JUNE 27, 2000

Junior: Heads up, Jamie.
Tad: What is this? You're not done yet? I thought you'd be finished by now.
Junior: Jamie wants to come to soccer camp with me.
Tad: You do? What happened to the kid that couldn't wait to get to scout camp? I thought he was the soccer star in the family.
Jamie: It's not that.
Junior: You know what? I think he's going to miss me.
Jamie: I am not.
Tad: Oh, I get it. Jamie: I'm not going to miss him, Dad.
Tad: Well, that's ok. That's perfectly fine because Junior's going to miss you, too.
Junior: I am not.
Tad: Yes, you are. Uh-huh. Come here. You know what? I'm going to miss both of you little Schmoes.
Junior and Jamie: Schmoe!
Tad: Absolutely. More than you can imagine. I already miss you.
Dixie: Don't you two even start talking about missing each other or else I'm going to call camp and I'm going to make you both stay home.
Tad: Oh, there's an idea. Will you be willing to pass up your new job at the Andrassy Foundation? Didn't think so. What do you guys think, huh? Come on, weigh in on this subject. You really want your mom coming home at night with armloads of work, cell phone stapled to the side of her head? Huh?
Junior: Sure, if it makes her happy.
Jamie: If my mom can do it, so can Dixie.
Dixie: You guys.
Tad: You little weasels. You paid them to say that, didn't you?
Dixie: I did not.
Tad: Yes, you did. Dixie: That is unconditional love speaking right here. Oh, who are the best kids in the world? Who loves their mom? You guys.
Junior: Mother?
Dixie: Yes?
Junior: Undies need name tags.
Jamie: He wants the name tags.
Dixie: Well, they have to have name tags, smarty-pants. And Tad here is going to help me.
Tad: Yeah.
Tad: I mean, yeah, all right, fine. What are you laughing at?
Junior: Ow.
Tad: Get up there. Get busy. We're on a time schedule here.
[German accent] you will do it now.

Dixie: Here you go, baby.
Tad: Yeah, I know. Speaking of nifty new jobs, you'll never guess what happened to me today.
Dixie: What happened to you today?
Tad: I was offered the co-C.E.O. Chair at Chandler Enterprises.
Dixie: Did you say yes?
Tad: Oh, baby, you kidding? You know what kind of money we're talking about? Liza said -- I was told that within two months I could make enough money to pay for Junior and Jamie's entire college career.
Dixie: So you said yes.
Tad: No. Matter of fact, I said no. Why would I want a high-profile job when I could be stapling name tags in the children's underwear right here at home, huh? By gum, this is where I'm needed.

Judd: Esther?
Esther: Hmm?
Judd: You know who was the greatest little mopper in the whole world?
Esther: Your late wife, Mary Lynne?
Marilyn: Gee, how'd you guess?
Judd: She used to mop all the floors in the apartment we had in the city. Never a hair out of place. And she was graceful at it, too. I mean, she'd just sort of float around like a -- oh, what is that word?
Marilyn: Cleaning lady?
Judd: Ballerina. Just like a ballet ballerina. And she paid all the bills, too, every month.
Esther: Gee, you really had it good.
Judd: That's not why I miss her so much. I -- I would've mopped all the floors and paid all the bills and sat her up on a throne and just looked at her if I'd known I was going to lose her so soon.
Stuart: I know just what you mean.
Judd: Stuart. Do you remember losing someone?
Stuart: Oh -- no. I don't know why I said that. I guess it's just when I hear you talking about missing your wife, I sort of understand exactly what you mean. Why is that, I wonder.
Marilyn: Hey, Stuart -- I knew your picture was good, but that's really good.
Stuart: Oh. Thank you.
Marilyn: That woman is so not Esther. Who is she?

Marian: Opal, if you love me, you will never mention that quack's name again.
Opal: I'm telling you, honey, Frederick is a genuine psychic. He's the real McCoy. He truly has contact with the other side.
Marian: But what he said didn't make any sense.
Opal: That wasn't him speaking. That was Cindy speaking through him. And if she said that Stuart isn't with her, I think we got to listen because we know darn well he isn't in the other place.
Marian: But -- but -- what was she implying? I mean, what are you implying? Are you trying to tell me that you think that Stuart is still alive?
Opal: I'm just saying we got to keep our minds open here because the fact of the matter is in this strange and wondrous world in which we live, folks come back from the grave more often than we realize.

Edmund: Dimitri -- Alex and I --
Dimitri: Edmund, I know. I saw you together at the chapel.
Edmund: Dimi, listen to me. I never -- we never intended -- you were dead.
Dimitri: Yeah. I was dead.
Edmund: Ok, we've got to sit down and talk about this, the three of us, now.
Dimitri: No, no, no. We don't have that luxury. We have to protect her from her mother.
Edmund: Alex has to know that you're back.
Dimitri: Not until she is out of danger. Now, you have to get her away from Charlotte.
Edmund: What do you mean? This doesn't make sense.
Dimitri: Edmund --
Edmund: They're mother and daughter.
Dimitri: Edmund, listen to me. Alex is the victim of a conspiracy that has been going on for years. I found out about it, but I have --
Edmund: Dimi, are you all right?
Dimitri: I'm fine. Oh, Edmund. Alex needs you. Keep her away from Charlotte. Go do that now.

Charlotte: So, it's decided. We're off to be pampered.
Alex: Good.
Charlotte: I hear this spa is where all the film stars go.
Alex: I didn't know you cared about celebrities.
Charlotte: Oh, there's a few things you don't know about me. No, of course I don't care about film stars. I care about you and I and the time we're going to spend together. Now, about your wardrobe --
Alex: What's wrong with it?
Charlotte: Well, nothing's wrong with it. I mean -- well, knowing you, you haven't bought yourself a new frock since the wedding.
Alex: Well, yes, I've had other things on my mind.
Charlotte: Well, yes, I know, but -- let's go shopping. Let's go shopping right now. I saw some shops on the way here -- Pine Street. Was it Pine Street?
Alex: Yes, Pine Street. But, you know, in America you go to the mall.
Charlotte: The mall? Well, fine. We'll go to the mall. When in Rome -- come on, let's go, all right?
Alex: All right.
Charlotte: Good. And you know what? Everything's on me.
Alex: Everything -- oh, now I know something's terribly wrong.
Charlotte: Well, all right, so I was a bit of a penny pincher when you were growing up, but you know I was very concerned about your father's illness. And I was the only breadwinner.
Alex: Oh, please, I don't want to go through --
Charlotte: Well, I know, but, I mean, I had to protect both of you.
Alex: I know you had all the responsibility of keeping us all going. I did appreciate it, you know. I do love you for it.
Charlotte: I just wish things had been different.
Alex: What's wrong? I mean, you would tell me if you were ill, wouldn't you?
Charlotte: Nothing's wrong. I mean, I -- I just want us to have many years to spend with one another. You know how cruel fate can be. One doesn't know what's going to happen.

Alex: Oh, Edmund, are you all right? You look --
Edmund: Like I saw just saw a ghost?
Alex: You look awfully pale. Are you all right?
Edmund: Yeah, I'm all right. I'm all right. I think I just stayed in the mausoleum maybe too long.
Alex: Oh, I know. Strange emotions can take you over there, can't they? It's a dangerous place to be alone. Would it be all right if we went shopping another time? We'll keep Edmund company tonight.
Charlotte: But he just said he was all right. And I was so looking forward to going to an American mall. You don't mind, do you?
Edmund: Um -- would you keep me company?
Alex: Yes.
Edmund: I'd love to really get the chance to know you.
Alex: All right. That's settled then. We're going to have a quiet evening in.
Charlotte: Good.
Alex: We'll have plenty of time to spend together. Mom and I have decided to take a quick vacation.
Edmund: Really?
Alex: Mm-hmm. Edmund: When did you decide that?
Alex: Just now. My mother thinks that I need to be pampered at a spa.
Charlotte: We've never been away on holiday, just the two of us, well, since -- ever.
Alex: I don't think ever.
Edmund: God, it's true
. Alex: Sorry?
Edmund: Um -- it's true. You have -- you should spend some time together. I'm just wondering, is now the right time, though?
Charlotte: Well, my daughter's been under a lot of stress.
Edmund: Yeah, which is why she should stay close to home where I can keep an eye on her.
Charlotte: Well, she's going to be with her mother.
Alex: Oh, you know, this is very flattering, but I don't want you two to fight about me
Charlotte: We're not fighting. I don't fight.
Alex: And I don't know when I'm actually going to get the time to go, because I've got to clear my schedule with David.
Charlotte: But you're co-founder of the organization. I mean, you don't have to get permission from him.
Alex: I guess not.
Edmund: You know, that reminds me -- did you get that message from the hospital? Stella told me about it.
Alex: From David?
Edmund: I'm not sure. I think she put it in the living room.
Alex: What does he want at this time of night? I better go and check that. I'll be right back.
Charlotte: Well, it's good timing why don't you ask Dr. Hayward for some time off?
Alex: I will.

Charlotte: Edmund, dear, you know, I appreciate you wanting to protect Alexandra.
Edmund: She's in terrible need of protection.
Charlotte: Not from me. Alexandra will be quite safe with me.
Edmund: Will she, Charlotte?
Charlotte: I don't know what you mean. I'm her mother. Of course she'll be safe with me. I mean, you know that, Edmund.

Tad: You know, Sweetie, it's getting late. When are you and Junior going to take off?
Dixie: When you're all done there.
Tad: Oh, well, I better get busy.
Dixie: The Currutherses are going to pick up Jamie late tonight so they can get started first thing in the morning, ok?
Tad: Ok. Does he really need all of these name tags?
Dixie: Yes, he does. They're for the laundry so he gets them back.
Tad: Ok. Just looks strange, you know. "Adam Chandler Jr." Printed across the bottom of a child's underwear.
Dixie: That's his name. Unless you'd like to change it.
Tad: That is not what I meant. What is going on with you?
Dixie: Guys?
Jamie: Yeah?
Dixie: Do you have your toothbrushes and stuff all packed?
Jamie: Not yet.
Junior: We're just going to do that now. Come on.
Dixie: Go on. Go do it so you don't forget, ok? Thank you.
Junior: Yep.

Dixie: What's going on with me?
Tad: Mm-hmm.
Dixie: You can't even iron Adam's name into Junior's underwear.
Tad: What is that supposed to mean?
Dixie: Tad, you hate Adam. There's nothing that you would like more than to take this job so you can rub his nose in it while you run his company.
Tad: Doesn't matter, does it? Because I'm not taking the job.
Dixie: Well, you want to, though.
Tad: No, what I want is to be at home with my wife and my children.
Dixie: Well, they're not going to be home and neither will I.
Tad: Well, personally, I'm still praying that you're going to come to your senses and tell Dr. Death to find himself another administrative assistant. Because if you do, it will be just you and me, sweetheart, all alone with the run of the house to ourselves for the summer.
Dixie: Well, that's not going to happen, because as soon as I get back from taking Junior to camp, I am starting my job.
Tad: Yeah, fine. Who's stopping you?
Dixie: Do you expect me to stop you from working with Liza?
Tad: I'm not working with Liza.
Dixie: Well, you want to. Why don't you just be honest about it, ok?
Tad: Honest? Oh, oh, man. That is rich coming from you.
Dixie: What is that supposed to mean?
Tad: It means if you want to talk about being honest, you should be careful where you step because you're the one that hasn't been completely honest here.

Stuart: She is pretty, isn't she? I don't know who she is. Same way I don't know why I feel so sad when I hear your dad talking about losing your mom. Judd: Hey -- let me take
a look at that.

[Esther gasps]

Marilyn: I'm surrounded by weirdoes.
Judd: You've got no call to be sad. Your wife's right here.
Stuart: Oh, I know -- I know where she is. Esther, what do you think? I'm painting again.
Esther: Yes, Stuart, it's just -- why couldn't you paint me?
Judd: Oh, let me go -- let me go talk to her.
Stuart: You're so beautiful.

Judd: You can't blame the poor fella. It's that bump he took on his head. Here. You know, he just doesn't know what he's doing. That's why he didn't paint you.
Esther: No, that's not why. It's because I'm not his wife.
Judd: Don't say that, Esther. Anyone can see that Stuart really cares for you.
Esther: Cares for me? Maybe he did long ago, but now I'm nothing to him. He changed. But I never stopped loving him. Why can't he just love me back?
Judd: Esther -- you know -- you're a lovely person, a person who can love very deeply. Anybody can see that. I can see that because I'm the same way. Believe me, you and Stuart will find your way again. I'll just bet on it.

Marilyn: $750,000 per episode. But they want a million. Boo-hoo.
Stuart: Boo-hoo who?
Marilyn: These six people on that sitcom. You know, Must Puke TV.
Stuart: I don't think I watch that show.
Marilyn: They're not even that funny. And they're so old. They got to be, like, 30. That means I only have, like, 13 good years left in my acting career. And what am I doing? I'm here, merging ketchup bottles in the cesspool of boredom.
Stuart: You do it very well. You've got the best years of your life ahead of you.
Marilyn: Stuart, save the pep talk. It doesn't change anything.
Stuart: You're right. Who am I to be giving people advice? I don't even know anything about my own life.
Marilyn: Well, you know one thing today that you didn't know yesterday.
Stuart: What?
Marilyn: That's her. That somewhere in this world there is a woman that you truly love.
Stuart: How do you know that?
Marilyn: Because I see the way you look at her.
Stuart: Oh --
Marilyn: Go on. Look at her.
Marilyn: See? You really love her. I mean, I'm potentially a great actress. I can really tell these things.
Stuart: It's just a painting. Maybe I made her up.
Marilyn: No, Stuart. She's real. I mean, maybe she's dead now or she was your, like, third-grade teacher and maybe she's about 93 right now, but I know that somewhere, sometime in your life, you loved this woman with your whole heart and soul.
Stuart: Well, I just -- I have to forget her because all I'm doing is hurting Esther.
Marilyn: Ok, stay with Esther. That'll make you really happy.
Marilyn: What if I'm right? Come on. Aren't you just the least bit curious? Don't you want to know who she is?
Stuart: Oh, yes.

Marian: Opal, how could Stuart come back to me? We found his body. We found the wedding ring that I slipped on the finger of his sweet, loving hand. Please, please don't ask me to hope, ok? Just don't ask me. Damn it. Where's the waiter? I want another drink.

Dixie: You tell me what good it would have done for me to tell you that Liza was sleeping with Adam again.
Tad: It would mean you trust me, that we're a team, that you do not keep things from me, that we don't keep things from each other. Remember?
Dixie: Tad, you're the one that was going off the deep end about Adam, ok? Telling you about this thing with Liza would have just made things worse.
Tad: Uh-huh. Ok, I see. So you struck up a secret little deal with your not-so-favorite person and kept it from me intentionally. Good. Ok. Yeah, I got it. Now I know the rules. No problem.
Dixie: Wait, hello -- what does that mean?
Tad: It means that it's obviously all right that there are things that you know that I shouldn't. And vice versa.
Dixie: So you are going to take this job with Liza. That's what you're saying.
Tad: No, I'm not saying that. Honey, I turned -- I said no to the job with Liza. Can we get that straight? Ok? Can we just -- can we just move on with our happy marriage.
Dixie: You know I don't appreciate you acting like I'm being irrational here. Liza broke us up once to begin with, ok? I've never trusted that woman. I still don't. I never will.
Tad: Oh, and David Hayward is some kind of paragon of virtue. Absolutely. To call the man a snake is an insult to reptiles all over the planet.
Dixie: David has never done anything to harm either one of us. As a matter of fact, if you remember correctly --
Tad: He saved your life.
Dixie: He did save my life.
Tad: Yes, absolutely. As if it's not his job.
Dixie: Maybe it meant something to you at some time.
Tad: If you say that one more time, I'm going to have to get a billboard that says, "Please -- vote for --"
Junior: Guys! Yeah. Um -- as soon as you're done with your little conversation, I can't find my shin guards.
Dixie: Your shin guards.
Tad: I'll check the car.
Dixie: I'll look in the kitchen.

Alex: I can't find Stella or a message or David Hayward, for that matter.
Charlotte: Well, then it couldn't have been very important.
Alex: You two getting to know each other?
Charlotte: Oh, yes. We both agree that we want what's best for you.
Edmund: We just can't seem to agree on what that necessarily is.
Charlotte: Edmund seems to feel that you'll fall apart without him.
Edmund: No, that's not what I said.
Alex: I'm not going to fall apart.
Edmund: I know. And you won't. I'm just -- I just think under the present circumstances, you know, you should just be with familiar surroundings. Just for now.
Alex: Oh, come on. If I don't feel that I have freedom of movement because of what I'm going through, that's going to be even more stress. I was looking forward to going away on a vacation like a normal person.

Eugenia: Oh -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Alex: No, please, please. I want you to meet my mother.
Eugenia: Your mother?
Alex: Yes, yes. Come on.
Eugenia: Oh, how wonderful.
Alex: This is my mother, Charlotte Devane. And this is the Duchess Eugenia, Dimitri's aunt.
Charlotte: Oh, it's a pleasure, your grace.
Eugenia: Oh, I'm delighted to meet you. And I want to congratulate you on your daughter. You obviously raised her wonderfully.
Charlotte: Thank you.
Alex: Did you go for your walk yet this evening?
Eugenia: You know, I got as far as the rose garden, and then I stared and stared at the most beautiful new bloom -- the St. Margaret rose.
Alex: Oh, yes, that's right. It's been in the Andrassy family since, what, the 15th century?
Eugenia: Something like that.
Alex: Yes, and now she's got it growing here at Wildwind.
Eugenia: Yes, I'm totally besotted by it.
Alex: It's really gorgeous.
Edmund: Eugenia, why don't you show Charlotte your St. Margaret rose?
Charlotte: Now? But it's dark.
Edmund: No, no, the rose garden is all lit up. Go on. You'll love it.
Eugenia: Oh, yes, please come. I mean, any human being would just love to see it.
Alex: Go on, Mom. Live it up. Go on.
Charlotte: All right.
Edmund: Something tells me your mom is not overly fond of roses.
Alex: She prefers vegetables. I need to speak to you. Sit down. I suppose just saying to you "please stop worrying about me" isn't going to work, is it?
Edmund: No, it's not going to work.
Alex: I mean, I like that you worry about me.
Edmund: But?
Alex: But don't you see that I want you to care about me because I'm the woman you love, not because I'm some pathetic creature that needs protecting.
Edmund: Alex, you are the woman I love. And no matter what happens, that's not going to change.
Alex: What happened at the mausoleum? It was Dimitri, wasn't it?

Dimitri: Maria, help us, please.

Edmund: If Dimitri hadn't died --
Alex: Dimitri will always be with us because we loved him. And we always will. It just can't be in the same way. But we can love each other.
Edmund: But, Alex --
Alex: Oh, I know what you're thinking. I've been there myself, believe me. And I've said, "how dare you be happy?" But I'm going to be, damn it. Because with all the problems I have to face, why should I give myself any more?
Edmund: You deserve happiness. You're right.
Alex: We both do. We both do. I feel Dimitri's presence all the time, like you did this evening. But I choose to look on it as a good thing, like he's telling us that it's all right that we're together -- us. It's a bit of a miracle, isn't it?
Edmund: Yeah. Miracle.
Alex: You all right? And now my mother coming here and wanting to spend time alone with me -- I mean, that's a minor miracle in itself.
Edmund: Because you guys weren't close when you were growing up?
Alex: Now she wants to make up for it.
Edmund: Is that what she told you?
Alex: I know it's a little late in the game, but I don't care. It makes me happy.
Edmund: Alex, don't go. Just postpone the trip just for a while.
Alex: Why?
Edmund: Because I need you here with me. Ok?
Alex: All right. All right. I won't go. I'll tell her we'll go another time.
Edmund: Ok, ok, ok, thank you. I just need to hold you, ok?
Alex: Ok. Edmund: I need to be close to you. Just -- just for a while.

Stuart: Maybe you're right, Marilyn. I must have known this woman at some point.
Marilyn: Then what are you going to do about it?
Stuart: Well, I don't know. I wouldn't even know where to start. I am responsible for Esther. Whatever happened, that was then. Esther's my wife.
Marilyn: Fine. Go on, do nothing. Just like everyone else I've ever met. But you know what? You just taught me one great lesson.
Stuart: Wait. What?
Marilyn: I'm not going to sit around here and be miserable. Not while other people are making millions. I'm going to go get myself on TV while I have the chance.
Stuart: What, what -- what chance?
Marilyn: I met a TV star. He came right into this diner. And that's a miracle right there.
Stuart: A TV star here?
Marilyn: He gave me his card.
Stuart: Did I meet him?
Marilyn: He was the guy who almost performed your wedding ceremony. You know, in the Elvis suit.
Stuart: Him? I never did meet him. Was he famous?
Marilyn: Kind of famous. He used to have this talk show. It was called "The Cutting Edge." Do you remember it? It was live from pine Valley. I swear, if my father threw that card away -- oh, oh, ! Here, here. See? Tad Martin. I'm going to call him.
Stuart: Tad Martin?
Marilyn: That's right. What's the matter, Stuart? Do you know him?

Tad: The car's all packed. Thank you for finding the shin guards.
Dixie: Thanks for doing the ironing.
Tad: What were we arguing about, hmm?
Dixie: I just want to say one thing, ok?
Tad: Do you really have to?
Dixie: Yes, I do. I -- I can't blame you if you really want to take this job with Liza, because I'm doing this job with David even though you don't want me to. So it's up to you.
Tad: Baby, listen to me, ok? I told Liza no.
Dixie: It's just -- my main concern is Junior, you know? If you work with her running Adam's company, I don't want junior stuck in the middle between you and Adam.
Tad: My God, neither do I. Not for a minute, ok? But it's non-issue because I said no.
Dixie: You said no.
Ok. All right. Whatever. I love you anyway.
Tad: I love you, too -- anyway. And there isn't a job in the world that's going to come between us.

Stuart: His name is so familiar.
Marilyn: Maybe you know him. Or maybe he knows her. You could talk to him.
Stuart: I wouldn't know what to ask him.
Marilyn: Well, you could see if he's ever met you or ever heard of you.
Stuart: Well, I guess there wouldn't be any harm in that.
Marilyn: You could be on one of his shows -- "What it's like to walk around without a clue." Oh -- and then you could tell him that you have a friend who would be a perfect co-hostess or maybe, like, a model/spokesperson.
Stuart: I couldn't do that.
Marilyn: That's how they do things in show business.
Stuart: I don't mean that. I mean I couldn't be on his show and tell everybody all my problems. That's really -- that's yucky.
Marilyn: You don't have to do that. The thing is to get answers from the guy. Don't you see, Stuart? In a minute, you could find out who you are. Come on, it's so easy. Come on. Call Tad Martin.

Tad: Remember, ok, if you need anything -- and I mean anything -- you can call me day or night. Jamie: Dad, Dad, we'll call, all right?
Junior: We'll write.
Tad: I'll be sitting right here, ok?
Junior: We'll call, we'll call. Don't worry about it.
Tad: Good. You better write.
Dixie: All right, we should go.
Tad: Baby, ok, just be careful with the car, ok? Remember to check the oil a couple of times.
Dixie: You got up at the crack of dawn and took my car to the garage, remember?
Tad: I know, I know. I'm just saying, you know, the car's --
Dixie: It's ok, it's ok, it's ok. It's a perfectly acceptable husband thing to do. It's fine.
Tad: Well, good, because, you know, I never know what's acceptable.
Dixie: Well, you're a work in progress, baby. That's why I love you. Come here. Give me a smooch. Hey, come here.
Tad: Don't just stand there like a village idiot. Say good-bye.
Dixie: I love you.
Tad: I love you very much.
Dixie: I'm going to miss you so.
Tad: I'm going to miss you a lot.
Junior: See you, Schmoe.
Jamie: Schmoe.
Junior: Schmoe number one.
Jamie: Schmoe number two.
Tad: Hey, Dix -- remember you promised to call me tonight, ok?
Dixie: I will. I love you.
Tad: I love you, too.

Tad: Now we can do what we want to do. You're mine! Mine! Oh, you are in such trouble. First, we're going to eat everything in the house. And then we're going to start tearing stuff off the walls. We're going to do everything we wanted to all this time.

Charlotte: Well, that was quite fascinating, Eugenia.
Eugenia: Yes, but I only got to tell you about the rose up to the 18th century.
Charlotte: Oh, excuse us. Did you reach Dr. Hayward?
Alex: Oh, well, they couldn't find him at the hospital, so I left a message.
Charlotte: Well, you must try and find him because you're going to have to tell him about the days you're going to take off. My daughter and I are going to spend some time at the spa together.
Eugenia: Oh, isn't that lovely.
Alex: Well, actually, you know, Mother, I'm not going to be able to take the time, I'm afraid.
Edmund: No, but we will treat you royally here at Wildwind. I promise.
Charlotte: Well, I'm sure you will, Edmund.
Eugenia: Yes. You know, I think we should have some tea. Would everyone join me?
Charlotte: Well, you know, it's been a really long day. If you don't mind, darling, would you walk me to my room and tuck me in? We can have a nice long chat.
Alex: All right.
Eugenia: Well, no tea. I better go off to bed, too.

Edmund: Alex, wait. I'm sorry. You just talked about Hayward. It jogged my memory about the hospital.
Alex: What?
Edmund: They were looking for Hayward and they couldn't find him, and that's why they were looking for you.
Alex: Oh. They didn't say anything when I called.
Edmund: It was something about that little girl patient of yours -- Karen?
Alex: Uh-huh. I'm scheduled to see her next week.
Edmund: Yeah, but they -- uh -- they brought her in tonight.
Alex: Oh, no, she's been readmitted? Oh, how could you forget something like this?
Edmund: I'm sorry. I was thinking about something else.
Alex: I'm going to have to go, Mom.
Charlotte: Yes, darling, I understand.
Alex: I wish you'd told me sooner.
Eugenia: Well, how about that tea?
Charlotte: Oh, yes, and we can finish talking about that lovely, lovely rose.
Eugenia: Yes, if you wish. Come on.
Charlotte: How about some sherry?
Eugenia: Oh, my dear. That's a lovely idea.

Dimitri: Is Alex safe?
Edmund: For now. She's away from Charlotte.
Dimitri: Good, good. Now, you stay alert, Edmund. She's not out of danger yet. I want you to go. I have to get some rest.
Edmund: I'm not leaving you here. I'm taking you back to the house.
Dimitri: No, I can't. Edmund: Damn it, Dimitri! Come on! I can't keep this a secret. Alex has to know that you're alive.
Dimitri: No! She can't know that I'm alive. Not now. You have to make her believe that I'm dead.

Opal: It's ok. You know, it's ok if you can't hope because it's too painful. That's all right. I'll be doing the hoping for both of us. Because if Cindy said that Stuart isn't with her, I'd be willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that he will be trying to contact you somehow, someday.

Tad: Come here for a minute. I love you very much, ok? I miss you already.
Jamie: Dad, they're watching.
Tad: So let them watch. Bye, James.
Jamie: Bye, Dad.

[Telephone rings]

Tad: Hello. Tad Martin speaking. Hello?


Eliot: "You are mysterious and attractive."

Esther: Who is Stuart talking to? Who is this?
Tad: It's Tad Martin.

Alex: Why don't you say what's on your mind, Mother?

Edmund: What do we do about Charlotte?
Dimitri: We take care of her ourselves.

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