No.

[Liza laughs]

Tad: You know what our finest moment was today?
Liza: Oh, there were so many.
Tad: No, I'm serious. It was ripping the hairy little lid off this company, exposing all its draconian personnel issues.
Liza: You know, Adam seems to keep track of current business practices, but his employees? I mean, the board wants to be loved. They don't want to be sued.
Tad: Exactly. Exactly. And that's the first thing in our favor. Think about it. Adam's always been a poster boy for the corporate takeover, right?
Liza: Well, his specialty is gobbling up the little businesses.
Tad: Right. So how do you think our investors would feel if our first order of business was to groom a new corporate image, ok? Instead of inspiring fear, we inspire loyalty, innovation, confidence.
Liza: Adam always has everybody cowering.
Tad: Uh-huh, so we'll change that, right? And in doing so, we get to breathe new life into the company and impress the money boys at the same time. We got nothing to lose. You saw their faces when we walked in there this morning.
Liza: Oh, you know what? They thought we were a couple of know-nothings that would be blowing smoke up their skirt.
Tad: Yeah, well, don't look now, but I can blow smoke with the best of them, but that was before you blew them away with all your ideas about restructuring in-house personnel.
Liza: Well, but, you know, family values creates a good work environment. You have on-site child care, you have a great retirement package, you have medical coverage, paid family leave.
Tad: Right.
Liza: You know, it makes a happy workforce.
Tad: Yeah, and it'll keep you in the black. A happy worker is a productive worker.
Liza: And loyal. Our turnover now is shameful.
Tad: Because Adam inspires fear.

Adam: Yeah, fine, fine. You join hands and form a human chain while my life's work goes down the tubes.

Liza: His decisions have always been final and irrefutable.
Tad: Well, don't look now, but the place is under new management, you know? So I say we give our employees a voice in how they can run their company and a chance to exercise that voice with something like stock options.
Liza: Wow. You know, we can show Adam that a positive work environment is infinitely more productive than his cut-throat practices.
Tad: Show Adam? Sweetie, the King is dead, baby.
Liza: Whoo!
Tad: Long live the Queen!

[Liza laughs]

Tad: With Liza Colby steering this ship, there's room at the corporate banquet table for everyone.
Liza: And thanks to you, my darling.
Tad: Why? Because we like you.

Guard: Mr. Chandler.

[Liza laughs]

Adam: Ah, Roberto.
Guard: Rosario.
Adam: Ah, yes, Rosario. Uh, como usted, Rosario?
Rosario: Well, I can't complain. I do, sir, but no one listens, not even my wife.
Adam: Yeah. Uh, am I in your chair?
Rosario: No, no. Sit, please. So what are you doing here, sir, when you have this big office?
Adam: Oh, I thought everyone in the world knew that I am no longer running Chandler Enterprises.
Rosario: That's impossible. You are Chandler Enterprises.
Adam: Not anymore.
Rosario: You're not sick?
Adam: Well, as a matter of fact, yes, I am sick. Sick and tired of trying to make this beast stand up and run on its own feet.
Rosario: You quit? Well, with all due respect, sir, this is not the Adam Chandler I know.
Adam: The Adam Chandler you knew killed his brother.
Rosario: Oh. Mr. Stuart. He was a fine man. Very kind. He used to bring me peanut brittle when he'd come to visit you. And he painted a picture of my youngest one, Estella. Divina. Helped her get an art scholarship. He is missed.
Adam: Yes, Stuart was unique. And, unlike me, quite irreplaceable.
Rosario: I have rounds to make, sir, but you stay as long as you wish. Good luck, sir.

Tad: Apology for working on the fourth of July, but we want you to know you're going to be paid golden time.
Liza: And if you can't enjoy the holiday, we're going to bring the holiday to you.
Tad: So your first order of business is to call BJ's. I want you to cater an in-house picnic for the whole company. We're talking the whole works, like hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream, ants.
Liza: Oh, balloons.
Tad: Balloons. Good idea. Really yankee-doodle-dandy-up the place and charge it to petty cash.
Pam: Wow. Working for Mr. Chandler was never like this.
Tad: This is nothing. Wait till you see what we got lined up for Labor Day.
Liza: Mm-hmm.

[Liza laughs]

Arlene: Hayley's my daughter. I would never want to hurt her.
Mateo: It's what you do best.
Arlene: That is mean and untrue.
Mateo: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be mean. Let's just talk, you and me, ok? Let's just have a nice little talk. Let's talk about the truth. Now, I realize Hayley's been this object in your life, this thing that you just push away to the side when you want to make a grab for what you actually want.
Arlene: No, I've only wanted the best for her.
Mateo: No, you want what's best for you, Arlene -- for you. And I can see it in your eyes. You're jealous of your daughter. I can see it. Because she has a heart. She knows how to love. You want that. You want to be like your daughter.
Arlene: Oh, I have never wanted --
Mateo: You have never what? You've never what?
Arlene: That is the most ridiculous --
Mateo: You've never, what, tried to steal her husband? You didn't try to ruin her career so you could be the star? No, none of that worked, did it? So what do you do, you take her dad?
Arlene: Adam and I are in love. It's from that love that Hayley was born.
Mateo: You're a one-night stand. That's it. I mean, you've come along way from that hotel room in Chicago, I realize that. You've got the money, you've got the house, but you got zero in here.
Arlene: I have everything a woman can want.
Mateo: A man who loves you? He married you to spite his family and himself. You're not his wife. You're his punishment.

[Door closes]

Adam's voice: I am marrying you for one reason -- to make my family hate me. You understand? It's like I'm putting up a sign. It says "Toxic Waste, keep away." And once I'm declared a health hazard, I'll dump you. You can have your $500,000, and I hope you drink yourself to death.

Arlene: I'm going to show you, Matt Santos. I'm going to show you and everyone.

Marian: Scott, you know that I believe that anything is possible in the name of love. Scott: Well, I love Becca.
Marian: Yeah, well, how much do you love her, though? I mean, cause in order to win her, you may have to resort to drastic measures. In order to build yourself up, you're going to have to make Leo look bad. Now, will you be able to do that?
Scott: I don't know. I mean, when I think about what my dad would do, no. But Uncle Adam wouldn't hesitate.
Marian: Well --
Scott: He'd bring that guy down without even breaking a sweat.
Marian: Well, I usually never agree with Adam's tactics, but when it comes to love, you're going to have to find out all of Leo's strengths and weaknesses.
Scott: Well, he's no scholar. But he's not an idiot, either.
Marian: Right, no, he's got the instincts of a street fighter and he's a survivor. What about Becca?
Scott: Uh -- Becca's the finest person I've ever known. She's decent, kind, and honorable.
Marian: A good, old-fashioned girl who has high expectations for herself and others, right?
Scott: Yeah.
Marian: So you're going to have to live up to them.
Scott: How?
Marian: You're going to have to sacrifice, darling. You're going to have to leave your ego and your pride at the door if you're going to want to win her. Be the better man. Play the saint to Leo's sinner and you'll not only win her love but you'll flatten the competition in one fell swoop.

Leo: I got to go, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Leo, you can't go. What if Ryan's watching?
Leo: Find yourself some other Moon Doggie. If Becca sees me wiping suntan lotion all over you, she's going to -- too late. Too late. Got to go. Hey, Becca.
Becca: Hi.
Leo: Great day, huh?
Becca: It's a bit too hot.
Leo: Wait, wait, where you going?
Becca: I was just going to get a burger.
Leo: That sounds like a great idea. Mind if I join you?
Becca: Greenlee's not done basting. She won't be done till the little thermometer pops out. Might want to go help her.

Ryan: Hey. Greenlee, how you doing?
Greenlee: Hi, Ryan. When did you get here?
Ryan: Oh, I've been here for a while. Where'd Leo go? Looked le he was having real friendly hands.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, you know, I wanted to get my suntan and you weren't here. But now you are, and Leo missed a few spots.
Ryan: Really?
Greenlee: Yes.
Ryan: Baby oil.
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: You know, putting this stuff on out here is like lying out in the sun under a magnifying glass. You know that?
Greenlee: I never burn.
Ryan: Oh. Well, 40 years or so from now, you might look like Magda from "Something About Mary."
Greenlee: No, you know what? I use Swiss skin care products and they keep my skin soft and supple.
Ryan: Really?
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: What about skin cancer?
Greenlee: Ryan, I just want to get a suntan, ok, not a scolding. And anyway, by the time I'm old enough to get skin cancer, they'll have a pill to cure it.
Ryan: A pill?
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: Well, it's your skin.

Gillian's voice: Greenlee's selfish, but she's not stupid. What if she calls your bluff and she wants you to make love to her?
Ryan: Well, I guess I just would have to close my eyes and pretend that she's you.
Gillian: You rat!
Ryan: I'm kidding. I'm kidding. You are the Princess of my dreams. And my dreams, I do this and I do this.

Greenlee: Ryan, that feels so good. You know, last night I fell asleep thinking about you.
Ryan: Really?
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: Oh, oh, oh.
Greenlee: Hey!
Ryan: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Tad: I don't know. Was well worth it, though. So this guy goes to Italy where they make the best men's shoes in the world.
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Tad: Buys himself a pair of moccasins.

[Liza chuckles]

Tad: What a shmend. Ah, this is the life. Mmm.
Liza: Oh, you know, next time we ought to have Colby here. She could have ice cream.
Tad: That's a good idea. From now on, Chandler Enterprises is child-friendly. By the way --
Liza: [British accent] cheers to that.
Tad: Listen, I want your advice on this list of Adam's pet projects that I want to cut.
Liza: [Normal voice] I think those are what he called his workhorses.
Tad: Yeah, well, put them out to pasture. I'd like to jump in the 21st century. Let's try some Internet startups. What do you think?
Liza: You know what? It doesn't have to be just us. We can call a board meeting. We can make people vote.
Tad: Good idea. Could always reinvest the dough. I've got plenty of ideas. You should've seen the list of stuff that Adam wanted to cut.
Liza: Good companies, worthwhile companies?
Tad: In the right hands. Yeah, definitely. For instance, he had this idea for a nude answering service, right?
Liza: Really?
Tad: Yeah, clothing optional.

Adam: Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! In one day, you're going to decimate what it took me years to build. 90 Days I give you. You're going to be in Chapter 11. Mark my words. Go ahead, enjoy your day in the sun because it won't last.
Arlene: Hello, boss.
Adam: What are you doing here?
Arlene: I missed my husband.
Adam: How did you find me?
Arlene: Well, the security guard. What you doing, watching trash TV?
Adam: Uh -- come on, let's go get drunk.
Arlene: No, you know what? No. You're going to wise up. Starting right now.
Adam: Arlene, get out of my way.
Arlene: No, not until you listen to reason.
Adam: What, reason? Arlene Vaughan, the voice of reason? God help us all.
Arlene: Arlene Chandler, the one who's going to help you save your company.
Adam: No, you're too late! Don't you see? Liza and that idiot Tad Martin are already dismantling Chandler Enterprises. They're going to replace it with a sort of corporate commune based on the hippy principles of love and peace and time-sharing.
Arlene: Oh, that won't happen.
Adam: I want it to happen. Don't you understand? I can't wait to hear "The Wall Street Herald" trumpet their demise. They are on a collision course with destruction. They're going to be the laughingstock of the entire industry.
Arlene: No, they won't. You won't allow it, and I'll be damned if I'm going to stand by your side and watch your ex-wife and some failed talk show host take over your company.
Adam: It's none of your business, Arlene! You don't have a vote.
Arlene: I'm your wife, your partner. You walk away from that business and you might as well kill yourself. This is your life, the reason you get up in the morning.
Adam: I'll take up tennis.
Arlene: You'd go crazy in a month. You're not an ordinary man, Adam. You invented yourself out of nothing. You built an entire world out of your own personal vision. Not like these amateurs who are playing business like a board game. You have the appetites of a hundred men and the genius of a thousand. They're not just dismantling your business. They're dismantling you, dream by dream. Without you, there is no Chandler Enterprises.

Tad: Our first order of business should be redoing our communications system.
Liza: You know what I think we should do? Implement a wireless system. Globally connect all of our affiliates all across the world.
Tad: It's a great idea, but it's going to be expensive.
Liza: You have to spend money to make money.
Tad: Ok. Let's get the bank on the horn.
Liza: Ok.

Arlene: You can be a sleeping giant or you can rise up and grind those fools to the ground. You can do anything you want. You're Adam Chandler.

Greenlee: Hey, you hungry?
Ryan: Not yet.
Greenlee: Well, I'm starving. Come with me. Let's check out the food.
Ryan: All right.

Hayley: Gillian, hi.
Gillian: Hayley!
Hayley: How you doing?
Gillian: Welcome back. How was your honeymoon?
Hayley: Oh, it was total bliss to the ninth power.
Gillian: Oh. So what's going on here?
Hayley: Oh, "Wave's" fourth of July bash -- first annual.
Gillian: Oh, I'm sorry. Is this like a private party? I had no idea.
Hayley: Oh, well, I just assumed that someone invited you.
Gillian: No, no, I just finished my shift at the hospital and didn't have any plans, and it's such a gorgeous day, so --
Hayley: Well, good, I'm glad you're here. Come on, let's go get our feet wet. Let's go.

Scott: Becca.
Becca: Oh. You're late. Where have you been?
Scott: Thinking.
Becca: Is everything ok?
Scott: Yeah. But I've made some decisions, and it involves you.
Becca: Ok.
Scott: You told me you're not ready to make a commitment yet.
Becca: That hasn't changed.
Scott: And you told me you have feelings for Leo that you haven't explored.
Becca: Look, Scott, I don't know what yet.
Scott: Well, that's up to you. But I've made my decision. I'm going to stop pressuring you and just stand back. I'm going to give you a little space to -- to figure out how you feel about me and Leo.
Becca: Really?
Scott: Yeah. And if you do decide that you want to be with Leo, I won't like it, but I'll respect it. Because, Becca, I'll always love you. But more importantly, I want you to be happy, and if that means having Leo in your life, then he should be there.
Becca: Scott, I -- I don't know what to say.
Scott: Then don't say anything. Look, I hope that in the end you decide that the two of us have a shot at a future together. That's a place you've got to get to by yourself. So --
Scott: Take care.

Leo: What's up with Chandler?
Becca: I have no idea.
Leo: Good. So we can talk about me and Greenlee.
Becca: Leo, do whatever you want. You always do.
Leo: Would it help you to know that I've been living a lie?
Becca: So what else is new?
Leo: Becca, there is nothing going on between me and Ms. Smythe. She got down on her knees and --
Becca: Look, I don't want to hear about that, ok?
Leo: And she begged me -- she begged me to help her get Ryan by making him jealous. I have no designs on Greenlee.
Becca: Oh, it's the sun. Good, it's not real. It's just a mirage.
Leo: Look, I know that you hate anything backhanded, but it's for a good cause. She's been psycho over Ryan lately. I just -- can I help it if I'm a fool for love? Well, I admitted that I've been running a scam. Don't I get any points for honesty?
Becca: Leo, you're impossible.
Leo: No, you see, that's where you're wrong, Becca, because I am the most possible guy you've ever met.

Ryan: Hey. I, uh -- ahem -- I know you saw me kiss Greenlee at S.O.S. on the cheek, and I just wanted to explain about that.
Gillian: It's fine, really. You don't have to -- I know you have to pretend so that she won't suspect anything between us. But I hate it.
Ryan: So do I. So do I. But until Jake gets back and you tell him the truth, we have to do it. We have no other choice. But I just want you to know that there is nobody else that I love.
Gillian: I love you, too.

Hayley: I'll get it! Hey, Rye.
Ryan: Yeah?
Hayley: Two words -- be careful.
Ryan: What?
Hayley: You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Marian's voice: Ah, Ryan!
Ryan's voice: You here for the toga party?
Marian: Give us your tequila and pour!
Ryan: Whoo-hoo! You've come to the right place.
Stuart: You want some money?
Marian: Oh, no, darling. Uncle Sam's not supposed to give money away.
Stuart: Who says?
Marian: Well, because he's a symbol of power and prestige.
Stuart: Well, then why can't he give money away?
Ryan: A kinder, gentler Uncle Sam.
Marian: A sweeter, adorable Uncle Sam who needs a tequila. I'll go get one.
Ryan: You sure?
Marian: Sure! You just stay put. I'll be right back.

Marian: Waiter, darling? Could you please take this away and bring me a tequila? Thank you.

Hayley: Heads up. So are you telling me as far as you and the Princess are concerned, it's still the same old, same old story?
Ryan: I got it under control, Hayley, I do.
Hayley: For how long? Look, I just don't like seeing two people I care for skating so close to the danger zone, that's all. You take care.

Becca: You know what, Leo? I think I'm starting to understand your twisted mind.
Leo: Yeah? Scary stuff, huh?
Becca: I'm not afraid of you.
Leo: You should be.
Becca: Maybe you should be afraid of me.
Leo: Now, that is a thought that I'd like to explore.
Becca: Wait, where we going?

Greenlee: Sorry, Princess. It's time for you to take a fall. I'll get it, I'll get it!

[Greenlee falls flat on her face in the sand]

Woman: Are you ok?

Arlene: You can change your life in an instant if you want it badly enough. What's your pleasure, Adam?
Adam: I want my life back. And I'm going to take it.
Adam: Are you with me?
Arlene: All the way.

Scott: You said to go for honorable, right? Well, what I said to her just bounced right off her head. She hooked up with Leo the moment my back was turned.
Marian: Darling, don't get discouraged. We're just laying the groundwork here. Now, listen, while Becca is exploring her feelings for Leo, we are going to be digging into his past.
Scott: Looking for what?
Marian: Ammunition, darling. I mean, your Uncle Adam wrote the book on playing dirty. So we need some --
Scott: Dirt?
Marian: Yes. Exactly.
Scott: My dad wouldn't like this.
Marian: Your father was a saint. But Leo Du Pres has a lesson to learn here. He set me up with Paolo. I'm sure Adam told him all about my life before Stuart and he just used my past indiscretion against me. But I'm sure he's got a lot of skeletons in his past that we are going to dig up.
Scott: So we get a shovel and start digging, huh?
Marian: That's right, exactly. And when you find out something, make sure Becca knows about it, but in a roundabout way. You cannot be the bearer of bad tidings. It would defeat your purpose.
Scott: Then what?
Marian: Then she'll find out what kind of scoundrel Leo is. She'll dump him before she gets hurt.
Scott: And where do I come in?
Marian: Darling one, I can lead you to Becca's threshold, but what you do after you cross it is up to you. Now, listen to me -- who in Pine Valley would know anything about Leo's past?
Scott: Well, Greenlee Smythe is the only friend he has as far as I know.
Marian: Well, there you are, my darling. Greenlee Smythe is your ticket to Becca.

Greenlee: I'm just going to go wash off.
Man: Ouch.

Ryan: Kind of wish everybody would disappear like that so we could be alone.
Gillian: Did you ever see that movie "From Here to Eternity"? It's about a man and a woman making love on the beach, with the waves crashing all around them.
Ryan: From here to eternity. That's us.

Mateo: Your mom's a piece of work, you know that?
Hayley: What'd she do, hit on you?
Mateo: Oh, just a couple times. No, I cut her off after the first attempt.
Hayley: Hmm, my hero. And tell the folks at home, what's your secret?
Mateo: No, I just stuck a mirror in her face and I made her look at the ugly truth.
Hayley: Hmm. I wonder how long it'll be before she sucks my father dry.
Mateo: That marriage is bound to self-destruction at any moment. Don't worry about it.
Hayley: Gee, and they said it wouldn't last.
Mateo: Not like us. We're going to keep on going and going and going until we run out of gas. And that's not going to be for a long time.

Tad: You know, don't quote me on this, but I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for talking me into this gig.
Liza: Talking you into this? You were born for this.
Tad: Well, nonetheless, you didn't tell me how much fun it was going to be.
Liza: You having fun?
Tad: Liza Colby, I am having the time of my life.
Liza: Aw. Oh, how European.
Tad: See you later.
Liza: I'll see you later.
Tad: See you tomorrow.
Liza: Ok.

Arlene: Want a drink, Sweetie?
Adam: No, no, I don't need one.
Arlene: So, when you going to do it?
Adam: Right now.
Adam: Yeah, it's Adam. I want to call an emergency board meeting. No, now, tonight. Yes, inform everybody except Tad Martin and my ex-wife. No I'll handle them.


David: Didn't he tell you? Tad and Liza announced that they're going to be running Chandler Enterprises together.

Adrian: Don't move. We got company. Gillian just arrived. She's at your 11:00.

Edmund: Alex, you are still in grave danger. It's your mother.

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