JULY 27, 1999

Liza: Well, she's asleep. Perfect baby's asleep.
Adam: I don't think it's possible for Colby to get any cuter.
Adam: I got a message from Skye she's on her way to Llanview, of all places.
Liza: Really? Can't wait to see what she's up to. Did you call Hayley today?
Adam: No -- time got away from me.
Liza: I think you should call her, especially after the way you two left things.
Adam: She's the one that's angry.
Liza: And she's hurting. And I don't know if I told you or not, but Mateo fired Ryan from the club, punching him in the process.
Adam: Punching him?
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Adam: I -- I don't understand Mateo. He seems so steady, and then all of a sudden -- POW! -- Vesuvius.
Liza: Look, I don't know the whole story. I'm just thinking that the only problem is not Ryan. It's probably Ryan and Hayley.
Adam: I hope you're wrong about that.
Liza: Yeah, so do I, but I think you should call.

[Colby cries]

Liza: Perfect baby's awake.

Adam: Yeah. Hello. Hello, Dillon family? This message is for Hayley. This is your father, sweetheart. I've been thinking of you, as usual. Would you just give me a call as soon as --

[Pounding on door]

Adam: Just call as soon as you can, sweetheart. Thank you.


Adam: All right, all right! I'm coming. Don't have to knock the door down.
Mateo: I know you've never been in my corner, all right? And you wanted us to break up. Well, you got it. But you're not satisfied, are you? You still want to trash the rest of my life.

David: Well, well, mother. It looks like I owe you an apology. I once told you that you were too old and decrepit to be a kept woman. Clearly I was wrong.
Vanessa: David, there is nothing between Palmer and myself except culture and companionship.
David: Mm-hmm.
Vanessa: Now, hand over the money and go.
David: You in a hurry?
Vanessa: Yes, as a matter of fact. Donald will be here any minute, and you have no idea how difficult it was to set up this meeting.
David: And why is that? Donald thinks he's coming here to get money, doesn't he?
Vanessa: Yes. Can we please get on with it?
David: You gave your friend Donald Steele all of that damaging material on Erica, and now you're going to get it all back -- every last item. You didn't honestly think that I was going to hand you over a wad of cash, did you?
Vanessa: David --

[knock on door]

Vanessa: Hold on -- all right? You see, now, he can't find you here, so I am going to suggest that we have a drink downstairs. You put the money in that drawer, and then you leave.
David: Leave? And miss out on all the fun?


David: I'm staying put.
Vanessa: David -- this is not what we agreed upon.


Vanessa: Well, all right, then what happens now?
David: Now, mother, you answer the door.

Edmund: I want to know what killed my brother.
Dr. Silbert: Mr. Grey --
Edmund: No, I am Dimitri's next of kin, and I am ordering you to perform an autopsy.
Alexandra: No. I won't allow it.
Edmund: Who is this woman? Look, this is a private family matter. It doesn't concern you. Don't interfere.

Dimitri's voice: Promise me. Promise me.

Alexandra: Edmund -- Dimitri loved you very much. And I know you loved him, too.
Edmund: Who the hell are you? What do you know about me and Dimitri? Who are you?
Alexandra: I'm Alexandra Marick. I'm Dimitri's wife.
Erica: His what? You're a liar. Dimitri isn't married. Now, get out of here.
Alexandra: No. When you spoke on the phone, he said that he had some wonderful news.
Edmund: My brother wouldn't get married without telling me, ok?
Alexandra: He wanted to tell you to your face because he knew that your first reaction would be to say that getting married so suddenly was a big mistake. But he knew that when you saw how happy he was that all your reservations would just disappear.
Edmund: If you know me like you think you know me, you know I'm not going to accept this.
Alexandra: Accept it or not, I am Dimitri's wife.
Dr. Silbert: Mrs. Marick, as you are apparently the next of kin --
Edmund: That hasn't been established yet.
Alexandra: Could you give us a minute, please?
Dr. Silbert: Very well. I've got some things to take care of. It'll give you time to sort this out.
Edmund and Alexandra: Thank you, doctor.
Alexandra: Edmund, your shock at what has happened is no greater than mine. I expected our first meeting to be -- not this.
Erica: Look, you've made a very big miscalculation by coming here and attempting this -- this fraud. We are Dimitri's family. We know him better -- we knew him better than anyone on the face of the earth. We are the closest, dearest people in his life.
Alexandra: Yes, you were, and we were really looking forward to sharing our good news with you.
Erica: No, this isn't possible. We've never heard of you. Dimitri never mentioned your name. And how long did you know him, five days, a week?
Alexandra: Well, long enough to know that we wanted to be together. This whole thing is -- it's just such a shock. I mean, it's -- it's impossible. The simple truth is that we loved each other. Very much. And that we -- we could have had a life together and that we could have had many years of happiness. But as it turned out, that wasn't meant to be. And I can only imagine what you're feeling.
Erica: No. I don't believe you possibly could.
Alexandra: I'm very well aware of what you meant to my husband. He told me a lot about you, how beautiful you are. I don't think he really did you justice. And he also said how much he loved your daughter, Bianca.
Erica: This is preposterous. And you are very, very cruel to come here and tell us this. You know that this is nothing but a lie.
Jack: Look, miss -- Mrs. -- My name is Jack Montgomery.
Alexandra: Montgomery. Yes, I know, know. My husband had a great deal of respect for you.
Jack: Did he?
Alexandra: I beg your pardon. You know, I mean, I sound like I know all of you, and of course I don't. But it's just that we were so enthused on the airplane and he was really, really looking forward to introducing me to all of you.
Edmund: We didn't see you get off the plane.
Alexandra: No, you didn't, but I was there.
Jack: Now you're going to have to beg my pardon. Obviously, you're quite distraught over all that's happened, but if you expect any of us here to believe that you're Dimitri Marick's wife, I'm afraid you're going to have to come up with some tangible proof.
Alexandra: Yes, of course. We only got married about four days ago, so I haven't had a chance to change my passport. This is the marriage license.
Jack: Seems genuine.
Erica: "Seems genuine"? This woman comes out of nowhere and shows you a piece of paper, and you take her word for it? She's clearly an imposter. Edmund, don't you be fooled by her, too.

Adam: Mateo, just calm down. Just tell me what this is about.
Mateo: You got to them, didn't you? Huh? You had my bank loan denied. But you know what? I'm not surprised because it's just the kind of manipulative, vindictive stunt you're famous for!
Adam: I don't know what you're talking about.
Mateo: You know what I'm talking about. Admit it! Just go ahead, admit it. You've never left Hayley and I alone. You've always meddled and interfered. But now you do this? You do this to me? You're not just hurting me, you're hurting me and my son! This has nothing to do with you!
Liza: Well, wait a second. Stop talking to him that way. He was only trying to help.
Mateo: Trying to help? By wrecking the things I've tried to build the past few months?
Liza: Mateo, I was upset with him, too, when I found out.
Adam: Found out what? What am supposed to have done to destroy everything --
Liza: Would you please just admit it so you can apologize?
Adam: I -- I don't know what he's talking about!
Liza: You have every right to be angry with him, ok, but he knew that you were afraid of losing custody of Max forever.
Adam: No, no, no, no, no. Quiet.
Liza: No, I am not going to be quiet because you need to understand this. What he did was wrong and it was manipulative, but he knew that you guys wanted full custody. Do you remember when Raquel was threatening to leave town and you thought you would never see Max again? That's why he rigged the custody hearing. For you, Mateo.

Waiter: Room service.
Vanessa: Oh. Well -- wait, wait. I did not order that. I am not paying for it.
Waiter: Ms. Bennett, it's all paid for.
Vanessa: Oh! Well, how sweet.
David: Your cultured friend likes to feed you, does he?
Vanessa: He's very attentive.
David: Hmm. Well, not this time. I ordered the food.
Vanessa: Fine, then you tip the man.
David: Thank you.
Waiter: Thank you.
Vanessa: David, why on earth would you order hors d'oeuvres at this kind of a meeting?
David: No reason not to be sociable.
Vanessa: But why prolong it? All we have to do is pay the nasty man his money and get all the material from him.
David: I have no intention of handing over money to Donald Steele until I'm absolutely certain that he has given us every last item that could hurt Erica.
Vanessa: Well, I will make certain that he does. I do not need you here.
David: Well, just think of me as being here for moral support. And remember, Vanessa, if this doesn't go according to plan, I will make sure that palmer hears in sordid detail how you tried to harm his friend Erica, and all of this culture and companionship you could kiss good-bye.
Vanessa: All right, David, look, I know what I stand to lose. What I find really curious is, what do you stand to gain from being involved with all this?
David: You stole those pictures of Erica's injured face from my office.
Vanessa: Oh, but that's not it, is it?
David: Erica has suffered enough at your hand.
Vanessa: Ah. Playing Sir Galahad -- again. Oh, David. David, there's no doubt that Erica is a beautiful, very famous woman, but you have had your share of that type.
David: The last thing I need from you, Vanessa, is romantic advice.
Vanessa: Fine, let's call it practical advice -- don't fall in love with Erica. And not simply because it will turn out badly -- however, it will -- but because the sight of you in love with anybody is a sight that I find ludicrous even for your own mother to stomach.

[Knock on door]

Vanessa: One moment, please.
Donald: Ok.
Vanessa: All right, it's Donald.
David: I'll be in the bathroom with the cash. When he gives you Erica's stuff, you excuse yourself and you come and see me.
Vanessa: In the bathroom?
David: He'll get his money when we make sure we have everything.
Vanessa: All right, David --
David: Do as I tell you, Mother. And don't mess up, or it'll cost you.
Vanessa: Come in, Donald.
Donald: Vanessa. Wowie, what a place here, huh? Nice view?
Vanessa: Who cares. It's of Pine Valley.
Donald: Well, you've got a point there. Hey, hey, look at this -- room service. For me?
Vanessa: Help yourself, please.
Donald: Mmm. Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm. I am in such a good mood today, and I can't even remember why.
Vanessa: Donald, I have your money.
Donald: Ah, yeah, that's it. That must be why. Bingo.
Vanessa: Right, do you have all the material that we talked about?
Donald: Course I do. You know what? But before I give it to you, I thought maybe we could sit down for a while and have a little chat.
Vanessa: Oh, well --
Donald: You know, it looks to me, Vanessa, like you have landed yourself in one sweet honey pot here. Of course, Bill Gates would be a lot sweeter, but Palmer Cortlandt will do. And I was thinking that as we're about to conclude this chapter in our relationship to our mutual satisfaction that we should think about future projects. I mean, because we make a terrific team.

David: Focus, Vanessa. Focus.

Donald: Don't you think?
Vanessa: Oh, certainly, Donald. But right now --
Donald: You know, and I was thinking even right from the start that there was this kind of Mrs. Robinson kind of a thing going on between us, huh? Right? Or am I wrong?
Vanessa: Oh, you're very wrong, Donald. You're very wrong. Not that I haven't enjoyed working with you -- truly I have so much -- but this -- this just can't be.
Donald: Well, you know, this is a very nice setup here. And I imagine that old man Cortlandt's going to be away quite a bit, and you have your needs, yeah?
Vanessa: I don't have needs, no.

[Knock on door]

Vanessa: Shh!
Donald: You expecting someone?
Palmer: Vanessa?

David: Oh, Palmer.

Vanessa: It's Palmer. It's Palmer, and you have to hide.
Donald: All right. Ok, I'm going to hide. I'll hide in the bathroom.
Vanessa: Right. No!
Donald: What?
Vanessa: Shh. In the closet.
Donald: The closet?
Vanessa: In the closet, right over there.
Palmer: I can hear you tiptoeing in there.
Donald: What?
Vanessa: Back up. Open the door.
Donald: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Vanessa: Shh.
Donald: Shh, shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh. Oh, thank you.
Vanessa: Shh! You idiot! He'll know I'm entertaining.
Donald: What? Go get him.
Vanessa: Shh.
Donald: You're great.

Vanessa: Oh. Palmer.
Palmer: Have I come at a bad time?
Vanessa: Oh, Palmer, it's never a bad time to see you.
Palmer: May I come in?
Vanessa: Oh, well -- of course.
Palmer: Ahem.
Vanessa: Well, I thought you'd be off on your cruise by now.
Palmer: No, no. I don't leave until tonight.
Vanessa: Oh, tonight. Oh, well. It was sweet of you to drop by, especially since I know you must have a million things to do before you leave.
Palmer: No, I don't have anything to do, really. There is one thing I'd really like to do before I go. Bet you can guess. Should I give you a hint?
Vanessa: Don't make this more difficult --
Palmer: What?
Vanessa: Than it is, darling. No, no, no. Really, you know that I practically -- impossible to resist you. I can't -- just go. Please?
Palmer: Oh, won't you give me just a little something that I can hold onto until I see you again?
Vanessa: Darling, don't tempt me. Don't tempt me. Look, Palmer, we've already said our good-byes. And you know how difficult it's going to be. You know, I'm already resigning myself to missing you just terribly over the next few weeks, but, you know, if I spend even one hour with you, you know what's going to happen? Because then when it's time to say good-bye --
Palmer: What's going to happen?
Vanessa: Well, what's bound to happen is, my darling, I will go completely -- oh, my God! Oh! Oh!

Mateo: You rigged the custody Hearing?
Liza: It was a terrible thing to do. But he's a powerful man, and he uses his power to protect or support his family. It's one of his worst failings, Mateo.
Mateo: Do you know everything that's happened to me since has happened because I got full custody?
Adam: Mateo -- I'm genuinely sorry for any pain that I may have caused. I honestly thought I was doing what you wanted me to do.
Mateo: You don't have a conscience. You do whatever the hell you want without a second thought, don't you? You ruin people's lives.
Adam: I accept responsibility for my actions. But as for my doing what I did being responsible for all the bad things that have happened, no, I draw the line there. Mateo, your troubles started when a wife that nobody had ever heard of showed up on your doorstep.
Mateo: I could have got through that. Hayley and I could have worked that out if we had just been left alone. But there's people like you around waiting for us to fail.
Adam: No, I didn't want you to fail. I want -- I want what Hayley wants. I want -- she wants you to be together. I -- she knows that. She knows that I was attempting to be supportive when I interfered in the custody hearing, and I think she's forgiven me for that.
Mateo: Oh. She knew? She knew about you and the judge?

Edmund: This is Dimitri's signature.
Erica: How can you be so sure?
Edmund: You said you were married in London. Dimitri was in Budapest.
Alexandra: The cities are three hours apart by air.
Edmund: He didn't have any business in the U.K.
Jack: Edmund, Brooke did say that she saw Dimitri in London.
Edmund: She said she thought she saw him.
Jack: Well, let me ask you -- do you have any idea why he would have been in London?
Alexandra: To see me. We'd met several months ago.
Edmund: Tell me what happened on the plane.
Alexandra: It was very sudden. He complained of a headache, and then he fell into my arms.
Edmund: Dimitri was healthy. I mean, did he have any symptoms before that?
Alexandra: No, he was feeling very well. In fact, he was quite exuberant, telling stories. He'd bought presents for your children and they were in these two elaborately gift-wrapped boxes, and he was trying to explain what they were. And he couldn't, so he jumped up and he went over to the boxes and he tore off the wrapper because he really wanted to show me what these presents were. He just couldn't wait another minute. That's the way he was. He was so irresponsible and just impulsive. Excuse me.
Alexandra: Oh, I really don't know where they are now. I guess they're still on the plane. One was this kind of porcelain gypsy doll for Maddie, and then the other thing was a toy sailboat for --
Edmund: Robert.
Alexandra: No, his name isn't Robert. It's Sam.
Jack: Go on, please. Alexandra: We were just having fun. And then all the color drained out of his face and his hands started shaking, and he said he couldn't keep his eyes open because of the pain. And I really knew he was in trouble then. And he held onto me really tight. And I have bruises on my arms where he held me.
Edmund: But you were almost here. The plane was almost here. If Dimitri was sick, why did you turn the plane around? I don't understand that. Why -- I had to force this plane to land in Pine Valley.
Alexandra: Because he begged me. I think he knew he was dying, and he asked me to take him home. And I thought home meant Budapest.
Edmund: I don't believe you. Just now you said he wanted to come home. You said, "Wait until you come home." And now you're saying you thought home meant Budapest. Why are you lying?
Alexandra: I don't care whether you believe me or not. I don't have to prove who I am to you. I'm just trying to tell you everything because Dimitri loved you so much. But if you're going to turn this into a cross-questioning and try to trip me up with misinformation, then I don't have to tell you anything.
Jack: Look, we're just trying to find out what's happened, Mrs. --
Alexandra: Oh, you don't have to call me Mrs. Marick. Please, just call me Alex. Yes, of course Dimitri felt at home here in Pine Valley. But he loved Vadzel. And he talked about it all the time. And he called it his home because it had been in his family for centuries.
Gillian: That is true. I know that Vadzel is the place where Dimitri would want to go if he were dying.
Erica: Gillian. How could you possibly know that?
Gillian: Because he loved it very much. And -- and my whole family resigned to it when it was lost to the communists. But Dimitri never wanted to accept that, and when the communists where gone, he worked really hard to get it back. And he spent a lot of time and effort to get it back to its original glory.
Erica: Yes, I know that. I know that, Gillian, but still --
Gillian: And once, Grandmama thanked him for allowing her to be buried next to Grandpapa, and it turned into this big joke, and he said, "When the time comes, I'll be lying next to you."
Alex: Gillian.
Gillian: I loved him very much.
Alex: He loved you, too. He was very proud of you.
Gillian: He was proud of me?
Alex: Yes.
Gillian: Thank you -- Alex?
Alex: Yeah. Alex.

Erica: This is too much. I mean, this woman appears out of nowhere. She claims to be Dimitri's wife, his grieving widow. You and Gillian, you just accept her with open arms?
Jack: No, but why would she even try to perpetuate such a hoax?
Erica: Why? To get Dimitri's money. To get Dimitri's title. You choose a reason.
Jack: She'd have to know that she would never get away with something like that.
Erica: Oh, you better believe she will never get away with it. Edmund?
Edmund: I can't go through this. Not again.
Dr. Silbert: Excuse me. I must give the orders on what to do with the body. I'll need your authorization now.
Edmund: I'll sign what needs to be signed.
Dr. Silbert: But I --
Edmund: No, you're the chief of staff, right?
Dr. Silbert: Yes, sir.
Edmund: If you don't perform the autopsy, I will cause this hospital trouble.
Alex: Dr. --
Dr. Silbert: Silbert.
Alex: Dr. Silbert, are you satisfied with the cause of death?
Edmund: I am not.
Alex: You've made that clear. I'd like to hear the doctor's opinion.
Dr. Silbert: Well, as you know, a postmortem would give us answers that we don't have now. However, my legal obligation is to provide a cause of death for the death certificate, and I feel I can do that to a medical certainty without one.
Alex: Then there will not be an autopsy. I intend to take my husband with me as soon as possible.
Edmund: You can't do that. For God's sake, he's my brother.
Dr. Silbert: I'm sorry, Mr. Grey. Mrs. Marick, would you come with me, please?
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Please, please. Please, just think about what you're doing here. Now, this has been a great shock to all of us. I mean, can you really just take him away before his family here has a chance to mourn him?
Edmund: Why don't you want to know why he died? Huh? If you really loved him, you would.
Alex: Don't you dare question my love for Dimitri. I will carry out his wishes as I see fit.
Edmund: Jack, jack, we got to do something.
Isn't there something we can do?

Vanessa: Oh! See? You make me do absolutely crazy things! You do, darling, but I can't do them right now. We can't do them right now --
Palmer: Oh, come on, yes --
Vanessa: No. No, no, we cannot do -- you have to go. Oh, we, listen, we have made no commitment to each other, not one. Up until now, I understand it's been just -- just fun. And besides that, you're going off to this beautiful cruise surrounded by beautiful women, young woman. Who knows? By the time you get back, you -- you may not even want me around.
Palmer: Nobody's been that jealous of me in -- oh I can't tell you. A long, long time. On the other hand, of course, I ought to be jealous of you because you're going off to Argentina to visit your friend, Don -- Don -- what's his name? What's his name? What is it?
Vanessa: Uh -- of Buenos Aires. And you see there? You weren't the slightest bit jealous about him, now --
Palmer: Oh, but I was jealous. I was, absolutely. I was going down there, and I was going to challenge him to a duel. You know, I was too late. Well, I had my people make a few inquiries, and I found out that Don Eladio de la Euente has been dead since 1986.
Vanessa: Dead? 1986? Oh, my --

[telephone rings]

Vanessa: Oh, excuse me. Hello?
David: [Spanish accent] Vanessa? This is Don Eladio.
Vanessa: Ah! Oh.
David: [Normal voice] Mother, get rid of him. Now.
Vanessa: Oh! Oh, well, Don Eladio, absolutely divine to hear your voice. You know, the craziest thing -- a friend of mine was just telling me that -- he heard that you died in 1986. Greatly exaggerated, oh, yes. Yeah, well, of course I'm looking forward to the time we have to spend together. And I'll bring my boots of course. Yes, you bring the horse, I bring the boots. Excuse me.
Palmer, I'm so sorry. I have to take this. It's intercontinental.
Palmer: All right. It's all right. It seems I've -- I've made a mistake, a very serious mistake. I hope you have a very pleasant trip. May I -- could I, well, would it be all right if I saw you when I came back?
Vanessa: Of course it would. Of course it would. I'm so sorry.

Vanessa: You see what you made me do?
David: Oh, I'm sure you'll lure him back into your lair. Now you have a job to do, mother. Do it.
Vanessa: All right, Donald, get out here.
Donald: Boy, that is so weird -- the guy's dead, the phone rings, and it's him? How did you do that?
Vanessa: Never mind. You and I have some unfinished business.
Donald: Mm-hmm.
Vanessa: I want you to hand over the material. And you'll get your bloody money. All right, now, I don't want to hear nonsense. I'm not in the mood.
Donald: All right, all right, I'm no match for you. Just get me my money, and I'm out of here.
Vanessa: Give me everything you've got -- everything you've got on Erica. Hand it over.
Donald: Yes, ma'am.

Mateo: You rigged the custody hearing, getting my bank loan denied would be no big deal, would it?
Adam: Mateo, I have no idea what you're accusing me of. Why should I care if you get a loan? As a matter of fact, you don't need a loan. I'll write you a check.
Mateo: Wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. You don't buy me. Nobody buys me. I'll get that loan on my own.
Liza: What happened with the bank? Why do you think that Adam's involved?
Mateo: I was sitting there with Alfred Vanderpool. He had a big smile on his face, ready to give me all the money I wanted. Everything was set. The sky was the limit. And then I mention that I'm not with Hayley anymore and that I'm not going to be using her assets as collateral. Then this whole big wall comes tumbling down on my head.
Adam: Mateo, you're a smart, hard-working young man. But without Hayley's trust fund, you go right to the back of the line with all the other smart, young --
Mateo: You're saying -- you're saying that I'm nothing without Hayley?
Adam: No, no. I didn't say that. But to a bank executive like Vanderpool, without Hayley's money, that's -- you're nothing.
Mateo: Well, Hayley and I are done. But I'm going to buy her out, you know, and you and your little interference with the custody, that -- that ruined my marriage. But your interference with the bank is not going to take my club away.

Liza: So you going to be honest with me? Did you interfere with Mateo getting his loan?

Vanessa: All right. It looks like it's all there.
Donald: Well, that's great. Can I have my money now?
Vanessa: First I have to check it out in the bathroom.
Donald: The bathroom?
Vanessa: That's what I said. Now, you wait right here.
Donald: Wait, wait,
what's going on in there? Vanessa: I do not have to answer your questions, Donald. Now, you stay right here until I get back, and you will get your money.
Donald: All right, fine, you got it. You're the boss.
Vanessa: Yes.

Vanessa: All right. I think this is everything, David.
David: Give it to me.
Vanessa: Why are you wearing those gloves?
David: Give it to me.

Erica: No. No. No, you can't take him! No. No --
Gillian: Erica, don't, please --
Erica: No, you can't just take him away like that!
Erica: Dimitri.

Adam: I'm telling you, I had nothing to do with that bank loan being refused.
Liza: All right.
Adam: All right. Good grief, Liza. After everything we've been through together, are you saying you still don't trust me?
Liza: You have asked me that question so many times, and the answer is still the same. I love you. And I admire you. And I lust for you. But trust you? No, I don't.

Vanessa: Everything I took from Erica's house and your office is all in there, David. David, please give me the money so we can get rid of this horrid man. Please?
David: No, Mother, there's been a change of plans.
Vanessa: David!
David: Your friend Donald isn't going to get any money from you today. He's going to get something else.

Erica: He's gone.
Gillian: Maybe Jack and Edmund can convince Alex not to take him away.
Erica: Gillian, Dimitri's gone.
Gillian: It's such a tragedy. To have someone so full of life go away. At least we know that he spent the last moments of his life happy. He was with someone who loved him very much.
Erica: No. No, that woman didn't love him. She may have gotten him to marry her. Maybe that part was true. But she's hiding something.
Gillian: What could she be hiding?
Erica: Why was she so anxious to prevent the autopsy? Why was she in such a rush to get the body out of the country?
If Edmund and Jack can prevent her from leaving, then maybe we will find out exactly how Dimitri spent the last moments of his life.

Man: Mrs. Marick?
Alex: Yes.
Man: The plane is ready for your return to Europe.
Alex: Is the casket onboard?
Man: It's being taken on now.
Alex: Thank you.
Man: Your final destination is?
Alex: My final destination --
Derek: Mrs. Marick, would you please come with me?
Alex: I'm afraid that's impossible. I'm just about to board this plane.
Derek: No, ma'am, you're not going anywhere.

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