JULY 23, 1999

Dixie: Tad, we had a deal. Why did I even go through this charade? Your mind's already made up.
Tad: Well, mine wasn't the only one. I mean, come on. Let's be honest. You were determined to have this baby from the very start.
Dixie: And you wanted Dr. Hayward and Dr. Clader to convince me otherwise, didn't you?
Tad: Yeah. Yes, I admit it. Yes. I've been crazed about this thing since day one.
Dixie: Tad, we had a deal. We weren't going to make any decisions until after the doctors told us the facts. I certainly kept my end of the bargain.
Tad: Oh, come on, sweetheart. How can you possibly say that? You've been running around talking in plurals for a week. Two days ago, I walk into the living room, you're standing there with Becca practically planning a baby shower.
Dixie: Well, Becca was happy for me. I'm sorry, but it was nice to have somebody to share my happiness with, somebody who got excited about it.
Tad: Well, so much for neutrality.
Dixie: Of course I'm thrilled, Tad. Of course. I wanted to buy out the whole baby department at Lacey's. But I didn't. I waited for the medical prognosis. I did. I waited. Look -- one of the best cardiologists in the whole world just told me that I can go ahead with the baby if I'm careful. And I will be. I'll be very careful.
Tad: You're high-risk. High-risk. Do you know what those words mean?
Dixie: Yes, I know what it means, Tad. It means that they'll be looking after me very carefully. I don't know. At this point, I'm just more concerned about what Dr. Hayward told me to look out for.
Tad: Which is?
Dixie: Stress. Considering that that feels like a losing battle at this point, considering my husband doesn't want me to have a baby.

Gillian: Hi, Edmund.
Edmund: Hi.
Gillian: Starting the party without us?
Edmund: No, I'm just stocking Dimitri's favorite port.
Gillian: Hmm. Homecoming party preparations. Can I help?
Edmund: I've taken care of everything.
Gillian: Well, you always do. You were so patient the other day when I came by. It's been lonely with Grandmama in Newport for the summer, and Dimitri's always traveling these days. I miss having my family around.
Edmund: Well, then why don't you come here more often, ok? Sam and Maddie love seeing you. Me, too.
Gillian: Thanks, Edmund. I'm glad we're friends again.
Edmund: Me, too. Although, I can't really take your thanks for helping you with your problem because I didn't do anything.
Gillian: You listened.
Edmund: Everything ok now?
Gillian: Yeah. Some things are better, and some things are worse.
Edmund: That's about as vague as you were last time.
Gillian: No, well, coming to think of it, I've already said more than I should have. Thanks to me and my big mouth, Ryan and Hayley are in a lot of trouble.

[Hayley remembers talking to Trevor]

Singer: Spend all your time waiting for that second chance for a break that would make it ok there's always some reason to feel not good enough and it's hard

Trevor: So, can you give Mateo a little space, let him think about things a little, and then talk to him?
Hayley: Uncle Trevor, he doesn't want to talk to me.
Trevor: Yes, he does. He's not going to let the best thing that ever happened to him in his life just go right through his hands. He's not going to kick it out.
Hayley: Talk to him.
Trevor: That's the only way things get worked out.

Singer: In the arms of the angel fly away

[Hayley goes into the condo]

Hayley: Mateo?

Singer: From here from this dark cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie you're in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort here

{Hayley sees the mess in the condo and starts thinking about talking with Trevor again]

Hayley: Oh, baby.

Singer: In the arms of the angel

Trevor: Mateo is a very complicated guy. He's got a lot of mores ingrained in him since -- well, when he was a kid.
Hayley: Don't give me that "Mateo is hector" machismo nonsense. It's not going to fly. You can't convince me that Mateo would ever revert back to that. Although, I will say that he did sound rather Hector-like last night.
Trevor: Well, it is natural for a guy to get ballistic when the woman he loves is cozying up to another guy. Now, I'm not saying it's the right way to go, but I sure can get with it. I can understand it.

Singer: Reverie you're in the arms of the angel

Hayley: Maybe Trevor's right.

Singer: May you find some comfort

Mateo: Big promotion, huh? Senior vice-president. Congratulations.
Alfred: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you very much. It happened quite suddenly. But as you can see, I'm still in the same office.
Mateo: Yeah.
Alfred: Oh, please, have a seat.
Mateo: Thank you.
Alfred: How is your lovely wife, Hayley?
Mateo: She's fine.
Alfred: And the condominiums? Two of them, yes?
Mateo: Yes.
Alfred: Mm-hmm.
Mateo: Oh, no complaints.
Alfred: Good.
Mateo: No complaints. Let me cut to the chase. The reason I'm here is I need another loan.
Alfred: Another loan? But we just did your loans on the condos and the club. You're not thinking of purchasing more property, are you?
Mateo: No. No, no. Strictly business. Strictly business. I'm buying out my partner. Yeah, you know, making a clean break. Getting on with my life.

Gillian: I almost feel like if Mateo didn't overhear me telling Becca that I saw them kissing that they could still be together.
Edmund: Gillian, this is not your fault, ok?
Gillian: I know, but it -- I just caused Mateo so much pain, and I know how he feels. I just -- I swear.
Edmund: I know. I don't doubt that. But I know he doesn't blame you.
Gillian: Yeah, but he blames Ryan and Hayley. I did, too. But now I understand. I see things in a different light.
Edmund: Ok. Maria and I had to deal with a similar situation with Dimitri. There was nothing anybody could do or say, and we just had to work it through. And I'm sure Mateo will do the same thing.
Gillian: I don't know, Edmund. You didn't see his face.
Edmund: No, I saw mine. And my advice to you -- give it time. Ok? Look at Dimitri and me now. We still argue, and we are closer than ever. When it matters, I can count on my brother.
Gillian: And when he needs a party, he calls you.
Edmund: Who else?
Gillian: So, do you know anything about this big surprise of his?
Edmund: Absolutely not. Just like him. Big surprise -- he doesn't give me a reason why.
Gillian: Well, I think having the entire family here is reason enough. You know, when I just came to Pine Valley, I was a spoiled brat and I --
Edmund: Really?
Gillian: Had no family. He just welcomed me into his home -- and yours.
Edmund: He loves you like a daughter. And you and Eugenia have certainly livened up this family tree.
Gillian: I just remembered. I got him his favorite Cuban cigars.
Edmund: Excellent, excellent. I'm going to put them with his favorite port. We got Peggy working on the barbecue, some friends setting up the hunting lodge. It has been way too quiet around here without Dimitri. His homecoming is just the excitement we needed.

Brooke: If I were scissors, I would be in the desk. I'd be in the desk. And if I weren't in the desk, I'd be in the kitchen.
Erica: Oh.
Brooke: And just what do you think you're doing?

Tad: You really think this is easy for me? Honey, don't you know that this is tearing me apart? I've dreamed about having a baby with you.
Dixie: You certainly have a strange way of showing it.
Tad: Oh, come on. That's not fair. You know if it were possible, I would have the baby myself.
Dixie: Well, luckily we don't have to stretch the boundaries of biological feasibility, Tad, because I am perfectly capable and healthy --
Tad: "Perfectly"? Well, your definition of "perfect" and mine are two totally different things.
Dixie: Could you just stop being so negative for a second?
Tad: Honey, I'm just being realistic, that's all
Dixie: You are being stubborn. You heard what Dr. Hayward said -- my heart is fine. My kidney is responding and acting normally.
Tad: So what, you think that's going to make this a cakewalk? Honey, you got to understand -- this is a very dangerous pregnancy.
Dixie: Look -- you know, you're just going to say whatever you want to say, aren't you, you know? You couldn't even get the doctors to terrify me, so you're going to go on your own personal crusade. Well, it's not going to work, Tad. I'm not going to listen to you.
Tad: Wait, wait. Don't make me out to be the bad guy here. Why would you do something like that, just because it's the only way you can come up with to justify your sense of denial?
Dixie: Don't you dare psychoanalyze me.
Tad: Well, I'm sorry, sweetheart, but there's obviously nothing I can do because nothing I say or feel means anything. Don't shut me out. I want you to listen and understand. There's too much at stake here -- for you, for me, for the boys. I'm not just fighting for your life. I'm fighting for our life together.

Alfred: You two have certainly moved around a bit.
Mateo: Yes.
Alfred: And I've pulled your credit report. And everything seems to be looking very good. I see you've also been keeping up with your mortgage payments.
Mateo: Of course. Yeah.
Alfred: I am sorry if this is taking a long time, Mr. Santos, but you understand it's merely a formality. Given who your wife is and her family's relationship with the bank, you're all but guaranteed the loan. But I must keep my paperwork on the up and up, mustn't I? Now then, if you would simply sign at the X. And when may I expect Hayley to drop by and co-sign?
Mateo: Oh -- she won't be stopping by. It's my loan.
Alfred: I don't understand. You -- you need your wife's signature.
Mateo: She's not my wife. Not legally. You see, the person I'm buying out is Hayley.


Hayley: Oh. Ryan. I thought you were Mateo.
Ryan: Hey. So you moved back in. That's fantastic. So, what, Mateo forgave you? You guys are back together?

[Raquel hums "Happy Birthday"]

Raquel: Let me get these before you fly away. All right.
Max: How will they know where to find us?
Raquel: Well, we put that sign outside, remember?
Max: Yay! Mommy, did you get me a chocolate birthday cake with white frosting?
Raquel: Isn't that what you asked for? Well, then that's what you got because you're the birthday boy. Ok, here. Let's give you this now. You want to help me here? It's from your Abuelo and Abuela.
Max: Wow. Grandma Isabella?
Raquel: No. Here, let me get it over here. It's actually from my mom and dad. All right. I was going to have you open it with all your other presents, but I figure you can do it now.
Max: Thanks!
Raquel: Ooh. Look at -- oh, my goodness. Wow. Is there a card? Yep. Here's the card. Let's see.

Max: Mommy, look! Raquel: Yeah. Let's see what they have to say. "Nieto." Just says "Nieto." That means "Grandson."
Max: I wish they were coming today. When can I meet them, Mommy?

Hayley: So, basically, Uncle Trevor said that I should try getting out of my own funk and come over here and, you know, talk to Mateo. So, that's why I'm here.
Ryan: I'm sorry I put you on the spot like that. I saw you in here. I just figured you guys were back together again.
Hayley: If only. So, what brings you here?
Ryan: I came to drop off the keys to S.O.S. And hopefully get a chance to talk to Mateo myself.
Hayley: Well, I can take the keys.
Ryan: Well, I guess I'll get going.
Hayley: Hey, Ry -- I'm real sorry about t way everything turned out at work. Are you going to be ok, you know, financially?
Ryan: Yeah, I'm cool. I'm cool. I'm selling ads back at WRCW again. It's just too bad I can't hang out at the hottest club in town anymore.
Hayley: You know, maybe -- maybe after I talk to Mateo, that'll change, too.

Alfred: Let's see. With the mortgages on both the condos and the lease on the club's building, and not to mention your personal expenses, you are carrying a substantial debt load.
Mateo: I make all my payments on time.
Alfred: Yes. I am sorry to hear that you and Hayley are breaking up, but I will still need to see your joint tax returns for the last two years as well as the club's profit-and-loss statement year to date.
Mateo: I think you'll find everything you need there. I've separated my assets from Hayley, as well as the salary. And here are the tax forms.
Alfred: Ok. Yes. Yes. No. I'm sorry, Mr. Santos, but your income and assets alone will not be enough to guarantee the loan. Is there any way that we can use your wife's assets as collateral?

Erica: Why are you fussing over those old flowers?
Brooke: These were picked fresh this morning.
Erica: Oh, really? From where, the side of the road?
Brooke: Edmund had me pick them from the Wildwind cutting garden. He wanted me to come down here and spruce the place up.
Erica: Oh. Well, that's obviously because Edmund didn't know that white roses are really Dimitri's favorite. He should have consulted with me. Well, I'm going to have to remind Edmund that I'm still the authority on Dimitri's likes and his dislikes.
Brooke: Well, I think Edmund's take is a little more current.
Erica: Well, obviously not if he sent you here to spruce up the place. Oh, well. Now, that's just lovely. Maybe there's an old jelly jar in the kitchen for you.
Erica: Oh, how rustic.
Brooke: Oh, you don't think they're appropriate?
Erica: For you? Perfect. Although, I do wish Edmund would have found out what this big revelation is. I mean, I certainly would have. You don't know, do you?
Brooke: No. No, I haven't talked to Dimitri, either. I thought I had seen him in London for just a moment, but Edmund said, no, he had spent all his time in Budapest.
Erica: Yes, of course. Dimitri absolutely adores Budapest. I must say that I really treasure the time we had there together, too. It was just magical. Hmm. Like this hunting lodge.
Erica: Well, if only this fireplace could talk.
Brooke: Oh, my, yes. You know, and if only this letter opener could talk. But I guess this wouldn't be the one that you used on Dimitri. No. No, that one would be locked up in the police station, sealed and marked exhibit A. Oh, yes. What a magical place.

Edmund: Jack, I'm glad you could make it.
Jack: Oh, listen, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Whatever the hell it is. You have any idea?
Edmund: No. Dimitri wouldn't tell me a thing.
Jack: Oh, I see. Were you expecting somebody else?
Brooke: You know, if I ever have another sudden attack of compassion and decide to rush to that woman's side, I want you to do me favor and smack me.
Jack: I'll smack you. What woman?
Erica: Hello, everybody.
Jack: Ah.
Erica: Well, Edmund, this is so intriguing. I'm so honored to be included.
Edmund: Dimitri instructed me not to take no for an answer.
Erica: He did?
Edmund: Mm-hmm. And by the way, you look radiant.
Erica: Thank you.
Gillian: Yes, stunning.
Erica: Thank you. Well, I guess this evening is full of big surprises. Hello, Jack.
Jack: Hi.
Erica: Hi.
Jack: You look great. I mean, you've really made a marvelous recovery.
Erica: Thank you. Thank you very much. Oh, Edmund, do you have any idea why Dimitri wants to celebrate?
Gillian: Everybody's been asking the same question.
Edmund: No. You know what? I'm going to find out. His jet is just about to land.
Jack: You call and you find out.
Erica: Well, the last time Dimitri saw me, I was wearing that terrible-looking mask.

Edmund: Yes, this is Edmund Grey --
Erica: What I'm sure you don't know is that throughout this entire ordeal, Dimitri was just constantly sending me the most beautiful flowers. And I'm so happy to have a chance to thank him for that.
Edmund: What do you mean? What kind of problem?
Edmund: Get me the air traffic controller's office.
Brooke: Do you think there's a problem with the plane?
Erica: I'm sure there's just a delay, Brooke. Probably a lot of planes trying to land all at the same time.
Brooke: It's a private airfield. How busy could it be?
Edmund: I was -- the plane is turning back? Why? Who gave those -- no. My brother wouldn't do that. No, he was very eager to get home.
Gillian: Maybe it's hijacked.
Erica: By terrorists?
Jack: Oh, come on, please. Please, hold on.
Edmund: Look, we're not getting anywhere. Patch me through to the pilot. Do it! Jack, nobody knows what the hell is going -- hello, is this -- yes, Captain Marshall? Yeah, Captain, this is Edmund Grey, Dimitri's brother. Yes. Yeah, put my brother on the phone. Right now. What? Why not? All right, I'll see you there.
Brooke: What's the matter?

[All talking at once]

Jack: Edmund, what's up --
Edmund: I don't know!
Brooke: What is it?
Edmund: Jack, nobody's telling me a damn thing.
I'm going to the airfield. Erica: Ok, I'm going with you.
Gillian: I'm going.
Jack: We'll find out. Let's go.

Tad: Dixie, I have every reason to be scared stiff. And so do you.
Dixie: Why? I just thought you'd keep your word, Tad. I thought you would listen, actually, to Dr. Hayward.
Tad: I did listen to him.
Dixie: And what, you just didn't like what he said? What do you want, Tad? You want me to give up this baby over something that might not even happen. You want me to be all clinical and detached. I can't.
Tad: Ok, ok, sweetheart, listen. What happens in two months if -- if, God forbid, your health starts to deteriorate, ok? What if it does come down to a choice between your life and this pregnancy? Will you be able to be clinical and detached in two months?
Dixie: Tad, those are a lot of what ifs.
Tad: As far as I am concerned, if there is any risk to your life, then that risk is too great.
Dixie: I am going to be fine, ok? If something does happen, I promise you, I will take myself to the hospital. I will go there. I will stay for seven or eight months if I have to. I will be careful, tad. Come on. I have no intention of dying or of losing this baby.
Tad: Sweetie, you act like you have a choice or you're going to get some kind of advance warning. You're acting like it couldn't happen when you're driving the kids to camp or shopping in the grocery store or, God forbid, lying in bed next to me.
Dixie: Tad, you want me to stop living? Because that's what it sounds like. Can you hear yourself?
Tad: That's it, isn't it? You've made up your mind. There's nothing I can say.
Dixie: Well, you know, you never said congratulations.
Tad: I can't. I'm sorry, honey, I can't.
Dixie: You know, it's like you've never even trusted me. Honestly, I don't know if you ever have.
Jake: Dixie? Dixie?

Tad: Let her go.
Jake: What happened?
Tad: David Hayward strikes again.

Max: Wow! This is the best present ever!
Raquel: Well, I'm glad you like it, sweetheart. Hmm, I have a favor to ask of you. Don't mention to daddy where you got the car from, ok?
Max: But we're not supposed to keep secrets from daddy.
Raquel: No, no, no, no. And we aren't. This won't be a secret. I'm going to tell daddy myself.
Max: Why can't I tell him?
Raquel: Well, because your daddy doesn't know that we've been in touch with your Abuelo and Abuela yet, and I want to tell him how much they love you and they want to meet you. Is that ok?
Max: Ok, mommy.

Hayley: You know, Trevor made me see how this looks to Mateo. Here I am freaking out, and I'm telling him, you know, I need to be alone, I have to run away and be on my own so I can figure this out for myself. Only it looks like this big lie because to him, you know, I'm not alone. I'm with you and I'm just hiding it from him.
Ryan: Well, I can't really hold it against him. When I found out about Gillian and Hayward, I said some pretty hateful things, too.
Hayley: But this was -- this was a kiss. It wasn't leading anywhere. It was just a dead end.
Ryan: I know that and you know that, but Mateo --
Hayley: I know, I know. He sees it as me giving up on him, giving up on us. I understand why he overreacted.
Ryan: Mateo loves you. You'd have a bigger problem if he didn't react at all.
Hayley: I've just got to somehow make him see how close I was to losing it, you know? Not -- not because I want an excuse. Because I want him to believe in me again. Believe in us again. I love him so much, Ryan, but I just don't think that he can hear me right now.
Ryan: Well, then keep saying it anyway. When Gillian and I split, I had this image of her and David in my head. It's not like I wanted to think about it. It's more like I couldn't stop thinking about it. It hurt my pride that she'd turned to somebody else.
Hayley: But just for a moment. Not forever.
Ryan: But I didn't realize how much I'd hurt her. Mateo will get over this. If I can understand what Gillian was going through while she was sleeping with David, then Mateo will get over this. It was just a kiss, and he'll see that it wasn't one-sided.
Hayley: You really think so?
Ryan: Yes, I do. Once he cools off a little bit, he'll start to see you clearly, and you guys will find your way back together. I know it.

Mateo: Listen, you're not taking into consideration that the club's only been open a few months. I can't take a huge salary. We just started up. You know, initial costs -- they're high. We have to balance everything against them. We have salaries. We have receipts.
Alfred: I understand all that.
Mateo: Business is terrific. We're in the black. By next quarter, that income figure is going to double.
Alfred: Yes, yes. I've read in "The Bulletin" So.'s is very, very popular. Big hit, yes.
Mateo: I'll tell you what. Go ahead. Just sign the papers, all right, and go back to the club, and then we can celebrate. You'll be my guest.
Alfred: No. It isn't just a question of your salary, Mr. Santos. Even if your income increased, you would still be carrying enormous personal expenses. You would have your alimony, your child support, on top of your own expenses. And then again, there are the payments on both the condos, which were already pushing the limit on your income tax bracket. I just don't think there's any room left to take on additional debt.
Mateo: I don't get it. A minute ago I'm sitting here, you're ready to hand over a briefcase full of money and you're saying that this paperwork is just merely a formality. And now that's changed. Tell me what's going on. You're the senior vice-president. You can do whatever you want.
Alfred: Mr. Santos, you would be doing yourself a terrible disservice by taking on this kind of debt by yourself.
Mateo: How long have I banked here? Have I ever been late on one payment? Car payments? Mortgage? No. Nothing. And you're going to treat me like this?
Alfred: I'm sorry, but my answer is final. Now, should your circumstances change, then I cordially invite you to reapply at a later date.
Mateo: I'm not reapplying nothing, all right? You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to take my money out of this bank, and I'm going to go across the street to your competitors. And I'm doing business with them because me and you, our business relationship is over.

Tad: You should have seen him, so calm and smug, like a supreme being standing there, saying "Let there be light."
Jake: Hmm. That's pretty much sizing up David Hayward.
Tad: Yeah, but how could he do it? It doesn't make any sense. How could he possibly give her the go-ahead when he knows full well how dangerous this pregnancy is? How could a doctor encourage someone to go out and risk their life?
Jake: Well, I don't think it's about him intentionally wanting to risk her life. It's about his ego. It's always about his ego. He thinks he can pull Dixie through this pregnancy despite the risks.
Tad: Well, I'm not about to sit around and watch my wife die just so he can play god. Dixie means everything to me -- and the boys. If he wants, let him risk somebody else's life to tempt fate.
Jake: Well, you'd better make Dixie understand what she's really getting into.
Tad: Yeah, I can't, Jake. She won't listen to me.
Jake: Let me put it to you another way. Get through to her or else.

Guard: That's as far as you go, folks.
Edmund: Has the Marick jet landed yet?
Guard: I don't know. Just --
Edmund: Look, who's in charge here? You -- has the Marick jet landed yet?
Man: Not yet.
Edmund: Listen to me. Please. I am Dimitri Marick's brother, ok? I spoke to the pilot.
Jack: Come here a second.
Edmund: And there's some discussion of the plane turning around, and I need to know if it is landing here.
Man: Yes, any minute now.
Edmund: Thank you. Thank you. Jack, that is something. Jack: We know that they got this far at least.

Tad: With all due respect, Jake, the fear of God thing is pretty well played out, ok? I'm well aware of the risks. I just don't know where to begin. At this point, Dixie thinks I would say anything to get her to reconsider, and she'd be right.
Jake: Well, don't push it. All right? There's still a little bit of time. As for her health, I imagine Hayward is going to start monitoring her right away.
Tad: Oh, well, gee, that's a relief. What a jerk. One word from him, and everybody would've been spared all this turmoil.
Jake: Yeah, well, turmoil is his middle name. And if it's not there, he creates it. Just look at Liza and Adam or Ryan and Gillian. He doesn't do compassion.
Tad: What are you saying? That he's up to something with me and Dixie?
Jake: I don't know. I hope he isn't. But the fact of the matter is he's onboard and he's saying everything Dixie wants to hear. I'm begging you, don't trust him and watch him very closely -- especially when he's with Dixie.

Ryan: Well, you got stuff to do.
Hayley: Oh. And I love doing it, too. I really miss this. Not that Mateo was ever a slob when I was around. Ryan, listen -- what happened between us --
Ryan: Was totally wrong. I know that.
Hayley: Let me finish. I don't think it was totally wrong. And I don't want you to think that I look at it as something that I'll be ashamed of, because I'm not.
Ryan: You're not?
Hayley: Uh-uh. That's -- that's why we're friends. That's why we're close. We come from the same place, you know. And that's what it was about -- just the way we look at things. And I'm glad we're friends, and I hope that we always will be.
Ryan: Hayley, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that. I was afraid that all this would mess things up with us. I'd lose my best friend.
Hayley: Like you'd ever be able to get rid of me that easily. You sure you're really ok?
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, it's weird. Something good actually came out of this. Gillian and I understand each other.
Hayley: That is new.
Ryan: Tell me about it. But when she cooled off a little bit, she began to realize that what happened between us was a lot like what happened with her and Hayward. It had more to do with loneliness than anything else.
Hayley: Yeah. Boy, I was at my lowest point, you know? I really just wanted to feel someone's arms around me. That's where our kiss came from. It was about connection.
Ryan: Nothing more.
Hayley: I'm glad that we finally got a chance to talk about it.

Raquel: Ooh.
Mateo: Hey.
Max: Daddy, you're here!
Mateo: Happy birthday, Bud. Oh! Look at you. A cowboy, huh?

Guard: You can't go back there. Just stand back.
Edmund: Look, I got to see my brother.
Jack: Everybody take it easy here.
Edmund: I got to see what's going on!
Guard: Just stand back.
Brooke: Edmund, let them do their job.
Erica: Somebody's coming. It's Dimitri! Dimitri.
Edmund: Dimitri --
Gillian: Are you all right?
Edmund: Dimitri? Dimitri.
Dimitri: Edmund?
Edmund: Yeah. Shh, shh, shh. Hey, don't try to talk. You're going to be all right.
Dimitri: Still telling me what to do?
Edmund: Ok, ok. You're going to be fine, all right? We're going to get you to the hospital right away. Ok?
Dimitri: There's no time.
Edmund: Dimitri? Dimitri?
Get him to Pine Valley hospital now!
Paramedic: Sea View hospital's closer.
Edmund: Get him to any hospital now!

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