JUNE 19, 2001

Greenlee: Thanks a lot! You could've waited. I told you I had to stop for gas. No. You flew out of S.O.S. like a hornet -- what's going on? Whoa.
Jake: So what took you so long?
Greenlee: I --
Jake: Hmm?
Greenlee: Had to get gas. What's going on?
Jake: Nothing -- yet. I've just been waiting for you here.
Greenlee: You did this for me?
Jake: No, actually, for us because I aim to please.

[Greenlee laughs]

Greenlee: Great.

Jake: Oh, boy, it's hot.

Greenlee: Right, so you really want to go through with this? I thought you were kidding.
Jake: Well, the kiss felt pretty serious to me.
Greenlee: Oh, well, it was just so sudden.
Jake: Hmm. I thought you liked spontaneity.
Greenlee: Huh?
Jake: Hmm?
Greenlee: Hmm?
Jake: What? What's wrong? You're acting like you're a little flabbergasted.
Greenlee: I --
Jake: Hmm?
Greenlee: You're not worried that this will complicate our relationship?
Jake: Oh, I think our relationship's already complicated enough, don't you? Hmm?
Greenlee: Ok, I get it.
Jake: What?
Greenlee: This is to get back at me --
Jake: Uh-huh.
Greenlee: For telling pat that we sleep together.
Jake: Uh, "bed buddies" -- isn't that what you call it?
Greenlee: Hmm.
Jake: But do I look angry to you? Hmm? I mean, the only person I'm mad at is myself because I've been wasting all that time back in that bedroom doing a lot of thinking and not enough doing.
Greenlee: You --
Jake: Hmm?
Greenlee: Think about me?
Jake: All the time, lying in bed at night, all alone back there knowing you are on the other side of that wall, wearing -- what is those little things that you wear anyway? I like them. And the smell of your perfume. You've been driving me absolutely crazy ever since you moved in here.
Greenlee: Who are you?
Jake: I'm a changed man. Really, I am, I am, and it's all thanks to you because I'm ready to cut loose. I'm ready to flex all of my muscles, and tonight I'm going to work all of my muscles on your little body.

Brooke: Oh, Honey. It's so beautiful.
Laura: It's magnificent.
Bianca: It's a monster! Is it, like, three carats or something?
Leo: What? Look, I'm appalled. You know, for being the daughter of Erica Kane, I would think that you would know your carats. That's four, ok? Count them -- four flawless carats for my beautiful, flawless bride-to-be.
Laura: If only --
Leo: Hey, hey -- no, no, no. Come on, don't start. All right? Everything's going to be ok. It's got to.

David: Hey.
Leo: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Now, you keep your eyes off my girl. She's already taken, all right?
David: I'm sorry to interrupt your visit, but Laura's due for another test.
Laura: More?
David: Yeah, I'm afraid so. This is one's called a Muga scan. How's that for a name?
Leo: Well, how long will she be gone?
David: Only for about an hour or so. Come on in.
Leo: Ok.
Laura: Ok, well --
Leo: Let's see. Let me get her. I'll help you.
Brooke: Maybe I should have --
Leo: I guess you can go for a little while, all right?
Laura: Ok.
Leo: But I don't want you to dance with anybody else but me.
Brooke: That's right.
Laura: No. All dances are yours.
Leo: Ok, just be careful.
Brooke: Ok. There, Sweetie. Whoa. This is service. Ok. We'll be here.
Leo: Are you ready? Let's do it.
Laura: Yeah. What do you think, Doc? Not too shabby, huh?
David: Well, does this mean what I think it means?
Leo: Uh-huh.
Laura: Yes -- Leo and I are engaged.
David: Congratulations. Welcome to the family.
Laura: Well, I'm not family yet.
David: Well, you will be unless you come to your senses.
Laura: No way. You're stuck with me.
David: Well, then I'm happy for you both. You're a lucky man, Leo.
Leo: Yeah, I like to think so.
David: I'll get my future sister-in-law back here as soon as these tests are over with, ok?
Leo: All right. Take good care of her.
David: I will.

Bianca: I have never felt so helpless in my life.
Brooke: Leo, you've given Laura so much happiness. That ring -- did you see the look on her face?
Leo: Oh, she'll be fine. Ok? We just have to keep her wanting to live. All right, well, we don't have much time to get this wedding planned, so I'd like to -- as soon as she gets back from her tests, I'd like to get married right away -- immediately, like today, unless that's not ok with you.
Brooke: Oh, Leo.

Ryan: It's ok. Help me!
Dimitri: Ryan!
Ryan: Dimitri, will you please --
Dimitri: What --
Ryan: Alex? Alex, help me, please? She --
Alex: Is she breathing?
Dimitri: Guards! Guards! Up here in the Turret!
Alex: Is she breathing? Does she have a pulse?
Dimitri: Call an ambulance!
Ryan: I thought she was sleeping. I thought -- I don't know.
Alex: All right, where's the blood coming from, her head? I'm going to need you to put pressure here.
Ryan: Baby --
Alex: Ok, now put pressure right here, Ryan.
Ryan: All right, all right, ok.
Alex: Hold it, tight. Gillian? Gillian, can you hear me?
Dimitri: Alex, how is she?

Officer: What's going on?
Alex: We have a gunshot wound to the head. All right. Radio Pine Valley Hospital. We need a full trauma team.
Officer: Central, this is 52 --
Alex: And have Dr. Joe Martin standing by.
Officer: Who's this?
Alex: Gillian?
Dimitri: This is her husband. He found her like this.
Officer: We'll need to notify the crime scene supervisor. Do you know --
Ryan: Please, just get help! Just help my wife! Just help her! Do something!
Officer: I'll see if security has anything.

Ryan: It's going to be all right. Stay with me, Gillian. Stay with me. Stay with me. You can't leave me. Come on. It's all right. It's going to be ok, babe. I'm right here. I'm right here. I'm going to take care of you. I'm right here. You can't leave me. You've got to stay with me.

Leo: Brooke, do you think that we can get Judge Stanton to issue a marriage license right away?
Brooke: He knows about Laura's condition, so I think it's worth a try.
Leo: Ok.
Bianca: So you're really going to do this, like, today?
Leo: Yeah, we are. Hey, hey, hey, hey -- can you get flowers?
Bianca: Yeah -- sure. I mean, my mom drops megabucks at the Valley Florist.
Leo: Oh, perfect.
Bianca: I'm sure if I say I'm Erica Kane's kid, they'll hook us up. Leo: All right, well, you drop that name, ok? Good. You're on it.
Brooke: Leo, are you sure you want to do this?
Leo: Yes, I'm sure. Ok? Now, do you think there's anything that we can get Laura to wear besides the standard-issue hospital scrubs?
Brooke: Oh, yes. I have a perfect thing at home. Um -- and I'll arrange for some music.
Bianca: And I'll get some, like, disposable cameras or something.
Brooke: Ok.
Leo: Perfect, perfect.
Bianca: And what about a cake?
Leo: Hmm, I don't think that she can eat cake.
Bianca: No, no, she can taste the icing.
Leo: All right. Ok, ok, I trust your judgment. Now I got to nail down a hospital chaplain or justice of the peace or something right away.
Brooke: Ok.
Leo: What?
Brooke: I can see why Laura loves you so much.
Leo: Go, go, go, go, go, go.
Brooke: Thank you, Leo, really.
Leo: All right.
Brooke: All right.
Leo: We're running out of time. We got to get this done before she gets back from her tests.

Leo: Yeah, could I speak with the hospital chaplain, please?

Vanessa: Leo du Pres, what is the meaning of this?
Leo: Uh -- no messages, thank you.
Hello, Mother.
Vanessa: Hmm. Oh, it's "Mother" now, huh, since you've charged a \\$28,000 diamond engagement ring to my room at the Valley Inn.
Leo: So you got that. Gee, that was quick.
Vanessa: Well, it's a very funny thing, but the jeweler there is adamant about collecting her money.
Leo: I'll pay you back.
Vanessa: Oh, well, then, of course how and when doesn't really matter, does it? You can't even treat me to lunch, Leo! Why, you clever, clever boy -- you marrying into money after all. Bravo, Leo. Bravo.

Jake: Boy. Now, doesn't this beat renting a video? You know what? I have an idea. Do you still have that video camera?
Greenlee: Huh?
Jake: Hmm?
Greenlee: Huh?
Jake: Come over here.
Greenlee: You want to make a videotape?
Jake: What? What do you mean? I thought you were into that. Didn't you make one of those with Scott Chandler? I mean, you're the pro here, but I'm just going to do my best to hang on.
Greenlee: That was ages ago. I was a film student.
Jake: Oh, no, it wasn't -- it wasn't that long ago.
Greenlee: Oh, well, I was still wild then.
Jake: Why, you're not wild now?
Greenlee: Jake --
Jake: Hmm? What?
Greenlee: I've done things, things I don't necessarily want to repeat.
Jake: Well, not things you're ashamed of?
Greenlee: What? No --
Jake: No, I didn't think so.
Greenlee: No, I have no regrets. You were a lot like Scott -- you know, he needed some loosening up.
Jake: See, that's what I'm talking about -- we need to cut loose. You know, hey, hey, stay right there. We need to get edible. Mm-hmm.
Greenlee: Unbelievable.
Jake: What do you say we just take this little party right on back to the bedroom? Hmm?
Jake: So what's wrong?
Greenlee: I can't do this.

Joe: What's your ETA?


Joe: Never mind. I can hear you approaching now. Stand by, everybody. They're pulling in. Pat, you're team leader. Clear the way there!
Paramedic: We have a gunshot to the head. Pulse is thready, BP is 40/palp. Pupils are blown.
Ryan: Joe, you got to help her.
Paramedic: GCS is five to six, reflexes are absent.
Second paramedic: We have an 18-gage IV with normal saline wide open.
Ryan: It's ok, Baby.
Pat: Exam room one.
Ryan: You're going to be ok.
Pat: Are the police coming?
Nurse: On the way, Doctor.
Pat: You know where to find me. Ok, people, on my count. Let's go. One, two, three.
Joe: All right, let's get a real line in there. Call Neuro.
Nurse: I've got a Cordis kit ready.
Pat: Gillian? Gillian, Gillian, can you hear me? Open your eyes, Gillian, or just squeeze my hand.
Nurse: What labs, doctor?
Pat: Two units of O-Neg now, type and cross for 10 and a full admitting panel.
Joe: She needs help breathing.
Bag her. Doctor: Pressure is 90/palp.
Pat: I need it between 100 and 130, not a point lower.
Doctor: She's fighting her. Get respiratory in here.
Ryan: It's ok.
Doctor: Now we need a tube in, a number 7 right now.
Joe: Ryan, Ry -- give these people a little room, please.
Ryan: I'm not leaving, Joe.
Nurse: Do you want to start a dopamine drip
? Pat: Yes. Is the central line in?
Nurse: No.
Pat: She's posturing. Has anyone called Dr. Thompson?
Nurse: Yes, he's been called, Doctor.
Pat: Call him again.
Ryan: Wait a minute -- who is Dr. Thompson? What are you doing? Why won't anybody tell me what's going on?
Joe: Shh -- Ryan, he's our attending neurologist. Here he is.
Pat: Her right pupil is fixed and dilated. She's herniated.

Dr. Thompson: All right. What's her pressure?
Nurse: 100/Palp.
Dr. Thompson: All right, let's get her over to cat scan stat. Keep bagging her. Wait, how are her reflexes?
Nurse: No reflexes.
Pat: Her color's getting dusky.
Ryan: Listen, I'm her husband. Will somebody please tell me what's going on here, please?
Dr. Thompson: She's going down for a Cat scan. It's a diagnostic procedure.
Ryan: I know what it is. Just what about the bullet?
Dr. Thompson: We have to find out how much damage the bullet's done before we can treat her. Notify OR for an emergency cranie. I want her up there right after the scan, and we'll need a portable x-ray for a skull series.
Pat: I ordered the dopamine drip.
Dr. Thompson: All right, let's hold off on the dopamine. I don't want her ICP getting too high.

Joe: Ryan, really, this is no place for you.
Ryan: I want to go with her.
Joe: No, Ryan, please.

Dr. Thompson: You can't. I'll talk to you as soon -- all right, your call. Let's move, people!

Alex: Ryan?
Ryan: She's got to go for a Cat scan.
Joe: Dr. Thompson is handling the case.
Alex: Thompson, ok, good. You keep me informed every step of the way.

Alex: I did this. I brought this evil into their lives.
Dimitri: No, don't. Don't talk -- you did nothing of the sort. I'm going to find out who's behind all this, I swear I will. And when I do --

Vanessa: Oh, Leo, come on, Darling. I know you better than anyone. And you could've just folded after Greenlee dumped you, but you didn't.
Leo: Oh, Vanessa, please.
Vanessa: No, your heart was absolutely shattered, I know, but you picked yourself up, you did exactly what you needed to do and, I'll say, well, Laura isn't quite the package that Greenlee was, but an heiress is an heiress, isn't it, Darling? And who cares if she was raised on the street, ate out of garbage cans, probably has --
Leo: Ok, would you stop it? Stop it. You're making me sick to my stomach.
David: Now that's what I call entertainment -- matricide by moonlight performed by someone other than myself.

Greenlee: Ok, I shouldn't have told Pat that we were bed buddies.
Jake: Well, many a truth is said in jest.
Greenlee: No, it has nothing to do with you, Jake. It's me.
Jake: Ah. So, this is not really for you, huh?
Greenlee: I -- I don't know what I want. Ok? I used to know. But I'm just not into the no-strings thing anymore. I'm sorry.
Jake: Don't be. You're growing up.
Greenlee: Wait a minute. Was this some kind of test?
Jake: Well, I guess we won't have any use for the whipped cream and that strawberry oil -- you didn't see the strawberry oil and won't have any use for that, either.
Greenlee: You weren't expecting me to sleep with you?
Jake: I just kind of played a little hunch.
Greenlee: Oh, and I'm supposed to believe that you didn't want to sleep with me, either, hmm?
Jake: Well, I never said that. And who knows what would've happened if we ventured back into the bedroom. But whatever would've happened, I'm sure it would've been pretty nice.
Greenlee: Oh, Honey. You don't know me after all, because I guarantee you "nice" would have nothing to do with it.

[Telephone rings]

Jake: Well -- I should get --
Greenlee: That.
Jake: That.
Greenlee: Yeah.

Jake: Hello?
Joe: Jake? Son, I hate to break this to you over the telephone, but you need to get over to the ER right away.
Jake: What is it?
Joe: There's been an accident. It's Gillian.
Jake: All right, all right, all right. I'll be right there, be right there.

Greenlee: What's going on? Where are you going?
Jake: Oh, it's Gillian. She had an accident. She's in the ER.
Greenlee: What kind of accident?
Jake: I don't know. I don't know. Talk to you later.
Greenlee: Well, wait, I'll go with you.

Alex: Dimitri, he's not responsible for this. He's just as upset as we are.
Dimitri: What the hell are you doing here?
Gabriel: Is Gillian ok?
Alex: No, I'm afraid not.
Gabriel: I'm sorry.
Dimitri: Why are you sorry? What do you know about this?
Gabriel: What I told you -- she was one of Charlotte's people.
Alex: Ilene was working for Charlotte?
Gabriel: Yes.
Dimitri: You said you remembered her from Bryn Wydd. Why do you have a guilty look on your face all of a sudden, Gabriel
Gabriel: I have nothing to be guilty about.
Dimitri: No? How about lying? You've been in on this all along, haven't you?
Gabriel: No, I haven't.
Dimitri: No, you knew that Ilene was after Anna. You didn't do anything to stop her, you didn't do anything to warn us!
Gabriel: Man, I tried to stop her, but she shot me with a dart gun. I was drugged.
Dimitri: Well, what are you, some kind of a scout sent ahead to make way for the assassin?
Gabriel: No!
Alex: Dimitri --
Dimitri: No, listen, Gillian is fighting for her life. A young, beautiful woman -- she's full of life. She gets shot in the back of the head only because this animal was sent here --
Gabriel: I'm not an animal!
Alex: Oh, stop it!
Alex: Come on --

Joe: All right, that's enough.
Alex: Stop it.
Joe: Stop it, everyone!
Gabriel: Man, he called me an animal!
Dimitri: You should be in a cage!
Joe: Calm down, everybody! You again.
Alex: You have to stop baiting him. He's not responsible for this.
Joe: Wait a minute. You know this man?
Alex: Yes, Joe. He's my brother. It's true.
Joe: All right, there's no need to get into this now. Now, look, I have to make a phone call about Gillian. Now, everybody, I realize you're all very, very upset about what happened, but no more outbursts like this. You got it?
Alex: Yes, you have my word. Please, go make your call.

Alex: I'm sorry Dimitri said that. He loves Gillian very much.
Gabriel: I didn't know Ilene was at Wildwind until I saw her. I don't know she was after Anna.
Alex: Yeah.
Gabriel: She shot me and she tied me up.
Alex: I know. I believe you. Did Ilene say anything to you when you came to?
Gabriel: She asked where Anna was, and I told her she wasn't there, but she didn't believe me. She threatened to kill you and her. That letter was meant for Anna to go to the Turret, not Gillian.
Alex: Oh, the note. Oh. Oh, I was going to go to the Turret. If I'd gone earlier, maybe I could've prevented this. And Gillian -- she'd be home. She'd be packing for the honeymoon.
Dimitri: No, Darling, don't even -- don't even -- it's ok.

Alex: What is it?
Dimitri: How is she?
Ryan: She's -- she's got pressure in her head. They have to -- they have to drill a hole.
Joe: Thompson called for a ventriculostomy. Her ICP is too high.
Alex: Ryan, it sounds much scarier than it is.
Ryan: They have to drill a hole --
Alex: Yeah, I know, I know. It's to relieve the pressure.
Joe: Dr. Thompson is one of our finest neurologists.
Alex: Oh, he is, absolutely. She's getting the best care.
Ryan: Excuse me.

Joe: No, no, wait. Let him have a moment to himself. Besides -- Dimitri.
Alex: They're doing everything they can.
Dimitri: I used to carry her around on my shoulders.
Alex: Shh.

Jake: Dad, what happened? Where's Gillian?

Vanessa: What on earth have I ever really done to deserve two such ungrateful sons?
David: Oh, let me count the ways.
Leo: Look, if you really want to make up for everything you've ever done to me, use your influence as Palmer Cortlandt's wife to get me a justice of the peace as soon as possible. Like tonight, immediately.
Vanessa: Oh, well -- actually, I -- I think I can handle that. Well, besides, it's a good idea to get married right away before Brooke shoves a pre-nup in your face. Well, I'll be back as soon as I can. And, oh, Leo -- you aren't going to get married in that, are you?
Leo: We don't have time for this, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Ciao.

David: That's our mother.
Leo: David, I do care about her. And if this helps keep her happy or even, you know, make her live a little bit longer, then --
David: Leo -- Leo, you don't have to explain.
Leo: Well, I just want you to know that I'm not taking advantage of the situation.
David: I know you're not. I think it's good what you're doing.
Leo: No, this isn't about me. It's about Laura. I'm damned to hell either way, so --
David: Well, I wouldn't damn your soul so quickly, Leo. You might just surprise us all.
Leo: Look, I know -- I know that we're not close.
David: Well, that's a nice introduction to an obvious request. What's up?
Leo: Well, it's just -- I'm getting married tonight, and I don't have a best man, so I was -- what do you want me to do, get on one knee? Come on.
David: No. Please, don't. I'd be happy to, little brother.
Leo: All right. Thank you.
David: Sure.

[Ryan prays at the hospital chapel]

Ryan: It's me. I -- I need to talk to you. And I know I haven't done this in a while, and I'm really sorry about that. I hope you don't hold it against me because I -- I really need your help right now. And I know you can do it because you did it for me when I was a kid. You remember that? Be hiding out in the garage, scared I was going to get the beating of my life, and you'd come through for me. So I know you're for real because you saved me then. Ryan: And you saved me again when you brought Gillian into my life. That's why I'm here, because she really needs you. She really -- I need you to save her because she's my life. She's my everything. So -- so don't take her from me. Please don't take her from me because -- because I don't -- I don't think I can make it without her.

Laura: What is it, Doc? I didn't pass a test?
David: Well, I only have the preliminary results, but they're not too good. I'm sorry, Laura. I wish I had better news to give you.
Laura: So do I. But it is what it is.
David: But don't give up, ok? When I play, I play to win.
Laura: I know. You're doing everything you can. It's not your fault.
David: It's not yours, either. You just have to hang tough until a new heart comes in, ok?
Laura: I know. In the meantime, I just have to enjoy every minute.
David: Mm-hmm.
Laura: I can't believe I could be so happy. It's enough for a lifetime.
David: You sure about that?

["Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring" plays]

Laura: What's going on?
Leo: Oh, this? I don't know, just your wedding day.
Laura: Now?
Leo: Well, you said that you would marry me. Don't you like the idea of being a June bride?
Laura: It's just that I didn't think --
Leo: You didn't think what? That I meant it?
Laura: Well, no. It's just I didn't think we'd really get to it.
Leo: Well, I'm free for the next half an hour or so. How about you?
Laura: Are you sure?
Leo: I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life, Laura.
Laura: I don't know what to say.
Leo: Say yes.
Laura: Ok. Yes.

Jake: How? How could something like this happen to Gillian, of all people? She'd never hurt anyone.
Alex: Obviously, she wasn't the target.
Dimitri: The police have the shooter. Our main concern is for Gillian right now.
Alex: Yeah.
Joe: I'll go see if there's any word. You going to be all right?
Jake: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Here's Dr. Thompson.
Alex: How'd it go? Were you able to remove the bullet?
Dr. Thompson: Where's her husband?

Alex: I'm not sure. Jake: What is it, Doctor? What's going on?
Dr. Thompson: You should get her husband. He'll want to hear this.
Alex: No. Please, tell us. Tell us.
Dr. Thompson: The damage was too massive. Her coma scale is down to zero. She has no reflexes at all. We've done apnea tests three times, but she wasn't able to breathe on her own. Her EEG Is flat. I'm sorry.
Greenlee: What does that mean?
Dimitri: Yeah, but she has a chance, right? I mean, she lost her speech before and she got it back.
Alex: It means there isn't any brain activity, Dimitri.
Dimitri: What -- what are you telling me?
Alex: We can't bring her back. Gillian's gone.

David: Leo, come here. Let me do this. Hey.
Leo: Hey.
David: It's a good thing Vanessa brought your suit, huh? Looks like you pulled it off. I'm proud of you, kid.
Leo: I'm not doing this to score points.
David: I know why you're doing it. Relax. Remember when you stopped by the jail to tell me how proud you were of me for saving all those people in the ER.?
Leo: I bet you never expected to hear that from me, huh?
David: No, I didn't. I'm sure you're just as shocked to hear it from me right now.
Leo: Yeah, well, I guess we're just a couple of sentimental schmucks, aren't we?
David: Yeah. Yeah, sounds good. What?
Leo: The rings. Oh! I forgot the rings, man! What -- I wanted everything to be perfect. My God.
David: Will these do?
Leo: What are you, a genie? Where'd you get these?
David: I had the jeweler over at the Valley Inn send them over. It's my wedding present to the two of you.
Leo: David, thank you.
David: Leo, that's what best men are for.
Leo: Thanks.

Laura: This is so awesome, Mom.
Brooke: Here you go. Oh, I knew you would look beautiful in it.
Laura: Thank you, Mom.
Brooke: Ok, I have some makeup in my purse. We're going to make you a blushing bride. Isn't that nice? It's the perfect color for your skin. Just relax. It's ok. Oh, you look beautiful. And you know what? In the tradition of something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, Aunt Phoebe sent this. She wanted you to have it. It's from her mother.
Laura: Oh. Oh, it's so sweet.
Brooke: Got it? I know.
Laura: How'd she know?
Brooke: I told her. She really wanted to be here.
Laura: It was sort of late notice, huh?
Brooke: Well, they wouldn't let her out of rehab with the broken hip, but she wanted to send this. And she sends her love. There.
Laura: What about Jamie? Brooke: He's with Opal and Petey, and we'll tell him all about it after the fact, ok?
Laura: So I guess I already have something blue?
Brooke: Yeah.
Laura: And the brooch is old and the kimono's new.
Bianca: I have something for you, too, Laura. This was -- this was from my Grandma Mona. She gave it to me and she told me to always keep it close to my heart. And I would love it if you wore it.
Laura: My something borrowed.
Brooke: It's beautiful.
Bianca: So you're all set, right?
Laura: I want you to be happy for me.
Bianca: Yeah, I really am. I mean, come on. My two best friends.
Laura: Well, thanks, because as it turns out, I need a maid of honor.
Bianca: I would love to.
Brooke: I'm going to do one last thing, ok? Let's do like this. Just a little. I'm not perfect at this.

[Brooke laughs]

Brooke: Ok. There you go. Ok.
Laura: Mama, I want you to know how filled with joy I am. I mean, look at this face. You always remember how happy this face looks.
Brooke: It's a beautiful face, and I adore -- And I don't want to cry before the ceremony, ok? So I'm going to call everybody in. All right. Ok.

Vanessa: Oh. Whoo.
Leo: Oh. You look amazing. Look who I have with me.
Laura: Zora?
Zora: Now, you didn't think I was going to miss this, did you, after the two of you been sneaking around like Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson for two weeks, did you?
Leo: You were tough, I'll give you that, Zora.
Laura: Yeah, she made Leo get creative, too, which I loved.
Zora: Ah, well, so did I. Come here, boy.
Leo: Ow. Let go, let go.
Judge: So, are we ready to begin?
Leo: Are you ready?
Laura: Yeah.
Brooke: Yeah. So let's begin. Come on.
Leo: All right.
Brooke: Take your places.

[Guitar plays]

Judge: Dearest family and friends, we are gathered here to witness the union of Laura English and Leo du Pres.

Dr. Thompson: If there are any other relatives you should contact -- we've done everything we can.
Jake: Not Gillian.
Dimitri: Gillian's -- she's gone? She can't be gone. She can't be --
Alex: Oh, God.
Jake: Why? Why did this happen?
Joe: Jake, why don't we go to my office.
Jake: No, no, no. I'm fine. I'm fine. I have to tell Ryan.
Alex: Ryan. Oh. He was here. He went off by himself.
Joe: Ok. I'll handle it.
Jake: No, no, Dad. Just let me tell him, ok?
Dimitri: Jake, I'll -- I'll go with you.
Jake: Dimitri, thank you. I need to tell him alone, all right?
Dimitri: All right.
Jake: I have an idea where he might be.

Ryan: Maybe it's wrong for me to expect another miracle. I mean, you already let me find Gillian, and then you let us get back together again. That's two. I don't have the right to expect more. I mean, I haven't been the most faithful guy. But here I am asking. Because -- because Gillian is so totally deserving. She -- she's somebody that you could be proud of. I don't know -- I don't know what I did to be so lucky. She loves me, and I love her so completely. She -- she's the most beautiful person that I have ever seen, inside and out. She just has to look at me, and I'm -- I'm capable of everything and of anything. But all I really want -- I just want -- I just want to keep looking into those soft, warm eyes. And I want to get lost in them. The past doesn't matter anymore. All I just -- all I see is the future. The important thing is that we just stay together. And if I -- if I sound selfish for asking, I'm -- I'm really sorry, but I need her in my life. The thought of her not here with me, I -- I can't. She's got to live. You have to make her live. Please.

[Ryan looks up and sees Jake watching him]


Leo: I, Leo, take thee, Laura, to be my wife.

Jake: We need to approach Ryan about testing Gillian as a possible heart donor for Laura.

Ryan: Come back to me.

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