JULY 28, 1999

Adam: Liza. We're married now. How can you possibly still not trust me?
Liza: Because I know what you're capable of. If you could bribe a judge in a custody case, why would you stop at bribing a bank official?
Adam: That's marvelous. Of all the things I've done for which I'm truly guilty, you blame me for something I absolutely did not do.

Vanessa: David, I don't understand. We have all the material that Donald had on Erica. Why don't we give the man his money, let him go on his way? That was the plan, right?
David: That was plan A, Mother. Now we're moving on to plan B. And I promise it will be even more exciting.
Vanessa: Well, what is it? What are you going to do?
David: Watch and learn, mother.
Vanessa: Yeah.
Donald: Oh! Ah! Dr. Hayward, I presume.
David: Mm-hmm.
Vanessa: You get up, for heaven sakes, and get out of my bathroom.
David: So you were listening in on us.
Donald: Mm-hmm.
David: What have you gathered?
Donald: Not much. But my investigative reporter's nose tells me it's you, not Cortlandt, that's bankrolling this whole operation.
David: That's correct -- in a way. I am your host. I was the one responsible for the hors d'oeuvres.

[Donald whistles]

Donald: My compliments to the chef.
David: Hmm. Unusually flavorful pate. Wouldn't you agree?
Donald: Why, I do. I do. You know, it's a shame I ate them all up because I just kind of lost my mind. I don't know what it is -- writers and free food. You know, what can I tell you. We should order up some more and maybe eat them up while we're finishing our business, right?
David: Oh, no, no. Our business is definitely finished. What happens now you have to do pretty much on your own.
Donald: Oh?
David: As for the pate, there isn't any more. At least not with my special ingredient -- something known in the culinary world as strychnine.
Donald: Yeah, right, strychnine. Right, right.
David: I think you're going to want to go inside the other room. You're going to need a bit more space once those colonic spasms start -- which, judging the amount that you ingested, should happen any moment now.
Donald: This is a joke, right?
This is a joke, right? Vanessa: My God, David, what have you done?
Donald: "My God, David, what have you done?"

Brooke: Dimitri. My God. I can't believe it's true.

[Door opens]

Brooke: Gillian. Hi. How are you doing?
Gillian: Fine.
Brooke: Did anything happen after I left? How is Edmund doing?
Erica: Hmm.
Gillian: I'm very worried about him. He was very angry when we left.
Brooke: Where did he go? He didn't come back here.
Erica: He and -- he and Jack went to the airport to meet Derek.
Brooke: What does Derek have to do with this?
Erica: They went there to try to reclaim Dimitri's body.
Brooke: What? I don't get it. We -- we were l at the hospital. I mean, that's where it happened. That's where Dimitri died. I --
Erica: And then she stole the body, and she's trying to rush it out of the country.
Brooke: She"?
Erica: The woman who claims to be Dimitri's wife.

Alex: I beg your pardon. Is there a problem?
Derek: You know Mr. Grey. As brother of the deceased, Mr. Grey has signed an injunction to prevent you from removing Mr. Marick's body from the country.
Alex: Didn't I sign the necessary papers? I thought I'd arranged everything at Sea View hospital. Dr. Silbert -- he advised me.
Derek: Yes, ma'am. Your documentation is not the issue.
Alex: Well, then I don't understand. I'm Mr. Marick's widow, and I'm trying to carry out his wishes as I understand them. I'm trying to take his coffin back to Budapest for internment.
Derek: Once a judge has signed the injunction, you'll not be able to remove Mr. Marick's remains from the country.
Alex: May I see it? The injunction -- may I see it?
Derek: It's coming.
Alex: I beg your pardon. I've only just arrived in America, so I don't really understand your laws. But in my country, the filing of an injunction and the serving of one are two different things.
Derek: Well, it's the same in this country, but I've spoken to a judge and we are expecting it.
Alex: Well, then you really don't have any reason for keeping me here. Until you can show me a duly executed injunction, I'm not breaking any law and I'm free to go whenever I want.
Edmund: You're not leaving this country with my brother. I won't let you.

Brooke: I don't understand.

Erica: She wants to take the body back to Budapest to be buried. And the doctor was such a fool, he let her. And so she went trailing off after the casket right away, you know, playing the part of the grieving widow to the hilt.
Gillian: That's what she is.
Brooke: But we were all there when they brought Dimitri in. I mean, where was she then?
Erica: That we may well ask.
Gillian: Just put yourself in her place. She was grieving, in shock. And she was on her way here to meet Dimitri's family and, not knowing a single soul, looking forward to meet us all, and then -- I mean, she must be really scared to face us all. Erica: But she certainly found her courage quickly enough.
Brooke: Dimitri, married. That was probably the surprise that he wanted to tell us about.
Erica: What? Are you kidding? Dimitri get married without even telling Edmund or any of us?
Brooke: That's exactly what Dimitri would do -- something like that.
Erica: It is nothing like what he would do. And I think that I know him a little better than you do.
Brooke: Why are you reacting like this?
Gillian: I don't understand that, either. Alexandra told us how happy she and Dimitri were. They were on honeymoon. They fell in love, and they were so happy, happier than they've ever been in their lives.
Erica: But obviously she was lying.
Gillian: I believed her.
Erica: Well, I think it was a very good thing that I was there to support Edmund because he and I are obviously the only skeptics in the group.
Brooke: What about Jack?
Erica: Well, I don't know what got into Jack. I mean, he suddenly just took one look at this supposed marriage license that she handed him, and he proclaimed that it was genuine.
Brooke: Well, Erica, I mean, that has to tell you something. I mean, Jack -- Jack would know if it was a forged document.
Erica: That's not the point. She -- this Alex person -- she is not what she's pretending to be.

Alex: Mr. Montgomery, correct me if I'm wrong, but unless I am served with an injunction, I'm free to go.
Edmund: You have no right doing what you're doing.
Alex: Yes, I have every legal right, and that has been settled to everyone's satisfaction.
Edmund: That's not what I'm talking about, and you know it.
Alex: I know you loved your brother very much. But I am his wife. You met me under the worst possible circumstances. But there it is. I am his closest next of kin.
Edmund: You could show me a dozen marriage licenses, and I don't care. You are not closer to him than I was.
Alex: Why does this have to be a contest? We both loved him very much.
Edmund: Fine. You loved him. Why do you want to take him away from everybody else who loves him?
Alex: Because I have to. Dimitri made me promise.
Edmund: What? What did you promise?

[Labored breathing]

Alex: Are you in pain?
Dimitri: Promise me.
Alex: Not now, darling --
Dimitri: Promise me. But not like this. I don't want him to see me like this.
Promise me.
Promise me.
Alex: I promise you.

[Dimitri groans]

Alex: Turn this plane around! Go back to England! Now!

Edmund: You said he made you promise. What did Dimitri make you promise?

Liza: We are married now, which gives me a license to know all of your secrets.
Adam: My God, what could possibly be worse than the things you already know?
Liza: Hmm. Well, that's what I want you to tell me.
Adam: Liza?
Liza: Hmm?
Adam: I -- I've come a long way with your help. I think before I act. I whisper before I yell. But you can believe this -- I had nothing to do with Mateo not getting that loan. He did that all by himself.
Liza: Look -- you have this banking official, Alfred Vanderpool, in your pocket just like you did the judge in the custody case. It's simple to think that you would interfere.
Adam: To what end? I've done nothing but try to help Mateo and Hayley. I want him to get that loan.
Liza: Not if Mateo is breaking up with Hayley. He just said that he wanted to buy her out. It would be your thing to get in the middle of something like that.
Adam: Well, I assure you I didn't do it. If they -- if their marriage falls apart, it's not because of a bank loan or a custody hearing.
Liza: No, it's because he's lied to her all these years.
Adam: Yes, and it's that lie that will undo them.
Liza: Mm-hmm. Well, I mean, you lie like that, and it's just going to grow and grow and grow and explode in your face. And then it's just too late, you know? The damage is already done.

David: Any spasms yet?
Donald: No.
David: Oh. Well, then you're a very fortunate man.
Donald: Hell, come on. This is a scam, all right? Strychnine in my pate? What, do you think I'm missing some pickets from my fence?
David: Are you experiencing any stiffness in the back and neck? Tingling sensations in the lower extremities?
Donald: No. Yes! Yes, I am. I'm tingling. I -- I feel stiffness. Why would you -- wait a minute. I was in the closet, standing. That's what's causing this, isn't it?
David: Oh, dear. There it is -- the very first definite sign. I'm afraid you're becoming cyanotic.
Donald: Cya-what-ic?
David: That means you're turning blue.
Vanessa: Oh. Oh, yes, I see. I do see it. It's very faint, Donald, but you're blue.
Donald: Ah! Was I --
David: Next thing is dilated pupils, rapid breathing.
Vanessa: David, how could you do such a horrible thing?
Donald: You're right. I am. I'm turning blue. It's -- it's like right under my eyes here and then going -- ok, what else? What else? You said dilated eyes.
David: That's right.
Vanessa: I mean, strychnine. Strychnine. David, I mean, that is rat poison! That is a long, dragged-out, ignominious death and -- you know something? If this whole thing is a hoax just to save you a couple of bucks, you should give me half.
David: Now, mother, think. Am I the kind of person that would go through so much trouble just to save myself a few thousand dollars?
Vanessa: Well, then, David, exactly what --
David: Oh, my, my. You really did swallow this down. Now, mother, look. If this were a hoax, would I have gone to such great lengths to make sure that the only food available was the one food that you're allergic to?
Vanessa: What? Goose-liver pate?
David: That's right.
Donald: Pate.
David: Now I know that Donald is the only one that swallowed them.
Vanessa: Oh, my God. You have poisoned him? David!
Donald: Oh, my God! You poisoned me!
Vanessa: David, why? Why would you want to kill this man?
David: Well, that's a very good question, mother. And I suggest you start coming up with an answer because that's what the police are going to be asking you.
Vanessa: Why me? Me?
David: Well, this is your room, isn't it? And this is about where they're going to find his hideously twisted corpse.
Vanessa: Oh, my God.

[Donald groans]

Vanessa: Is that why you're wearing the gloves, David? Is it?
David: That's right, mother. I can't leave fingerprints if I haven't even been here.
Vanessa: But the bellman -- the bellman saw you. He brought the food, David!
David: The man who brought the poisoned food -- have you ever seen him before? What did he look like?
Vanessa: He was an accomplice?
Donald: Look at this. Look at this. My hand is shaking. Is that bad?
David: That's very bad.
Donald: Ah!
David: And you see, mother --
Donald: No!
David: It's like this. This was the perfect situation. Now I can finally get rid of you once and for all.
Vanessa: Come on, David. David, come on. You wouldn't kill a man just to frame me. You wouldn't. I know you, David.
David: He tried to hurt Erica. He might as well die. And you -- well, you are my mother. I can't just honestly feed you rat poison.
Vanessa: Oh, no.
David: So I'm going to send you away to the women's correctional facility for life. You know me, mother. Isn't this exactly what I would do?
Donald: Six minutes to live. I never finished my novel.
Vanessa: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You are not getting away with this, David, because I'm calling 911.
David: Oh, you go right ahead, Mumsy, if you're in such a hurry to start answering questions -- like, how come you had a bottle of strychnine. hidden inside your room?
Vanessa: What? When did you --
David: Mother, you'll be answering questions, not asking them.
Vanessa: David, you can't let this man die. Listen to reason, for -- he may be insignificant to you and me, but there's got to be someone out there who will miss him. There's got to be one person on this earth who loves him!
Donald: Yeah, I have a daughter. Her name is Betsy. She's graduating high school. I think it's -- wait a minute. 1982, 1983, 1984. I've wanted to look her up ever since she was born. Please.
David: Oh, come on. You don't give a fig about this worm's life. Who are you trying to kid? You care about your own hide, as usual.
Vanessa: Oh, all right, David! All right! Say that's true. I cannot afford a scandal. Oh, no. It's Palmer. He is my first billionaire. And I am talking about with a big B. And he's not young, if you get my drift.
Donald: You are a witch!
David: I'm sorry. I have to apologize for my mother here.
Donald: Oh, no, no. It only makes me wish I was nicer to mine. Please. This is my last request. You've got to look up Mrs. Miriam Steelinksi. She's in a home in Hoboken. And tell her thank you for giving me "Gulliver's Travels" when I was 6 because that's what started this whole thing. And then tell her I'm sorry I sold the house out from under you, Ma!
Vanessa: Oh, my God.
Donald: But you have to understand. You were the one who gave me my love for the ponies.
Vanessa: David, you cannot let this man die, for heaven -- my head is killing me! David, what will it take for -- to stop you? What will it take?
David: Well, Mother, now that you mention it, yes, there is something that will stop me.

Adam: You do believe me now about Mateo and the bank? What can I do to convince you? How about a call to Alfred Vanderpool?
Liza: Well, that would certainly help.
Adam: Fine.
Liza: Oh, no! I'm teasing you. Does your guilty conscience make you this sensitive?
Adam: Liza, I have worked very hard to win back your trust. It means everything to me. But I'm constantly reminded that I've done very little to earn it. Look at this. My message from Skye.
Liza: This is what upset you?
Adam: She's my daughter. And the message says, "I'm on my way to Llanview." I don't know how she's been. I don't know where she's been. And I would hate it if Colby and I ever got that distant.
Liza: Ok. Stop this. Stop it. I know that my influence is making you a better person. It's just that you're a very mixed-up guy and it's going to take a lot of time.
Adam: Well, thank God I've -- I've been trying. I --
Liza: I know.
Adam: I even let Jake Martin be Colby's father.
Liza: Jake Martin is Colby's father.

[Doorbell rings]

Jake: Hey.
Liza: Hey.
Jake: I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I just came by to say good-bye.

Alex: You're not going to keep me occupied here in conversation until your legal papers arrive. I'm sorry.
Edmund: No, wait. I believe that you're Dimitri's wife and that you love -- and that he loves you very much. And I've known that from the beginning.
Alex: Why have you made this so hard for me?
Edmund: Because it's difficult to accept.
Alex: I understand that. I've been telling the truth.
Edmund: Dimitri -- Ahem -- Dimitri was -- was happy the last time I saw him. He wasn't how he'd been for months. He had been very -- oh -- dark, very private, very morose. But the last time I saw him, he was -- he was making plans. He was provoking me just to get me going.
Alex: Got a perverse thrill out of doing that, didn't he?
Edmund: I should have known what it meant, what it had to mean. But I was too busy, wrapped up in my own life to notice.
Alex: The last time he came home -- to Pine Valley -- was just before the wedding.
Edmund: He was very excited. That's what those trips from Budapest were all about. I mean, he wasn't -- he didn't care about business that way.
Alex: Certainly not.
Edmund: It could have been a horse, though. You know, maybe a thoroughbred he was -- it was you. He was marrying you. He had fallen in love with you. And he was taking his bride home to meet us.
Alex: Well, if you believe that Dimitri loved me, why can't you accept that I loved him?
Edmund: I do. I simply believe that you are wrong. I don't know what was said in those last few moments when Dimitri got sick, but I do believe that there is no way that he would want to deprive us of his memory, of his strength, of his humor and his vitality.
Alex: Oh. That's how I remember him, too.
Edmund: Everyone who ever loved him in his life is here. Don't take him away from us, please -- Alex.
Alex: How can I go back on a promise that I made my husband as he was dying?
Edmund: You're going to have to trust me.
Alex: Why is it so important that he's buried here?
Edmund: The only other person that I ever loved as much as my brother was my wife, Maria. To go through that loss again, to go through that loss, so sudden, so without warning. And I'm not looking forward to when this hits me. And when Maria's plane crashed, they never found the body. Ok? So when I want to go to sit her, I have to go to a mausoleum and I've got to see an empty crypt. And I don't want to go through that with Dimitri. I can't.

[Alex remembers]

Alex: What about your brother?
Dimitri: I love my brother.
Alex: Well, then tell him.
Dimitri: I can't. Two years ago, he lost his wife, and he does not deserve this, no matter what the outcome. He's just starting to get his life back together. Two years. Two years of wearing out the hallway outside his children's bedroom, staring off into space, his face filled with grief, no appetite for life, no hope, no desire for anything but what can't be.
Alex: But you said he was getting his life back.
Dimitri: Yeah, yeah, he -- he was on his way to -- what did you call it? To waking up. I can see it.

Man: Mrs. Marick? Your plane has been cleared for takeoff once again.
Alex: Thank you.
Alex: There's been a change of plan. I won't be flying this evening. I'd like the casket removed from the airplane. It's going home to Wildwind.

Erica: And I refuse to be swayed by sentiment at a time like this. A total stranger walks into our midst with a totally unverifiable story. Now, we can't possibly just accept what she has to say as true.
Brooke: Erica, if there was a marriage license and if Jack accepted it, then --
Erica: Ok, all right. You know what? Let's -- for argument's sake, let's just say that marriage license was real, that she really got Dimitri to marry her. Well, we all know that that wouldn't be the first time that Dimitri chose the wrong woman to marry. That also doesn't mean that the rest of her hearts-and-flowers story is true. I mean, ok, let's look at the facts. She's married to Dimitri for 20 minutes, and she gets his fortune? She's a gold digger, and maybe she's even a murderer.
Brooke: Oh, Erica --
Erica: Well, she is obviously hiding something. And why else would she be so adamant in denying the autopsy?
Brooke: Well, was she? I mean, isn't that -- isn't an autopsy a doctor's call?
Erica: Edmund demanded an autopsy. Edmund really wanted an autopsy. But this doctor -- this Dr. Silbert. I told you he was a fool. And, actually, maybe he's in league with this woman.
Brooke: What did the doctor say?
Erica: The doctor said that he could actually determine the cause of death without an autopsy.
Brooke: So then what you're saying is Alexandra agreed with the doctor.
Erica: No.
Brooke: That's all she did.
Erica: No.
Brooke: She just didn't want an autopsy.
Erica: That is not the way it was. No.
Brooke: I'm glad she didn't want an autopsy.
Erica: What? Brooke, I just don't understand you. I mean, Dimitri, the man that we all loved, he was strong and he was healthy. And suddenly he dies under very bizarre and mysterious circumstances, and you don't want to know why?
Brooke: Well, what are you? You're so vengeful that he -- he died happy? You want him to have an autopsy needlessly? I mean, you haven't been married to the man for years --
Erica: It wouldn't be needless. How could you say that?
Brooke: And yet you're upset because you couldn't be the grieving widow --< Erica; you say you loved him?
Gillian: Can't you stop this? Stop! Stop this! We can't do this! I know we're sad and we're scared and everything, but we have to love Dimitri now as we did when he was alive.
Brooke: Oh, Gillian, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, you're right.
Gillian: No, I'm sorry. I can't be here. I'll come back -- come back later.

[Door closes]

Brooke: Oh, I'm sorry, Erica. You know. Gillian is right, you know? Just -- we're just -- we're just too upset to talk about this right now.
Erica: Well, that's true. I mean, we certainly won't solve anything.
Brooke: So let's just wait until Edmund, you know, gets here.
Erica: Yes. And then you'll see that Edmund agrees with me. Dimitri spring a surprise wife on us? That is just out of the question.
Brooke: Well, then I don't agree with you or Edmund.
Erica: I was married to Dimitri -- twice. I do believe I know his heart better than anyone.
Brooke: Listen -- last summer Dimitri was -- he was ready to get on with his life, you know? He -- he wanted something more of our friendship, and I turned him down.
Erica: I remember.
Brooke: And you called me a fool. And I agree with you. And the point I'm trying to make is if Dimitri wanted someone to help him -- me -- get on with his life, why couldn't he have asked somebody else?

Adam: You came to say good-bye to Colby. I understand you're going away to a medical conference?
Jake: Advances in triage protocol for multiple trauma cases.
Adam: Ah, really. You must come by some time and tell us all about that.
Jake: That I will.
Liza: Hello.
Adam: Don't be silly. You don't have to make an appointment, Jake. You're welcome any time. You know that.
Liza: Oh, you are definitely working overtime tonight. There you go.
Jake: Hey, buddy. How are you?
Liza: Yeah.

Vanessa: Oh, David, David, if there's any way to undo what you've done, please -- please tell me.
David: Yes, mother, there is a way. It would keep you out of cellblock B and keep our worm Donald here slithering in the life of the living. All I have to do is administer the antidote.
Donald: And you had the freaking antidote all this time, and you've wasted it arguing with Madame Rosepettle here?
Vanessa: David, what are you waiting for? Give him the damn thing! What? I'll do anything!
David: There's nothing you can do, Vanessa. It's all in Donald's hands now.
Donald: What? What? Tell me what I have to do, please. I'll do anything.
David: I want you to tell me the truth about how Vanessa stole those photographs of Erica from my office.
Vanessa: You already know the truth about that.
David: I want to hear it from Donald. And I want it on tape.
David: Now, I want you to tell me the whole story, Donny boy. Don't leave out any details. I want to hear about the sale of the photographs, the theft, and, of course, the motive.
Donald: The motive? The motive? This woman hated Erica Kane. And she thought it'd be real sweet if the international press published those photos of Erica's mangled face.
Vanessa: Stop this!
David: Yes, Donny, stop it and start again. And I suggest go quickly because you're running out of time.
Donald: Hurry up. I'm ready, I'm ready.
David: All right, I'm ready, too.
Donald: All right.
David: Action.
Vanessa: Donald will not talk!

Jake: I should be going.
Liza: She is going to miss you terribly. Come her my little pumpkin.
Jake: Now, you have my itinerary, right?
Liza: Yeah. I certainly do.
Jake: Good, good.
Liza: And I'll call you, you know, if anything comes up.
Adam: You do know that we may be taking a short trip ourselves to England.
Jake: With Colby? No. No, I didn't.
Liza: Well, we haven't figured it all out yet. I mean, we'll call you if we decide.
Adam: Well, yes. That's why I was asking if he knew. You'll be consulted, of course.
Jake: All right. England. Well. Well, yeah, just tell me -- tell me when you know your plans. Just don't bring her back with Austin Powers' teeth, please.
Adam: I don't know who that is.
Liza: He works a lot.
Jake: Yeah.
Liza: Yeah.

[Colby cries]

Jake: I should go now. Bye-bye. Bye, sweetie.
Liza: You say "bye-bye"? You say "bye-bye"?
Jake: Oh, kissy, kissy. All right, bye-bye.
Liza: Aw. She's sad.

[Colby cries]

Liza: Come here. Yes. Yeah. Here you go. Here you go.
Adam: Can't say I wasn't trying.
Liza: No, you were trying. You were trying. You were really trying.
Adam: We still friends?
Liza: Look -- I'm not perfect. She's not perfect. You're not perfect. But I married you because I love you. And my eyes are open. I know you're capable of a lot, but just so you know, I am capable of quite a bit myself.
Adam: Oh, yes, I know. Hello, Princess.
Liza: Yeah.

Erica: Of course Dimitri could have met someone and fallen in love and married quickly. And believe me or not, I wish he had.
Brooke: Maybe he did.
Erica: Brooke, there is something about this woman, this Alex person. There's something that's just not quite right. She's not telling us the whole truth. I am not willing to give her the benefit of the doubt about anything that she says.
Brooke: Well, I haven't met her yet, so I can't disagree with you -- yet. Look, Erica, there is one thing that we do agree on, and that is that this is where Dimitri should be laid to rest. This is his home.
Erica: Yes. Yes, of course he should be laid to rest here.

[Door opens]

Jack: It's ok.
Brooke: Where's Edmund?

[Door opens]

Donald: I want to talk! I want to tell the truth!
Vanessa: No! I will not have this man's ravings haunt me in a picture for the rest of my life.
Donald: Vanessa, please, I need the antidote!
Vanessa: Shut up, Donald! He is not going to let you die. Besides, I'll make it worth your while.
David: You're running out of time, Donny. Once those spasms kick in we were talking about, it's going to be too late. The antidote won't work. But first your stomach lining is going to turn to coffee grounds.
Donald: Oh, my stomach.
David: Your breathing will become labored, and your throat will close while you start to choke.
Vanessa: You are bluffing, David! You're not going to let this man die. No.
David: Thanks for the vote of confidence, mother, but you should know better. I stepped right over your body in that parking lot while you were having your angina attack. What makes you think that I'm going to shrink from watching this miserable slug die a gruesome death?

Jake: Gillian. Hey. Hey. What's the matter?

Erica: I can't believe they brought her here.
Brooke: This is her husband's home.
Erica: It's utter nonsense.
Edmund: You heard?
Brooke: Yes.
Edmund: This is Alexandra, Dimitri's wife. This is Brooke English.
Brooke: I'm very sorry for your loss.
Alex: Thank you. I heard a lot about you from Dimitri.
Jack: Listen, why don't I make those phone calls for you? Huh?
Edmund: Yeah. Thanks, jack. I don't think I could manage it.
Jack: All right. I'll use the phone in here.
Edmund: Thanks.
Brooke: Would you like to go up and see the kids?
Edmund: Nah. I don't think I could manage that, either.

{Brooke facing Erica]

Brooke: Not now.

[Erica leaves the room]

Alex: She loved him.
Brooke: Well, we all loved him. Anyway, I'm going to go up and check on the kids. So, you'll excuse me?
Alex: Sure.
Brooke: Ok.

Alex: Hello, Dr. Silbert? Yes, Alexandra Marick. Yes. There's been a big change of plans my end. How are things with you? Good. Yes. I'm pleased. We'll be in touch. Thank you.

Brooke: Mrs. Marick
Alex: Call me Alex.
Brooke: Alex, would you come with me? I think there's something that you would want to see.

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