JULY 9, 1999

Stuart: Wow.
Marian: Oh, you can say it, darling -- I've outdone myself.
Stuart: Yes, you have, and I was inspired, too. I mean, all of Adam's favorite Tex-Mex dishes.
Marian: Oh.
Stuart: But all this fine china -- I don't know -- I think my chimichangas may look a little puny.
Marian: Oh, darling, your chimis could never look puny. I adore you. And anyway, Scott can't be eating off paper plates when he's talking about his trust fund.
Stuart: So you don't mind that I changed the menu?
Marian: I think it's a wonderful idea and I wish I'd thought of it myself.
Stuart: Well, you can't think of everything, Marian.
Marian: Oh, hi, Scott.
Scott: Hey, hey.
Stuart: Hi.
Marian: How you doing?
Scott: Good. Wow, looks like you worked hard, huh?
Marian: Nothing but the best for my wonderful stepson.
Scott: How am I dressed? Too down?
Marian: No, I like it, but it's a little preppy for tonight. Don't you think we should go maybe a little Wall Street? Hmm?
Scott: Like a tie?
Marian: That would be a great idea. And, oh, wait a minute. Shoes, not sandals, if that's ok with you, and maybe a light summer jacket?
Scott: Sure. I'll change.
Marian: Thanks a lot, Scott.
Stuart: Marian, I know you've gone to an awful lot of trouble, but I just don't want Adam to think you're trying to manipulate him.
Marian: Well, why would he think that, darling?
Stuart: Scott's trust fund. That's why. Adam is -- you know, he's a financial genius. And the rest of us -- it's just money.
Marian: "Just money"? Oh, darling.

[Telephone rings]

Marian: Oh, darling, will you get that? I'm still worried about the seating arrangement.
Stuart: Yeah.
Marian: Thank you.
Stuart: Hello? Oh, Liza. Hi. Oh, sure, there's always room for one more. We can't wait to see you.
Marian: God, Liza can't come. She'll ruin everything. No, no, .

Myrtle: Oh. Gillian --
Gillian: Hi, Mrs. Fargate.
Myrtle: Darling, would it seem very silly of me if I asked you why you're upside down?
Gillian: Because my whole world's upside down and I thought maybe if I looked at things upside down, it would make sense.
Myrtle: Well, did it?
Gillian: You know, more blood flowing to the brain might help for some people, but all I got was a headache.
Myrtle: Listen, darling, I'll tell you something -- why don't we put our heads together and try to figure out why everything seems so topsy-turvy, huh?
Gillian: Grandmama said, you know, my life would make sense when I find my heart. And I found my heart with Ryan, and then I lost him. I make men repulsive.
Myrtle: Darling, I think you mean that you repel men. I doubt that one very, very much.
Gillian: Mrs. Fargate, you know what? It's true. Jake said that he doesn't want to have anything to do with me --
Myrtle: Oh.
Gillian: Until I can stop thinking about Ryan. And all I can do is I can think about Ryan since I saw him on the beach that night kissing another woman.
Mateo: Hey, Bud, need a break?
Ryan: No, I'm cool.
Mateo: You sure? I'll pitch in. Take five, all right?
Ryan: No, I'd like to keep busy. It makes the days go by faster.
Mateo: It's the nights that we have to worry about, right? You seen Hayley?
Ryan: No.
Mateo: She didn't check in?
Ryan: Not with me, no.
Mateo: Thought maybe you'd run into her.
Ryan: Look, man, I said I haven't seen her, ok? Sorry.
Mateo: Forget it. You want to talk?
Ryan: About?
Mateo: About what's got you crazy. Starting with her first name.

David: My dinner guest will be arriving shortly. Would you do me a favor and remove these flowers and change them with the ones that I brought?
Maitre d': Sure, I'd be happy to. Would you care to see the wine list, Dr. Hayward?
David: No, no, no. The lady doesn't drink. So why don't we just have guava papaya juice in iced glasses, ok? And put an order in for the chocolate soufflé.
Maitre d': Right away.
David: I want the service to be smooth, prompt, and discreet.
Maitre d': You have my personal guarantee.

David: Thank you.
Erica: Oh. Oh, excuse me.
David: That's all right.
Erica: Thank you.
David: Good evening, Erica.
Erica: Hello, David.
David: You look absolutely stunning. Black is definitely your color.
Erica: Thank you.
Reporter: Ah, Ms. Kane.
Second reporter: Ms. Kane, a moment?
First reporter: Excuse me, sir. I beg your pardon. Hi, Ms. Kane. I'm Charlie Hide from "The Bulletin."
Erica: Yes, hello, Charlie. Of course I know you. How are you?
Charlie: I'm fine. Now, you just came back from South America. So tell us, was the surgery a success?
Erica: Well, Charlie, I'll let you be the judge of that.
Reporter: What are your plans -- what are your plans for the immediate future?
Second reporter: Is the "Return to Glamour" campaign still a go?
Charlie: And are you going to be the spokesmodel?
Erica: As a matter of fact, we do. We do plan to go through with this campaign and, yes, I do plan to be on camera.
Charlie: That's good.
Reporter: Great.
Erica: And something very exciting is that we're developing a line of teen cosmetics named Bianca, after my daughter.
Charlie: Of course.
Erica: And --

Leslie: Hello, David.
David: Leslie.
Leslie: You've been avoiding me. Now I know why. Is Erica your date for the evening?
David: Yes, she is.
Leslie: Well, she can share a table for two, but not the spotlight.
David: This happens to be her triumph, not mine.
Leslie: You know, I can't generate headlines the way she does, but I do happen to be free this evening. If Erica can't tear herself away --
Erica: Excuse me, and thank you so much.
Charlie: Thank you, Ms. Kane. You're always so kind to us.
Erica: Thank you. David, I'm sorry for the intrusion.
David: Not necessary.
Erica: Well, I sent them all away with the promise of a press conference.
David: Great.
Leslie: Hello, Erica. It's Leslie. Still posing, I see.
Erica: Leslie. Oh, my goodness. Leslie Coulson. I'm sorry. I didn't recognize you right away. Leslie does pro bono work for my teens against addiction. Well, Leslie, my goodness, you've done something with you hair. It looks so much more feminine.
David: You know, Leslie is my lawyer.
Leslie: Yes, David and I go way back.
Erica: Do you really? Well, how fascinating. I would love to stay here and reminisce, but we have a dinner reservation, don't we?
David: Yes, we do.
Leslie: Well, I would love to join you for a cocktail.
Erica: Well, no, thank you. I mean, it would be delightful, but I'm sure by the time you went home and changed clothes, the dining room would be closed. Thanks again, anyway. Maybe another time.
David: Let's go. Enjoy your evening.
Leslie: oh, yes. You, too.

Marian: Tell Liza we only have enough food for four.
Stuart: Yeah? Ok. See you then. Bye-bye. What?
Marian: Oh, no, Stuart. Call Liza back and tell her she can't come.
Stuart: Why?
Marian: Why? Because five for dinner -- it's unlucky, darling. You know, it's an odd number. It's just not -- oh, dear. Oh, no, no, no. I just spilled some salt. Two times over the shoulder. I mean, darling, you know how superstitious I am.
Stuart: I do?
Marian: Well, yes. Once, you know, a black cat crossed my path. I had shingles f five weeks. So call Liza back and save me weeks of agony.
Stuart: Wait. No, no, no. You don't understand. She's not coming tonight.
Marian: She's not coming?
Stuart: No. No, she wanted to see if she could bring Colby to the gallery showing next week.
Marian: Oh. Oh. Well, of course she can bring Colby there. I really think art appreciation should start in infancy. You know, I took Liza to an art museum when she was just a toddler -- although I've got to tell you that the cubists really left her cold.
Stuart: Will you just fess up? Why didn't you want Liza to come to dinner tonight?
Marian: Ok, the truth is, darling, I don't want anything to take us away from our main project here, and that's for Scott to get control of his trust fund.
Stuart: Ok, but Adam doesn't like to discuss business at mealtimes. It gives him acid reflux.
Marian: But, darling, this is not business. This is family. And how is Scott ever going to learn to spread his wings if Adam keeps control of the pursestrings like this?

[Doorbell rings]

Marian: Speaking of which, there's Adam. Darling, ok, you run into the kitchen and take care of the food. I'll let him in. And don't worry. Just follow my lead and everything's going to be fine, Stuart.
Stuart: Ok.
Marian: Well, Adam, right on time. I do adore punctuality in a man.

Gillian: I don't know what to do, Mrs. Fargate. My whole life's a mess.
Myrtle: Well, darling, clean it up.
Gillian: How?
Myrtle: Well, take charge. Right what's wrong if you can.
Gillian: Well, Ryan won't let himself love me. How do I fix that?
Myrtle: Oh, honey, I do not know the answer to things like that. Now, I have to tell you something, sweetheart -- people, men and women, go through life looking for that very perfect person that will fill part of their heart and, if they happen to be lucky enough to find that person, it can be very scary.
Gillian: Yeah. That's how I felt when I met him. I was -- I was really scared, you know, of being hurt. But then when he held me, I felt so safe, and I know -- I know he did, too, but he wouldn't trust that.
Myrtle: Look, darling, darling, when your whole life has been a mess and then something absolutely wonderful happens to you, you can't help believing that maybe someone will te it away from you.
Gillian: But you've got to believe in something.
Myrtle: Well, darling, I think Ryan believes in his own bad luck, and I can't blame him. He's had a rotten life. He got no love from his parents. He got the back of their hands. And then you come along and he starts falling in love.
Gillian: Why can't he just believe in that?
Myrtle: Well, you know, the way he is and what he's been rough, I think he believes that every apple has a worm and, instead of taking a bite out of the apple, he just throws it away.
Gillian: Yeah, but I'm his wife. I mean, I was. And he just -- he just threw me away and -- and then he fell for somebody else. I mean, why do that if you think love's so rotten?
Myrtle: Well, you know, sometimes when life is just a bit of a mess, you do very foolish things. I think maybe Ryan feels he's not good enough for you and he's trying to prove it.
Gillian: Yeah, but that is so one-sided. I mean, he didn't even consider me at all in this.
Myrtle: Darling, maybe he's trying to spare you.
Gillian: Maybe. You know, without Ryan, it was just unbearable my whole life. But now that he's with somebody else, it's -- it's just hopeless.
Myrtle: I think there's always hope. You know, I have a feeling that if Ryan can get rid of all those angry thoughts in his head and think with his heart, he'll find his way back to you. He will.
Gillian: But you can't promise that.
Myrtle: No. No, I can't promise. There are no guarantees in life, darling. But I do have faith things do turn out well in the end.

[Knock on door]

Becca: Hello?
Myrtle: Oh, Becca.
Becca: Hi, Ms. Fargate.
Myrtle: Becca, darling, I forgot you were coming. Becca, this is Gillian, one of my boarders.
Gillian: Hi, I'm Gillian Andrassy.
Becca: Hi, I'm Rebecca Tyree. But you don't have to call me by my full name. Only my parents call me at when -- when I'm in trouble. So just call me Becca.
Gillian: You were in trouble?
Becca: Well, not, like, trouble trouble. I mean, just, like, trouble.
Myrtle: Becca is helping Scott make a documentary. Is that right?
Becca: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Gillian: Oh. About what? Becca: Well, it's called "49 Ways to Leave Your Lover." Well, we're going around and asking people to tell their biggest breakup stories. Any heartache you want to share? I mean, now's your chance.

Ryan: There's no problem. It's just caffeine jitters.
Mateo: You sure?
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, I'll have something to eat, I'll feel better.
Mateo: All right.
Ryan: Look, before I forget, we're running low on Chablis.
Mateo: Yeah, I called the supplier. That fourth of July blast just wiped us out.
Ryan: That's good, right? Business is brisk, profits are up. Mateo?
Mateo: No, I'm just thinking about last fourth of July. You know, you remember, right? We lost holidays, but Hayley and I were together. You know, she came in here last night, and we danced and she hugged me and it was perfect. Then nothing. She just off and disappeared. So I was thinking, you know, since you guys are close, right, maybe she said something to you about why she's so disconnected. You know, I know it's about Max and Raquel, all right? I know that's part of the reason, but I think that maybe something's -- something's going on, you know, like I'm missing something. And I was hoping that maybe you could help me so -- so I could fix it.

Gillian: Sorry. I can't help you wit your movie.
Becca: Well, if there's a better time, I could come back.
Gillian: There will never be a better time.
Becca: Well, shoot. Did I just step in it or what?
Myrtle: Just a bit, honey. You know, when her royal highness first came to this town, half of the men in this town were crazy about her.
Becca: Wait, wait -- "Her royal highness"? Are you saying that that's the princess that Scott almost married?
Myrtle: Yeah, that's the one.
Becca: Oh.
Myrtle: Becca, come on. Be cozy, be cozy. Sit down. Come on.
Becca: Thanks.
Myrtle: Well, now, since you called me, I have been going down memory lane. And I -- I became involved with a very dangerous artiste in the carny.
Becca: Oh, how dangerous?
Myrtle: Well, Reynaldo was a very passionate Cuban. Very passionate, very jealous. And one day I was in my tent and I was reading the hand of the India Rubber Man. Nice, long lifeline he had. And here I am, and suddenly Reynaldo bursts into the tent, he sees me holding this guy's hand, and he blows up like a volcano. Oh, did I tell you that Reynaldo was our knife thrower?
Becca: No.
Myrtle: And he had his knives with him.
Becca: Mrs. Fargate, this is too good to waste on me. Why don't you save it for when Scott comes back with his camera and you can do it unrehearsed?
Myrtle: Be sort of spontaneous.
Becca: Oh, yes. Scott's all about spontaneity. In fact, I heard that his almost-marriage to princess Gillian was pretty spur-of-the-moment. Maybe you could give me some more details on that?

Scott: Good to see you, Uncle Adam.
Adam: Same here, young fellow. How's that documentary coming along?
Scott: Very well. I'm hoping to have a rough cut ready for preview in a couple of weeks.
Adam: Can't wait. Let's sit down.
Scott: We couldn't have done it without your grant.
Marian: I'm just so glad you didn't have to dig into your trust fund. Speaking of which, I think Scott has something he wants to ask you, Adam.
Scott: It could wait till after dinner, Marian.
Marian: Oh, darling, don't be shy. I mean, a lost opportunity is a missed opportunity, right? Don't you agree, Adam?
Adam: If there's something you'd like to say, Scott, come on, let's have it.
Scott: Ok. Working on this video, it's the first time that I've had to work within a budget, and it's been a great discipline.
Adam: Uh-huh.
Scott: But it's made me realize that I know absolutely zip about how finances work in the "real world."
Adam: Ah.
Marian: And a good business sense needs to be cultivated.
Scott: And that I know absolutely nothing about my trust fund -- how it's invested, the stock portfolio, annual returns.
Adam: Are you dissatisfied?
Scott: No. No, absolutely not. I'm extremely grateful, in fact. And I think that there's a lot that you could teach me.
Myrtle: Isn't it refreshing to see how vested Scott is in his financial future?
Adam: Well, it's obvious someone has given a great deal of thought to this matter. I'd be more than happy to review your trust fund, Scott, with you in great detail.
Scott: Thank you. I'd appreciate that.
Marian: Oh, I'll tell Stuart to keep dinner warm.
Adam: Why don't you come by the house tomorrow. That way we can discuss this matter in privacy. In the meantime, why don't we take off these blasted ties. I feel like I'm choking to death.
Stuart: Adam, I hope you're hungry. I made all your favorites.
Marian: Ooh.
Stuart: Empanadas, chimichangas, crabmeat quesadillas, and blue corn relish.

David: Thank you. Here we are. I've been looking forward to this evening.
Erica: Yes.
David: Even if I do have to share you with the press.
Erica: Well, it seemed like Leslie Coulson wanted to share you.
David: Running into Leslie was purely accidental.
Erica: Well, I assumed it was. Oh, the orchids are wonderful. They're beautiful.
David: I had them flown in from Brazil.
Erica: Well, how extravagant.
David: I wish I had the chance to show you all the flowers in the rain forest.
Erica: I did say that I'd like to have a rain check in that letter that I wrote to you.
David: Yes, the letter I never got.
Erica: Are you suggesting that I never wrote it?
David: No. I'm sure Vanessa took it.
Erica: Well, poor David. You seem to be surrounded in your life by disagreeable women.
David: I'm not going to argue with you there. That was some welcoming committee out in the lobby.
Erica: The press.
David: Mm-hmm.
Erica: Well, they're a nuisance, but I just have accepted them, you know, as part of my permanent entourage.
David: How did they know that you were going to be dining here tonight?
Erica: I assumed that you dropped my name when you made the reservation?
David: I don't need to drop your name to book a good table.
Erica: No, I'm sure you don't. As a matter of fact, this one seems to be a little drafty.
David: We could change tables. But I have a feeling anywhere else would be just as chilly.
Erica: Well, maybe your lawyer is still lurking in the lobby. She seems to want to warm things up.
David: Unless she was trampled by your entourage.
Erica: I'm starved.
David: I took the liberty of ordering the chocolate soufflé for dessert.
Erica: I never eat dessert and I never eat chocolate.
David: Or humble pie, evidentially.
Erica: Well, now, why would I eat humble pie?
David: Well, anything else would be a nice change from prima donna.
Erica: I didn't come here to be insulted.
David: Why did you come here?
Erica: Because you asked me.
David: Is that the only reason?
Erica: Well, is there another reason that you could think of?
David: Erica, come on. I think we're past sniping at one another, don't you? We've seen each other at our best and at our worst. By rights, we shouldn't even be here. Between the accident and you holding me prisoner and the kiss that we shared, we should be circling each other like two scorpions right now or running in the opposite directions. But we're here. Now, this dinner was a big risk for both of us. If you're not willing to take it --

[pager beeps]

David: It's the hospital. I have to find a phone.
Erica: Well, are you coming back?
David: Will you be here?

Ryan: You want to know what's going on inside Hayley's head? You got to ask her, not me.
Mateo: She wouldn't give me a straight answer. The thing is is that she can tell me anything, you know?
Ryan: Sometimes, well, what's best for somebody is just to leave them alone and let them straighten out the noises in their head.
Mateo: But Hayley doesn't do the solo thing very well, you know? The first night I met her -- well, I told you this a million times -- but it was on the beach. You know, she was wearing this wedding dress and she was a mess. The moment I saw her, I fell in love. The beach. It always calls her back. Maybe -- maybe I should head out there.
Ryan: Maybe. Excuse me.
Mateo: Yeah.

Ryan: Princess, I've been worried about you.
Gillian: Yeah, I'll bet.
Ryan: No, it's true. I hated how things ended up.
Gillian: Ryan, you are so sensitive. You're so caring. You dropped everything to make sure the woman you dumped, the wife you divorced is ok, but you don't give a damn about me. You're just worried that I'm going to tell Mateo that I saw you kissing Hayley on the beach. And maybe I will tell him -- and who the hell are you to stop me?

[Music plays]

Ryan: Ok. You want to trash me, princess, that's fine. That's fine. I got it coming. But Hayley's got a lot of bad stuff going on right now. Don't wreck her chances just to pay me back.
Gillian: You know, you're always watching out for Hayley. "Hayley doesn't deserve to be hurt. Hayley's had it rough." You're always right there for her. You'd sacrifice your life to save her. But where are you when my life needs saving?

[Gillian leaves Ryan and goes up to two men at the bar]

Gillian: So, which one of you two buff boys wants to dance with a princess?

Mateo: What's up with Gillian?
Ryan: She's dancing as fast as she can.

Adam: Stuart, those were the best empanadas you've ever made.
Marian: Anytime you're in need for a taste treat, just drop by. Oh, by the way, that reminds me -- we want you and Liza to stop by to come to a party for the Donald next week.
Scott: You know Donald Trump?
Marian: No, Donald's the fish that you and your father caught last summer.
Scott: Oh, we're going to eat that.
Marian: Yes.
Adam: Sounds delightful, but I can't make it.
Marian: Oh, prior engagement?
Adam: Liza and I have been invited to the queen's garden party at Buckingham Palace.
Marian: Oh, my gosh. Oh, Stuart, why didn't you tell me? Where's our invitation? Oh, my goodness, I'm going to have to get a tea dress, or maybe I can get it when we're at Harrods in London.
Stuart: Marian, don't get excited. We're not invited.
Marian: We weren't?
Stuart: No. No, Adam's the one that knows all the famous people and the movie stars. Everybody I know is an artist.
Adam: Without your cooking, they'd all be starving artists.
Adam: Don't be discouraged, darling. I'll give the queen your regrets.
Marian: Very funny, Adam. Very funny.
Adam: Dinner was delicious. You certainly know how to put on the dog, Marian, but not this dog. What are you up to?
Marian: And to what are you referring, Adam?
Adam: A few weeks ago, you were intent on taking over control of Stuart's finances. Now tonight Scott suddenly wants to take control of his trust fund. Coincidence? Something in the water? What's going on here?
Marian: Look, suggesting that Scott could be manipulated is really an insult to him.
Adam: That wasn't my intention.
Marian: Oh, Adam, he's a good, talented, intelligent young man and it makes a great deal of sense that he wants to learn about finances from a mogul like you.
Adam: Oh.
Marian: I mean, he looks upon you as a mentor. He really does.
Adam: Marian, if I ever go into politics, I want to hire you as my spin-doctor.
Well, I hate to eat and run, but I have a date with my wife and my daughter. Stuart, the cooking was delicious. Scott, see you tomorrow. Marian.
Marian: Night, Adam.
Adam: Good night.
Stuart: Bye, Adam.
Scott: Well, I got to run, too, if that's ok.
Stuart: Ok, but, you know, have a good time and drive safely.
Marian: Bye, Scott.
Scott: Bye-bye.

Myrtle: Well, Scott and Gillian, they were standing at the altar, and Ryan suddenly came racing down the aisle and took the groom's place.
Becca: Just like in the movies.
Myrtle: Yeah, well, it was kind of happy for a while because Scott would be noble and doing something he didn't really want to do, and Gillian and Ryan seemed to be happy. But it didn't last.
Becca: So Scott was going to marry Gillian just to keep her in the country?
Myrtle: Well, it wasn't a love match, if -- if that's what you're asking.
Becca: You know what, Mrs. Fargate? I've just -- I've got to run.
Myrtle: You've got to meet a handsome director.
Becca: Well, Scott and I will be back to tape your story, ok?
Myrtle: Ok.
Becca: Bye.
Myrtle: See you at the movies.

Leslie: David. I'm surprised Erica let you out of her clutches.
David: Did you page me, Leslie?
Leslie: Well, I thought you might need rescuing from the divine diva.
David: You thought wrong. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my date.
Leslie: Your choice. But if she cuts you down to size, be sure there's a little something left for me.

Erica: You came back.
David: You're still here.
Erica: Where does that leave us?
David: Back at the beginning. Why don't we start this whole damned evening over again. And this time, let's try to get it right.
Erica: Over? You mean from scratch?
David: No claws.
Erica: Retracted.
David: Did I tell you that you look lovely tonight?
Erica: Yes, you did. As a matter of fact, I think the word you used was -- was "stunning."
David: Uh-huh. Yes, but it went downhill after that. And I think I know why. For months while you were healing, it was like we were caught up in a time warp. I mean, the world went on around us, but as far as I was concerned, we were the only two people that existed or mattered.
Erica: And now that we're back in the real world, we're not the same?
David: I know that I can't rely on standard props and old tricks to see me through.
Erica: You brought the orchids.
David: A mistake?
Erica: Oh, no. No, not at all. I'm -- I'm very flattered.
David: Go. I wanted a touch of extravagance. Look, I'm trying to be nonchalant here, but I want you to feel comfortable and I want you to know that I don't take one moment of this evening for granted.
Erica: Thank you. But, David, you don't have to explain.
David: Fine. So you think we can order dinner like two normal people?
Erica: Well, I don't do "normal." But I am enjoying this.
David: Me, too. Then shall we order?
Erica: Let's.
Erica: You know, I'm really looking forward to that chocolate soufflé.

[Music plays]

Gillian: I learned this trick from the Baroness de Mornay. It was a blazing-hot summer and her yacht was becalmed of the Cote d' Azur. Everyone swam in the ocean and the saltwater crystallized on our skin. Now, watch closely.
Man: Oh, yes!
Second man: How did you do that?
Gillian: Practice, practice, practice.

Mateo: Just talked to Trevor. Hayley's at a meeting.
Ryan: Oh, so you know where she is. You don't have to worry.
Mateo: Yeah. Teach me how to do that. Maybe she'll swing by later on, you know?
Ryan: Yeah, maybe.
Mateo: You know, this distance that she wanted between us -- I -- I thought I could handle it. You know, it's driving me crazy. I just need to see her for a second, you know? Just for a second. It'll get me through the day.
Ryan: Mind watching the bar for a second?
Mateo: No. Go ahead.

Marian: Ooh. I think r evening was a great success, Stuart.
Stuart: That must mean that Adam's going to let Scott handle his own money?
Marian: I think he's leaning that way. He needed a little nudging, you know.
Stuart: Well, you be careful. Don't nudge Adam too hard. You may end up like the lion tamer at the circus.
Marian: What lion tamer?
Stuart: He was just poking around in the lion's mouth -- till he lost his head.
Marian: Adam would never feast on me. I'm family. And I'm entitled to all its rights and privileges.
Stuart: Want to lock up and go to bed?
Marian: What about Scott?
Stuart: He has a key.
Marian: You know, that documentary of his is consuming his entire summer. I mean, I think he should get more into the swim of things, you know, meet some girls from really good families. Oh, Stuart, where's the issue of the fortune 500? Where is it? Have you got it?

[Bird sings]

Scott: Becca, I --
Becca: Shh.

[Bird sings]

Becca: Listen. Hear it? Right there.

[Music plays]

Ryan: Excuse me. I'd like to talk to my wife for a second, please.
Man: Your wife? You didn't say anything about being married.
Gillian: I'm not. I'm a gay divorcee.
Man: Hey, it's a free country. You swing your way, I'll swing mine.
Ryan: Great. Princess, I need to talk to you for a second, please.
Gillian: I have nothing to say to you.
Ryan: Good, well, you can keep quiet and I'll do all the talking.

David: You know where we went wrong?
Erica: No. But I have a feeling you're about to tell me.
David: It was my mistake, setting our first date in such a public place.
Erica: Well, then this is a date, officially.
David: I guess that depends on your definition.
Erica: I don't have my Webster's handy.
David: Your own words.
Erica: Ok. First date. Let's see. Well, I guess it's a lot like being nominated for a big award. And you wake up in the morning and you try to pretend that it's just a regular day and you get your nails done, you get your hair done, and you pretend to take a nap, and then it's time to go. And you don't know going out the door whether you're going to come home a winner or not. And you try to tell yourself that it doesn't matter, but deep down in your heart of hearts, you -- you don't want to go home alone or empty-handed. And you'd like to have a reward. You know, you'd like to have something to show for your faith and your patience and your endurance. As a woman, you'd certainly would like the prince to come before the clock strikes midnight and that all the waiting has been worth it.
David: Has it?
Erica: Well, I don't know. The evening's young yet.
David: You know, I've never been really big at playing to a crowd. What do you say we take this conversation and our dinner and go upstairs to my suite?

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