JULY 16, 2001

Leo: Laura, what are you doing here? Isn't it too early for you to be running around like this?
Laura: Well, my mother brought me. She's parking the car.
Leo: Yeah, well, I can't believe that Zora let you out so early.
Laura: Yeah, well, honestly, I'm tired of listening to her dire warnings. And after I got the note that you were here to see BBMak, I decided I wanted -- I couldn't miss it, either.
Leo: Yeah, but you did. The show's over.
Laura: I guess I'm just too slow. So, was it a good set?
Greenlee: Oh. It was beyond good. They're even better now than the last time I heard them.
Leo: The last time they were here, Greenlee met Christian Burns, and ever since then she's been a heavy-duty maker. She even got their lunch pail. Although I'd forgotten all about that until I just happened to run into her tonight here.

Erica: Oh, Bianca.
Bianca: Oh. Mom, what's wrong?
Erica: Well, that's what I was about to ask you. I mean, you said I should drop everything and get right over here, that it was urgent.
Bianca: No, I didn't.
Erica: Well, that's what your e-mail said.
Bianca: Mom, I didn't send -- I didn't send you an e-mail.
Erica: Well, what do you mean? Are you sure?
Bianca: I swear.
Erica: Well, if you didn't send me an e-mail, then who did and -- and why?

[TV plays]

Reporter: Our exclusive look at the murder of a Princess. This was the lovely Gillian Andrassy-Lavery before an assassin's bullet stilled her life just a few short weeks after her wedding. As the bride prepared for her honeymoon trip, a senseless, violent --

[Turns TV off]

Liza: If J.R. lied about his drug use, he could be lying about the way this Sweeney died. I hope you can see that.
Adam: You actually think J.R.'S capable of murder? My God, Liza, he's my son.
Liza's voice: That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

Ryan: Slow day at Chandler Enterprises?
Liza: Ryan. Come in.
Ryan: I didn't expect to find you here. I came to see the station manager.
Liza: How can I help you?
Ryan: I don't know how much you're watching your own station these days, Liza, but WRCW is running practically constant coverage of Gillian's death, from the morning show to the 12:00 news to that cheesy documentary that's airing right now for, like, the fourth time.
Liza: I know how difficult it must be to look at all those pictures, Ryan --
Ryan: No, no, I don't need an explanation. I just came here to say one thing. If you continue to exploit Gillian's memory, I'll sue.
Liza: You'll sue?
Ryan: I used to work here, remember, Liza? I know how you do business and I don't remember signing a release form for those clips that you're showing of us.
Liza: Ryan, it's public domain.
Ryan: I don't care, Liza. I don't care. I'll tie you up in court, I'll do whatever I have to do to break your bank, period.

Tad: What the hell are you talking about? Why are you at the Pine Cone Motel registered under another name?
Dixie: Because I'm scared and because we need someplace to talk where nobody can overhear us. Now, I know or I think I know what you did.
Tad: What?
Dixie: Come on, you just tell me the truth. Did you kill Sweeney?
Tad: What?
Dixie: Listen, I know you went to go and see him, ok?
Tad: Well, yeah, no, I --
Dixie: Don't -- don't try to protect me, ok?
Tad: I wasn't --
Dixie: Don't protect me. We just have to talk about it and get our stories straight, ok?
Tad: Dixie, I didn't kill anybody.
Dixie: You're telling me the truth?
Tad: Of course I'm telling you the truth. Do you honestly think for a minute I would -- I could kill that kid?
Dixie: Well, honestly, I don't know, Tad. I'm sorry, I don't know! Listen, you were very upset when I told you that Sweeney was possibly the guy that gave drugs to J.R. And -- and then Derek came by and he was looking for you! And he said that the kid was dead and that you had blood on you! Now, I'm sorry, I just -- I thought you lost control or something!
Tad: No, no, no. Sweeney was alive when I left. I promise you.
Dixie: Ok. Ok. Ok, I believe you. I'm sorry. I panicked.
Tad: Obviously. Go back. What -- what did you mean, we have to get our stories straight?
Dixie: Well, Honey, if you'd done it, we'd have to find that shirt and -- and destroy it before Derek could have it tested for evidence, and then we'd have to come up with something about where you were when it happened.
Tad: You were going to give me an alibi? You'd do that for me?
Dixie: I'd do whatever -- whatever it took. I can't let them take you away from me.
Tad: Dixie, tell me what happened.
Dixie: Well, why don't you just tell me what happened?
Tad: No, no, wait, you tell me what happened. What exactly did Derek tell you?
Die: He was looking for you.
Tad: No, what did he tell you about Sweeney?
Dixie: He was dead. They found him in the boathouse.
Tad: Oh, my God.
Dixie: What?
Tad: No, I mean, I -- the boathouse is where I saw him, but, I mean, he was very much alive when I left.
Dixie: Why was there blood on your shirt?
Tad: Because I roughed him up some.
Dixie: How "some"? Could it have killed him?
Tad: No, no, wait a minute. No, honey, I swear to you, ok? Listen, I swear to you there is absolutely no way what I did to tt kid killed him. I mean, the truth is I -- I can't even remember how his blood got on my shirt.
Dixie: What was he like?
Tad: He was -- he was just a punk. You know, he was scared.
Dixie: Of you?
Tad: No. I mean, you know, maybe. No, there was definitely something he was a lot more scared of than me. I mean, I never even got what I wanted.
Dixie: Which was what?
Tad: Names. I wanted to know who was supplying him, I wanted to know who was bringing Ecstasy into Pine Valley.
Dixie: But he wouldn't tell you?
Tad: No. And he was prepared to take quite a beating to keep it that way. I mean, he was petrified of these people. I was afraid I was actually going to have to hurt him, so I just stopped.
Dixie: Tad --
Tad: But, I mean, I told him that we weren't finished, that I was going to stay on top of him.
Dixie: That's -- that's it.
Tad: What?
Dixie: Maybe that's why he was killed. Maybe he told somebody that. Maybe there was somebody there listening to you. You know, if some people, somebody high up in a drug organization thinks you're after names and faces --
Tad: Dixie, Dixie, ok, I'll take care of us, ok?
Dixie: Don't you understand, though, if I am right that it could be very serious?
Tad: If you're right, Sweetie, I swear I am not going to let anything happen to you or J.R., ever. Ok, I promise you. I give you my word. You are by far the most important thing in the world to me, in spite of everything that's happened. I mean, look at us. You know, five months ago, we wouldn't even be in the same room, and here we are trying to protect one another and look after our kids. As bad as things are, I got to tell you, I -- I haven't felt this close to you in a long time. Thank you.

Liza: Ryan, I hope that you understand that the coverage on Gillian's life -- it serves a public need. It's news.
Ryan: Oh, come on, Liza, it's not news. It's exploitation. Gillian was never a public figure.
Liza: Her life was larger than life. She was a Princess! People thought they knew her even when they didn't, and as the story unfolds, they --
Ryan: They tune in -- lots of them, Liza -- because it's about ratings. It's about money. That's the only thing that matters, isn't it?
Liza: Not to me.
Ryan: Do you realize who you're talking to, Liza? Don't you remember some of the pieces that you had me promote when I worked here? "Charles Manson's Brain Revisited." Now, how did we lose the Pulitzer on that one?
Liza: Ok, I -- you -- yes.
Ryan: You'd sell your own teeth for a 50 share, Liza. Don't insult my intelligence.
Liza: Ryan, I haven't -- I haven't been around. I haven't been here. As they compiled the coverage on Gillian's life, they --
Ryan: No, no, no, it's not about her life, Liza, it's about her death. Her death is what makes her interesting to the audience, and you and everybody here is going to milk that as long as it sells.
Liza: Fine. You know, sue me. Sue the station, sue the network because it will keep you busy for a few hours every day. But it's not going to change anything. You are going to miss Gillian then just as much as you do now.
Ryan: I just want you to take those stories off the air. That's all I'm saying.
Liza: I know. And I'll talk to the station manager. I think the public's right to know has been fulfilled.
Liza: Ryan?
Liza: I could really use a drink. You want to join me?

Greenlee: I've had a great time all evening, even before running into Leo here.
Leo: Laura, why don't you just have a seat. You must be really tired.
Laura: No, I'm not tired yet.
Greenlee: You know, Laura, Leo has done nothing but talk about you since we happened to run into each other here. And I must say, you look a lot better than he said.
Leo: Greenlee --

Brooke: Honey. I'm sorry it took so long. I should have brought that handicapped parking sign for the car. Hi, everybody.
Laura: Yeah, the next time I want to be the reason for one of those, I want to be 97 years old.
Brooke: It's sort of warm in here. You ok?
Laura: Mom, you swore.
Brooke: Ok, ok, but you could probably use something cold, right, Leo?
Leo: Diet soda?
Laura: Sure, that'd be great.
Leo: Right.
Brooke: Please sit down, ok? You said you wouldn't overdo it. Laura: Ok.
Brooke: Ok.
Laura: Ok.

Brooke: What are you doing here with Greenlee?
Leo: I'm not here with Greenlee. I just happened to meet her here for the band.
Brooke: Leo, you're not going to hurt Laura. I swear I'm not going to let you.

Erica: I don't even know why I was surprised. I mean, you should see some of the really peculiar e-mail I get on a regular basis.
Bianca: Yeah, but, Mom, if somebody e-mailed you pretending it was from me --
Erica: Well, you know what? I thought it was you. Maybe I made a mistake. Anyway, I really don't want to ruin your nice evening. You looked like you were having a wonderful time with your new friend when I barged in.
Bianca: Oh, that's ok. Actually, we were getting ready to call it a night.
Erica: Really? Oh, please, I mean, not on my account. I mean, I can just --
Bianca: It's ok, Mom. By the way, this is my mom, Erica Kane. This is Gabriel.
Erica: Hi. Gabriel, it's so nice to finally meet you. I saw you the other night out there in the alleyway. I mean, you're the one who -- who just saved this place from completely going up in smoke.
Gabriel: Not really.
Erica: Have you just arrived in Pine Valley?
Gabriel: Yes. Yeah.
Bianca: Gabriel is living at Wildwind. He's Alex and Anna's brother.
Erica: Really? Well, my goodness, I'm sure that there's an incredibly fascinating story in there. However, I'll tell you one thing -- you sure got all the good looks in that family.
Bianca: Can we go?
Erica: If you really want to.
Bianca: Yeah, I do.
Erica: Ok. Well, I certainly hope that you'll come for dinner sometime. I think it'd be a lot of fun to spend an evening with one of Bianca's friends.
Gabriel: Sure.
Erica: Well, wonderful. Good. Ok. All right, I'll go out and have the car brought around and you just stay and say your good nights.

Bianca: Good night! So, Gabriel, I want you to call me if you ever need to talk, ok? You have my cell number, right?
Gabriel: Yeah, thanks.
Bianca: Ok. Just use it, please. I really want to keep in touch with you.
Gabriel: Ok. Bianca? Was your mom flirting with me?
Bianca: Yeah. But this time she wasn't flirting for herself.
Gabriel: What?
Bianca: Forget it. It's just another episode in my mom's drama about me. I'll just have to have a little talk with her about gay-to-straight conversions. Good night.

Leo: Ok, you're right. I didn't just happen to meet Greenlee here. She sent me a note. She wanted to see me.
Brooke: And you rushed right over.
Leo: Yes, but not to hear what she had to say. I had some very important things that I had to say to her.
Brooke: What? And, Leo, please don't try and snow me.
Leo: I told her that she has to accept the fact that we're through. And I told her that there's not a doubt in my mind there's one person that I'm committed to and one person that I love, and then I reminded her that I'm married to Laura and that I intend to keep it that way.
Brooke: Did she believe you?
Leo: Do you?
Brooke: I want to.
Leo: I told her that I love Laura. That's all she needs to know.
Brooke: I wish I knew that. I wish I could believe that it's true.

Greenlee: Laura, please, sit down. Everyone wants you to. I don't want to be responsible for something happening to you here. I have enough trouble.
Laura: You haven't answered my question, Greenlee.
Greenlee: All right. Yes, you're right.
Laura: So it isn't an accident, you being here with Leo?
Greenlee: No. I asked him to meet me here.
Laura: Why?

Liza: So you heard stories about me when I was in high school? Like what? I mean, from who? You know they're all lies.
Ryan: Really?
Liza: Yes!
Ryan: I heard you were kind of hard.
Liza: Yeah. Yeah, I was kind of hard. I had my reasons.
Ryan: Yeah, doesn't everybody.
Liza: My parents, they fought a lot and my dad would disappear for days on end and I'd blame my mom, even though I knew that it wasn't all her fault.
Ryan: Didn't your mom have a thing with Tad? That's the kind of story that lives on, Liza.
Liza: Well, ancient history, though.
Ryan: And wasn't Tad your boyfriend at the time?
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: It's amazing that you're so close with her now. Ahem.
Liza: She's changed a lot. Hopefully, I have, too.
Ryan: Nobody changes, not really.
Liza: You have. When I met you, you were a -- well, you were a scam artist.
Ryan: I was a survivor. I was doing fine, no worries.
Liza: Feeling no pain.
Ryan: Feeling no pain would feel pretty good right about now. This is supposed to help.
Liza: You can't go back to being that guy.
Ryan: You want to bet?

[Phone rings]

Liza: Liza Colby. I really can't help you right now. You're going to need to talk to the sales department. Well, wait, wait, I don't think that all of your ads can be running between 3:00 And 5:00 A.M., Mrs. Albrezzi. You just need to talk to the sales --
Ryan: Fran Albrezzi, from A&J hardware? Hello, Mrs. Albrezzi, it's Ryan Lavery. Yes, that Ryan Lavery. No, I'm not back at WRCW. I'm just -- I'm just visiting. You know, it's funny, I was thinking about you all last week. I saw your ads running during that show, "Judge Betty." Yeah, every day around 4:15. I know, it's a choice spot. I mean, everybody watches Judge Betty." Listen, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'll talk to the current sales rep --
Liza: Ronnie.
Ryan: Ronnie and I'll see if I can't convince him to throw a few extra spots your way. During wrestling? That's -- that's exactly what I was going to suggest. My pleasure. And by the way, how's your daughter, the lawyer? A law degree and a husband? Wow, Frannie, you must have done something right. You're welcome and God bless you, too. No, thank you.

Dixie: Well, it'd be great to sit here and just feel great right now, but we can't ignore the fact that we could be in an enormous amount of danger if whoever it was that got to Sweeney after you did -- don't laugh at me!
Tad: I'm not laughing at you.
Dixie: Come on, this is serious!
Tad: You're just getting ahead of yourself. It's ridiculous. Come on, we don't know that Sweeney was killed so he wouldn't name names. Dixie, come on, look what he did for a living, you know? It could have been anything. It could have been -- it could have been another parent whose kids got hooked, right? Or it could have been a drug deal gone bad or he could have gotten ripped off. It could have been anything or anybody.
Dixie: No, you're right, you're right, ok? I'm sure he had a lot of enemies.
Tad: I know he did. He was a drug dealer. He'd have to. The important thing for me to do right now is to go to Derek and tell him exactly what happened, you know? He was upset with me anyway because he kept telling me he'd do his job. If he wants to go after these people, bust Pine Valley's drug ring, so be it. The important thing is that, you know, if he's even remotely suspicious of me, it's better to tell him the truth than try to hide pieces of it.
Dixie: How progressive of you. Are you sure you're ready to do that?
Tad: What are you laughing at? Why you have such a hard time believing what I say the first time I say it?
Dixie: Oh, I wonder.
Tad: Let's get back to feeling good. I was kind of wondering if we were ever going to feel, you know, like this again. And don't get me wrong, ok? I'm not trying to re-create anything here. No, really, I'm not, because, I mean, I guess whatever we had wasn't working or we wouldn't have lost it in the first place. But I do think that you and me and a clean slate would have a pretty good shot right now.
Dixie: I do, too.
Tad: I never stopped loving you. You know that, right?
Dixie: You're my home. Don't you know that by now?
Tad: I do now.

Erica: All I'm saying is that you are welcome to invite your friends over here anytime you like. That's it, Bianca.
Bianca: Especially if they're male, right?
Erica: Bianca, for the last time, I am not matchmaking. I mean, give me a little credit, for heaven's sakes. Do I really look that obtuse?
Bianca: You want the truth?
Erica: Bianca Montgomery, really.
Bianca: Mom, your eyes lit up when you saw me sitting with a good-looking guy talking. Come on.
Erica: Oh, you come on, Honey. Anyhow, his face is so pretty that --
Bianca: Mom, Gabriel is not gay.
Erica: No?
Bianca: You're impossible.
Erica: Oh, well. But, I mean, you two really had a good time together. So wouldn't it be nice just to see him again? Wouldn't it?
Bianca: Mom, you are so transparent, like cellophane.

Erica: Hey. Oh, guess the bulb must have gone out. That's funny.
Bianca: It must be the circuit breaker. I'll go downstairs and I'll switch it back on.
Erica: You know where that is?
Bianca: Yeah, sure I do.
Erica: How?
Bianca: Mom, just wait here. This happens sometimes when you use your new blow dryer. It'll just take a second.

Erica: I think that girl is entirely too handy.

Tad: Hey, Mrs. Carson.
Dixie: Hmm?
Tad: Did you know that I love you more right now than I ever have?

Liza: You know, you have changed. The old Ryan Lavery would have billed Mrs. Brezzi for the spots that never aired during "Judge Betty."
Ryan: She's a nice woman.
Liza: Hmm, see? See how much you've changed? How'd you like to have your old job back?
Ryan: What?
Liza: The old sales rep, he's just not working out.
Ryan: Ronnie?
Liza: Yeah, I'm going to let him go. Why don't you come back, work here?
Ryan: I thought you wanted me to stay on at incredibledreams with Adam.
Liza: Well, you know, one of the things that you said, it made sense to me. You were right. And I didn't know it, until you were on the phone with Mrs. Albrezzi, what was missing. You made money for me and you made money for this station before. You can do it again.
Ryan: You're not just saying this because you feel sorry for me?
Liza: Are you kidding? You are good at this. You didn't feel that? I saw it. You had this -- this spark in your eye that I haven't seen in weeks, and you would make money for me. And you liked it here. We both win.
Ryan: Well, I didn't hate it here, that's true.
Liza: So?

Adam: Liza? We left you on the yacht, didn't we? What are you doing here?
Ryan: I'm considering a job offer -- from Liza.

Greenlee: You don't know what you're asking me to tell you.
Laura: Oh, I know very well. Why did you ask Leo to meet you here?
Greenlee: It has nothing to do with you. Leo and I have a history. If there are things that we need to tell each other --
Laura: Leo is my husband.
Greenlee: I know he's your husband. For God's sake, everyone keeps reminding me of that. But that's just the point, Laura. Your --

Leo: Here you go, Sweetheart. Here's your drink.
Laura: Thank you.
Leo: You ok? It's awfully hot in here.
Laura: Yeah, I'm ok. I just didn't want to stay home tonight.
Leo: Ok. Good. I'm glad you came.
Brooke: Why don't we all sit down. Hmm? Come on.
Greenlee: Laura? You asked me why I wanted to meet Leo here. I wasn't going to tell you, but I think it's time you knew.

Tad: Dixie?
Dixie: Oh, I just wish you could move in right now and we could tell the kids about us.
Tad: No, we agreed. No, J.R.'s already been through enough, ok?
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: Naturally, he'd be skeptical of any major changes.
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: You think he's heard about Sweeney?
Dixie: I don't think so. He went down to the community center after therapy and he was out when Derek came over, so --
Tad: Want me to come in? I mean, I could help you tell him.
Dixie: I'd love you to come in, but you'd better not, you know. J.R.'S pretty perceptive.
Tad: Yeah, he may get a little suspicious if he sees us doing something like this.

[Door opens]

J.R.: I heard your voices. Why didn't you guys just come in?
Tad: Actually, we were just about to.
Dixie: How was the community center?
J.R.: Same as always. But I'm kind of tired, so I'm going to go to bed.
Tad: J.R.? Could you give us a few minutes? We're a little concerned because we know you're going to hear about something that happened, something pretty terrible. It's probably already all over the news that your -- your friend Sweeney has been killed.
J.R.: Sweeney wasn't my friend. I mean, I hardly knew the kid.
Tad: Well, he was the dealer who sold you the ecstasy, wasn't he?
J.R.: It -- well, it doesn't matter much now, right? He's dead.
Dixie: J.R., come on.
J.R.: I saw him at a couple of parties. I didn't know who or what he was.

[Doorbell rings]

Derek: Hello, Tad. I've been looking for you.

Adam: Liza, didn't you tell me that I needed Ryan's expertise? That I should give him another week at incredibledreams before I fired him?
Liza: Ahem. I need him here and I just remembered. I'm sorry.
Adam: Are you really? So you think you can just throw incribledreams aside like a pair of dirty socks?
Ryan: But, Adam, you weren't happy with me. You micromanage me, you second-guess me all the time. What do you care what I do?
Adam: I was trying to drag you kicking and screaming into the profit column. Anybody I could get to replace you now would be worse than you are.
Ryan: Another ringing endorsement.
Adam: Well, what do you expect? You have no loyalty, you have no -- no sense of honor, no stick-to-itiveness.
Ryan: Liza, you have a new sales rep. When do you want me to start?

Erica: Bianca? Are you all right?


Erica: Is someone there?

[Floorboard creaks]

[Erica screams]

Erica: Hey! Hey! Come back here! Who are you?
Bianca: Mom! Mom! Where are you? Are you ok? What happened?
Erica: I have no idea.

Leo: Do you ever get tired of causing trouble, Greenlee? Don't listen to what she has to say.
Laura: It's ok. I asked her to tell me. I want to know.
Brooke: Laura, this is your first night out. I don't want you getting upset, all right, so let's go.
Leo: Yes, we're going.
Greenlee: They seem to think you're so fragile, Laura, but you look so much better to me. Leo, why not tell her the truth? She'll be grateful.
Leo: Greenlee, please don't. Just stop.
Laura: Go on, Greenlee. Say what you want to say to me.
Greenlee: I want to give you a party, Laura, to congratulate you on your marriage. What's the big deal? You're not sick anymore. You can come to a party, can't you?
Brooke: We appreciate your offer, Greenlee, but, actually, I'm already throwing Laura and Leo a belated wedding reception.
Greenlee: Well, but the thing is I need to do this for myself. I mean, this is a small town, really. Everyone knows how Leo and I broke up, t if I throw a party, it'll be clear to everybody that I'm happy for Leo and I wish the two of you only the very best.
Laura: You don't have to throw me a party, Greenlee. Why don't you just come to our wedding reception. That'll show people you wish us well.
Greenlee: Thank you. I would love to come to your reception.
Laura: We'll tell you when and where.
Greenlee: I look forward to it. You see? Wasn't so bad. You have a very devoted husband. That's worth so much. Well, it was wonderful seeing you looking so much better, Laura. Good night.
Laura: Good night, Greenlee.
Brooke: Good night.

Greenlee: Ah!

Adam: "This will serve as a notice of resignation from, effective immediately," signed Ryan Lavery. No, I don't accept it. You owe me.
Ryan: My new motto, Adam -- I don't owe nobody nothing.
Adam: Well, I think I'll hold on to this overnight because you might just change your mind once you've sobered up. Thank you so much for your help.
Ryan: I'm as sober as I want to be, Adam, and I don't want to work for you anymore.
Liza: Ryan, would you excuse us, please?
Ryan: Sure. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Late morning.
Liza: Mm-hmm. Bye.

Liza: I've thought a lot about what you asked me to do.
Adam: What?
Liza: Lying about where J.R. was tonight, being his alibi. I won't do it.
Adam: Liza, don't you care anything about that boy? He's my son. He's -- he's had bad luck, yes, bad timing, but he hasn't done anything wrong.
Liza: If I believed that J.R. was in so much trouble that this was the only way to save him, I might think differently. But that boy couldn't have killed anyone. And if I'm right, then we're doing exactly the wrong thing. Please don't get involved. Please be reasonable. Don't make things worse.
Adam: You have a very low opinion of me.
Liza: No, I have a very high opinion of you. I just wish you shared it.

Derek: Will you take a ride with me? There's a few things I want to discuss with you. I think it's better if we do it at the station.
J.R.: What's wrong?
Tad: Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Is it, Derek?
Derek: You recognize this?
Tad: Yeah, ok, ok, fine. Every -- now, listen, it's my business card, ok, but there's no mystery involved. I can explain everything.
Derek: I'm sure you can, Tad. Let's do it down at the station. There's a few questions I want to ask you, like why your business card was found next to Sweeney's body.
Tad: Just tell me, am I under arrest?


Shannon: You should have a little chat with your senorita, tell her what she can really expect on your first date.

Chris: Top of the morning to you, Mrs. Kane.
Erica: You get out of my house right this minute!

Derek: Looks like we found the murder weapon.

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