JULY 6, 2001

Alex: Oh, this was inspired.
Dimitri: When was the last time that we were alone together?
Alex: Oh, I don't -- I have no idea. London? Yeah, London, dinner. The great mutton debate.
Dimitri: It hasn't been that long, has it -- has it actually been --
Alex: Have we ever really had an uninterrupted moment since we got married? Really?
Dimitri: Not enough of them. But tonight -- tonight's reserved just for us.

Erica: Hello, Dimitri.
Dimitri: Erica.
Erica: Alex, I am so surprised to see you out in public so soon after Gillian's funeral.
Alex: Why is that?
Erica: Because you've brought nothing but heartache and shame to Dimitri's family. If I were you, I'd keep a very low profile.
Alex: Well, you're not me, Erica. You just wish you were.

Edmund: Dimitri, Alex, brace yourself for some amazing news.
Anna: Yeah, you won't believe it.
Erica: Oh, my God. There are two of you.

Tad: Hey, Dix?
Dixie: Yes?
Tad: I think that's everything. I think it is. I can follow you home.
Dixie: Oh, that'd be great. We can stop and get some ice cream on the way.
Tad: [German accent] Ja, I love the ice cream.
Dixie: Come on, J.R. Don't forget your backpack.

J.R.: Sweeney. Sweeney: Hey, what's up?
J.R.: Do you have any idea where I -- I put that candy necklace?
Sweeney: Whoa, don't tell me you lost that, man.
J.R.: I think I put it in my brother's backpack.
Sweeney: Oh, man. Whoever finds that is going to be rolling like thunder. I mean, we're talking x to the third power. That stuff -- that stuff is like nuclear high
J.R.: Not every piece, though, right?
Sweeney: No, not every piece. I mean, the blues, yellows, and whites -- I mean, that's not going to give you anything more than a sugar rush. But those pinks -- man, those pack a punch.
J.R.: Great.

Petey: Dibs on the pinks.
Jamie: Well, I usually ask my mom before I eat junk.
Petey: Don't be such a wuss.
Jamie: I'm not. It's just that I found it in my backpack.
Petey: So?
Jamie: So I don't know where it came from.
Petey: So?
Jamie: So I'm throwing it away.
Petey: No way. You don't want any? More for me. I bet these will dye my mouth like it's bleeding.
Jamie: Eat it, eat it. Eat it.

Officer: You have the right to remain silent.
Bianca: Gabriel didn't do anything.
Officer: Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of a law.
Bianca: He was just defending me.
Officer: You have the right to have an attorney present.
Bianca: You know, Marcus was harassing us.
Officer: If you can't afford an attorney --
Bianca: He was insulting --
Officer: But want to have one present, an attorney will be assigned to you free of charge prior to questioning.
Bianca: Marcus, why don't you just tell the officer what really happened.
Marcus: Ok, I came over to say hello. You know, I was just being friendly. This guy went postal on me, hurled a glass in my face. He shoved me. And when I went down, I cracked my head open. Now I'm going to need stitches.
Bianca: You are so full of it.
Marcus: Officer, ask anyone here. I got plenty of witnesses.
Officer: We'll get their statements. Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney?
Bianca: No, he's not. Look, my uncle is an attorney. I'm going to call him. He's going to get you out of this, I swear.
Marcus: Well, what about me? I'm the one who's bleeding here.
Officer: You want me to press charges?
Marcus: Yes. I have my rights, too.
Officer: Turn around and put your hands behind your back.
Gabriel: My lawyer --
Officer: He'll meet you down at the station. But first I got to take you in, and you got to wear these.
Marcus: You heard the man. Turn around.
Gabriel: What, you're going to lock me up?
Officer: Until you get your bail posted. Be a lot easier if you cooperate. Hey!
Marcus: Stop him!
Rosa: Gabriel, what are you doing?
Marcus: Hey, stop him! Don't let him get away!

Rosa: What is going on? What'd Gabriel do?
Marcus: Forget about him. Are you ok?
Rosa: Yes -- no, I'm fine. What is happening here? Why are the cops here?
Officer: Are you ok?
Rosa: Yeah.
Mateo: He got away.
Officer: Which way did he go?
Mateo: East on south street.
Officer: This is two Mason five requesting backup.

Mateo: What happened?
Marcus: He assaulted me.
Rosa: What?
Marcus: Yeah, when you were in the ladies' room. I told you that guy was bad news.
Mateo: What did he do?
Marcus: He was talking about Rosa, so I went over and I asked him to lay off. So he pops me in the face with a glass of water.
Rosa: Oh, my God. Marcus, you're bleeding.
Marcus: It's nothing, all right.
Mateo: So you call the cops on him?
Marcus: Look, the guy was acting all kinds of crazy, ok? All -- so, look, he needs a serious crash course in anger management. And the way he was looking at Rosa --
Mateo: Listen, I appreciate you looking after my sister, all right?
Marcus: I'm glad she wasn't here. You could've been really hurt.
Rosa: I don't understand. I don't get it. Why is Bianca hanging out with that guy?
Marcus: Well, ask Bianca.

Erica: You're Alex's twin sister, Anna. I've read about you. You're supposed to be dead.
Alex: You're supposed to stay inside.
Anna: Not anymore.
Alex: It's too dangerous for you to be out in public.
Dimitri: Yeah, Edmund, what, have you lost your mind? You're taking a real risk with her life.
Edmund: Anna's not in danger anymore.
Anna: Apparently I can go walking in the park without a fear in the world -- except for the pigeons.
Alex: You're both stark raving mad.
Anna: Tell them.
Edmund: You tell them. Go ahead, tell them.
Anna: All right. So Ilene Pringle, she confessed to everything. Apparently she was sent here to kill me and Charlotte is behind it.
Edmund: She pled guilty to Gillian's murder.
Anna: And before she could do any time here, she was extradited back to England on outstanding criminal charges there.
Edmund: Ok. Well, what about Charlotte?
Anna: She is in solitary. She's been silenced.
Edmund: Anna doesn't have to go into hiding anymore.
Anna: No. My life is my own again. I feel bloody marvelous.
Alex: But are you sure that Charlotte can't play her game from wherever she is?
Edmund: Positive. I've spoken to Interpol.
Anna: Yeah. Charlotte and company. -- They are cooling their heels in Wandsworth for life.
Alex: Well, this is -- this is fantastic news. It's more than we could hope for.
Anna: I still can't quite believe it myself.
Edmund: Believe it.
Alex: It's over. It's finally over.
Erica: It's over for Gillian. And you're the reason Gillian's dead.

Opal: Hey. Hey, hey. Hold it right there, Mister. You know our rule about candy before bedtime.
Petey: I forgot.
Opal: Oh, you forgot? Well, just let me refresh your memory, all right? It's no sweets before you hit the sheets.
Petey: Oh, Mom, it was just --
Opal: "Oh, Mom," my Aunt Tallulah. Come on, hand it over.
Petey: What?
Opal: Fork it over -- that piece you're hoarding in that hot little fist of yours. Come on, you know I don't like you sucking on candy, honey. Sugar-coated teeth is the fast track to cavities. What kind of a mama would I be if I let you ruin your smile?
Petey: Mom, it was just one piece.
Opal: Well, one piece is not enough and a hundred is too many. Now, who gave you this?
Petey: Nobody.
Opal: Oh, nobody?
Jamie: I found it in my backpack.
Opal: I'll just bet you did.
Brooke: Jamie, Sweetie, the next time you find something in your backpack that you don't know where it came from, you tell me, ok?
Jamie: Mm-hmm.
Brooke: Ok, listen. Why don't you guys get up to bed, all right, because the camp bus comes extremely early.
Jamie: Ok.
Petey: All right.
Brooke: All right, we'll be up to say good night.
Opal: Yeah, and be sure to brush those teeth. That doesn't mean just putting water on the toothbrush. I'm up to your tricks.

Brooke: Opal --
Opal: What?
Brooke: You know where that candy real came from?
Opal: You bet your sweet tooth I do.

[Doorbell rings]

Brooke: Ok. Hey, guys.
Dixie: Hey.
Brooke: What's up?
Tad: Sorry to crash the party, but J.R. insisted on seeing Jamie as soon as possible.
Brooke: Ah. Well, he's upstairs with Petey. Um -- what is it -- whoa -- a kid emergency?
Dixie: Must be. Didn't even want to stop for ice cream.
Opal: Yeah, well, that stuff's no good for you anyway.
Tad: Well, what is eating you?
Opal: Well, I'm sorry, but, you know, I mean, I try to raise my son right, but what good is it laying down rules if they just get smashed to smithereens behind your back?
Tad: What'd I do now?
Opal: It's not you. It's every time Petey comes back from Palmer -- like this afternoon -- he's loaded down with candy or some new electronic gizmo or even cash, and I'm talking big bills.
Dixie: Yeah, Uncle Palmer and Adam -- they have the same child-rearing manual. Spoil them rotten.
Opal: Yeah, well, I don't think it's Palmer that's doing the spoiling, actually. I think it's that fire-breathing harpy he's hitched to.
Tad: Vanessa?
Opal: Yeah. Cruella de Cortlandt, that's her.
Dixie: Does she even like kids?
Opal: No, she doesn't even like kids. She's just got to make like Miss Mommy wonderful to impress Palmer. Well, this is just part of her latest bribery installment.
Tad: Jinkies, a candy necklace.
Opal: Yeah, well, I just caught Petey just about to chomp down on it.
Brooke: Jamie said he found it in his backpack.
Tad: Well, Mama, Jamie doesn't lie.
Opal: Well, he might to protect Petey. You don't know. I am sure that Vanessa gave this to him, or at least the money to buy it.
Dixie: It's so funny. Those things remind me so much of being a kid and going to the drugstore back in Pigeon Hollow. Boy, that brings back memories.
Tad: Yeah. E-I-E-I-O. All this time I could've brought you a couple of those home instead of blowing my paycheck on pricey baubles.
Opal: Yeah, well, here. You want to try it on for size? Help yourself.
Dixie: I'd love to. You want a blast from the past?
Tad: No, I'm driving. Please, knock yourself out.
Dixie: All right
. Dixie: Mmm.
J.R.: Mom, don't --
Dixie: Too late.
J.R.: Spit it out now. I mean it. Spit it out!
Dixie: Ok.
Tad: What the hell's wrong with you?
Dixie: What's all the fuss over a candy necklace?
J.R.: No fuss. It's just that Jamie said he found it in his backpack.
Tad: So?
J.R.: So it's -- it's dirty. I mean, it was rolling around in the dirt at the boathouse. Here, I'll throw it out.
Dixie: Hey, hey, hey. Not so fast. This isn't about the necklace, is it? What is it about this candy that's got you so freaked out?

Edmund: Erica, you don't know what you're talking about.
Erica: Alex's twin. Double jeopardy. Twice as lethal.
Dimitri: All right, you know what? Nobody asked for your opinion, ok?
Erica: Opinion? Dimitri, it's a fact, and you know it. You knew that you were the target of some terrorist mob, and you endangered people's lives without care. You killed Gillian.
Dimitri: All right, that's enough, Erica. Enough.
Alex: You do not know the facts, and you have no right to stand in judgment.
Erica: Oh, I see. I'm no longer a member of this family, but I still have every right. How can you excuse yourself for killing Gillian? How -- how can you possibly live with the fact that you're responsible for her death?
Edmund: Ok, let's excuse yourself now.
Anna: No, please, Edmund. It's all right. Miss Kane is being very liberal with her opinion. Well, here's mine. What you say is true. I do have blood on my hands. I hold myself responsible for Gillian's death.
Erica: I hold both you and Alex responsible.
Anna: And who are you accountable to?
Erica: I beg your pardon?
Anna: Well, no, it's just that I'm familiar with you and Dimitri's history. I mean, I'm not the only one around here with blood on my hands, am I?
Erica: Oh, no, no, no, no. This is not about me. This is about you.
Anna: Oh, we're just talking here. Wasn't it several years ago you stood trial for attempting to murder Dimitri? I mean, if that knife -- what was it? It was a -- it was a letter opener -- I mean, if that had gone, like, one inch deeper, then he would be dead and you would be serving time for murder.
Erica: Well, it didn't and I'm not. And now who doesn't have all the facts? There happen to have been extenuating circumstances.
Anna: Yes. There always are. We are ruled by the choices we make, and I must live with mine.
Erica: How can you live with yourself, knowing that you caused Gillian's death?
Anna: I have to. But I don't have to do it alone. I have my sister, Edmund, Dimitri. They're my family now. They're my family. I mean, that's what really galls you, isn't it? It's not that life goes on but that it goes on without you.
Erica: Well, Ryan Lavery's life goes on, too, without his wife. And he has to live with that, thanks to you.

Jack: Excuse me. May I borrow Erica for just a minute, please?
Edmund: Take her for an hour.
Erica: Jack, what is it?
Jack: Well, I got kind of a weird phone call from Bianca. I thought you should know about it.
Erica: Of course. I see. Please, let's just go where we can talk.

Marcus: Man, I hope the cops catch up with that creep.
Mateo: Yeah, listen. Whatever happens with the cops, I don't care. You stay away from that kid, do you understand me?
Rosa: Not a problem. Now, if you're done checking up on me, you can go back to the club.
Mateo: It's closed.
Rosa: So early? Why?
Mateo: Yeah, some electrical problem in the kitchen -- I don't know. I called a contractor, but if he doesn't fix it, I can't open tomorrow.

Chris: Excuse me. Did I overhear you say something about an electrical problem? I didn't mean to eavesdrop.
Mateo: Yeah. You an electrician?
Chris: Well, no. My old man was, but I did spend my summer vacations learning the trade. So I'd be more than happy to help you out just as soon as my shift tending bar is over.
Mateo: Oh. You -- you new here? You work here?
Chris: Yeah. I'm Chris Stamp.
Mateo: Oh. Mateo Santos. Nice to meet you, man. I own the club, S.O.S.
Chris: Right.
Mateo: Yeah. So how long you been bartending?
Chris: Well, I just started tonight. I spend my days working for a maintenance company. You know, just trying to make ends meet. I'm a custodial engineer. Pay stinks, but at least I got a job. So what's the deal with your electrical?
Mateo: Something about the ground fault circuit. I don't know.
Chris: Hmm. Got to pay attention to that. Could be serious.

[Phone rings]

Erica: Oh, Jack, she's not answering. When did you say she called?
Jack: About 10 or 15 minutes ago, I got a call from her saying that she has a friend who needs some legal help, would I please meet them at BJ's? Then she hung up. I tried to get her back, but I couldn't.
Erica: What are we waiting for? Jack, she could be in trouble.


Gabriel: Oh, great. Dead ends and fire escapes.


Bianca: Gabriel, it's just me. Put that thing away. What are you doing? Do you want to add breaking and entering to your assault charges? Look, I know you're scared, but you have to just come back with me to BJ's. My Uncle Jack will help you out of this. You're only going to make more trouble for yourself.
Gabriel: Get away!
Bianca: Gabriel, where are you?
Gabriel: I told you -- get away. It's not safe for you here.
Gabriel: Do you want to get arrested, too?
Bianca: No, and we won't if you just come with me to BJ's. We'll tell the police the truth about what really happened with Marcus.
Gabriel: Oh, yeah, right. Like they're going to believe my word over the big high school jock.
Bianca: I'll back you up.
Gabriel: Just stay out of my mess.
Bianca: Why won't you let me help you?

[Sirens stop]

Gabriel: God, that was close.
Bianca: Yeah, it was too close.
Gabriel: Yeah, well, they can come back around.
Bianca: Nobody knows we're here. And they won't unless I call the police and tell them. So why don't you give me one good reason not to turn you in.

Rosa: Maybe you should go to the ER, Marcus.
Marcus: You keep doing what you're doing, I'll be fine.
Mateo: Going to be all right?
Marcus: Yeah, I'll live.
Mateo: So you said Gabriel was talking about my sister?
Marcus: Yeah. What's really going on is I think he's got a thing for her.
Mateo: Most guys do.
Rosa: Come on, I don't think so.
Marcus: I don't like the way he looks at her. It's like every time I turn around, he's right there in her face gawking. He was like in full stalker mode.
Mateo: You think it's that bad?
Rosa: Mateo, please. It's not that big of a deal.
Mateo: Look, we don't know very much about him. All I know is that he freaks out every 10 seconds and the cops are after him.
Rosa: You're not being fair.
Mateo: I'm being careful, and so should you.
Marcus: Maybe Rosa should get a restraining order.
Rosa: Hello? I mean, do I have a say in this?
Mateo: I'm just looking out for you. That's it.
Marcus: Me, too. If anything bad were to happen to you, I would never forgive myself.
Rosa: Nothing bad is going to happen.
Marcus: Not while I'm around, and I'm going to be around. You can count on it.

[Phone rings]

Mateo: I got to take this. This is my contractor.
Rosa: Thanks.

Erica: Jack, do you see Bianca?
Jack: No, I don't see her anywhere.
Erica: That's crazy. I mean, she would never just call and then disappear. I'm going to ask the bartender if he's seen her. Excuse me. I wonder if you've seen my daughter.
Chris: Nope.
Erica: Well, I haven't even told you what she looks like. You know, it's extremely rude to turn your back on someone when they're trying to talk to you.
Chris: Well, now. We wouldn't want to be rude, would we?
Erica: You again?
Chris: Hey. I almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on.

J.R.: Mom, you don't have to make this a federal case. It's a stupid piece of candy that was rolling around in the dirt.
Dixie: That's all this is?
J.R.: Trash it. Let's go home.
Tad: Don't move. Dix, let me see it for a second.
Tad: This isn't just candy, is it?
J.R.: What do you mean?
Tad: You know exactly what I mean. Sometimes drug dealers like to make their product a little more kid-friendly, right?
J.R.: What are you talking about?
Tad: These pink ones -- there's a lot more in there than just sugar and a little red food coloring, right?
J.R.: How would I know?
Tad: Right?
J.R.: Maybe. Yes.
Opal: Oh, my God.
Tad: What kind of drug is it?
J.R.: I don't --
Tad: Come on!
J.R.: Tad, my friend gave it to me to hold on to. He didn't want his parents to find out, and I slipped it into Jamie's backpack by accident. That's why I wanted to come here, so -- make sure he was ok.
Dixie: Come here. I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to tell me the truth no matter how much trouble you think it's going to get you into. You're not just keeping this for a friend of yours. These drugs are yours, aren't they?
J.R.: Yeah. They're mine.
Dixie: Why'd you lie to me?
J.R.: I was scared.
Dixie: You scared for yourself?
J.R.: Scared for Petey and Jamie. Imagine what would've happened, mom, if they had eaten that whole necklace.
Opal: I snatched it away from Petey just in time.
Brooke: Jamie didn't take any, did he?
J.R.: No. I asked him.
Brooke: I'm going to check on him anyway.
Tad: Please.
Opal: Yeah, I'll go with you.
Dixie: I'm so sorry, you guys.

J.R.: What now?
Tad: You tell me. Are you high?
J.R.: No, I didn't take anything.
Tad: Yeah, well, your mother did. With her heart condition, it could've killed her. You ever stop to think about that?
Dixie: I'm ok.
Tad: No, no. It is not ok. It is definitely not ok. Petey and Jamie could have OD'd.
J.R.: They didn't.
Tad: Yeah, but not because you're some kind of genius. The only reason we are not on the way to the hospital right now is because you got lucky. What the hell is wrong with you? How long you been lying to us? How long you been mixed up in this?
J.R.: I'm not mixed up in anything. And I'm not some addict, either, Tad. It's X. I've dropped it a couple times.
Dixie: Ecstasy?
J.R.: Yeah, Mom. No big deal.
Dixie: No, it's a big deal. It's a very big deal.
Tad: You screwed up big this time, Pal.
J.R.: You ever make a mistake, Tad?
Tad: Yeah, I made a lot of mistakes. I made a lot of stupid mistakes when I was your age because, just like you, I didn't think anything could hurt me.
J.R.: Everything was ok, right?
Tad: No, I didn't say that. I didn't say that at all. You want to know the truth? Fine. I'll tell you. When I was your age, I got high a lot. I did. Absolutely. I'd sit up in my room, I'd smoke a joint, and I'd watch all my problems just float away in a cloud of smoke. And that way the world wouldn't bother me. So I guess I was a lot like you are right now. Because I thought the high would take my problems away. My trouble was I'd sober up, turn around, my problems were right there staring me in the face. That sound familiar to you?
Dixie: Is that why you're doing this, Honey? Because you're hurting?
J.R.: Mom, I don't need a shrink!
Tad: You have a problem. We're going to talk about it.
J.R.: I have a problem? You're the ones with the problem. You're the ones that messed up this whole family, and you're the ones that need the help, not me. I'll be in the car.

Alex: Sweet.
Dimitri: Almost makes up for the dessert we didn't have at dinner.
Alex: Erica can ruin anyone's appetite.
Dimitri: Don't let her get to you, please.
Alex: I have no intention of it. Besides, I'm far too pleased about Anna.
Dimitri: So am I.
Alex: Hmm. Free after all these years.
Dimitri: I just wish the price hadn't been so high.
Alex: Hmm. I do, too.
Dimitri: So where did Edmund and Anna disappear to?
Alex: I think they went to call Robin to tell her.
Dimitri: Any idea what your sister's plans are?
Alex: No. I haven't the foggiest.
Dimitri: You know, she can stay on here if that's what'd make you happy.
Alex: You know what I'd like?
Dimitri: Hmm. Do tell.
Alex: More dessert.
Dimitri: Ooh, yow. Meet you upstairs.
Alex: Actually, I was thinking more about Peggy's fudge cake.
Dimitri: Two forks?
Alex: What?
Dimitri: Two forks?

[Phone rings]

Alex: I'll be right back.
Dimitri: Mm-hmm. You can leave that here.
Alex: What are you going to do with it?

Stella: Excuse me, Mr. Marick. There's a phone call for you.
Dimitri: Oh, thank you, Stella.
Who is it? Stella: The gentleman wouldn't say, but he's got a foreign accent and he said the call concerns a Duke somebody --
Dimitri: Thanks.

Chris: Here you go.
Erica: You're the bartender here?
Chris: I'm a man of many talents.
Erica: Well, I can only hope that means you are no longer cleaning my office.
Chris: Oh, I still got my gig with maintenance.
Erica: Oh, maintenance man by day, bartender by night. Is there no end to your ambition?
Chris: It's a funny habit I've developed, Miss Kane. I like to eat.
Erica: Oh, and Enchantment doesn't pay you enough to keep food on your table?
Chris: Do you have any idea what a maintenance guy makes?
Erica: No, I have no clue.
Chris: Well, after the feds, state, social security get their cut, I can just about afford to pop for a mega meal at the Burger Barn. Am I boring you with these details? Hello?
Erica: Oh, I'm sorry. Did you say something to me?
Chris: No, I was just trying to -- what it's like to be a day in the life of Erica Kane.
Erica: Oh, well, this I want to hear.
Chris: Let's see. Roll into your designer parking spot about 9:00. And you schmooze with some cosmetics guru dude till it's time for lunch. Then you manage to sneak in a little shopping, a little manicure, a little pedicure. Head back to the office in time to test out the latest in kiss-proof lipstick. Wait till the 5:00 whistle blows, jump out of your daytime clothes, pop into your party-till-midnight look, and go home, go to bed, wake up, do it again.
Erica: Seems so trivial next to hauling trash and mixing martinis.
Chris: Well, life's what you make of it, Miss Kane. Me -- I got no complaints.
Erica: I don't either. And back to my daughter -- have you seen her? She called here earlier, and she said that a friend of hers was in trouble.
Chris: Oh, you mean the kid that popped a cop.
Erica: My daughter hit a policeman?
Chris: No, no, no, no, no. Not your daughter. Her friend did. At least that's what I heard. My shift hadn't started yet.
Erica: Well, did you hear anything else?
Chris: Well, I heard he tore out of here lickety-split.
Erica: Did she go with him?
Chris: Nah, he was flying solo.

Jack: Erica, do you recognize these?
Erica: Of course I do, Jack. These are Bianca's.
Jack: That's what I thought.
Erica: Oh, she would never leave her purse and her cell phone behind.
Jack: I had someone go into the ladies' room, see if she was in there. She's not there.
Erica: Then, Jack, where is she?

Gabriel: You're not going to sic the cops on me.
Bianca: Oh, yeah? You're pretty sure about that?
Gabriel: Yeah.
Bianca: How do you know?
Gabriel: I just know.
Bianca: All right. I'm not going to call the cops. But I'm not going to let you just hide out here, either.
Gabriel: It's safe here.
Bianca: No, it's not. This place could be rigged with a silent alarm. The police could already be on their way. If they find you here, they will shoot you and ask questions later. You want to get yourself killed? Gabriel?
Gabriel: I don't want anyone to get hurt. That's why you got to go now.
Bianca: Gabriel, I'm not leaving without you.
Gabriel: No way!
Bianca: Why don't we just go and find the police and tell them what really happened?
Gabriel: Oh, yeah, right. So they can just lock me up?
Bianca: My Uncle Jack will not let them do that.
Gabriel: Your Uncle Jack can't help me now. No one can.
Bianca: Gabriel, you're not coming?
Gabriel: No!
Bianca: Fine!
Gabriel: You crazy? Great. Now we're both stuck.
Bianca: Fine with me.

Dixie: I did this to him. Don't even try to tell me that I didn't.
Tad: Oh, come on, Dix.
Dixie: My kid's taking drugs.
Tad: Listen -- little kids don't stay so little so long anymore.
Dixie: It's -- I know. I know things aren't like they used to be. I know it's not like when we were kids. I know drugs, they're -- the ones that they have access to are powerful and they're scary and they're incredibly easy for these kids to get.
Tad: Wait a minute. Maybe it's also subjective. You're going to challenge me about the mistakes I made when I was his age?
Dixie: Yeah, I've kind of been dreading that conversation ever since he was born.
Tad: My point is that maybe we should have the conversation sooner rather than later.
Dixie: What are you talking about? I've talked to him. I've talked to him about drugs. I've told him how scary and dangerous they are, how he's not going to know if he's the one who's got that thing inside that drugs grab on to and ruin your life forever.
Tad: What thing? What are you talking about?
Dixie: Addiction. You know, I've told him about some kids who can try drugs once and then they never want to do it again. Then there's other kids who do it, and the drugs just grab on to them. They get hooked, you know, and it just ruins their lives. I thought he was listening to me.
Tad: He is Hayley's brother. He probably was listening to you.
Dixie: He still got involved, Tad.
Tad: Dixie, kids got a lot of pressure on them out there nowadays. A lot.
Dixie: Would he have even considered it if I had been there for him this past year?
Tad: You were there for him.
Dixie: Not exactly mother of the year.
Tad: Now wait a minute. Wait a minute. Just a second. No matter what our problems were together, he's a smart kid. He knows the difference. He knows better. And let me just point out to you that none of this started happening until he moved in with Adam.
Dixie: Tad, I appreciate what you're saying. I do. But I let him down. I did. I lost control of my life. He lost control of his. Why would he turn to me for help if he didn't think I was going to be able to be there for him?
Tad: So you be there for him now. You can be there for him now. We both will.
Tad: Come on.
Dixie: Ok. Thank you.

Dimitri: Yes, this is Dimitri Marick.
Man: Count Andrassy.
Dimitri: And you are?
Man: We haven't had the pleasure of meeting.
Dimitri: Ok, well, what can I do for you?
Man: It's more a matter of what I can do for you.
Dimitri: All right, listen, my housekeeper said that this involves a Duke someone. Is that a member of my family?
Man: Someone related to your family most certainly. I offer my condolences. I have just heard of the untimely death of your cousin, Princess Gillian Andrassy.
Dimitri: What about Gillian?
Man: I have some information that might be of interest to you regarding Gillian's husband, Ryan Lavery.

Rosa: So, what was Gabriel saying about me?
Marcus: Nothing you need to hear.
Rosa: Was he being mean?
Marcus: He was being a jerk, which is what he is.
Rosa: But you think he secretly likes me?
Marcus: Rosa, who could not like you? You're soft. You're warm. If you were a chocolate --

[Rosa laughs]

Marcus: You would melt in my mouth.
Rosa: Really?
Marcus: And I like when you do that.
Rosa: What?
Marcus: Blush. Like you haven't heard a hundred guys say the same thing.
Rosa: I haven't.
Marcus: You've never had a boyfriend?
Rosa: My Mami has a thing about me dating boys.
She doesn't let me. Marcus: Your Mami?
Rosa: I know it's silly. It's just how she is.
Marcus: Sweet. Like you.

Jack: Isn't -- isn't that the guy that helped you escape from the dress-eating chair the other day at your office?
Erica: Oh, please. Such an infuriating man.
Jack: Oh, come on. He's not any more infuriating than I am, is he?
Erica: No, no one's more infuriating than you are, Jack.
Jack: Whew. Thought I had some competition there for just a second. Did he know anything about Bianca?
Erica: No, just that she was here with a friend -- whoever that is -- and he had a run-in with the police and then --
Jack: The police?
Erica: Yeah, fled the scene.
Jack: You don't suppose she followed him?
Erica: I don't know. Look, Jack, would you mind very much -- would you please get in your car? Would you please comb the neighborhood and see if you find her?
Jack: Oh, I'd be happy to. I mean, you're really worried about her.
Erica: Yes, I really am. Of course I am. I'm going to stay he just in case she calls.
Jack: And I'll call you if I find her.
Erica: Ok.

Mateo: Hey, Chris.
Chris: Yeah.
Mateo: I just got off the phone with my contractor.
Chris: Bad news?
Mateo: If that circuit shorts, it could spark a major fire.
Chris: Absolutely.

Gabriel: Do you smell something?
Bianca: Like something burning? Yeah.
Gabriel: God, the place is on fire.
Bianca: We have to get out of here. Oh, my God --
Gabriel: Help!
Bianca: Help!
Gabriel: Get us out of here! Come on! Open the door!
Bianca: Help us, please!
Gabriel: Come on! Help! Help!


Jake: I understand you have a problem?

Erica: My daughter's inside!
Chris: Listen to me! I'll find her, and I'll bring her out.

Alex: What did they tell you?
Dimitri: An unbelievable story. Ryan is going to be in for the shock of his life.

Ryan: And you want out of your marriage, right?

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