JUNE 14, 1999

Ryan: Oh. I'm sorry that your day didn't work out.
Hayley: Oh. Hey, nobody said my life would be a day at the beach. Maybe a morning at the beach is all I'm entitled to. But thank you for trying to help.
Ryan: Well, I wish I could have.
Hayley: You know, it was real nice the way you took Max out to try to get his mind off of his messed-up life.
Ryan: Well, I'm an expert at getting my own mind off my messed-up family life. When I was a kid, I used to hang out at the fire station after school to avoid going home.
Hayley: I bet they called you the 102nd Dalmatian, huh?
Ryan: What?
Hayley: You know, because the Dalmatians at the fire -- are you with me?
Ryan: I don't know.
Hayley: I just want to feel different than how I feel right now, you know, right now. You know, is that so bad? Is there something wrong with that?
Ryan: No. But it just depends on how you go about changing how you feel -- from the outside in or from the inside out.
Hayley: I wish I felt more like going to my father's wedding.
Ryan: How come you don't?
Hayley: I guess I'm not really big on marriage these days.
Ryan: Hmm.
Hayley: You know, I used to have one of my own -- a perfect one -- and then it sort of disappeared.
Ryan: Me, too.
Hayley: That's right, you did.
Ryan: Hmm. He how about you and me play hooky today?
Hayley: Skip the wedding?

Raquel: Oh. Ooh.
Kelly: Ok. And one more.
Raquel: Oh. All right. Only this one, and then that's it, right?
Kelly: One more to take to the bank.
Raquel: Oh. You --
Kelly: Good.
Raquel: Ugh. Oh. You always do that to me. Oh.
Kelly: You realize how well you're doing?
Raquel: Thanks, Kelly.
Max: Mommy, Mommy, we saw the fire engine! It was real, real big.
Raquel: Wow.
Max: Bigger than this whole house.
Raquel: Oh, no. Really? Oh, my goodness. Mateo. What happened? Ryan took max for his outing.
Max: And we found Daddy.
Raquel: You have to go wash your hands, sweetheart. Kelly, would you mind taking him to his room?
Kelly: Sure. Come on, Max.
Raquel: Thank you. I don't understand.
Mateo: Oh --
Raquel: Max left with Ryan this morning so you could spend some time with Hayley.
Mateo: Yeah. He didn't do too well on his field trip. He called me on my cell phone every 15 minutes.
Raquel: Oh, no.
Mateo: He was really worried about you, how you were doing, so that's why I'm home.
Raquel: I'm sorry your time alone with Hayley was ruined.
Mateo: Yeah. Me, too. But it's obvious that Max is going through something very, very painful.
Raquel: Something I caused. Would you mind getting him for me? I'd like to talk to him for a few minutes.
Mateo: Ok.

Erica: Look, Vanessa, I don't want to be rude, but you are leaving me no option. I have tried to make it clear to you, Vanessa, I can't do anything for you.
Vanessa: Forgive me, Erica.
Vanessa: Oh.
Erica: Vanessa?
Vanessa: Oh --
Erica: Vanessa.

Jake: I am not leaving here until I get you and Hayward in a room and find out what the hell's going on here.
Adam: This is absolutely none of your business, Jake.
Jake: No, this is absolutely my business. Colby is living underneath your roof.
Adam: Colby is perfectly safe. She is my number one concern. Nothing in the world --
Jake: You -- you -- listen to me. You hired a private investigator to follow me to dig up dirt on David Hayward, who wrote a letter to the police department saying that you had him murdered. That's the kind of environment to raise a child in?
Adam: I'm not going to discuss this with you. And certainly not today. Now, I'm warning you, if you don't leave here with your dignity intact right now, I'm going to have those two men drop-kick you out of Wildwind.
Marian: Gentlemen -- gentlemen! Gentlemen, gentlemen, listen, this is my daughter's wedding day, ok? It makes it the most important day in the rest of her life. It's also the most important day of my granddaughter's life, so, therefore, it makes it the most important day in my life. So if either one of you wrecks it in any way, I am going personally skin the two of you alive, ok? Get it?

Liza: How the hell did you get in here?
David: Adam's system of tunnels. A remarkable feat of engineering.
Liza: The tunnels?
David: Are you disappointed? Did you think that I just materialized out of thin air like some dark spirit?
Liza: Actually, I thought maybe you crawled out of the walls like a rodent.
David: Well, those walls served your purpose very well one day. It was from these very walls that you and Jake videotaped my confession of the fact that I gave Adam the wrong medication.
Liza: You know, I can't help but think that two words sum you up -- big loser. You just can't face the fact that we beat you. David: Beat me? I'm still here, Liza.
Liza: Please leave, David.
David: I will
Jake: Marian, I am not leaving here until I have some answers.
Marian: Answers to what, for heaven's sake?
Jake: Adam and David Hayward have been trying to destroy each other for God knows what reason. Colby -- she deserves better than this. She didn't ask to be born in a war zone.
Marian: In a war zone?
Jake: Yes, a war zone. I'm trying to save her from that.
Marian: Adam, what's going on? I mean, what have you done to turn the usually peaceful Jake into a raging maniac?
Adam: You know Jake has not wanted me to marry Liza. You know that, and now he's here to upset the wedding.
Jake: It is the worst mistake she's ever going to make, but that's her business.
Adam: That's exactly what you --
Jake: Colby is my business.
Marian: This is intolerable! It's intolerable, and I will not put up with it. Now, Liza is about to arrive any minute, and I will not have her witnessing the two of you brawling on this day, of all days. You got it?

Tad: You get your brother, I'll get mine?
Marian: Down!
Stuart: Right.
Tad: Can I talk to you for a minute? Over here.
Jake: You know what? I don't need any advice. I can handle this situation.
Tad: Wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm on your side, remember? Whatever you're thinking, whatever you're feeling, as far as I'm concerned, you're right. But you've obviously forgotten everything I ever taught you about warfare.

Stuart: Why cat it ever be nice and simple with you, Adam?
Adam: Oh, Stuart, you don't know anything.
Stuart: You wish.

Tad: You cannot -- look at me.
Jake: What?
Tad: You cannot go wading into a fight like this when flailing around and wasting all your ammunition, ok? You got to keep your reserves in reserve until you need them. Do you understand?
Jake: I understand. What, are you all of a sudden Mr. Zen? You fly off halfcocked all e time.
Tad: Yeah. All the time, except when it counts. I'm telling you, you're thinking with your heart, not your head.
Jake: Of course I'm thinking with my heart. I'm talking about my daughter.
Tad: I take it your conversation with David Hayward didn't go very well.

Stuart: And you know what else I know? I know that whatever's wrong here, you did it.
Adam: You're absolutely right, Stuart. I'm in this too deep to dig myself out now. I have to play it out, or I'm going to lose two people I love most in this world. I have to win or die trying.
Stuart: Well, that's fine for you. But who else are you going to take down with you?

Jake: No, he wouldn't budge. He just sat there with that slimy grin on his face.
Tad: Hmm. I think it's time something big and heavy landed on our friend the doctor.
Jake: Well, he did say he was coming to the wedding.
Tad: He's coming here?
Jake: Yeah.
Tad: Jake, that's wonderful. That's terrific. That's all the more reason for you to keep your cool.
Jake: Easy for you to say. I see those two together, I'm going to --
Tad: I know, I know. I've been there with Adam myself, ok? Trust me. Now is the time for you to stay absolutely frosty, and I mean cold-blooded. Because that's what's going to take it if you're going to best somebody like Adam Chandler, or David Hayward.
Jake: Mm-hmm. Ok. All right. What do we do?

Liza: Get away from my little girl.
David: You'll have to forgive my possessiveness. It's an occupational hazard. You see, when I save someone's life, I feel responsible for them. I begin to think that I have a right to decide how they live their lives.
Liza: Unlike others, I will be eternally grateful to you for bringing my daughter into this world. You saved her life, and you saved mine, but you do not have a right to show up here and ruin my wedding day, David.
David: No, no, no, no. Don't get ahead of yourself, Liza. I haven't done that yet.
Liza: David, what are you doing? I know everything you've been up to.
David: Really?
Liza: Yes -- sending me letters through your attorney -- the letter saying that Adam should be accused of murder.
David: Those were unfortunate events. An oversight on my part.
Liza: Oh, really? Gillian? What you did to her life -- wrecking her marriage, making her prostitute herself? And what you did to Erica -- making her life a living hell? Does it really make you feel that much better as a person to cause people pain?
David: That's funny. Somebody asked me that very question recently.
Liza: If you've come here today to do anything to my little girl, I will stop you.

Vanessa: Oh. Erica, I'm sorry. I'm so ashamed.
Erica: Well, is there something I can do?
Vanessa: Just give me a moment. I'll be fine. I just need to get my pill.
Erica: I'll get you some water.
Vanessa: No, it's not necessary. I can take one without it.
Vanessa: There.
Erica: Feel better now?
Vanessa: Yes, yes.
Erica: You know, I think it's a wonder M.G.M. Ever let you go.
Vanessa: Oh -- you're right, Erica. I'm lying again. What I have right now is not another angina attack. It's just fear. I have a panic I've never actually felt before. I just came from David, you see, and he threatened to kill me.
Erica: Kill -- I just don't believe this. I mean, there you go again, the two of you.
Vanessa: No, no. He didn't say this in anger, Erica. He was very calm. His voice was very, very soft, and I -- he said it like he was almost anticipating the deed.
Erica: Oh, I'm sure that you're wrong.
Vanessa: No, no. I've seen that calm smile before one time -- the night he shot his father.
Erica: A crime he blames you for.
Vanessa: And you believe him. I know.
Erica: I don't know who to believe, but I did tell you I don't want to be involved in this.
Vanessa: Erica, my child -- my knight in shining armor, this child I love so -- you know that David never really loved me, even as a little boy. Do you know how distant you feel when you can't seem to reach that child that you love so desperately? And even then, he was just so spiteful and jealous and seemed to take such great delight in causing me pain. See, I know you have Bianca, and she's such an angel.
Erica: Look, I don't believe that David was really serious when he said he wanted to kill you. In fact, I'm not even sure he really said that to you. But if you believe that he meant it or said it, then you have to go to the police, because if you think you're going to have physical harm done to you, there's nothing I can do.
Vanessa: I know. I know. You're right, of course. But, Erica, I can't go to the police and accuse my own son -- look, I'll just go. I never should have come here. I'm sorry. You know, besides, if I just stay out of your way for good, everyone's going to be happy. Your friends are going to get exactly what they want.
Erica: What my friends want is irrelevant. It's what I want, Vanessa.
Vanessa: They certainly haven't given up, because just yesterday --
Erica: Just yesterday, what?
Vanessa: I promised I wouldn't bring this up, Erica. I know how you can't stand your friends interfering in your life.
Erica: What happened yesterday?
Vanessa: Well, I was -- I was the victim of a very cruel hoax. Sadistic, really all, you know, set up and arranged by your friends Mr. And Mrs. Dillon.
Erica: No.
Vanessa: Aided and abetted by -- what's her name? -- Brooke English?
Erica: Brooke English? What has she got to do with anything?
Vanessa: It's -- it's awful. You can't even believe it. But Janet pretended to have killed Brooke with a crowbarlike weapon just to get me out of --
Erica: I'm sorry. I don't understand what's going on in this town. What is all this talk of killing all the time? And why does everyone insist that they can just play with my life?
Vanessa: It's all my fault. It's all my fault. If I'd just get out of your life for good, everyone will have exactly what they want.
Erica: "What they want." You know, I am so sick to death of hearing about what they want.
Vanessa: Erica, I wish I knew why they despised me so much, but what's that compared to my own son's hatred? I -- I'm going to go. I shouldn't have bothered you. It's not your concern. Besides, you know maybe the answer is really, I don't know, simpler than I thought after all. David, everybody else would be much happier if I simply weren't on this planet anymore, and -- well, thank you, my dear, and good-bye.
Erica: Vanessa. Vanessa -- no, wait.
Vanessa: No, it's all right.
Brooke: Erica, you're not going to believe anything this woman says, are you?

Mateo: All right, buddy, you go ahead and get started on that drawing of the fire engine for the club, and I'll catch up to you later. All right?
Max: Ok.
Mateo: Ok. See you later.
Raquel: Baby? Sit up here. I want to talk to you about something. You remember when you were a very, very little boy and you saw that movie with the great big dinosaurs in it and they really scared you? But then you got older and you realized there was no reason to be scared of the dinosaurs, right?
Max: Right, because dinosaurs are extinct.
Raquel: Right. Dinosaurs are extinct. So -- so then you -- you see that sometimes you can be scared of something, and then you realize that there was no reason to be scared, that you were wrong to be scared. Well, something like that happened to me.
Max: To you, Mommy?
Raquel: Mm-hmm. One time I told you that I was scared of Hayley. Well, I was wrong. And I know better now. Really. Because now I know that Hayley really, really cares about us, and there's no reason to be scared of her. And I even think that we can all be friends, and I mean Hayley and me and you, too. Maybe it's hard for you to accept, but I just -- I wanted to make sure that you know that I really like Hayley now. And I think it would be great if you tried to like her, too.
Max: How come you like her now?
Raquel: Well, I guess because I trust your daddy. You trust daddy, too, don't you?
Max: Yes.
Raquel: Well, daddy trusts Hayley, and he loves her. You don't think daddy's wrong, do you?
Max: I don't know.
Raquel: Well, I'm sure your daddy's right. And I know it's hard for you to get through all these feelings, but I want you to try, ok, sweetheart? I want you to try for mommy. Will you do that? Now, what I want you to do is give me a very, very gentle hug, all right? Come here. Oh. That's my boy. Mmm.

Hayley: Hey, Ryan, look at this.
Ryan: What is it, fan mail from some flounder?
Hayley: It would appear that I'm not the only one up a creek without one of these. What?
Ryan: Oh. Well, I just remember how Gillian mangles that expression.
Hayley: Oh, God, we're pathetic.
Ryan: We are pathetic.
V [Hayley snaps fingers]

Hayley: With a capital P and that rhymes with get a medic
Ryan: Luckily, we are not alone in our patheticness.
Hayley: That's right, we're not.
Ryan: Well, it's something, anyway.
Hayley: No, that's a very important thing, you know? It's something I keep forgetting to rind myself of, is that I'm not alone. I have Mateo and I have you. I have my family and a program. Most important of all, I have HP -- Higher power.
Ryan: Is that what you're most afraid of, being alone?
Hayley: Yeah.
Ryan: Hmm.
Hayley: Yeah, absolutely. But having you as my friend helps a lot, you know? It reminds me of how much I have to be grateful for. You know?. Sometimes I have to fight the urge to stop feeling sorry for myself. And so I figure the way to stop feeling sorry for yourself is to think about someone else, so I will go. I will go and be the best doggone daughter any father could have at his 87th or 88th wedding.
Ryan: So now you want to go?
Hayley: I'll go. I'll go, and I'll celebrate dad and Liza's day, and it'll help them, it'll help me, and I'm sure the hot hors d'oeuvres will be divine.
Ryan: Well, all right. Time's a-wasting. Let's go.
Hayley: Thanks a lot, Ryan.
Ryan: No problem. Just maybe someday you could introduce me to this HP I think I could use one.
Hayley: Anytime.
Ryan: In the meantime, we're not going to go to the wedding dressed like this, are we? Come on.

Erica: I shouldn't believe anything that Vanessa says? Ok, does that mean that you and Janet and Trevor did not try to persuade her to leave town?
Brooke: Oh, no. That is true. I think the question to ask is why we did it.
Vanessa: Well, you see? She admits it. I told you the truth.
Brooke: Erica, I want to share a lesson with you, something I learned the hard way, all right? If one or more of your oldest friends says that they smell a rat, then you better believe that there is a rat someplace.
Vanessa: Erica, however I have wronged you, I've apologized, and I've told you nothing but the truth today.
Brooke: If you think you can trust this woman, then you are a fool.
Vanessa: Oh. If there's one thing Erica Kane is not, it's a fool.
Erica: That's enough, Vanessa. I am perfectly capable of defending myself -- from either of you.

Dixie: Oh, sorry to interrupt. Oh, I just had to let you know that the limo is downstairs, and it's waiting to take you to the chapel.
Liza: Thank you, Dixie. I just have to get into my dress.
Dixie: Oh.
David: Hello, Dixie.
Dixie: Oh, hi. I didn't see you downstairs.
David: Oh, but I saw you. You were talking to the limo driver. You're looking absolutely wonderful.
Dixie: Thank you. I just got back from my honeymoon, you know.
David: Actually, I did know. I heard that, and I'm very happy for you.
Dixie: Yeah.
David: How are you feeling? You doing ok? No shortness of breath, exhaustion?
Dixie: No, I'm fine. I'll have you know, in fact, I went in-line skating.
David: You're kidding.
Dixie: No. Of course, there was a little matter of food poisoning.
David: Oh, don't tell me.
Dixie: Horrible, but I'm as fit as a fiddle now.
David: And ready for love, no doubt. I'm very happy for you. You know, I was just telling Liza that when I perform a miracle on a patient, it's as if I start to feel that their lives are almost mine.
Dixie: Well, I don't know about that, but you certainly worked a miracle with me. We can't stand around here having chit-chat. We got to -- we're going to be late if we don't leave soon.
Liza: Oh, actually -- I'll tell you what -- why don't you tell Adam that I just need a few minutes to continue getting ready, and then by the time you send the limo back, I should be ready.
Dixie: Ok. All right. Yeah, we don't want Adam climbing the walls.
Liza: Yeah, thank you.
Dixie: Ok. Sure. Good-bye. Great to see you.
David: Likewise.

Liza: What are you doing? What was going through your mind while you're being all friendly with Dixie?
David: Well, it's all thanks to me. Now she can enjoyed in-line skating or been able to laugh about having food poisoning.
Liza: Boy, you -- you have an ego, don't you?
David: Guilty. I guess. Because you see, the real reason I came here was because of my bruised ego. I was angry with Adam. But seeing you here with baby Colby, looking so beautiful --
Liza: I have a wedding to be at. You are no longer my doctor, and I do not choose you as my friend. And I can't be any plainer than that, so would you please just leave.
David: Do you really think that you can live your whole lives without knowing the truth?

Tad: We don't do anything. We don't have to. David just accused Adam of trying to kill him. If there really is something that big between them and they go at it here in front of Liza, then your problem might just go away. Listen, Liza's not stupid, and she adores that baby. With any luck, she might not let Colby anywhere near Adam.
Jake: That sounds great, but I think Adam's a lot smarter than we think.
Tad: Then you have to be smarter still because we're talking about keeping your daughter safe.

Marian: Oh, Scott, have you seen Stuart?
Scott: Yeah, he's walking Uncle Adam around the grounds to calm him down.
Marian: Oh, dear lord, I hope he succeeds. What am I saying? Of course he'll succeed. He's Stuart. Oh, thank God for your father.
Scott: Is everything ok? Do you want me to get you anything?
Marian: No. Just a bride. Liza's not here, and the wedding's about to start any second.
Scott: Have you tried calling her?
Marian: Well, you know, I can't press the numbers on my cell phone because my hands are so swollen from that awful poison hogwort that I picked.
Scott: Would you like me to do it for you?
Marian: No, no. Liza would hate it if I was checking up on her. Oh, I'm sure she's got everything under control. At least, I just hope she's got everything under control.
Scott: Sure, she does. Look, no one expects a bride to be on time for her wedding, especially when bringing her baby.
Marian: Well, yeah, of course you're right. Thank you, Stuart. Oh, no, no. I mean -- I mean thank you, Scott.
Scott: Would you like me to take you for a walk around the grounds, perhaps?
Marian: You're really very sweet. Thank you.
Scott: Ok. Listen, I got to get some more cords from the back of the chapel, ok?
Marian: Ok. You do that.
Scott: Ok.
Marian: See you in a couple of minutes.
Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear,
oh, dear, oh, dear.
Ok, lord, everything is going to be just fine, and the wedding is going to be just perfect, right, right?
Barry: Marian.
Marian: Oh. Oh. Hi, Barry.
Barry: I've been meaning to say hello.
Marian: Hello.
Barry: Married life treating you all right?
Marian: Yes, it is. Thank you.
Barry: You know, sometimes I think about you. You ever think about me?
Marian: No, Barry, I can't say that I do. And I must say this is really a turnaround. You used to run away whenever you saw me.
Barry: Still, we had that one night together.
Marian: Barry, are you drunk?
Barry: Oh, don't say that, Marian.
Marian: Oh, don't touch me!
Barry: I'm -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
Marian: No, no, no, Barry. It's not you. It's not you. It hogwort.
Barry: That's a remarkable woman.

Becca: You can do it all day, and I don't care.
Jamie and junior: "You can do it all day, and I don't care."
Becca: My lame-brain brothers do the same thing, and it doesn't bother me.
Jamie and Junior: "My lame-brain brothers do the same thing, and it doesn't bother me."
Becca: Here are your boys, and you're welcome to them. Enjoy the wedding, you little monsters.
Jamie and Junior: "Enjoy the wedding, you little monsters."
Tad: You're not still doing that, are you?
Jamie and Junior: "You're not still doing that, are you?"
Tad: It's a place of worship. Why don't you give it a rest?
Jamie and Junior: "It's a place of worship. Why don't you give it a rest?"
Tad: I swear on my honor as a gentleman --
Jamie and Junior: "I swear on my word of honor as a gentleman --"
tad: That I will never again see "The Phantom Menace" as long as I live.
Jamie and Junior: "That I will never again see --"
Jamie: Ok. You win. I quit.
Junior: Ok, you win. You win, yeah.
Tad: Thank you for playing. Why don't you go on outside, ok? And take it easy. Stay clean. You ruin those jackets, you pay for them!
Becca: Well, that was really brilliant what you did there.
Tad: Thank you. I know. I have to start thinking like a parent.
Becca: That's funny. I thought you were thinking like a kid.
Jake: It's funny.
Tad: Down, Dino. That's my brother, Jake. Jake, this is Becca, our houseguest from Pigeon Hollow.
Becca: Hi. How are you?
Jake: Hi. How are you? We did a little do-si-do this morning at Tad's place. Sorry I didn't introduce myself. I was in a bit of a foul mood.
Becca: Oh, well, that's all right. Are you in a better mood now?
Jake: Hmm -- we'll see.
Becca: Come on, well, cheer up. I mean, it's a wedding. You know what? I got to go, guys. You guys have a good time, ok? Bye.
Marian: What's that girl doing here? I fired her.
Tad: She's a friend of Dixie's.
Marian: Well, be that as it may, she is a lousy caterer.

Adam: Marian. You're supposed to be in charge of this wedding. Where's the limo? Where's Liza?

Liza: And what were the truths, David, when you had Gillian sleeping with you so she could get bail money for her husband?
David: I never lied to Gillian. I told her exactly what I was up to every step of the way.
Liza: You had her welfare in mind.
David: No. I wanted to hurt her.
Liza: And this truth, this truth you have for me, it's not going to hurt me?
David: Oh, yeah. It's going to hurt you very much.
Liza: Then why don't you tell me? Why don't you just tell me what it is so I know this isn't some game that you're playing with me? What truth is it that I need to know, that I can't live without knowing?

Erica: I am not a victim. I never have been, and I never will be -- not for David Hayward, not for you, Vanessa, or anyone else.
Brooke: I don't need a lecture about who you are. I'm just wondering what happened to you. I mean, what happened to the Erica Kane who owned the world? Who is this sorry woman who is standing here in front of me

Raquel: Aw! Pretty soon, you're going to be able to give me those great big bear hugs like you used to, and I can't wait. You want to go finish your picture now? I know. Well, make sure you come back and show it to me when you're done, ok? Go ahead.
Mateo: That was great.
Raquel: You heard?
Mateo: Yeah.
Raquel: I just feel terrible. So much of this is my fault.
Mateo: Raquel, there's no use in beating yourself up over it, you know.
Raquel: I know there's no use, but if I hadn't have told Max that I was afraid of Hayley, all these changes wouldn't have been so hard for him.
Mateo: You're really afraid of Hayley?
Raquel: Oh, yeah.
Mateo: But she's not scary, though.
Raquel: I wasn't afraid that she'd break my jaw. I was afraid of the woman who was able to make you forget what you had with me. But I'm getting past that no and I had to own my own part with Max's troubles.
Mateo: Yeah. You know, it was good what you did. you know, I think he's going to really listen to what you said, and he's going to make sense of that. You know, not overnight. It doesn't work that way.
Raquel: I know.
Mateo: But when he sees that the adults in his life aren't arguing anymore, he'll have a reason. It'll give him a reason not to be scared.
Raquel: I never meant to hurt him or you.

Liza: I'm waiting.
David: You really do have your daughter's well-being at heart, don't you?
Liza: What kind of mother would I be if I didn't?
David: My mother. When I look at baby Colby, I have to wonder why some children are so fortunate to have parents like you while others are raised by someone like the woman who gave birth to me.
Liza: Well, as a doctor, I'm sure you must know that a person's character doesn't depend on nurturing.
David: Yes, but there are --
Liza: No, David. I think it becomes tiresome to hear someone blame their entire life on their parents. We get served up what we get served. And we either rise above it, or we get run over. So what is it? What is this truth? That you're this mean, controlling SO.B. Because your mother was a bitch?

Vanessa: Honestly, you call yourself a friend?
Brooke: I'm just pointing out the obvious.
Vanessa: No, you're tearing down Erica's self-confidence. You're making her feel like a helpless victim.
Brooke: And what are you doing? Alienating her from everyone she has ever been friends with her.
Erica: You know, that's enough. I want you both to leave right now!
Vanessa: You see? Now, you have been responsible for this. Now she is alone.
Erica: Please leave!
Brooke: You know what, Ms. Bennett? You have made yourself an enemy today.

Hayley: You know what? They can say what they want about us, but one thing is for certain.
Ryan: We clean up good.
Hayley: That's exactly what I was going to say.
Ryan: There they are.
Hayley: Oh, there they are.
Ryan: Hey.
Hayley: Hey, Dad. I take it we're not late.
Adam: No, but Liza is.
Hayley: Well, chill out. She'll be here. She'll get here. She'll be beautiful, and everything will be fine.
Adam: Well, I'm glad you're here, sweetheart.
Hayley: Oh, I wouldn't have missed this day for anything. Mmm. So handsome.
Adam: Ah, there's Dixie. She's supposed to bring Liza. Would you please run out to the car and get Liza? We're late. We're waiting.
Dixie: Liza isn't here yet.
Adam: I beg your pardon?
Dixie: I came on ahead.
Adam: You were supposed to bring Liza in the limo.
Dixie: Well, then I guess I failed you, didn't I?
Tad: What happened, honey?
Dixie: Nothing happened. She just isn't ready yet. So I came on ahead to tell everybody that she was running a few minutes late.
Adam: Well, is she all right? Why is she so late?
Dixie: She's fine. I don't know. I mean, she looked ready when I was there. She's just having a little prewedding conversation with Dr. Hayward.
Adam: Why did you leave Liza alone with that creep?
Dixie: Because she asked me to. Besides, David's never done me any harm.
Jake: We're going with you.
Adam: No! No, you're not going anywhere. Stay here!
Marian: Oh, dear lord, what is going on now?
Scott: Hey, it'll be --
Marian: No, no! Not my hands, please. Not my hands. It's the hogwort. Oh, God.

David: My mother will have to answer for what she's done. And I will have to answer for what I've done and what I'm about to do.
Liza: What are you going to do?
David: I'm about to destroy a happy, safe world built on lies.

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