JULY 5, 2000

Dixie: Oh.
David: Hey.
Dixie: Hi. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to barge in. I just dropped Junior off at camp, and Tad isn't home, so I thought I'd get a jump-start on tomorrow and drop off some of my stuff, if that's ok.
David: Oh, yeah, yeah.
Dixie: I'm just going to sit this here for a second, ok?
David: Sure.
Dixie: Hold on. Wait.
David: You don't have a moving truck backed up out there, do you?
Dixie: No, I don't. I just feel more confident having some of my things around me, you know.
David: Uh-huh.
Dixie: So where's my desk?
David: Oh, yeah. Well, that would be outside. Right outside the door.
Dixie: Oh. Ok. I can see you've put a lot of thought into that.
David: I would have, but I've been very swamped.
Dixie: Hmm. That's ok. That's no problem. You know, can I use your phone for a second? I just want to call Tad and see if he got home.
David: Sure. No problem. Just dial nine for an outside line.
Dixie: Oh, thanks.
David: So I guess you two are going to be out celebrating tonight, huh?
Dixie: Celebrating for -- oh, the kids. The kids went away to camp and -- that's right -- and we have the house to ourselves, yes.
David: No, I meant Tad's new appointment. Certainly that calls for a nice bottle of champagne.
Dixie: Wait, what calls for a bottle of champagne?
David: Didn't he tell you?
Dixie: Tell me what?
David: Well, it's been all over the news. There was a huge press conference. Tad and Liza announced that they're going to be running Chandler Enterprises together.

Tad: All I can say, Madeline, is wait till accounting gets a load of what I got for them. Yeah, all the way from Chatham to Pine Valley. I owe you one. Thanks. Oh, you're right. I guess a CEO's work is never done. You just hold down the fort there, ok? Say hi to alike. Bye. Ok. Bye-bye.

Tad's voice: I don't know about you, baby, but I say we finessed the whole lot of them.
Liza: Oh, my gosh, we came, we saw, we kicked some major butt.
Tad: Figuratively speaking. Baby, congratulations. You are definitely swimming with the big boys.
Liza: Oh, let me tell you something, you were awesome.
Tad: No.
Liza: Your presentation --
Tad: No, no.
Liza: You did not drop the ball once!
Tad: Wait, wait.
Liza: So amazing.

Tad: Well, Thaddeus, I guess all I can say is some are born to greatness, others just sort of slide right in.
Joe: If only I had a camera.
Tad: Hey, Pop.

Alex's voice: My name is Anna Devane. I began my career as a double agent for the D.V.X. My specialty was setting and defusing explosives.
Alex: My specialty was explosives.
Charlotte's voice: You mustn't listen to Edmund. He doesn't know what's best for you and he can't be trusted. It's time to utilize your training. It's time to get on with your life.
Alex: I have a mission.

> Edmund: Alex.
Alex: Ow. Oh.
Edmund: Let me see. You all right?
Alex: No, it's nothing.
Edmund: Let me see.
Alex: It's nothing.
Edmund: You're bleeding.
Alex: I'm a doctor. I can do this.
Edmund: Fine, let me wrap it.
Alex: Please.
Edmund: Would you just quit being so stubborn? Let me look at it. Come on.
Alex: No.
Edmund: Oh, baby. Ok, there. Alex? Look at me. Don't shut me out. Do you know that I love you? Do you know I'll always love you, no matter what you break, forever and ever?

Adrian: Hey, Dimitri. How you feeling?
Dimitri: Feeling fine, except for sweating like hell in this cap and coat. So, did you get in touch with Charlotte?
Adrian: Yeah. I told her I was interested in joining her organization.
Dimitri: Did she bite?
Adrian: She said she'd be in touch.
Dimitri: Oh, great. I wish there was more I could do. I just can't take a chance on being seen.
Adrian: There is, actually.
Dimitri: What?
Adrian: I left a laptop at the Wildwind tack room. I need you to go there and get on the Internet. Get into the system at General Hospital. I need to dig up Anna Devane's medical records -- blood type, anything you can find.
Dimitri: Whoa, whoa, whoa. To see if Anna Devane's matches Alex's?
Adrian: Yeah.
Dimitri: That's excellent, excellent. I'll take care of it right away.
Adrian: Listen, I -- I think Edmund is right. I think you should tell Alex you're alive.
Dimitri: Adrian, do not go there.
Adrian: Come on, Dimitri. You want to be more involved, right? You can't do that if you're a ghost. Don't move. We got company. Gillian just arrived. She's at your 11:00.
Dimitri: Keep her occupied while I get out of here.
Adrian: I will.
Dimitri: Just shake your head no.

Adrian: Hey, Gillian.
Gillian: Hey, Adrian. Thought I'd have the beach all to myself. Who was that man you were just talking to?
Adrian: Oh, that guy? Just somebody I met at the shelter. Pretty sad story. So what are you doing here?
Gillian: Oh, well, you know, it's such a beautiful night. I thought I'd breathe the air, feel the breeze.
Adrian: Hmm.
Adrian: Well, enjoy your solitude.
Gillian: Thanks. Bye.

Ryan and Gillian: What are you doing here?
Gillian: Ok, you first.
Ryan: Well, it was just such a beautiful night, and since I couldn't spend it with you, I thought I'd come here and, you know, just --
Gillian: Look at the moonlight on the water? Dream of a time when we can tell the whole world how we feel? Adrian thinks we're horrible.
Ryan: Yeah, well, he just doesn't understand, does he? He's very loyal to the Martin family. I mean, him and Jake are kind of family. Hey, listen, you want me to leave you here alone? I mean, you were here first.

Joe: So, how's the view from the top?
Tad: Oh, it's pretty spectacular.
Joe: You're front-page news.
Tad: I know. Literally. It's quite a kick in the head. "Former talk show host declares end of business as usual at Chandler Enterprises."
Joe: I never would've imagined you'd be in a place like this.
Tad: Yeah, wasn't exactly on the top of my to-do list, you know -- become a mogul by lunchtime.
Joe: So what made you take it on?
Tad: I -- I guess it all came down to Stuart.
Joe: You're still not blaming yourself for his death?
Tad: Whether or not I'm responsible, I just feel the need to redeem myself.
Joe: You don't need to redeem yourself.
Tad: Yes, I do. Two night ago, after Liza offered me the position, I just couldn't stop thinking about all the amazing things that I can do with these kind of resources at my disposal.
Joe: Well, you know, Chandler Enterprises has always been about profits.
Tad: Oh, but that's because Chandler Enterprises was always run by Adam Chandler. Think about it. I don't need his name on a check anymore. Think about what I can do for the hospital, for the university, for arts programs now that I'm the one sitting in this seat.
Joe: Well, I can't imagine a better way for you to honor Stuart.
Tad: I want you to be proud of me, too.
Joe: Oh, Tad, I am proud of you. Your mother's proud of you. You certainly don't need a private jet for that.
Tad: I know, I know, but I want you to be proud of my accomplishments just for once. Dad, I want to take all of the principles that you struggled to teach me and apply them on the biggest scale imaginable.
Joe: I don't think I've ever seen you more excited about a project.
Tad: Dad, that's why I'm doing this -- because I promised myself that I would at least try to make some kind of a difference
. Joe: I'm sure you will make a difference. Just make sure you don't forget what's most important -- the promises you made to your wife.

Edmund: Come here. Just one there. Hold still. And there. And all of a sudden, you are --
Alex: All better.
Edmund: Good as new. Alex?
Alex: Hmm?

Charlotte's voice: I know your potential, and I will reawaken you, Anna.
Alex's voice: I don't understand.
Charlotte's voice: Do what I say and it will all become clear to you. Go to the hospital today, wait for me, and say nothing about these thoughts to Edmund. Nothing.

Edmund: There's that look again. Seems like everything I say either sets you off or confuses you.
Alex: I'm not confused.
Edmund: Ok. That was the wrong word. But you haven't been the same since your mother came to visit.
Alex: You leave my mother out of this. She just wants me to --
Edmund: To what? Tell me.
Alex: She just wants me to -- to be happy.
Edmund: Ok. That's what I want, too -- for us to be happy. All right? Alex, I know you. Believe me, I know who you are.
Alex: You don't know who I am. I don't even know who I am.
Edmund: Ok, ok. Forget about your name right now, ok? Forget about your name, forget about what happened in the present. Just know that we're going to get the answers, ok? We're going to get all the answers, I promise you. I just want you to do one thing for me, ok? I just want you to tell me how you feel right now with me.
Alex: I feel safe and loved.
Edmund: You are loved. And I'm going to make sure you're safe.
Alex: Oh, I'm sorry that I'm so touchy. I didn't sleep all night. I had all these awful dreams. I just need --
Edmund: What do you need?
Alex: I need -- I need coffee. I need a double espresso is what I need.
Edmund: Double espresso coming up.
Alex: I'm nearly finished here. Why don't you come back to my office and we can talk.
Edmund: All right. I'll be back faster than you can say mochaccino, vente con skim whipped, half-half.

Alex: I'm not losing my mind. Edmund loves me and I love him.

David: Well, I'm sorry, Dixie. I just assumed that Tad would've given you the news. I didn't mean to rattle you.
Dixie: No, I'm -- I'm just surprised. Maybe. When Tad told me about this opportunity before, he seemed determined not to take it, so --
David: You didn't want him to take the position?
Dixie: I don't tell Tad how to run his life. He told me about the job and I voiced my concerns, I shared them with him. But, you know, it was always his decision to make.
David: And you're ok with this?
Dixie: I'm fine. I'm fine. Of course I am. We have an adult relationship.
David: Hmm.
Dixie: So, I'll see you tomorrow, right?
David: Sure.
Dixie: Ok. Bye. Take care of my plant, ok? Don't kill it.
David: I'll try not to.
Dixie: Thanks.

David: Yes?
Charlotte: Dr. Hayward?
David: Yes?
Charlotte: I'm Charlotte Devane, Alexandra's mother.
David: Oh, yes, of course. I've heard a lot about you.
Charlotte: And I, you. I'm supped to meet my daughter here. Do you know where she is?
David: Well, I can't be for certain, but I think she may be down at the lab. Just follow the corridor straight down through the double doors and to your right.
Charlotte: Thank you. I'm sure we'll speak again.

Charlotte: Alexandra's in the laboratory. Yes, I'll bring her outside and you be ready to move in quickly.

Alex: Oh, I thought we said we'd meet back in my office. I'm nicely done.
Charlotte: We did. Dr. Hayward told me I might find you here. Are you ready?
Alex: For what?
Charlotte: The cinema. Oh, I've been looking forward to this all day.
Alex: Oh, I don't remember. Did we say we'd go to the movies?
Charlotte: We talked about the relative appeal of Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe at great length. We agreed it would help you to forget all your problems.
Alex: Is it ok? I don't feel up to it tonight.
Charlotte: Of course, darling. You're entitled after all you've been through. I just want to help you get on with your life.
Alex: What?
Charlotte: Remember what we spoke about? You're on a mission, Alexandra.
Alex: I have this terrible headache. I need to go home, I think.
Charlotte: Of course. Whatever you want. I'll take you home. Come with me.

Gillian: What was that? Did you hear that?
Ryan: No.
Gillian: Oh.
Ryan: Hey, it's ok. I love being with you. It feels so right when we're together.
Gillian: I know. Why do I feel so guilty?
Ryan: Well, you won't once you talk to Jake.
Gillian: Ryan, how am I going to ask him for the divorce?
Ryan: Oh. Just tell him that you made a mistake. Tell him that I made a mistake, a horrible mistake by letting you go.
Gillian: I just wish I didn't have to hurt anyone.
Ryan: I know. Me, too. But we both know that protecting other people isn't going to get us anywhere. And I have been apart from you for far too long. And I'm never going to let it happen again.

Tad: I haven't forgotten the promises I made to Dixie. Dixie could've demanded that I turn down this job and I would have. I would have passed on it. But she didn't. She left it up to me.
Joe: You're taking on an enormous responsibility. I hope you both realize that.
Tad: We do. Dad, Dixie trusts me. She believes in me.
Joe: That's good because you're going to need her support.
Tad: I know that. Look, I'm not going to screw this up. Dixie means the world to me. She's my life. That's precisely why I've got to accomplish something. I want to make her as proud of me as I am of her.
Dixie: Well, that should be easy because I already am.
Joe: Well, I -- I think maybe I'll be on my way. I promised your mom I'd pick up some groceries on the way home.
Tad: Yeah, I'll bet. Thanks for checking up on me, Pop.
Joe: Good luck, Son.
Dixie: Night, Joe.
Joe: Night, Dixie.

Tad: Surprise! Guess what -- I kind of took the job at Chandler Enterprises.
Dixie: I heard.
Tad: All right. Ok. All kidding aside, I apologize. I tried to get in touch with you -- I really did -- and I couldn't, ok? And I really thought about everything that you said.
Dixie: I know you did, Tad.
Tad: I really, really thought about it. I took it to heart. I know how badly I went overboard trying to get even with Adam, and that's why I can't forgive myself for what happened to Stuart. But I at least have a chance to right some of my wrongs if I'm sitting in this office.
Dixie: Ok.
Tad: Which is -- I just want to say this to you because I never want you to have a moment's doubt, because hurting you was the biggest mistake I ever made in my entire life. And I swear to you, what happened between me and Liza is never going to happen again.
Dixie: Well, it better not. I hope what we have between us is more special and more important than anything or anyone.
Tad: It is. It is, sweetie. You are the world to me. You and the boys are everything that means anything to me. As a matter of fact, that's why if I start to get carried away with this, you have my permission to remind me that it's only for a couple of months.
Dixie: Even if you're in the middle of a big, important board meeting?
Tad: Even if. Get the hook, yank me out.
Dixie: I just hope it all works out the way you picture it, Tad. I really do. Ok?

Edmund: Hello, David. Alex back yet?
David: Haven't seen her.
Edmund: Hmm. She told me to meet her here.
David: Well, maybe she got held up by her mother.
Edmund: What are you talking about?
David: Her mother was here looking for her.
Edmund: Charlotte? Where did she go?
David: I told her that she might find her at the lab.

Charlotte: It'll be like old times when you were at school. How you used to love coming to the country, catch your breath again without all those pressures. Remember how peaceful it made you feel? Well, you're going to feel like that again. I promise you.
Edmund: Take your hands off her, now!
Charlotte: What are you doing, Edmund?
Alex: I feel tired. Mother was taking me home.
Edmund: I will take her home.
Charlotte: This is a side of you that I haven't seen before. You're becoming very possessive.
Edmund: Why did you come here to the hospital?
Charlotte: We had agreed to go to the cinema. But when Alexandra said she wasn't feeling well --
Edmund: I will take her home.
Charlotte: Edmund, I came all the way from England to be with my daughter. Are you going to begrudge me a little time with her alone?
Alex: She's really worried about me.
Edmund: There's nothing to worry about as long as I'm with you. And I am not leaving.
Charlotte: Well, then there's nothing more to talk about, is there? I'll see you both at home.

Charlotte: Meet me in the tack room at Wildwind immediately.

Alex: She seemed really upset. I think I should go.
Edmund: Honey, look at me, look at me. I need you to pay attention to what I'm saying. I need you to focus on me.
Alex: Why are you behaving like this?
Edmund: I didn't want to tell you this, I swear to you, but you have to know the truth.
Alex: About what?
Edmund: Alex, you are still in grave danger.
Alex: From whom?
Edmund: From the people who stole your mind, who stole your life. They're closer than we imagined.
Alex: What, they're here?
Edmund: Yeah, they're here. They're here and they want to reclaim you. And you have to know what you're up against.
Alex: Well, tell me.
Edmund: Listen to me -- it's your mother. Your mother is the head of the organization.
Alex: What? My mother? Oh, don't be ridiculous.
Edmund: I'm not ridiculous. I know what it sounds like. But I swear to you on the lives of my children.
Alex: Why are you doing this?
Edmund: Alex, look at me. You know that I love you. And I swear to you, why on God's earth would I be telling you this to hurt you if it weren't true?

Dimitri: All right, there it is. General Hospital, Port Charles, New York. Now, let's see if I can access the records department.

Dixie: So, this is the grand corporate throne room, huh?
Tad: Yep. I don't want to brag. It's kind of impressive, isn't it? Huh? Huh?
Dixie: [Southern accent] I just can't believe that Tad, the great tycoon, sits right here in this fine Corinthian leather chair -- and barks his orders right into this very old phone.
Tad: Mine, mine, mine, mine. All mine. Daddy love foggy, foggy love Daddy. Actually, it's half mine. Hey, just for a kick, you want to see me devalue the Deutsche Mark?
Dixie: [Normal voice] You can do that?
Tad: I can certainly try. All it takes is one phone call. You know what they say about power, don't you?
Dixie: It goes right to your head?
Tad: That, too. But I was talking about it being the ultimate aphrodisiac.
Dixie: Oh.
Tad: Hmm.
Dixie: Hmm.
Tad: Care to, uh, test the theory?
Dixie: Come to Mama, you big, powerful CEO
Tad: Oh, all right. Come here, come here, come here. Excellent, excellent.
Dixie: Oh, you're fitting me into schedule?
Tad: Got you. Come here. Yes, yes.
Dixie: No, stop!
Pam: Oh, oh, goodness. I'm so sorry, Mr. Martin.
Tad: Oh, no --
Pam: I had no idea that --
Tad: No, Pam, Pam, Pam, it's my wife. Seriously, this is my wife. It's ok. Don't worry.
Pam: Oh, Mrs. Martin. Please excuse me.
Dixie: Yes. That was embarrassing.
Tad: Excellent. Excellent. Care to take this somewhere more private?
Dixie: Yes, perhaps we should.
Tad: Yes, I think we should. As I was saying, mine, mine, mine. Mine, mine, mine. All mine. Mine.

Ryan: Know what my dream is?
Gillian: You mean this wasn't it?
Ryan: All right, you know what my -- I guess, my fantasy is?
Gillian: What?
Ryan: To be walking on the street with you, holding hands, waving to people we know. Stop and buy you a rose and give you a kiss in broad daylight.
Gillian: No more hiding, no more pretending.
Ryan: No more guilt.
Gillian: Do you think that'll ever happen, Ryan?
Ryan: I know it'll happen, Princess. It's going to happen real soon.
Ryan: You know, as much as we hate sneaking around like this, someday we might look back on it and kind of find it exciting.
Gillian: Exciting?
Ryan: Yeah, you know, sneaking kisses, forbidden love
. Gillian: It doesn't turn me on.
Ryan: Not even just a tiny, little bit?
Gillian: No. No, I want to tell the whole world how much I love you, that I never stopped loving you. But I have to tell Jake first, and I will.
Ryan: Well, I respect your bravery.
Gillian: It's not bravery, Ryan. It's just that at least he needs to hear it from my mouth.
Ryan: Hmm. Your mouth.
Gillian: Hmm.

[Car door closes]

Gillian: What is that?
Ryan: What? What?
Gillian: That's a car. Go hide, hide.

Dixie: Oh, Tad, look at the moon. Look.
Tad: Well. It's obviously not as secluded as we thought it would be.
Dixie: Gillian, hey, what's going on? What are you doing here?
Gillian: Uh -- wow, what are you guys doing here? I didn't expect to see anybody here.
Tad: Ditto. I didn't see your car in the parking lot.
Gillian: Oh, it's because I parked it down the road.
Dixie: So what are you doing here? Oh. Are you -- are you sitting here thinking about Jake?
Gillian: You caught me.
Dixie: Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. You must miss him so much.
Gillian: You know what? Don't worry about me. You guys enjoy the beach.
Dixie: Oh, you know, a woman shouldn't be out here all by herself. You know, anybody could walk by.
Gillian: Oh, Dixie, no, I'll be fine.
Dixie: No, it's late. Don't be silly.
Gillian: No, I don't want to spoil your evening, really.
Tad: No, no, we insist. Come on, we'll get plenty of moonlight walking you back to your car.
Dixie: Yeah, come on. We don't want you to be alone.

Edmund: Believe me, Alex, I would give anything to change things. But you are in grave danger and you need to face certain facts.
Alex: What precisely are these facts?
Edmund: Ok. Here we go. Your mother is the head of a powerful anarchist organization that was based in Bryn Wydd. You were brought there by her and trained for some covert mission.
Alex: Ah. Ok. My mother's a terrorist. And Eugenia -- what is she, a serial killer?
Edmund: I'm not kidding, Alex. It's the truth. Everything that has happened to you is because of your mother.
Alex: Prove it.
Edmund: I can't. I don't have any documents. But I swear to you, the person that told me -- I trust him with my life.
Alex: Well, who is it? Who told you this about my mother? Was it Adrian?
Edmund: No, listen, I know -- I know how this sounds, but I need you to trust me.
Alex: How can I when what you're saying is completely untrue?
Edmund: Alex, listen to me, a year ago if I had told you that you spoke fluent Russian and you could take down a gunman with your bare hands, what would you say? Would you believe that? No! It doesn't seem possible, but it's true.

David: Alex, are you all right? What's going on?

Dimitri: Let's see if this will get me into the records.

[Telephone rings]

Dimitri: Yeah?
Adrian: It's Adrian. Where are you?
Dimitri: In the tack room.
Adrian: All right, listen, Charlotte's on her way over there. She'll be there any second, so get out of there right now.
Dimitri: Right.

Gillian: Ryan.
Ryan: Hey. You came back.
Gillian: I had to.
Ryan: Where are Tad and Dixie?
Gillian: Oh, they -- they walked me to my car. And then I pretended to drive off, but I made a U-turn over the bridge and I came back.
Ryan: I wasn't sure if you'd be able to sneak back, but I waited here just in case.
Gillian: I have to tell you something.
Ryan: What? What is it?
Gillian: I think Tad is suspicious. All the way to the car, he kept looking at me funny.
Ryan: What do you mean? What did he say?
Gillian: Nothing, but it was like he didn't believe that I was here by myself.
Ryan: Well, he didn't see me. I'm sure he didn't see me. Are you sure you're not, you know, just imagining this?
Gillian: No. No. He definitely thinks that something's going on.
Ryan: Well, then we're just going to have to be more careful.
Gillian: Ryan, see, it's really dangerous because Adrian already knows about us and I'm not sure that he's going to keep it a secret, and I'm positive that tad won't keep it a secret -- not after everything that happened with Colby.
Ryan: No. Tad will definitely not keep it a secret.
Gillian: No, no, he'd be on the first plane over to Chechnya to tell Jake himself.
Ryan: So, what are you saying?
Gillian: We have to stop seeing each other.
Ryan: What? No.
Gillian: Ryan, I know, I know, but we don't have a choice here. It's dangerous. And if Jake finds out, you know, after everything he's been through --
Ryan: I know, but not to see each other at all?
Gillian, how am I going to -- how am I going to handle that?
Gillian: I don't know, but we have to try.
Ryan: Well, we'll be more careful. We'll see each other a little less often. Give me something, here, Princess, come on.
Gillian: Ryan, no, it is dangerous. I have to ask Jake for a divorce first.
Ryan: Is this what you want?
Gillian: No. No, it's not what I want, but we have no choice. We have to do this for now

Edmund: David, this is a family matter. It doesn't concern you.
David: Alex, you sure you're all right?
Alex: No, I'm fine. It's a private conversation, if you don't mind.
David: Well, it's obvious the two of you are involved in something pretty serious. If you would like my assistance in any way, I'd be more --
Edmund: I will ask you, I promise you. Thank you.
David: Fine. Actually, Edmund, I'd like to know why you used my name and told Alex that it was urgent for her to report to the hospital. Well, I guess we can discuss that at another time.

Edmund: He's right. I lied to you to get you out of the house because I thought your mom was going to abduct you. Listen, I don't know what she's doing to you, but I think she's controlling your brain by hypnosis or autosuggestion.
Alex: My mother, hypnotize-- what? How can you say that?
Edmund: Because she is not the woman you think she is. Alex, please, I need you to trust me.
Alex: Do you know what you're asking of me?
Edmund: Yes. And I don't know how to convince you and I don't have time to try.
Alex, I think -- I think she wants to abduct you again.
Alex: How can I believe any of this?
Edmund: Just listen to your heart. Alex, I love you. I swear to you, I'm begging you, please, listen to what I'm saying and give me a chance to prove it. Please? You have to.

Adrian: You wanted to see me?
Charlotte: Mr. Sword, you're prompt. That's a quality I admire.
Adrian: So have you considered my offer?
Charlotte: A man of your training and skills we could definitely use.
Adrian: Good. When do I start?
Charlotte: Not so fast, Mr. Sword. First, you must pass a test.
Adrian: A test? I'm sure you've examined my records with the ENCY. What more can I prove?
Charlotte: Well, your accomplishments as a field operative are quite impressive, but I must insist. Think of it as an initiation.
Adrian: Ok.
Charlotte: Oh, nothing to worry about. I mean, it's a trifling matter, really. But just to establish your allegiance.
Adrian: What is it?
Charlotte: I want you to kill Edmund Grey.


Adrian: I just want you to know how much I care about you.

Marilyn: I'm calling about Stuart.
Marian: What did you say?

Adrian: Dimitri?

Edmund: You going somewhere?
Charlotte: Indeed. And Alexandra's going with me.

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