JUNE 22, 1999

Jack: Hey, you. Hope I'm not late.
Brooke: Oh, hi. Hi, hi. No, no, you're not late. I'm early. I'm actually reading about Adam and Liza's wedding.
Jack: Oh.
Brooke: "Adam Chandler and Liza Colby retied the knot in an intimate gathering of friends and family
Jack: We didn't make that cut, huh?
Brooke: Oh, darn.
Jack: Too bad.
Brooke: Listen, are you hungry? I didn't order breakfast yet, so --
Jack: All we may get out of this little breakfast meeting. I couldn't dig up a thing on Vanessa Bennett. Nothing on the suicide or anything, we ran into a dead end.
Brooke: No, listen, listen -- ahem. Thank you for going to all the trouble, however, we don't have to hunt up dirt on Vanessa anymore.
Jack: Why not? You turned something up?
Brooke: No. Something wonderful turned up on its own.
Maitre d': Ladies and gentlemen --
Brooke: Oh.
Maitre d': Ms. Cortlandt has an announcement to make.
Opal: Well, we all know how great the food is here at the Valley Inn, but I think you folks are going to be extra glad that you chose to have breakfast here this morning. I have just had some news that is so terrific that I'm buying breakfast for everybody.

Becca: More pancakes anyone?
Tad: Rowl.
Dixie: I can't take it anymore.
Tad: That's what you always say.
Junior: What did you say Mom?
Dixie: Nothing.
Becca: Jamie, you want some more
Jamie and Junior: Please.
Tad: Please. They are pretty terrific, Becca.
Becca: Thanks.
Dixie: Well, it's absolutely thanks to Becca. I was so tired this morning, I barely lifted a finger. You're going to spoil us, you know.
Becca: Oh, don't worry about it. I really like to cook. And besides, you guys have been so wonderful, putting me up. I only wish I could do more.
Dixie: Oh.
Becca: Here, guys. Here you go. Oh, wait, you have to have more.
Jake: Hello, Martin family. Look at this. Ooh. Ooh, something smells good. Oh, yeah.
Tad: Just when I thought I was going to get some breakfast.
Jake: Oh, yeah.
Becca: I'll go make some more.
Dixie: You want some help?
Becca: Oh, no. I got it, thanks.
Jake: Those look good.
Dixie: Hi, Jake.
Tad: I think it's time to change the locks. What are you doing here? Don't you have, like, a broken collarbone to fix or something?
Jake: Oh, my word. No, no -- something better. Pictures from the wedding.
Dixie: Oh.
Tad: Do show.
Dixie: Hey, let me see.
Jamie: Hey, we're going to camp.
Jake: Camping? Lucky you. What, are you going to do, like, fishing and swimming, spelunking -- stuff like that? You going to stay overnight?
Junior: No. Just a day camp. But the last weekend, we will be.
Dixie: Every one of these pictures is of Colby.
Tad: Yeah, no kidding. There isn't a single picture of the bride and groom.
Jake: Imagine that. Better luck next time.
Tad: Nice.
Dixie: Well, she looks adorable in the dress my mother made.
Junior: Ooh, let me see. Let me see.
Dixie: You be careful. You've got sticky fingers.
Scott: Hey, guys.
Tad: Hi, Scott.
Scott: The door was open, so --
Junior and Jamie: Scott!
Scott: How are you?
Tad: You left the door open.
Becca: I'll go make another batch.
Scott: That's ok. I didn't come here to eat. I actually came to talk to Tad. I was hoping you could help me out.

Hayley: You would actually send Max and Raquel away?
Mateo: Not away. Just not here -- not across the courtyard from you where you have to see them every day and have those feelings of resentment.
Hayley: You're serious.
Mateo: Yeah. Hayley, I know I made a mistake moving them into Wildwind, and I made a bigger mistake moving them here. You have every right to feel the way you do, ok? I'm sorry. It wasn't the best possible situation.
Hayley: What about for you? What about for you and Max? What's the best possible situation for you?
Mateo: Well, you know, I'll -- I'll see my son. I'll visit with him, and I'll get to see him a lot. And you know, Angie's been talking to Raquel -- her cousin Angie -- and they might move in with them. And, you know, it's good to have that family, that support system there. And I guess what I'm trying to say is that Max is not the only equation here, you know. There's got to be some give and take because you need what you need, too.
Hayley: I used to dream about the day that you'd say that to me. When Raquel first came back to town claiming to be your wife and even when we found out about max, you know, I used to pray that I'd wake up from this horrible nightmare or that we'd find out that Raquel was lying and -- or even that she'd give up and disappear. I'm not proud to admit that, but I have to be honest with you.
Mateo: You don't have to be ashamed of that, ok? Hayley: Well, not yet.
Mateo: No -- ever. Ever. Hayley, come on. We're going to have that life we promised each other, all right? We're going to have our baby. We just need to stay together. We're this close. We're so close. You realize that.
Hayley: The only thing I realize is how wrong I was. Max and Raquel can't disappear. The person who has to leave is me.
Mateo: Just think, ok? Think about this. Don't make any decisions just yet, please. Just -- just think about it because I think we can work through this.
Max: Hi, Daddy. I came to fix the window.
Mateo: Hey, buddy. You didn't say good morning to Hayley.
Hayley: Hi, Max.
Max: Good morning.
Mateo: Hey, listen. There's stuff to fix the windows in the car, ok? And we still have to go to the hardware store. Hey, you know that swing out in the courtyard? You know that swing? Why don't you go out there and hang out for a little bit, ok? Until I'm done talking with Hayley. And I want you to play right where I can see you, ok?
Max: Ok, Daddy.
Mateo: All right. And Danny and his mom are right there, all right?
Max: Great.
Mateo: Ok. Good. You know, we can forget the window right now. This is important, right?
Hayley: Oh, forget everything -- that's what our life has become. Forget having a baby. Forget getting married. I can't take it. It's starting to kill me, Mateo.
Mateo: I'm sorry. I don't --
Hayley: I don't want you to be sorry. No one should be sorry. This is just the way things are. You know, we can't go back. There's no going back to the chapel that night when we promised to renew our wedding vows, and when everything was brand-new and fresh. And the night Raquel showed up -- please don't. No.
Mateo: You know, I can make this work, if you just give me a chance. I'll do --
Hayley: By choosing between me and your son, and that's not going to work even if you were to choose me.
Mateo: I wouldn't resent you for it.
Hayley: Of course you would.
Mateo: No, I wouldn't.
Hayley: Yes, you would, Mateo. He is your son. He is your first-born. He is a little boy who needs his father.
Mateo: Yeah. I know that. I'll always love Max.
Hayley: But you wouldn't be with Max. And you can try to say that wouldn't be a problem, but you and I know ultimately that would be a lie. I remember what you told the judge at the first custody hearing. You said that when you look at your son, you saw your past and your future. And I see you with him, Mateo. You couldn't survive without max any more than you could survive without -- what? Without --
Mateo: You. Hayley: I love you. And I need you. But Max needs you more. He's just a little boy who just found his father, Mateo. You coming into his life was a miracle, and you'll never have this time ever again. You'll never have the opportunity again. Sending him away would break his heart -- and yours. And it's too much. I would never be able to live with myself.
Mateo: You see, but I need you in my life.
Hayley: I can't be there for you now. I'm sorry. Don't you see? I almost took a drink, Mateo. Do you know what that means? This is the way it has to be. I have to do this not just for Max and for you, but for me, too.

Tad: This help -- is it in the realm of a few well-placed phone calls, or you want me to break somebody out of jail? Give me my juice.
Scott: Maybe a few phone calls to production. I need an editing room. I've been making a documentary about man-woman relationships, but I'm going to focus in on breakups. I got a handheld camera, a couple of lights. Uh -- and I'm going to interview men and women and get them to tell me their breakup stories.
Tad: Sounds hilarious.
Dixie: Yeah. Maybe for the dumper but certainly not for the dumpee.
Scott: Well, I think it could be funny from either side. I want to keep it lighthearted and comical. But my gear is minimal and my budget is --
Tad: I get the idea. Don't worry. We'll work something out. Truth is I wish I'd thought of it for "The Cutting Edge."
Dixie: Well, good luck.
Scott: Thanks. Becca inspired me.
Dixie: Oh, yeah?
Tad: Hmm.
Becca: So, am I going to make another batch or what?
Scott: They look good. You'll have some with me?
Becca: I can't. I have to take the kids to camp.
Scott: I'll drive you. I could run some ideas by you about the documentary. I got the convertible.
Junior: Oh, awesome!
Jamie: Let's blast the radio!
Becca: Is that ok, guys?
Tad: It's Scott's radio.
Dixie: Sure. Look, you did all the work. You cooked everything. I'll clean up. Go ahead.
Becca: Are you sure?
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: Bye-bye.
Becca: Ok.
Dixie: Go on.
Becca: Come on, guys.
Tad: Bye-bye.
Becca: Grab your backpacks.
Tad: Bye-bye.
Becca: And you have to wear your seat belts, right?
Tad: Yes. Alone at least. Well, almost. Get out.
Jake: I'm going to work.
Tad: Yeah, you're going to work now.
Jake: Oh, grumpy, come on.
Tad: No, no, no, no, no.
Jake: This is what I dream about.
Tad: What, eating me out of house and home?
Jake: No, no. Look at this. You got kids running off in convertibles. You got blueberry pancakes.
Tad: Wait, wait, wait --
Jake: Look at this. You got Vermont pure maple syrup. Do you know how lucky you are?
Dixie: Yes, we do.
Tad: Yes, we do.
Dixie: Thank you.
Tad: Maybe we won't change the locks. Go.
Jake: Oh.
Dixie: Thanks for dropping by.
Jake: Have a nice day.
Dixie: Yes. You, too.

Tad: Oh. You know something?
Dixie: What?
Tad: We do have it good.
Dixie: Yes, we do.
Tad: As a matter of fact, we've got it great. Which gives me a thought.
Dixie: Ah!

[Telephone rings]

Dixie: Oh.
Tad: I almost made a clean getaway.
Dixie: Hold that thought.
Tad: Forget it!
Dixie: No!
Tad: If you think I'm going to answer that phone, you're crazy.
Dixie: Well, I'm crazy about you.
Tad: Oh, good.

[Answering machine beeps]

Adrian: Tad? Come on, Tad. If you're there, pick up. Listen, I called WRCW. I know you're there, so pick up. Come on. It's about Opal.
Tad: Oh. What?
Adrian: Hey, did I catch you at bad time? Tad: Yeah. Yeah, you could say that. Is Mama ok?
Adrian: Yeah, as a matter of fact, she is. She's on top of the world. She wants you to come down and help her celebrate at the Valley Inn dining room.

Opal: Yeah. Belinda was brilliant. I mean, you should have been there. Her opening remarks -- watertight. You could tell the judge was impressed, and Palmer and his lawyer over there squirming from the get-go.
Belinda: No, no, no. Once the judge heard how Palmer violated his custody agreement, she threw the book at him -- hard.
Opal: I got sole custody.
Brooke: Oh.
Jack: Brava.
Brooke: So, where does this leave Palmer in all of this?
Opal: Well, he's got visitation rights, of course -- supervised visitation rights. Yes! Thank you, Lord. I'm telling you, I'm ready to celebrate, so what's it going toe -- Mimosas, Bloody Marys?
Brooke: Well, listen, before we blast off here, I have another reason to celebrate.
Opal: What's that?
Brooke: Erica left for Brazil. She's going to have the facial plastic surgery.
Opal: Oh. That must be why she called me.
Brooke: Yes. I was going to tell you. Erica called last night, and Janet and Myrtle and I went over.
Jack: So what did she want?
Brooke: To apologize --
Jack: I'm sorry, it sounded like you said "apologize."
Brooke: To each and every one of us. I was so -- I mean, even to me, for ever doubting our friendship.
Opal: Oh. Oh, and I wasn't there. Darn!
Brooke: And not only that, for ever trusting a woman like Vanessa Bennett.
Opal: You're kidding. You're kidding. So the old Erica's back and that she-devil is out.
Brooke: It would seem so.
Opal: Well, hallelujah and the saints be praised. Bring on the champagne and the balloons!
Brooke: Yes! Let's hear it!
Opal: Adrian's calling Tad and Dixie. I'm telling you, I'm flying so high this morning, I'm likely to invite the whole restaurant to stay for lunch.
Jack: And we're just likely to stay, too.
Opal: Yeah. Hey, you guys, really -- why don't you call your offices and clear your calendars. We got a lot of celebrating to do.
Brooke: Well, it might be --
Jack: Looks like somebody's out of their office.
Belinda: Uh-oh.
Opal: "Uh-oh," what?
Brooke: Uh-oh.
Belinda: Opal --
Opal: Excuse me. There is someone who needs to hear the daily special -- stuffed crow. Well, Palmer, I'm surprised you can even walk still after that tail-whipping I gave you in court today.
Palmer: I've had just about enough of you today, Opal.
Opal: Well, this morning is just the beginning, Palmer. You mess with me again, and I will drop-kick you all the way to kingdom come.

Adrian: Even better for Petey. So what should I tell her? Are you coming?
Tad: Uh -- no. I'm kind of in the middle of something. Tell her I'll stop by later.
Adrian: You know what? Later might be too late. Cortlandt just walked in, and right now Opal looks like she is about two seconds from grabbing his bottom lip and yanking it over his head.
Tad: Ok, fine. I'm on my way. I got to. Just make sure she doesn't commit any felonies until I get there, ok?
Adrian: All right. Let's hurry up.

Opal: So, what have we here, Palmer? You and one of our board members?
Man: Mr. Cortlandt asked me to join him for breakfast, Mrs. Cortlandt.
Opal: Well, of course he did. Mr. Sly here is wooing you for your vote, isn't he? You want my advice? Have him pull out all the stops. I mean, why settle for a plate of waffles when you could get the old geezer to pop for a nice, juicy, thick steak, maybe some top-shelf bourbon, a nice box of fancy Cuban cigars --
Palmer: If you insist on making a public spectacle of yourself, I'll call the police and have you arrested for harassment.
Opal: Oh, my. Well, be my guest. I'm feeling lucky today.
Palmer: Don't let that joke of a judge ruling go to your head. I filed for appeal. And it will be overturned before you can bat those mascara-ladened eyelashes.
Opal: You know, there is nothing more pathetic than a mangy old dog who just keeps turning around in circles, chasing his own tail. Face it -- it is over, Palmer. So why don't you take your tail, put it between your legs, and move on before I chop it off altogether.
Palmer: I warned you not to tangle with me. You have no idea how miserable I can make your life.
Opal: Oh, really? I was married to you. I think I do know, y. But don't you think again about going after full custody, Palmer because if you do, you will lose, and you will keep on losing. And you want to know why? Because you messed with the wrong somebody when you messed with me. I got the house, I got half our assets, I got full custody of our son, and I got a seat on the board. Now you keep trying to sell me short, and you're going to find yourself out on your keister, scratching your head, wondering what the hell hit you.
Palmer: Well, the only thing I'll ever wonder is what possessed me to marry a tacky, over-teased, low-class piece of trash like you.
Adrian: Ah, ah, ah, ah. Whoa.
Belinda: I think maybe you better come with me.
Adrian: Eggs.
Palmer, you should watch your cholesterol. Th look delicious. Next time, I'll be sure to keep it in mind.

Jack: Well, I know you said that breakfast was on you, Opal, but for just a minute, it looked like it was going to be on old Palmer there.
Opal: Yeah. Well, I sling some mean hash, too, if you want a demonstration.
Belinda: Oh, no, no. You have done enough for the day.
Jack: I'd say.
Opal: Oh, yeah. I guess so. I'm telling you, that felt better than a long soak in a hot tub full of bubbles.
Belinda: Good.
Opal: And speaking of bubbles, where are those Mimosas?

[Vanessa walks in]

Opal: Well, if this day doesn't just keep getting better and better. Excuse me once again.

Tad: I cannot believe I was stupid enough to answer the phone, especially when we had the house all to ourselves. Talk about a rare and blessed event.
Dixie: Come on. We have the rest of our lives to celebrate. You go on, celebrate with your mother, make her happy, save her from possible assault charges.
Tad: Yeah, yeah. Oh.
Dixie: Call me later. Tell me what happened. Don't kill yourself.
Tad: I'll tell you now. I'm going to jump palmer myself.
Dixie: Ah.

Mateo: I love you.
Hayley: I know. I love you, too. That's what makes this so hard.
Mateo: And we're not over. Ok? If you have to do this, I respect it. I don't want you to leave, but if you have to --
Hayley: I have to.
Mateo: All right. Just as long as you know we're not over. All right?
Hayley: Thank you for understanding.
Hayley: You see what I mean? Every time I turn around, there's another one. Some other reminder of our broken dream.
Mateo: You're going to have your baby. Our baby. All right? As soon as Max gets adjusted, all of those dreams that we had for us, they're going to come true, ok?
Hayley: Yeah, I know.

Singer: When the rain is blowing in your face and the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love
when evening shadows and the stars appear and there is no one to dry your tears I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love
I know you haven't made your mind up yet but I would never do you wrong and I've known it from the moment that we met no doubt in my mind where you belong
I could make you happy make your dreams come true nothing that I wouldn't do go to the ends of earth for you to make you feel my love

Vanessa: Oh, thank you. You're a dear. I left my cell phone in the room. Dr. Hayward, please. This is his mother calling. Well, when will he be in?
No. No message. Thank you.
Opal: Maybe he likes barbecued pig on a spit. What's the matter? You look downright rattled. Don't you like the idea of your son being down there with Erica?
Vanessa: Erica?
Opal: Yeah, Erica -- you know, your good, good buddy. Didn't your best friend tell you she was going to go have that surgery by that hotshot doctor in Brazil? Which is why your son, that other hotshot doctor, went down after her.
Vanessa: Of course they did. They mention-- I just simply forgot the date. I've been so very busy lately.
Opal: Oh, yeah, save it. The jig is up, Queeny. Erica didn't tell you diddly. You are off her A-list and I happen to know that for a fact.
Vanessa: What is it, Opal? You want to start a club now -- "past friends of Erica Kane"? My, my.
Opal: There's nothing past about our friendship, ok? She finally saw the light. She apologized to all of us for ever doubting her true friends, and she is through believing one word out of your lying mouth, Missy.
Vanessa: I've really had quite enough of you, Opal.
Opal: Yeah, well, we have had more than enough of you. You know that? Your days in Pine Valley are over. You got it?
Palmer: And so is this conversation. One more disparaging remark to this lady, and I'll have you thrown out of here on your bony derriere -- if I have to buy the Valley Inn to do it myself.

Tad: Hayley? Hey, honey.
Hayley: Oh. Hi, Tad. How's it going? Tad: I don't know.
I'm not sure yet. You seen Mom around? I just got a call from Adrian. He told me to boogie down here. Apparently there's something brewing between Opal and Palmer.
Hayley: Oh, no. I'm sorry. I just got here myself.
Tad: Hey, what's with the luggage? You guys on a romantic getaway? Say no more. I just came back from my honeymoon. Can't wait to get away again. You know what I'm saying?
Hayley: Yeah. Well, actually, I'm checking in solo.
Tad: Oh.
Uh --
I'm sorry to hear that. You want to talk about it, sweetie? I mean, I don't hear any squad cars. I'm sure Mama is fine. We could go get a cup of coffee --
Hayley: No, that's really nice I appreciate it, but I think I'm just going to get checked in and settled.
Tad: Well, we don't have to stay here. I mean, we can go somewhere else.
Hayley: No, thanks. I do appreciate it. But like I said, I think I just, you know, need to be alone and get my head together, you know.
Tad: Well, you know you can call me anytime -- day or night. It doesn't matter.
Hayley: Thank you.
Tad: Ok. Well, keep your chin up, ok? Try to remember what Marian said at your dad's wedding, you know -- about bad times? We all go through them, but somehow it seems to work out for the best. Hey, look at me and Dixie, right?
Hayley: Yeah, I'll keep that thought.
Tad: I got to go.
Hayley: Go, go, go.

Man: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Hayley: Oh.
Man: Are you checking in today?
Hayley: Yes, I am.
Man: And do you have a reservation?
Hayley: No. I'm sorry. It's sort of a spur-of-the-moment thing.
Man: That's not a problem. We have rooms available.
Hayley: Oh, good.
Man: Single occupancy? Will that be a single occupancy?
Hayley: Yes. Yes, I'm alone. Yes.
Man: Very well. And your name?
Hayley: Hayley San-- Vaughan. It's Hayley Vaughan.
Man: And how long will you be staying with us, Miss Vaughan?
Hayley: You know, I'm not sure.

Max: I finished this part. Is that ok? Daddy, is that ok?
Mateo: Oh. Uh -- let me see. No. No, not quite. See, you got to -- you got to do that. See, whenever you have something broken like this, you got to get rid of all the old stuff. You know, just like this putty here. All right? You got to scrape it all away before you can start again.
Max: Can we fix it?
Mateo: I think we can fix it. I hope so.
Max: Daddy, are you sad?
Mateo: No. Yeah. I'm sad. Daddy's sad today.
Max: Why? Is it because I broke the window?
Mateo: No.
Max: Is it something I did?
Mateo: No, it's something I did. All right, look. Now, do it just like this, ok? Just like that. You see? It's coming right off. There you go.
Max: Ok. I like working with you, Daddy.
Mateo: I like working with you, too, partner.

[Dixie starts to clear the dishes but feels faint]

Dixie: Ok, this isn't happening. Ok, Dixie, you just have to go find out what's going on.

Palmer: Stop bothering this lady over her morning coffee.
Vanessa: Well, it would be tea.
Palmer: Well, tea, yes. You owe Ms. Bennett an apology.
Opal: Ha! When it snows in hell. That's when you'll get an apology out of me.
Tad: Hi, guys. I heard there was a party going on. Is it too late for me to get in on the fun?
Palmer: Would you like to take your uncouth mother out of here?
Tad: Oh, now, Palmer, I know you don't want to insult Mama. That would be ungentlemanly and extremely unwise.
Adrian: Did I just hear you say he insulted our mother? Why, Tad, I'm sure he has to know we'd snap his frail tail in half.
Palmer: I'm not amused.
Adrian: It wasn't meant to be funny.
Palmer: Hmm.
Tad: Come on, Mama. Palmer: That's right. Get out of here, and take your devil spawn with you.
Tad: Oh. That was harsh.
Opal: Let's go back to our table before I lose my appetite.
Tad: Ooh.

Palmer: I do beg your forgiveness.
Vanessa: Oh, please, please. It's not your fault. I -- I'm just glad it's over with for now, Palmer.
Palmer: Well, I just hope that she hasn't upset you.
Vanessa: Oh, no.
Palmer: Would you mind if -- if I joined you?
Vanessa: Not at all. You don't have to, really. I've withstood worse.
Palmer: Well, that was -- that was absolutely inexcusable. If there is anything really I can do to help you --
Vanessa: Look, Palmer, I understand you're a very important man, and you really don't have to take the time out of your busy day to sit here, hold my hand, and go "tut, tut." But I do appreciate the thought so very much.
Palmer: Oh, not at all. It was a pleasure.

Opal: Oh, that does it! Let's take this party to my house, huh?
Brooke: You know, that sounds wonderful. I've cleared my schedule, and I'm all yours.
Opal: Great.
Belinda: I'm right behind you. You coming, Adrian?
Adrian: Actually, I'm going to stay behind and speak with Tad and Jackson on a business matter.
Tad: Ok.
Jack: Ok.
Opal: Business matter, huh? Hmm. Well, ok. Do it your own darn wrong way. I'll call Janet and Myrtle and we can have a hen party. What do you say?
Brooke: Sounds great to me.
Belinda: The more hens, the better, right?
Tad: I'll walk you out. I'll be back in a minute, Adrian.
Opal: Thanks, honey.

[Brooke and Belinda look at Palmer and Vanessa]
Belinda: Now, isn't that a match made in hell.
Brooke: Don't stare. You'll turn into a pillar of salt.

Hayley: What took so long?
Man: Oh, sorry for the delay. I was checking with housekeeping to make sure your room was ready. You wanted nonsmoking, right?
Hayley: Yes, yes. Can you just give me the key, please?
Opal: Oh, Hayley.
Tad: Mama --
opal: Hayley, listen, why don't you come on over to our house. We're having a little get-together with all the girls. It's going to be really fun.
Hayley: Oh, no, thanks. I can't.
Man: Here's your key, miss Vaughan. Enjoy your stay.
Opal: Oh, you're staying here? Where's your hunk of a hubby?
Tad: Mama, I'm sure that Hayley's in the middle of something.
Hayley: Yes, actually, I am, and I'm very late. I have to go.
Man: Do you need some help with your bags?
Hayley: No, thank you. I'll manage. Bye-bye.
Opal: What on earth was that all about?
Tad: Oh, Mama. How does your other foot taste? Come on.
Opal: What?

Becca: Tad, Dixie, we're home.
Scott: No one's home.
Becca: Sure looks like they left in a hurry, too. Hope everything's alright.
Scott: You don't think something's wrong, do you?
Becca: I sure hope not.
Scott: Well, you want me to stick around until we're sure everything's ok?
Becca: You don't have to do that.
Scott: Well, I'd like to.
Besides, I have a favor I'd like to ask you.
Becca: What kind of favor?
Scott: Let's just say it's going to put you on the spot.

Dixie: Hi. Excuse me. Who is the resident on duty?
Nurse: Dr. Brenner's covering today.
Dixie: Ah. Ok. Could I see him right away, please? I'm Joe Martin's daughter-in-law.
Nurse: Would you like me to page Dr. Martin?
Dixie: No. No, that's ok. Dr. Brenner will be fine. I'll be right -- sitting over here, ok? Thanks.
Jake: Dixie?

Vanessa Thank you for having breakfast with me.
Palmer: Not at all. I mean, it is the least I could do after that ruckus earlier.
Vanessa: Oh, but it wasn't your fault.
Palmer: Well, I must say I am partially responsible. If I hadn't married that woman, she would have left town long ago. I must say Opal Gardner is the worst and certainly the longest mistake I've ever made.
Vanessa: But, then again, you know, the mark of a life well-lived is the mistakes you make along the way. I'll certainly match mine with yours any day.
Palmer: Well, I certainly hope you haven't made as many as I have.
Vanessa: Do you know something? I think that with people like us, it's simply unavoidable. You know? And it's ironic how misunderstood we are. We wear these fierce masks, but all we're trying to do is protect our own heart. And you know, people as passionate as you and I are about life -- it just leaves us so wide open for the heartbreak and disappointment.
Palmer: No, no. Not at all, really. No, we just -- we have to protect ourselves until the right person finds us who appreciates us and understands us.
Vanessa: . Do you really think there are those people?
Palmer: Well, I haven't given up hope. I never do.

Tad: Adrian Sword, C.E.O. Of Cortlandt Electronics. It's got a ring to it. I say you should go for it.
Jack: Do you think you really have a chance, Adrian? I mean, let's face it --Palmer Cortlandt is still a force with which to be reckoned.
Adrian: So am I.

Max: Well, we did it.
Mateo: Yes, we did. Now, that was hard work, wasn't it?
Max: Yeah. Mateo: So you won't be -- be breaking any windows anytime soon, will you?
Max: No, Daddy. I won't be destructive ever again.
Mateo: Ooh. "Destructive." Big word. Come here. All right. I'll tell you what. Go put this -- put the putty knife back in the toolbox in the hallway, ok? All right.

Scott: How would you like to star in my documentary?
Becca: "Star"? Hmm -- I don't think so.
Scott: Well, think about it before you say no. I'd like you to tell me the story about your teacher. And if that's too personal, you could narrate it, but I'd like to open the documentary with the story.
Becca: I'm flattered, but I don't think so.
Scott: I'll give you a week to think about it. Ok? It will take me at least that long to get all the stuff together.
Becca: Scott, I'm sorry, but I can't. I don't even know if I'll be in town that long.

Jake: Dixie, what's going on? Do you need me for something?
Dixie: No. I'm fine. I'm -- I'm here to see some Cardiologists. You know, I dumped Dr. Hayward, so I thought maybe I should meet with some -- some other different cardiologists.
Jake: Ok.
Nurse: Mrs. Martin? I'm sorry, Dr. Brenner's tied up right now. Perhaps you can consult with Dr. Martin.
Jake: Thank you. Last time I checked, Dr. Brenner wasn't a cardiologist. And, Dixie, we don't see cardiac patients in ER. So what's going on?
Dixie: I'm fine. I'm fine, really.
Jake: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dixie, Dixie. You all right?
Dixie: Oh, oh my!

[Dixie starts to faint]

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