JUNE 6, 2001

Greenlee: Ok. There we go. Ah, and it's still foamy. Yes! Good morning.
Val: Thanks.
Greenlee: That's for Erica.
Val: Erica's in Manhattan. She left this morning.
Greenlee: But I stopped by the French bakery to pick her up a chocolate croissant and a cappuccino especially for her.
Val: Oh, too bad. You know, Erica left this for you. It's your to-do list.
Greenlee: Erica wants me to enter her complete address file into her computer?
Val: Mm-hmm. It's fantastic, isn't it? You know, I have been after her to do this for years. It's going to make my life so much easier.
Greenlee: There's got to be over 600 cards here.
Val: Tell me about it.

[Telephone rings]

Val: Erica Kane's office, good morning. Oh, no, she's not in. May I take a message, or would you like her voice mail? Oh. Ok. Well, is that definite? Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I'll let her know.

[Val sighs]

Greenlee: What?
Val: Isadora's Blush -- you know, that lingerie store in the mall?
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Val: The store manager just nixed Erica's proposal for a promotional tie-in with Enchantment.
Greenlee: I love that store! And teaming up with Enchantment's a fabulous idea.
Val: Yeah, well, not anymore. Too bad. Erica was really counting on it. Oh, and a little word of warning -- Erica has her own filing system.
Greenlee: Great.

Greenlee: Hi, Grandaddy. It's me. I need to ask you a tiny favor. Could you find out who owns the mall? Very funny. If I owned the mall, I wouldn't need to know, now, would I? Ok, I'm at Enchantment. Ask for Erica Kane's office. Thanks. You're a love.

Val: No, you can't go in there. She's not even here right now.
Vanessa: Oh, come on, Val, relax. I'll only be a moment. Greenlee, dear.
Greenlee: It's ok, Val. I can handle this.
Vanessa: Well, what are you doing in Erica's office?
Greenlee: I work here. What's your excuse?
Vanessa: Well, I have a confession to make.

Adam: Whoa. Whoa. That's no way to start your day. Just because you're not living with your mother doesn't mean you can have candy for breakfast.
J.R.: Dad, I eat this all the time.
Adam: Your mother knows this?
J.R.: Yeah. Tad does, too. It's his favorite breakfast.
Adam: Oh. Well, I'll bet you're on top of the world. Final exam, summer's almost here. I lived for this when I was your age.
J.R.: It doesn't feel all that different -- I mean, since I got suspended and all.
Adam: Yeah, I guess -- I guess not.
J.R.: Well, yeah. I mean, it's not like I could do anything other than study.
Adam: Hmm. You know, we grounded you for your own good. You know that. But as of today, it's lifted. You can go on-line, you can go to the mall, you can go back to that band of yours.
J.R.: That's good because I missed so many rehearsals, they want to replace me.
Adam: Replace you? Why don't we replace them?
J.R.: I was thinking maybe if I showed up to rehearsal this afternoon that I'd be able to stop them. But I have community service today. I was thinking -- do you think it'd be all right if I just missed one?
Adam: Son, don't try to con me. You're way out of your league.

Tad: Listen to me, ok? We have got to tell Jamie. It's ridiculous. All he ever does is ask me about Laura -- you know, when is she coming home, when can he come and visit her. It's -- it's getting out of hand.
Brooke: I know, I know. I know he misses her. He's probably homesick by now, too.
Tad: Well, I don't know about that, thank God. Opal's doing a pretty good job of keeping him and Petey going to movies and hopping between restaurants.
Brooke: Thank God for Opal. I know you're right, all right? I know you're right. I know -- you know, Jamie knows that Laura has a heart condition. I know it's just a matter of time until he finds out that she needs a transplant.
Tad: And he's got to hear it from us. I mean, come on, we don't have a choice. If you want, we can tell him together.
Brooke: Ok. Just let me prepare Laura first, ok?
Tad: Sure. Absolutely.
Brooke: Ok.
Tad: Sure.
Brooke: There's something else that you should know, Tad.
Tad: About Laura?
Brooke: No, something I've done.

David: Good morning, Brooke. Tad.
Tad: What the hell is this? Where's your little escort?
David: Oh, haven't you heard?
Brooke: I was just going to tell him.
David: Oh, well, that's ok, Brooke. I'm happy to tell him. Thanks to Brooke, I'm out on bail.
Tad: You did what?
David: Don't be angry with Brooke.
Brooke: I'll take it from here, David.

Brooke: I spoke to Judge Stanton, and I requested that he reconsider letting David out on bail.
Tad: Who posted it?
Brooke: I did. I did it for Laura.
Tad: It's fine. I -- I completely understand. I'm sure that Dr. Hayward will do everything he can to save her.
Tad: It's ok. It's all right.

Brooke: I was just in Laura's room a little while ago. She was asleep.
David: I'll go check on her.
Brooke: Ok.

Tad: Look, I don't care if he is a brilliant doctor. You know you cannot trust him as far as you can throw him, right?
Brooke: I have to trust him, all right? He's probably as guilty as sin. Doesn't matter to me, Tad. Keeping Laura alive -- that's the only thing that matters to me.
Tad: How much was his bail? It must have been astronomical.
Brooke: I don't care, you know? He just has to take care of Laura. He can hop the first jet to Bahrain for all I care. The cost doesn't matter to me. It is worth it.
Tad: You're right. I -- I'm sorry. I don't want to be selfish. It's -- it's just --
Brooke: What?
Tad: Well, I have no idea how J.R. is going to react when he finds out that Hayward is out of jail.

J.R.: Dad, I wasn't trying to scam you or anything. It's just that the band asked three guys I know to show up to rehearsal tonight. And if I were there -- I don't know -- it'd just be harder for them to throw me out.
Adam: Hmm. What kind of community service project they have you lined up for today?
J.R.: I don't know. They want me to paint over some graffitied wall next to the library.
Adam: Well, that's -- that's worthwhile.
J.R.: I guess.
Adam: Son, you realize that community service is more than a punishment. It's -- it's doing something positive for the community.
J.R.: Yeah, Dad, I know that. But what if it's just the worst day possible?
Adam: Hmm.
J.R.: I mean, it's not like it's the only graffitied wall in this whole town. I'm sure I could reschedule for next week or even tomorrow.
Adam: Well, that's true, but you're dealing with the legal system here. But there might -- there might be a way.
J.R.: For real?
Adam: Well, they want a wall painted. Who says you have to paint it?
Liza: I do.

Greenlee Mrs. Cortlandt, I'm very busy. Please get to the point so I can get back to work. Val, hold my calls.
Vanessa: Well, well, right down to business. Dear, I do admire that. I hate people who beat around the bush.
Greenlee: You're beating around the bush.
Vanessa: Ok. Ok, I did come here this morning to see you.
Greenlee: Me? How did you even know I was here?
Vanessa: Oh, I overheard Palmer talking to Erica. Greenlee, I'm absolutely devastated about you and Leo breaking your engagement.
Greenlee: Take it up in therapy.
Vanessa: Look, this whole misunderstanding is my fault. Leo wanted to tell you about Katerina, but I persuaded him not to, Darling. You've got to believe me, really. Leo loves you even more than I imagined.
Greenlee: Is this supposed to make me feel better?
Vanessa: Well, it's the truth.
Greenlee: That makes it worse. He couldn't even trust me with the truth.
Vanessa: But he was afraid -- I was afraid. No, I was afraid. I was afraid that his past would destroy his future.
Greenlee: Mrs. Cortlandt, Leo didn't tell me because he never really believed in us.
Vanessa: But how could he? He felt he had too much to lose.
Greenlee: So did I. I beat myself up for not trusting Leo, but my instincts were right all along.
Vanessa: Well, that's nonsense. You know, if Roger hadn't brought Katerina to your party, you two would be married right now, and happily married.
Greenlee: No, my father brought Katerina to protect me. He wanted me to see Leo for who and what he is.
Vanessa: Oh, please. Greenlee, do not be a simp, please. Your father is not protecting you. That is -- he's settling an old score with me.
Greenlee: What score?
Vanessa: Oh, your father and I go way back. We had a fling all the way from Acapulco to Vancouver.
Greenlee: Please, no details!
Vanessa: No, no. Suffice it to say -- see, I left him, so now he's finally found a way to get back at me.
Greenlee: So this is all about you?
Vanessa: Greenlee, I need you to talk to Leo.
Greenlee: Not going to happen.
Vanessa: But I'm really worried about him. He's self-destructing.
Greenlee: Is Leo in some kind of trouble?
Vanessa: He has rebounded completely to this Laura English. I mean, she's back in the hospital languishing about. And she certainly knows how to use it to her advantage, let me tell you. I mean, I don't even know what's really wrong with the girl, but Leo is in tow every single second. I mean, and she's strong enough to wrap her lips around his, although I wouldn't call it a particularly passionate --
Greenlee: Stop! That's enough.
Vanessa: You're the only one that can stop this train wreck, my dear. I mean, Leo needs you.

Jake: Ahem. Your assistant said I could come right in.
Greenlee: Of course you can. You can interrupt me anytime. You know that. Vanessa was just on her way out.
Vanessa: Well, actually, I -- I wasn't. Could you come back later, Jake?
Jake: Well, actually, I can't. It's urgent.
Vanessa: Greenlee, we really need to continue.
Greenlee: No, I think we've said it all.
Jake: Well, it's nice to see you again, Vanessa. I'll walk you --
Vanessa: Thank you.
Jake: Out?

Jake: So what was that about? She starting to pressure you about Leo?
Greenlee: Doesn't matter. It's over.
Jake: No, no. She upset you.
Greenlee: She upset me? Please. But aren't you sweet to drop by on my day two. Look at all this hard work -- grunt work and I'm not even grunting.
Jake: Yeah, well, actually, I didn't come by to be sweet. I came by to wring your neck.
Greenlee: What'd I do now?
Jake: You took my key ring, the one that has my front-door key and my car key on it.
Greenlee: No, I didn't.
Jake: Well, it was on the counter this morning, and a funny thing happened -- it mysteriously disappeared after you left the loft.
Greenlee: Oh, are you sure? Maybe you left it at the hospital.
Jake: No, no, no. Because, see, I drove home and I opened up the front door. So why don't you check your purse.
Greenlee: You know, you're so quick to blame me all the time. You're always blaming me. What would happen if you lived alone? See, these are my keys.
Jake: Aha! My key.
Greenlee: Oh. I guess I was a little preoccupied this morning.
Jake: Just like I thought. You know what? I had to run five miles just to get here. Anyway, thank goodness I didn't have to go in to work until later.
Greenlee: Oh, then you can help me brainstorm for our next promotional campaign.
Jake: No, I can't. No, because thanks to you, I have to run the five miles back to the house and then take a shower.
Greenlee: Oh. Well, would you like me to call you a car?
Jake: No. No, no. I'll just take the bus.
Greenlee: Hey, I heard Laura was back in the hospital. What's the deal with her anyway? Is she really that sick?
Jake: Greenlee, you know that I can't go discussing patients.
Greenlee: Well, something must be wrong. I mean, you know, you don't go to hospitals for fun unless -- she's not having work done, is she?
Jake: Good-bye, Greenlee.

[Intercom beeps]

Greenlee: Yes? Oh, thanks, Val.
Grandaddy, what'd you find out? You're kidding. Chandler Enterprises? How convenient. No, no, no, no, I can take it from here. Thank you so much. Smooches.
All right. Chandler Enterprises. Chandler --
Greenlee: Tad Martin, please. Well, find him and tell him that Erica Kane wants to meet him -- say, half an hour at the Valley Inn dining room? Of course it's important. Why else would I ask?

Adam: Uh -- no, no. J.R.'S band has threatened to throw him out because he's missed so many rehearsals, and we were just trying to figure out a way to keep his spot, that's all.
Liza: So you were thinking about blowing off court-ordered community service in order to go to band practice? Is that it?
Adam: Well -- well, when you put it like that, it sounds so --
Liza: Juvenile?

J.R.: Liza, I wasn't even talking to you. Liza: No, no, I just happened to walk in when he was talking about getting you out of community service, which would be wrong. Don't you agree?
Adam: Oh, yes, absolutely. That would be wrong. You're absolutely right. Let that be a lesson to you, son -- marry a smart woman. Uh, you ok with this?
J.R.: Yeah, I guess. You got to do what you got to do.

[Telephone rings]

Adam: Yeah. Adam Chandler. Oh, yes. I'll -- I'll be in my study.

Liza: Summer's almost here.
You must be happy about that.
J.R.: Mm-hmm.
Liza: I know your mother will probably be very happy. With you two free, I'm sure you'll get to spend some more time together.
J.R.: I don't know about that.
Liza: I don't know. I know that she misses you very much.
J.R.: Whatever.
Liza: No. Not "whatever." You know, your mother loves you and she's very hurt. And I know that you're upset about David Hayward and -- and yet, he's out of the picture. Don't you think you might be able to give her a little slack?

Brooke: David?
David: Yeah?
Brooke: Was Laura awake?
David: Yeah, she was. She was awake and she was hungry.
Brooke: Oh, good.
David: Yeah.
Brooke: Good. Her appetite's back.
That's -- that's positive. David: I agree. That's why I'm hopeful that we can have her out of here.
Brooke: You really think that she could go home?
David: Well, I'm thinking that it might improve her spirits, and we need everything working for us right now. I also want to check with the transplant center and see what the status is.
Brooke: David, I fully expect you to come through for us.
David: I'll do everything I can, Brooke.
Brooke: That's all I can ask. Excuse me.

David: Yeah -- Joe.
Joe: We need to get a few things straight, Doctor.

Liza: You're leaving?
J.R.: Yeah.
Liza: You know, I hope that you'll think about what I said about seeing your mom. I know that she misses you. You know, if Colby and I ever had a falling-out, it would just break my heart.
J.R.: I guess I won't have to worry about David Hayward and my mom again, now that he's going to be behind bars.
Liza: No, you don't. So do you think you might give her a chance?
Adam: J.R., forget about David Hayward. Your mother knows she made a huge mistake with that man.
J.R.: Right. Well, I got to go.
Liza: We'll see you.

Adam: So, why are you encouraging J.R. to spend more time with Dixie?
Liza: She's his mother.
Adam: Did Dixie put you up to this?
Liza: What? No. Anybody can see that the kid is crying out for help.
Adam: Oh. So you're a child psychologist now?
Liza: You know, I don't need a degree to see that the boy is a wreck.
Adam: Oh, come on, he's a teenager. I was a hell raiser, too, when I was his age.
Liza: Are you deliberately trying to be naive, or do you think I am? J.R. is in trouble and he needs both his parents, especially his mother, after what's happened. If they could reconcile their relationship, they might start to heal.
Adam: Liza, whose side are you on, anyway?

David: You can relax, Joe. I haven't made a jailbreak. I've been released.
Joe: Yes, I've heard that. I know you got Brooke to put up your bail and to vouch for you personally.
David: Well, news travels fast.
Joe: Yeah. Let's be clear about one thing -- Brooke did what she did for the best possible reason. Do not give her cause to regret it.
David: Brooke has faith in me, Joe. I intend to live up to it.
Joe: I'm glad to hear it. But do remember your contract with this hospital has been canceled. You are here for one reason only -- to treat Laura English. I mean, if you hear a patient sneeze, you don't so much as say "God bless you." You got that?
David: Loud and clear.
Joe: Yeah. Good. I kept you on, David, because you've been able to save lives. But really, you've been more trouble than you've been worth.
David: Oh, come on, Joe. Let's not forget all the grants that I've brought to this hospital.
Joe: Oh, but that's not all you brought, is it? You know, I've actually been forced to defend you, trying to put a stop to all these lawsuits you've also brought with you.
David: Well, thank you for making me feel so at home.
Joe: Well, there's more, and I want you to be clear about this, as well. You no longer have an office. Your computer password has been deleted. If you need to log-on, you'll be given a temporary one.
David: I know why you're doing this.
Joe: Yes. I am doing it to set the ground rules.
David: Oh, yes, and you're enjoying yourself immensely.
Joe: Do you really expect me to keep you on after all the scandal you've brought to this hospital?
David: Come on, now, Joe. Even then it had nothing to do with your precious hospital. You wanted me out of here because I broke up your son's marriage.

Greenlee: Tad, hi. Come, have a seat.
Tad: Greenlee, what the hell's going on? Is Erica running late?
Greenlee: No. Actually, Erica won't be making it. She's in New York.
Tad: How could that be? My secretary just called me and told me her secretary told her to tell me to meet her here. I mean, did she get the message wrong?
Greenlee: No. No, she didn't. I told your secretary that I was Erica. I set up the meeting.
Tad: You did what?
Greenlee: Listen, listen. Just hear me out, ok? Ok, I have a win-win proposition for Chandler Enterprises and Enchantment.
Tad: I don't care. I'm not interested.
Greenlee: Tad, please don't make me wrap myself around your leg right here in the Valley Inn restaurant, because I swear I'll do it.
Tad: You got five minutes.
Greenlee: You won't be sorry. Erica has a fabulous idea to tie in Isadora's Blush -- the lingerie store at the mall -- and some of Enchantment's products. She wants to launch a whole promotional campaign around it. But the store's manager is somewhat reluctant.
Tad: What does this remotely have to do with me?
Greenlee: Well, it has to do with Chandler Enterprises. Then I got to thinking, what if we make the entire mall a test site?
Tad: Greenlee, Chandler Enterprises leases space to the stores. We don't own them. We can't dictate terms that are advertising or promotion departments.
Greenlee: But certainly you could recommend that the stores go along with us. You've got some pull.
Tad: Yeah, well, even if I had, I wouldn't use it. What you're describing is a perfect bureaucratic nightmare, and it's totally redundant. Any customer in the mall can get whatever they want at the cosmetics counter at Lacy's, which, by the way, happens to be right next door. So if you don't mind, I don't like people wasting my time.
Greenlee: Wait! Wait! Would you at least lean on Isadora?
Tad: Only if I were tired.
Greenlee: Tad, this is really important to me, and I will not take no for an answer.
Tad: You know, I can see what Jake means about you.
Greenlee: What? Jake's been talking about me?
Tad: Yeah, only long enough to relate the fact that you want what you want whenever you want it. Doesn't matter what anybody else needs, and you can't comprehend the word "no."
Greenlee: Well, he's right. So what do you say?
Tad: Unbelievable. You got guts, I got to give that to you. But, you know, then again, you'd have to if you're living with Jake. Seriously.
Greenlee: What's that supposed to mean?
Tad: You know -- about his problem? He didn't say anything to you? Oh, my God. Ok, never mind.
Greenlee: What problem?
Tad: No, no, no, no. Forget it. Forget I mentioned anything. It was a mistake. Oh, my God, look, it's June already. Got to go.
Greenlee: No, you are not leaving this table until you tell me everything.

Liza I'm not choosing sides. This isn't a game of volleyball.
Adam: Do you believe J.R. is better off with Dixie?
Liza: I believe he's better off with both his parents. But, truth be told, he grew up with Dixie.
Adam: Well, she blew that right out from under him, didn't she?
Liza: Oh, and you've never blown it?
Adam: You're defending Dixie?
Liza: I don't believe this. Less than an hour ago, I walked in this room and you were trying to deep-pocket J.R.'s community service. Now you're throwing stones at his mother.
Adam: No, I acknowledged that was not the way to go. There'd probably be someone checking up on him, anyway.
Liza: It's wrong, period, regardless of somebody checking up on him.
Adam: J.R.'s self-esteem has taken a beating. He loves that band. He does not need to lose that now. I think if he gets back with them, then maybe things will get back to normal for him.
Liza: Right. That's why you offered to build him a recording studio here on your property. That's so close to normal.
Adam: You don't think I should be supporting my son's interests?
Liza: Oh, it's all or nothing, right?
Adam: I don't understand what you're saying.
Liza: How many of his soccer games have you attended?
Adam: A few.
Liza: One. And did you go to the high school to see his self-esteem-building band perform?
Adam: I didn't know anything about that until after it was over.
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Adam: What the -- what are you doing here? What is this, some sort of -- are you running a tab? Is this some sort of a -- a fatherhood balance sheet? Liza, I love my children. You know what I want is what's best for them.
Liza: No, I know that's the battle cry. That's what your kids say as they're recovering from your well-intentioned disasters.
Adam: My children know that I would never intentionally do anything to hurt them.
Liza: Right, that's why you can't get near Hayley until after she gives birth to the baby. I'm sorry, it shouldn't have come out that way.
Adam: No, no, no, no. By all means, come on, say what you think.
Liza: I know you love your kids. There is no question that J.R. is in trouble. He needs both his parents, and he needs for you to loosen the reigns, not try to be in control when you should just let it go. Not try to quick-fix his problems when he should be examining them.
Adam: Yeah. Did you get this off of a TV talk show or something?
Liza: No, don't do that! Don't dismiss me! This is what I was afraid of.
Adam: Oh. Oh, now -- now it comes out.
Liza: Everybody says "oh, he's changed," and I pray it's true.
Adam: I do change.
Liza: I know you do. You have. We have changed in the way we relate to one another. But Colby and J.R. -- They are your children. They cannot afford your mistakes.
Adam: For God's sake. You're telling me I'm a terrible father.

Joe: Asking for your resignation had nothing to do with any personal reason. It had everything to do with the welfare of our patients.
David: Do you honestly expect me to believe that Tad and Dixie didn't factor into your decision at all?
Joe: I am not going to discuss my son or his wife with you. And as for what you believe, I really don't give a damn!

Vanessa: David. There you are. Are you enjoying your freedom? Oh, wait till your brother hears. Or have you already spoken to Leo?
David: No. No, I haven't seen him yet.
Vanessa: Well, it's only a matter of time. He seems to be hanging around that English girl constantly these days.
David: Is there something you want, Vanessa?
Vanessa: Well, other than a bottle of champagne to celebrate your release --
David: Yeah, well, you can hold the celebration. This is a temporary stay. I still have to face the trial.
Vanessa: Well, all the more reason to celebrate while you still have a chance, huh?
David: Vanessa, what are you trying to do? You trying to get in my good graces, is that it?
Vanessa: Oh -- David: You can forget it. I've already revoked your power of attorney. If you'll excuse me, I have a lot of things on my mind.
Vanessa: What? Like Dixie Martin?
David: Mother, don't even start with me about that.
Vanessa: But, David, she is the reason I can't get Palmer to put together a dream team for your trial. Now, he's never going to forgive you for this obsession.
David: Well, Palmer can go to hell. And so can everybody else in this one-doctor town.
Vanessa: David, you have to stay away from Dixie. Now, promise me.
David: Look, I have a very important phone call to make right now, all right?
Vanessa: David, you have gotten over her, haven't you? Palmer tells me that Dixie and Tad are reconciling.
David: Has Tad moved back in with her? You can tell me, Vanessa. I won't go over there and scream her name in the streets, I promise.
Vanessa: Well, she wouldn't be there even if you did.
David: What is that supposed to mean? Did she leave town?
Vanessa: No. She's back at work.
David: You mean here, in the hospital?
Vanessa: No. She is not playing doctor anymore. She's playing school -- Pine Valley High.

Tad: Hey, hey. Just relax, ok? Look, I love my brother very much, and he's a very, very private person. He would die of embarrassment if he knew that I dropped the ball. So, please, let's just forget about it.
Greenlee: What is it? Some kind of problem? I mean, Tad, you can tell me. We're friends.
Tad: It doesn't matter. It's not the kind of problem that a friend can fix.
Greenlee: It's that serious?
Tad: Yeah.
Greenlee: Does it have to do with his injury in Chechnya? I mean, I thought he was all cured. Come to think of it, that Dr. Drawbridge hasn't been around, lately.
Tad: Trowbridge. And, yes, he is absolutely cured, thank God. No, his problem has to do with another kind of heat. All right, let me put it this way -- how's the apartment set up for smoke detectors?
Greenlee: We've got a couple.
Tad: Yeah? How about fire extinguishers?
Greenlee: Why are you asking me this? What's with the Smokey-The-Bear routine?
Tad: All right, you're living under the same roof, so I suppose you have a right to know.
Greenlee: Thank you. I won't tell Jake.
Tad: Promise?
Greenlee: I -- Tad: Swear to --
Greenlee: Yes, yes, yes! Of course, of course.
Tad: Jake -- Jake kind of sleepwalks.
Greenlee: I've never seen him do that.
Tad: Yeah, well, that's good. That's great. Catch yourself lucky because when he does, he tends to light things on fire. I'm not making this up. You've been to our house. Didn't you find it interesting that there was one, if not two, smoke detectors in every single room?
Greenlee: No. You're making this up, right?
Tad: Yeah, well, I'm making this up. You just remember something -- you did not hear it from me. If you want some advice -- if I were you, I would change the batteries every single month and I would plan my escape route.

Jake: Hey. What are you two doing here?
Greenlee: Jake.

Vanessa: Uh, Brooke.
Brooke: Oh, Vanessa. Hi. What are you doing here? Is everything ok with Palmer?
Vanessa: Palmer? Oh, yes, of course. Palmer's a bull. No, actually, I came here because I wanted to thank you in person for getting David released from that horrible jail cell.
Brooke: There's no need. I did it for my daughter. David's treating her.
Vanessa: Yes, I know, and I'm so sorry that Laura's sick. I've had heart irregularities myself. I know how terrifying it can be.
Brooke: Yes. Will you excuse me? I need to call my office.
Vanessa: But, you know, I was wondering you know -- have you noticed that my younger son and your daughter have become so close? I mean, I can't turn around when he's right at Laura's doorstep every minute.
Brooke: Is that a problem for you?
Vanessa: No, of course not. I was -- I was kind of wondering when it all happened. I mean, after all, Greenlee and Leo were engaged. They just broke up. I --
Brooke: Yes, well, Laura and Leo have been friends for a long time. And as far as I know, that's the extent of it. You'll excuse me, I really need to call my office.
Vanessa: Oh, sure.

Liza: Stop being so defensive. I'm not accusing you of being a bad father.
Adam: That's exactly what you're doing, despite all your heartfelt pleas about how much my children need me.
Liza: They do need you. They need you at your best.
Adam: I am who I am.
Liza: You need to be better. You can be better. Colby has you wrapped around her little finger.
Adam: Oh, unthinkable -- a man melting over his infant daughter.
Liza: You know, you can make light of this. I'm not laughing. This latest incident
with J.R. -- J.R. is in trouble. And you haven't learned. You're repeating the same mistakes with J.R. You're continuing them, and I won't let it happen with Colby.
Adam: Are you threatening me, Liza?
Liza: I came back to this marriage with my eyes open. And I love you with all my heart, but you make it impossible.
Adam: No, no, no, no. Stop right there. You're blowing this all out of proportion.
Liza: No, I'm not blowing it out of proportion, not where my daughter is concerned.
Adam: She's my daughter, too.
Liza: Yes. Yes. But where Colby is concerned, if you try these old tricks of yours, I guarantee you we will have a war. This house will be a battlefield.

Mr. St. Clair: May I help you? Do you have a visitor's pass? David: Oh, uh -- no. I'm looking for one of your teachers, Ms. Dixie Martin?
Mr. St. Clair: Mrs. Martin isn't in school today, Dr. Hayward.
David: Oh. So you know me?
Mr. St. Clair: Yeah, I do indeed. Now, would you like to leave a message in her mailbox? David: No, thank you.
Mr. St. Clair: Uh-huh. You have to leave now.

David: Oh --
J.R.: Sorry.

Jake: So, what's up with you two?
Tad: Nothing. Not a thing. We were just discussing some Enchantment business.
Greenlee: And you.
Tad: Were your ears burning?
Jake: No. Should they have been?
Tad: No, no. Seriously, it's nothing. Nothing at all. What's with your finger?
Jake: Oh, it's nothing at all. I just burned it last night.
Greenlee: I got to get back to the office. You're going to be at work tonight, right?
Jake: Yeah, yeah, so I'll see --
Greenlee: Good, good. I mean, have a good day.
Jake: Yeah.

Jake: What did you do?
Tad: I'll tell you what I did. You owe me, little brother. I just solved your roommate problem.
Jake: What did you say to her?
Tad: Let's just say I inspired her to find a new place to live.
Jake: What, you said something so she'd move out?
Tad: Yeah.
Jake: You have no right messing with my life like that.
Tad: Messing with your life? What are you telling me, that you don't want her to leave?


David: This is none of your business.
Marcus: Yeah, well, he thinks it is, man. So what are you going to do about it?

Jake: You can take that back, or I'm going to cut you with a butter knife.

Greenlee: If you don't help me, I'll die.
Woman: Security!

Laura: Is this a secret?

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