JUNE 15, 2001


Dimitri: Ryan said that you were dragging your heels a bit.
Gillian: No, it's just -- we were worried about the finances.
Dimitri: Well, worry no more because we have it all taken care of. You guys are going to fly on my private jet first class all the way. Corvina's preparing the house right now, so when you get to Vadzel you can have an entire wing all to yourselves.
Ryan: All right, and you're sure you two don't want to come along?
Alex: On your honeymoon? I don't think so.
Ryan: Vadzel's enormous, isn't it? I mean, there'd be plenty of room for us to have our privacy and for you two to come along and maybe Edmund, Anna --
Alex: And I repeat, it's your honeymoon. It's not a family reunion.
Ryan: I know, I know, but -- you know, there's been so much weird stuff going on -- your brother disappearing.
Dimitri: He appears and disappears. That's how he operates.
Ryan: What about Ilene? The TV producer has been using Gillian to get onto Wildwind, the one who's been asking questions about your sister.
Alex: Well, that was -- it worries me.
Dimitri: Gillian, have you heard from her lately?
Gillian: No.
Dimitri: Well, Edmund and Anna are in England, so they're out of the picture for the time being, and with you two on the jet to Budapest, I guess we have everybody out of harm's way.
Ryan: Everybody except for you and Alex.
Dimitri: Oh, you see, the thing is nothing's really happened since Gabriel's disappeared.
Alex: I know you see a connection, but I don't believe that my brother came here to harm myself or Anna.
Dimitri: Darling, people can be programmed to do some very terrible things.
Alex: Yes, I'm aware of that. Gillian: People can also learn how to love, just like Ryan and I. I mean, why don't we propose a toast before we go? Do you have some champagne?
Ryan: Yes, I do. A bottle's on ice for our bon voyage. Excuse me.
Gillian: I would like to propose a toast -- to Vadzel, Budapest, the old country, and to my family and all my friends.

Alex: I'd love to drink a toast to your family. And mine.

Ilene: Gabriel?
Ilene: Oh, there you are, back from the land of the barely alive. You know, I don't like to use those tranquilizer guns, but you survived. I'm so glad. And you can thank me by answering one question. Where is Anna Devane? Answer --
Gabriel: Go to hell!
Ilene: Ok. You don't want to cooperate, suit yourself. But, you know, I can't tell your sisters apart, so I guess that means I'm going to have to kill Anna and then Alex.

Gillian: Ryan?
Ryan: At your service.
Dimitri: Aha.
Gillian: Thank you.
Ryan: Milady.
Dimitri: Hmm.
Gillian: Hmm.
Dimitri: Thank you, Sir.
Alex: Thank you.
Ryan: Ok.
Gillian: So, who would like to propose the first toast?
Ryan: I would. I would. I would. To our family, who have so much money that they're going to fly us to Budapest. No, no, that's not what I was going to say. Wait a minute. No, seriously. To our family, who every day show us how to be loving and generous, Alex and Dimitri.
Gillian: Hear, hear. Whoo-hoo!
Dimitri: Hmm. If I could second that, please. My wife is a lesson to us all, with a heart so warm and open --
Alex: That her judgment is a bit cloudy.
Dimitri: That's not what I was going to say.
Alex: Well, that's what you were thinking.
Dimitri: That's not what I was thinking --
Gillian: Would you please not fight?
Alex: We're not fighting. We're disagreeing very strenuously. Look, I realize I don't know my brother very well.
Dimitri: You don't even know where he is right now.
Alex: But -- I trusted my heart when it told me to love you. It wasn't wrong. It's telling me now that my brother isn't going to hurt me or Anna.
Dimitri: Hmm. How the hell am I supposed to argue with that?
Alex: Oh, exactly.
Dimitri: My only defense is that I love you so very much, Alex, and if anything ever happened to you --
Alex: Well, what hasn't happened to both you and me? We'll live through it, a little bit battered, maybe, but we'll get through it. Nothing's going to come between us.
Ryan: One more toast. May the two of you disagree like this forever.
Dimitri: Oh, amen.
Gillian: Forever.
Alex: And the same to you.
Ryan: Oh, all right.
Alex: Let's get out of here so they can finish packing.
Dimitri: Ok -- oh, yes, and please keep in mind that the jet does have a weight limit.
Gillian: Oh.
Alex: Will you hush? You can taken whatever it is you want. You have a wonderful, wonderful time.
Gillian: Oh, thank you.
Dimitri: Have a blast.
Gillian: We will because of you.
Ryan: Thank you for everything.
Alex: You call us when you get there.
Dimitri: Have a great time.
Gillian: Yes, yes.
Ryan: All right.
Gillian: We love you.
Alex: Oh, I love you. I love you so much.
Dimitri: Ok, ok, we love each other, ok.
Gillian: Thank you. We love you! Bye.

Gillian: Ryan?
Ryan: Hmm?
Gillian: Do you think they were all right?
Ryan: Alex and Dimitri? You saw them kiss and make up.
Gillian: Yep. Maybe that was just for our benefit.
Ryan: No, they've been through a lot lately. Trust me, they'd be lost without each other.
Gillian: Just like me. I don't know what I would do without you.
Ryan: Well, you know, I don't like to brag, really, but -- you don't have to worry about that. You're stuck with me.
Gillian: I am? How'd that happen again? Ryan: I think it all started with a kiss.
Gillian: Like this?

Ilene: So, before I randomly shoot one sister, then the next, why don't you just tell me the truth. Where is Anna?
Gabriel: Why are you doing this? Did Charlotte send you?
Ilene: Charlotte's in prison, but she was so moved to find out that you had finally reconnected with your long-lost sisters. Well, your sisters must be frantic by now, wondering where their little brother is. So, I'm going to write a note to Anna from you, of course, telling her that you need to speak with her -- alone, in the Turret, right away. The second that she comes up here, I'm going to pull the trigger -- one shot to the head for Anna and one for you. Hey, can you breathe? Oh, good. I don't want you to pass out, because then you'll miss all the fun.

Adam: Liza, you don't mean that. You're not going to walk out on me. Liza, Liza -- I'm trying to do the right thing.
Liza: Then do it. Tell Dixie that her son -- your son is taking drugs.
Adam: If I admit that he's taking drugs, she's going to want to know where they came from.
Liza: She has a right to know.
Adam: That J.R. broke into Hayward's hotel room and stole the drugs.
Liza: That's what happened. You can't make it go away. Adam: Well, I can sure as hell try. There are only three of us that know what happened -- you, me, and Hayward, and Hayward is not going to talk about it.
Liza: No, because he wants you to buy off some judge, tamper with a jury, bribe somebody, right?
Adam: Yeah, whatever it takes. You gave me an ultimatum. Well, I'm going to give you one. If you tell tad and Dixie about my deal with David Hayward, then you're going to hurt my son, you're going to hurt him for the rest of his life. I will never be able to forgive that.

Tad: All right, we've admired your lawn, your nifty little garden. Now we're back. You want to do the right thing and tell us the truth?
Adam: I was trying to do the right thing.
Dixie: But you made a mistake. Yeah, I've heard that one before. Can you just tell me this has something to do with J.R.
Adam: Yes, I'm afraid it does. I was lying before.
Dixie: Yeah, about what?
Adam: The truth is J.R. was using drugs last night.

Brooke: What is taking David so long?
Leo: He's just making sure that everything checks out, that's all.
Brooke: How is she?
David: Brooke --
Brooke: Don't start like that.
David: Laura is in congestive heart failure, which means her heart is enlarged. It's not pumping properly. So her blood supply is diminished to her brain, her kidneys, other vital organs.
Brooke: So what do you do to treat it?
David: Well, we're going to give her oxygen to help her breathe, and we're going to make sure that she's comfortable.
Leo: That's all you can do? I don't understand. A few hours ago, we were just in the -- oh, my God, I did this.
David: Leo, this is not your fault. This is the way the illness progresses.
Leo: How much time does she have?
David: It's hard to say.
Leo: Well, how soon before she can get a heart?
David: I wish I could answer that, Leo, but I just don't know.
Leo: Laura's tough. She can hang in there. So how -- how soon until she can get a transplant?
David: She's on the top of the donor list. That's good. But obviously, we can't do a thing until we have a heart available.
Leo: And when will that be?
David: It's not for us to decide, Leo.
Brooke: Is there hope?
David: Of course. Of course there's hope. There's a real chance.
Brooke: Then I'm not giving up and neither is she.
Leo: So all we can do is wait, huh? I can manage that on my own. You can go.
David: Leo, if there was one single thing that I could do --
Leo: Why can't you do something, David? Why can't you do anything?
David: Because right now Laura needs a miracle.

Brooke: Leo, Laura's asking for you.
Brooke: Leo.
Brooke: You really do love her, don't you?
Brooke: Oh, Leo.

Dixie: J.R. is taking drugs? How do you know?
Adam: He told me. But he took one prescription pain pill.
Dixie: Well, one is too many. How could you keep that from me? I'm his mother.
Adam: Yes, of course. You're right, definitely right. I should never have kept that from you. It's foolish of me not to see that. And I hope that in the future, you and I can work together to help our son.
Tad: That's awfully touching, Adam. Liza, you want to tell me the rest?
Liza: The rest of what?
Tad: Well, the story. J.R. took one pill? That's it?
Adam: Yes, that's it. Yeah, that's the whole story.
Tad: No, it isn't. Uh-uh. You're covering something up. And I'd bet cash money whatever it is it's important. Now, Liza, I am asking you as your friend to tell me the truth. Or do I have to find out on my own?

Gillian: I was just daydreaming about how proud I'm going to be when everybody finally gets to meet you in Budapest. They are going to be dazzled.
Ryan: Dazzled? They're not going to be thinking, "where did she get this clown?"
Gillian: No! They're going to love you, from the minute we pull up into the driveway at Vadzel. And then everybody is going to be standing there, you know, all the servants in their little uniforms, and then we'll have just enough time to unpack before the reception.
Ryan: Reception?
Gillian: Mm-hmm. Corvina thought it might be a good idea to invite a small circle of friends.
Ryan: Oh. Ok, so we'll sit around, have some tea with a few people.
Gillian: No. I'd never make you do something that dull. I think she said something more like 400 people?
Ryan: 400 People?
Gillian: Mm-hmm. Only the creme de la creme of Hungarian society.
Ryan: What? To meet me, diet soda of America high life? Your friends are going to think you lost your mind.
Gillian: That's not how it happened with Grandmama and Alexei. You know, he was the son of a farmer. Head a noble spirit, just like you. He was strong and brave and loving. She wouldn't have it any other way. I still have the dress that she wore when she presented him in court.
Ryan: Well, how was he received?
Gillian: They adored him, just like they're going to adore you.
Ryan: Because I make the Princess happy?
Gillian: More than happy. Breathless.
Gillian: Don't you have to go get your passport?
Ryan: Hmm, no -- yes. Oh, yeah, I'd better get going.
Gillian: Hurry back?
Ryan: I promise.

Gillian: Whew. Honeymoon hmm.
Gillian: Hey, Stella? Hi, it's Gillian. Can I please ask you a big favor? Could you please go up to the attic and get Grandmama's old trunk down? Yeah, there's something in it that I want to borrow. Thank you. I'll be right over. Thanks.
Stella: I'll have the trunk waiting for you.

Adam: Tad, would you like me to swear on a Bible? The truth, the whole truth, nothing but?
Tad: Yeah, why don't you do that. With any luck, you'd burst into flame. One thing's for sure -- there's a lot more going on with J.R. than you're admitting to.
Dixie: You know, I think J.R.'s upstairs. I'd like to talk to him, if you don't mind.
Adam: Fine. I'll go get him.
Dixie: Thank you.

Dixie: I kind of can't believe this is real. It seems like drugs are everywhere.
Liza: That doesn't mean you have to take them.
Dixie: What if you're in pain and you want to be numb? Did I do this to him?
Liza: I don't think you should take all this on yourself.
Dixie: But I promised him that he would always come first. I broke that promise, didn't I?

Adam: For your information, I know what you did.
J.R.: Maybe because I told you.
Adam: Oh, but you left out all the juicy parts, like how you broke into Hayward's hotel room and stole the drugs.
J.R.: How did you know about that?
Adam: Don't worry about that. Just admit to swallowing one pill and don't tell anyone -- anyone -- where you got it.

Brooke: Am I wrong?
Leo: Brooke, of course I love her. I'd be crazy not to love her. She's smart, she's beautiful, she's funny.
Brooke: But she was asking for you before, and you didn't go into her room. How come? Do you feel more for her than you want to admit?
Leo: I just don't want her to die.
Brooke: I know. I know, Leo. Any friend would say that. Are you afraid of what you feel for her?
Leo: I don't know! God, you're the one that asked me to do this. You're the one that asked me to spend some time with her.
Brooke: I know. I wanted you to love her, and that was wrong of me, Leo. I don't want you to pretend something that you didn't feel.
Leo: I'm not pretending anything, ok? I'm not doing anything I don't want to do. I'm doing it for my own selfish reasons. I like hanging out with her. I like spending time with her. I can help her get through this. Laura -- she makes me feel like -- like my life is worth living.
Brooke: You do the same for her.
Leo: So is that love?
Brooke: Don't you know?
Leo: No, I don't know! Ok, let's just say yes. Let's say, yeah, I do love her. So what happens next?
Brooke: Leo, she's hung on because of you. I mean, do you see her giving up?
Leo: It seems like a million years ago we were -- it was just today, we were in the park, and she's telling me about all the things that she wanted. Things that were impossible to have. A man who loves her, would marry her, somebody who could give her a beautiful wedding and a big house with kids.
Brooke: Leo, you know it all seems more possible to her because of you.
Leo: That's what she said. If only we hadn't run out of time.
Brooke: You haven't run out of time, all right? You haven't, and she can't feel that way. She has to go on hoping, Leo, and she will do that if you don't walk away.
Leo: All right, I'm going to stay by her side. Whatever it takes, I'll do it, I promise. Ok? Whatever it takes to keep her alive.
Brooke: Yes.

Gillian: Oh, Stella, you found the trunk. Thank you so much.
Stella: You said there was something in it you wanted to borrow?
Gillian: Yes, it's Grandmama's ceremonial dress. I -- here it is.
Stella: Oh, wow. It's lovely.
Gillian: Isn't it? It is so perfect. Can't wait to wear it for Ryan.

Dimitri: Alex.
Alex: Hmm?
Dimitri: What, is it about your brother? Listen, Darling, what if it's just a facade? I mean, you didn't look like a killer, but then Charlotte brainwashed you and sent you off to execute your sister. What if Gabriel's been programmed the same way, you know?
Alex: I can't explain it, but that's not why he's here. I think he was sent to Pine Valley somehow to keep us from harm.
Dimitri: Well, then, where is he?

Gillian: Oh, no. My favorite negligee. I forgot it the Turret.
Stella: Would you like me to send someone?
Gillian: No, no, no, it's fine. I'll get it on my way out.
Stella: Be careful with that dress.
Gillian: I will!

Alex: Stella, heave you heard anything at all from my brother?
Stella: No, Ma'am, not a word.
Dimitri: Alex, darling, I have to go make a phone call.
Alex: Ok.
Stella: Could I fix you some tea, Miss Alex?
Alex: Oh, yes. Thank you. That would be lovely.

Alex: "Anna, I'm in trouble. Please meet me at the Turret. And don't tell Dimitri -- he hates me. Gabriel."

Adam: Just tell them the truth, son.
Dixie: So I don't understand.
J.R.: What?
Dixie: You're taking drugs?
J.R.: I took one pill, Mom. One lousy pill.
Dixie: Why?
J.R.: Because I felt like it. It was a painkiller. You figure it out.
Dixie: What, you're in pain?
J.R.: I'm just sick of feeling.
Dixie: Sick of feeling what?
J.R.: Do any of you people ever tell the truth? Do you? Tad, you told me that David Hayward would be out of our lives for good. Then I'm in the school hallway, I look up, and he's there -- no handcuffs, no guard, no nothing. Free. Tracking down my mom.
Dixie: J.R. --
J.R.: Ready to stomp all over her once again. But you know what, Mom? You like it.
Tad: Wait a minute --
Dixie: That's not true.
Tad: You're way out of line.
J.R.: I don't care!
Tad: He's out for a limited time. To help Laura, that's all.
J.R.: Great.
Dixie: So David made you take these drugs?
J.R.: He didn't make me take anything.
Dixie: Then why did you do it?
J.R.: Because I feel like I'm going to explode! And you can't help me!
Dixie: Honey, I love you. I love you very much. I never meant to hurt you.
J.R.: Then why are you acting so weird? It's like you're the one on drugs. Everything's falling apart. What's wrong with this picture?
Dixie: I don't know.
J.R.: Do you like it like this? Because I don't. In fact, I hate it. Why can't we just be a family again, the way we used to be?
Dixie: Those are really good questions, and I wish I had some answers.
Tad: J.R., we're working on it. We're trying to put it back together, but we just got to make sure we do it right.
J.R.: Gee, where have I heard that before? You guys just don't listen.
Dixie: I'm listening. I'm listening. I'm listening now, and I think -- I think, you know, forget about your stuff. You're just going to come home with me now, ok?
J.R.: Mom --
Dixie: No, I want you to come home with me. It's nonnegotiable, and we're going to take you to go see Dr. Joe.
J.R.: One pill won't give you an -- you won't overdose on one pill!
Dixie: That's all right. Fine, you can think that, but I'll wait until a doctor tells me that, ok?

Liza: Is everything ok?
Dixie: No, it's not really ok, but we're talking, and I'd like to continue talking, so I'd like to take J.R. home with me.
Adam: J.R., is that all right with you? All right. Son, I'll miss you, but everything's going to be fine. You just remember what we discussed.
J.R.: I will.
Dixie: Liza, I'll call you later about picking up some more of J.R.'s stuff.

Liza: Ok. So, is this how you come clean? Because he's in more trouble than they know.
Adam: He's not a criminal, Liza. He's not going to do it again. Liza: If you believe that, then why are you going to break the law to protect him? Are you sending this message to him that you want him to be another --
Adam: Another Adam Chandler?
Liza: You know, I just am happy he is out of this house. Adam: I will do anything for my children.

[Liza sighs]

Adam: But you know what? That's what drives me. I will do anything for my children!
Adam: And someday you'll thank me for that.

Laura: Leo, I'm not giving up, but I'm not expecting a miracle.
Leo: Why not?
Laura: Because I think you only get so many in one lifetime, and I think I've just about hit my limit. After all the things that happened to me -- finding my way to Pine Valley, meeting Brooke, getting adopted, being loved by so many people. And you'd think that would be enough, but then there was one more miracle -- the best one of all. I met you.
Leo: Yeah, but that one goes on my list, not yours. Because you are so completely --
Leo: You're so brave.
Leo: And I don't mean about all this. You really opened up your heart to me, Laura. You taught me things -- you taught me more than you even know, and you've given me more than I could ever give back to you.
Laura: I wish I had time to show you how much you've given me.
Leo: God.
Laura: What?
Leo: Nothing.
Laura: Tell me.
Leo: I don't want you to die.
Laura: I don't want that, either.
Leo: Then you can't give up. You have to keep fighting.
Laura: I'll try.
Leo: No, no, you're going to have to do better than that, Laura. Remember all those things you told me, about how you wanted children --
Laura: No, no. Maybe in another lifetime.
Leo: How about this one? Marry me.

Ryan: Gillian? I got my passport. You got to see my picture. I look absolutely ridiculous.
Ryan: Gillian?

[Phone rings]

Ryan: Oh. Hello? Adrian. Hey, man, thanks for getting back to me. Did you do that background check on that producer, Ilene Pringle? Yeah, what did you find out? So her job as a producer was just a cover. What does she really do? Wet work? Wait a second, you're telling me that this woman is a paid assassin? And who is she working for? Charlotte. Oh, my God.


Mateo: Welcome to the opening of S.O.S. 2001!

Greenlee: Jake and I have an open relationship. We're bed buddies.

Laura: You'd do this for me because I'm dying?
Leo: No, I'm doing it for me.

Ryan: I have to stop her before she makes her hit.

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