JULY 11, 2001

Ryan: What did you just say to me? Laura: I don't know. I -- I just opened my mouth and a bunch of words came out. Didn't make any sense.

Gillian: It did to Ryan, though.

Ryan: Te vagy a szivem. Gillian used to say that to me. It means "you are my heart."

Gillian: Laura, Laura, please say it again so he'll know I'm here. Right now, say it. I love him so much, I can hardly breathe. Please be my voice.

Laura: Te vagy a szivem.
Ryan: This is not happening.

Gillian: Yes, it is. I came back, my love. I had to. This is where I belong

Ryan: It's like -- like she's here with me. Gillian's here with me right now.

Erica: Something like this?
Photographer: Perfect, Ms. Kane.
Erica: Is this going to be the shot for your cover?
Reporter: Well, I hope so because you look incredible.
Erica: Thank you. I love my fall line.
Reporter: And the readers will, too.
Photographer: Ms. Kane, could you just shift a little bite to your right, please?
Erica: Uh, sure.

Erica: Get away from me! Bad dog! Go! Go, bad dog!
Reporter: Beauty and the beast. I like it.
Erica: No, down! No!
Chris: Ralphie, Ralphie, Ralphie, come here, come here!
Erica: Bad dog!
Chris: Get down, get down! Come on, come on. Sorry about that.
Erica: Oh!
Chris: Sorry. He doesn't have good manners yet. Or maybe he's just a sucker for your perfume.
Erica: I don't believe this. Are you following me?
Chris: Well, as a matter of fact, I am.

Tad: Where's J.R.?
Dixie: He's upstairs still. He's angry at us. He thinks that we're ganging up on him.
Tad: You want me to talk to him?
Dixie: Would you?
Tad: Sure.

[Pounding on door]

Dixie: Adam.
Adam: There is no conceivable way I'll let you do this to my son!
Adam: You're treating the boy like he's some sort of an addict in a crack house! For God's sake, he had -- he took one prescription pain pill -- just one -- on a joyride.
Tad: Yeah, some joyride. One of his friends in the car nearly ended up dead of an overdose.
Adam: Well, then that's the boy that should go to rehab, not J.R.
Dixie: He's not going to rehab. He's going to see a counselor, ok, somebody who knows more about this than we do.
Adam: You want this on his record? You want that he was taken for some kind of help for some sort of drug problem? Don't you understand? That could affect the entire rest of his life.
Tad: He may not have a rest of his life. Things are already way out of hand.
Adam: What is this? He likes candy? What is this?
Tad: Take a good look. The pink ones are Ecstasy. Just one way that drug dealers market their wares to make them more attractive to little kids.
Adam: That's ridiculous.
Tad: Then take it up with J.R. He's the one that told us about it. That's a hell of a lot of Ecstasy, but he didn't have any problems affording it because you're always giving him money. He didn't tell who he bought it from, but so help me god, if I find out --
Adam: You'll do what?
Tad: I'll make him very sorry he ever thought about doing business with children.
Dixie: Tad, I think we should just keep the focus here on helping J.R., don't you?
Adam: J.R. bought this? Did he -- did he take any?
Tad: No. But only because he didn't have time. That accidentally ended up in Jamie's backpack, where Petey and Jamie found it. They nearly helped themselves.
Adam: Did you stop them?
Tad: No, Opal did. She thought they were sneaking candy before bedtime, which is what they thought they were doing. See, normally they would dig into something like that by the handful. If she hadn't found them in time -- yeah.
Adam: Oh, my God. We think we know what people are capable of.
Tad: It's a brave new world, Adam.
Adam: To sell drugs as candy?
Tad: Somebody out there's really clever when it comes to dragging down our children.

J.R.: Dad! Thanks for coming. Did you hear what they're going to do to me? Tell them it's not going to happen.

[Ralphie barks]

Reporter: I'm so sorry about your dress, Ms. Kane.
Erica: No, no, that's ok. It wasn't your fault. It's that horrible man over there.

[Ralphie barks]

Erica: Can't you please get your dog to stop barking? Listen, I just want to be clear on one thing, ok, that any of the pictures that you continued to take, you know, when the dog was all over me and everything -- we're not going to use those, right?
Report: Our readers would only love you more.
Erica: With dog hair and dog drool all over me? I don't think so. No, no, no. I don't do down-to-earth.
Reporter: You know, that's a terrific lead. "'I don't do down-to-earth,' says fashion goddess Erica Kane."
Erica: Oh -- don't even go there. Don't -- don't do that.

Chris: Hey. Hey, lady. Aren't you curious that I'm following you? I mean, don't you want to know why?
Erica: To be perfectly frank, no, I don't. I just assumed that it was something that you do, Mr. --
Chris: Stamp. Chris Stamp. It's not that tough a name to retain.
Erica: You are rude to women, you sic your dog on them. Why shouldn't I believe that you are stalking me?
Chris: Actually, I wasn't following. I was watching.
Erica: Like a peeping Tom.
Chris: No, right out here in the open. Look. See? No binoculars. I saw you giving an interview, watching you have your photo taken, and I just got to tell you, Erica --
Erica: Ms. Kane to you.
Chris: Yeah, whatever. Look, my point is is that you're really amazing. Honestly. Cross my heart, hope to die, no bull. Last night your daughter could've lost her life in that fire at S.O.S. You almost bought it yourself trying to rescue her.
Erica: I see. So that's why you're harassing me? Because I didn't thank you enough for coming to my rescue? Oh, well, then, I am in your debt. I am so grateful. You are my hero. Now leave me alone!
Chris: Not until I finish --
Erica: Stop it!
Chris: What I'm trying to say. Do you mind?
Erica: Yes!
Chris: Thank you. Now, look, last night you bonked yourself on the head. You passed out in a smoke-filled room. You wound up spending time in the hospital. And now here you are, just a few hours later, looking like a million bucks.
Erica: I had a job to do.
Chris: But that's what I mean. You're a real pro.
Erica: So I'm beginning to believe are you. You know, if you weren't so annoying, I might have even bought your flattery, but I don't. You want something from me, Mr. Stamp. Why don't you just tell me what it is.

Ryan: Laura, if this is some kind of joke -- Leo, did you put her up to this?
Leo: No.
Ryan: Well, then how did you learn those words in Hungarian and who told you that Gillian used to say them to me?
Laura: Ryan, I swear, it's not like I speak Hungarian or any other language. I mean, I was in China for a while. I didn't even get that right. It's not my thing.
Ryan: Seems to be your thing now.

Laura: Ryan, I don't understand what happened. I mean, it was like I was hypnotized. Leo: Maybe -- maybe it's that organ recipient thing.
Ryan: What? What are you talking about?
Leo: Well, I've been reading up on these studies where patients who have had transplants apparently somehow get the donor's spirit in themselves.
Ryan: That's what this is about? Leo: Yeah.
Ryan: That's the game you're playing? You want me to believe that somehow Gillian is alive?

Gillian: I am!

Ryan: Because her heart is beating in somebody else?
Laura: Ryan, I am so sorry.
Ryan: Laura, listen to me, I'm glad you're ok -- I really am -- but my wife is not living on in you. She's dead.
Laura: Ryan, wait.
Leo: No, just --
Laura: No, let me go to him, please?
Leo: Just leave him alone. You have to take it easy, please.
Laura: He's in so much pain.
Leo: I know. Laura, I know, but it's not your fault.
Laura: Then why do I feel so bad?

Adam: Did you buy these drugs?
J.R.: Yeah. Dad, it's not what it looks like.
Adam: Wait, wait. Let me have a moment alone to speak to my son, please?
Dixie: Yeah, ok. Come on, let's go outside.

J.R.: You going to come down on me, too?
Adam: You know I love you. I know you're not a bad kid.
J.R.: You just think I'm some drug -- drug addict?
Adam: No. No, I think you're experimenting. The way my generation experimented with alcohol.
J.R.: Right. So why is everyone being so hypocritical?
Adam: Well, I'd be just as concerned if you were abusing alcohol.
J.R.: Dad, I took a couple of pills.
Adam: No, no, this is more than a couple of pills. Were you going to sell them?
J.R.: No!
Adam: Well, then they're all for you, aren't they? This is way beyond experimenting, J.R., and it's going to stop. I want you to do what your mother suggests. I want you to go see a therapist.
J.R.: Dad, I have a question. How many liquor bottles do you think you have laying around your house?
Adam: First off, I'm I'm an adult.
J.R.: And you don't get drunk? Dad, I've seen you.
Adam: And second of all, I know what's in those bottles. Do you know what's in here? Are you absolutely sure it hasn't been laced with something lethal?
J.R.: No.
Adam: Then why are you taking that risk? You've got to talk to somebody, a professional -- somebody who will listen to you without judging you, somebody who can give you some advice. I wish this all we had to worry about.
J.R.: What do you mean?
Adam: Nothing. Forget it.
J.R.: Dad, what's going on?
Adam: David Hayward set a trap for you, son, and you fell right into it.
J.R.: What?
Adam: He got you into his hotel room, he forced a confrontation, and you admitted that you'd stolen the drugs and you admitted having used them.
J.R.: How'd you know about that?
Adam: Hayward got it all on videotape. And now he wants me to do him a favor. And if I don't, he's taking the tape to the police.
J.R.: Wait a minute. David Hayward is blackmailing you because of me? That's just great.
Adam: The problem is that the tape exists. Even if we neutralize Hayward, if the police ever see that then, you could end up with a criminal record.
J.R.: Dad, I don't care. This is all my fault. You shouldn't let Hayward get away with this.
Adam: Don't you ever want to go to college? You ever want to have a decent job in your life?
Adam: Let me handle this. If you want to make amends, then promise me that you'll start getting your act together now.
J.R.: Ok.
Adam: That way creeps like Hayward can never touch us.
J.R.: What exactly did he want you to do?
Adam: The less you know about that the better. And that goes for the rest of the family, too. That's Dixie -- your mother -- that's Tad, and, even more importantly, it's Liza. Don't tell anyone in the world that David Hayward has this holding over us. This is our secret, J.R. This is you and me. All right? It's important. Will you swear to me -- swear to me that you'll keep this quiet?
J.R.: Yeah.
Adam: Good. I have your word.

Tad: You really think Adam is in there right now telling Junior just to say no to drugs? Dixie, come on, he's probably giving him his best advice on how to lie to his counselor.
Dixie: Adam loves J.R.
Tad: Yeah, I know, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's going to do the right thing.
Dixie: Maybe not, but J.R. has you. He's really lucky. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you lo my son the way that you do.
Tad: Maybe that's because I've always thought of him as our son. I always will.
Dixie: Thank you for spending the -- the night.
Tad: Was no big deal. I mean, it just felt like we had a lot to talk about. I didn't think it was a very good idea to cut it short.
Dixie: Were you comfortable on the sofa?
Tad: Oh, yeah, I had a ball.
Dixie: It is kind of saggy.
Tad: No, the sofa's fine. I can deal with the sofa. Loneliness is a little more difficult. I mean, you want to know the truth, I was awake all night, just staring at the ceiling, wondering why I couldn't be up in my own bed with you.
Dixie: Yeah. I was awake, too, thinking something similar.

Laura: You didn't see his face when I started speaking that Hungarian. I mean, where did that come from?
Brooke: I don't know. You know, you spent a lot of time around Gillian. I'm sure you heard her talking to Ryan. Maybe you remembered a couple of words a -- you know, I'm sure it's as simple as that.
Laura: I don't know. I said those words and it was like Ryan had seen a ghost.

Gillian: Ryan? I know you can't see me or hear me, but can you just -- can you just try to feel my love? I know you're in pain, but if you could just open your heart, I could help you.
Jesse: Why are you so hardheaded? It's obvious he doesn't need your help.
Gillian: That is not true. I just want him to know that I'm here. I'm still here, I'm with him.
Jesse: You're with him, huh? All right, touch him.
Gillian: You know I can't do that. Your stupid rules. I can only touch things that were never alive. Like that ball over there.
Jesse: What are you doing?
Gillian: I just thought of a way to touch his heart.

[Gillian rolls the ball to Ryan]

Ryan: Is anybody there?

Gillian: Told you.
Jesse: You told me what? That you could freak him out, huh? Because that's what you did. Look, the man's bugging. That's what you wanted?
Gillian: Ryan? Don't be afraid. I just want you to remember. Can you?
Jesse: You know, it's amazing, I cannot believe how you are messing with this boy.
Gillian: Would you stop it?
Jesse: You need to recognize, all right, you ain't helping him!
Gillian: I'm going to do this, Jesse. I'm going to do this. Just watch me.
Gillian: Ryan, I can see it in your eyes. It's all coming back. Remember that day we had on the beach and how perfect it was and how happy we were? And I think we both knew right there that we would always be together. And that's my task. That's my task. I have to help you remember that and I have to get it back.

Ryan's voice: It's so peaceful here.
Gillian: Yeah, quiet.
Ryan: Holding you like this feels safe. I feel like when I hold you like this, we can fight off anything that comes after us.
Gillian: Together, we can do anything.

Ryan: No, no. No, no, I can't keep doing this! I can't let myself remember.

Gillian: I don't understand. Why doesn't he want to remember?
Jesse: Because he can't.
Gillian: Why not?
Jesse: He has to forget. He has to. Well, not exactly forget, but -- he has a broken heart, all right, and it's going to break every time he thinks of you and everything he lost.
Gillian: But I'm not lost! I'm right here!
Jesse: You, Gillian, are not here, ok?
Gillian: Then why could I keep touching him almost? Why do I keep getting so close to him? Isn't that my task, to remind him that I'm still here?
Jesse: Well, you know what? I wish I could answer that one but I can't.
Gillian: What do you mean? You don't know? Then who does?

Erica: I asked you something, Mr. Stamp.
Chris: And I said if you would give me a second --
Erica: So you ran off to get an ice cream cone while you kept me here waiting?
Chris: Well, you could use a little meat on those bones. It's for you. Mocha fudge ripple.
Erica: Feed it to your flea-bitten dog.
Chris: Easy. Ralphie's a very sensitive dog. Besides, he couldn't have it, anyway. It's too much caffeine. So what do you say? Can I tempt you?
Erica: Absolutely not.
Chris: Well, it's a dirty job, but I'll eat it.
Erica: All right, Mr. Stamp, I'm going to ask you for the last time -- what is it you want from me?
Chris: I guess you've been burned a lot, huh? That would explain why you're so defensive. Here I go and offer you a compliment totally free, but you think I want something back.
Erica: I know you do.
Chris: All right. You win. I'm busted. I could use a favor.
Erica: You're busted, but you want me to do you a favor?
Chris: Well, you've been making some noise about going to my boss at the maintenance company.
Erica: Because your attitude on the job is completely insufferable.
Chris: Well, then why don't you tell them I'm reckless while you're at it because last night I ran into a burning building to save a young woman -- [mumbling] and her ungrateful mother.
Erica: I said thank you to you for that.
Chris: What, like that's supped to put food on my table?
Erica: Well, what about your bartending?
Chris: Well, that pays some of the bills, not all of them. As it is, I'm barely making ends meet. Look, here's my situation. I rent a room in a boarding house, I drive around in an old truck that's about to fall apart, and just today I was adopted by that dog over there who's starving. I need to feed him. So, can you find it in your heart to give a working Joe like me an even break?

Tad: Listen, maybe we could -- we could tell J.R. about us.
Dixie: We're not exactly back together, Tad.
Tad: Well, I know, but, I mean, don't you at least feel like we're a little closer?
Dixie: Yeah, I'm just sort of afraid of, you know, moving too fast.
Tad: Ok, fine, I understand. I was just thinking that maybe, you know, we could come up with some other way to help him.
Dixie: I don't think he really wants our help. He's so angry at us.
Tad: Well, we let him down.
Dixie: What does that mean? Is he going to forgive us?
Tad: It means that it just may take a while before he can trust us again.
Dixie: That kind of leaves him completely alone.
Tad: I don't know about that. You see, he's got his friends.
Dixie: I don't know if you'd call them friends. They're sort of people he hangs out with. And this one kid, you know, who came by the party yesterday -- his name was Sweeney --
Tad: Yeah, I know him. What about it?
Dixie: Well, you know, he won't tell us where he gets the drugs from.
Tad: You think it was Sweeney?
Dixie: Yeah. Well, I don't know. I just wonder why he would hang around with all these kids who aren't his age.
Tad: That's a damn good question, Dixie. I'll make sure I ask Derek when I see him.
Dixie: What, you're going to the police?
Tad: I have to. Are you kidding? Somebody's out there selling junk to our kids, and obviously nobody's doing enough to stop it. Personally, if it were me, I'd hunt them down like dogs.
Dixie: Tad, you're going to -- possession is illegal.
Tad: I know.
Dixie: You could get him into an enormous amount of trouble.
Tad: Dixie, Dixie, Dixie, Derek is a good friend, ok? I'm sure he'll cut us some slack. Besides, I'm bringing in proof that we have a real drug problem in Pine Valley. That's something that affects everyone.

Adam: Well, uh, I talked to J.R. He said ok, he'll meet with a counselor.
Dixie: Great. Ok, I'm going to go inside. Thank you.

Adam: Don't come down too hard on the boy, all right?

[Tad dials his cell phone]

Tad: Yeah, hi. It's Tad. I want to see you as soon as possible.

Erica: Mr. Stamp, I've decided not to get you fired.
Chris: Oh. Thank you. That's great.
Erica: But you're not out of the woods, not yet. I mean, you should consider yourself on probation.
Chris: No problem. That's how I spent most of my youth.
Erica: Well, I mean, when you're in my office, when you're vacuuming next time, don't do it while I'm on the phone.
Chris: Scout's honor. Erica: You were a Scout?
Chris: Yeah. Till they kicked me out.
Erica: That sounds about right.
Chris: Oh, Ms. Kane? Briefcase? Would you like it?
Erica: Oh, yes, of course I do. Oh, no!
Chris: Sorry about that.
Erica: Oh, no.
Chris: My fault.
Erica: No, look, I can do this, Mr. Stamp. You really -- you don't have to be in my face.
Chris: Am I bothering you?
Erica: Yes.
Chris: Well, at least we'll always have last night.
Erica: What on earth are you talking about?
Chris: I was carrying you in my arms.
Erica: And unless I'm unconscious and in a burning building, that will never happen again.

[Chris chuckles]

[Chris whistles]

Chris: Hey, hey, Ralphie boy, look what I got! Hey, how did you get untied? The keys to Erica Kane's house. Come on. Let's go see how the other half lives. Come on.

J.R.: Do you want me to do this?
Dixie: Very much.
J.R.: I'll be in the car.

Dixie: You know, you can come if you want.
Tad: No, no, no, let's keep it simple -- just you and J.R.
Dixie: I can tell you're upset.
Tad: Have a perfect right to be. You go ahead. I -- I suspect there's more than one way to protect our kids.
Dixie: I should go.

[Knock on door]

Tad: Great. Come on in. You made good time.
Derek: Well, you said it was urgent.
Tad: Yeah.
Derek: Why'd I have to come in the back way?
Tad: Because I want to keep it private.
Derek: What's going on? Tad: You're a cop, right? You're supposed to know what's going on out on the street. These look familiar? Seen any of these lately?
Derek: Where'd you get this?
Tad: Off my 13-year-old boy. Want to tell me what's going on in this town?

Laura: Thank you, Leo. I'm going to go take my meds before Zora gets on my case.
Leo: Ok.

Brooke: Got that right.
Brooke: Are you serious about this?
Leo: You're not talking about the wedding reception.
Brooke: No.
Leo: You're worried about what happened last night.
Brooke: Leo, Laura has no idea that you did not come home last night and that you passed out drunk in the park and Greenlee Smythe just happened to find you.
Leo: That was a coincidence, Brooke. I told you that.
Brooke: Uh-huh. And her call here this morning, finding out if you were ok?
Leo: I blew her off. You heard me.
Brooke: Leo, it's obvious that Greenlee still has feelings for you. Do you have feelings for her?

Gillian: Natalie was very clear. I get to do my task and I get to stay with Ryan.
Jesse: All right, why don't we just drop that a little bit here. Do you have a plan? At all? Because you know what? You are wasting a lot of time running around behind folks, trying to get them to [as Gillian] "see me, feel me." [Normal voice] it ain't working, is it?
Gillian: No.
Jesse: No, it's not. I mean, so did you ever think of maybe a different approach?
Gillian: Like what?
Jesse: Like what? Like chill, for one. I mean, you need to stand back, take a look at the whole picture, because this is not just about you. I mean, it's about a whole community that you were a part of and somehow you are needed here right now. I mean, you need to start paying attention to everything that's going on. I mean, that way you might be able to learn what it is you need to do.
Gillian: I know what that is, and it has to do with Ryan!
Jesse: Whoo.

Steven: Mr. Lavery? At last. I've been trying to reach you.
Ryan: Yeah, I turned my phone off.
Steven: I'm sorry to bother you, Sir, but we have a problem.
Ryan: Really? Well, you can handle it. I trust you, Steven.
Steven: But, Sir, it's a business problem.
Ryan: Let me explain something to you, Steven -- I don't give a damn about business.
Steven: But --
Adam: You don't give a damn about anything. But that's going to change, and I mean fast.

Tad: J.R. wouldn't tell us where he got it from, but Dixie thinks it was from a kid named Sweeney. You know him?
Derek: Yeah.
Tad: Has he got a record?
Derek: Tad --
Tad: Like pushing drugs on little kids?
Derek: No comment.
Tad: Don't give me "no comment." I'm not the press.
Derek: But you're also not the police. Let us do our job. We started a massive investigation.
Tad: All right, fine. Good. But as a favor to a friend, give me something, ok? Give me anything.
Derek: So you can go out and chase the bad guys by yourself, Tad? I don't think so.
Tad: Do you know how easy it was for J.R. to get this? You have any idea? Not to mention the fact that it's obviously geared towards children, ok? I have two boys involved, two sons. What am I supposed to do?
Derek: Believe me, Tad, I understand how you feel. This thing is a nightmare. It's worse than you think, it's bigger. Guys like Sweeney, guys on the street, sure, we can pick them up, but they would be replaced just like that because they are working for a machine, an organization that is big and efficient and, most importantly, Tad, they're dangerous.
Tad: For God's sake,
Derek, I'm not --
Derek: Tad, I cannot involved you in this!
Tad: I'm already involved! I'm sorry.
Derek: It's all right.
Tad: I'm sorry.
Derek: No, it's all right.
Tad: Jamie almost ate that by accident. Not for nothing, but, you know, the fact that I'm bringing this to you, I would appreciate --
Derek: Yeah, hey, Tad, look, I'm willing not to know where this came from.
Tad: Thank you.
Derek: This time.
Tad: If it means anything, Dixie just took J.R. in for some drug counseling.
Derek: Good, good. I do want something from you, though, Tad. I want you to promise you're going to stay away from this.
Tad: Sure. I know you're right.
Derek: Do you?
Tad: Yeah, I hear you, loud and clear. Thanks for the pass on J.R.
Derek: Yeah. All right.

Tad: The hell I'll stay out of it.
V Brooke: So Greenlee is in the past?
Leo: If she wasn't, I wouldn't have married Laura. Brooke, look, I understand why you have so many reasons to doubt me.
Brooke: Given your record?
Leo: But I swear to you, I am a different man than I used to be. And that's because of Laura. When I was with Greenlee, I was selfish, I admit that. But Laura's -- she's taught me a lot, and it's changed my life.
Brooke: And that's why you ended up drunk in the park last night?
Leo: I make mistakes. I still make mistakes. That has nothing to do with marrying your daughter. That wasn't a mistake.
Brooke: I'm going to go check on her, see how she's doing.
Leo: Good, tell her I'll be right there.

[Knock on door]

Leo: Hey.
Man: Double latte for Leo du Preese.
Leo: It's du Pres.
Man: du Pres.
Leo: Yeah, I didn't order this.
Man: I know, but the lady who did -- allow me to say you are one lucky guy. Oh, there's a note.

Leo: "Leo, I know you couldn't talk on the phone. Brooke was there. No problem. But I wanted you to have this coffee and something else on the side. Meet me tonight at the S.O.S. Love, Greenlee."

Gillian: Ryan's in trouble.
Jesse: Well, most people are.
Gillian: But you still don't think that's why I'm here, that's my task, to help him?
Jesse: You know, I don't know, but I'm sure you're going to find out soon enough. So come on, let's go, all right?
Gillian: I love him, Jesse. I miss him.
Jesse: Yeah, I know. I know. Come on.

Adam: You know, they say a business empire is no stronger than its weakest link. And right now my weakest link is, and that's you. You swore to me if I gave you a chance you'd turn this company around, and you haven't done a damn thing. Incredibledreams is circling the drain. That's the word on the street. Ryan, I know you've suffered a terrible loss and I am so sorry that Gillian died, but there is a time to mourn and there is a time to wake up and say, "hey, I've got to do something for my company before it tanks." I have invested a small fortune in you. I don't want to lose that. So do me a favor -- do yourself a favor -- stop wallowing in your grief and get back to work.

[Ryan turns and hits Adam in the jaw]


Shannon: Rosa. Would you mind leaving me alone with my Marcus?

Adam: You think you're in hell? You ain't even seen purgatory yet!

Dixie: I'm a little worried what Tad is doing.

Sweeney: What do you want?
Tad: I want satisfaction, Mr. Sweeney.

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