JULY 6, 1999

Janet: Welcome home.
Erica: Oh. Hi, Janet. Thank you. Come in.
Janet: I was going to call you last night, but I figured you'd be exhausted after that flight from Rio.
Erica: Oh, no, not at all. I got up with the birds.
Janet: Here. These flowers are for you.
Erica: Oh, thank you. They're beautiful.
Janet: Oh. I see you're bursting out with blooms all over.
Erica: Well, I just picked these myself, fresh from the garden.
Janet: You mean Coral picked them.
Erica: No, I mean I picked them. Is there something wrong with that? You don't believe me?
Janet: Well, stop the presses -- Erica Kane's got dirt under her fingernails.
Erica: I do.
Janet: And there's something else that's different. You look radiant.
Erica: Well, the surgery was a complete success.
Janet: Oh, I'm so happy for you. You must be thrilled. What about underneath the bandages?
Erica: Underneath is just slight swelling, barely visible.
Janet: No scarring?
Erica: None. None whatsoever. I mean, this Dr. Fascinella, he's a genius. He's -- he's an artist.
Janet: Oh, that's wonderful. I'm so happy for you.
Erica: Oh, thank you. I'm so happy. I really am. I mean, I don't mind telling you I was very, very scared. However, when Dr. Fascinella took the bandages off my face and I looked at the expression on David Hayward's face, my worst fears were erased.
Janet: Dr. Hayward was with you in Brazil?
Erica: Oh, I would have been lost without him.

David: I want the letter back, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Ooh, David, I haven't the foggiest idea --
David: Save your lies for someone who doesn't know you. Erica wrote me a letter saying why she had to leave Rio so suddenly. You stole it when my back was turned and made your getaway on Palmer Cortlandt's private jet.
Vanessa: Oh, Palmer Cortlandt. Now there's a real gentleman. And so thoughtful, too. I mean, there we were, flying around, 30,000 feet in the air, champagne flowing everywhere. You know, anyone who says chivalry is dead hasn't flown across the world with Palmer Cortlandt. A girl could get used to that kind of life.
David: A girl? Or a dried up, penniless shrew?
Vanessa: Good heavens, David. Whatever you're implying --
David: "Implying"? Hell, I'm stating the obvious. You sponged off of me until I cut off your credit. Then you cashed in on Erica's hospitality until she realized what was going on and she cut you out. Now you set your sight on Palmer Cortlandt and his millions. Didn't anyone ever tell you, Vanessa? Cash doesn't buy happiness.

Palmer: Only power and money endure. Everything else withers and rots. This battle with Opal will be His undoing. I shall remain at my rightful place as head of Cortlandt Electronics, and my first order of business will be to deactivate my ex-wife and her techno-freak she calls her son.

Adrian: Let's see what's developing.
Belinda: Oh, I don't need to see it.
Adrian: We got to see if our surveillance photos paid off.
Belinda: Ok.
Belinda: Ok. Anything incriminating? Adrian: Let's take a look here. No. Nothing on the first pass.
Belinda: Oh. Looks like our stakeout of Palmer Cortlandt was a complete waste of time.
Adrian: Hey, speak for yourself. I had a blast.
Belinda: No, not that. So did I. It's just we didn't get anything incriminating on him. And I don't think the board is going to be interested in him sipping martinis with Vanessa Bennett.
Adrian: Well, it's not over till it's over.
Belinda: Now, Adrian, I know how much you have riding on this election.
Adrian: It's not the title or the job that I'm after, Belinda. I've got to knock Palmer off of his power base and make the world a safer place for Opal and Petey. Hello. What is this?

Dixie: Hi. Are you ready for us?
Dr. Clader: Dixie, Tad, come in. Sit down, please. Just going over your lab work, and the results confirm Jake's testing. You're definitely pregnant.
Dixie: Oh. Well --
Tad: How's Dixie's kidney doing?
Dr. Clader: Well, all functions are in the normal range.
Dixie: Well, that's great. That's good news.
Dr. Clader: So far.
Tad: How far along in the pregnancy is she?
Dr. Clader: Well, of course, the ultrasound would be more precise, but based on the date of her last menses, the size of her uterus, I'd say six to eight weeks.
Tad: So that's almost two months.
Dixie: That would mean the -- the baby would be -- the due date would be around February 14 -- you know, Valentine's Day. That wouldn't be so bad. A Valentine's Day baby for the new millennium, huh?
Dr. Clader: Joe. Come in, please.
Dixie: Oh. Hi, Joe. Did you hear the good news? Hi.
Joe: Yep, I did.
Dixie: Oh, that's great. Did you tell Ruth?
Tad: No. Honey, only Dad and Jake know about this.
Dixie: Oh. Well, then we should have, like, a big, you know, dinner party at our house, you know, so we can tell everybody. Break the news to Ruth in person.
Tad: Sweetie, I asked Dad here to consult.
Dixie: Consult? About what?
Dr. Clader: Well, as you know, Dixie, this is a -- it's a high-risk pregnancy.
Joe: It's important to review your options.
Dixie: Well, the only option is a healthy baby, Joe.
Joe: The baby's health is not the only issue. Your health also is at stake.
Dixie: Well, I mean, other than a little morning sickness, I feel fine.
Joe: We want to keep you that way. You're a cherished member of our family. We love you, Dixie. We don't want to lose you.
Dixie: Look -- ending this pregnancy is not an option. I want this baby. I already love it. You know, it's obvious you won't let yourself.
Tad: Honey, I know you want me to be optimistic. I realize just how badly you want to see the same joy and hope in my eyes that I see in yours. And I've tried.
Dixie: No, you haven't. I mean, that's the point, Tad. You have to try. I don't. I feel it. I know that this baby is meant to be. What? What, you all think I'm being romantic?
Tad: No. No, we think you're faced with an impossible choice.
Dixie: It's not a choice, Tad.
Tad: So why are we fighting?
Dr. Clader: I'm going to excuse myself. There are medical issues here, but the choice is a very personal one. If you do have any questions --
Dixie: You know, I do. I have a question, Dr. Clader. I was just wondering, you know, in this sort of situation, what would you advise your wife to do?
Dr. Clader: I thank God, Dixie, that I've never been faced with this decision.

Tad: All we're asking you to do is think about yourself.
Dixie: And you. You.
Tad: Yes, and me. And Junior and Jamie. And the rest of this family. That's why dad is here.
Dixie: I was -- well, Joe -- come on, Joe's hardly impartial.
Joe: That's quite true. I'm not. Ruth and I would love to have a grandchild from you and Tad. We would love that baby just the way we love both of you. But as a doctor, I'm very concerned. Now, you remember that discussion we had years ago when you donated one of your kidneys to your brother Del?
Dixie: Yes, I remember. You told me that getting pregnant would be very high-risk because it would put a lot of strain on my remaining kidney.
Joe: Exactly. And since that time, you've also developed problems with your heart. That means you've only increased the risk, not only to yourself but to the fetus.
Dixie: Please stop calling it a fetus, Joe. It's a baby. Calling it a fetus doesn't make it any less real.
Joe: Dixie, the point I'm trying to make is if you carry the baby to term, you risk bringing on renal failure. And that'll only produce more stress on the heart. That means you could face a lifetime on dialysis, not to mention reaggravating your heart condition.
Tad: And, sweetheart, that's not the worst case scenario.
Dixie: I know, ok? I know what the worst case scenario is. I know I could die. But I am not going to die, Tad. Come on, sweetie. I have so much to live for. I have this baby inside of me that's made by you and me. I mean, I think I can even remember when it was conceived. Do you remember that Sunday? Do you remember when we all went to the park during the day -- you and me and Junior and Jamie -- and they were feeding the ducks? You remember what you said? Remember how you said that you wished that you could stop time so that Sunday would go on forever because it was such a beautiful day. And I remember thinking, "oh, just -- you know, it just doesn't get any better than this." But I was wrong. It does get better than this. It's right here. It's this baby that we made that's inside of me. You know this child, she's going to carry all of those Sundays in hers eyes and in her smile and in her happiness as she grows. This baby is the best part of you and of me. And I am not going to give that up.

Belinda: Adrian, what is it?
Adrian: There. Right there. What does that say?
Belinda: I'll be damned.
Palmer, you're busted.

Vanessa: I have never chased after a man in my entire life.
David: Oh, mother, please. It's your best event -- the multimillion-dollar marathon you've trained your whole life for.
Vanessa: For your information, Palmer Cortlandt invited me to fly down to Rio with him.
David: You made him think that it was his idea.
Vanessa: He's also extended several dinner invitations. I think the old dear's really quite smitten with me.
David: You know, I got to give you credit for ingenuity. The ink on his divorce papers is barely dry, and you're already swooping in for the kill.
Vanessa: Really, darling. Such language.
David: You're lethal, Vanessa. But unfortunately you don't come with a warning label. So I guess it's up to me to alert Palmer myself.

Opal: Hello, Palmer. Palmer: Ahem.
Opal: That your prospectus?
Palmer: Brilliant deduction.
Opal: Well, looks a little on the skimpy side -- like its author.
Palmer: Well, there's something to be said for understatement -- a word not found in your lexicon.
Opal: Take a nice, long look around this boardroom, Palmer, because this is your last day reigning as C.E.O. Of Cortlandt Electronics.
Palmer: I am Cortlandt Electronics.
Opal: Out of the loop, old-fashioned, anti-progress. I guess, yeah. That's why the company's future lies in Adrian's hands.
Palmer: You're going to lose, Opal. Why don't you surrender before you embarrass yourself further? If that's humanly possible.
Opal: You think I want this showdown? I would gladly call off the whole shebang if you'd just do one simple thing for me, Palmer.
Palmer: Yes. What's that?
Opal: Step down gracefully and hand the reigns over to Adrian.
Palmer: I'd rather gargle glass. Let's face it, Opal. You're pushing your bastard son for C.E.O. Just to get back at me.
Opal: I'm pushing Adrian so as to secure my financial future and Peter's.
Palmer: If Petey suffers because you're stubborn and willful, it is out of my hands.
Opal: You would check me into the poorhouse if you could swing it, mister. Let's face it. The long and short of it is that I cannot trust you as far as I could toss a gum wrapper.
Palmer: Have you considered that my financial future might be at stake here, too?
Opal: Oh, bulltweety. Who are you talking to here? I know perfectly well that you've got zillions stashed away in some secret vault someplace. Look, you may have abandoned me and you may have walked off with every last stick of furniture, but you didn't take my pride. That and my half of the C.E. shares is going to net me a secure future and a little peace of mind.
Palmer: If you win, you and your flunkies will run this business right into the ground.
Opal: Oh, what do you know, anyway?
Palmer: Hey, Reg. Reg. It's good to see you. Really good to see you. Now, would you take a look at my prospectus? The future of Cortlandt Electronics has never looked brighter.
Opal: Well, Mort Greenway, you are certainly looking slick today. I love that tie. Do you want another gander at Adrian's proposal? You've already read it, so you'd know that if it was ever to hit the bookstalls, it would be a sure-fire bestseller, wouldn't it?
Palmer: It would be under the section marked science fiction.

Ryan: My wallet. I didn't even realize I lost it.
Jake: You should be more careful.
Ryan: Thanks for bringing it by. Where'd you find it?
Jake: I found it on the beach last night.
Ryan: So -- you saw me with her?

Janet: So, Dr. Hayward was with you in Brazil?
Erica: Well, he wasn't with me in Brazil. I mean, he arranged to be there in a professional capacity.
Janet: Tell me mother witch didn't fly down on her broom.
Erica: Actually, yes. Actually, Vanessa was there. She came with Palmer, who flew me back so I could vote my stock in his board meeting.
Janet: That's the other thing I need to talk to you about. Opal's taking a stand against Palmer. She's trying to get controlling interest in Cortlandt Electronics.
Erica: Yeah, Palmer brought me up to speed on the plane.
Janet: Did he tell you about Adrian sword's five-year plan? I mean, he's going to reset the standards in the electronics industry.
Erica: Well, those weren't Palmer's words exactly, no. Listen, would you like some tea?
Janet: No, thanks. It's because Palmer only talks about Palmer.
Erica: Well, it is his company.
Janet: But his shareholders deserve a C.E.O. That has vision, that can see beyond himself.
Erica: Palmer has always rallied when the times are tough.
Janet: Yes, but Palmer's been treating Opal in a very shabby manner. And as long as he holds that seat, he will find a way to punish her fiscally.
Erica: Oh, Janet. Palmer really saved me from financial ruin. I mean, Enchantment wouldn't even exist without Palmer's financial help and his belief in me. But on the other hand, Opal has just been a rock when I've needed a friend most.
Janet: Opal would never desert you if you needed her. And she's counting on your support at that board meeting.
Erica: Well, I can see I'm just going to have to give this a little more thought.
Janet: Yeah. Yeah, but the board meeting starts very, very soon, and --
Erica: Well, I know that. But, I mean, they're not going to vote without me, and by then my mind will be made up. Janet: If it isn't already made up.
Erica: No, I -- look, Janet, will you excuse me? I do -- I need to freshen up. I need to get ready for the board meeting, and I'm going to go do that. Thank you for the beautiful flowers.

Ryan: I thought the beach was deserted. I didn't think anybody saw us.
Jake: Well, apparently you were busy.
Ryan: Jake, you cannot tell anybody about this, ok? It just kind of happened. It was crazy. It was just one of those things.
Jake: Why are you worried about what I'm going to do?
Ryan: Look, the whole world was partying last night except for us. All right? And my head has been in a really messed up place, and so has hers. Jake, if this gets out, innocent people could get hurt.
Jake: Ryan, innocent people already are hurt. Maybe you should have thought of that before you mixed it up with this girl, whoever she is. I didn't see you. Somebody else did. And it hit her pretty hard, seeing how you just kind of moved on so quickly.
Ryan: Wait. Wait a minute. Gillian was with you at the beach last night? Did she see? Did -- did she see what happened?

Dr. Clader: Gillian, would you take these to the lab for me, please?
Gillian: Sure. I'll do it right away.
Dr. Clader: Gillian, I believe the lab is that way.
Gillian: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little stupid.
Dr. Clader: Don't be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes.

Dixie: Look, I promise I will take excellent care of myself. I'll go on whatever diet's necessary, honey. I'll even stay in bed for seven months if that's what I have to do.
Joe: Dixie, bed rest is not going to do it. Pregnancy will stress a healthy woman. Your body is not up to it.
Dixie: But you don't know that, Joe. I mean, I could be one of those exceptional people. I could be, you know, one of those miracle people. You know, I feel lucky about this. I really do.
Joe: I know you do. I know you do. Your heart is so filled with joy, there's no room in it for fear or for doubt. But I must tell you, my heart is filled with those things, and so is Tad's. We're looking forward, you know, to years of being together as a family. Scrapbooks, all filled of memories. And I must tell you what I want when Jamie and junior grow up. I want to dance a dance with my beautiful daughter-in-law at their weddings. Those boys need you to get over the hurdles that come with growing up. So, before you make a decision, think of all the people who love you and whom you risk leaving behind.
Dixie: I know, Joe. I just -- I just kind of need some time to think about it, ok?
Joe: You don't have all that much time. Dixie's eight weeks along --
Tad: We know, Dad. We won't put it off.
Joe: I'm going to order another blood test so we can find out exactly where you are in the pregnancy.

Joe: Ah, Gillian? Gillian? Will you escort Dixie down to the lab? I'll phone my orders down.
Dixie: You want me to go right now?
Joe: Yeah. I think Dr. Clader would agree to this.
Dixie: All right.
Tad: I'll go with you.
Dixie: No, you stay here.
Tad: No, honey. You shouldn't have to go through something like this alone.
Dixie: Tad, stay here with your dad. I know you don't like needles and stuff like that.
Tad: It doesn't matter.
Dixie: I -- I don't want you to, ok? I just -- I don't want to worry about you, you know, passing out. Let's go.
Tad: I'll be here if you need me.

Joe: Well -- think anything we said made an impression?
Tad: I don't know. But I'm not about to leave anything to chance.

Gillian: You and Tad had such an emotional wedding. I cried. Cry too much these days, you know? Just too many tears. I hate feeling sorry for myself and my sorry life. Dixie? Dixie. Oh, my God. Are you ok?
Dixie: No, I'm not ok.
Gillian: Oh.
Dixie: I don't know if I'll ever be ok.

Jake: Did Gillian say who she saw you making out with? I -- no. I don't know.
Ryan: She didn't say anything?
Jake: She went to my truck to get some towels. When she came back, it looked like she had been sucker-punched.
Ryan: So you don't know for sure if --
Jake: What? Ryan, what? Did she name names? No. Did she say who was doing what to whom, where your hands were? No. She has a little bit more respect than that for the people she cares about. Maybe you should take note.
Ryan: Believe me, Jake, you don't know what you're talking about.
Jake: I know that she can't get over you, probably because you do this red light/green light thing with her. First you say you love her. Then you push her away. And then she finds you wrapped around somebody else.
Ryan: Well, like I said before, she deserves better.
Jake: She does. You ended the marriage. Let her go.
Ryan: I am trying.
Jake: Well, try a little bit harder, Ryan. Look, when I wanted to ask her out, I squared it up with you, and you said, "fine, no problem." Now, why don't you do the right thing here -- if you care about her, if you love her, whatever -- but if you don't want to be with her, then just fade into the background. And if you're going to run off with somebody out in the sunset, try to be a little bit more discreet about it.

Palmer: And in keeping with this American spirit, Cortlandt Electronics will move into the next century on its own momentum. And we will continue the race n for dominance of the world's techno market while maintaining the business strategies that have kept Cortlandt Electronics the winner all these years. I give you my word on it. Well, since it appears your candidate couldn't be bothered to honor this board with his presence, you have the floor.
Opal: Ahem. Thank you, Palmer. Some speech. Frankly, it's my estimation that the American dream is progress. Now, progress is exactly what my son Adrian's prospectus is all about. You've all read it, so you have had a chance to know firsthand that this is about a whole lot more than a lot of feel-good gobbledygook. Well, you might think that I'm prejudiced since I'm Adrian's mother and all. Well, not the kind of prejudice that Palmer exhibits. No. He actually stooped so low as to mount a smear campaign against my son in the media. He used his cutting-edge technology to do my boy dirt. No, that is not my style.
Reginald: Ahem.
Opal: But I do know that time is money, and I will not waste any of yours, surely. So, on behalf of my son, it is my privilege, my honor --
Palmer: Get on with it, woman. This is no time for a filibuster.
Opal: You've had the floor, Palmer. Now it's my turn. So -- here it goes. Honored board members, I would like to nominate --
Adrian: Sorry I'm late.
Opal: Oh. Not a moment too soon.
Adrian: I'll take it from here.
Opal: Hmm.
Adrian: Honored board members, I'm sure you've had an opportunity to take a look at my proposal. I'm sure Mr. Cortlandt has appealing plans as well. But right now, my job is to make your choice for C.E.O. A lot easier by exposing Palmer Cortlandt as the common, low-down thief that he is.

Tad: With the best medical care available, what are the odds that she could survive this pregnancy?
Joe: There's always a chance.
Tad: No, I want a percentage.
Joe: 20%. 30%, High end.
Tad: My God.
Joe: The strain on her one remaining kidney could be intolerable. And the resulting cardio stress --
Tad: Even with constant monitoring?
Joe: We could bring her in on a weekly basis. We could check the functioning of her kidneys, do, you know, heart monitoring, E.K.G.s. But once she is past the first trimester, if her system begins to shut down, we risk losing her and the baby.
Tad: Ok.
Joe: Where are you going?
Tad: I'm going to find David Hayward, see if he can talk any sense into her.
Jake: Hayward? No. Don't let him near Dixie.

Vanessa: David Hayward, you have no right going around spreading malicious gossip.
David: No, it is not gossip, Vanessa. It's verifiable truth which will set Palmer free and prolong his life.
Vanessa: I did not kill your father.
David: No, you just drove him to his death, which is why Palmer needs to be warned.
Vanessa: David, you are so filled with ingratitude.
David: And what exactly do I have to be grateful for, Mommy dearest? Did you ever read me a bedtime story? Soothe my fears? Did you ever hold my hand when I was sick?
Vanessa: You loved me once.
David: At was before I realized who you really were. Well, since we're on the subject of neglect, tell me -- how did you dispose of all your disposable income your assorted husbands and lovers left behind?
Vanessa: I had expenses.
David: You really are a piece of work, Vanessa. You know, maybe it would be a good idea to let you and palmer go at each other. Who knows -- maybe you've finally met your match.

Palmer: How dare you call me a thief. I could sue you for slander.
Adrian: Well, it's not slander if it's true. You see, Mr. Cortlandt has a bad habit of taking things which don't belong to him. The case of the stolen art masterpieces comes to mind.
Palmer: That was an act of cultural preservation.
Adrian: Well, the Feds didn't seem to think so. But you're lucky. They cut you a break. But I'm here to tell you your luck's run out.
Palmer: I suggest we adjourn this meeting.
Opal: Oh, sit down, old man. You had your turn. My son's got the floor now.
Adrian: Mr. Cortlandt doesn't just hold grudges. He acts upon them. Why, he even threatened Stuart Chandler many a time just because the man just got in his way.
Palmer: Utter nonsense. Utter nonsense.
Adrian: Stuart Chandler had the nerve to stand up in court and testify that Mr. Cortlandt here violated his own child's visitation agreement. You see, what it boils down to is this -- Mr. Cortlandt tried to kidnap his own son.
Palmer: That is a lie.
Opal: Well, the court didn't think so. That's why you lost visitation.
Adrian: To get even, he created a virus on Mr. Chandler's computer, stole all of his financial records, and downloaded them onto his own system.
Palmer: Careful, Sword. Your desperation's showing. This is nothing but unverifiable techno-babble.
Adrian: Well, I have facts to back up my accusation. As a matter of fact, my attorney, Miss Belinda Keefer, and I did our own little surveillance. And this is what we've come up with. This is a picture of the interior of Mr. Cortlandt's room at the Valley Inn. Please, pay close attention to this blow-up of this picture here which shows Mr. Cortlandt's computer up and running. Can everyone read it?
Opal: "The Gallery of Pine Valley."
Adrian: These are all the financial statements and business transactions of Mr. Stuart Chandler. Well, we must ask ourselves, how did they end up on Mr. Cortlandt's hard drive? Well, I'll tell you -- because he stole them!

[Board members murmur]

Adrian: And everyone knows that electronic thievery is a felony and you can't possibly run Cortlandt E. from the inside of a jail cell.
Palmer: This charge is really laughable, as is your proof.
Opal: Well, I don't know. Looks pretty airtight from where I'm sitting, Palmer.
Palmer: If helping a friend is a felony, then just lock me up.
Opal: Oh, "helping a friend," my Aunt Fanny. You helped yourself to start's financial records so as you could ruin him.
V Palmer: Marian Colby Chandler asked me to create a web page for her husband's art gallery.
Adrian: Is that so? I just happen to have Marian on hold. Now, shall we put her on speakerphone? I'm sure she'll be more than happy to verify your stories. Or shall we simply call for a vote?
Opal: I move we cast our ballots for chief executive officer.
Palmer: We don't have the full board. Erica's not here.
Adrian: Well, it seems that Miss Erica Kane is a no-show. A motion is on the table for a vote. Anyone second that motion? Good. All in favor say aye.
Opal: Aye.
Board members: Aye.
Adrian: Would you please be kind enough to pass out the ballots?

Dixie: Thanks.
Gillian: They said they'd rush the results of the blood tests.
Dixie: Hmm. I'm in no hurry. Thanks for waiting with me.
Gillian: Oh, you're welcome. I like feeling helpful.
Dixie: This started out being one of the best days of my life, and I think it's going to end up being one of the worst.
Gillian: Why?
Dixie: Oh. You know how sometimes, you know, you expect somebody to react a certain way, and then they don't. They, in fact, react just the opposite.
Gillian: I know what you mean.
Dixie: You do? Why? What's going on with you?
Gillian: Well, it's not me exactly. Se that's the problem. It's -- it's a little hard to explain.
Dixie: Well, try me. Gillian?
Gillian: I'd rather not talk about it.
Dixie: Did Jake -- did Jake say something? Did he do something to you?
Gillian: No. No, no, no, no. Jake -- Jake's just -- he's -- he's just a wonderful man, and he's -- he's so direct with his feelings and open about it. See, Ryan's not like that at all.
Dixie: Oh. And you can't stop comparing Jake to Ryan.
Gillian: No. No. And I know that -- you know, it makes me feel a little -- I don't know -- not dishonest exactly, but it's just not right and it's not fair to Jake.
Dixie: Hmm. Because you're still in love with Ryan.
Gillian: I know it's pointless.
Dixie: No. Look, if it helps at all, I think -- I think Jake understands this.
Gillian: Oh, he does. Yeah, he does. It's me. It's me. I -- I just want to make the feelings for Ryan stop, and I -- I keep wondering where he's going to be in two years from now or 10 years from now and -- Dixie's, he's -- he's part of me. And when I think of my future, he's there.
Dixie: Well, I understand. I really do.
Gillian: How do you let go?
Dixie: Well, maybe you don't. I mean, if -- if you love Ryan -- I mean, if that's how you really feel -- maybe you should hold on.
Gillian: Yeah, but we're divorced and he doesn't want to be with me. He's made that very clear. Otherwise, we'd be together now, and we're not, so -- and it doesn't matter what he says, you know?
Dixie: Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. I wish I could help.
Gillian: No, you did. You made me realize that I was just fooling myself. Anyway, you better get back to Tad because he's going to get worried. Thank you for listening.
Dixie: Oh, sure. You know, and you listen to yourself, you know? Listen to your heart. You'll sort this out, ok? I' see you later.

Reginald: Well. It seems we have a tie. Half the votes are for Cortlandt, half for Sword.
Opal: How we going to break the tie?
Erica: I will cast the deciding vote.

Jake: Don't involve Hayward.
Tad: Why not? Dixie needs help.
Jake: We can't trust him. Considering his history with our family? Come on.
Tad: Jake, he saved her life once. Maybe he can do it again.
Jake: You're going to put Dixie's life back in his hands again?
Tad: I don't have a choice. What do you expect me to do? I'm not going to risk losing her. If I do, you might as well kill me, too.
Dixie: Oh, would you just stop it, all of you. You're talking about me like you're in charge of my body, and you're not. This is my life, not yours, and I will decide what to do with it.

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