JUNE 4, 2001

Greenlee: You. Nurse?
Nurse: Yes?
Greenlee: Please find Dr. Jake Martin and tell him that Greenlee Smythe is waiting for him in the sun porch.
Nurse: Is this an emergency?
Greenlee: An emergency? I'll tell you what it is. It's an injustice.
Nurse: All right, look. There's a house phone right here. You can have him paged.

Greenlee: You -- who does Erica think I am? I will not be ordered around like a slave. "Greenlee, get me some coffee." "Greenlee, pick up my dry cleaning." "Greenlee, buy me 157 mirrors so I can look at the only person in the world who likes me." That petty, self-centered witch just wants to humiliate me. Well, I won't be humiliated. Nobody browbeats me.
Damn. Her voice mail. Hello, Erica? This is Greenlee. I have some bad news for you. Our arrangement isn't working out. The fact is you haven't come up to my expectations as an employer -- or as a human being. I came to you to learn about cosmetics, not the fine art of torturing talented employees, so I quit. You lose, Erica. Bye. Yes.

Jake: Well, well. Greenlee Smythe.
Greenlee: Jake. I was just about to have you paged. You wouldn't believe the day I had.
Jake: Well, I have some idea. I saw you on your coffee order there at BJ's, remember?
Greenlee: That seems like weeks ago. It just got worse from there. That Erica isn't fit to be among people, let alone employ them.
Jake: So you gave her a piece of your mind, didn't you?
Greenlee: Oh, you better believe I did.
Jake: And what, you quit? I mean, you're much too good to put up with any kind of a hassle, right? What a surprise.

Anna: H.I.V.-Positive?
Robin: I wasn't going to tell you.
Anna: Not tell me?
Robin: I guess I just didn't realize how much I need to tell you, how much I need you.
Anna: Oh. Oh, my little girl.
Anna: It'll be all right. You know that. It'll be all right.
Anna: Hey.
Robin: I don't want you to worry, though, ok? I'm fine. I really am.
Anna: You look well. You look so well. How long have you known?
Robin: A few years, but I've learned to live with it.
Anna: You don't feel sick, do you?
Robin: No.
Anna: No?
Robin: No. A lot of progress has been mad since you've been gone. You probably aren't up on all that happened.
Anna: No.
Robin: Well, I'm on this strict medical regimen that keeps me from developing aids. It's called a cocktail. It's a combination of drugs.
Anna: So many, is it?
Robin: Yeah. And I have to take them exactly on schedule, you know. Some on an empty stomach, some on a full stomach.
Anna: It sounds very hard.
Robin: Don't worry about me. I have a great life.
Anna: Oh, yes. A great life. Of course you do.
Robin: I do. I mean, I consider myself lucky. Especially now that I have you back.
Anna: Yes.

Edmund: Robin?
Robin: Hello, Edmund.
Anna: She came from Paris to see you.
Edmund: Did I give something away when I saw you in Paris?
Robin: Oh, no. You didn't. Just really wanted to see my mom, and you seemed so interested in her, I couldn't not come.
Edmund: I'm glad you did. It's time for you two to be together again.
Anna: Yes, yes. Yes.

Leo: I can't face my life without you in it.
Laura: I don't understand, Leo. You can't face your life without me?
Leo: I know -- I know this is a lot to spring on you right now. My timing stinks.
Laura: No, your timing couldn't be better.
Leo: Here. Don't cry.
Laura: I've loved you since the first moment I met you. Well, almost. It was when you thought no one was looking. Remember that photograph I took of you where you were all by yourself?
Leo: Yeah. Well, I told you that you stole my soul.
Laura: Your guard was down. I saw right through you. How could I help but love you?

David: I'm glad Laura took the news well.
Brooke: She certainly took it better than I would have if I were in that situation.
David: Well, since she was already prepped for the transplant, it must have been very disappointing for her to hear that the heart wasn't viable.
Brooke: Yes. You know, but she tried to make it easier for me.
David: She's a very special girl.
Brooke: So, where do we go from here?
David: That's what I wanted to discuss with you. I've had Laura put to the top of the waiting list.
Brooke: The top of the list? You mean because her condition is getting worse?
David: Laura has pneumonia, Brooke. Now, unless we're able to get a new heart soon, her complications are going to get more serious.

Laura: Oh, my God. Did I just kiss your hand?
Leo: I liked it.
Laura: You must think I'm such an idiot.
Leo: What, because you think that I have a soul worth saving? Come on. I only wish that I were the person you think I am.
Laura: You have no idea what you're like.
Leo: Oh, but you do?
Laura: I think so.
Leo: And all because of one photograph?
Laura: No. I've watched you. I've listened to you. I've tried to let you know I understand you, but I went about it the wrong way. Leo, if you think you have feelings for me, it's probably that you just feel sorry for me.
Leo: No, Laura, come on. Feeling sorry for someone and actually loving them are two completely different things.
Laura: You know what I mean.
Leo: Look, I'm not a photographer, ok? I didn't know how I felt about you until just now. The way you're handling this whole thing, how brave you've been -- it's unbelievable, Laura, and I really like spending time with you.
Laura: I'm the same person I always was.
Leo: Yeah, but I'm not -- because of you. And knowing how you feel about me, I'd be a fool not to love you back.
Laura: Well, if I'm half as brave as you think I am, I wouldn't be so terrified to ask you this. Are you still in love with Greenlee?

Greenlee: What makes you think I quit my job?
Jake: Didn't you?
Greenlee: I worked hard all day for that sadist.
Jake: Hmm. Exactly. And you couldn't handle it. I mean, this is the first job you ever had, right? First time you had to work at anything?
Greenlee: No, that is so not true. But I demand that people treat me with respect.
Jake: Refresh my memory. At what point did you earn that respect? I almost forgot. It's the nose -- that magical nose for perfume. And of course, you are Greenlee Smythe, and Erica should feel lucky to have you. What? Don't look at me like that. You're the one who told me that you were going to dazzle her with your brilliance and you were going to make her have to renegotiate your contract.
Greenlee: Yes, and I can do that but not I'm schlepping around town, running her pointless errands.
Jake: She's testing you.
Greenlee: No, she's trying to crush me.
Jake: And you let her. It was a test, and you failed. Thank God you've got that check from your granddad.

Robin: The grounds are amazing. I mean, this place is just absolutely out of control.
Edmund: Well, it's even more beautiful when you're not tripping over security guards every 10 paces.
Robin: Yes, but that's good thing, under the circumstances.
Edmund: Absolutely. Keeping your mom safe is my top priority. Listen, I hope you understand now why I had to keep the truth from you about your mom being alive.
Robin: Yes, I understand. But I still wish you'd told me. If my mom needs her memory back, I'm the best person to help her do it.
Anna: No, I didn't want you here. I needed to keep you out of harm's way.
Robin: You think that matters to me?
Edmund: I see you all share the same chutzpah gene. Has she met Alex yet?
Anna: Yeah.
Robin: Oh, yes. Today has certainly been a day of surprises.
Edmund: Ok. Well, you guys got a lot of catching up to do.
Anna: Yeah, bye.
Robin: Ok.
Anna: Thank you.
Robin: Bye. Thank you.
Edmund: You're welcome. Bye.

Anna: You want some tea?
Robin: Yes, please.
Anna: Ok. Alex has gotten them trained around here, you know.
Robin: You know, I liked him a lot when I first met him.
Anna: Oh, yeah, he's very nice. He's very nice. He's had his share of difficulties.
Robin: Really? Like what?
Anna: He was very much in love with his wife, and she died suddenly. And then when he finally fell in love again, it didn't end very well.
Robin: Yeah.
Anna: Here.
Robin: I can see that. There's a sadness in his face.
Anna: Yeah. It's always there, and it's such a shame because he's a really good guy.
Robin: Are you in love with him?
Anna: Am I in love with Edmund? Oh, wow. If you knew the shape my mind had been in recently, you'd know that was impossible.
Robin: Oh, ok. Well, I thought I saw something in the way you two looked at each other.
Anna: I'm very grateful to him. Very. I think that sometimes when he looks at me, he's not seeing me.
Robin: What do you mean? There's something wrong with his mind?
Anna: He's in love with my sister.
Robin: Oh. But she's married --
Anna: Yes.
Robin: Wow. I mean, wow. With everything else going on around here, to have that hanging over you, it's beyond weird.
Anna: I remember the last time I saw you, you were just a baby.
Robin: I was 13.
Anna: Yes, exactly -- a baby. I didn't see you grow up.
Robin: You know what? When they first told me that you and Daddy died, I didn't believe them. I didn't believe them for the longest time because I thought you guys could survive anything because you'd always come back before
. Anna: Who took care of you?
Robin: Uncle Mac.
Anna: Oh, yeah.
Robin: Of course.
Anna: Yeah.
Robin: I mean, he was always there for me. But, you know, I still was pretty lonely. What was strange was that I didn't act out or anything. I mean, it was really the opposite. I mean, I got straight as and I hung out with all the right people.
Anna: Uh-huh.
Robin: I didn't give him any trouble at all. Until I met Stone.
Anna: Stone. Is he the one -- where is he now?
Robin: He died. Of AIDS.
Anna: Oh.
Robin: Just before he died, you and Daddy came to me.
Anna: We did?
Robin: Yeah. It was like your spirit was talking to me. I remember you told me to be strong.
Anna: God, you must have needed us so much, especially then. Stone.
Robin: Yeah. His real name was Michael, but I never called him that.
Anna: Did you love him very much?
Robin: Very much.

Greenlee: I had a horrible day. I came here wanting to talk about it with someone I thought cared, but obviously --
Jake: Hmm. Well, forgive me if I misrepresented myself this morning, but I am your roommate, not your shrink.
Greenlee: Fine then. I won't say another word.
Jake: Ok.
Greenlee: But just for your information, you couldn't be more wrong. Not only did I not quit my job, but I just talked to my grandfather and asked him to withhold my weekly trust fund checks until further notice. I'm going to live on my salary from Enchantment.
Jake: Hmm.
Greenlee: Did you hear what I said? I'm going to make it on my own. Where are you going?
Jake: Oh, I forgot my coffee. God knows I wouldn't ask you to get it for me.
Greenlee: Well, what do you think about what I just said to you? No more trust fund checks. I'm going to make it on my own.
Jake: No, no, no, really, really, I don't care. You know, because I'm not your father. And it's not my job to try and stroke you for things that you should have learned when you were in grade school.
Greenlee: What do you mean you're not my father?
Jake: Greenlee, you're acting like a child -- all this whining and moaning and everything.
Greenlee: I'm not looking for a father.
Jake: Could have fooled me.
Greenlee: Want to see childish?
Jake: Hey! You brat.
Greenlee: No!
Joe: Wait! What is going on?

Leo: Yeah, I still have feelings for Greenlee.
Laura: But are you still in love with her?
Leo: Honestly, I could answer that either way. Laura: I mean, you were going to marry her, and suddenly it was off. You can't really kill that kind of love from one moment to the next.
Leo: Yeah, but when two people can't trust each other, you have to call it quits, no matter what else you feel for each other. Greenlee and I never would have made it.
Laura: Do you really think that's true -- being able to just call it quits and walk away when you still have a lot of love left?
Leo: Well, it's -- it's the only healthy thing to do. All Greenlee and I knew how to do is hurt each other, and love means more than just hurting each other.
Laura: Sometimes love is being able to be yourself, knowing that you can say or do anything and they'll still love you as long as you live.

Brooke: So you're saying that Laura is running out of time.
David: With the transplant, there's still every reason to hope.
Brooke: But if she doesn't get a viable heart soon, she -- she will die?
David: I'm sorry, Brooke. We really have done all that we can do. The rest --
Brooke: Is in God's hands.
Brooke: Do you believe in God, David?
David: This might surprise you to hear this, but, yes, I do.
Brooke: You know what I think when I hear people say that it's all in God's hands? What they're really saying is that they're giving up.
David: That's not what I meant, Brooke.
Brooke: Well, God already took one of my daughters, so I don't know why I should believe that he's going to come through this time.

Leo: You know what? A trip to Europe is no big deal to me. You know, I've never been out west.
Laura: You mean, like, California?
Leo: No, that's not west. I was thinking, like, riding down the Grand Canyon a donkey.
Laura: Yeah, I've never done that, either.
Leo: Well maybe we should think about it.

Brooke: Leo, could I have just a minute with my daughter?
Leo: Yeah, sure. I'll be right outside.

Laura: You have more bad news, don't you, Mom?
Brooke: You told me that you want me to be honest with you.
Laura: How much time do I have left?
Brooke: You have pneumonia, which does make your situation a little more serious. But also I just was talking to Dr. Hayward, and he said that there is every reason to hope.
Laura: But you're losing hope, aren't you, Mom?
Brooke: No. Laura, I am not. And I trust David. And I believe that you are going to get well.
Laura: I do, too. There's going to be a miracle. I'm going to get a break. I just have a feeling I will.
Brooke: Honey, I'm so glad, and I think that we have to hold on to that feeling because you're right.
Laura: I have no reason to doubt that my life is blessed because I've already had proof that wonderful things happen when you least expect it. It wasn't an accident that my neighbor in New York gave me a post card of Pine Valley. I came here without knowing why. I found you. I have so much to live for. I'm not giving up without a fight.

Robin: Thanks.
Anna: Tell me when you -- tell me about when you found out you had the virus.
Robin: Well, Stone -- he lived on the streets. He was a runaway. And from the first time that we met, he was HIV-Positive, but he didn't know it because it hadn't shown up on the test yet. And then he got really sick. He'd had this girlfriend before that had used drugs, and -- I mean, he hadn't seen her at all since we'd been together. When he found out, I mean, he couldn't forgive himself for putting me in danger. He tried pushing me away. But -- I don't know. It was too late. I couldn't have stayed away anyway.
Anna: Were you with him when he died?
Robin: Mm-hmm. I laid down next to him, put his arms around me. He had lost his sight because of AIDS. So, you know, he couldn't see anything, but right before he died, he looked up, and he said that he saw me. He said, "I can see you, Robin." He did. I know he did.
Anna: I'm sorry you had to go through all that.
Robin: You know what the thing is? I consider myself ally lucky. I mean, I know what it's like to be in love with this just beautiful person. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't do a thing different.
Anna: You're not a little girl anymore. You're a grown woman. And I missed it. I wasn't there. I'm sorry.
Robin: It's ok. It's ok.

Bianca: Look, why do you keep following me everywhere?
Guard: It's for your own protection, miss.
Bianca: Why? What's going on?
Guard: It just pays to be extra careful. That's all. Have a good ride.
Bianca: Thanks.

Bianca: Who are you?
Gabriel: My name is Gabriel.
Bianca: Are you new here? Look, you don't have to keep staring at me. I'm not going to explode or something.
Gabriel: No?
Bianca: I don't normally lose it like that. It just -- I've just had a bad day. Gabriel, huh? I'm Bianca. Did you always hate your name growing up? Well, I did. Except once I told that to a friend of mine, and she told me that Bianca is a lot better than Blanche. Which the same name, only in French.
Gabriel: Is it?
Bianca: But Gabriel is -- Gabriel is all right. It's from the bible, right? An angel.
Gabriel: I'm not an angel.

Anna: What kind of mother was I? Running around the world on secret assignments and I should have been with you. Just think what our lives would have been like if I was an accountant or something. Robin: Well, I can't think that way, you know. I have to deal with what is.
Anna: You are an amazing person, you know? You are.
Robin: I want you to know that I never doubted that you and Daddy loved me, that you put me first in your own way.
Anna: Even when I couldn't remember anything else, I always felt that there was somebody out there in the world that I loved more than myself and I had to get to them. You have to believe that.
Robin: I do. I do because you have come back to me. Maybe now we can be a family again.
Anna: Oh, a family. My daughter and me. We could be happy again, couldn't we?
Robin: Yes. Yes, we could, Mom. Definitely.
Anna: There is something I was thinking about -- Christmas. I remember -- did I have, like, Christmas ornaments in my ears or something?
Robin: Christmas?
Anna: Yeah.
Robin: Yeah. Actually, I think you did. That was o last Christmas together.
Anna: It was. And Daddy was, like, really mad with you about something. Roger. A Roger?
Robin: Oh, God, Roger. Roger Hollander -- the first guy I ever dated. Yeah.
Anna: That's right. He was tall and skinny, and he kept bumping into the furniture and stuff. Oh, my God, of all the things to remember, I'd have to remember that.
Robin: God, I can't believe it. I mean, no one else knows about that. I'm so glad I have you back.
Anna: Oh. I can't make up for all the time I've missed, but we still have so many years ahead --
Robin: Yeah. We do. We've got a lot of years, Mom. Our whole lives. Ok, I'm going to promise you that I'll never leave you. You've got to promise me the same thing back.

Edmund: Sorry to interrupt. Robin, let me ask you a question. Do you have a cell phone with you here?
Robin: No. I left it at home. Why?
Edmund: Do you mind if I have a word in private with your mom?
Robin: Is it about my mom being in danger?
Anna: No, no, that's ok. I'm not hiding anything from her.
Edmund: All right. I talked to the head of security, and there was apparently a cell phone call placed to England from somewhere in Wildwind.
Anna: Security traced it?
Edmund: Yeah, just overseas, and then it was scrambled. Robin, does anyone know you're here?
Robin: Just my landlady and a couple of my friends. Why? What does that mean, someone calling England on a cell phone?
Edmund: Well, I'm not sure. It'll just be better when we find out who it is, that's all.

Jake: I'm sorry, Dad. I don't know what came over me. I apologize.
Joe: Spare me, spare me. Just please clean up. Bye-bye.
Jake: Dad -- hey.

Greenlee: I got you, didn't I?
Jake: What are you talking about?
Greenlee: It was killing you not to -- pretending not to care about what I was saying.
Jake: I don't care. I don't care.
Greenlee: Oh, that's why you smeared pudding all over my face.
Jake: No, I was just fighting back. You started it.
Greenlee: Uh-huh. Whatever. And now I know how to get your attention.
Jake: No, no, no, no, Greenlee. Listen, you're the one who was acting like a 4-year-old. I just responded in kind, ok? And I shouldn't have. So don't go trying to read something else into this.
Greenlee: Oh, ok. I won't. But now I know what to do when all else fails, Roomie.
Jake: You know what? You can just bring it on, Roomie, all right? You're going to see what happens next.
Greenlee: Really? What?
Jake: I'm glad that you decided to tough it out with Erica, and I'm proud of you. And I wish you the best of luck. I didn't do this, if anybody asks.

Greenlee: But I did get to you, Jake, and you do care. And I'll show you. I'll prove you wrong. No. No, he wasn't wrong. I did quit my job. Oh, my God. I've got to get to that message before Erica listens to her voice mail. Out of the way. Excuse me.

Laura: So I'm at the top of the list now? Brooke: So that means the first available heart goes to you. And David said that once the transplant is complete, that your prognosis is great.
Laura: So then it's just the wait for the heart.
Brooke: I know. I know that's the hard part.
Laura: It'll happen.
Brooke: Yes, it will. And you know what? David has done this procedure a million times almost, so it's a sure thing.
Laura: And if it is, it's not the technology that will save me. It's all the love I have in my life -- you and Jamie and Bianca and Leo. Leo loves me, Mom. That's the best medicine. That's the only medicine I need.

Bianca: So, who's your friend?
Gabriel: Oh, he's no friend of mine. He's one of the dogs that works here.
Bianca: Hey, boy. You're not afraid of me, are you? No. No. Of course not. There's no reason to be afraid of me.
Gabriel: I'm not afraid of you.

Robin: Mom, I just found you. If I leave, I might not ever see you again.
Anna: That's not going to happen. It was always my plan to come to you as soon as I figured out who was after me, and that's still what I intend too.
Robin: Yeah, but how do you know how long that's going to take?
Anna: Well, we're getting closer. If you stay here, we're going to worry about keeping you safe, so it's better if you go.
Robin: Well, I'm not going back to Paris to wait. Not indefinitely.
Anna: All right. Then give me a few weeks, and I'll fly to Paris to be with you.
Robin: You promise?
Anna: Oh, you have my word. Yes.
Robin: You don't show up, you know I'll come back here for you.
Anna: Yes. I know that. You won't have to. I'll come to Paris, and I'll never leave you again.
Robin: Ok. Mom, I need you much more than I realized before today.
Anna: Oh, I need you, too. It's all right.
Robin: I want you to be very, very careful. I don't want to have to mourn you all over again.
Anna: I'll do my best. I promise.
Robin: Here.
Anna: No.
Robin: Take this.
Anna: You've had it forever.
Robin: No, take it. It's a loan. You can give it back to me when you come to Paris.
Anna: I will.
Robin: Promise me.
Anna: I promise.
Robin: All right. Come here.
Anna: Shh. I love you.
Robin: I love you, too.
Anna: Ok.
Robin: I'll see you soon.
Anna: Ok.

Brooke: If there's anything that I can ever do to repay you, Leo --
Leo: No, Brooke, please, you don't owe me anything. Not everything I told Laura is a lie. She's a terrific girl. She's very honest, and she's very brave, and I wish I could love her the way she wants me to. I'll do whatever I can for Laura because I do care about her very much.


Bianca: Gabriel, what is it? What?
Gabriel: Someone's here.

Greenlee: You weren't just listening to your voice mail, were you?

Gillian: Is Laura going to be ok?
Leo: She will be if you guys can help me deliver.
Ryan: Deliver what?
Leo: An incredible dream.

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