JUNE 22, 2000

Ryan: Yes! I have mail. Where's my Rapunzel? Junk, junk, junk.

[Door opens]

Ryan: Come in.
Ryan: I was just looking for an e-mail from you.
Gillian: I decided to deliver it in person.
Ryan: Oh, really? I hate waking up without you by my side. I hate it. But unfortunately, Greenlee is on her way over here right now.
Gillian: That's why I locked the door.

Erica: Hey.
David: Hey. You look ravishing, even if I did keep you awake most of the evening.
Erica: I think it's a shame that the reception had to be ruined by that awful scene that Alex threw with Edmund.
David: Well, I think she had a little help.
Erica: Well, the audacity of that woman to just flaunt her affair with Edmund, even though Dimitri's only been dead -- not even a year. And at a wedding -- I mean, that's just awful. Oh, good. You got my note.
Leo: I'm here, aren't I?
David: You look like death.
Erica: You obviously overdid it last night.
Leo: Yeah, before or after those two goons threw me into the wine cellar? I was there for hours.
Erica: Are you kidding?
Leo: Do I look like I'm having fun?
David: So you helped yourself to the inventory. Don't blame us for your hangover.
Leo: Look, I'm hung over. I'm not stupid. You're the one that had me tossed into that pit.
David: Me?
Leo: Who else?

Becca: Hey, how you doing?
Scott: Good.
Becca: Oh, sorry. Hey, thank you so much for coming in this morning.
Scott: Oh, no problem. I wanted to make up for the way our evening ended last night.
Becca: Are you kidding? I had such a good time.
Scott: Yeah?
Becca: I mean, except for when Leo tried to get me to dance, but he was so wasted. Thank you for coming to my rescue.
Scott: My pleasure.
Marian: Well, hi, you two.
Becca: Hi, Ms. Chandler.
Scott: Hello, Marian.
Marian: Don't let me interrupt. I'm just here to get my car washed.
Becca: I'm going to go see if Rev. Freeman needs some more hands.

Scott: Whew.
Marian: Well, looks like your evening went well last night.
Scott: Yeah, well, my plans for a romantic evening at the Gatehouse didn't exactly pan out, but I think I'm making a little bit of progress. She's definitely beginning to see what kind of a jerk Leo is.
Marian: Oh really? What did he do?
Scott: "What did he do?" What did I do? I paid off a couple of busboys to lock him up in the wine cellar. By the time he got out, he was completely ripped and made a fool of himself.
Marian: In front of Becca?
Scott: Uh-huh. He tried to force her to dance with him. She was completely turned off.
Marian: Well, that's a little drastic, darling, but good for you.
Scott: Thank you. I got to figure out some way for her to realize what kind of a jerk he is. She's not going to be safe until she realizes he's total scum. You have any suggestions?
Marian: Well, I'd definitely avoid kidnapping if I were you. But remember the old saying -- "keep your friends close, and keep your enemies even closer."

Dimitri: Alex, my love.

Alex: If I hurry, I'm going to be able to ride Scorpio before I go to work.
Edmund: Sounds good. I'll help you tack him up.
Alex: Thank you. Ooh. Cold this morning.
Edmund: Yeah?
Alex: Did you take this out of here? Maximillian's photo?
Edmund: Nope. Alex: Oh.
Thought it was in the drawer.
Edmund: Well, maybe that new stable hand, you know, nosing around.
Alex: Hmm. I don't know. I put it away, it made me so sad to look at it.
Edmund: He was a gorgeous animal.
Alex: That was a horrible day when he broke his leg on the beach. I wish it hadn't been me riding him.
Edmund: It was an accident. Putting him down was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.
Al: Yeah, I know.

[Alex sighs]

Edmund: What is it?
Alex: Uh, well --
Edmund: What?
Alex: I wasn't going to tell you this, but when I just went to the hunting lodge, it looked as if someone had been there.
Edmund: Something missing?
Alex: No. I mean, I'm not sure, but there was this box of Dimitri's things that had been moved. I mean, it's probably nothing.
Edmund: I don't like it. I don't like the idea of some of our friends from Bryn Wydd coming back and finishing what they started.
Edmund: I swear to you, if they threaten you again, I will kill them. Nothing is going to stop me until they're out of your life.

Charlotte: Your brother's quite safe, provided he stay out of my business. If he starts poking his nose where it doesn't belong again, then you will have company in the great hereafter.

Alex: I'm just so tired of feeling frightened all the time, you know?
Edmund: I know. But now that you moved into the main house, you don't have to be because I'm not letting you out of my sight, girl.
Alex: Oh, that could be a little tricky every now and again.
Edmund: Yeah, we may have to shower together.
Alex: Save water anyway.
Edmund: Look at that. What is that? Is that a smile?
Alex: I do feel safer when I'm with you.

Marian: Remember, darling, knowledge is power. And you have a definite advantage over Leo. You've got surprise.
Scott: Surprise? But he knows exactly what I think of him.
Marian: Yes, and he also thinks you're a nice guy, and that's going to be your secret weapon, darling, because he's always going to underestimate you. He's never going to know what hit him because when you make your move, it'll be a perfect ambush.
Scott: I -- my father would not like this.
Marian: I know. Your father totally changed my life -- you know that -- and I would never deliberately hurt someone. But Leo Du Pres set me up with Paolo, and I'm fairly convinced he's as responsible for your father's death as Adam is.
Scott: And now he's going after my girlfriend. I'll have to protect her. I mean, she has no idea what he's capable of. Do you think I'm going too far with this?
Marian: Scott, you're doing this because you love Becca. No one is going to fault you for that.
Scott: I will never forgive Leo for what he did to my dad, and I'm not going to let him get to Becca.

David: I had nothing to do with you being thrown in the wine cellar, Leo. Erica and I left early, remember?
Leo: Well, if it wasn't you, who was it?
David: Oh, I don't know. I mean, you've endeared yourself to so many people since you've come to this town. Could be any number of possibilities.
Leo: You know what? I don't need this.
Erica: Leo, sit down, please. I invited you to breakfast for a reason.
Leo: What, are you kicking me out of your house, Erica?
Erica: No. I want to talk to you about getting a job.
Leo: You want me to pay rent?
Erica: I want you to get your act together.

Myrtle: Oh!
Erica: Oh!
Myrtle: Good morning, darling.
Erica: Hi, good morning.
Myrtle: Hello, hello.
Erica: Oh, you looked so gorgeous at the wedding. You look gorgeous now. Why don't you join us?
Myrtle: Well, thanks, love, but I'm just going to have a very quick bite, and then I'm going to open up the boutique. I'll talk to you later.
Erica: Ok.

Erica: Oh, here.
Leo: Blind dates?
Erica: Job interviews.
Leo: You know, Erica, this is really great of you, but I'm not really up to knocking on doors and begging for work today.
Erica: Leo, you are charming and intelligent when you put your mind to it. So I'd like you to finish breakfast and shave and put on a suit. Go see these people. These are personal contacts of mine who have promised me that they will interview you.
Leo: Thanks, Erica, but there's -- there's nothing here that really interests me.
David: My baby brother -- a real go-getter.
Leo: You know what? I'm going to go get a bull shot.
Erica: No, stay put, and not a word.

Vanessa: Oh, yes. I would like one of those luscious Crab Cake Benedicts that you have, a side of fresh fruit, and a cappuccino. Oh, and bring me a basket of those divine little mini-muffins. That's all. You can go.
Waiter: If you'll excuse me, I need to speak with the maitre d'.

Maitre d': I apologize for the delay, Mrs. Cortlandt, but perhaps you've forgotten?
Vanessa: Forgotten what?
Maitre d': Mr. Cortlandt has cut off your credit.
Vanessa: That is ridiculous. There has to be some mistake.
Maitre d': I'm sorry.
Vanessa: Well, bring me the manager. We'll straighten this out --
Maitre d': Mr. Cortlandt was very specific. No credit, no exceptions.
Vanessa: Well, now, I am certain we could come to some arrangement. I mean, I'm an excellent customer here. You know, I do live here. You know me. A person has to eat, even if it's just dry toast and coffee.
Maitre d': Madam, I know this is a very difficult situation for you. Perhaps it would be best if we don't call any further attention to ourselves.

Ryan: Hey. Hey, baby, what's the matter?
Gillian: It's just it feels so right to be with you, and -- you know, all this sneaking around -- are we horrible people?
Ryan: No. No, we're not horrible people. This is right. Baby, this is so right. We belong together.
Gillian: I'm finally being true to myself, true to my own heart, and yet I just -- I feel so guilty. You know, I'm breaking my vows to my husband, and I'm being dishonest to his family.
Ryan: Don't, don't, don't. Stop. Stop. You married Jake because you cared about him and you wanted to help him. Those are the best reasons.
Gillian: But you've always been the one that had my heart. I couldn't sleep without you last night. You know that?
Ryan: Really?
Gillian: Yeah. And when I finally fell asleep, I dreamt about you.
Ryan: Good dreams?
Gillian: I'll show you.

Greenlee: That's odd. Ryan? Are you in there?

Gillian: It's Greenlee.

[Gillian hides]

Greenlee: Ryan?
Greenlee: Good morning. What happened?
Ryan: Huh? Uh, just had a little bit too much coffee and just -- you know, I heard the door --
Greenlee: Here, let me help you.
Ryan: No, no, I got it. I got it. It's done.
Greenlee: Why was the door locked?
Ryan: Uh -- well, you know, it was a late night. You know, I got home and -- speaking of late nights, you downed your fair share of wine last night.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, it takes more than a mal de tete to keep me away from
Ryan: Well, you know, there's really not that much to do today. If you want to take the day off and go and rest your hangover, I understand. It's fine.
Greenlee: I want to make up for last night.
Ryan: What? What do you mean?
Greenlee: I was way out of line when I asked you about you and Gillian.
Ryan: Oh. Oh, forget it. Forgotten. Don't worry about it.
Greenlee: I don't believe you, but thanks. None of this would have happened if I hadn't gotten stuck in that wine cellar with Leo. What a night.
Ryan: Well, which is why I thought you might want to take the day off. Go, sit by the pool, hang out. A little sun therapy will probably do you some good. Go ahead.
Greenlee: That's not a bad idea. But first, I'm desperate for some aspirin.
Ryan: Aspirin? Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Greenlee: Look, it's ok.
Ryan: No, no --
Greenlee: I know where you keep the aspirin.
Ryan: I'll get it, all right?
Greenlee: Listen, the sight of an unmade bed doesn't scare me.
Ryan: Ahem.
Greenlee: Unless there's someone in your bed.
Ryan: What? No, of course -- no, of course not.
Greenlee: What's going on with you, Ryan? Huh? You've been acting weird for days.

Vanessa: Bring me a cappuccino.
Maitre d': One coffee.
Vanessa: Don't expect a tip.

David: And all this time I thought Vanessa had Palmer whipped. Maybe I can respect the man after all.
Erica: Ooh, Palmer's made her give away her entire couture collection, and now this? I bet Vanessa's really, really sorry she cheated on Palmer with Paolo.
David: Yeah, I'm sure that prison is looking pretty good right about now. Three square meals a day for free.
Erica: But the wardrobe is so tacky.
Leo: This isn't a joke, ok? How could you two be so cruel?

Marian: Scott, I'd like to have a little girl talk with Becca, ok?
Scott: I'm going to go make sure that Marian car gets an extra buffing, all right? I'll be right back.
Marian: Oh, thank you, darling.
Scott: Sure.

Becca: Thank you for helping out while you're waiting. I really appreciate it.
Marian: Oh, well, I would do anything for Scott. You know how fond I am of him. Actually, I'm very worried about him as well, you know, because he's taking his father's death very hard. I know that we all grieve in different ways, but he hasn't been himself.
Becca: You know what? You're right. I think he's been acting different lately.
Marian: You've noticed that, too?
Becca: Yeah.
Marian: Yes, he seems so lost, so alone. You know, Becca, you're sensitive to him, and you understand what he's going through. I thought maybe you could give him a little extra attention during this period just to help him through it? Of course, that is, if you don't mind.
Becca: You know what, I know what it's like to lose a family member. So don't worry. I will do anything I can to help him.
Marian: Oh, thank you. He's so lucky to have you in his life. He really is.
Becca: You, too. Ok, well I'm going to get these outside. They need them.
Marian: Ok. Thanks again.
Becca: Thank you.

Edmund: Hey, Alex, which one of these bridles do you use for Scorpio?
Alex: You know what? I have spent too much time with you, mister. I dare not be late for work. I've been away for so long. God knows what David has done with the Andrassy Foundation.
Edmund: All right, all right, I'll turn him out. I'll feed him some carrots.
Alex: Yeah, not too many. I'll see you later.
Edmund: Ok.
Alex: Love you.
Edmund: Love you.
Alex: Thanks for everything.


[Edmund hears Dimitri but he hides and Edmund leaves]

Dimitri: Yes, the number for Seaview hospital. Thank you.
Dimitri: Dr. Silbert, please. Tell him it's an old friend.

Alex: Past due, past due. Oh, lord.

[Knock on door]

Alex: Come in. Oh, hello. I have a partner who's not very big on detail work. Do you have more on Anna Devane?
Adrian: Some.
Alex: Well, it's better than what we have now, isn't it? What you got?
Adrian: Not much more than you. My government sources have turned up some rather interesting tidbits.
Alex: Such as?
Adrian: Anna Devane was a very covert operator for the World Security Bureau before being appointed co-chief of police in Port Charles.
Alex: W.S.B.
Adrian: Her specialty was munitions.
Alex: Yes, well, it isn't mine. Did you find out anything else?
Adrian: She was also a double agent for quite a few years.
Alex: A double agent.
Adrian: That's right.
Alex: What? You still don't trust me, do you?
Adrian: My gut says to trust you. My training, however -- look, Alex, your fingerprints run an exact match for Anna Devane's. Everything I've dug up on her has turned red flags. Based on that, no. I don't trust you. I can't.

David: Vanessa's finally getting what she deserves.
Erica: After everything she's done to you, Leo, how could you possibly defend her?
Leo: I'm not defending her. I will never forgive her for letting me take the rap for Paolo's murder, but that doesn't give you guys the right to ridicule her. And you -- you're such a hypocrite.
David: Why don't you shut the hell up.
Leo: She lectures me about how to behave, and then you two sit here like a couple hyenas sniping at a woman who's been humiliated.
Erica: All right, look, I'm sorry. You're right.
Leo: Look --
Erica: I want to help you.
Leo: I don't need anybody. Ok? I can take care of my own future.

Ryan: Nothing is going on with me. I -- I'm just, you know -- I'm a bit of a weird guy. It's part of my charm.
Greenlee: Come on, Ryan. Ok? One minute you're here on planet earth, and the next your head's in the clouds. You disappear for hours, and then you just pop up like nothing's happened. You're different. Something's going on.
Ryan: Nothing's going on.
Greenlee: And you're going to tell me because if you don't, I'll find out anyway. It's part of my charm.
Ryan: Ok. I confess. I confess. It's my job, stress. The stress, you know? The company's doing so well lately, and I just don't know if I can, you know, rise to the occasion.
Greenlee: Oh, that's bull. You know you get a total rush out of running your hot dot-com. This is about you and me.
Ryan: You and me? No. We're friends, just the same as always.
Greenlee: No, Ryan. You know, I know you better than that. You know, when we started this just-friends thing, part of me thought that you were blowing me off. But it worked. We are friends, except for when you start checking out on me. I mean, you're sitting here right in front of me and you're not here. I don't get it. Did I do something? Are you mad at me?
Ryan: No, no, no. This has nothing to do with you, Greenlee. Nothing.
Greenlee: Oh, my God. It's Gillian, isn't it?
Ryan: No.
Greenlee: It is. You know, you better snap out of this, Ryan. Ok? Gillian's married. She's in love with Jake. She told me a couple days ago that she can't wait for him to come home. Ok? You just have to move on. Unless you and Gillian -- you're not --
Ryan: No, no! No, this has nothing to do with Gillian at all. Nothing. It's -- it has to do with you. And Leo.
Greenlee: What?
Ryan: When I saw you two last night in the wine cellar, you know, I -- I guess it just kind of got to me.
Greenlee: Really?
Ryan: Yes. I was worried about you.
Greenlee: Worried? Oh, my God, you weren't worried. You were jealous.
Ryan: Yeah. Well, I -- I hate to admit it, but yeah, I guess I -- I was a little jealous.
Greenlee: Why?
Ryan: Well, I mean, you know, I invited you to Hayley and Mateo's wedding as my date, and you ditch me and go and party with Leo in the wine cellars.
Greenlee: You know I was a prisoner.
Ryan: Yeah, well, you seemed to be, you know, enjoying yourself just fine.
Greenlee: I tried everything I could to get out of there to be with you. I banged my hand so hard against the door that I hurt myself.
Ryan: Well, Greenlee, what was I supposed to think? Your lipstick was all over the guy's face.
Greenlee: I -- I didn't realize --
Ryan: Well, you know, I saw you in there with Leo, and I just -- I guess I was trying to pretend like it didn't really bother me.
Greenlee: But it did. Right? I mean, you've been acting weird since before last night.
Ryan: Well, that's -- ahem -- because, you know, you're always with the guy. Every time I see you, he's -- he's tagging along.
Greenlee: Listen, we were drunk. Ok? And when he kissed me, I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Leo means nothing to me. You have to believe that.

Scott: Hey, there you go. All right. Ooh. He's here.
Marian: Remember what I said, ok?

Scott: Hey.
Leo: You're Scott, right? You seen Becca?
Scott: Yeah. She said she'd be right back.
Leo: Cool.
Scott: Leo, wait.
Leo: What?
Scott: I just wanted to warn you.
Leo: About what?
Scott: Becca. She's -- she's pretty ticked at you.
Leo: Well, you're the one that stepped on her toes last night when you cut in on us. You know, I could recommend a good dance instructor if you'd like, Scott.
Scott: You don't remember, huh? Last night you were wobbling and teetering pretty badly. You tried to force her to dance with you, just about fell on us. It was a pretty bad scene, you know.
Leo: Thanks for the heads-up.
Scott: Sure. Sure.
Leo: Why the warning, Scott? Why not just let her clobber me with a bucket and get a good laugh?
Scott: Well, I've been thinking that it might be time we put down our differences.
Leo: You don't want to hook pinkies or anything, do you?
Scott: We got off to a bad start.
Leo: Yeah, well, that right hook at WRCW a while back sort of tipped me off.
Scott: All right, all right, so we're not going to be friends. But, I don't know, how about a truce? You know, we'll agree to disagree, something like that, let it go at that?
Leo: If it means that much to you, Scott, sure. Why not?
Scott: All right.

Becca: Oh. Hi.
Leo: Well, forgive me, wretched sinner that I am.
Becca: Leo, get up.
Leo: Not until you forgive me, Becca.
Becca: Leo!
Leo: Becca -- damn that demon alcohol, Becca. I didn't know what I was doing. Where's the priest? Where's the priest? I will confess everything.
Becca: He's a protestant minister. He doesn't take confessions.
Leo: Please, Becca, please. Only the love of a good woman can save me. Punish me. Punish me, Becca, please. I deserve it. Thrash me with soup ladles, make me -- make me wear mohair shirts.
Becca: It's a hair shirt, you idiot! And I'm fresh out.
Leo: Well, how about a good bare-butt spanking, then?
Becca: You're incorrigible.
Leo: Come on. Reform me. Show me the way.
Becca: Ok. Have you ever washed a car before?
Leo: Yeah. Becca: I didn't think so. But you know what? It's never too late to learn. Come on.
Leo: Ok.
Becca: Let's go wash the car. Ok?
[Becca laughs]

David: Well, thanks for trying to help with my brother.
Erica: You're welcome.
David: He's a hard case. I got to go to the hospital.
Erica: Ok.
David: I'll see you later.
Erica: All right.
David: Ok?
Erica: All right.

Erica: If you're hungry, we didn't finish our breakfast. I'm sure that the maitre d' would be happy to wrap it up as a doggy bag for you.
Vanessa: Oh, this is beneath even you, Erica.
Erica: Well, you don't expect sympathy, Vanessa, do you? You're getting exactly what you deserve, and actually, you deserve worse. I mean, Palmer's been absolutely lenient with you for the way you cheated on him and betrayed Leo.
Vanessa: Oh, just leave me in peace!
Erica: Well, look at the bright side -- you'll shed those unwanted pounds in no time. Yeah.

Myrtle: What are you up to?
Erica: What are you talking about?
Myrtle: Is Leo still staying with you?
Erica: Yes.
Myrtle: I think you're making a mistake.
Erica: Myrtle, I'm trying to help. I love David. And I can somehow identify with Leo. I mean, the way Vanessa treats him is very like the way my father treated me, and so I think if anybody can help Leo, it's me.
Myrtle: Darling, I know you mean well, but watch yourself. Now, these two boys, they're like -- they're like tiger cubs. They're cute enough. But listen, if you get caught in the middle when they have a go at each other, you could be mauled.
Erica: Oh, Myrtle. I'm not caught.
Myrtle: Honey, honey, you cannot undo the damage that Vanessa did her sons.
Erica: How's your daughter?
Myrtle: I know you don't give a fig about Rae. But since you ask, she's fine.
Erica: Good.
Myrtle: And she's got friends helping her to look for her daughter -- my granddaughter.
Erica: Well, my goodness. And so what's new on that front?
Myrtle: Nothing. And I know what you're doing. Now, changing the subject is not going to change facts. You are heading for trouble with these boys.
Erica: Myrtle, I really do appreciate what you're trying to do for me. I do. But I'm sorry, I have to run. Myrtle? Really, don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing.

Edmund: What the hell do you mean you can't trust Alex? We came to you for help, not to accuse her.
Adrian: Edmund, that is not my intention. Would you let me finish please?
Edmund: No, no, no, I think you're finished right here.
Alex: It's all right, Edmund. He shouldn't trust me. It's the only way we're going to get the answers we want. You're too close. You can't be objective. The same training that makes Adrian not trust me is what's going to get us closer to the truth.
Adrian: That's all I'm after. That's all we're after.
Alex: Suppose -- suppose I really am Anna Devane. What am I doing here in Pine Valley pretending to be a neurologist, Alex Marick? What would that accomplish?
Adrian: I don't know. But what I do know is that if you are Anna Devane, you weren't blown up in some boat off the coast of Venezuela. That was simply an assassination attempt. And if you survived, then your enemies are definitely aware of it.
Edmund: You think they'll come after her?
Adrian: You better believe it.

Scott: Did you see that? Leo's a total moron, and Becca buys his goofy little act every time.
Marian: Yeah, well, his charm is certainly a formidable weapon.
Scott: Last night she wanted nothing to do with him. Today he comes in, he plays a little village idiot and, poof, it's all forgotten.
Marian: She seems very attracted to him somehow.
Scott: God. He's all wrong for her. Becca wants stability, a family, somebody -- somebody that she can rely on.
Marian: She wants you, my darling. And what are you going to do about all this, hmm?
Scott: I don't know. But I want Leo gone. I want him gone for good.
Marian: Well, he doesn't deserve Becca. And he certainly doesn't deserve to be happy after what he did to Stuart. So don't you worry. We're not going to let him ruin Becca's life or your life. I promise you that, my darling. That is a promise.

Greenlee: You know, I -- I feel sorry for Leo. You know, he's been through a lot and he's needed a friend, but in no way am I interested in him. You know what? I've got a lot of errands to run. Do you mind if I go?
Ryan: No, absolutely not. Go ahead, really.
Greenlee: Are you sure?
Ryan: Absolutely.
Greenlee: Ok. All right. Listen, listen -- don't worry. Ok? Leo is not in the picture.
Ryan: OK

Greenlee: I knew it. He's mine.

Ryan: Ok, what just happened there?
Gillian: I never should've come.
Ryan: I -- I didn't mean to lie to her. I just started, you know, and -- and it just kind of snowballed.
Gillian: And now she thinks you care about her, and -- are we just making a bigger mess of things?
Ryan: Oh, Gillian. Listen, I hate to lie and I hate to sneak around like this, but, you know, we don't have a choice.
Gillian: No, we don't. Not until I've had a chance to talk to Jake.
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: I'm going to hurt him and I'm going to hurt Greenlee, and why does it all have to be so complicated?
Ryan: Listen, listen, listen, listen -- don't worry about Jake until you have to, until he comes home. All right? And as far as Greenlee goes -- I'll handle Greenlee hopefully a little bit better than I just did.
Gillian: You know she lied, right? I never told her that I was excited about Jake coming home.
Ryan: I know that.
Gillian: She's used to getting what she wants, Ryan.
Ryan: I know, Gillian. I know, but not this time, ok? I promise you. I don't like to hurt her, but I have to protect what we have. Baby, I almost lost you once. You are my life, and I will never, never let anything come between us again.

Dimitri: Dr. Silbert, this is Dimitri Marick. No, no, it's -- it's not a joke. I was taken from Seaview hospital against my will. Doctor, I need to see you right away. Thank you. And, doctor, please don't let anyone know that we had this discussion. The lives of people I love are at stake.

Edmund: I want Alex safe. And given that, the only way for her to lead a normal life is to find out the truth about her past.
Adrian: No matter what?
Edmund: No matter what. We'll deal with it together. I don't care if her name is Alex Marick or Anna Devane.
Alex: My name is Anna Devane.


David: I need you here right now.
Dixie: Well, I can't be here.
David: That's unacceptable.
Dixie: That's too bad.

Arlene: I think it's time to show Liza who's boss.

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