JUNE 25, 1999

Ryan: Hey.
Gillian: Hey.
Ryan: You're here a little early to party.
Gillian: Oh, I'm just meeting someone. I'm meeting --
Ryan: No, no, it's none of my business.
Gillian: All right, I'll just wait over there.
Ryan: Gillian? I've been meaning ask you, how's your Grandmama?
Gillian: Oh, she's well. She's really well. I just saw her today. And she's really enjoying the book you gave her. She'll write you a note to say thank you. Thank you.
Ryan: I know how much she loves romance novels. I used to tell her that I thought she could probably write one of her own.
Trevor: Hey, thanks for meeting me here. Sorry I'm late. I've been running late all day.
Gillian: Is there a problem with our documents?
Trevor: You tell me.
Ryan: So it's official?
Gillian: We're divorced now?
Trevor: I did what you wanted me to do. Well, I guess that's it. Unless either of you has something you want to get off your chest, maybe?

Mateo: Happy birthday.
Hayley: You didn't forget. Your 25th birthday? Come on. You think I'd forget that? You want to open up your presents?

Adam: "Happy 25th birthday, Hayley."
Liza: Mm-hmm. The filling is chocolate pudding -- Hayley's favorite.
Adam: How do you know that?
Liza: I remembered from another party.
Adam: Why don't I know that?
Liza: Well, I think that's why you have a wife, Adam.
Adam: Well, I don't guess it's that big a deal, but it would be nice if her father knew her favorite cake, her favorite movie, her favorite singing group.
Liza: Adam, Hayley is 25 years old. I don't think she has a favorite singing group.
Adam: Well, that's my point entirely. I never knew Hayley when she was this age. Do you realize how much agony could have been avoided if she had a father who loved her, who protected her, made her feel safe?
Liza: You're in her life now. I don't think that she blames you for not being in her past.
Adam: Well, the present becomes the past all too quickly. Colby will be grown-up before we know it.
Liza: Adam, she hasn't even said her first word yet.
Adam: Well, it will happen. Faster than you can ever imagine. Thank God Hayley's forgiven me for not being a very good father. I wonder if Colby will ever forgive --

[Knock on door]

Adam: Hello, Jake.
Jake: Hello, hello. Is my date ready?
Liza: Oh, just about.
Jake: Give Hayley my love. Tell her 25 is a great year.
Adam: Will do.
Jake: All right. Sorry I can't make the surprise party, but -- well, no, I'm not. Look at her. I'm looking forward to spending time with her.
Liza: Well, I'll tell you something. I am going to be suffering some major separation anxiety.
Adam: Well, there's no need. She will be in very capable hands.
Jake: Thank you.
Adam: Thank you, Jake. I'm very happy that Colby has somebody in her life that loves her so much.
Jake: The feeling's mutual. You guys don't mind if I take her over to Tad and Dixie's, do you?
Adam: No, no, no, no. I want Junior to get to know her.
Liza: Ok, well, here's the lady in question.
Jake: Oh, here she is. We're going to have some fun tonight.
Liza: Oh, oh, oh, and here's everything else. Here's the bag.
Jake: Oh, yeah.
Liza: Ok, got that?
Jake: Oh, sure.
Liza: Oh, and numbers.
Jake: Numbers -- cell phone, the club, and pine valley hospital.
Liza: Yeah, you probably already know that one.
Jake: Oh, I think so. I got the car seat out in the car already. Now, are you going to be able to think about anything else tonight but your little girl?
Adam: Yes, she will. Yes, she will. You and Colby have fun.
Jake: Oh, we're going to have lots of fun. And you guys do, too. All right?
Liza: Ok, thanks.
Jake: See you later. Bye-bye. She says bye.
Adam: Bye-bye.

Liza: You were very generous with Jake.
Adam: It's all for Colby's sake.
Liza: Yeah, I know. You know, I don't think that you need to worry about Colby's love for you because she's going to know what a great father you are. And she's going to know that you changed your life just because you loved her.
Adam: Well, she's going to know I love her. I'm not sure she'll ever know --
Liza: What? What does she need to know?
Adam: Liza, there's so much I want to say to you.

Tad: You know, I could get used to this.
Dixie: Me, too. Do you like the pillowcases I bought?
Tad: Yeah. What's not to like? They're soft as a baby's bottom.

[Dixie remembers talking to Jake]

Dixie: Then why did I faint more than once? I mean, there has to be a reason, Jake. Don't te me this means days of testing.
Jake: No. No. This means that you're pregnant.
Dixie: Oh. This is so great. I'm going to have a baby. Oh, come on, a baby changes everything.
Jake: Not really. You still have one kidney. You still have a history of heart disease.
Dixie: Oh, come on, Jake. I mean, I'm going to be fine.
Jake: I know you want to believe that, and I want to believe that, too. But, Dixie, there are very substantial risks in this situation for both you and the baby.
Dixie: Are you saying that you don't think I should have this child?
Jake: Dixie, I can't make that decision.
Dixie: Well, that's right, you can't.
Jake: I just want you to be aware of the toll that this is going to take on you. And please talk to Tad.
Dixie: I will. I'll talk to Tad.

Tad: Are you happy?
Dixie: Yeah. You?
Tad: Honey, if I was any happier, it would hurt. Bring it on. We deserve it. Well, you deserve it.
Dixie: Well, I think I've thought of a way for us to be happier than we already are. Tad: Yeah?
Junior and Jamie: Let us in!

[Knock on door]

Dixie: Oh, the boys are home.
Junior: We've got really cool stuff!
Tad: You think? Ready?
Dixie: Yeah, yeah.
Tad: Ah!
Dixie: Hey!
Junior: Look what I got!

[Cymbals crash]

Tad and Dixie: Oh!
Junior: They're cymbals.
Dixie: Nice. Not in the bedroom, though.
Junior: Aren't they awesome?
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: Where did you get those?
Junior: At camp. They let you check out an instrument if you want to be in the marching band.
Dixie: Oh, whoa, thank you.
Tad: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the story? Couldn't they interest you in a piccolo, maybe, or the triangle?
Junior: Yeah, right.
Tad: What's in the box? A tuba?
Jamie: It's a frog.
Junior: Yeah. He stole it from the science lab.
Jamie: I didn't steal it. I liberated it. They were going to dissect it tomorrow.
Dixie: Dissect it? What kind of camp is this?
Tad: It's an educational camp. They do a lot more than just play softball.
Dixie: Well, they can't dissect a frog. That's killing an innocent little thing.
Tad: It's a frog.
Dixie: Look, honey, I think you did the right thing. You come to me tomorrow, I'll write you a note, and we'll pay for it.
Junior: They don't care. They'll just get another one at the pond tomorrow.
Jamie: Then I'll steal that one, too.
Tad: "Liberate."
Dixie: Let me see the frog, honey. Let's see him.
Jamie: It's really beautiful. It has diamond-shaped markings on the top of its head and -- it's gone!
Dixie: It's gone?
Jamie: It must have jumped out.
Tad: Terrific. Junior: Look for it. It's got to be here somewhere.
Tad: That's all we need. All right, just stay calm. Everybody fan out. It's got to be someplace.
Dixie: Try under the bed. It's probably, like, right somewhere really close by.
Tad: Oh, there it is, honey, right by your knee.
Dixie: Where? Ah!
Tad: Psych.
Dixie: Very funny.
Tad: I thought you liked frogs.
Dixie: Hardy-har-har. I do, but not on the bed.

[Frog croaks]

Junior: There it is! Right there!
Jamie: Where?
Junior: Right by the door.
Jamie: There it goes!
Junior: Come on! Come on!
Tad: Outside! Unbelievable.
Dixie: Well, gosh, they'd better find that frog before Jake gets here with the baby.
Tad: Oh, they'll find it --

[cymbals crash]

Junior: Found it!
Tad: Oh, God. False alarm. Froggy's just fine.

[Dixie talking to her baby]

Dixie: Don't worry, sweetie, we'll tell him tonight.

Mateo: Come on, you really think I'd forget your birthday when all day long all I do is think about you? Worry about you?
Hayley: Mateo, I don't want you to worry about me.
Mateo: Do you really believe that I wouldn't be upset about this?
Hayley: Honey, I'm fine.
Mateo: No, you see, if you're fine, you wouldn't be here.
Hayley: This is what I do when I'm -- this is what I do in my regular life. You see, I lie and I tell you everything's fine and everything's ok. And quite frankly, I'm very sad and depressed and lonely. And I can't lie about this anymore.
Mateo: I lied to your dad about where you were. Listen, I don't want to tell anybody, but how long can we keep this to ourselves, you know?
Hayley: Well, they warn you in AA Not to keep any secrets. You know, this is the best place for me to be right now, is alone, here, sitting in this room. The safest place.
Mateo: Listen, I understand you need to be strong and you need to solve your own problems. But I don't think AA Tells you to turn your back on the people that love you. Especially not the person who loves you the most.
Hayley: No, it doesn't.
Mateo: Then come home with me. We'll solve this together, Hayley. All right? Just you and me.

Liza: What are you so anxious to tell me?
Adam: Well, I guess I'm thinking about all my sins.
Liza: Oh. Well, if you start now, you might be finished by the time Colby celebrates her 25th -- if you talk fast.
Adam: My greatest sin, the biggest failing of my life, is fatherhood.
Skye, Hayley, Junior -- all of them have suffered because of my absence and my neglect. A point that everyone is willing to point out to me, including you.
Liza: Yes, I did. But that was at a time when I wasn't sure I wanted you in my daughter's life. And I don't feel that way anymore because I see how much you've changed. You are truly the only father that Colby needs.
Adam: If you really feel that, then I have a confession to make.
Liza: A confession?
Adam: I have a fantasy that Colby is our child -- I mean, yours and mine alone. Do you ever have that fantasy?
Liza: Well, without Jake, we wouldn't have Colby. And like you said, there are so many other people who get to love her. But, yes, I have imagined that if it was just you and Colby and me, that it would be heaven.

Ryan: Well, thank you, Trevor.
Gillian: Yes, thank you very much. I really appreciate what you've done.
Trevor: You're welcome, but that's not what my intention was. Look, I could have mailed you these documents. But I had to hand them to you in person and see what your reaction was in your eyes. You two still love each other, don't you?
Gillian: No, we wanted a divorce, and we got one. So, you know, this is final. It's over.
Ryan: That's right, it's final. There's nothing else to talk about.
Trevor: Well, according to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, yes, your marriage is over. But you two love each other as much as you did five minutes before I walked in here.
Ryan: The point is, Trevor, is that we -- we have to get on with our lives.
Trevor: Yeah, that's my point, too. On the other hand, these papers can help you move on. Just think of them as a divorce from all the mistakes that you two have made together, all the unforgivable things that you've done and said to each other. Just take all that, throw it in a drawer, and fight like hell for the love that you do have. That's another way you can move on this. Well, that and "my bill's in the mail" is all I'm going to say on the matter.

Vanessa: I'm fine. I'm fine. You graciously invite me to supper, and I end up weeping all over.
Palmer: Well, we don't have to talk about Erica.
Vanessa: No, no, we do. You need her on your side. You need her vote at that board meeting.
Palmer: But not if it upsets you.
Vanessa: It is just so consummately sad. There she is in Brazil, facing one of the most traumatic emotional experiences of her life, and all alone.
Palmer: Let me assure you, Erica will pass through this with remarkable ease, believe me.
Vanessa: Palmer, you have no idea what a comfort you are to me. And not just about Erica. I was thinking about what you said about your son and the problems you've had with Ross.
Palmer: Yes. Yeah.
Vanessa: And you stood by him through all of his troubles, as a father should, and you have made me realize that I must do exactly the same for David. I mean, no matter the misunderstandings, the misgivings, the hatred.
Palmer: No matter how much they wrong us.
Vanessa: Right. The parents have to have unconditional love. No matter the difficulties they make in letting them help us.
Palmer: You know, I have one comfort.
Vanessa: Yes?
Palmer: Well, perhaps eventually, perhaps after I've gone, that they will come to realize that I was right.
Vanessa: You --
Palmer: What? What?
Vanessa: You are so powerful. And you have everything. And yet, you know, the average person on the outside looking at you would never suspect that your life could be so lonely.
Palmer: No. You have no idea.
Vanessa: No, but I can imagine.

Ryan: Lawyers.
Gillian: They love to talk.
Ryan: Yeah, they love to make simple things complicated.
Gillian: But Trevor's a good person, though.
Ryan: Yes. Yes, he is. He always gave me very good advice.
Gillian: That's why I went to him.
Ryan: For the divorce.
Gillian: Because I knew he would give me good advice, and that's just what he did.
Ryan: You think so?
Gillian: Don't you?
Ryan: Well, he said a lot of things.
Gillian: Um -- do you think --
Ryan: Do I think what?
Gillian: Do you think it's true that, you know, divorced people could be friends?
Ryan: Sure. Yeah. I mean, why not?
Gillian: Because, you know, I would really like it if we could still have a conversation once in a while.
Ryan: As friends.
Gillian: Yeah, as friends. Like me and Jake. You know, we're just friends, but we can have a good time.
Ryan: Yes, I've seen you.
Gillian: It's just a coincidence that you work here.
Ryan: Look, I'm glad that you come here with him.
Gillian: You're glad? Are you?
Ryan: Yes, yes. I'm glad that you can have a good time. I really want that for you.
Gillian: I want that for you, too.
Ryan: And now we can, now that we're divorced.
Gillian: So you think that we did the right thing?
Ryan: There was never any doubt, was there?
Gillian: Well, here. You know, you probably want this back.
Ryan: Your medal?
Gillian: Yeah, it was important to you.
Ryan: Yeah, but I --
Gillian: Maybe one day you'll want to give it to somebody else.
Ryan: I'd really like it if you kept it.
Gillian: Ok.
Ryan: It's supposed to bring good luck, and even though it never really worked for me, maybe it will for you.
Gillian: Yeah, maybe one day. All right, yeah, I'd better go.
Ryan: Yeah, time to get to work.
Gillian: No, I'm just going home.
Ryan: No, I meant me -- here.
Gillian: Right. It's that time for you.

Dixie: Hey, guys? What's up? Don't you want dessert?
Junior and Jamie: It got out again.
Tad: What, the frog?
Dixie: How'd it get out?
Junior and Jamie: He opened the box.
Dixie: Oh, all right, all right. We have to find it before Jake gets over here with the baby. It's not in the port-a-crib. Did you look in the port-a-crib?
Jamie: Yeah, checked.
Junior: It's not in there.
Tad: Listen, you guys, you know that Colby is very small, very delicate, and things like loud crashing cymbals and slimy creatures jumping in and out of cribs is not cool, right?
Dixie: Yeah, and you know that jumping around, roughhousing is inappropriate behavior around a baby? You know that?
Junior: Yeah, we know how to behave around a baby, Mom.
Dixie: Ok, good. Glad to hear that.
Tad: Aha!

[Frog croaks]

Dixie: Tad -- oh! Oh!
Tad: Somebody get the box.
Jamie: I got it, I got it. Put it in, quick.
Junior: Come on, put it in. Got it, got it.
Tad: I'm not going to get warts, am I?

[Doorbell rings]

Jamie: That's just a myth.
Dixie: Great timing.
Junior: And if you do, becca will cure them.
Dixie: Hi.
Jake: Hi. How are you?
Dixie: Good. Good.
Jake: Yeah?
Dixie: Yeah.
Jake: Guys, come say hi to Colby.
Junior: Hi, Colby.
Jamie: Hi, Colby.
Jake: Come on, she won't bite.
Junior: Oh, man, she's getting bigger than before.
Jake: Oh, yeah, she's growing every day.
Jamie: She's so cute. Hey, Colby.
Jake: Yeah, she is.
Tad: May I? Come to -- come on, come to your little sugar daddy, sweetheart.
Jake: Be very gentle, sugar daddy.
Tad: Oh, you are such a good baby. Oh, yes.
Jake: All right, watch yourself.
Tad: I know. I've held a few before in my life. I bought her a port-a-crib. I hope she likes it.
Jake: Oh, cool. Yeah.
Tad: Come with your Uncle Thaddeus, yes. Your sugar daddy. Hey guys, come here and smell the baby.
Junior: What?
Tad: Yeah. All babies have this great baby smell.
Jamie: Not always.
Tad: Come here.

Jake: You haven't told him, have you? Dixie, this pregnancy poses a very serious health risk to you. You and tad need to discuss your options as soon as possible.
Dixie: I know, Jake. I know, ok? It's just been difficult to find the right time.
Jake: You want me to tell him? I can --
Tad: Tell me what?
Dixie: Tell you what about what?
Tad: What do you mean, "what about what"? I just heard him ask you if you wanted him to tell me.
Dixie: Oh. Yes. Jake was just saying that he -- thank you for the port-a-crib, and I said, of course, "you're welcome," but it's your -- your idea, so he said he'd thank you.
Jake: Mm-hmm.
Tad: You're welcome.
Jake: Well, thank you. Go. Leave. You guys should get going. You got to be in place to yell, "Surprise, Surprise."
Tad: Surprise.
Dixie: Look, I promise, ok?
Tad: Ok. Now, you guys remember what we talked about, right?
Jamie: Yeah, don't worry.
Junior: Don't worry.
Tad: What time's bedtime?
Junior and Jamie: 10:00.
Tad: I saw that.
Jake: What?
Dixie: I left the number for the bar on the table, and you have Tad's cell phone number, right?
Jake: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Go.
Dixie: Ok.
Jake: Go, go. You're going to be late.
Dixie: Bye, guys.
Jake: Bye-bye.
Jamie: Bye.
Dixie: See you later.
Junior: Bye.
Tad: You guys have a good time.
Jake: Isn't she great?
Jamie: Does she ever sleep?
Jake: She sleeps all the time. You know, she has to get a lot of sleep because all she does is grow. That's what she uses all her energy for.
Jamie: Oh. Well, then we won't be making any loud noises or anything like that.
Jake: Oh, good. She'll appreciate that.
Junior: When does a baby girl start acting like a girl?
Jake: What do you mean? How do girls act?
Junior: Well, you know, ting really loud noises.
Jamie: Or frogs.
Jake: Oh. I don't know about the girls you guys know, but Colby isn't like that at all.
Junior: Really?
Jake: No. Let me tell you a few things about my little girl.

Adam: You and Colby and me. Well, I know that's selfish. But I don't want to share.
Liza: Oh. Do you know what the best part of my day is?
Adam: Well, the best part of mine is at night when we go into the nursery and finish up our work.
Liza: Yeah. And I'm on my laptop, and you're muttering into that tape recorder, and we can look over at her and watch her sleeping.
Adam: I feel like we're in a one-room cabin deep in the woods somewhere.
Liza: I think it's those clouds that Stuart painted on the ceiling. It just feels like we're in a spaceship or something, just the three of us, away from the entire world.
Adam: What if it could be like that? Really.
Liza: You know, I know that you have this will of iron, but I don't think that that's going to happen. In fact, I know it's impossible.
Adam: Yeah, but what if it weren't impossible?
Liza: Adam, I don't want to talk about it. It's not fair.
Adam: To whom?
Liza: To Colby.
Adam: How so?
Liza: Because then we would be wishing that she was something that she's not. And I don't want to change her, not one little bit.
Adam: That's not what I'm saying.
Liza: Well, if your fantasy were true, would you love her any less? Would you love her any more?
Adam: No, no. Of course not. I can honestly say I would love her exactly the same.
Liza: Well, I love my life. I love my life just the way it is. And I love that she has all these people who love her. Now, we have to go because we're going to be late for the S.O.S. And we're bringing everything. So we have to go.
Adam: Yes, yes, go. Of course.
Liza: Help me.
Adam: Oh.
Liza: You know, surprise parties are a hassle, but if you can pull them off, they're pretty fantastic.
Adam: Yeah.
Liza: I can't wait to see Hayley's face.
Adam: What is in here? It's filled with chocolate lead.
Liza: Are you going to make it?

Mateo: Listen, honey, I know you're overwhelmed right now. Ok? But, see, I'm with you. All right? We're on the same page. Ok? Whatever you're doing here, you can do at home, with me.
Hayley: Don't you know how tempting it is for me to hear that, that I can be at home with you and you'll fix all of this for me and -- oh, Mateo, it's everything in my power not to jump into your arms and let you take care of this for me.
Mateo: Do it. Come on. I'm here.
Hayley: No. Mateo, if I do that, I'm finished. The road to my sobriety -- I have to do it on my own.
Mateo: But why alone?
Hayley: Because that's how I get drunk, Mateo. You know, I can't go back to living a normal life until I stop feeling needy and rejected, until I can laugh again. You know? Until I can look across the courtyard and see Max and Raquel and not have all of these pent- feelings, these mean-spirited feelings that I try to block out.
Mateo: I though I was doing good ok? I thought I was doing good moving them across the courtyard from us. At least it was better than living in the same place like at Wildwind, ok? But I told you, if you want me to move them, I'll find another place for them, somewhere else.
Hayley: Honey, don't you see what I'm doing to you, you know? I know how much you love me, but how long do you think it'll last like this, the way I make you feel?
Mateo: You're not doing anything to me. I feel fine. But we can -- we can survive this, all right, but if we're together.
Hayley: Not if I take a drink, we can't survive this. And that is why I need you to go now. Please, Mateo. I need you to leave me alone. Ok? We can't be together now, and when I'm well enough, we can be together then. I promise.
Mateo: What about work? Well, I mean -- I guess I'll just make a schedule so we don't bump into each other then, right?
Hayley: I don't know, Mateo. I haven't really thought about that, but I just need you to go right now, please. Please, Mateo, please.
Mateo: I just wanted you to have a happy birthday.

Palmer: You have a delicious sense of humor.
Vanessa: Well, I used to, but I seem to have forgotten it lately.
Palmer: Ah, well, we'll have to do something about that, won't we?
Vanessa: Oh! Honestly, you are the kindest person.
Palmer: Oh.
Vanessa: Oh, which reminds me of why you invited me to supper in the first place. Now, here are the documents from Enchantment that you promised to deliver to Erica.
Palmer: Mm-hmm.
Vanessa: And this is a letter that I wrote to Erica hoping to, oh, dispel this rift we have between us. I have apologized for almost everything I could think of imaginable that could have caused my grievous sin, but --
Palmer: And you think that my ex-wife really had a hand in making this rift. I tell you --
Vanessa: No, no, no. I don't blame Opal. Please. She loves Erica.
Palmer: That gargoyle is incapable of love. Compared to a lovely lady like you, she couldn't --
Vanessa: No, no, no, no. Please do not condemn Opal. Now, look, once Erica reads my letter, maybe her cold heart will melt just a little. I just wish I were so much better at writing my feelings, you know, but -- we're just going to hope for the best.
Palmer: You're absolutely right. What good would a letter do? You should express your feelings in person.
Vanessa: Well, yes, of course, but --
Palmer: Yes. You should come with me to Brazil.
Vanessa: With you?
Palmer: Well, in my jet, of course. And when Erica sees that you traveled all that way, why, then she'll realize your true deep feelings for her.
Vanessa: Oh, why, yes, but how can I accept such a generous offer?
Palmer: Oh, please. Come on. No, no, I've -- I've taken a suite at the hotel Copacabana.
Vanessa: I beg your pardon?
Palmer: What? What?
Vanessa: You've gotten the wrong idea, Palmer. I have no intention of sharing a suite with you in Brazil or anywhere else.
Palmer: Heavens. I wasn't proposing anything untoward.
Vanessa: No, let's just not talk about it, please.
Palmer: Now, Vanessa, really. That suite has five, six bedrooms in it. All right, all right. I'll take another suite on another floor if you prefer that, really.
Vanessa: All right. Perhaps --
Palmer: Well, really. I mean, really --
Vanessa: No, no, no look, Palmer, if I misunderstood, I'm very, very sorry. It's just that you know I'm a widow --
Palmer: Yeah.
Vanessa: And without means. And I didn't want you to think that my circumstances would lead me into some shabby kind of behavior.
Palmer: No, no, of course not. Of course not. But, I mean, really. I mean, to jump to that conclusion -- a man of my age? It's been -- well, quite some time since I've entertained such a thing.
Vanessa: Well, now you are being disingenuous. You are a very attractive man.
Palmer: No, no.
Vanessa: In fact, you remind me of the time I went on the date with -- oh.
Palmer: Who? Come on. Come on.
Vanessa: Well, all right. It was back in my Hollywood days, and the studio had set up this date with Cary Grant.
Palmer: Ooh.
Vanessa: Now, he was much older than I was, so I was certain I wasn't going to be tempted, you see. But five minutes into that date, I knew I was going to have to use every ounce of control I had in order to remain that young lady my mother had raised me to be.
Palmer: Did you succeed?
Vanessa: Ah. What do you think?

[Salsa music plays]

Ryan: Hayley coming in tonight?
Mateo: I don't know.
Ryan: Is she at home? Can I call her there?
Mateo: Um -- she's not home.
Ryan: Well, do you know where she left the payroll slips?
Mateo: Listen, listen, listen. No more questions, all right? Just --
Ryan: Look, man, I'm just trying to get some work done here. But believe me, if you don't care, I don't care.
Mateo: Hayley moved out. She moved out.
Ryan: Wait, wait. You didn't just say Hayley moved out.
Mateo: Yeah. She almost took a drink, and she's worried about her sobriety. So she wants to deal with it on her own -- without me.

{Haley reading her birthday card}

Hayley: "Hayley, my love, I know how hard it is to have no one to hug during the long nights."

Vanessa: Palmer, you're so right. Nothing's more important than Erica's well-being at this moment. So thank you very much. I would love to go to Brazil with you.
Palmer: I thought I might be able to persuade you. All right. Let's have a toast. To Erica and her successful operation.
Vanessa: Oh -- and to Cortlandt Enterprises, and long may it flourish with its one and only general.
Palmer: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make our accommodations. Hmm? What? What?
Vanessa: Just a moment. Please? Right here. You have a tiny little bit of creme brulee right there, and I don't like to stand on ceremony, so --
Palmer: No, I don't mind at all.
Vanessa: He has his own teeth. God is good.

Jake: So you see, men, there's not a whole lot of things that boys can do that girls can't. But you guys probably already know that, right?
Junior: Well, I know some girls that do what boys do.
Jake: Yeah? Well, Colby is one of those girls. In fact, you guys better watch out. In a few years, she'll probably wipe the floor with you two.
Junior: Well, you're her dad. You're prejudiced.
Jake: Well, maybe just a little bit.
Jamie: Hey, you're her dad and my dad's her uncle. So I'm her cousin.
Junior: And I'm her stepbrother.
Jamie: We'll never have any real relatives together.
Junior: Well, we would if we had a baby sister of our own.
Jamie: No way!
Junior: Well, she'd be our half sister, and she'd be the only one in the family who'd be a blood relative to all four of us. She'd make us a real family.
Jamie: Yeah, but we're not going to have a new baby brother or sister.
Junior: Why not? Your dad and my mom are married. It could happen.

[Salsa music plays]

Trevor: I love surprise parties. They're a lot of work to put together, but the look on people's faces --
Liza: You know, I said the same thing.
Trevor: What? You did not.
Liza: I did, too. What are you doing with that spoon?
Janet: Hey, Gillian.
Gillian: Hey!
Janet: How are you doing?
Gillian: I'm great, thank you to your wonderful husband.
Trevor: Oh, hey, hey.
Mateo: Hey, guys. What's going on?
Liza: Oh, we're here to surprise Hayley for her birthday.
Adam: How soon do you think she'll be here?
Mateo: Um, Adam --
Gillian: Oh, she should be coming in about now.
Mateo: Uh --
Janet: Hey, she coming now.
Trevor: Here she is! Here she is! Here she is! Come on, come on, come on!
Adam: Everybody up here.
All: Surprise!
Gillian: Happy birthday!
Adam: Happy birthday!


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