JUNE 8, 1999

Jake: Planning on stopping traffic?
Gillian: No.
Jake: Huh. Then you better not go out that getup.
Gillian: You like my new shoes?
Jake: Oh, yeah. Oh. But aren't they a little formal for the shorts there?
Gillian: Oh, no, no. It's not for now. It's for -- for dancing.
Jake: Oh.
Gillian: I was -- I was bad. I went on a shopping spree.
Jake: Ahem. Oh, you weren't bad, no. No. Just be careful you don't spend up all of Hayward's cash you got on shoes.
Gillian: Oh, that'd take a lot of shoes.
Jake: Somehow, I think you're up to the challenge.
Gillian: Ahem. Um -- I have a confession to make. But I'm afraid you're going to be mad at me, or at least disappointed.
Jake: What are you talking about? I'm not going to judge you.
Gillian: Yeah, but you see, it -- it's -- you're part of this whole thing and -- I just feel like keeping a secret from you is like lying, and I want to keep being honest with you because that's one of the few good habits I still have.
Jake: Ok. So spill it. Tell me -- tell me what you want to say.
Gillian: You know when Adam Chandler was here and he asked me all those questions about David, and you protected me and you threw him out?
Jake: Yeah. He was pressuring you.
Gillian: So you didn't think that I could take care of myself?
Jake: No, I just -- I was afraid that he wasn't going to give you the choice. Adam is not used to anybody telling him no.
Gillian: Well, maybe you shouldn't have even bothered protecting me.
Jake: Are you upset that I stepped in?
Gillian: No. No, not at all, Jake. You were magnificent, but after you left, I -- I spilled my guts to Adam anyway.

Erica: Oh, Liza. I found the letter from David. You can stop looking.
Adam: Erica, please don't do this. Don't do this.
Erica: Too late.
Adam: Give me that, damn it. Give it to me.
Erica: Liza, you have to come down! You have to see what I found!
Adam: Erica --

[Adam accidentally knocks off Erica's mask and bandages]

Erica: Oh!
Adam: Oh, my God.

Janet: Want to make it two for two?
Vanessa: You don't really expect me to believe that you used that thing.
Trevor: I wouldn't be doubting my Jan-Jan right about now.
Vanessa: Oh, please. This is nothing more than cheap theatrics designed to frighten Donald Steele. Is that why he was running out of here?
Trevor: Makes no never mind. The only thing you need to know is your collaborator ain't going to be writing one more word about Erica.
Vanessa: Oh. Janet: That's right. He's suddenly lost his taste for blood, just when I was warming up.
Vanessa: Now, am I supposed to be scared? What are you going to do, give me a couple of whacks with that thing?
Janet: Think I won't? Take a closer look.
Vanessa: You're not crazy enough to off a woman in a hotel room.
Janet: Well, it's not the perfect place, but in a pinch --
Vanessa: Keep your distance from me, or I will scream.
Janet: Well, no one heard Donald's yell.
Trevor: Drop the tell-all book about Erica, drop the phony friendship --
Vanessa: Or what? What? You're going to off me? And you -- the skit is over, my dear, so get up. I said get up.
Brooke: Touch me, and I will bite your leg off.

Ryan: Do you know what I did with those paper umbrellas? I thought I left them right here. All right. Well, I guess I got enough left over, unless we get a big run on frozen daiquiris.
Hayley: You know I moved some stuff around back here. Why don't you go back to the bar, and I'll see if I can't find them.
Ryan: Ok, ok. But that new girl you hired, she's great. She can handle it.
Hayley: Good. It's good to know I did something right finally. Oh, wait. You know what? See what else we need up there because I've been eating all the cherries -- and the olives.

Mateo's voice: This new club is going to be hot, Hayley. From the music to the food to the crowd, it'll be just the way we want. It'll be our place, and we'll be here together every night, a real team.

Jake's voice: Good news on the tests, Hayley. Go ahead and have that baby you and Mateo want so much.

Hayley's voice: Mateo, the therapist said it would be a real setback for Max if I got pregnant. We have to wait.

Mateo's voice: Max drew an X over your face in this photo, Hayley.

Hayley's voice: Max, I promise I won't take your daddy away from you.

Mateo's voice: Can you open up the club without me, honey? I need to stay with Raquel and Max for a while.

[Hayley screams]

Haley: I was just venting.
Ryan: Any particular reason?
Hayley: Oh. Nothing. Everything. My life is spiraling out of control, and I can't stop it.
Ryan: Well, that'll do it.
Hayley: I'm so busy with trying to say and do the right thing with Raquel and Max and Mateo, and this whole thing is making me sick. You know, I constantly got to push what I want aside for the greater good of what all of us want. And it's just -- it's not fair because I feel like I'm being shuffled around, like I'm going backwards.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. Back up, back up. What about this place? You guys are making money now. You got me a job. There's a lineup outside. That's progress.
Hayley: Yeah, I thought so, too.
Ryan: Ok, what happened? What really set this off?
Hayley: Mateo and I were getting ready to leave for work together so we could come to work, you know, together, like we've been planning for weeks now. And it finally looked like it was actually going to happen. But -- do you see Mateo here?
Ryan: No.
Hayley: No. Because his son had a horrible nightmare that big, mean Hayley was going to make his daddy disappear forever.
Ryan: That's heavy. That's heavy. If it was real.
Hayley: Oh, it was real. It was terrible. This poor kid is, like, traumatized. You know, he was shaking and clinging to Mateo.
Ryan: So Mateo had to stay with him?
Hayley: Of course. I know it's the right thing to do.
Ryan: But Mateo has left you here again without him.
Hayley: It's not just that, you know. I left Raquel's and I looked through the window, and there they all are, hugging each other, and max was laughing.
Ryan: Laughing?
Hayley: Yeah.
Ryan: Sounds like a pretty quick recovery to me.
Hayley: Oh. You know, it was like nothing ever happened. You know, the evil spell had been lifted, and happiness was restored to the kingdom they looked like the perfect family. They looked so happy, like people you lift off a greeting card. The whole scenario made me so sick I wanted to puke. So you see, I am mean and evil. I sound so horrible.
Ryan: No, you don't, Hayley. You sound honest.

Jake: So what did you tell him?
Gillian: I -- I told him everything. I told how I had to go to bed with David to get the money Ryan and I needed to run away.
Jake: Do you really think he needed to know that?
Gillian: Jake, I'm not proud of it, but, you know, if that can help him -- and in Hungary, we have a saying -- "the foe of my foe is my friend."
Jake: Well, we have a similar saying -- "the enemy of our enemy is our friend." But it doesn't apply to Adam. He's nobody's friend. The only side he's on is his own.
Gillian: Yeah, but I just think that we both want the same thing, so that's why I told him.
Jake: Well, what did he ask you to do?
Gillian: Um -- not much. He just, you know, he just wanted to look at the money and then he wanted to take that as proof.
Jake: You didn't -- you didn't give it to him, though, right?
Gillian: We did a trade.
Jake: You did a trade? So he gets the cash, and what do you get?
Gillian: A check -- for $200,000.

Erica: My mask. My mask.
Adam: Let me help you. Erica: No! No, no, no! I've got it. I've got it.
Liza: You called me, Erica? You want me to do something?
Erica: No, no. I can handle it.
Adam: Here, let me do that.
Erica: No. Please don't touch me. Please. I'm sorry. I'm -- I'm just going.
Adam: God. My God, I had no idea.
Liza: The rest of her face looks normal. You wouldn't know. I feel so sorry for her.
Adam: She's right. Hayward did ruin her. No surgeon can fix that.
Liza: You should go and make sure that she gets home ok.
Adam: Yeah, she shouldn't be driving in this condition.
Liza: No, just go.
Adam: Yes.

Trevor: Kick a woman when she's down. You're some piece of work. How low can you go?
Vanessa: That's not as bad as your stupid little stunt.
Janet: It seemed like it was very effective. Sent Donald packing.
Vanessa: Well, the man is easily intimidated, but I am not impressed.
Janet: Who cares? You lost your co-author. Thank you so much, Brooke. We couldn't have done it without you.
Brooke: Oh, you're more than welcome. Anyway, you guys, I've got to get back to the office.
Trevor: You're what friends are about there, Brooke.
Janet: That's right.
Vanessa: Really?
Janet: What's the matter, Vanessa? Too much for you? Oh, I thought you'd do anything for Erica.
Vanessa: I draw the line at psychotic behavior.
Brooke: Well, that's not what I hear. You know, probably, you're planning on doing this nasty little book all by yourself, so I think that I should explain your options to you.
Vanessa: Hmm.
Brooke: As publisher of "Tempo" magazine, I will make sure that anyone who is involved in this smear campaign against Erica -- whether it's a ghostwriter, an editor, an agent, or a publisher -- will never do business with us or any of our affiliates ever again.
Vanessa: Fine. I guess I'll just have to serialize my work in some bigger magazine.
Brooke: Try it and see how far you get. All right, you guys.
Janet: Bye, Brooke.
Brooke: I'll see you later.
Trevor: Hasta la vista, baby.
Brooke: Yeah.
Vanessa: Well, I'll be on my way, too.
Janet: To the airport, I hope.
Vanessa: Well, actually, you know, a little fake blood and some real amateurish acting isn't going to scare me out of here.
Trevor: No, hold on, hold on. Let's just take a little look-see here at what you and old Donald hath writ about Erica.
Janet: This is the down and dirty stuff. I took a look at some of it before.
Trevor: There it is, honey.
Janet: "Erica's magnificent face was now a source of shame. She hid her pulpy scars under a ridiculous mask, hoping that no one would discover the gargoyle she had become."

Gillian: Jake, it was just such a good deal, and I couldn't turn it down, and I've been broke for so long.
Jake: So it's just a business deal, then?
Gillian: That's all it was. I had information that Adam needed, and he was willing to pay for it. And if I walked away like Ryan did, I just would have hated myself the next time I had to ask Dimitri for a loan, I know it. Jake, please say something. Do you think I'm some money-grabbing maniac
Jake: You want the truth?
Gillian: Yeah. Jake: I think you let him off easy.
Gillian: What do you mean?
Jake: Well, I think Adam was so desperate, you probably could have gotten 300,000 or 400,000 out of him.
Gillian: No! No. I didn't even dream of asking for more money. So, then -- then you don't think I'm some money-grabbing maniac.
Jake: No. Gillian, I can't tell you how to live. Maybe I was wrong to come running in here like the marines and yelling at him, forcing him to back down. Basically, I was making up your mind for you. I just didn't want to see him push you around. What? What? What are you thinking?
Gillian: I just -- I just don't understand you at all, Jake. Not at all.

Trevor: "She caught a glimpse of her bandaged face and went on a rampage, smashing every mirror in the house."
Janet: Some friend you are, Vanessa.
Vanessa: I make no apologies to you or anyone else.
Janet: That's a real shocker.
Trevor: Don't try weaseling out of this. Erica gets a load of a couple of these paragraphs, you're going to be out on your keister.
Janet: Let's print out a copy and give it to Erica.
Trevor: There's got to be a printer around -- yeah, there it is, right there. I'll plug her up, and we'll have a print in no time. Hey!
Janet: Hey!
What --
Vanessa: You know, you really should stop underestimating me.

Adam: Erica, are you all right? Did I hurt you?
Erica: Get away from me.
Adam: Please, just let me help you.
Erica: Don't be absurd. What could you possibly do now? Just stop following me.
Adam: I'm just trying to make sure you're --
Erica: What? As you can see, I'm fine. You know, I'm perfectly fine. I just would like to be alone.
Adam: Erica, you're amazing. You're far braver than I knew. And I'm sorry that this happened to you. I'm really sorry.
Erica: Adam. Please, what you saw before -- please forget that because I don't need anybody to feel sorry for me.
Adam: I -- Erica, I feel for you. That's very different. I finally realize just how much David hurt you.
Erica: If it's David's letter bomb you came for, here. Here. Take this. You can burn it if you want to.
Adam: Thank you.
Adam: Why did you let me do that?
Erica: Well, it wasn't for you, Adam. Yeah. Well, when I visited Liza and Colby and Jake came by to visit his precious little girl, I saw how he was with her. I mean, he just held her and he watched every little flutter of her eyes and watched every breath.
Adam: Yeah.
Erica: I mean, I've never seen such fatherly love. I would have given anything to see my father look at me like that. Of course, he never did, but I will not take that away from Colby.
Adam: Take what away?
Erica, Colby's my little girl. She's my flesh and blood.
Erica: Yes, Adam, I know that she's your biological child. But it takes a lot more than genes to be a good father.
Adam: I'm -- I'm working on that.
Erica: Well, Jake still has you beaten.
Adam: Why?
Erica: Well, once I saw how Jake was with that little baby Colby, I mean, there's no doubt in my mind that he is the perfect father for her.
Adam: My God, I thought you were on my side.
Erica: Adam, you are so egotistical. This isn't about you. I'm really concerned about the baby. I mean, she's perfectly innocent, and you are already lying to her. Aren't you ashamed?
Adam: Are you or are you not going to tell them the truth?
Erica: I am not, but only because Colby deserves to have Jake as her father, not you.

[Liza talking to baby Colby]

Liza: Well, no sign of that letter from David Hayward. Do you remember him? He was the man who grabbed you by your feet and he pulled you into the world. Yes. Do you remember him?
Do you have a letter hiding in there with you? Do you? Because it was here when Erica was here.
I tell you, I hope your daddy is not up to his old tricks again because he promised us that when you came into the world, that he was going to concentrate on loving us. And I want to believe him. Yes, I do. I want to trust him. You want to trust him, too, don't you? But he can sometimes bend the truth. I suppose he can lie, really. He can be a real son of a -- well, I should learn to watch my mouth around you, shouldn't I?
You come here to me. Come here to me. Yes. You see? Here's where your daddy sort of fouls up a little bit. He wants to do what's best for me. Yes, he does. And then when I get hurt, because he doesn't want to hurt me, then what he does is then he tries to spare my feelings. Yeah. And then he doesn't tell me everything. He tells me nothing.
So you have to be on your guard with a guy like that, don't you? The problem is you love him no matter what. You can't help yourself. No, you can't.
Oh, I love you. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Jake: Hmm. You can't figure me out? Wow. That's kind of new for me. Nobody's ever thought of me as mysterious.
Gillian: Well, it's just that you -- you never say what I think you're going to say, and then when you do say something, it's -- it's even better than I expected.
Jake: Well, you don't expect to be criticized, do you?
Gillian: Maybe. But, you know, you're just so kind, and you never tell me what I should or shouldn't do.
Jake: That's not my call, Gillian.
Gillian: And the other thing -- I don't have to always worry about what's coming out of my mouth.
Jake: That's the way it should be.
Gillian: Yeah. Yeah, it is. And, you know, that's different for me. Let's go shopping.
Jake: Whoa, whoa.
Gillian: I'm going to take you to the mall.
Jake: I can't. I'm tired.
Gillian: No, no --
Jake: I'm sorry. I got to crash.
Gillian: No. Please don't say no. I feel like shopping and splurging. Come on. We don't even have to leave the house. I've got, like, a gazillion catalogs upstairs, and we can just phone.
Jake: What I want now isn't in a catalog.
Gillian: All right. So you just name the shop, and we'll go tomorrow.
Jake: It's not in a shop, either. It's I need to know what's going down between Adam and David.
Gillian: They hate each other. You know that.
Jake: Yeah, but -- I was over at Adam's tonight, and something weird happened. The police came over with a letter written by David. And the letter said that if David was to ever come up missing, which he is now, that it was because he was murdered by Adam.

Hayley: You know, I hate being petty. Mateo and Raquel and Max finally have a moment of peace and happiness, and all I can do is resent it. What is with that?
Ryan: When was the last time you had a moment like that?
Hayley: Yeah, I guess I'm jealous, you know? I'm trying to be supportive. I am trying to be a good wife, even if I'm not one legally.
Ryan: Well, we got to fix that, even if it means you two eloping and Max isn't the ring bearer.
Hayley: That's another thing. We can't get married anytime soon because max can't handle it yet. And I love Max. I really do. But he won't even look at me, Ryan. I am the stuff of his nightmares, and I am trying not to be angry. I am trying to be calm and reasonable, you know. It's like what I said at my AA Meeting -- I am trying to do the next right thing.
Ryan: And?
Hayley: Nothing happens. I want results. When is it going to get better? I am so worn out by being patient. I mean, you know me. I eat the icing first, man. I open the presents before I read the cards. And I thought this was all -- this was going to be solved when we moved them directly next door to us and Raquel signed those divorce papers.
Ryan: But then, Raquel had that accident --
Hayley: And Max completely freaked out. You know, I just don't see the end in sight. Why -- why do I have to be the one always giving up my life? When do I get to have a life? When is it going to be my turn, you know?
Ryan: I don't know.
Hayley: That's not helpful, Ryan.
Ryan: Well, you don't want me to sugarcoat t facts, do you, Hayley? We both know there's no quick fix to what you're going through. Of course, I could tell you that all of this is going to make you a better, stronger person.
Hayley: You do, and I'll throw something at you on purpose.
Ryan: Exactly. Actually -- try these. Go ahead. Throw them. Throw them anywhere, anywhere but at me. It's going to help. Go.
Hayley: Here's to being on the back burner.
Ryan: Nice! I love it. All right! Try it. Try these.
Hayley: Here's to patience --
Ryan: Yes.
Hayley: And understanding.
Ryan: Very good.
Hayley: And here's to being second wife!
Ryan: I love it! To the high road. To the next right thing.
Hayley: To putting other people first! To -- good intentions.
Ryan: To bad results! To giving up on love!
Hayley: Oh, oh -- to love! To love!
Ryan: To love! Ha-ha. Oh. Oh.
Hayley: Ahem. Ahem. Check me, now. Check -- huh? To a good sense of humor.
Ryan: I love it! To the last laugh. Oh, my God. Hayley: For now. What about tomorrow and the day after? I can't ruin our merchandise every time I feel lousy.
Ryan: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait a minute. What happened to one day at a time?
Hayley: I know, I know. I just -- I want to know that one day Mateo and I can make plans and that we can have a future.
Ryan: Well, what's stopping you? You and Mateo just started trying to have a baby.
Hayley: Yeah. We had to hold off on that.
Ryan: What? Why? You didn't have a relapse, did you?
Hayley: No. Ryan: Well, I don't get it. You're so ready.
Hayley: Yeah, well, Max isn't.
Ryan: Oh. I do get it.
Hayley: You know, bringing a child into this world is supposed to be a wonderful, wondrous experience for all of us.
Ryan: I'm sorry, Hayley. This has got to be so hard.
Hayley: I just sit on so much, Ryan. You know, when I went over there to tell Raquel that Mateo and I decided to wait on having a baby and she thanked me, oh, man, was I plugged in. I'm telling you, I wanted to scream in her face. I wanted to say, "hey, listen, lady. I don't want your gratitude. I want a baby. But I can't have one because of your kid."
Ryan: That about sums it up.
Hayley: Yeah. And it's just awful. She's in tears half the time, and she has the one thing that I want most.
Ryan: But she doesn't have Mateo.
Hayley: Sometimes I wonder about that, too.
Ryan: Hey, hey, hey. Wait a minute. He may be spending time with them, but he loves you.
Hayley: Ryan, it seems like a distant memory. I don't understand how everything got so messed up.
Ryan: Yeah. It stinks.

Vanessa: Well, so much for the proof of my disloyalty.
Trevor well, we might not have the computer or the book, but the game is over and you have lost. It's time to give little Erica a call and make sure she puts a padlock on your guest room.
Vanessa: Didn't Erica make perfectly clear she didn't want you and Janet bothering her anymore?
Trevor: Yeah, well, I will worry about that. You worry about being evicted.

[Telephone rings]

Erica: Hello.
Trevor: Yeah, Erica, it's Trevor. Don't ha up.
Erica: Look, I really can't talk right now.
Adam: Is it Hayward?
Trevor: Well, just listen to me. Something big has happened over here with Vanessa. I just want to make sure you reconsider letting her back into your house.
Erica: Look, you don't have to warn me. You can save your breath because I've already asked Vanessa to move out and she's not going to spend one more night here.
Trevor: Ok, good. Sorry if this was an inconvenience.
Erica: Bye, Trevor.

Trevor: Well, how about that, babe? The lady with the mask on her face has already kicked the lady with the snakes in her head out of the castle.
Janet: Mission accomplished.
Trevor: Amen. I say we celebrate. Why don't we catch Axel's act over at the comedy club, huh?
Janet: Great. I could use a few laughs. Bon voyage, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Bon voyage yourself.

[Vanessa talks into tape recorder]

Notes for a new book -- what does a beautiful woman do when she loses her beauty? How does she survive? What becomes of her? Well, if it's Erica Kane, she doesn't survive.

Erica: Now, Adam, will you please leave? You're really exhausting me. You're just exhausting my patience.
Adam: All right, I'm leaving. But I want to tell you something first. I can stop Hayward.
Erica: Whatever. That's your crusade.
Adam: At last I have some leverage.
Erica: I don't care. I don't care about you. I don't care about David. I don't care about your vendetta. I'm staying out of this.
Adam: Since when did you take the moral high ground?
Erica: Good-bye, Adam.
Adam: About what happened with the mask --
Erica: Please just go. Please.

Ryan: Well, it might not be under all this stuff, Hayley, but you're going to find them.
Hayley: Maybe I will if you stick around.
Ryan: Well, that goes both ways. I've never had a best friend before.
Hayley: Well, if you're referring to me, I'm honored.
Ryan: That's what you call going to jail for me.
Hayley: Sure -- now that it's all over.
Ryan: Oh.
Gillian: Do you really think David's maybe dead?
Jake: I don't think . There's no body that was found, and there's no accident report or anything.
Hayley: It happens all the time in Hungary. People just disappear, and you never know what happened to them.
Jake: Well, my feeling is David wouldn't go quietly. Him and Adam will probably have another go-around.
Hayley: You mean like a fight thing?
Jake: Yeah. Yeah, only this time it's not just an exchange of harsh words. Now the police are involved.
Gillian: Yeah. Well, David's capable of causing real harm.
Jake: So is Adam. They don't care who they affect. I mean, I could deal with it before. I ignored it. But now --
Gillian: You're worried about your little baby.
Jake: Yeah. I want Colby with me. That's the only way I can feel safe.
Gillian: You love your little baby so much. You'd do anything to protect her.
Jake: Am I overreacting?
Gillian: No. I think it's wonderful. If my father had loved me so much, then, you know, my life would be so different. I'd be different. I wouldn't be so selfish and -- and scared. And maybe I'd know h to love somebody.
Jake: For what it's worth, I think you're great.
Gillian: Thank you, Jake.

Adam: Where's Colby?
Liza: Sleeping.
Adam: Oh.
Liza: Where's David?
Adam: I don't know.
Liza: Did you kill him?
Adam: Of course not. You don't buy that piece of propaganda that he sent to the police, do you?
Liza: I really don't know what to believe.
Adam: Liza? Look at me. I have done nothing to David Hayward.
Liza: Did you hire somebody to do it?
Adam: No. I was tempted, yes. But I swear to you on my life I know nothing about David's disappearance.
Liza: Hmm.
Adam: Why are you so suspicious?
Liza: Because. Maybe because I think that you're holding something back from me.
Adam: That's Jake planting doubts.
Liza: No, no. That's me knowing you better than I know myself. Tell me exactly what it is that you're not telling me.
Adam: There's nothing.
Liza: No. You're lying. I want to know what's going on. I want the truth -- right here, right now.

[Erica daydreams]

Woman's voice: Ms. Kane, is it true? Have you recovered?
Man's voice: Will you resume your career?
Woman's voice: We've missed you so much.
Man's voice: Please don't disappoint us.
David: It's time, Erica. You can put down the mask now.
Man's voice: You're back and more beautiful than ever.
Woman's voice: Erica, could you show the camera that smile again?
Erica: Oh, I've waited a long time for this comeback. But I'm finally ready for my close-up.
Woman's voice: You look so beautiful.
Man's voice: One look here.
Erica: Thank you.
Woman's voice: Big smile.
Man's voice: One more, please.
Woman's voice: Just gorgeous.
Man's voice: Gorgeous.

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