JULY 7, 2000

Erica: Dixie.
Dixie: Oh, hi, Erica.
Erica: Hi.
Dixie: Is David in there?
Erica: Uh-huh.
Dixie: Shoot. I was really hoping he was still doing rounds. I'm running a little late.
Erica: Oh, I'm sure he won't notice. He's been a little overwhelmed this morning.
Dixie: Me, too. Junior called just as I was leaving. I think he's just a little homesick. All he probably needed was just to hear my voice.
Erica: "Small Office Management"? "Spreadsheet Strategies"? This is a little pretty heavy-duty reading just for waiting for your doctor's appointment.
Dixie: Oh, no. I -- I work here. This is my first day on the job.
Erica: Really? What job?
Dixie: David didn't tell you. He hired me as his administrative assistant.
Erica: He did? When did this happen?
Dixie: Um -- just before Hayley and Mateo got married. You sure he didn't tell you about it?
Erica: No. No, he didn't.
Dixie: Well, it just probably slipped his mind, you know.
Erica: Nothing slips David's mind -- nothing.

David: There's no way you're going to die in my office. Come on, Dimitri. Breathe. Breathe, damn it!

[Dimitri wheezes]

David: All right. Now, just stay calm, ok? Don't try to move. I'm going to call down to the emergency room.
Dimitri: No -- huh -- huh -- no. In my jacket pocket, right-hand side. Pills. Pills, please.

[Dimitri coughs]

Dimitri: Give me a minute, and I'll be ok.
David: You stopped breathing, Dimitri. I need to get you admitted. Your condition needs to be monitored.
Dimitri: Huh -- no. If anyone knows that I'm here, Edmund and Alex are dead.

Alex: No! No.
Edmund: Alex, I love you.
Alex: No. No. No. No.
Alex: He's dead.
Charlotte: You have to let this go now. It's all right. It's all right. Now, listen to what I'm telling you. I am the only one you can count on. Listen to me. Let this go.
Alex: But he was my --
Charlotte: No, no. He was ruining our plans. Think about the talks that we had late at night when Edmund couldn't interfere.
Alex: Talks?
Charlotte: I've been giving you a drug, a very special drug.
Alex: What?
Charlotte: It's something to relax you, to make you think more clearly.
Alex: You've been injecting me with something while I was asleep?
Charlotte: It's for your own good.
Adrian: Alex, listen to your mother. Let her help you.
Charlotte: Mr. Sword is on our side now. He's our ally. And this is Quinn, my assistant. Mr. Sword has dealt with our problem.
Quinn: So I see.
Charlotte: We're all working together now, darling, but we need to help us. See, Edmund kept getting in the way, so we had to get rid of him.
Alex: Yeah, he wouldn't let me get on with my life.
Charlotte: Exactly. You're with us. Good. Now, stay with us, Alexandra. You'll be happy you did.

Dixie: Erica, do you feel David is shutting you out?
Erica: No, of course not. No. David is just -- he's -- he's just so high-maintenance, that's all. I mean, I know that he was in surgery all night, so I came by to take him out to breakfast.
Dixie: Oh. Well, that's very sweet of you.
Erica: Thank you. I thought so. It's just that he's been acting so -- so strangely since I arrived. We -- we were on our way out, he ran back up here just to pick up his wallet, and I've been waiting and waiting in the lobby.
Dixie: Oh, well, I'm hoping to organize things so there is less pressure on him.
Erica: Yeah. Well, as I was saying, I mean, I eventually came up here to look for David, and he told me something about a patient in recovery? And then he actually asked me, you know, if I would wait for him at the restaurant.
Dixie: Yeah.
Erica: Actually, I felt that he was trying to, you know, kind of push me out the door, he was so frantic.
Dixie: Well, you know doctors.
Erica: Yes, I do. And believe me, this was not normal. This was -- David was actually nervous. I mean, I suppose the only word to describe him was evasive.
Dixie: Oh, come on. I mean, you said it yourself -- he was operating all night. He's probably worn out and distracted.
Erica: Oh, he's tired. I know he's tired. But he's never distracted around me. I mean, even when he's sleep-deprived, he's attentive.
Dixie: I'm sure he is. Well, I have to get some things done, so if you don't mind.
Erica: No, no.
Dixie: Thanks.
Dixie: Is there something else?
Erica: I was just wondering -- why did you take this job?
Dixie: Well, because the boys are kind of growing up and getting more independent.
Erica: Well, but surely you don't need a job, I mean, not with Tad being head of the Chandler Enterprises.
Dixie: Well, yes, it -- I guess I'm getting more independent, too. I was just thinking about looking for some work when David, you know, offered for me to work here.
Erica: Well, wait a minute. You're saying that David approached you for this job? You didn't ask David for this job?
Dixie: No, no, no. He recruited me, and he was very persistent.
Erica: Well, why? I mean, you don't have any experience.
Dixie: Well, David feels confident in me.
Erica: I hope you know how important David is, how esteemed he is as a surgeon. Because if you're going to represent him, then you shouldn't take this job just as a lark.
Dixie: I'll keep that in mind.
Erica: Well, you should, I mean, for yourself.
Dixie: Erica -- you know, I'm a happily married woman. And I took this job because I want to work, not because I want to play footsie with David.
Erica: Dixie.
[Dixie and Erica laugh]

Erica: You're the last woman in Pine Valley I'd see as a threat.
Dixie: Oh. Well, now that we have that settled --


Dixie: Um -- I guess I should, you know, get some work done.
Erica: Sure, yes. Go ahead.
Dixie: Thanks, thanks.
Dixie: Um -- didn't David ask you to wait for him at the restaurant?
Erica: Yes, he did. But I would like to know what has him so rattled.

David: Why can't anyone know you're alive? Why are Alex and Edmund's lives in danger?
Dimitri: I can't tell you anything else.
David: Dimitri, you listen to me. You break into my office, you collapse on my floor, and then you insist that hide you from the world? You better start giving me an explanation.
Dimitri: No.
David: Fine. Then I'll just order the medical treatment you desperately need.
Dimitri: All right, all right. All right. I'll tell you. I am trying to shut down Alex's mother.
David: What do you mean, "shut down"?
Dimitri: Charlotte Devane is the head of an international terrorist organization.
David: Come on, Dimitri. I just met the woman in this very room yesterday. All right, she's a little snobbish, ok? But she's definitely not the mad bomber type.
Dimitri: David, she is ruthless. And I think she brainwashed her own daughter into the organization.
David: And how did you stumble across this conspiracy?
Dimitri: When I asked Alex to marry me, she thought I should know that a big piece of her past was unaccounted for.
David: Dimitri, Alex spent time in a mental hospital.
Dimitri: It was no mental hospital.
David: What?
Dimitri: When I started to investigate, I found out why Alex was committed.
David: Alex was committed because she killed Geoffrey Ashford.
Dimitri: That was the reason given. Charlotte found out that I was snooping around. She had me committed, she had me kidnapped, and then she held me prisoner at Bryn Wydd, that same hospital in Wales.
David: All right, look, then why do you have to hide from everybody? Charlotte's men must know by now that you've escaped.
Dimitri: No. No. Charlotte ordered me killed. She thinks I'm dead. Everyone believes that I'm dead except for Edmund and now -- and now you.
David: Come on, Dimitri.
Dimitri: What?
David: Your illness has obviously affected your mind.
Dimitri: Uh -- you read this. It's a bio on someone named Anna Devane. I stumbled across it on the Internet.
David: Anna Devane? She's a dead ringer for Alex. They're identical.
Dimitri: Anna Devane lived in Port Charles, New York. She was co-chief of police there. And if what I think is correct, she was a terrorist spy.
David: Where is she now?
Dimitri: Presumed dead.
David: What do you mean, "presumed"?
Dimitri: It's all there. Read the bio.
David: Well, is she or isn't she? Do both women exist, or has Alex been living two lives?
Dimitri: The only person that knows that is Charlotte Devane.
David: Why did you break into my office?
Dimitri: I was trying to solve the last piece of the puzzle. I needed Anna Devane's medical records from a hospital in Port Charles, New York.

[Knock on door]

David: Just -- just give me a minute. All right?
Erica: David.
David: Erica. What are you doing here? I thought that you were going to order us breakfast. Hey, Dixie, hi. You made it. Welcome.
Erica: Do you know how long ago that was, David? They're serving lunch by now.
David: Well, then I guess we'll just have to have an early lunch.
Erica: Listen, David, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what you're up to.

Charlotte: Come along, Alexandra. We have to go. I will take care of you now.

[Knock on door]

Adrian: Let me get that. You might create a little suspicion.
Charlotte: Mr. Sword is right. You're a stranger here, Quinn.

Adrian: Tina.
Tina: Adrian.
Adrian: How'd you find me?
Tina: Well, I knew you were working on something with Edmund, so I took a chance and came by. I saw your car outside.
Adrian: No, no, no, not now. Not here, ok?

Charlotte: Who is our unwanted visitor?
Quinn: It's Adrian Sword's lady friend. Her name is Tina.
Charlotte: Mr. Sword has outlived his usefulness. Get rid of him. Oh -- and the lady friend.

Adrian: Tina, you got to get out of here.
Tina: No! Not until we understand each other. Listen, last night, you were telling me that you didn't want to see me anymore, and today you're telling me that I matter. What's going on?
Adrian: Would you listen to me! You got to go. All right?
Tina: I am done with you pushing me away! Excuse me. We are trying to have a private conversation. Who is this guy?
Quinn: It's all right. We work together.
Adrian: Tina, why don't you go back to the club. We'll talk about it when I get there, ok?
Tina: You talk to me now, or there will not be a later.
Adrian: Tina, would you just listen to me! I'm try--

[Quinn hits Adrian on the head and knocks him out]

Tina: Adrian! Adrian!

David: I'm not trying to keep anything from you. I have a patient in recovery who needs to be monitored.
Erica: Well, then, why are you in your office? Why aren't you in recovery with the patient so we can get out of here?
David: Well, it may take a while, ok? This is an extremely unusual case.

[Telephone rings]

Erica: Oh. Excuse me. Oh, this is a call I have to take. Yes, Val. Oh, great. Ok. Well, please ask him just to hold on for a moment. I'm going to need some privacy. Can I duck into your office?
David: No, no, you can't, Erica. I'm expecting a call myself. Look, actually, you're not even supposed to have the cell phone in the hospital, so why don't you -- yeah, take it down to the courtyard, ok, just down the hall.
Erica: Sure. Fine. And while I'm gone, maybe you can figure out your priorities. Yes, Val, I'm here.

Dixie: Erica had a lot of questions for me about my taking this job. She put me through a tougher interview than you did.
David: Listen to me. I can't go out to eat with Erica. Ok? I need you to get rid of her.
Dixie: What? Why?
David: Now, don't question me on this. Just do it.
Dixie: Oh, well, you're certainly in a foul mood.
David: Look, I'm concerned about a patient, ok? Why is that difficult for everyone to understand?
Dixie: Well, maybe because you've been in your office since I've gotten here and you -- if you're concerned about a patient, why don't you just go down to recovery?
David: You know, Dixie, I didn't hire you to question my judgment, ok? When I ask you to do something, I expect it to be done, so please, just get rid of Erica, all right? And when you do it, why don't you take the rest of the day off. I could use some peace and quiet around here.

[Door opens and closes]

Dixie: Yes, sir. Ugh.
Erica: Don't tell me. Don't tell me -- he ducked back into his office?
Dixie: Uh -- David says that he's very sorry, but he has to reschedule your brunch. Apparently there have been some complications with his patient.
Erica: Well, then why isn't he with his patient? Why isn't he in recovery?
Dixie: Uh -- I -- maybe he's doing a phone consult.
Erica: Well, you're hooked up to the same phone lines as he is. There are no buttons lit. He's not on the phone.
Dixie: Well, maybe he's doing research for the internet?
Erica: Oh, come on, Dixie. I think we both know that he's not on the net, he's not on the phone, and there is no patient in recovery.

Dimitri: Did I just hear Erica outside and Dixie?
David: Yes, you did.
Dimitri: David, they can't know about me. Alex and Edmund's lives are at stake.
David: And what about yours, Dimitri?
Dimitri: I don't know if I am going to live or not. Either way, I will survive long enough to make sure that Alex is safe.
David: You need medical attention immediately.
Dimitri: David, if I submit to your hippocratical needs, how long before everyone knows that I'm alive? Alex is lost and Edmund is dead. I can't succeed less you help me.

Tina: Let go of me! Help! What are you doing?
Quinn: Shut up! Tina: What are you doing?
Quinn: Or I'll shut you up!

Tina: Open up! Let us out! You can't do this to us! Come on, Adrian!

[Van engine starts]

Tina: Oh, God. What's going to happen to us? Please wake up, Adrian.

Charlotte: Alexandra, it's time for us to go. Come along.
Alex: Where are we going?
Charlotte: Far away, where you'll be safe.
Alex: Far away?
Charlotte: Yes. You're going to forget Edmund, and you're going to forget Pine Valley. We have to think of your mission.
Alex: My mission?
Charlotte: I'll explain on the aircraft.
Charlotte: I know you had feelings for him, but those will fade. You won't even remember him.
Alex: Take me away from here. Take me far away.

Dixie: Look, I am sure there Erica: There must be another explanation David is too devoted a doctor to lie about his patient.
Erica: David is not himself. David does not like to show anyone that he's vulnerable, even me. So David is throwing himself into his work right now so he can hide from the world. The reason he is holed up in that office right now is because he is afraid to face me.

[Erica sighs]

Dixie: Honestly, somehow I don't see David as the timid type.

David: You will do as I tell you, Dimitri.
Dixie: Please get this through your thick skull. I am asking you to pretend that I am dead. It's my only chance to save Alex and Edmund.
David: Dimitri, if I let you walk out of this office, I won't have to pretend. You will be dead!
Dimitri: And you don't ink I've accepted that?
David: I can't! I am a doctor, ok? I have an obligation to treat you.
Dimitri: Dr. Silbert at Seaview is treating me. He gave me the prescription.
David: You still need to be in a hospital. All right, look, if you don't let me help you, I'm going to throw open that door and we'll let Erica and Dixie persuade you. Fine.
Dimitri: All right! All right! You do your examination, but you make it damn quick.
David: No, no. I can't just do a cursory examination.
Dimitri: One test, doc. Take your best shot.
David: All right. We'll start with the blood work. Roll up your sleeves.
Dimitri: As if I don't know the drill.
David: I'll put a phony name on the sample. I'll tell the lab to rush the results.
Dimitri: Do you know that they say bad news travels fast?

Tina: You are in big, big trouble, whoever you are! Kidnapping means the FBI! And if you hurt Adrian, I swear you're going to wish the cops got a hold of you first because I will personally tear you up myself! Ugh! Come on. Adrian! Oh. Adrian. Oh.
Adrian: Oh, God. What happened?
Tina: Wait, take it slow. They hit you on the head, your friends in Wildwind. But they hit you in the head and then they threw us in this van.
Adrian: Where's Alex?
Tina: Alex? I didn't see Alex.
Adrian: Oh, God. How long have I been out?
Tina: Not long. Only 10 minutes?
Adrian: All right. Help me up.
Tina: Careful. Take it slow. It's locked. There's no way out.
Adrian: Just give me a second.
Tina: Well, why did they grab us? Who was that guy?
Adrian: It's better that you didn't know.
Tina: Well, in case you haven't noticed, I'm already involved. What's going on?
Adrian: Tina, please! It's for your own go.
Tina: Oh, you -- you're involved in that spy stuff again. That's why you broke up with me.
Adrian: I told you not to come after me. Just let me go and do it myself.
Tina: I couldn't. I couldn't.
Adrian: This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I didn't want anything to happen to you. Don't you understand that?
Tina: I would do it again in a heartbeat! I don't want to lose you!
Adrian: You cannot. You're not going to lose me, ok? You're not going to lose me, I promise. I'm going to get us out of here. Just hold on, Sweetie.

Charlotte: Make yourself comfortable. We're going to be taking off as soon as my pilot returns. Where on earth is he?
Alex: Mum?
Charlotte: Yes?
Alex: Where are Adrian and Quinn?
Charlotte: Oh, they'll be along in a minute.
Alex: It's good you got me out of there, got me away from Edmund.
Charlotte: Yes.
Alex: Would you tell me something?
Charlotte: What?
Alex: Tell me about Anna Devane, about Anna Devane and me.

David: Alex was supposed to be back here.
Dimitri: Have you heard from her?
David: No. She never checked in.

David: Yes, this is Dr. David Hayward. I have a rush blood sample to be picked up in my office. I need the results back immediately. Ok.
Dimitri: I have to got to find Edmund and make sure Alex is all right.
David: What do you think you're doing? You're in no condition to look for your brother.
Dimitri: I have to.
David: I'm telling you, Dimitri, if you walk out that door, I guarantee you that someone will spot you. All right, look, call your brother, ok? I'll send these samples to the lab. When I get the results back, I'll try and figure out some way to smuggle you out of here.

Dixie: Well, I think it's time to take my first official coffee break. Be back soon.

Erica: I can't believe that you would use Dixie to try to usher me out of here. Don't ever do that to me again.
David: That's not exact-- I keep telling you that I have a patient who really needs me.
Erica: Stop it. Stop it. We both know that there is no patient in recovery. I know why you want me gone. It's the same problem we've been having ever since Vanessa killed that gigolo. You are running from me.
David: I'm sorry if it seems that way, but that's not the case.
Erica: And stop denying it! I have tried every way I know to try to bring you out. I thought you might appreciate the fact that I took your brother Leo into my home, but, no, no. This just makes you more upset.
David: All right. Ok, I know that the thought behind it was very generous, ok?
Erica: And I'm the only one who's doing any work here. You keep retreating further and further into your job.
David: I've been very busy, Erica.
Erica: No, I'm sorry. I don't buy that. I think that you have been so hurt and so ashamed by your mother's fiendish behavior. I think you have been so hurt that you are trying to hide from the world and you're using your office as a sanctuary.
David: Erica, if you would just let me get a few words in edgewise, ok?
Erica: You have washed your hands of Vanessa, and now that's what you want to do with me, isn't it?
David: That is not true!
Erica: Yes, please, just admit it. You just want to end it with me, don't you?
David: No, no, I don't. Look, I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry that I've been so swamped lately. But I'm as committed to you and to this relationship as I have ever been.
Erica: Well, I hear the words, David. But I'm sorry. There is just -- there's nothing behind them.
David: Oh, yeah? How about this?

[David kisses Erica]

Dimitri: Come on, Edmund.

[Telephone rings]

Dimitri: Come on. Answer the phone.


Man: Quinn is off. I'm going to dispose of the body now.
Charlotte: Make sure there is no trace of him left.
Man: Leave everything to me. And you have a safe flight. All right, mate. Let's get you all sorted.
Alex: Please, Mom. I can't wait any longer. I need to know the connection between myself and Anna Devane, whether she is a real person or if it was a made-up identity that I was taught to play. And this girl, the one I keep remembering -- is she my daughter? You have to tell me.
Charlotte: It's very involved.
Alex: No, please. I mean, the more I know, the better I can help you. Don't you think?
Charlotte: Sash, before you were born, I was working for the government. But I found myself very disenchanted with the policies that they were implementing at home and abroad.
Alex: So what did you?
Charlotte: Well, that's when I met Geoffrey Ashford.
Alex: Oh, my God. You know he killed his own daughter.
Charlotte: Well, that was before I met him. Politically, he was a very astute man. And he told me about an organization that thought just the way I did.
Alex: And he recruited you?
Charlotte: Oh, I didn't need any convincing. I was dedicated to the cause, and I worked very hard. I rose in the ranks. And then Geoffrey died.
Alex: Well, I killed him.
Charlotte: Oh, darling. He committed a heinous crime against his daughter Cassandra, and you witnessed it. You were a threat to him.
Alex: But he was your mentor.
Charlotte: Yes, he was. He was also one of the most powerful men in the organization. And after he died, the leaders wanted to stop any inquiry that might lead to them, and that included silencing you. They ordered me to kill you. And if I didn't, they were going to kill us both. So I stumbled on Anna.
Alex: Devane.
Charlotte: Yes, Anna -- Anna Devane. Anna Devane saved your life.

Erica: But you've been acting so strangely.
David: I've just been overwhelmed with work. All right? And I know that I shouldn't allow my job to interfere with our relationship. I'll make it up to you.
Erica: You will?
David: Yes. I will. But I just -- I just can't break away right now. Please, just try to be patient with me.
Erica: All right. All right. You go back to whatever it is. Are you going to call me this afternoon?
David: Yes, I will. I promise. Thanks for being understanding.
Erica: Ok.

David: I thought I told you to get rid of Erica.
Dixie: Well, excuse me. Did you call an orderly?
David: Yes, I did. I need the results back on these blood samples as quickly as possible.
Orderly: Sure thing, doctor.
Dixie: Where'd that blood sample come from?
David: You know something, Dixie? If you're going to be working here for me, we're going to have to set a few guidelines, ok? Rule number one -- when I tell you to do something, I expect it to be done -- no delays, no excuses. Is that understood?
Dixie: Perfectly.
David: Good. Well, then, you'll understand why I might be a little upset that Erica was still here when I asked you to get rid of her.
Dixie: Well, that's not my job.
David: Your job is to do what I tell you to do.
Dixie: No, not if it involves your girlfriends.
David: Wait a minute. What is this? What is this? You've been here one hour, two hours the most, and already you're dictating to me what you will or will not do?
Dixie: Look, I'm here to manage your office, ok? Not your messy social life.
David: No. You're here to make sure that my life runs smoothly so that I can do my job effectively. If that means dealing with Erica when I say so or picking up my dry-cleaning, that's what you'll do!
Dixie: That's what you think.
David: What are you doing?
Dixie: I can't believe I didn't make it to lunch on my first day.
David: All right, look, what are you doing?
Dixie: I am quitting, ok? High-strung and defensive I can put up with, ok? But I will not be browbeaten and abused.
David: No, no, no, you're not quitting, ok? Just take it easy, ok?
Dixie: No, no. I should have known better, ok? I should have known what kind of boss you'd be. I'll just get my plant and go home.
David: All right! I'm sorry, ok? I went too far -- no, wait! Dixie, wait!

[Dixie runs into David's office and sees Dimitri]

[Tires screech]

Tina: We stopped moving.
Adrian: Yeah, we must have arrived. Move back over there. Please, Tina, move back. As soon as he opens the door, I'll jump on him.
Tina: What's happening?
Adrian: Shh. I don't know. I don't hear anything.

[Hissing sound]

Tina: What's that?
Adrian: Exhaust fumes. This hole must be over the tailpipe.

[Adrian coughs]

Tina: It's carbon monoxide? We're being gassed?

Alex: How did Anna Devane save my life?
Charlotte: I pleaded with the organization not to kill you. I mean, you could be so useful as Anna Devane.
Alex: As a spy?
Charlotte: Well, precisely, impersonating Anna. I mean, that was all I could do, all I could think of to save you. And now the organization needed you to prove your loyalty and your ability.
Alex: Oh, my God. I remember.

Anna: Hi, Robin. No, it's your mother. Yeah, remember her? The one that pays your school fees. Did you just get in? How was school? Oh. Art history. That's a very useful subject. I don't know -- for art historians, I suppose. I don't sound old. I sound relaxed. Yes, I've been sitting on the porch for an hour in a rocking chair. Very funny. Did she say you could have some? All right. They're in the cupboard under the stairs. But wait. No, I don't want you to have them before dinner. All right? Good. Anything else?

Alex: Anna does exist. She is real.

Edmund: Ow.
Edmund: Ow!


Joe: Ryan, what are you doing here?

David: You can't tell anyone -- not Tad, not Dimitri's family.

Adrian: Come here. Don't bail on me now, baby.

Charlotte: I would never try to kill my own daughter. But then again, you aren't my daughter.

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