JUNE 6, 2000

Gillian: I love how soft your lips are.
Ryan: I'm not dreaming, am I?
Gillian: No.
Ryan: Good, because I've had many impure thoughts of you in that uniform.
Gillian: Like?
Ryan: Oh, if I told you, you wouldn't be able to volunteer anymore. Hey, is Scott back?
Gillian: Uh-uh. No. Thank goodness he's still at Marian's.
Ryan: Oh, good.
Gillian: You left too soon last night. I still had a million things I wanted to tell you.
Ryan: Like?
Gillian: I can't remember now. All I can think about is this.
Ryan: Now I know I must be dreaming.
Gillian: Then don't wake up. So, what were you thinking about me in this uniform?
Ryan: To unwrap you like a piece of candy.

Junior: Hey, Mom!

[Dixie laughs]

Tad: There you go. I win. That's it. Thank you.
Junior: Somebody got to tell the PTA. To make some more field trips. They rock!
Jamie: Yeah, they're not even like school.
Tad: James, come here for a sec.
Jamie: Ok.
Tad: What position does coach got you playing today?
Jamie: First base. I'm on deck after Junior.
Tad: All right. Excellent.
Junior: Jamie always get a hit.
Jamie: And Junior always hits me in.
Tad: Yeah, well, you can be sure that I'll be the guy screaming like a maniac in the bleachers.
Junior: Hey.
Jamie: Yeah, you scream the loudest.
Tad: That's a good thing, right?
Jamie: Could be
. Tad: I hereby announce that I will be on the job officially, ok? From here on out, no more road trips. Family comes first, always.
Junior: Does that include my dad?
Tad: I think your father and I will always going to get along like Godzilla and King Kong.
Junior: So you still hate him?
Tad: Nah. Life's too short to go through hating somebody. Besides, you don't want to do something like that especially if your loved ones get caught in the middle. And there's room enough in this town for the both of us. And we both love you.
Dixie: Ok. Shouldn't you guys go warm up?
Tad: That's a good idea.
Dixie: It's going to be a big game, right?
Tad: Yeah, well, I'll get the bat and shag you guys some flies.

Dixie: Hey, where are you going? Come on.
Tad: I can't move.
Dixie: Come here.
Tad: Mmm.
Yes. What's that for?

[Dixie giggles]

Tad: What's that for?
Dixie: For being you.
Tad: Mmm. Well, you just have the muscle liniment standing by for little me because I'm going to need it.
Dixie: Oh, yeah?

Tad: Hey, Liza.
Liza: I didn't know you were in town.
Tad: I just got back. I was going to give you a call eventually.
Liza: Well, we miss you at the station. If there's a chance --
Tad: No, I don't think so. I meant what I said. My broadcast days are over.
Dixie: And family rejoiced.
Liza: Well, if you change your mind --
Tad: Ah -- I don't think I'm going to. Thanks anyway. I -- I got some future all-stars to warm up.
Dixie: Ok. See you later.

Liza: Well, I should go.
Dixie: Actually, Liza, can you stay? Because I have something I'd like to clear up with you.
Liza: About what?
Dixie: Well, about you and me and my family.

Vanessa: Whew! Quaint. Cozy.

Brooke: Coming through. Excuse us. Whoa. Are you all right?
Eliot: Excuse me, everybody.
Brooke: Do you need a hand? Could I --
Eliot: I got it, I got it.
Brooke: Ok. Thank you.

Eliot: Good morning.
Vanessa: Ah. To some.
Brooke: Vanessa. Hi. Grace and I were going to call and thank you and Palmer.
Vanessa: Oh. Well, you're welcome.
Brooke: You know, our block party is going to be such a success because of your contribution.
Vanessa: Well, we're happy to do whatever --
Brooke: Listen, I would love to talk. I have my hands full. Maybe we'll see more of you around the community center.

Vanessa: "Fresh plucked chickens." I need a drink.
Palmer: Oh! Hello. Get your hands dirty yet?
Vanessa: Oh. Palmer. Actually, darling, I have been trying not to touch anything.
Palmer: Oh. Well. We wouldn't want you to get your hands dirty, so you can always wear gloves.
Vanessa: Gloves?
Palmer: And a hair net.
Vanessa: Oh, that's hardly necessary. Well, you look very, you know, jolly this morning. I got to tell you, however, I did not sleep a wink, wondering why you had ordered me here at this time.
Palmer: Well, after a restful night at the club, I just couldn't wait to see you.
Vanessa: Oh, darling, how sweet -- ew.
Palmer: Keep your hands to yourself.
Vanessa: Oh, can't I even show my gratitude? Come on, it's because of you I do have my freedom. So, I'll do anything you want. I owe you my life.
Palmer: Good. And I'll take it. And I will make it a living hell.

Erica: Hi.
David: Hey.
Erica: Oh, listen, you look really exhausted.
David: I've been in the OR. For hours.
Erica: Then you don't know.
David: Great. Look, whatever it is, can it wait till I've had a cup of coffee and a shower?
Leo: Oops. I think I used up all the hot water. I like long showers.
David: Is that my robe?
Leo: It's one of them. You keep quite the wardrobe here, David. I'm impressed.
David: Is there any more coffee?
Leo: No, David. This was the last cup. You know, I -- I hate to be rude, but you should really think about calling before you come over next time. Would you like a croissant?
David: Do you regret inviting him to stay over yet?
Erica: Oh. I think there must be a way that we can make this all work.
David: Why don't you remind me of that after my cold shower?
Erica: Yeah. David, wait a second. David, there is definitely news about the murder case.

[Doorbell rings]

Leo: Is anybody going to get that?
Erica: Jack.
Jack: Good morning, Erica.
Erica: Hi.
Jack: Hey, Doc. How are you? Well, Leo, looks like you're all moved in and making yourself at home.
Leo: Whatever that is.
Erica: What's the news, Jack?
Jack: The news is in fact good news. Leo, all the charges against you have been dropped.
Leo: I'm free?
Jack: That's right. But the district attorney refuses to press charges against Vanessa.
David and Erica: What?
Erica: You mean, Vanessa killed a man and she's not going to have to pay for it?
David: Does this come from the DA?
Jack: I just left his chambers. Interestingly enough, he refuses to bring charges against her is because of a lack of evidence.
David: Well, how is that when you have so many Witnesses?
Jack: I told you that confession will do us no good without any evidence.
David: Of course there's evidence!
Erica: No, David, that's exactly what I wanted to say to you before. All the evidence pertaining to the Paolo Caselli case that was -- it disappeared last night from the police station.
Jack: Well, stolen, actually, is the term I'd like to use. No fingerprints. No sign of forced entry.
David: Palmer.
Jack: That's exactly the name that came to my mind. He's the only person involved in all this that has the resources to make such a clean job of it.
David: Son of a --
Jack: Yeah, well, that's exactly what the D.A. said and a good deal more.
Erica: Are you telling me that Vanessa is just going to walk away from this?
Jack: Derek is conducting an internal investigation, but frankly, I don't think much is going to come of it, Erica.
David: I can't believe this!
Leo: David, this is Vanessa we're talking about. She's only used up five of her nine lives.
David: Do you realize this is the second person she got away with killing?
Erica: Oh, this is just not right. At least your brother is free.
David: Congratulations.
Leo: Do you have any English marmalade? No matter where we were in the world, my mother always made sure that we had English marmalade.
Erica: Leo, are you all right?

Vanessa: Palmer --
Palmer: Hmm?
Vanessa: You're grumpy right now, but really, making my life hell, isn't that a bit over the top?
Palmer: After everything you've been up to? I mean, do you deserve anything less than that really?
Vanessa: You know, darling, where is this coming from? One moment you're seething. The next moment you're saving me from the hoosegow.
Palmer: Did I do that?
Vanessa: You don't have to admit that you had the evidence stolen, I mean, because we understand each other.
Palmer: Oh, thank goodness, at last, at last -- somebody who understands me.
Vanessa: And that's also why you didn't give that confession to the police, the one that David happened to force out of me.
Palmer: I know. Who would have thought the old man had so many good deeds left in him?
Vanessa: Yeah, see? My personal saint. Now, darling, take me home so I can worship at your altar.
Palmer: Don't be coy. Do you know what happens to little girls who cheat on their husbands and then murder their lovers?
Vanessa: Well, they get a stern reprimand from their very forgiving husband?
Palmer: No, no. In your case, it's community service.
Vanessa: Oh. You're not serious.
Palmer: Yes, I am. Well, well, well.

Brooke: Palmer. Oh, listen, thank you so much for the contribution of the chickens.
Palmer: I still have a nose for everything fowl.
Brooke: That's right -- what was the name of your business?
Palmer: The Chicken Shack.
Brooke: Yes.
Palmer: Oh, yes, I gutted, I chopped -- I don't know -- right back to the top. I still operate that way.
Vanessa: Aha.
Brooke: Oh. Are you ok? Eliot, here, here. This is Palmer Cortlandt.
Eliot: Hi.
Brooke: Palmer, the new assistant pastor at The Good Shepherd Church, Rev. Eliot Freeman.
Eliot: Mm-hmm. Hi.
Palmer: Reverend, nice to know you.
Brooke: Palmer donated the chickens.
Palmer: Yes.
Eliot: Oh, well, hey. Thank you on behalf of the neighborhood. A good meal does a lot to bring people together.
Palmer: You bet. My wife was saying just the same thing, weren't you, dear?
Vanessa: Yeah, as a matter --
Palmer: Yes. Yes. Yes, she's donated her services. That's why she's here. Oh, she can gut with the best of them. You happen to have an apron, extra one?
Brooke: Sure.
Palmer: Yes, my wife is a natural butcher.

Eliot: The only chicken this woman has even seen is at 50 bucks a plate.
Brooke: I'm not even going to ask.

Vanessa: Palmer!
Palmer: It's payback time, darling. Now, make sure you pluck all the little teeny, tiny feathers out of that chicken.

[Vanessa laughs]

Vanessa: Pluck you.

Liza: I never want to be a cause of pain or stress for your family, Dixie.
Dixie: Ok. Really, I was just hoping maybe you could shed a little light on why Adam is being so cold to Junior these days.
Liza: Adam is being cold to everybody since Stuart died.
Dixie: Yeah, but Junior sort of is afraid that he's done something to hurt Adam, considering that he's testified at the trial for Colby and, you know, won't play soccer for that stupid prep school that Adam wanted him to go to. He is worried that maybe he's the cause of Adam's pain.
Liza: Well, have you talked to Adam about it?
Dixie: Yeah, well, it's kind of hard to get him on the phone. See, he doesn't really answer his phone, and he pushed Junior away last time we were there.
Liza: Dixie, it's not Junior. Adam is in mourning over Stuart, and I think -- I think that we just need to be understanding.
Dixie: Well, that's cool. Now, I'm all for compassion and everything, but not at the expense of my son.
Liza: I just think he needs time. He'll come around.
Dixie: What is this? I mean, other than Tad, nobody wanted to ruin Adam more than you. I mean, for months you've been obsessed with seeing him turn on a spit. Shouldn't you be sort of congratulating yourself for winning finally?
Liza: I never wanted to see him like this.
Dixie: Was that before or after you had him committed to a mental institution?
Liza: You know what? I'm the first person to admit that that situation got out of control.
Dixie: Well, that's good. That's big of you.
Liza: He is pushing everybody away -- I mean, everybody. He won't let anybody through. He won't let me in. I mean, he won't let me in even -- even after --
Dixie: Even after you what
Liza: Dixie, I don't expect you to understand.
Dixie: You slept with him, didn't you? Tell me I'm wrong.

Ryan: What are you thinking about?
Gillian: Happy accidents.
Ryan: Is that how you see us back together again?
Gillian: In a way. If you hadn't found my journal --
Ryan: Which Greenlee stole in the first place.
Gillian: I know, but if you hadn't found it, you never would have known the truth. I mean, she had me convinced that you love her.
Ryan: You know what? Do we have to talk about this? Because it really makes me want to punch something.
Gillian: You know, if you want to get really, really twisted, we could say that Greenlee brought us back together again.
Ryan: Oh, I would love to tell her that.
Gillian: I know, but the only truth that matters right now is that you love me.
Ryan: Mmm. And I always have. It's just when I think about all the time that we've lost because of her --
Gillian: Mmm. Don't, ok?
Ryan: Ok, but at least you can admit how whacked she is. I mean, to use your words? I mean, to use words from your journal to create this Cynthia person? I mean --
Gillian: I know. It's more than pathetic. She wanted to make this whole documentary on my life.
Ryan: Oh, man, I can't wait to nail this on her.
Gillian: I know. But you can't, not now.
Ryan: I'm going to have a lot of trouble holding this back, Gillian. I really am.
Gillian: Ryan, if you're going to confront her now, she's going to tell people that we're back together, and I have to talk to Jake first.
Ryan: Ok. Ok, ok. I would rather have you in private than not have you at all.
Gillian: As soon -- as soon as I ask Jake for a divorce, you can have me for the rest of your life.
Ryan: Now, that is my dream.

[Knock on door]

Greenlee: Ryan? Wake up, sleepyhead. The cyber world waits for no one.

Ryan: You've got to be kidding me.
Gillian: Ryan, listen, I have to go anyway, so I'll go change in the bathroom and I'll go out back.
Ryan: I -- I hate this sneaking around, especially for her. This --
Gillian: I know, but we don't have a choice until I talk to Jake.

Greenlee: Ryan?

Ryan: Ok. Hold on!
Gillian: Do you have my journal?
Ryan: Yeah, I put it back in the drawer where she left it, where Greenlee left it, so don't worry. I'm not going to mess anything up, ok?
Gillian: I know. Bye.
Ryan: Ok, ok.

Greenlee: What's going on? Afraid I'll see you naked?
Ryan: Oh, you would love that, wouldn't you?

[Back door closes]

Greenlee: There's been a lot of action on the market lately. Investors are being very choosy about picking stocks.
Ryan: That's understandable nobody wants to get taken.
Greenlee: You seem to be in a mad.
Ryan: I haven't had my coffee yet.
Greenlee: I'll make you some. I want you to be totally awake for the surprise you're about to get.
Greenlee: Ta-da! We got a gold seal from "Cyber Picks" magazine. They picked us the "Must See" site on the web.
Ryan: That's good.
Greenlee: "Good"? It's great. When you go public, they'll be throwing money at you.
Ryan: Rich on paper.
Greenlee: No, rich is rich. They print money on paper, and, baby, you're going to make tons of it.
Ryan: Checking the e-mail?
Greenlee: I wanted to see if Cynthia left you a message.
Ryan: Hmm.
Greenlee: Huh.
Ryan: Look at that. Cynthia's back.
Greenlee: She wants you to make her dream come true. You should write to her.
Ryan: Yeah. You know what I'll do is I'll put a note on the monitor to remind me. Oh. Whose book is this?
Greenlee: Mine. Mine. I mean -- I mean, it's something that I borrowed. I forgot that it was here.
Ryan: What's wrong?
Greenlee: Nothing. Why?
Ryan: Well, you just seem a little nervous. Is it that book? Is there something inside?
Greenlee: Aren't you going to respond to Cynthia?
Ryan: Yeah. What does she say?
Greenlee: Well, it's for you. You should read it.
Ryan: No, go ahead. We're all in this together.
Greenlee: Ok. "Dear Ryan, I can't stop myself from writing to you. Is it any surprise that I feel the way I do? Ryan Lavery is the man I've waited for my whole life, a prince without a crown --"
Ryan: You know what? That's enough.
Greenlee: Ryan -- Ryan: Greenlee, just stop it. I can't listen to this anymore.

Gillian: Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry.
Joe: Hello. Just the person I wanted to see.
Gillian: Hi.
Joe: No need to worry. By my watch, you're still one minute early.
Gillian: I just hate being late.
Joe: Well, you tell your supervisor you were with me. Sit down, Gillian. Sit down. I've got some good news.
Gillian: For me?
Joe: For everybody -- a letter from Jake.
Gillian: Oh. What -- what does he say?
Joe: He says Chechnya's rough, but he loves the work he's doing.
Gillian: That's wonderful.
Joe: Mm-hmm. I think he's found a real sense of purpose.
Gillian: Joe, how come he only writes to you?
Joe: Oh. I can understand that might be a concern, but he doesn't just write to me. This is for you.
Gillian: I'm afraid to open it.
Joe: Why?
Gillian: Because he didn't send it directly to me. It's almost like an afterthought.
Joe: Oh, no, no, no. Don't think that way. You know, you have to remember that Chechnya is a war zone still. It makes more sense to send everything out in one package. He asked me to deliver it to you personally.
Gillian: Thank you.
Joe: Yeah.

[Pager beeps]

Joe: I know it's only a letter. But try and find yourself someplace private to be with him.

Liza: I'm not ashamed of being with Adam.
Dixie: Wow. Don't sugarcoat it, Liza. Just jump right into bed with him.
Liza: You know what? I wanted to reach out to him. He wanted to reach out to me, to love me, and he just kept shutting me out.
Dixie: Wow! You just never change, do you?
Liza: No. I wanted to reach out to his heart. I mean, I think at least one person should make the effort.
Dixie: I think Tad is right about you. I think you're addicted to him.
Liza: Stop saying that.
Dixie: Well, why not? I mean, I should kick you down some 12 steps, right?
Liza: Well, is your love for Tad a disease? You've been through far better and far worse.
Dixie: You cannot compare me and Tad to you and Adam.
Liza: No, because you know what real love is.
Dixie: That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I don't understand how you can sit there and say that you love him after everything that he's done to you, to your mother, to Stuart. How can you say you love him?
Liza: Welcome to my life.
Dixie: Liza, you're a mom now. All of your choices are supposed to be about doing what's right for your child. Up until now, you've been doing great by staying away from Adam.
Liza: Colby needs her father just like Junior does, Dixie.
Dixie: What? That is not what you were saying in court.
Liza: You know, a lot of things have changed. I would like to see Adam just be able to feel again.
Dixie: You are so on your own with this, you know. I know -- I want Junior to have his father in his life, but I'll wait till he's back in the land of the living, you know? I'm going to go watch the kids play. Sorry.
Liza: Oh, wait. Could you please not say anything to Tad? I mean, if he knows I slept with Adam, it --
Dixie: You're kidding, right?

David: You seem very calm, Leo, for someone who just slipped the noose.
Leo: Well, I guess that bullet wasn't meant for me.
Erica: How can you be so cavalier? You were charged with murder.
Leo: Past tense.
David: So Vanessa walking doesn't bother you?
Leo: You're the one who wanted revenge, David, not me.
David: Oh, I see. You're above all that?
Leo: Ah, what do I care? Mummsy will get hers in the afterlife.

Erica: David? David, I think that Leo is in a state of emotional shock.
David: Oh, please. He seems fine to me.
Erica: Well, he's covering. I mean, discovering that your mother is this person that she is -- that is not easy for him to digest. I think it's going to be a long time before he's standing on solid ground.
David: Well, that sounds like the voice of experience. But your father was never the monster that Vanessa is.
Erica: Oh, no? Look, we all have our monsters that we have to deal with -- even you, David. But I can't talk about this right now. I have a plane to catch.
David: Plane to catch? Where are you going?
Erica: Oh. Enchantment has business in New York today.
David: You're going to trust Leo to be here by himself?
Erica: Well, why shouldn't I? I mean, you'll be here to keep an eye on him.
David: Babysitting? Wait a minute. You're the one that invited him here, not me.
Erica: Well, you're the one who got exactly what you wanted. Now he knows exactly what kind of a person your mother is, and he'll never be the same. You deal with the fallout. Jack, I have a plane to catch. I have to leave for a while, but I want to thank you for everything.
Jack: No, no, I want to thank you. You do make life interesting. And as for you, young man, looks like everything's all taken care of, huh?
Leo: Too bad you can't save my public image.
Jack: Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about that. Almost everybody in Pine Valley has a black eye over one thing or another. So welcome to the club.
Leo: Yeah, well, how many have been accused of murder?
Jack: I've lost track. Let's just say you're in good company. See you, Doc.

David: Yeah. Is something funny?
Leo: Well, your secret's out, Bro. All this concern of yours -- it's garbage. You couldn't care less if I went to prison for murder.
Leo: This whole thing, David, it's about you. Paolo and Vanessa, nah. It's all just a cover for how much you miss your suicidal daddy. Ooh. Did I touch a nerve?
David: I hated Vanessa ever since what happened to my father. I never kept that a secret.
Leo: Yeah, and now you had a chance to do something about it, and I was your pawn.
David: Are you so brainwashed that you can't see what our mother really is?
Leo: Well, I see what you are, how you can turn your bitterness back on Vanessa. But for what, David? To honor your father's memory? Way to go.
David: You know, I can't believe that you're still defending her.
Leo: I'm not! You wanted me to see the light. Well, I do. I see the light, and it's shining right on you and her and everybody else I'll never trust again.

Erica: Listen, I have a limo waiting for me outside. Are you two going to be all right?
Leo: Well, yeah, if David can come across with some spending money.
David: We'll be fine.
Erica: All right. I'll see you later.
David: Yeah.

Leo: Please tell me this wasn't planned, David. It's too obvious. What, Erica conveniently leaves us alone, and then, what, now's the time when we come together and bond?
David: I had no idea --
Leo: Turn against Vanessa?
David: I had no idea that Erica was leaving town.
Leo: Oh -- you expect me to believe that? You're a control freak, David. Starting now, those days are over.

Palmer: Come on. Oh, chop like you mean it, woman! Come on and stop whining.
Vanessa: What would you like me to do, just cut off a finger?
Palmer: Well, make sure it isn't the one with the wedding ring on it, ok?
Vanessa: How many more? Come on. We've already cut up a herd here.

Eliot: Now, what is the story with this?
Brooke: Knowing Palmer, Vanessa probably lost a bet.

Palmer: Oh, no, no, no, no. Just get back there. Go on. Get back there. Go on. You're not finished yet. Just trim the fat off those thighs.

Eliot: Well, he seems to be enjoying himself.
Brooke: Well, at least she's suffering for a good cause.

Palmer: Put your back in it, woman! You know where the blade goes.

Greenlee: What's wrong?
Ryan: How can you possibly read that to me?
Greenlee: I thought what she said was nice.
Ryan: And pathetic.
Greenlee: No, it's not. I thought that you felt something for her.
Ryan: At first, yeah, maybe, but come on, Greenlee. It's obvious the woman's a loser.
Greenlee: I don't see her that way.
Ryan: Do me a favor and respond for me. Go ahead. "Dear Cynthia, Stop using this web site as a singles' bar. Your lame attempts to connect with me are not working. Please seek your dream elsewhere. And do yourself a favor and get a life. And do not contact me again."
Greenlee: That's harsh.
Ryan: Yeah, you're right. You know what? Don't bother telling her to get a life because it's obvious that she's a lost cause.
Greenlee: You should have given her one last chance. Ryan?

Dixie: Now, what is this, Liza? You sleeping with Adam is supposed to be just between us girls?
Liza: No, I just didn't want Tad to know.
Dixie: Why? Why? So he wouldn't think that you were cheating on him?
Liza: No, it not like that.
Dixie: Don't you realize that I have spent my entire marriage trying to convince Tad that we're supposed to be honest with each other no matter what?
Liza: I respect that.
Dixie: Then why do you want me to keep your secrets?
Liza: I wanted -- I wanted to confide in you.
Dixie: Well, you're just pulling us all into a whole other mess of lies.
Liza: Ok, for Pete's sakes, Dixie, then tell him.
Dixie: I can't tell him. Do you know how he would go nuts if he found out that you wanted Adam back? It would go against everything I'm trying to put back together with my family. I would be just as stupid as you if I told him.
Tad: Tell me what?
Tad: What's going on?
Liza: It's your call I hope you have a good day with your boys.

Tad: You going to tell me what you were talking about, or you want me to guess? Is it about me?
Dixie: No! It was -- about Adam, you know? He's so depressed lately, and he -- you know, Junior shouldn't be around him right now.
Tad: Well, honey, I got to tell you, I agree. I mean, you know my feelings. I think everybody ought to stay away from Adam for good, especially Junior -- and Liza.

Leo: Let's see. I wake up to Mummsy's wicked ways, thanks to you. And what, now I disown her, right?
David: Sounds good to me.
Leo: Then Erica takes me in and conveniently leaves us alone so that we can discover that we finally have something in common -- our hatred for Mother.
David: That's not how it happened, Leo.
Leo: Wasn't that what you planned, David? We're buddies now, right, now that Vanessa's out of the loop?
David: Well, it's a hell of a lot better than you spending the rest of your life with your head in the sand.
Leo: God. You just don't get it, do you? I didn't want to know the truth about Vanessa. But you fixed that.
David: I wanted you to think for yourself, Leo.
Leo: No, you wanted me to hate her as much as you do. But you know what? I feel sorry for her, David, because she has a son like you. It's you that I hate. And nobody deserves it more.

Woodruff: I wanted to see where all my money was going to.
Greenlee: Well, is up and running.
Woodruff: When am I going to see some results?
Greenlee: Soon, grandfather. We opened an office downtown.
Woodruff: Hmm, I heard. Yeah, but I meant results on the battlefield of love.
Greenlee: Hmm. I've had a setback. I thought that Cynthia would put me over the top, but it didn't work.
Woodruff: Who's Cynthia?
Greenlee: Never mind. I'm still going to make him mine. That's all there is to it.

Ryan: Hi, Princess.
Gillian: Hey.
Ryan: Good news -- Greenlee is not going to be using your journal anymore. I trashed Cynthia's last e-mail.
Gillian: And she didn't suspect anything?
Ryan: No.
Gillian: Wow.
Ryan: What do you got there?
Gillian: Oh, it's a letter.
Ryan: What does he say?
Gillian: "Being in a war zone puts so many things into perspective. It makes me grateful to be alive and to have you in my life. I want everything to be right between us. Whatever happens in the end, I'm ready for what our next step should be."
Ryan: He sounds stronger, like maybe he's ready to accept a divorce.
Gillian: Yeah.
Ryan: I don't want to push. But maybe now is a -- a good time to write to him and ask for one.
Gillian: I can't write him a "Dear Jake" letter and ask for a divorce. It has to be in person.
Ryan: Does he say when he's coming home?
Gillian: No, I'm not certain, but when he does, I can end this gently.
Ryan: It's your call.
Gillian: I just don't to feel any more guilt.
Ryan: I understand.

Joe: Oh, nurse?

Ryan: That's Joe, Joe. I love you.
Gillian: I love you, too.

Joe: Well, looks like somebody's had some good news.

Vanessa: All right, Palmer, you have made your point. I repent. I will never eat another piece of chicken as long as I live.
Palmer: Your servitude has just begun, my dear.
Vanessa: Palmer, please let me go. I have to find Leo. He is devastated. I've got to beg his forgiveness.
Palmer: Leo's in good hands. Erica's home is quite comfortable.
Vanessa: He's staying with Erica?

[Palmer chuckles]

Vanessa: I don't believe it!
Palmer: Didn't I say your life would be hell? Chop, chop. Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop. Ooh.

Tad: Come here for a sec. You still seem like you're upset.
Dixie: It -- it's nothing. It's just Liza. She weird me out.
Tad: Hmm. Well, if I were you, I'd shake it off because the game's about to start. I think the boys would be upset if we're not there for the first pitch.
Dixie: Oh, yeah, you're right. Why don't you go ahead? I'll be the in a minute. I'm just going to -- relax.
Tad: Got it.

Dixie: What are you doing here?
David: I was looking for you.


David: Don't go. I want you here.

Erica: You're drunk.
Arlene: And you're a priss. The difference is I'll be sober in the morning.

Charlotte: Your wife is very much alive.

Leo: Don't you touch me! Don't you ever touch me again.

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