July 25, 2001

Mia: Listen, I've been enough of a pain. I think I'm just going to clear out.
Ryan: No, hold on a second. I want to thank you.
Mia: For what?
Ryan: Last night was a pretty rich card game. You just gave me back all of the money.

Gillian: He's thanking her? She cheated him.

Ryan: Why'd you give it back?
Mia: Well, you busted me.
Ryan: Well, I couldn't exactly prove it, and somehow I don't think you have a guilty conscience.
Mia: Oh? Really? How come?
Ryan: Well, I've seen you cheat at cards. I've seen you blackmail Marian Chandler.
Mia: Marian and I have a business agreement, and it's really none of your concern.
Ryan: But dealing from the bottom of the deck?
Mia: I shouldn't have done that.
Ryan: Why? All of a sudden, you feel sorry for me?
Mia: Because your wife bought the farm? No. Bad things happen. Life goes on -- or it doesn't. It's up to you.

Gillian: She's horrible.

Ryan: I thought you said you know what it feels like to lose someone.
Mia: You know, if you want sympathy, you should go to a therapist. I stole some money. I gave it back. End of story.
Ryan: Wait a second. I got more questions for you.
Mia: Like what?
Ryan: Like why you play crooked.
Mia: I like to win.
Ryan: Were your cards marked?
Mia: Oh, my cards! I almost forgot.
Ryan: Go ahead, pick them up. They're all over the place. I didn't touch them since that wind swept in here. You are going to be a lot of trouble. It must be a trick deck.
Mia: No, just lucky, actually.
Ryan: Oh.

Jesse: We got to get out of here.
Gillian: No.
Jesse: What, you want me to pull rank again?
Gillian: Ryan needs me! Jesse: Oh, get -

Liza: What happened to my office? It looks like somebody threw a keg party here.

Liza: Oh, hello. Would you like to introduce us?
Ryan: Yes. Absolutely. Uh, Mia --
Mia: Oh, no, that's ok. I know who you are.

David: All right, let me guess -- you and Liza are fighting again, and now you want to make up.
Adam: I'm a busy man, Hayward.
David: Well, then, I ought to be flattered. You made time for me out of your busy schedule.
Adam: Yeah, I know you get a kick out of this -- holding something over me.
David: It's not just something, Adam. It's your son's entire future.
Adam: It doesn't bother you at all, does it? Taking advantage of a boy's mistakes?
David: Hmm. I can't afford to be so sentimental about it, Adam. There's too much on the line for me. Speaking of which, have you met with the judge who's presiding over my case yet?
Adam: I had to put together a whole new dream team. I think they've come up with a winning strategy.
David: As long as it results in my charges being dropped, I couldn't care less. Adam; Well, it isn't all that you want..
David: What exactly does that mean?
Adam: These lawyers are some of the best legal minds in the country, and they all agree on one thing -- there is no way you're going to walk. So they do promise this -- that they will get the sentence reduced.
David: How much more clear can I make this for you, Adam? If I do any time behind bars, one day, I'm sending whatever I have on J.R. over to the police.
Adam: Do you think you're dealing with some kind of a jaywalking ticket here? My God, you -- do I need to remind you that you drugged a whole party? This whole town still hasn't gotten over it. People's lives were damaged. Everyone I know can't wait to testify against you.
David: Yeah, yeah, right. That's right. Fine upstanding citizens like Tad Martin, right? Who's being charged with murder right now.
Adam: Tad will be cleared soon enough to come after you.
David: Oh, yeah? Well, they're going to have to find him first. What, you haven't heard? It was all over the radio. Tad assaulted a police officer. He broke out of jail.
Adam: I don't believe you.
David: I don't give a damn whether you believe me. Watch the evening news if you want. Citizen Tad is on the lam. And something tells me he has more important things to worry about right now than me.

Tad: I'm in trouble. I got a psychotic cop after me.
Mateo: Who?
Tad: His name is Sweeney. The drug dealer who was killed is his son.
Mateo: And he thinks you did it?
Tad: And he'd rather skip the trial. You know what I mean?
Mateo: Why are you in this uniform?
Tad: Because he came into my cell and he threatened me. I knocked him unconscious and took his clothes.
Mateo: So why don't you call Dixie? I mean, she --
Tad: Because that's the first place they're going to look for me. Look, I'm just making this up as I go along.
Mateo: So you duck in he? Come on.
Tad: Please help me.
Mateo: All right. Come on. Back room. Let's go.

Dixie: Listen, Opal, I know you're upset, but you have to calm down.
Opal: My son is a fugitive.
Dixie: I'm sure he's in a safe place.
Opal: There is no such thing when the cops are out there hunting him down like a dog.
Dixie: Well, that's why we have to find him first. Now, Mateo knows people all over the city. We just have to hook into that network, and we'll be fine.
Opal: Well, anything's worth a try, I guess.

Dixie: Oh -- excuse me. Is Mr. Santos around?
Waiter: I think he's in the storeroom.
Dixie: Thank you very much.

Mateo: All right. I guess you could stay back here until we figure something out.
Tad: Nobody comes back here?
Mateo: No. I'll make sure they don't.

Opal: Mateo?

Tad: Oh, my God.
Mateo: That's your mom.
Opal: Mateo, it's Opal --

Tad: I know, listen -- listen, don't tell her anything.
Mateo: Wait --
Tad: No, no, no, no. Nothing. Do you understand? If she gets upset, the first thing she's going to do is make a scene.
Mateo: All right. Just stay here, all right? Just -- just don't --

Mateo: Hi!
Opal: Hi.
Dixie: Hi. Sorry to bother you at work.
Mateo: No, no, I was just typing some stuff there. Anything wrong?
Dixie: Well, I don't know if you've heard, but Tad's been arrested.
Mateo: Yeah. Yeah. Have you seen him?
Opal: Well, I tried. I got there a little late. He flew the coop.
Mateo: What?
Opal: Yeah.
Dixie: He escaped. The cops are looking for him.
Opal: And now we're just worried sick.
Mateo: Right. I can understand that.
Dixie: Well, I was wondering -- because there's a lot of traffic in and out of your place -- maybe if you'd heard anything or seen anything?
Mateo: Uh -- no. No, I haven't seen anything yet. I'm sorry.
Dixie: Well, I knew it was a long shot.
Mateo: No, no, I'm glad you guys came by, you know? Now that I know about it, I could put the word out. Maybe somebody, you know --
Dixie: Oh, great. Would you do that?
Mateo: Sure.
Opal: We just want him to know that we love him and -- and if he could let us know that he's safe.
Mateo: Ok. Yeah, you know, and if I hear something, I'll call you guys right away.
Dixie: Oh, great.
Opal: We'll be waiting.
Dixie: Thank you.
Mateo: Ok.
Opal: Yeah, all right. Bye.
Mateo: Ok. You know, I'm sure it's going to be fine.

Tad: Oh.
Mateo: Did -- did you hear that?
Tad: Thank you so much for not giving me away. I appreciate it.
Mateo: Your mom -- she's freaking out.
Tad: Mateo --
Mateo: She's worried about you.
Tad: Mateo, listen to me, ok? When Mama gets upset, the first thing she starts to do is talk. She could easily give me away. How did Dixie look?
Mateo: How do you think?
Tad: Yeah, I know. I saw her at the jail before I took off.
Mateo: She knew -- she knew you were going to take off?
Tad: Yeah.
Mateo: She approved?
Tad: Well, she didn't want me to get hurt -- or worse.
Mateo: So you just went ahead and -- and escaped? You're in big trouble. You know that?
Tad: Mateo, I can't protect my family if I'm locked inside a jail cell.
Mateo: Who's after your family?
Tad: I don't know yet. Somebody sent Dixie a threatening note. She didn't want me to find out about it, but it involved J.R., and I freaked out, so I took off.
Mateo: Wait -- wait a minute. Somebody sent -- who sent you the note?
Tad: Like I said, I don't know yet. But you can be sure I'm going to find out.

David: Oh, Adam. Why are you hesitating? It's not like you have much of a choice here. Look, all you have to do is turn on the manipulative magic that comes so natural for you on Judge Campobello.
Adam: What if the judge can't be charmed?
David: Then you and your son are going to end up front-page news in all the tabloids. I'm sure I can find a very wide audience for that videotape -- J.R. confessing that he broke into my room to steal drugs?
Adam: I've talked to your lawyers. Because J.R. didn't know he was being taped, you can't use that tape in court.
David: Oh, come on, Adam. I mean, you have to admit that that tape is enough to get the police involved. And let's not forget that I have your son's fingerprints all over my medical bag.
Adam: Come on! It was a prank!
David: What, you call breaking into someone's hotel room, stealing drugs a prank? A kid almost died!
Adam: So he made a mistake.
David: Yeah, well, obviously, he keeps making them!
Adam: I don't know what you're talking about.
David: Adam, I kind of had the feeling that you were going to need a little more incentive to follow through on your part of the bargain, so I hired a private detective to follow J.R.
Adam: You did what?
David: Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Your son has been a very, very busy boy, Adam. But, of course, you already knew that. He was there at the boathouse around the same time that that kid Sweeney was murdered. He made a phone call on his cell to you. And obviously it was very important because he came rushing to the valley inn to see you. In fact, I was there, remember? I saw the two of you with your heads together a very serious conversation. I'm assuming you were helping him get his story straight.
Adam: J.R. had nothing to do with Dwight Sweeney's death.
David: Why? Because it's not in his nature? Oh, come on, Adam! Even you have to admit he inherited your temper! He even -- he assaulted me in a public place, in front of witnesses!
Adam: That doesn't make him a killer!
David: Or maybe he was messed up on drugs. He was desperate enough to break into my hotel room, right, to steal from my medical bag. I mean, maybe this kid Sweeney was his provider. He promised him a hit and he didn't follow through on the promise.
Adam: He wasn't strung out on drugs. My son is not an addict.
David: All right, calm down, Adam. Maybe you're right. But on the other hand, who cares?
Adam: So you're going to spread all these vicious lies and destroy that boy's reputation?
David: No. I'm not telling anybody anything about J.R. if you follow through on your part of the promise.
Adam: There's another problem. I know Judge Campobello slightly. She doesn't like being pushed.
David: Well, maybe you're doing it the wrong way.
Adam: What I'm saying is I don't think she can be bought.
David: Well, then, you better find a way to change her mind, Adam, by tomorrow. That is the deadline. After that, I turn over everything I have on J.R. to the police. His life will be a shambles.
Adam: You know, if I pull this off, if -- if I do manage to bribe that judge and if you walk free -- you better watch your step because you'll never be free of me.

Liza: So you know me but I don't know you. How's that?
Mia: You're -- you're Liza Colby Chandler, right? You're on TV.
Liza: Yeah, when dinosaurs ruled the airwaves, and you are?
Mia: I'm Mia.
Liza: Mia who?
Mia: Just Mia.
Liza: One word, like Madonna? Shaggy?
Mia: Huh. No -- Gandhi, Evita.
Liza: Ok. So glad that you made yourself at home in my office, Ryan.
Ryan: Yeah, Liza, I'm sorry about the mess. I'll clean it up.
Liza: Hmm. Had a party?
Ryan: No! No, just like a friendly card game -- some of the guys in the crew, me, and then -- ahem -- Mia showed up.
Liza: You're a player?
Mia: Uh -- yeah, yeah, if there's action around, mm-hmm.
Liza: Must've been quite a game. Did you sleep here?
Ryan: Uh -- on the couch, yeah. Just crashed on the couch. Ahem. I was actually still asleep when Mia showed up.
Liza: Ahem.
Ryan: And she forgot her cards here.
Liza: Hmm.
Mia: Yeah. Oh, just keep them. Um -- I got to get going. Bye.

Ryan: Liza, you seem kind of tense. You all right?
Liza: No -- yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm just not used to walking in on --
Ryan: Walking in on what?
Liza: Hmm.
Ryan: Liza?
Liza: Hmm.
Ryan: Hold on a second. You don't think that that girl and I were --
Liza: Oh, no, you know what -- you know what I think? I think -- I think it's none of my business.
Ryan: Liza, I could never do that. I couldn't do that to Gillian.

Gillian: Why'd you yank me out of there?
Jesse: Because you were butting in again.
Gillian: I don't like that Mio person.
Jesse: Oh --
Gillian: Why are you always trying to keep Ryan and me apart?
Jesse: Look, don't sweat it. You'll be together again.
Gillian: When?
Jesse: When the time is right!
Gillian: Would you stop doing that?
Jesse: Doing what?
Gillian: Talking in riddles. It's working on my nerves. What? What's wrong? What is it?

Carl: No, not yet. But don't worry -- Martin's still around. I can feel it. No, if you spot him, call me, but do not move in. This guy is mine. Yeah, it's too bad about my uniform. It's going to get messed up. Martin's a killer, and I'm going to take him down.

Gillian: I don't like that man. He scares me. Who is it?
Jesse: Sweeney. We worked a case together once. He was always, always in trouble, man. Always going too far.
Gillian: Now he's after Tad Martin?
Jesse: Yeah, it looks that way.
Jesse: Looks like he's out for blood.
Gillian: You're worried, aren't you, Jesse?
Jesse: Yeah, well, Tad was a friend of mine, and this wannabe tough guy is out to get him.
Gillian: Then do something.
Jesse: Yeah, well, I wish I could, but I can't. Drives me nuts.
Gillian: That's how I feel every time you tell me to stay out of Ryan's life.
Jesse: Well, you know, I never said that letting go was easy.
Gillian: No, it's impossible. I mean, you know, you've been doing this a lot longer than me, and you still want to help.
Jesse: Well, first of all, you don't know how long I've been doing this. And second of all, it's just not allowed.
Gillian: Then what are guardian angels for?
Jesse: Well, that's a whole other bag of tricks, Angel.
Gillian: Why? People we love are in danger. Are we just going to stand here and watch?

Dixie: Opal, we need to go. We need to find Tad.
Opal: Not until you've had something to eat.
Dixie: I am not hungry.
Opal: Just some soup, and I'm not taking no for an answer. Now, you've got to keep your strength up or you're not going to be any help to anybody.
Dixie: Uh-oh.
Opal: What?
Dixie: Um -- you know that policeman that was threatening Tad? Don't look, ok? But he's right there. Don't look!
Opal: I don't see any policeman.
Dixie: He's not wearing a uniform. He's back near the tree.
Opal: That rough-looking customer -- that's him?

Carl: I'm looking for the owner.
Waitress: I'm not sure he's available.
Carl: Yes, he is. Just point me in the right direction.

Opal: You ever wish old Jesse was still around?

Mateo: If I was on my own and if I had just --
Tad: Mateo, I know --
Mateo: I got a kid on the way, man.
Tad: I'm asking a lot.
Mateo: It's called aiding and abetting.
Tad: No, it's not. I -- I'm innocent. What are you saying, you don't believe me?
Mateo: Tad, if I would've come face-to-face with a guy who was selling drugs to my kid, there's no way I could stop from killing this guy.
Tad: No, wait a minute. Even if I thought about killing Sweeney, I didn't, and that's the God's honest truth. And I know. I'm sorry. I made things worse by taking off, but I didn't have a choice.
Mateo: What, because of this cop?
Tad: Yes. He's psychotic.
Mateo: Why didn't you go to Derek Frye? He would've helped you out.
Tad: Because Derek can't baby-sit me 24 hours a day, especially when this guy is on a mission.
Mateo: And you're not on a mission?
Tad: Mateo, please.
Mateo: No, Tad, Tad, listen. I want to help you, but --
Tad: You've got to help me. I got nowhere else to turn. All I'm asking you to do is put yourself in my place, ok? All I want to do is keep my children safe.

[Knock on door]

Carl: Mr. Santos, open up.

Tad: That's him.
Mateo: What?
Tad: That's Sweeney.

Carl: Open up now!

Liza: I apologize. I was just seriously out of line.
Ryan: No, forget it, Liza, really. I mean, look at me. I set you off. I'm a mess. I trashed your office, everything.
Liza: No, no, no. The way that I was speaking to you is a total invasion of privacy. If you decide when -- it's your decision when or if -- if you -- if you decide to move --
Ryan: That it's time to move on?
Liza: We don't have to get into it.
Ryan: No, I appreciate that.
Liza: I mean, I'm here if you want to talk.
Ryan: Not yet. But, you know, if -- if I do --
Liza: Well, then, I'll listen. I mean, I can do that. I do -- I do know a little bit, I mean, when my father died. I didn't think that I would ever get over that. But losing Gillian -- that has to be --
Ryan: Maybe you can't compare them.
Liza: No, I -- I knew that I would lose my parents one day. But Adam and Colby -- that I couldn't imagine.
Ryan: I thought I'd always have Gillian. I mean, it couldn't work any other way. She was my life. Do you think that -- I don't know -- that we'll ever see each other again?
Liza: Yeah, I really do. And I think that wherever Gillian is, I think she's waiting for you.

Adam: Should I have knocked?
Liza: Come in.
Adam: Lavery. You could use a shave.
Ryan: Good to see you, too, Adam.
Liza: I thought we were going to rendezvous at home.
Adam: Well, you said when your flight got in you were coming by your office.
Liza: Here I am.
Adam: And I couldn't wait to see you.
Liza: Hmm.
Adam: What the hell's been going on in here?
Liza: Oh, when I was out of town, some of the crew decided to have a card game.
Adam: Well, get their names, fire them.
Ryan: It wasn't the crew, Adam. It was me. I had a poker game.
Adam: You used Liza's private office without her permission?
Ryan: Just kind of happened.
Adam: Yeah, things just happen, don't they? Yeah, well, you -- are you listening, Liza? This is what
I tried to warn you about. Liza: It's not a big deal.
Adam: It's not a -- he's -- he's goofing off on your time. He's using your television station like a floating crap game.
Adam: Hey, Adam, you want in, let me know. I'll leave your name at the door. That's fine.
Liza: Ok, you know what? Can I have those flowers? They're so beautiful. For me?
Adam: Oh, yes, of course, they're for you.
Liza: Would you mind going to get me a vase so they don't wilt?
Ryan: Sure.
Liza: Thank you.
Ryan: Excuse me.

Adam: How are you?
Liza: I'm fine, just like I told you when I talked to you on the phone. And I have not changed my mind about J.R. I will not lie for him or for you.
Adam: Yes, ok, I shouldn't have asked you to do that.
Liza: Do you mean that?
Adam: Yes, yes. And, remember, I meant what I said on the phone. I miss you, what we had back when we were newlyweds. I want that back, Liza.
Liza: So do I. But every time you walk in the door, you start this argument, this argument about the same thing that I'm sick of arguing about.
Adam: What a -- what a loser Lavery is?
Liza: Stop that!
Adam: Do you realize how much money I wasted, invested in that guy's incredible dream? I just don't want the same thing to happen to you.
Liza: You know what? I really don't even want to talk about it anymore. Is that possible?
Adam: Fine. Fine.
Liza: You know, despite everything, I missed you, too, you horrible man.
Adam: Music to my ears.
Liza: Now, are we still having dinner tonight?
Adam: Dinner -- yes, yes. Yes, that'd be wonderful.

[Phone rings]

Liza: Excuse me. Liza Colby. Well, I just got in. Oh, God. Oh -- well, you have to lead with that, and then we'll rework everything else. Ok.

Liz: I can't believe this.
Adam: What?
Liza: Poor Tad.
Adam: "Poor Tad"? What about the officer he accosted?
Liza: Whoa, wait, wait, wait. You knew he was in jail and you didn't say anything to me?
Adam: Liza, I was -- I was thinking about you. Tad was not on my mind. Obviously, he's always on yours.
Liza: What? No, he's my best friend. He's my business partner.
Adam: Well, then, why don't you have dinner with him? Oh, forgot -- he's on the lam.
Liza: Why are you acting like this?
Adam: What?
Liza: Tad is accused of murder.
Adam: I was looking forward to a lovely, private, romantic evening alone with you, but obviously that's not going to happen because you're too worried about your best friend.
Liza: Where are you -- why are you walking away? Please --

[Mateo coughs]

Mateo: Hi. Hey. What's all this about?
Carl: I'm Officer Sweeney. Are you Mateo Santos?
Mateo: Yeah.
Carl: Tad Martin escaped from jail today.
Mateo: You're kidding.
Carl: He a friend?
Mateo: Yeah, he's a friend of mine.
Carl: He's on foot, and we've got roadblocks up. We know he's still in the area. Did he come in here?
Mateo: No. No, no, no. I haven't seen him.
Carl: Is there a back entrance?
Mateo: Yeah, right there
Carl: So he could've come in without you knowing.
Mateo: Oh, officer, listen, I keep that locked. I mean, I --
Carl: Have you checked it recently?
Mateo: No. You know, there's a vacant building across the street. Why aren't you searching in there?
Carl: Yeah, we'll get to them, but right now there's a car in your parking lot. It belongs to Tad Martin's wife.
Mateo: Dixie, yeah, she's here. Yeah, she's a regular.
Carl: I'm thinking maybe he called her from here.
Mateo: And you think they're here together? He's escaped and -- come on, it's a public place. Why --
Carl: The guy's desperate. What's in that room you just came out of?
Mateo: Storeroom. That's just booze and napkins and stuff.
Carl: So Martin could be hiding in there.
Mateo: I just let off a bug bomb. We have an ant problem. If he's in there, he's going to be dead.
Carl: Are you telling me I can't go in there?
Mateo: No. No, go right ahead. You have a search warrant, right?
Carl: No. Should I get one?
Mateo: You probably should call. You know, I'll call Derek Frye. Lt. Frye, he's a friend of mine, and maybe we can straighten this whole thing out.
Carl: I'll talk to Derek myself.
Mateo: Yeah.
Carl: Maybe we'll both come back together.
Mateo: All right. Ok.

Tad: I owe you.
Mateo: Forget it, forget it, forget it.
Tad: No, seriously, you saved my neck.
Mateo: Yeah, if I hadn't, Dixie would kill me.
Tad: Come here, come here for a sec. You think Dixie's still here? Mateo: Yeah, she's still
there. She's out there with Opal.
Tad: Yeah.
Mateo: You want me to give her a message?
Tad: I'd really appreciate it.
Mateo: Ok, look, I'll get a piece of paper.
Tad: Mateo. I got a better idea.

Dixie: Opal?
Opal: Hmm?
Dixie: Where are you?
Opal: I'm sorry. Was I drifting? I'm just wondering why Jesse popped into my mind just now.
Dixie: Well, I suppose you miss him. So does Tad.
Opal: Well, yeah, but, I mean, why now? He has been gone for a long time. Maybe it was seeing that rotten Officer Sweeney that made me think what a good cop Jesse was.

Gillian: See? We can get through to them. Opal's sensing our presence. Of course she'd be more sensitive to that because she has psychic powers.
Jesse: Eh, coincidence.
Gillian: Want to test that theory?
Gillian: Opal, aren't you hungry for some onion rings smothered in ranch dressing? Crispy, crunchy, creamy, yummy.

Opal: You know, forget the soup. I think we ought to order a big platter of onion rings sitting in a puddle of ranch dressing.
Dixie: Wow, are you hungry or pregnant?
Opal: All of a sudden, I don't know. I haven't want a crumb since this thing with Tad, but now I'm thinking that some onion rings would just be a nice, big slice of heaven.

Gillian: See? I got through.
Jesse: What, because Opal wanted onion rings? You know, you're really bugging out. You need to get over yourself with a quickness. It's a coincidence!
Gillian: No, it's not. I put that image in her mind, which means I can use her to communicate with Ryan.
Jesse: Using people is one of the things that we are not supposed to do. Uh-uh.
Gillian: Well, if Opal knew what it meant to me, then --
Jesse: What? What, she would, what, volunteer? Be like a ventriloquist's dummy to you? What?
Gillian: I just need her to be my voice. Is that so horrible? Because I don't mean it to be. I just want to be able to talk to Ryan again, see his face light up.
Jesse: Well, I'm sorry, your highness. You can file that one under "not in this lifetime." Come on.

Ryan: Liza, how many times have you and Adam been in a fight?
Liza: Oh, don't remind me.
Ryan: And doesn't he always come around?
Liza: Well, I suppose so.
Ryan: But? But what?
Liza: This just came out of the middle of nowhere. Or, you know, maybe it didn't.
Ryan: Meaning?
Liza: Meaning that he and I, we just don't agree on how to handle J.R.
Ryan: Well, wait a minute. Was that part of the fight today?
Liza: Underneath the surface. But I don't know. Maybe not, maybe not.
Ryan: Well, that one's going to take some time to work out.
Liza: Yeah.
Ryan: Ahem. Liza, Adam will not stay mad at you for long. He -- he loves you too much.
Liza: I can't cave on this one.
Ryan: Well, then he will. I know I used to hate when Gillian was always right, but I -- I'd come around.

Gillian: I'm right about this, Ryan. You and I are going to be together again.

Opal: Well, I still say we're missing a good bet with those onion rings. Should we get some to go? All right, all right, all right, let's be on our way. But where -- where do you think we ought to look next?
Dixie: Well that I don't know. I mean, he could be anywhere.
Opal: Come hell or high water, we're going to find him, Dixie. I'm just going to pop in the little girls' room and then we'll head out.

Waitress: These are for you.
Dixie: Oh. Uh, excuse me -- I didn't order these. Chicken fingers. Tad. You're here.

Woman: Adam Chandler.
Adam: Hello, Kaye. Sorry -- Judge Campobello.
Kaye: Kaye is fine. It's been a while.
Adam: Yes, yes, it has. Too long.
Kaye: Well. Why are you here?
Adam: I understand that you're deliberating at the David Hayward trial.
Kaye: Yes, yes, I am. And you would be asking because?
Adam: Because is there any chance he might be acquitted?
Kaye: Oh, I see. You want to be reassured. I can do that.
Adam: Can you really?
Kaye: Oh, well, you're not alone in wanting Dr. Hayward to pay for his crimes. But I can't imagine what you'd be worried about. You know my reputation. If Dr. Hayward is proven guilty, he'll get the maximum the law allows.
Adam: Yes. Well, believe it or not, I'm thinking that David Hayward has suffered enough. You see, he -- he's not going to be able to practice medicine again if the medical board revokes his license. He's already lost his privileges at Pine Valley hospital, and he's the town pariah.
Kaye: And you've come to my chambers to talk on Dr. Hayward's behalf?
Adam: Yes, Judge. Kaye. Strange as it seems, I have.
Kaye: Can I ask why?
Adam: Um -- David Hayward -- what he did was wrong.
Kaye: Oh, well, of course it was wrong. We even have a confession.
Adam: Yes, well, but he -- he has saved more people's lives than any other man I know, any other doctor I know. And on the basis of that alone, I think he's served enough jail time.
Kaye: Would you like to elaborate?
Adam: Well, I've done a lot of thinking about this. And I want you to know that I am -- I'm prepared to do anything -- and I do mean anything -- to see that Dr. Hayward walks free.
Kaye: Adam, we're old friends. Can I cut to the chase?
Adam: Yes, I was hoping you would.
Kaye: All right, then. Am I imagining things, or are you just trying to bribe me?
Adam: Kaye, listen --
Kaye: You know, I think we should just go back to "Judge Campobello."
Adam: All right, whatever you want. But please hear me out.
Kaye: Oh, I've heard enough, Adam. Weren't you just convicted for trying to bribe an officer of the law? Do you really want to be a two-time loser? Why?
Adam: I'm afraid I don't have any choice. Um -- I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that this is a matter of life and death.
Kaye: That dire?
Adam: Yes, yes.
Kaye: Well, then I think you need to explain. Adam?
Adam: I've told you everything I can, Kaye. I wouldn't ask, but there isn't any other way.
Kaye: I see. Well -- ahem -- I can't make any promises, Adam, but -- well, I suppose it's possible that we could work something out.

Tad: Mission accomplished?
Mateo: She got the chicken fingers.
Tad: Good.
Mateo: Are you sure she's going to know what that means?
Tad: Trust me, she'll know. And it's better than sending her an incriminating note. I just can't wait to see her
Mateo: Maybe you should let eat the evidence first.

David: Dixie!
Dixie: David.
David: Hey. Where you rushing off to?

Opal: Dix -- now, where the devil did she go? I swear, if she left without me --

Gillian: Opal -- Opal, please, I need your help. We have to -- we have to get through to Ryan. He has to know that I'm still here and that I love with him all my heart and all my soul.
Gillian: How could I not? He's the greatest man I've ever known. He's so loving and so kind. But he can be fierce when he's protecting me, and he's so brave. And he's so beautiful. I just want to -- I just want to hold him and touch him when I'm with him. Yes, Opal. You can do it. Go to him. Go to him and tell him that I'm still here and that I'm aching to hold him again and that he's the greatest man I've ever met.

[Opal walks over to Ryan and gives him a passionate kiss!]


David: You must be very frightened, so I'd like to help, Dixie, if I can.

Mateo: You sure you know what you're doing?
Tad: I'm making this up as I go along.

Opal: I love you.
Ryan: You love me?
Opal: Did I just say that?

Kaye: I don't want your money. What I want is you.

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