JUNE 19, 2000

Eliot: I give you Hayley and Mateo Santos.


[Music plays]

Opal: It was so -- so beautiful.
Myrtle: Darling, it was wonderful.
Opal: I couldn't stop crying.
Myrtle: You're a lovely bride.
Hayley: Thank you. No crying allowed.

Adrian: You guys pulled it off.
Hayley: Oh.
Tina: You did it.
Hayley: Thank you. And can you believe it -- no Arlene.
Tina: Don't mention your mother yet.
Mateo: Oh, it's all right. She can't ruin this day.
Hayley: That's because she's not here.
Mateo: Hey, guys, thanks for your help.
Adrian: Anytime.

Mateo: All right. Hayley: I've been looking and looking. I don't see my father anywhere. I guess he never showed up.
Mateo: Maybe he popped in and out real quick. You don't know.
Hayley: It doesn't matter. Everything I want and everything I need is right here.

Edmund: Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. And Mrs. Santos will be receiving their guests at the reception at the Valley Inn Garden Room.
Mateo: All right.
Hayley: Thank you.
Mateo: Thank you, thank you.

Tad: You heard the man, Ma. Let's go. You can cry some more at the reception.
Opal: Oh, no, no. I'm all cried out. I'm done and over with that. But let's get over there. I'm hungry as a horse.
Dixie: Ok.

Marian: Oh, Liza. I wish Stuart had been here. He loved Hayley so much. Well, maybe he was here somehow and he saw how happy Hayley and Mateo are.
Liza: I just can't believe Adam would miss his own daughter's wedding.
Marian: Well, darling, you said he checked out of the hotel. I'm sure he got delayed somehow and he'll show up at the reception.
Liza: You know, Mama, I don't know. Really, he keeps saying he doesn't want anything to do with his family. Maybe I should just face the facts that he means it.

Ryan: Ahem.
Gillian: Room 619. It's the room where Hayley got dressed before the wedding. I'll see you there.

Greenlee: Hey.
Ryan: Hey -- ahem.
Greenlee: Got the car already?
Ryan: Uh -- nah. I figured I'd wait a while, let the valet line kind of, you know, disintegrate a little bit before I head out.
Greenlee: No, come on, come on. I'll flash a little skin to the valet parkers. We'll go to the head of the line.
Ryan: Nah.
Greenlee: Come on.

Alex: May I just say, Mr. Grey, that next to the bride, you're the most gorgeous thing standing up here. I couldn't resist the temptation to jump up here and give you a kiss.
Edmund : Really?
Alex: Hmm.
Edmund: Won't have to resist much longer, you know.
Alex: No.
Edmund: Are we ready to go public?
Alex: Oh, I love you. I don't care who knows it.
Edmund: I love you, too, Alex. Let's go tell the world.
Alex: Ooh.
Edmund: Ok.

Dimitri: Alex. Oh. I need to find you. Alex --

Alex's voice: Dimitri, where are you? I love you. Darling, I'm waiting for you.

[Dimitri groans]

[Music plays]

[Music ends]

[Edmund taps glass]

Edmund: Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen.
Joe: Our best man is about to make a toast.
Edmund: I believe it was the ancient roman who said "Amor vincit omnia," which means "love conquers all." He knew what he was talking about. It was true then, and it's true today. Hayley and Mateo, through all their trials and confusions, when things seemed to be their worst -- hell, when things were at their worst -- they never stopped loving each other. They may not have always trusted that the love was there, but it was, just pulling at them. And the differences that seemed so insurmountable just melted away because of the insurmountable fact that they loved each other. They do. It was there, just waiting for them to come together. And finally, it did. So, ladies and gentlemen, raise your glasses to true love and to Hayley and Mateo.
All: Hear, hear!
Tad: Speech!
All: Speech, speech! Speech! Speech!
Mateo: Uh -- ok. Well, I -- you know, I'm not going to be as eloquent as my brother-in-law, but I just want to say thank you for sharing this special day with us. And thank you for rooting for us and for being patient with us while we finally realized that we couldn't live without each other. As you can see, we're -- we're back together, at last, and for the rest of our lives, right? I love you.
Hayley: I love you forever.


Mateo: I have a little surprise for my bride. No, it's not -- it's not diamonds. Don't --


Mateo: I've asked someone to come here to perform a special song for us, something that he wrote for you. If you could welcome Kevon Edmonds.
Hayley: Really?
Adrian: Hey.


Kevon: This is for you, Hayley.

[Music plays]

Ryan: Uh -- you know what? I feel like -- I feel like a drink. I'm going to grab a drink.
Greenlee: Ok. Let's go to the bar.
Ryan: No -- you hang out here, and I'll bring you back one.
Greenlee: Fine, fine. But hurry, ok? It's almost time for me to surprise you.
Ryan: Yeah. Ok.
Greenlee: Hey -- don't you want to know what it is?
Ryan: Uh -- yes. Of course. What's that?
Greenlee: I've arranged for you to meet none other than Robert Winship.
Ryan: Robert Winship, like the Robert Winship?
Greenlee: Yes, yes. If you look up "The New Economy" in the dictionary, you'll find his picture.
Ryan: What? He wants to meet me. I don't get -- I don't get it.
Greenlee: Well, I knew that he would be here today, so I sent him the prospectus on And apparently he loved it because he wants to meet you.
Ryan: Here? Today? Right now?
Greenlee: Yes. He said he wants to make you an offer. Do you have any idea what that means? With an infusion of cash from him, you could go global.
Ryan: Why didn't you tell me about this?
Greenlee: Well, I didn't know that he could do it, but then I called him right after the ceremony and he said he'd give you 10 minutes.
Ryan: 10 Minutes? 10 Minutes?
Greenlee: Yes, yes. He said that he would be here. I don't know. Oh, my God. That's him. Wait right here, ok? I'll bring him over.
Ryan: Ok. Ahem.

Greenlee: Mr. Winship? This is so exciting.
I'm Greenlee Smythe. Robert: Hello, Ms. Smythe. It's a pleasure.
Greenlee: Thank you for giving us your time. I know you will not regret meeting Ryan Lavery.
Robert: Well, I've got to tell you, I don't read every internet prospectus of every internet startup they put in front of me. But in this case, I have to tell you, something intrigued me. Being able to grant someone's greatest wish -- well, it struck me as something very --
Greenlee: Magical?
Robert: Actually, I was thinking more "lucrative," but we can go with "magical."
Greenlee: Well, you see, it's both. Come on. You and Ryan are going to hit it off. You're both brilliant, fearless, and very attractive. Um -- he was just here a minute ago. I know he couldn't wait to meet you. Where could he have gone?

Ryan: Gillian?
Gillian: Is this wrong, Ryan? Should we be with the others?
Ryan: This -- this was your idea, Princess.
Ryan: You're wearing the ring that I gave you.
Gillian: That's because I'm all yours now. I wish I could wear it always.
Ryan: We have this right now. That is all that matters.
Gillian: So now I'm going to ask Jake for a divorce and then we can be together always.
Ryan: For the rest of our lives.
Gillian: For all eternity.
Ryan: Yes. Yes, yes.
Gillian: We can't stay away too long.
They're going to notice that we're gone.

Greenlee: My grandfather made every cent of his fortune just like you.
Robert: Uh, not quite.
Greenlee: True. You're a legend, a self-made billionaire. I guess that's why I admire you so much.
Robert: You know, I really got to go, Greenlee. I thought you said your friend wanted to cut a deal.
Greenlee: He does. He does, and he should be here any second. He just must've gotten tied up.
Robert: Look, I'm sorry, but my plane's waiting for me on the runway. I got to go. Tell your Mr. Lavery if he's still interested to give me a call. I'm sorry. Bye.

Leo: It's pathetic.
Erica: What?
David: What's pathetic?
Leo: Lead-footed Scott Chandler over there trying to dance. You know, if Fred Astaire wasn't dead, this would kill him.
Erica: Leo, you said you'd behave. I mean, I think you've been spending much too much time at home alone moping. That's why I brought you to the wedding. So you're going to make a scene, are you?
Leo: Would sticking my foot out and tripping him cause a scene?
Erica: Am I going to have to send you home? Come on. This is Hayley and Mateo's wedding day, ok?
Leo: I'm sorry. At least the champagne is ok.

David: You don't really believe that a few sessions of tough love is really going to undo years of my mother's neglect?
Erica: I just think that Leo has a lot more sense than anybody gives him credit for. I told you, he reminds me of me.
David: Well, gratefully, I don't see it, or we'd be in big trouble.
Erica: No, what I mean is he spent a lot of very sad and very lonely times when he was a child, and so did I. But I was able to overcome it -- you know, at least enough to make a very successful life for myself. And I think that he can, too. I'm confident that he can, with some help.
David: Well, me, too. But as to his willingness to behave himself at a public function?
Erica: Well, I mean, look at me. Here I am. I'm -- you know, I'm keeping a lid on. I have allowed Hayley and Mateo to have center stage on their wedding day. And I think that Leo can do that, too. Oh, no.
David: What? What is it? Erica: How dare she.

Edmund: Don't look now, but I think we have company.
Alex: Oh.
Edmund: Come on.
Alex: Oh.
Edmund: Isabella. Entiendes lo que siento. Alex and I have fallen in love.
Isabella: I wish you happiness. I know that's what Maria would want for you.
Edmund: I think so, too.
Isabella: Alex -- I wish you the very best. Edmund's a good man.
Alex: I know he is.
Hayley: Really? We had no idea.
Mateo: Actually, I knew. I just didn't tell anybody.
Hayley: Uh-uh. That's not true. Really?
Edmund: Yeah.
Hayley: Wow. I think that's great!
Alex: Shh. We don't want to upstage your wedding.
Hayley: No.
Alex: No.
Edmund: We just couldn't keep it a secret anymore. I'm sorry.
Hayley: No, don't be silly.
Edmund: We wanted to share it with you.
Hayley: I think this is the perfect place to let everybody know.
Mateo: It's -- yeah.
Hayley: I do.
Mateo: And it's about time. You deserve to be happy.
Hayley: Yes.
Mateo: Deserve somebody great to make you happy.
Alex: Oh.
Edmund: Well, Alex is great.
Alex: Thank you.
Edmund: And I am very happy.

Erica: Oh, I bet she makes you very happy. What are you doing? I mean, Dimitri's barely dead, and she's all over his brother. Is there no indignity that you won't stoop to?

Dimitri: Alex? Alex!
Dimitri: Alex.

Dimitri: Hey, you.

[Music box plays]

Alex: Oh, my darling.
Dimitri: Alex. Oh, Alex. You're in my arms again. Oh, Alex. Oh, Alex.
[Music stops]

[Music plays]

Alex: Uh -- no, I don't owe you an explanation.
Edmund: Erica, it's been almost a year since my brother died. This isn't something that we planned. It just happened. Now, our family is very happy for us. As for you, quite frankly, it's none of your business.
Erica: How can you say that to me? And you know how fond I am of you, Edmund.
Edmund: If you are, you will say no more on this.
Erica: How can I possibly be still? Ever since this woman has come into our lives, I have been trying to warn everyone about her. And apparently I haven't been wrong. She is responsible for Dimitri's death.
David: All right, please, excuse Erica, everybody. As we all know, she's very passionate on the subject of Dimitri. I'm sure, given enough time, she'll understand that this is a very good thing.
Erica: I will not! And I will say exactly what I think, thank you very much --
David: That's enough, Erica. I'm very happy for you both. I wish you all the best.
Alex: Thank you, David.

Erica: Don't you dare ever try to shut me up again in front of people or anywhere else!
David: You were making a fool of yourself.
Erica: Then let me make a fool of myself.
David: Am I going to have to take you home? You just couldn't allow Hayley and Mateo to be the stars tonight, could you? You had to steal the spotlight.
Erica: All right, even if that's true, you can't possibly admit that Alex is good for Edmund.
David: Who cares? They deserve each other, all right? Come on. Look, let's try and enjoy ourselves, ok?
Erica: Alex drove Dimitri to his grave, and now she's got her hooks into Edmund.
David: If Edmund wants to get involved with a woman whose past is a huge black hole, there's nothing you could do about it.
Erica: Oh, really, isn't there?
David: No, there isn't.
Erica: Ever since she came into our lives, she has done nothing but cause pain to people I love. And I'm afraid she isn't through yet.

Greenlee: Have you seen my date?
Leo: And who would that be?
Greenlee: Have you seen Ryan or not?
Leo: Uh-uh. Oh, he's probably off granting somebody's fondest wish, Greenlee, while leaving your wish totally ungratified.
Greenlee: You're useless.
Leo: Then don't talk to me. May I?
Becca: Whoo!

Ryan: Ok, all right, you go first. All right? And then I'll wait a while, and then I will -- I'll follow you after. And listen, listen -- we only have to sneak around like this until Jake comes home and you get your divorce, ok?
Gillian: You know, all during the wedding when Hayley and Mateo was getting married, I kept wishing it was us.
Ryan: It will be us. It will be. For all eternity. But until then, we have this.
Gillian: I can't stop this now, Ryan. I'm not strong enough, and I don't want to.
Ryan: I don't want to, either. I don't.
Gillian: I have to go.
Ryan: Yes. You go. Ok. Ok.
Gillian: Bye.

Jack: Hey, guys. A nice party. Thank you so much. What, another telegram? Boy, you guys certainly rate. And I'm not the only mailman in town, it looks like.
Hayley: Uncle Trev. He's wishing us luck and love. Wants us to come visit.
Jack: Well, that's great, huh? So -- why do you seem so disappointed?
Hayley: I'm not. I think it's great. It's great.
Mateo: She thought it might be from Adam.
Jack: Who's not -- I'm sorry, Hayley.
Hayley: I just can't imagine that he wouldn't come to my wedding.
Mateo: It's still early. He could still show up.

Phoebe: It was a beautiful service, Reverend. I especially enjoyed your lovely homily.
Eliot: Thank you, Mrs. Wallingford.
Phoebe: Of course, now I understand why Brooke is spending a great deal more time in church.

Jack: Excuse me, Phoebe, I just put my foot in my mouth over there. I thought I'd come over here and maybe use it for a better purpose. Did you check your dance card? Believe the next dance is mine. Unless, of course, it's the Reverend's.
Eliot: No, no. I'm sitting this one out. Excuse me.
Brooke: Sure.
Jack: Excuse us, Phoebe.

Hayley: So, when you called New York, they said he had checked out?
Liza: Well, I assumed -- I mean, I was hoping that he would be on his way here.
Hayley: Well, then, I don't know what to think. I don't care what he says. I refuse to believe that he wouldn't show up for my own wedding.
Erica: Hayley -- Hayley, I forgot to tell you. I really didn't have a chance before this. But I saw Adam. I saw Adam in New York. He -- he was actually with your mother.
Hayley: You're kidding. I saw him in New York as well. He didn't mention Arlene to me.
Erica: Well, according to Arlene, Adam was just giving her a ride out of town and dropping her in New York.
Hayley: Well, then, why wouldn't he say something about that to me?
Erica: Well, you know what? I bet he was just trying to really push her out of his mind because she was very unpleasant. Arlene was --
Hayley: Drunk.
Erica: Yes. And you know what? I think you need to just push her out of your mind, too, because this is supposed to be a deliriously happy day for you. And I just think it's really horrible that some people tried to steal the spotlight from you.
David: Shall we go?
Erica: All right. I wish you so much happiness.
Hayley: Thank you.
Erica: Both of you.
Hayley: Thank you both for coming.
Mateo: Thank you.
Erica: Sure.

David: Let me get Leo.
Erica: Leo?
David: Yeah.
Erica: You know what? Leo's dancing. He's happy. Leave Leo alone.
David: Let's go make up.

Hayley: Doesn't make one bit of sense. Not one bit of sense. Why -- I -- why would my father give my mother a ride to New York and then not say anything to me about it?
Mateo: Listen, maybe we should just count our blessings she's not here. Maybe she's gone, she's out of our hair for good.
Liza: Arlene has been sniffing around your father's money. But Adam wouldn't put up with being in a car with her to New York City. He -- he loathes Arlene.
Hayley: Oh, for the love of God, let's just stop talking about Adam and Arlene altogether.

Arlene: Oh, come on, sweetie. Come on, have another one. We'll turn that frown upside down.
Adam: We've been drinking since 7:00 This morning. I want food.
Arlene: "I want food." You know, you like to be mysterious, but I know why you're so upset. You pretend not to care about Hayley's wedding, but you wish you were there right now, don't you?

[Music plays]

Marian: Remember, darling, nice guys finish last.
Scott: May I?
Becca: Oh.
Leo: He stole my move.

Greenlee: Hey, hey. Excuse me. Where were you? You missed meeting Robert Winship.
Ryan: Our server was down. I had to go take care of it. Didn't Leo tell you?
Greenlee: I knew it. The creep.
Ryan: No, hey, hey, hey -- Greenlee, don't worry about Leo. Do we have time for a dance still? Huh?

Joe: Well, well, well.
Gillian: Hey.
Joe: Nice to see you. I left for a little bit, and I came back, you had disappeared.
Gillian: Oh, I -- I just checked on Grandmama.
Dixie: Aw.
Gillian: Yeah, I had to phone her. And she decided to go to Budapest with her friend Magda and -- it's kind of a long story.
Joe: Uh-huh.
Dixie: Yes, I love Eugenia's stories, although they do get a little overcomplicated.
Joe: Did she ever tell you any of those stories of the Hungarian resistance in world war II?
Dixie: Why, no, I can't say that she has. She's told you, though.
Joe: Yes, she has. Yes, she has. I'll be happy to fill you in.
Dixie: Oh, really now?
Joe: Mm-hmm, yeah.
Dixie: Hmm.

Gillian: Adrian? We haven't had a dance all afternoon.
Adrian: Well, I think we can remedy that right now. Do you mind?
Tina: No. Have fun.

Gillian: I know you know about Ryan and me. Thank you for keeping our secret.
Adrian: Well, actually, it's not my secret to tell. But I will say I think what you two are doing really stinks.

Tad: So, did I hear you correctly? You're really worried about Adam being with Arlene?
Liza: I'm not worried about Adam being -- he can be with anybody he -- I -- I just said that for Hayley.
Tad: Huh.
Liza: And if you're going to continue to eavesdrop on my conversations, I'll give you transcripts of them.
Tad: Who do you think you're talking to? You are lying through your teeth, trying to tell me you don't care about Adam.
Liza: I don't care about Adam. I don't care about Adam. And besides, Adam hates Arlene. He hates her guts.

Arlene: Well, of course we should be at our daughter's wedding, but it was your decision, remember? Huh? It's going on at Wildwind, and you wanted to come here. So, I mean, look, we can go there right now --
Adam: Quiet, quiet, quiet!
Arlene: I was just trying to say to you that we could be at the wedding!
Adam: I want you to stop talking. I want you to shut your mouth and stop talking. If you don't, I'm going to shut it for you. You understand? You got a menu? I want to order some lunch.
Bartender: Ah, sorry, the kitchen's closed today. It's a private party.
Adam: Oh, that's great.
Arlene: Great.
Adam: What?
Arlene: I'll go to the kitchen and make the sandwich myself, ok?

Adam: Hey -- hey! You come back here. Hey! I'm hungry!

Hayley: Oh, come on. You sure you can't stay? We haven't even cut the cake.
Axel: I have my matinee. "Pirates of Penzance."
Hayley: I completely forgot. Well, go. You don't want to be late on account of us.
Axel: I won't be late. [As a pirate] I'll do me makeup in the taxi. Yar.
Hayley: Oh, that's good.

Edmund: Ladies and gentlemen, gather around. Because it is time
[French accent] for ze cutting of ze cake!
Opal: Make a wish! Make sure to make a wish!
Hayley: Ooh.
Mateo: All right.
Hayley: Big -- ooh --
Mateo: It's ok.
Hayley: Here, you feed me first.
Mateo: Oh, my pleasure. Icing.
Hayley: Now, just a little. Not --
Mateo: There you go, there you go, there you go, there you go. A little more? Little more?

Hayley: Dad. Oh, I knew you wouldn't forget my wedding.
Hayley: Dad, come on, come here.

Edmund: [Normal voice] I am so glad that Adam showed up. Hayley was really worried about her dad not coming. Now it's a perfect day for her.
Alex: It's been a perfect day for me, too.
Edmund: Oh, yeah?
Alex: Yeah. Everyone's been so nice. Even Isabella.
Edmund: Well, she knows and everybody can see how happy I am.
Alex: It's nice to be happy, isn't it?
Edmund: Yeah, it is. Get used to it. Get used to it because nothing in the world is going to stop us from being happy.

Dimitri: "Miss Hayley Vaughan and Mr. Mateo Santos -- the honor of your presence at their marriage -- the church -- Good Shepherd." That's where Alex is.

Bartender: He went thataway.
Arlene: Adam? Hey, Adam!
Hayley: I mean, you missed the wedding, but that's ok because we just cut the cake and we're about to feed it to each other, and we can feed you some! This is the best part as far as I'm concerned. I'm so glad you're here. Thank you so much.

Liza: Oh, thank God. I couldn't believe that he'd want to miss this.

Arlene: Adam! Adam! Excuse me.
Mateo: Wait, wait, wait. Turn right around and get out of here. You're not welcome.
Arlene: Not welcome? I'm not welcome here? Well, maybe miserable little Arlene Vaughan isn't welcome, but I doubt the same applies to Mrs. Adam Chandler!
Hayley: What did you say?
Arlene: It's true, sweetie. Here, hold this. Isn't it wonderful? Your father and I are together again. We're married.

[And………---the crowd collectively faints. Just kidding ~Sonny]


Dixie: I am working with Dr. Hayward.

Hayley: Tell me you didn't marry my worst nightmare.

Liza: Arlene?

Scott: I'm thinking it's about time I learned something from my uncle.

Alex: Would you go back to the chapel with me?

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