JUNE 5, 2000

Gillian: I don't want to talk about Jake right now.
Ryan: We have to tell him, Gillian, about us. You do want to tell him, don't you?
Gillian: Of course I do.
Ryan: He's got to -- he's got to know the truth.
Gillian: I know. I don't want to lie to him anymore.
Ryan: We love each other. And we belong together. And now that we've admitted it, there's no turning back.
Gillian: I don't want to turn back.
Ryan: So, then, he's got to hear it from both of us.
Gillian: No. No. You're wrong, Ryan. You're very wrong.

Marian: Scott, would you like an oatmeal and raisin cookie? They're Stuart's recipe, and I think I got it right this time. Oh, what am I talking about? Here you are doing your workout. Of course you don't want an oatmeal and raisin cookie -- although oatmeal is very healthy.
Scott: Maybe later. Thank you, Marian. I'm sure they -- I'm sure they're delicious, just like Dad's.
Marian: Really? Thank you. Sometimes he used to put coconut in or substitute chocolate chips for the raisins.
Scott: Yeah, I remember. I'm sure they're good.
Marian: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm talking too much about Stuart, aren't I?
Scott: No. Not at all.
Marian: Well, you seem upset about something.
Scott: It's -- it's nothing.
Marian: Well, if it's nothing, then it's something. Do you want to tell me? Maybe I could help you.
Scott: I don't think so. I'm afraid my situation's a little past words of encouragement.
Marian: Must be about Becca. What happened?
Scott: Nothing. Just -- I lost my mind and asked her to marry me.
Marian: You did?
Scott: Yeah. After I met you at Dad's grave, I started thinking about how life is too short and how nothing is promised and I can't let Becca fall through my fingers. So like some Don Juan wannabe, I took off like a bolt and asked her to marry me.
Marian: Oh, Scott, and she turned you down?
Scott: No. She said that she could think of a million reasons why she should say yes but she just couldn't.
Marian: Oh. Well, maybe -- maybe you just blew her away. I mean, a marriage proposal is a big deal for a woman. What did you say?
Scott: Nothing. I -- I just took off.
Marian: Oh, dear.
Scott: Nah. Forget about it. I was a class a idiot for even trying.
Marian: Well, that's your ego talking. And it's probably your ego that made you walk away instead of staying there and try to work things out.
Scott: There's nothing to work out. It's over.
Marian: Scott. You're giving up on her just like that?
Scott: Look, I can't force the girl to be in love with me, Marian.
Marian: She was just a little off guard about this. Look, if you love Becca, then you fight for her, Scott. You listen to me. Right now if you give up on that girl, you're going to regret it for the rest of your life.

Greenlee: You know what, Leo? Every time you get mad at someone -- Becca, your mother, your brother, the concierge -- you take it out on me. Me, your only friend. Well, guess what. My mission in life does not include being your scapegoat.
Leo: You have a mission in life? And what exactly would that be? Getting Ryan to fall in love with you by any means necessary?
Greenlee: Oh, get over yourself.
Leo: Well, let's see, Greenlee. You secretly bought Ryan an internet business, you're stealing Gillian's identity, and you're -- what, you're cyber stalking him. What's next? You going to buy some obscure little island and proclaim yourself princess?
Greenlee: At least I'm still in the game. Ryan and I are closer than ever. It's only a matter of time before we're together.
Leo: Wake up. It's never going to happen, Greenlee. Ryan's not into spoiled, scheming, and desperate. And believe me, you reek of all three.

Arlene: Damn that Liza. She's got him right where she wants him -- between the sheets. Can't let this happen. If she gets him back, I'm history.
Winifred: Whoa. No, you don't.
Arlene: Get out of my way, Hazel.
Winifred: If you think that you are going to interrupt Mr. And Mrs. Chandler, you're going to have to go through me first.

Adam: Liza, Liza, Liza, wait.
Liza: Shut up, shut up.

Arlene: Who do you think you're talking to?
Winifred: You really want me to answer that?
Arlene: I am Adam's guest. I can go anywhere I damn please.
Winifred: I am employed by Mr. And Mrs. Chandler. I have a vested interest in their reconciliation.
Arlene: Ooh, big words.
Move it, Hazel.
Winifred: Get --
Arlene: Oh! You can't do this.
Winifred: Yes, I can. I get paid to take out the trash!

Arlene: You can't get rid of me like that. A woman who has nothing to lose has everything to gain.

Scott: Look, I hear what you're saying, Marian, but Becca and I are different. You and Dad, you were -- you were destined to be together.
Marian: Well, what makes you think you and Becca aren't?
Scott: Well, for one thing, it seems like I'm the only one in this relationship.
Marian: Well, Scott, maybe she's not ready to get married. I mean, she didn't tell you to take a flying leap, did she?
Scott: No, but it sounded like that to me.
Marian: Well, you know, Stuart always used to say that the only thing in life worth fighting for was love. And he was a very wise man. He knew what was important. Scott: Look, I appreciate it, Marian, but it's too late.

[Knock on door]

Marian: Excuse me.

Marian: Becca. Oh, how nice to see you. Look, Scott, it's Becca.
Scott: Hey.
Becca: Hi. I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
Marian: Oh, no, not at all. We were just having a little chat. And I'm babysitting Colby, and she's down for the night. I made some oatmeal and raisin cookies. Would you like one?
Becca: Oh, no thank you. Scott, do you think that we could talk?
Scott: Yeah, sure. Have a seat.
Marian: No, no, no. I mean, why don't you go out or take a drive, and that way you won't have to worry about waking up Colby.
Scott: We don't really have that much to talk about.
Marian: It's such a lovely night. It's the kind of night that Stuart used to love to paint. And that way you wouldn't have to talk in a hushed tones.
Scott: I suppose.
Marian: Anyway, Liza's coming back any moment. So why don't you just go on. You won't be interrupted. I mean, you wouldn't mind, would you?
Becca: No. No, thank you, Mrs. Chandler.
Marian: You see? Come on. Off you go, both of you. And -- and enjoy yourselves because that's what life was meant for -- you know, just to enjoy yourselves. And thanks for coming by, Becca. It was really nice seeing you. Bye.

Marian: Oh, darling. Did I do ok? I mean, was that all right? At least maybe one of us can find true love in this lifetime and keep it.

Greenlee: No! Just no, ok? Don't.
Leo: Don't what?
Greenlee: You can't keep doing this.
Leo: Your lips didn't seem to mind, Greenlee.
Greenlee: If you hadn't grabbed me like that.
Leo: What, you wouldn't have planted a big, fat wet one on me?
Greenlee: Damn it, Leo, we are not a couple! We never were a couple, and we're never going to be a couple. I want Ryan. You got that?
Leo: Loud and clear.
Greenlee: Good. I mean, I'm still your friend, but that's it. And I am not anything like you, either, ok? So that "birds of a feather" routine -- you can just get rid of that. We're nothing alike.
Leo: Yeah, whatever you need to believe, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I mean it, Leo. Things may be tough for you right now, but that does not give you the right to take out all your hostilities on me or grab me and maul me.
Leo: I did not maul you.
Greenlee: I just can't take care of you right now, ok? I have to focus on Ryan. He's the only man I want, the only man I've ever wanted. And I am so close to getting what I want.

Ryan: What am I missing? Gillian, don't you think Jake deserves to hear the truth? You just said you don't want to lie to him.
Gillian: I don't.
Ryan: Well, then, why can't we tell him?
Gillian: Ryan, I'm the one who vowed to love Jake for the rest of my life. It was my doing. So many people tried to stop me from making this mistake -- Edmund, Grandmama, Alex, you. And I just wouldn't listen. You came to my wedding, and you watched me marry another man.
Ryan: You were confused. Greenlee had you believing lies. You and Jake were in a custody battle.
Gillian: It must've been so horrible for you.
Ryan: I just wanted you to be happy. You made your choice. I wanted it to work for you. Jake's a good man.
Gillian: Jake always suspected that I still had feelings for you, even when I swore to him that I didn't.

[Gillian sighs]

Gillian: Ryan, I've let so many people down.
Ryan: You made a mistake.
Gillian: We didn't marry Jake. I did. And I have to fix this -- alone.
Ryan: What are you going to say to him?
Gillian: I'm going to tell Jake that I love you and that I want a divorce. Ryan: You sure you're
really -- really ok with this?
Gillian: What choice do I have? I love you. I have to tell Jake.
Ryan: How were you going to tell him?
Gillian: Well, I can't call him. I wouldn't be able to get through.
Ryan: No, and even if you could, I mean, a phone call --
Gillian: No, it's just -- no, I couldn't do that. And a letter --
Ryan: No, that's no good.
Gillian: Yeah --
Ryan: God, I would hate to get a letter like that.
Gillian: Yeah, it's -- it's just too dangerous. And I -- I wouldn't want him to get a good-bye letter.
Ryan: That's understandable.
Gillian: I have to do this face-to-face when he's back home, safe and sound.
Ryan: Do you have any idea when that's going to be?
Gillian: Soon -- I hope.
Ryan: But you don't know when for sure?
Gillian, I -- I can't stop seeing you. I can't let you go, not again.
Gillian: Ryan, it's risky. You know, if somebody finds out, they could tell the Martins, and I -- I don't want Jake to find out from anybody else before I tell him.
Ryan: We'll be careful.
Gillian: You really think we can keep this a secret?
Ryan: All I know is I'll die if I don't get to see you.

Greenlee: You going to be ok?
Leo: Well, I'm not going to walk in front a speeding train if that's what you're thinking. Yeah. I'm fine.
Greenlee: You sure?
Leo: Do I look like I need a babysitter? Forget about everything I said about you being desperate and pathetic. I was just messing with your head. I hope that everything works out with you and savory Lavery.
Greenlee: Thanks, Leo. I know you were. I mean, you just came off a bad scene with your mother, and I know what that's like. I've got a toxic mother, too. She thinks throwing a bunch of money at me will fool me into believing she really cares --
Leo: Yeah, life's tough. Ok, I don't want to talk about my mother. I don't even want to think about her. As far as I'm concerned, she's a nonperson.
Greenlee: I hear you. I'm good at forgetting. I've done it most of my life.

Scott: So, you want to sit down for a while?
Becca: Sure.
Becca: Gosh, Marian was right. It is just absolutely beautiful tonight.
Scott: So, what do you want to talk about? I don't think we came here to gaze at the stars tonight, Becca.
Becca: No. Um -- I want to talk about what happened earlier.
Scott: Look, I -- I shouldn't have stormed off. You have every right to be mad at me.
Becca: No. God, I'm not mad at you. Look, I talked to my minister after you left.
Scott: You talked to your minister? Look, I didn't mean to throw you into a spiritual dilemma. It's all right. Look, just forget about it, ok?
Becca: Scott, you asked me to marry you. I cannot forget about a thing like that.

Liza: I've missed you so much. I knew that if we could just be together that we would find our way back to each other. Save my place. I'll be right back.

Adam: Oh, my God, what have I done?
Liza: What's going on?
Adam: Liza, I'm -- I'm sorry.
Liza: Sorry for what?
Adam: None of this should ever have happened.
Liza: But it did.
Adam: Well, it won't, never again. Ever. Please leave now.
Liza: I'm not going anywhere.
Liza: So just like that -- just like that you want me to pretend like it never happened. You want me to put my tail between my legs and run away.
Adam: I don't care how you run away. Just run.
Liza: You hypocritical coward. You are the one that is running!
Adam: Go away, Liza.
Liza: Adam, what do you want me to do? You want me to leave so you can drown yourself in the bottom of a bottle? Wrap yourself in self-pity like it's a security blanket? I'm not going to let you do it!
Adam: You can't stop me. Liza: I love you. I love you, darling. And I know you love me, too. I know you do. What we just had, it proves it.
Adam: No, no, what we just had was sex. We had sex. We shared sex. It was an animal lust. Nothing more.
Liza: You're lying. You're lying to yourself.
Adam: Get your clothes on and get out!
Liza: I know what you're doing.
Adam: So do I.

Gillian: Ryan, we can do this. We can swear Grandmama to secrecy.
Ryan: Are you sure she's going to be in our corner? I mean, I was surprised she let me in here tonight.
Gillian: No, she knows I love you. She wants me to be happy.
Ryan: I'm going to make you happy. I'm going to make you happy for the rest of your life.
Gillian: I'm so sorry that you have to sneak around like this.
Ryan: I love you, Gillian. If that means I only get to see you in secret places, then so be it. As long as I get to see you.
Gillian: Ryan -- I've loved you for so long. I'm not going to let you get away now.
Ryan: Well, then, hold on because I'm not going anywhere.
Gillian: Where can we meet?
Ryan: The loft's out because of Scott.
Gillian: Right. And Wildwind's tricky. Too many servants.
Ryan: Yeah. Don't you worry, I'll -- I will find us a place, a perfect place.
Gillian: Where we can be together and nobody will know.
Ryan: Away from everybody. But first --
Gillian: Wait. Where are you going?
Ryan: Find Greenlee. Find her, tell her what I think of her, and tell her to stay the hell away from us.
Gillian: No, no, Ryan, you can't do that.

Scott: So, are you saying that you're willing to marry me?
Becca: No, that's not what I'm saying.
Scott: Well, then, what are we doing here, Becca? What else do I need to hear from you?
Becca: Look, I want to explain why I can't marry you.
Scott: You don't have to explain anything.
Becca: Yes. Yes, I do. I want to. Look, before when you were -- look, before, I didn't know what I was thinking or feeling. Talking to my minister, it helped me. And I want to be able to explain it to you, if you'll listen.
Becca: Do you remember when we were by your uncle's pool and we were talking about relationships?
Scott: Yeah. You -- you said you were waiting to be inspired.
Becca: I also said that I didn't want to get in over my head, and I still don't. Look, I don't know who I am or what I want out of life. I don't want to live at Tad and Dixie's forever. I mean, don't get me wrong. They're great. But I want a place of my own. And I don't want to make a career out of working at WRCW or the Glamorama. I want to make my own mark on the world -- or at least be on my way to making it. And before I can do that, before I can become a permanent "we," I have to become a definite me.
Scott: Ok.
Becca: And it has nothing to do with whether or not you inspire me or whether or not I love you. You are what my Granny Tyree calls a great catch, a dream boat, and a great guy to boot. I'm serious. I would be absolutely insane not to know how lucky I am to have you in my life. But it has nothing to do with that. It's just too big of a commitment. I wouldn't even have a puppy right now.
Scott: All right, all right. Look, white flag. I surrender. It's ok. No -- no -- no fiancé, no -- no puppies. Ok?
Becca: I told you that I was not going to leave you, and I mean that.
Scott: Well, maybe you telling me no is the best thing that ever happened to us. So, your minister helped you figure all this out, huh?
Becca: Some of it.
Scott: What did your minister say about your feelings for Leo?
Becca: Well, he said just to take one day at a time and be true to myself.
Scott: I can't imagine you being anything but.
Becca: Oh, I can.
Becca: Look, I'm really glad that we talked.
Scott: Yeah. Me, too. You -- you want to get going?
Becca: Ok.
Scott: Ok.

Greenlee: Sorry, Leo.
Leo: "Sorry"? You heard what she said. She has feelings for me. She even talked to her minister.

Liza: This isn't over. You can't continue to run away from the people who love you. I won't let you. No matter how much you continue to push me away.
Liza: You can drink an ocean of that swill, and you are never going to forget what happened here tonight. You are never going to forget me. We are not over. We will never be over, Adam.

Arlene: I thought she'd never leave. You look like you could use another one of those, huh, champ? Let me freshen that up.

Ryan: Wait. Gillian, you -- you can't let Greenlee get away with this. It's because of her that we lost all this time together. If it wasn't for her, you may not have married Jake and we wouldn't -- we wouldn't be in this situation.
Gillian: Ryan, you can't let Greenlee know that you're on to her. She's not a gracious liar. And she's just mean enough to go and tell the Martins that we're back together. And if anybody finds out --
Ryan: I can't stand letting her think that she's got the upper hand here, Gillian.
Gillian: No, let her think whatever she wants to think. Just think of her face when she knows that we're back together.
Ryan: Oh, I could just wring her little neck --
Gillian: Put your hands on me instead.

Arlene: You know, I think you ought to get rid of that pushy maid of yours. You going to tell me what's going on between you and Liza?
Adam: It was a misunderstanding.
Arlene: Uh-huh. Well, I don't know. When two people get naked together, what's not to understand? Liza was coming through loud and clear.
Adam: Shut the hell up.
Arlene: Ok. You don't want to talk about it, we won't talk about it. Can I stay here tonight?
Adam: Thought you were staying at the Dillons'.
Arlene: Yeah, well, Hayley and Mateo changed the locks. Rude, huh?
Adam: Heartless.
Arlene: So, can I stay?
Adam: Stay, go. Just keep out of my way, all right?
Arlene: No problemo. But first let me freshen that up. Come on.
Arlene: So, what are these official-looking papers, hmm? They walking papers or something? Well, I think this deserves a toast. Vive la liberte. And you thought I spoke French only in the bedroom. Oh, come on. You know, most guys in your position would be celebrating. That's what you need. We got to get out. I mean, who cares? Who cares if all your family and friends hate me? Who cares if you hate me? I'm a lot of fun. And you look like a man who needs fun.

Liza: He threw my clothes at me, and he ordered me out.
Marian: Oh, my God, Liza.
Liza: He's pushing me away. He's pushing everybody away.
Marian: Doesn't make sense. And now that Stuart's no longer here, he needs his family around him more than ever.
Liza: He won't listen to anybody. He won't listen to me. He just wants to self-destruct.
Marian: Oh, darling, you're going to have to steer clear of him.
Liza: I love him, Mama.
Marian: Liza, how long are you going to keep this up? Liza: As long as it takes to get him back.
Marian: Back where? Darling, listen to me. Stuart was Adam's heart. Adam never had one.
Liza: I think I know him better than anyone. He can be loving, he can be gentle --
Marian: And he can be ruthless and hateful.
Liza: You know --
Marian: Liza, a short while ago you were trying to destroy Adam, and now you claim you love him? So, make up your mind. What is it that you want?
Liza: I want him back.
Marian: In spite of everything that he's done?
Liza: Yes.
Marian: Well, Tad's right. You are addicted to him. Liza, listen to what I'm going to say and just think about it. We both know that I wasn't a great parent to you. And we both know you grew up confused and unhappy. But you've grown, despite of that, into the most beautiful, loving, incredible woman, and I love you very much.
Liza: Mother, please --
Marian: Liza, I love you and I love that sleeping child too much to let history repeat itself. No, please, please just let him go.
Liza: No. I love him. And I am going to get him back. And if you or Dixie or Tad or anybody else doesn't like it, you can all go to hell.

[Colby cries]

Gillian: When do I get to see you again?
Ryan: Soon. Soon.
Gillian: I wish you didn't have to leave.
Ryan: If I don't leave now, I'd be --
Gillian: I know --
Ryan: Tempted to stay all night and --
Gillian: I know. We have to be discreet until I can tell Jake that I want a divorce.
Ryan: I miss you already.
Gillian: I'll be thinking of you every second.
Ryan: And I'll work on finding us a place together, a perfect place. But tonight I'm a little exhausted.
Gillian: Then why don't you just lie back down?
Ryan: If I do, I might never get up.
Ryan: It won't be long, Gillian. When Jake comes home and you're honest with him, it's going to be better than ever. And we can love each other, and nothing -- nothing is going to stand in our way.
Ryan: Sweet dreams, Princess.

Greenlee: Leo, Scott asked Becca to marry him.
Leo: Yeah, and she turned him down. She's conflicted.
Greenlee: What conversation were you listening to? I heard her say she's not ready.
Leo: Because she has feelings for me. She's confused. You heard what she said. She went and talked to her minister, for God's sakes.
Greenlee: And how pathetic is that? "Bless me, minister, for I finally felt something south of my neckline."
Leo: I thought that you said you wanted everything to work out for me and Becca.
Greenlee: Yeah.
Leo: Well, then, knock it off. There's still hope for me, Greenlee. Talk about divine intervention.
Greenlee: Talk about a vivid imagination.
Leo: Nah, total clarity. Hey, did you drive here?
Greenlee: I've got my car. Why?
Leo: Well, I need you to give me a ride to Erica Kane's house. I'm -- I'm staying there.
Greenlee: Get out.
Leo: No, things are looking up for me. And tomorrow I'm going to launch a full-on campaign to win Becca's heart.
Greenlee: Whatever. So we're back on track. I'll get Ryan, you get Becca.
Leo: Yeah. And we'll both live happily ever after.

Liza: I'm sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean to wake you up. Yeah, you probably miss your room, don't you? Yeah, well, we're going to be moving back soon. Daddy's just kind of upset right now. Yeah. But we will love him, and he'll know we love him, and we're not giving up on him. And our love will -- our love will bring your daddy back. Your love's going to make us a family again. Yeah.

Adam: Yeah, I want the limo gassed up and ready to go. I don't know how long it'll take. As long as it takes. That's how long. Right away.
A little strong with the perfume, don't you think?
Arlene: Oh, you think? I like this stuff. It's the real thing.
Adam: Liza's wrap, isn't it?
Arlene: Would you rather I took it off?
Adam: No. No. It's fine. Limo's on its way.
Arlene: Great. What are we waiting for? Come on.


Vanessa: I owe you my life.
Palmer: And I will make it a living hell.

Leo: You're a control freak. Those days are over.

Ryan: Dear Cynthia, Stop using this web site as a singles bar.

Dixie: I would be just as stupid as you if I told him.
Tad: Tell me what?

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