July 24, 2001

Ryan: What do you want?
Woman: You said I cheated at cards last night.
Ryan: Yeah? You did.
Woman: Apologize.
Ryan: What? No.
Woman: Did you hear me?
Ryan: What --
Woman: I said apologize or we're going to take this outside! You got it?

Gillian: It's pretty good. You know, except Ryan's usually clean-shaven.
Jesse: Really. Have you seen him lately?
Gillian: What?
Jesse: Uh, you-all excuse us, please?
Gillian: This looks like a group therapy room.
Jesse: You think?
Gillian: So, what, you all think I need counseling?
Jesse: Oh, no, we don't think -- we know you need help. That's why we're here -- to help guide your stubborn little behind.
Gillian: The only help I need is to get back to Ryan. Do you-all know that I'm Hungarian royalty?
Jesse: Oh. She's royalty. You hear that? And that would mean exactly what?
Gillian: That would mean that I do exactly what I want to do whenever I want to do. And I'm going back to Ryan, no matter what you all say.

Anna: Hi. Working hard?
Gabriel: What do you want, Anna?
Anna: Well, I came to see you.
Gabriel: Well, I'm working, just like you said.
Anna: Can we talk?
Gabriel: About what?
Anna: You.
Gabriel: I don't like to talk about me.
Anna: Yeah, I know, I know, but I really feel that --

Mateo: What did I say?
Rosa: You're so annoying.
Mateo: What do you mean I'm annoying? I'm not trying to be annoying. I'm just trying to ask you a question. I mean --
Rosa: What exactly did you do at the party last night, Rosa?"
Mateo: I didn't say it like that.
Rosa: You're not just asking a question. You are always doing --

Mateo: Hi.
Anna: Hi. Hi. I came to see my brother. Is that all right?
Mateo: Sure, sure.

[Phone rings]

Mateo: Oh, we start early in here, huh?
Anna: Yeah.


Rosa: Morning, Anna.
Anna: Hi.
Rosa: Hey. I have to go get ready for work.

Anna: Could you just give me five minutes, please, to talk? Thank you. What happened last night at Leo and Laura's party?
Gabriel: I left.
Anna: Yeah, I am aware of that -- after you turned over the buffet table. But what happened? Why? What were you so angry about?

Rosa: Marcus.
Marcus: Hi, these are for you.
Rosa: Oh, they're beautiful!

Derek: It's just a scare tactic.
Dixie: It's more than just a scare tactic. Whoever wrote that note has been near my son, is threatening my child.
Derek: I know, I know. I'm going to stay on this.
Dixie: It's Sweeney's father, Derek. You and I both know that.
Derek: I don't know anything of the kind, Dixie. We questioned Officer Sweeney. He hasn't said anything incriminating.
Dixie: What? He told us that he would make Tad pay for killing his son. What was that?
Derek: Does Tad know about the note?
Dixie: No, he doesn't, and I don't want him to, ok? He's got enough on his mind as it is.

[Phone rings]

Dixie: Excuse me.

Dixie: Hello?
Tad: Greetings from the clink.
Dixie: Tad. Oh, my God.
Tad: Yeah. They let me make a phone call, seeing as how, you know, I'm their favorite. How you doing, Sweetheart? You get any sleep? How's J.R.?
Dixie: Uh -- oh, we're fine, we're fine.
Tad: What happened? Dixie: Nothing.
Tad: Dixie, what happened?

[Knock on door]

Officer: Lieutenant, are you posting a guard?
Derek: I'm on it, Marino.

Tad: Wait, is Derek there?
Dixie: Yeah, Derek is here. He just came by to check up on me.
Tad: You're lying.
Dixie: Tad --
Tad: Dixie, don't do this to me. If something has happened, just tell me what it is. Please?
Dixie: We got a threatening note last night about J.R.
Tad: What?
Dixie: Derek says it's just a scare tactic.
Tad: It's working.
Does J.R. know about it?
Dixie: No, he doesn't. I sent him off to Brooke and Jamie's.
Tad: All right, listen -- Dixie, you tell Derek he's got to make sure he's got -- he's got to have a guard posted on the house and he's got to have a guard posted on Brooke's house, as well, ok? If you don't -- put him on the phone now, I'll talk to him.
Dixie: Tad, Tad, you've just got to calm down, ok? Don't get worked up about this. You have to stay calm and focused here.
Tad: Focused. Yeah, ok. I -- I got to go.
Dixie: Tad --
Tad: No, I'm all right. It's ok, really, Sweetheart, I promise you. The guards are waving me off. I love you and I'll call you later.
Dixie: Ok.

Tad: This is not going to happen to me. Listen, you know Sweeney? The one who works out of Center City?
Officer: Yeah, yeah, I know him.
Tad: Ok, you call him, tell him I want to talk to him.
Officer: Yeah, sure, right away.
Tad: Just do it, ok? All you got to say is that Tad Martin is ready to confess

Anna: Is it because of him?
Gabriel: What?
Anna: Well, that you were so angry last night, right now. Are you interested in Rosa?
Gabriel: Look, what do you want from me, Anna?
Anna: I want to know why you acted the way you did at the party.
Gabriel: Do you want me to act like everyone else in this town and hide my feelings?
Anna: No.
Gabriel: Well, I'm not like anyone you know and I never will be, so just deal with it.

Rosa: Ahem. Hey, Mateo. Look, Marcus got me flowers. Isn't that sweet?
Mateo: You were here when the paper delivery came yesterday, right?
Rosa: Yeah.
Mateo: So maybe you can go help Ernest in the back and do some inventory.
Rosa: Oh, I -- I just --
Mateo: Yeah, maybe you can go back right now and help him do some inventory, all right?
Rosa: Ok.

Mateo: Nice flowers.
Marcus: Yeah. Mr. Santos, you know, I like your sister a lot.
Mateo: Yeah, yeah, I get that.
Marcus: I would never take advantage of her.
Mateo: She's a trusting girl.
Marcus: Yeah, and I promise I won't do anything that would, you know, upset you or her.
Mateo: See, here's the thing -- she's -- my sister's really stubborn. And she's also naive, ok? So that makes for a complicated combination, you understand me?
Marcus: Totally. And about that kiss -- I'm sorry if that was forward. Look, I'll be more careful with her in front of you.
Mateo: Yeah, yeah, just -- just be careful, period.
Marcus: I will.
Mateo: Ok. And another thing -- you know, you -- you got to remember who you're talking to here.
Marcus: Ok.
Mateo: You know who you' talking to?
Marcus: Yeah, I me, you're her brother.
Mateo: No, no, I'm not -- I'm not saying that. Not the brother part, the guy part. All right? Everything you're thinking about doing, everything you're going to do, I've done it. All right? So this "Mr. Santos" stuff, this -- you know, this snow job you're trying to pull, I know where you're coming from. Understand me?
Marcus: Yeah, yeah.
Mateo: All right, so give it a rest, ok?
Marcus: Ok, I will.

Anna: What is it about this guy, Gabriel?
Gabriel: Do you know him?
Anna: No, I don't know him.
Gabriel: Then it's his eyes. I've seen eyes like that before.
Anna: What are you saying?
Gabriel: They're dead. There's nothing behind them. At Bryn Wydd, I had a guard that looked just like that. He just loved to make me feel like dirt, and he had eyes just like Marcus' -- dead.

Natalie: No, I think --
Gillian: Just because I'm caught in this half-life-after-death place does not mean that I won't be able to break through to be with my husband again. Any questions?
Cindy: I was terrified of leaving Stuart. I worried about it all through my illness. I refused to let go, even after I'd crossed over. I thought he'd be lost without me. But you know what? He wasn't. Life -- life really does go on, Gillian. And Stuart -- he found Marian. He found who he was supposed to love.
Natalie: My husband, Trevor, married my sister after I was gone, and my sister was not exactly easy to get to know. But what I have come to realize is that it was my fate to come here so that my sister, Janet, could be saved by the man that I loved with all my heart when I was still alive.
Jesse: Doink, doink, doink, doink, doink.
Travis: I have a daughter. I died very suddenly, at a time when she needed me more than she'd ever needed me before in her whole life. It was hard not being able to tell her that I loved her, to help her. But you know what happened, Gillian? She knew that I loved her. My love entered her heart and she grew wiser and stronger.
Gillian: Ok, just hold it, ok, all of you. I don't want to hear this.
Jesse: Well, Gillian, you have to hear this.
Gillian: No, Jesse, I don't! I really don't want to hear this! Ok, I am really sorry that you all struggled to leave the people you love behind and I'm sure you miss them terribly, but you're not me! And the person you left behind is not Ryan! And I will not be denied!
Jesse: Well, you have been denied, little lady. And it's time for you to let go!

Woman: Hey!
Ryan: What are you, like, 5 years old? You want to take me out to the school yard and punch me in the stomach?
Woman: Ugh! You want a right cross to your jaw or are you going to apologize for calling me a cheater?
Ryan: You totally palmed that deck last night, all right? I'm a little too rough around the edges not to know a grifter when I see one.
Woman: A grifter? Well, you lousy son of a --
Ryan: Now, just take it easy! What --
Woman: Ah! Ryan: Are you for real?
Woman: Watch me.
Ryan: Oh! Ooh!
Woman: Ah!
Ryan: Now, what the hell are you doing?

[Door opens]

Marian: Well, I asked you to get rid of her, Ryan. I didn't tell you to kill her.

Carl: No, leave me alone with him.
Officer: Carl, I can lose my job if anything happens to that prisoner because of you, all right?
Carl: I'll vouch for you, Al.
Al: You're not going to fight him.
Tad: Al, it's all right. It's the right thing to do.
Carl: Give me the keys. I'll vouch for you.
Tad: Don't worry.
Carl: Now, you come right back if you hear anything that makes you nervous, Al. Now go.
Carl: You want to confess? To me?
Tad: Yes.
Carl: You want to appeal to my forgiving side?
Tad: No. I want to appeal to the side that cares about the truth, the side that made you want to be a cop.
Carl: Want to know the best part about being a cop? Firearms. So, tell me how you murdered my boy

Woman: You hired this thug to off me?
Ryan: Excuse me, "thug"?
Marian: "Off you"? Didn't you just hear what I said to Ryan, Mia?
Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. This is Mia?
Marian: What, she didn't introduce herself before you tried to kill her? Why am I not surprised?
Ryan: Marian, will you please tell me what the hell's going on here?
Marian: Look, I had to do something because she wouldn't leave me alone.
Mia: So you hire a hit man?
Ryan: I am not a hit man!
Mia: Wait, I'm sorry, I was crowding you, getting in the way of your perfect, ordered, rich life? I'm sorry, I should feel sorry for you?
Ryan: Wait, will someone please tell me what's going on here?
Mia: Oh, and you didn't tell Paulie Walnuts here why you wanted me dead?
Marian: Look, I don't want you dead, Mia. And Ryan doesn't have to know anything, all right?
Mia: Oh, because you don't want him to know anything.
Ryan: Hello. Man in the house, over here.
Mia: You want me gone out of town. Well, you know what that's going to cost, Madam Marian?
Marian: I've already paid you, Mia.
Mia: Yeah, well, it's gone. I -- I lost it at poker. It wasn't enough.
Marian: Oh, for God's sake. Well, how much do you want this time?
Mia: I don't know. I think maybe five grand sounds like a pretty good number.
Marian: \$5,000? You are out of your mind!
Mia: So, Buddy, you want to hear the whole dirty story?

Gillian: You people lie! Are you supposed to lie in heaven?
Jesse: How many times I got to tell you this ain't heaven? We're here with you because you won't face the truth and --
Gillian: You know, we could just all go fly around on little angel wings and pretend it's ok to not be with the people we love, to not be able to live our lives the way we want to live them and in our life! You told me I had a task to perform and, when I completed it, that I could go back to Ryan.
Natalie: I know, but, Gillian --
Gillian: No, don't "but, Gillian" me. I am not supposed to be here. There's been a mistake -- a huge, colossal, enormous mistake. It was not my time.
Travis: We all felt that way once.
Gillian: No! I'm not supposed to be here. What, you want me all to say, "oh, it's ok, rest in peace"? Not doable! Not possible!
Jesse: Gillian, don't do that.
Gillian: No, Jesse, don't you "but" me. This is my life.
Gillian: Excuse me. I have to go.

Man: I know that feeling.
Gillian: Please excuse me.
Man: It wasn't my time, either. Ma'am, I bet I can help.
Gillian: Who are you?
Man: I'm a daddy of somebody you know back home in Pine Valley.
Gillian: Oh? Who?
Man: Tad.
Gillian: Tad Martin?
Ray: That's my boy.
I'm Ray Gardner. Pleased to meet you.

Carl: I'm waiting, Martin. Tell me, did you look my boy in the eye before you hit him over the head with that tire iron?
Tad: Sweeney, put the gun down.
Carl: Don't tell me what to do.
Tad: Don't do anything that's going to make this worse than it already is.
Carl: Tell me what you did to my son.
Tad: All right. I will. But it isn't what you think. I'm sorry. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now. I've got two boys myself and I know what I would do if anybody hurt either one of them. But I swear to you on everything that I hold dear on this entire earth that I did not kill your boy. But if you let me, I will help you find whoever did it because they were the ones that got him involved in selling drugs in the first place.
Carl: My son did not do drugs.
Tad: Maybe not. But he did sell them. I'm sorry, Sweeney, it's the truth. He sold to my boy.
Carl: You are a lying bastard. You killed my son. Now I'm going to kill you.

Rosa: Hey.
Marcus: Hey.
Rosa: They're so beautiful.
Marcus: Yeah.
Rosa: Can't wait to get them in some water.

Mateo: So we -- we understand each other, right? We're cool, right?
Marcus: Yeah, I am. I hope you can believe me.
Mateo: Yeah. Just keep your word.
Marcus: I'll be good to Rosa, I promise.
Mateo: All right. Now if you can go -- I mean, she's got a lot of work to do. You understand that, right?
Marcus: Yeah.
Mateo: Ok. Thanks a lot.
Marcus: Yeah, tell her I said good-bye, ok?
Mateo: Yeah, yeah, I will.
Marcus: All right.
Mateo: I will. All right.
Marcus: Thanks.

Rosa: Mateo.
Mateo: What?
Rosa: My God, you made him leave?
Mateo: No, I told him that you had to work. He told me to tell you good-bye.
Rosa: Mateo?
Mateo: What?
Rosa: Are you trying to ruin my life?
Mateo: Yes, that's my mission.
Rosa: Come on. What did you say to Marcus?
Mateo: I told him that you had to work, that he was free to see you when you're off. Rosa: As long as you're
on the other side of the leash, right?
Mateo: How did inventory go?
Rosa: Fine.
Mateo: Come on.
Rosa: Don't, I am mad at you.
Mateo: You'll get over it. Let me make you some breakfast.

Anna: I'm not a shrink or anything, and I wouldn't want to be, but I --
Gabriel: Good.
Anna: I do know that if you discuss your painful feelings that it just gets better.
Gabriel: Look, what do you want me to say?
Anna: Well, you think this guy Marcus is evil?
Gabriel: I've been watching him. He says one thing, he does another. He tells people he's one way, but he's another. It's all an act just to cover up.
Anna: But people do that. They present the best part of themselves. That's -- I think that's human nature.
Gabriel: You think it's human nature to hurt somebody? What, is that the best part?

Marcus: Whoa. What the hell you doing here, Shannon?
Shannon: I waited outside your house all night.
Marcus: You're such a loser.
Shannon: Don't be like that, Marcus. I had such an awesome time last night.
Marcus: Last night? What happened last night?
Shannon: Stop it, ok? I waited for you and then I followed you here. I saw you buy flowers. I hoped that they were for me.
Marcus: No. They weren't.
Shannon: No. They're for that convent girl. Why, Marcus? I mean, she doesn't know what you like, you know, about what you --
Marcus: Shut up or I will shut you up!

Gillian: So you think you could maybe help me get back to Pine Valley?
Ray: I do. You see, I know what it means to have unfinished business, little lady. I figure if I help you get what you want, maybe you can do me a little favor.
Gillian: Oh, anything. You're the first person I've met who's willing to help me.
Ray: Well, I'm an understanding kind of guy. That room you was in -- I've been after them to let me get in on all that for a long, long time.
Gillian: They wouldn't let you in?
Ray: They think the wrong thoughts about me. So I need a little help, know what I mean?
Gillian: Well, I'll do anything I can, Mr. Gardner. See, Jesse is not easy, but he's -- he's reasonable.
Ray: Ain't you sweet. Now this is what I need for you to do.
Ray: You just can't keep your nose out of my business, can you, Jesse?
Jesse: You ever going to give this up?
Gillian: Jesse, this man can help me.
Jesse: This man made his son's life a living hell every single day he was on earth. And so his payback now is the real thing, huh, for the rest of time, huh?
Gillian: You're in hell? You -- you're Tad's father?
Ray: Don't listen to this jackass, Miss. I'm here to help you.
Jesse: Yo -- can you say "scrub"? He beat Tad senseless when he was a kid, practically ruined his life, practically ruined Opal's life. The man -- he's unredeemable, man. He's -- he's a scrub.
Gillian: Why's this happening to me? Why am I meeting all these people who won't help me? I can't take it anymore!

Jesse: Oh, my God. You know something? You are going to have to upgrade that bonus you promised because this one -- ugh!

Dixie: Tad? Derek? Tad: Shh. Anna: Oh, you know, we don't know each other very well -- we don't know each other at all -- but you can't manufacture a close -- sit down, sit down, please. Sit down. I'm your sister and I want to help you. I want you to be happy. I want you to be able to put all the things that were done to you behind you. I mean, that's all I want, truly.
Gabriel: Look, I know I'm not the easiest to be around.
Anna: I'm not the easiest to be around. Good Lord, my life -- it's been one of secrecy, hiding. But I feel like I'm coming out of that part now, the way that you're emerging from your past. So I'm just hoping that maybe, if we got lucky, we could like each other a little bit, help each other find the right path to go down. Would that be all right? Good.

Mateo: Just -- just make the delivery. I mean, I've been waiting for two weeks. Come on.

Rosa: Marcus! Hey, I was just about to call you.
Marcus: Yeah, well, I'm here. I didn't want to leave, even though I told your brother I would.
Rosa: Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
Marcus: Look, he's just looking after you. I can understand that. And he has caught us kissing.
Rosa: Yeah, but it was just a kiss. I wish he wouldn't go postal every time.
Marcus: Rosa, I just want you to know that I would never, ever do anything to hurt you. I promise.
Rosa I know.

Mia: So I hope this isn't going to bounce like a basketball, Marian.
Marian: Just take the money, Mia, keep your mouth shut, and leave town.
Mia: Oh, I will keep my mouth shut, but I'm not leaving.
Marian: Ryan, can't you at least do what I paid you to do?
Mia: You know, you might want to get a refund, Marian, because he's not going to be able to get rid of me.
Ryan: I don't know what you two have going on -- I have no idea -- but why would you want to stick around if you're so unwanted?
Mia: The pay's good.
Ryan: And where you come from, the pay's not so good? Where is that, by the way?
Mia: Do I look as stupid as you're treating me?
Ryan: Just making small talk.
Mia: You're making a fool of yourself is what you're doing.
Marian: Mia, just keep quiet and get out of town. And I never want to see you back here again. Is that clear?

Mia: So how long have you been taking cash to get rid of people?
Ryan: You tell me why I should tell you anything. Mia: Well, I don't know.
I'm just making small talk.
Ryan: Hmm.
Mia: What does your wife think about the way you bring home the bacon?
Ryan: How did you know I was married?
Mia: Your ring sort of gives it away a little bit. So does your wife know that you play high-stakes poker in your boss' office at night?
Ryan: Know what? You don't talk about my wife, you understand me, ever.

Jesse: I knew you were going to do this again.
Gillian: Jesse, what is she doing here this morning?

Mia: So why? What's -- what's up with your wife?
Ryan: You know what? Marian paid you. I'm really not interested in why anymore, so why don't you just get out of here.

Gillian: Good.

Mia: Wait.

Gillian: Jesse, why is she here, please?

Mia: Your wife is gone, isn't she?

Gillian: Whoa.

Mia: Is she, uh, dead?

Gillian: Tell her I'm not gone, Ryan. Tell her.

Ryan: You just stay away from me.
Mia: Hey, I'm -- I'm not anywhere near you.

Gillian: Oh, my God. Jesse, he can feel me.

Dixie: Tad, what -- what's going on?
Tad: Shh!
Dixie: Why are dressed like this?
Tad: Honey, listen, keep your voice down. Listen, I'm sorry, Baby, but he gave me no choice, you understand? I called Sweeney down here to reason with him, to tell him that I did not kill his son, and he drew his weapon on me.
Dixie: What?
Tad: Yeah.
Dixie: They let him bring a gun in here?
Tad: Are you kidding? They feel sorry for him in here. Anyway, I got the gun away from him and you can pretty much see how it turned out.
Dixie: Is he dead?
Tad: No, he's just out cold.
Dixie: And you wore his clothes because --
Tad: Because I am going to get the hell out of here.
Dixie: Wait a minute, wait a minute, Tad. No, you don't want to do that. They already think you killed this kid, and now you've assaulted an officer? Come on, do you have any idea what you're in for?
Tad: All I know is that somebody is after my family, and I don't know whether it's that maniac or some drug lord, and personally I don't give a damn. To hell with Jackson and Derek. I'm not just going to roll over and take this idiocy, ok? And I certainly do not trust some jerk eating a doughnut in a black-and-white to look after you and J.R. Now I got to get out there and fight to get my life back. Please, baby, please, don't make this any harder than it already is, ok? I love you too much.
Dixie: I love you, too, but this is -- this is scaring me.
Tad: Just remember one thing, ok -- you don't know anything.
Dixie: Where -- Tad, where are you going to be?

Derek: Dixie, what --
Dixie: Uh, it's ok, it's ok. He's alive.
Derek: What else do you know?
Dixie: Nothing. Tad wasn't here when I got here. Derek?
Derek: I've got an APB out on your husband and an ambulance for the officer he assaulted.
Dixie: God, Tad. Be careful.

Mia: Seriously, I'm -- I'm not anywhere near you.
Ryan: I, uh -- I just thought I felt somebody near me, that's all. I thought I smelled her -- her perfume.
Mia: Oh, man, yeah. You're smelling your wife's perfume?

Gillian: Ryan? Baby, I'm right here. It's me. Just see me.

Mia: You know, I know what it's like to lose someone that you love. I've lost a few.

Gillian: What is she doing?

Mia: One not too long ago, actually. June 25.

Gillian: What?

Ryan: That's the -- that's the day I lost my wife.

Gillian: No. Ryan, I'm right here.

Mia: I'm sorry, really.

Gillian: Jesse? Do something. Get her out of here so I can be alone with Ryan.
Jesse: Gillian, you know I can't do that.

Mia: Uh, listen --
here, this is --
Ryan: What is this?
Mia: I -- I picked it up off the floor the other night after the wind came in here and kicked everything around. I just feel like I -- I kind of -- I owe it to you since you were right. Um -- I cheated. So we're even.
Ryan: Wait a second.

Gillian: No, Ryan, let her go.

Ryan: Just wait a second.

Gillian: Oh, no. Jesse? When you said Ryan won't be alone for long, you didn't mean her, did you? Jesse?

Anna: So could I ask you a personal question?
Gabriel: For a change? Are you interested in Rosa? I mean, she seems like a really nice girl. Yeah, she's too nice for me at least.
Anna: No, now stop that. This is what I'm talking about. You know, if you're open to opportunities, you don't know what will happen. You should. You know, look, it's my fault. I'm -- I'm keeping him from his work.
Mateo: No, it's fine.
Gabriel: No, no, no, no.
Mateo: We can --
Gabriel: I'll get back to work.
Mateo: Ok.
Anna: I'll see you at home later?

Anna: Mateo?
Mateo: Yeah?
Anna: Thank you so much for giving Gabriel all these chances.
Mateo: Oh, you kidding? I should be thanking you. He's a good kid.
Anna: Yeah, I know, he is. He's got a lot of stuff bottled up inside, though. How's Hayley?
Mateo: Very pregnant --
Anna: Yeah?
Mateo: Still. She's so over this. She's ready to go.
Anna: Maybe I could pop by and see her. Could I do that?
Mateo: That'd be great. Yeah.
Anna: All right.

Rosa: I am so glad that you're not freaked out about my brother giving you such a hard time.
Marcus: I want him to trust me.
Rosa: Well, he will when he realizes that I do.
Marcus: You do?
Rosa: Of course I do.

Marcus: Oh, dog boy. Why are you here?
Gabriel: Who'd you hit?
Marcus: What?
Gabriel: Your hand -- it's bleeding.
Rosa: Marcus, what happened?
Marcus: I got a little mad after Mateo asked me to leave. I kind of slugged a wall.
Gabriel: No, I'm talking to you. Who did you hit?
Marcus: Rosa, let me talk to him alone, ok?
Rosa: Marcus, I don't think that that's such a good idea.
Marcus: I'm not going to do anything.
Gabriel: No, no.
Marcus: I promise.
Gabriel: Go ahead, Rosa.

Marcus: I want you out of my face. And if you're not out of my face, I will come after you and we will do the humane thing and put you down like the dog you are.
Gabriel: If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from me.
Marcus: Oh.

[Shannon cries]

Anna: All right, I'm taking off.
Gabriel: Wait, no, no. No, let me walk you out.
Anna: All right. Thanks.

Tad: Matt? The police are after me.
Mateo: What?
Tad: It's not a joke. I just knocked a cop unconscious and broke out of jail.

[Sirens approach]

Mateo: You're serious?
Tad: I need a place to hide and you're it. Mateo, help me.


Carl: Open up now!
Tad: That's him.
Mateo: What?
Tad: That's Sweeney.

Opal: You ever wish old Jesse was still around?

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