JULY 3, 2001

Adam: You're going to blackmail me with this tape to force me to keep you out of prison?

[Tape shatters]

Adam: What kind of a fool are you? You're going to spend the rest of your life in jail, Hayward. Oh, you find that amusing? I'll take you to court. I'll ruin your life.
David: Adam, I am not going to jail unless your drug addict thief of a son is in the cell next to me. Do you get it, Adam? If I take the fall, he goes down with me. So you have to ask yourself, Adam, do you need to see me rot in jail so badly that you're willing to sell your own son down that same stinking river to see it happen? Come on, Adam. Is that what you really want?

Greenlee: Ah! Ow!
Leo: Greenlee? Greenlee? Did you hit your head?
Greenlee: Oh, my head.
Leo: Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me. Are you ok? Greenlee?
Greenlee: Leo. You're so -- here.
Leo: Look, I had no idea that you were behind the door.
Greenlee: I have something to tell you that'll change everything for us.

Jake: I'd give anything if she was still here with us right now. Anything. But she's not, Ryan, and you're going to have to start to let go, to heal.
Ryan: I can't.
Jake: Gillian wouldn't want that for you. You have to know that.
Ryan: She's not gone, Jake. She's not. She's not.
Jake: She is gone.
Ryan: I don't want to hear that from you, all right?
Jake: Ryan? She's gone. Sooner or later, you're going to have to accept it.

Gillian: That's very funny. I'm dead.
Jesse: Yeah.
Gillian: That's a good one.
Jesse: But it's not a joke.
Gillian: You're not very kind.
Jesse: Well, I'm not supposed to be kind. I'm supposed to help you cross over.
Gillian: Cross over what? Don't do that, ok? That is really strange and creepy.
Jesse: Look, you got shot in the head.
Gillian: That is just so rude.
Jesse: And you are in some serious denial, more than most newbies. See, look, it's my job to get your butt out of Pine Valley and over to the side quick and in a hurry!
Gillian: If I'm so dead, how come I could see Ryan? Because I saw him, you know, in the chapel. He turned around, he looked me in my eyes, and he saw me.
Jesse: Yeah, well, that -- that was a mistake.
Gillian: Not to me.
Jesse: All right, look, you got a little ahead of me and I didn't get a chance to orient you. See, like, I'm like the ambassador to the Tri-State area expirations, especially when somebody from Pine Valley expires, and usually they're on time to ease the transitions. But you have been fighting this, and that'll never do!
Gillian: Help! Crazy man!
Somebody help me!
Jesse: God, I don't want to do this!
Gillian: Help me! Help me! Somebody help me! There's an insane man talking about dead people!
Jesse: Always with the knuckleheads! Why me?
Gillian: I'm in some white hall! Some -- some white hall! Can somebody hear me?
Jesse: Yo, yo, Princess, just where exactly do you think this white hall is, the Glamorama?
Gillian: Don't you talk to me anymore. I don't trust you.
Jesse: Whatever. But I'm all you got up in here and you're going to need some answers.
Gillian: I was in an accident once and I was in a coma and I saw bright white lights, and so I had another accident and I'm hallucinating?
Jesse: Well, if you're hallucinating, you might want to just stop screaming.
Gillian: No, I -- I'm not crazy! I'm not dead!
Jesse: Yeah, and I'm both, all right, and I'm not playing with you, you got it?
Gillian: You're scaring me.
Jesse: Yeah, well, this is a scary situation.
Gillian: I have a husband and he needs me.
Jesse: Uh, yeah, he does, but he's going to have to find another way to fill that need because guess what -- you are gone.
Gillian: Just stop it, ok? You're scaring me.
Jesse: Hey, hey, hey. Just calm down, all right? I promise you this will get easier.
Gillian: When? When I accept this? You dream on!
Jesse: Come on, you have absolutely nothing to do with this anymore. You have got to let go or Ryan will not heal.
Gillian: Let go?
Jesse: Let go.
Gillian: Let go?
Jesse: Yes, let go!
Gillian: Ryan is my husband and I will never let go! Do you hear me? He's suffering, he's in pain, and he needs me, and I will not let that go on for one minute. Not one!
Jesse: Who needs this!

Ryan: I don't expect you to understand, Jake. You didn't see Gillian. She came to see me and she's not what you say she is.
Jake: Ryan, don't do this to yourself, please.
Ryan: She was here.
Jake: When we lose someone, we see them everywhere -- on the street, in a restaurant. When a phone rings, we think it's them. And for a split second, we want to call out to them.
Ryan: I saw her.
Jake: Ryan, listen, I know you saw something, ok? I just don't think it was Gillian.
Ryan: That's exactly what it was. I can't explain it, but I was here in this chapel and I saw her. I saw her because she's still with me, Jake. She's here. And she's trying to tell me something. I feel her everywhere. I feel her right now.
Jake: I think everyone deals with things like this in their own way. And it's not my place to tell you how you should cope with your feelings. Sorry for trying to do that.
Ryan: Don't be. I'm not alone.

Leo: Greenlee, what is it? Tell me, what is you want to tell me?
Greenlee: You are so sweet, so caring. And no one knows it yet. Just me. And Laura, I guess. But Laura's the thing I needed -- why are you so fuzzy?
Leo: Ok, you're out of it. You bumped your head again. You're saying stuff that I don't understand.
Greenlee: I know what I'm saying, Leo, and I know what you're saying.
Leo: Look, we need to get you to a hospital or to an emergency room. Is Alex here? Maybe we can --
Greenlee: No, no, no, I don't need a doctor. I need the truth.
Leo: What truth, Greenlee? What are you talking about?
Greenlee: Our truth, the truth of life.
Leo: Ok, I'm not familiar with that and neither are you.
Greenlee: I mean, I loved you. I knew who I was loving. I knew I loved you. Does that make sense?
Leo: No.
Greenlee: It's the truth, Leo. You and how sweet you are is the truth. Help me up.
Leo: Are you ok to stand?
Greenlee: Yeah, yeah, come on, come on, you're going to help me up and I'm going to sit with you on the couch, ok?
Leo: Ok.
Greenlee: See? Gentle, kind, loving.
Leo: Out of my mind.
Greenlee: Out of your what?
Leo: There's you on the couch. There you go. So has the fog lifted yet?
Greenlee: I know exactly where I am, what I'm saying, and who I'm saying it to, ok?
Leo: Ok. But, uh, what exactly are you saying, Greenlee?
Greenlee: I know what's going on with you, Leo.
Greenlee: I know why you do what you do. And it all makes sense, even if I hate it.
Leo: Greenlee, what are you getting at? I came here to see Ryan and -- what?

Greenlee; Jake.
Jake: Leo. I'd like to know what Greenlee's getting at here, too.
Greenlee: Jake.
Jake: Go ahead. Finish what you were saying.
Leo: She, uh -- she bumped her head. I think maybe you should check it out.
Jake: Yeah. Did she lose consciousness?
Leo: I don't think so, but -- I don't know, she's saying a lot of stuff that doesn't make any sense.
Jake: Well, what else is new? I think you're just dazed.
Greenlee: Yeah. I must sound wacky.
Leo: Well, actually, Greenlee, it sounded to me like you were trying to make a point.
Greenlee: Forget it. Finding Ryan is much more important than listening to me.
Leo: I'm sorry that I knocked you over.
Greenlee: It was an accident.
Leo: Yeah, I know, but I'm still sorry. Are you sure that you shouldn't take her to the emergency room or something?
Jake: Actually, I'll make sure. Ryan's in the chapel. He's not listening to anything except what he's telling himself.
Leo: Maybe I can get through to him.
Jake: Well, you can try.
Leo: Yeah, I will, thanks. Sorry again.

[Door closes]

Greenlee: Why did you do that?
Jake: Do what?
Greenlee: Give me the look of death about telling Leo what I know.
Jake: And what is it that you think you know?
Greenlee: That Brooke paid him to marry Laura.
Jake: You know, since when does what I think have anything to do with what you do?
Greenlee: You glared at me, Jake.
Jake: Well, Greenlee, this isn't my problem. And you're not my problem.
Greenlee: Well, that's mean. Don't be like that. Why don't you want me to tell Leo about what I know?
Jake: You know what? I don't care what you tell Leo or why because if you had your choice about it, you would be in Laura's hospital room right now, telling her that Leo's on her mother's payroll and he's madly, passionately, sickly still in love with you. And I know all of that. And I don't want to hear it anymore. So you can do whatever you want to do. You can go out and you can flap your lips wherever you want to flap them. You just leave me the hell out of it.
Greenlee: Ok. Ok, I get it.
Jake: You get it? What do you get?
Greenlee: You. This. Your outburst.
Jake: "Outburst"? You make me like this! You drive me nuts!
Greenlee: Well, I knew you were up to something. At least now I get what it is.
Jake: Really? How nice for you, Greenlee. I don't care.
Greenlee: Don't you?
Jake: No, I don't.
Greenlee: I think you do. You want me to tell Leo about -- you want me to tell Leo that I know about what he's doing. You want me to make him furious because you think it's going to get you me. Don't you, Doc?

David: You know, why don't we get down to business, shall we? All right, listen to me - I made a nice, neat little to-do list for you to follow, ok, to make sure that everything I need gets done, ok? You follow this blueprint, Adam, everybody wins. It's very simple. Ok, now, number one -- find out which criminal courtroom my case will be heard in. That's easy enough, right? Number two -- double-check who the presiding judge will be. That's very important, Adam. Number three -- run background check on the judge to determine points of vulnerability. That would mean, obviously, who to bribe and how. Ok, now, number four -- now this is the most important, Adam -- you have the case dismissed by this date right here and your son, the little drug fiend, won't end up in Juvie Hall or worse.
Adam: You're saying I have no choice.
David: Yeah, basically that's what I'm saying. Ahem.
Adam: No one finds out about this -- about our deal, about the tape. No one.

[Knock on door]

David: Relax. It's room service. I figured I'd be celebrating tonight, so I ordered some champagne and caviar. I mean, hey, if you're not going to take care of yourself, who will, right?

Liza: Adam. What are you doing here?

Ryan: Gillian?
Gillian: Ryan, yes.
Alex: Ryan? Ryan.
Dimitri: Ryan, it's -- it's done. We've interred Gillian in the mausoleum.
Edmund: You ok?
Gillian: Ryan?
Alex: Why don't you come with us and we'll take care of you.
Edmund: Yeah, let's go inside and get something to eat, get some rest.
Gillian: Ryan, I'm here. Please hear me.
Dimitri: Yeah, let's all go back to the house together. We can -- we can talk and --
Gillian: Ryan? God, please just hear me!
Jesse: He can't hear you.

Ryan: Just let me be here alone.
Gillian: See, did you hear that?
Ryan: I need her. I need to be with her in here.
Gillian: I'm here, Ryan. I'm with you right now.
Jesse: Not the way either one of you want to be. It just can't be that way anymore. I'm sorry.
Gillian: Ryan? I can't seem to come closer. Just hear me. Just see me.

Alex: I've had Peggy make us all some supper.

Gillian: Oh, stop talking to him like he's a child! He's in pain and he needs me!
Jesse: Yeah, he is in pain and you ain't helping none.
Gillian: Oh, how dare you!
Jesse: How dare me? You're funny, lady. Check it out -- you need to start listening to me right now.
Gillian: No, I can do this. I can.
Gillian: Why are you doing this to ? Why are you torturing us?
Jesse: Why am I -- I'm torturing nobody.
Gillian: He saw me, you know? He saw me right in the chapel and he reached out to me. Why can't I make contact now?
Jesse: Because it's not possible.
Gillian: But it was! It happened! It happened right in there.
Jesse: All right, look, nothing's perfect, not even this place, huh?
Gillian: This place? You expect me to believe this is heaven?
Jesse: Why do they always go there? No, this is not heaven, this is not hell. This is -- well, you know what? Wherever it is, you're stuck here because you refuse to let go.
Gillian: And I'm not planning to anytime soon!
Jesse: How can I make myself any clearer to you? If you don't let go now, you are going to cause yourself and your boy a whole lot of pain that will be never-ending.
Gillian: No.
Jesse: You know, I know exactly what you're going through.
Gillian: No, you don't.
Jesse: Oh.
Gillian: You couldn't.
Jesse: Oh, believe me -- I was a pretty tough case. You know, I had a really hard time letting go, just like you. I was so in love with somebody, just the way you are. I had a wife that I loved, I had a kid that I wanted to see grow up. And, oh, boy, I dug my heels in and I swore that I would not let them go but I made my life -- or my afterlife -- work.
Gillian: Maybe you could let them go, but I can't.
Jesse: Whoa! You need to respect this journey because you're on one. And so is Ryan, and neither one of you have any control over the ending. Listen to me -- it's not a bad thing. I mean, you are still in touch with what he feels like to be alive. That's a good thing. That's why you can cry. But you're not going to cry forever. You know, as a matter of fact, you won't cry for much longer. And when the crying is over, you will see the beauty of the life you left behind and you will know for the rest of time the beauty of having left it here. You will not be forgotten. Neither will what's-his-name.
Gillian: Ryan.
Jesse: Ryan.
Gillian: Leo? Leo, can you hear me? Leo, can you tell Ryan? What if I can't let go, Jesse? What if I never can?

Leo: You guys mind if I talk to Ryan alone for a sec?
Alex: No, no, no.
Dimitri: No, please, Leo.
Leo: I'm not going to ask how you're doing.
Ryan: Good. Leo: - I have a message for you from Laura.

Liza: Well, answer me. Why in the world?
Adam: Um -- you want to know why I came here? I'll show you.

[Adam hits David in the jaw]

Liza: Adam!
Adam: All right? Are we clear?
Liza: Well, what -- what in the world --
Adam: He called me at Wildwind. He's still trying to blackmail me about J.R.
Liza: Is that true?
Adam: Yes, it's true! Well, I'll have nothing more to do with this -- this cretin's threats and promises of ruin.
David: Well, do you think that I'm going to let this go, Adam? Do you really?
Adam: There's no way in hell I will protect you to save my son! No way! Are we clear? Do we have an understanding?
David: You're going to be sorry you did this, Adam.
Adam: No, no, you'll be sorry. You'll be sorry you crossed me.
Liza: You know, you really are a piece of garbage and you're going to get yours one day in court.
David: Yeah, yeah, yeah, ok, all right, get out, get out, both of you!
Adam: We'll get out of here. I don't want you exposed to this one second longer.
David: Yeah, listen to your husband. Get the hell out of my room now! Come on, go! I'll find a way to pay you back for that right cross, Adam. Bye-bye.
Liza: Come on.
Adam: Yes.

Woman: Room service.
David: Yeah, yeah, yeah. One minute.
Woman: Hi.
David: Hi. Here, let me help you.
Woman: Thank you, Dr. Hayward.
David: Yeah, just put it over there. That'll be perfect.
Woman: Ok. Shall I pour you a glass?
David: That would be great.
Woman: Ooh.
David: A little run-in with a closed fist.
Woman: Seriously. Adam Chandler?
David: Yeah. Why, was he gloating?
Woman: No. I just saw him leaving here with his wife.
Dad: Yeah.
Woman: Why did he clock you?
David: It's not important. But I won, in case you're interested.
Woman: Really?
David: Oh, damn it.
Woman: Ooh, may I help you with that? I've always heard doctors make the most God-awful patients.
Woman: There. Now, that should help if you hold it there long enough.
David: Well, why don't you hold it there? Since, you know, I'm such a bad patient.

[Knock on door]

David: It's all right. Relax, it's probably just housekeeping I've told them a million times I don't want my bed turned down, but they don't seem to understand that.
Woman: They can't see me here, ok, because I'm going to get fired.
David: Well, you can just pretend that you're done with my tray and leave. Or you can hang out in the bathroom till I get rid of them.
Woman: Ok.

David: Something about a girl who can't say no. Ahem. Brooke.
Brooke: I need to talk to you. Are you alone?
David: Um -- yeah. Yeah. What, are you all right? Is it Laura?
Brooke: No, Laura's fine. I'm not so sure my son is.
David: What?
Brooke: David, I owe you in a big way for operating on my daughter, for saving her life.
David: It's all right.
Brooke: I just need to know that the things that I'm hearing about you are not true.
David: Brooke, most of the things that you hear about me aren't true. You should know at by now.
Brooke: Oh, should I?
David: All right, what is this about and what does it have to do with Jamie?
Brooke: Do you know how much my son loves his brother?
David: This is about J.R.?
Brooke: Jamie is seeing J.R. tonight. And I know that J.R.'s taking drugs, and what I've been told is that he is getting them from you.
David: That's not true.
Brooke: Oh, really? Is that why Adam chased you down at my house?
David: Yes! Yes, you were there. You heard the ridiculous story that he came up with. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, did Adam get to you? Did he send you here to harass me?
Brooke: David, I just need you to tell me the truth.
David: You need me to defend myself against charges that are patently ridiculous and not even worth discussing! Brooke, come on, of course I'm not giving drugs to J.R.! I mean, think about it. Why would I do that?
Brooke: That's what I want to know.
David: What the hell would I hope to gain from that?
Brooke: Well, I don't know. Are you going after Dixie through her son?
David: What?
Brooke: I swear you, if you are lying to me, on my children's lives, I will make sure that your career is over and I will make sure that you spend the rest of your life in jail.
David: And I swear to you on my life that it's not true. I wouldn't lie to you about something like that, Brooke -- about anything, all right?

[Woman sneezes]

Brooke: Oh, no?

Jake: You know, maybe you do have a concussion because you're acting like you have a screw loose again.
Greenlee: You think if I tell Leo that I know about him and Laura and his payday that he'll really write me off, and then you'll step in.
Jake: Really?
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Jake: You know, you are so arrogant that you actually believe that I wouldn't want you to do anything to somehow or another put me -- how would you call it -- a good standing with you? Tell you what -- you go ahead, you tell Leo, and you have him hate you and you have Laura want to see you dead and Brooke want to scalp you.
Greenlee: You'd like that, wouldn't you? Then you could have the all-time best "I told you so" speech of a lifetime to get me.
Jake: You know what? Read my lips -- I don't care what you do, Greenlee, I don't care who you do it with or how you make whatever it is your existence is day by day.
Greenlee: There you go judging me again.
Jake: What do you get out of this? Why do you want to always reveal the truth with people and hurt people? Does this give you satisfaction? Revenge? Is it something that makes you feel warm at night?
Greenlee: Nothing's keeping me warm at night right now. On a regular basis, at least.
Jake: Why do you do this? Why do you have to stick that little surgically altered nose of yours in everything? It's not your business.
Greenlee: What did you say about my nose?
Jake: Why don't you just let them live their life and you live yours. Go out and find a job. Get yourself a job that you're serious about for more than five minutes at a time. I mean, really, Greenlee, just get a life.
Greenlee: Do you think Leo will really flip out if I tell him that I know?
Jake: Oh, jeez.
Greenlee: I mean, what do you think he'll do to me?
Jake: Oh, my God. You know what? I'm out of here. I'm going home.
Greenlee: I mean, do I have to come up with a whole other plan?
Jake: You know what you have to come up with is a whole other value system. And I'm not going to be the guy who's going to show it to you. A man would have to be a complete masochist to get within a 100 miles of you.
Greenlee: Oh, really? Is that why you made love to me? Because I'm such a disaster area? Or was it something else? Tell me something, Jake -- what did you really want from me? And for once in your life, why don't you try telling the truth about your feelings.

Ryan: What did Laura ask you to tell me?
Leo: She wants to see you.
Ryan: I can't do that, Leo.
Leo: Ryan, Laura's going through a lot of emotions right now. She -- she's really confused about what had to happen in order for her to live. You understand what I'm saying? I mean, nobody -- nobody knows how to handle something like this. You know what I mean? She's feeling grateful, but she's also feeling a lot of guilt. And I'm wondering if your talking to her won't just help her come to peace with this, but it might help you, too.
Alex: Sorry, I don't mean to butt in here, but maybe this is what you need, Ryan. Maybe Gillian's last gift to you was to see her light live on in someone else.

Jesse: Listen, I know this is hard, but if you just leave with me now, if you just leave this realm --
Gillian: This realm, Jesse, is my life. It's my world! It's my heart. What?
Jesse: Ok, you know, sometimes in order to move on, you have to leave your heart behind.
Gillian: I can't do that. I can't leave Ryan.
Jesse: You have to. You've got to.
Gillian: Why?
Jesse: Because -- ok, I don't know the answer to the "why" question, but I have the answer to the "how" question, and the how means you need to come away from Pine Valley with me to a place where you can find peace, all right? And, you know, you will know that everybody you loved will in time find that same peace.
Gillian: No. I am not dead! I have life in me! I have breath! And I can't say it.
Jesse: Yes, you can. You can say it. Just say it -- "I am dead." Dead, dead, dead! Go ahead, say it! "I have no place here -- not now, not ever again." Come on, girl, say it, say it, please. Just say it.
Gillian: I -- I'm -- I can't.
Jesse: I ain't trying to stand around here wasting time with you, all right, so come on.

Ryan: Gillian?

David: Nah. Ahem. Yeah, you've got to go. Please just -- just leave.

David: I didn't realize that protecting somebody's privacy could be considered a lie.
Brooke: Do you know what a minefield it is out there for kids today?
David: Yes, I do, Brooke. And I did not give J.R. drugs.
Brooke: You know there are kids that are Jamie's age that take drugs like Ecstasy? I mean, there was an 11-year-old in his school last winter who almost died from a drug inhalant. And if my son thinks his brother is experimenting with drugs, then Jamie's going to be next. Do you hear what I'm saying?
David: Yes, yes, yes, Brooke, I'm hearing what you're saying, but I did not distribute drugs to Adam's son, I promise you that. I mean, this whole thing is so outrageous. I don't even know what else I can say about it.
Brooke: All right, I -- I believe you. I -- I mean, I know the whole story was sort of insane to begin with. It's just --
David: What? My reputation preceded me, right?
Brooke: Yes. I'm sorry, you know, that I interrupted your --
David: That's all right.
Brooke: Whatever. Ahem.
David: It's ok.
Brooke: You know, I'm not sure I like you. I mean, I'm not sure I should trust you, either. You're such a mixed bag. You really -- you confuse the hell out of me. I mean, you know, on one hand you operate and you save people's lives and it's just like any other day, and then on the other hand you're hiding a chambermaid in your bathroom, you know? Well, forget it. I'm going.
Brooke: Maybe you should try and believe in yourself a little bit more. Because then maybe people wouldn't think that they're always right about you when they're not. Good night, David.

Liza: Oh, is this symbolic?
Adam: Well, it's symbolic about freedom. However you want to look at it. Don't be afraid. It won't hurt you.
Liza: Oh, I thought maybe it was me and you and moonlight and fireworks.
Adam: I thought we were going to have some fireworks in that hotel room a while ago.
Liza: Well, I thought you were lying to me. I did love that you went to David, though, and you talked to him and you punched him in the head.
Adam: Well, you liked that, huh? He deserved it, and more.
Liza: You know, I about lost it when I knew that you were there.
Adam: How did you know where I was?
Liza: George told me and I sort of figured it all out on my own.
Adam: Oh.
Liza: I figured that you were going behind my back again.
Adam: Liza, you mean the world to me. I would never risk that for David Hayward.
Liza: Well, then we should have fireworks more -- for you, to celebrate your honoring our commitment.
Adam: I love you. I'd walk through fire for you.
Liza: Well. Might have to pull me out of the water. You know, all I want is for you to be honest, but all I really need is for you to love me.

Jake: You want me to talk about my feelings like you're some kind of master communicator of the universe?
Greenlee: You just called me a disaster area, Jake. But I wasn't so messed up that it stopped you from sleeping with me, did it?
Jake: You know, wait a minute, let me --
Greenlee: You said that when we made love that it was -- you know, that it was good. Like very good. Great, even.
Jake: Well, maybe I didn't mean it.
Greenlee: Say what?
Jake: Maybe I was just trying to spare your feelings.
Greenlee: Oh, please. You've never been with anyone as good and you know it.
Jake: You know what? You don't know anything about me. And you don't know who I've been with and what it was like being with them.
Greenlee: And you're a liar.
Jake: And you're a diva.
Greenlee: You're a control freak.
Jake: And you completely have lost your mind, and I've lost my mind. Anybody's lost their mind and would have to have brain sickness to get involved in a relationship with you.
Greenlee: You just want me right now. That's what this is all about.
Jake: Let me tell you something, Greenlee -- when you go home tonight, you hug on to that idea nice and tight because you're going to be alone again.
Greenlee: Liar! You know you want me!

Ryan: I can't go see Laura now. I'm sorry.
Leo: Ryan --
Ryan: Listen to me -- I saw Gillian here. I don't know why it happened, but it did. It happened. It was real. And I can't walk away from that. So I'm going to wait here for her to come back to me. And I don't care what you all think. And I don't care if you don't understand.

Alex: We have to let him be.

Gillian: Jesse, you heard Ryan. You heard him say he saw me. He's waiting for me. Come on, you can't deny me this!
Jesse: Look, this ain't my call. You are dead.
Gillian: No! No, I'm not dead! I'm not! Ryan needs me! He wants me! You can't take me away from him! You can't do that!
Jesse: Come here, come here. Let me just show you something, ok?
Gillian: What? No. No.
Jesse: Look, look, all right, just chill. Just --
Gillian: Please, just not yet.
Jesse: Come on, come on, just check this out, ok? Just look in here, all right?

Ryan: Gilly? Is that you? Gilly? Ryan: Gilly. Don't go.


Leo: Tell me, where is my wife?

Dixie: Did you know that I've started sleeping in the nude?

Ryan: What is the acceptable way for losing my reason to live?

Woman: Hello, Gillian. I'm Natalie Dylan.
Second woman: I'm Cindy Chandler.
Man: Jeremy Hunter.
Travis: Travis Montgomery.

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