JUNE 9, 1999

Hayley: Hi.
Mateo: Hi.
Hayley: What do you think? We're trying something new with the decor. We like to call it "earthquake."
Mateo: "Earthquake." Yeah, well I like that better than "two crazy people destroy back room at a brand-new club."
Hayley: Destroy the room. See, we -- yes, we did. We did. I'm sorry, I was just having a lousy day, and I freaked out and I started throwing --
Ryan: It was not just her, I had a major bummer, too, and we --
Hayley: Straws --
Ryan: Yeah.
Hayley: The good news is, though, that, you know, once we started we sort of forgot about all our troubles, and we laughed.
Ryan: Ha-ha. Yeah.
Mateo: Yeah.
Ryan: Well, you know what? I'll clean up.
Mateo: Wait -- you know what? I'm sure there's a really good reason why you guys did this. So why don't we all clean up?
Hayley: See why he's almost too good to be true? I'll get the garbage bags.
Ryan: I'll get the brooms.
Mateo: Ryan, wait. I need to talk to you.

Marian: Ooh.
Opal: Well, excuse the looks of the place while we're in the process of painting here. But wildflowers -- I think that is a great idea. That'll make the chapel look gorgeous for the wedding tomorrow.
Marian: Edmund's placing the whole north meadow of Wildwind at our disposal.
Opal: Oh, that is a lot of wildflowers, isn't it?
Stuart: We'll limit ourselves to just what we can carry in our hands. We're going to get up at dawn and then go out and just pick wildflowers and make bouquets out of them.
Opal: Oh, my, you two are going to be the sweetest-smelling parents of the bride that ever was.
Marian: We want this to be the best wedding ever, and that's one reason we're here, Opal. You know how beautiful Liza is? Well, I want her to be even more beautiful tomorrow than she's ever been before.
Opal: Well, now, if that means that you want me to work my special magic de la coiffure, the answer is, count me in, of course.
Stuart: Does that mean she's going to do her hair?
Marian: Yeah.
Stuart: Oh, Opal, thank you.
Marian: Oh, thank you, darling, you really are divine. Well, we've got to run. We've got so much to do we can't dawdle. Come on.
Stuart: Well, we could dawdle a little.
Opal: Yeah, come on. Come on, sit down relax a minute, else you're going to be pooped out before tomorrow. You guys have done a lot of work planning this wedding all by yourselves.
Stuart: Yeah, Scott's going to help us with the wedding.
Marian: Tomorrow he'll be invaluable.
Opal: That boy, he is still just as gorgeous as ever, isn't he?
Marian: Uh-huh.
Opal: You must be so happy having him home.
Stuart: Oh, we are. It's great having him -- although we really haven't seen a whole lot of him since he got here. The fact is, he's head over heels in love.
Opal: No!
Marian: Yes.
Opal: Well, nobody told me. Who's he in love with?
Stuart: Well, the object of his affections is Japanese.
Opal: Japanese?
Marian: Yeah.
Opal: Oh, how interesting. What's she like?
Marian: Oh, well, she hums a lot, especially when you look at her.
Opal: Hums?
Stuart: Hums a lot -- especially when he comes up behind her and holds her up close to his face.
Marian: Yep. Oh, and she's very observant.
Stuart: Yeah, no privacy when she's around.
Marian: Which is very odd when you consider that --
Stuart: That she only has one eye.
Opal: What?
Stuart: Scott's -- Scott's in love with his video camera.
Opal: Oh, honestly --
Marian: I'm sorry, Opal. We made this up last night. It's so stupid.
Opal: Oh, you two. You're just laughing all the time, aren't you?
Marian: Oh, we do laugh all the time don't we?
Stuart: Most of the time.
Belinda: Hello?
Opal: Oh, hi.
Belinda: Are we interrupting anything?
Opal: Oh, of course not. Was I expecting you?
Belinda: Oh, no, no, no, no. We're just on our way to dinner, but I wanted to drop this off. This is the application for the zoning variance. You sign it, I file it, we get a hearing date.
Opal: Oh, I didn't know there had to be a hearing. You didn't tell me that.
Belinda: Well, I thought I did.
Adrian: Opal, you were probably just so busy trying to figure out where you're going to put the hair dryers and the new special mud bath room.
Opal: Well, I am redecorating my whole life, starting with this big old house. I am turning the ground floor of Palmer's dreary old mansion into the new Glamorama.
Stuart: Oh, wow. Mud bath.
Opal: Yeah, that's right. This place is finally going to hear some laughter again.
Palmer: Well, I always said you'd end up living over the Glamorama. It's too bad you had to drag the entire neighborhood down to your level to do it.
Adrian: Palmer, what to you want?
Palmer: I'm here to get my son. Is he ready?
Opal: It's his court-ordered overnight visit with Petey. I guess I'll go get him.
Stuart: No, Opal, wait.

Adam: You know, this is our own fault. We've given David Hayward much too much importance in our lives. Whenever his name comes up, everything stops.
Liza: I want to know the truth, once and for all.
Adam: I will give you one incontrovertible truth -- we are getting married tomorrow. Isn't that a much more pleasant subject?
Liza: Adam, David is missing. The police showed up at the door. They accused you of murdering him.
Adam: Well, you know that's ridiculous.
Liza: Yeah, you know, but you know more than you're telling me.
Adam: Liza, if I had murdered David Hayward, I swear to you I would tell you. And I would expect a big kiss for my efforts.
Liza: Come on, I am not kidding. An attorney shows up at the door, hands me a letter from David Hayward, which mysteriously vanishes. I mean, what happened to that?
Adam: Bring on a Bible -- I swear to you I don't have it.
Liza: Well, you don't know what was in it?
Adam: How could I? Well, I mean, I don't know for sure what's in it. I assume David Hayward has concocted some lie to hurt us or to spoil our wedding.
Liza: Why would he do that?
Adam: Why would -- how can you even ask that question? The man is filled with hate. The idea of us being happy twists in his soul, like a knife. Well, I'll tell you, we are going to be happy, Liza. We are. I'm not going to let that man win because I have a way to stop him.
Liza: I want to know what you have on him and what he has on you.
Adam: Can't you just see that I am trying to avoid any unpleasantness on our wedding day?
Liza: I want you to tell me everything, Adam, or there will not be a wedding day.

Erica: How did you get in here?
David: Your door was slightly ajar. Why are you crying?
Erica: I'm not crying.
David: What's wrong?
Erica: Nothing's wrong, I'm fine.
David: Well, obviously you're not fine.
Erica: Look, you don't care how I am. Why don't you just go? Get out of here. Why are you here, anyway? What is it you want?
David: I came back because of you, Erica, because I care about you.
Erica: You don't care about me.
David: Of course I care about you. You're my patient. That's why I'm here. I wanted to see that you're ok.
Erica: Did you call me?
David: No.
Erica: Well, I got a lot of phone calls, and I would answer, but there was complete silence on the other end. I could've sworn it was you.
David: I went away to give my hand some time to heal.
Erica: I looked for you.
David: Did you? Why?
Erica: Well, because of the way you disappeared so mysteriously.
David: Well, now you know why.
Erica: You certainly created quite a sensation.
David: How do you mean?
Erica: Just dropping off the face of the earth the way you did.
David: Well, nobody knew.
Erica: On the contrary. The police thought you were dead.
David: Why would they think that?
Erica: Because you left letters. You left letters behind. You wanted to have them delivered, in the event of your -- disappearance, I suppose you'd call it.
David: I totally forgot about the letters.
Erica: You forgot? These letters that had all that power over people's lives, and you forgot?
David: So, is it over? Does Liza finally know the truth once and for all?
Erica: No. No, I intercepted the letter.
David: Intercepted it?
Erica: Yes, I did. Although the police got the letter. You had that duly delivered to lt. Frye, and I'm sure he's going to arrest you for impersonating a corpse.
David: Oh, I can deal with the police, but tell me, how did you intercept the letter?
Erica: Doesn't matter. Adam actually burnt it right here.
David: That guy really does have nine lives, doesn't he?
Erica: You don't seem very upset that Adam's secret wasn't exposed.
David: No, I'm not.
Erica: Because you want to be the one to tell Liza, in person, in public, that Adam switched the sperm sample and he's Colby's father?
David: No, that's not it. It's because I've had a change of outlook. Or, at least, I'm trying to have one. And that's because of you.
Erica: Because of me?
David: Mm-hmm. I was your prisoner, Erica, and you let me go.
Erica: Yes. Is that so hard to understand?
David: I've always kept score. You hurt me, and I hurt you back. And I never show mercy. But you changed the game. Or you pointed out to me that at the end of the day it doesn't matter how much pain I inflict on someone else because my pain pretty much stays the same. So maybe this whole thing with Adam and Liza is just a useless waste of my valuable time and energy. Maybe I really do need to just let it go.
Erica: That's quite a change in a very short period of time.
David: It's a change I'm not really sure I can make. Because I have to figure out, if I let go of my hatred, what then? How about you, Erica? Have you let go of your hatred for me?

Adam: Liza, tomorrow we're getting married. I'm going to be your husband. I think it's about time you started trusting me.
Liza: And how am I supposed to trust you when you don't tell me the whole truth?
Adam: David Hayward is our enemy. That's one piece of truth, isn't it? And I have a little bit of insurance for our future, and if I can convince him that it would be in his best interest to leave us alone or maybe leave town, then wouldn't that be wonderful? We'd be rid of him, and we'd be rid of his letters and his -- his threats and his ubiquitous snide remarks. They will be just gone.
Liza: I don't understand the mystery. I don't. Because I'm on your side. I don't like David Hayward any more than you do. Why don't you trust me to help you?
Adam: Liza, because I am capable of handling my own enemies. I'm only trying to shield you from unpleasantness.
Liza: Oh, come on, Adam, I don't want to be shielded. I mean, you're treating me like I'm some sort of fragile porcelain doll or something. And that's not what I want. I want an equal partnership, you promised that. 50-50 -- I will not settle for less.
Adam: You mean I can't protect you if I feel that you need protecting?
Liza: I don't want to be protected. Can I get that through your head? What I want is honesty from the man who's going to spend the rest of his life with me. And if I can't get that from you, please tell me now, before I commit my life and Colby's life to you.
Adam: All right. I'll tell you why David Hayward has to be stopped.

Opal: I know, Stuart, I don't like handing Petey over to Palmer, either, but the family court judge says I got to.
Stuart: Well, no, you don't understand.
Palmer: Quiet, Stuart, just mind your own business.
Stuart: I'm not afraid of you, Palmer. I wanted to tell you this anyhow, but I didn't want there to be so many people around when I did.
Opal: Tell me what, Stuart?
Marian: Yes, what?
Stuart: Before you let Palmer take Petey out of your house tonight, I have to tell you what he did.
Palmer: Don't listen to the ravings of a half-wit.
Marian: How dare you. You should be so lucky as to have 1/10 of the intelligence that Stuart has.
Stuart: Now, palmer, you just be quiet, you rude person.
Adrian: Stuart, why don't you go ahead and tell us what you want to tell us, huh?
Stuart: Yes, that's a very good idea. When Petey came over to the gallery to get his art lesson, palmer came in and said that he could take Petey away for the afternoon because you gave him permission to do that. And I figured he was lying.
Opal: He sure was.
Stuart: That's what I figured.
Opal: You did not have my permission. You violated our custody agreement.
Palmer: You can't believe anything he says. You know, he's got rather confused. It didn't happen that way at all.
Adrian: Could you keep your voice down? Your son is right upstairs.
Opal: We're going to have to go back to court, Belinda, tell the judge what he did.
Belinda: Don't you worry, I certainly intend to.
Opal: We'll take away all his visitation rights. We can do that, can't we?
Belinda: We can certainly try, especially if you're willing to tell the judge what happened in the gallery.
Marian: Well, of course he is.
Stuart: Of course I am.
Palmer: You really think you can go into a court of law and swear under oath that I meant to harm my son?
Stuart: Well, you told a lie. And everybody knows that's a terrible thing to teach a young child to do, so, yes, I can honestly swear that you'd be harmful to Petey.
Marian: You're brilliant, Stuart, brilliant.
Palmer: Oh, I see what this is. It's a cabal to keep me from seeing my son. Well, good luck finding a judge in this county who'll take your word against mine.
Adrian: Oh, we will, if we have to get the President to nominate one.
Palmer: This is the third time you've crossed me. If I were you, I'd be pretty scared.
Adrian: You know, Palmer, you have no position here to threaten anyone. And if I was you, I would turn myself around and march right out of here because there's no way in hell I'm allowing you to walk out of here with Petey.
Palmer: Hey, look who's here.
Petey: Are we going now, Daddy?
Opal: No, honey. No, I'm sorry, but you're going to stay home with Mama tonight, ok?
Palmer: Yes, I came over to take you out and have our day and we were going to have a lot of fun just as we usually do, but your mother says that I can't take you.
Opal: Palmer, now, we're going to talk about this a little later, honey.
Palmer: Now, don't you worry, though. Don't you worry, I'll be back. You can count on it.

Hayley: Ok, I'm going to go dump this.
Mateo: Why don't you let me take this.
Ryan: No, no, I'll take it.
Hayley: Hey! Strong, like bull.
Ryan: Ok.
Mateo: She thinks she is, at least.
Ryan: Yeah, she's trying hard to be.
Mateo: You know, Ryan, I, uh -- I'm really glad that you and Hayley are friends.
Ryan: Yeah, me, too.
Mateo: You know, and that you're helping us out with this club. I appreciate it, and I'm glad that -- that you're my friend, too.
Ryan: You know, we've never really said that out loud. Thank you.
Mateo: Yeah.
Ryan: I know you guys are going through really tough time.
Mateo: Yeah, I never thought there'd be a situation where I wouldn't put her first. But my son Max and everything--
Ryan: He's just a kid.
Mateo: And he's afraid, you know? And he's very confused.
Ryan: Yeah. Listen, it's your son, you've got to put him first, and that's that. Hayley knows that.
Mateo: That's the problem. I think she knows it all too well. You know, she seems fine with everything, but I can see her really getting hurt when he's mean to her -- you know, when he says those things to her. It just --
Ryan: He doesn't really know better.
Mateo: I know, but I see it -- I see it taking its toll.
Ryan: Right. Well, this is probably going to sound like the most mundane advice there is, but in this case I think really you just got to let time pass. You know? And maybe everything will just work itself out.
Mateo: Yeah. Well, maybe you could remind her of that. You know, because I know she knows that, but I think she needs to hear it from somebody else, you know, other than me.
Ryan: I will. I will, man, I'll do whatever it takes to help her through this.
Mateo: Ok. Thank you.
Ryan: You're welcome.
Mateo: And you know, if you need me to do anything -- for you --
Ryan: For me?
Mateo: Well, yeah, you know, I -- come on, I know things aren't exactly over with you and Gillian. I know you really miss her. So if there's anything I can do for you, just let me know. Ok?
Ryan: If there was something to be done, I would take you up on that. But, really, too much has gone down. Way too much.

Adam: What I'm going to tell you now, it's best that we just keep it between the two of us. I don't want David to find out what I have on him until I figure out the best way to use it against him.
Liza: Use what?
Adam: I know why Jake hates David Hayward so much. It has to do with Gillian Lavery.
Liza: Gillian? Does she even know David?
Adam: Oh, yes. What he did to her was a crime. He used Gillian for his own sick pleasure. When Ryan was in jail for assault, Gillian was desperate to find some bail money. So she went to Hayward. He said he'd give it to her if she would have sex with him.
Liza: You're kidding.
Adam: No. She complied, and he gave her the money.
Liza: He asked her to prostitute herself?
Adam: In order to help the man she loves, yes.
Liza: Well, how -- how -- I don't understand how this stops David.
Adam: Well, it's just I haven't finished yet.
Liza: What did he do?
Adam: Later on, when Gillian and Ryan were running from the police, she went to Hayward again. He gave her $100,000 to flee the country. Now, that's a crime, and I can prove it. Then he turned them in to the police. He humiliated Gillian and then turned on her. And he told her husband everything she'd done.
Liza: Why? Was he in love with her? Did he think --
Adam: No, of course not. He did it to destroy their marriage. And why? Because he could.
Liza: I mean, if all this is true, he is worse than I thought.
Adam: He hates women, Liza. He may seem charming, he may seem to care, but no woman is safe with him.

Erica: Have I let go of my hatred for you? The answer is no. Look, I know you're right. I know it doesn't do any good to hold onto hatred, but, I'm sorry, every time I think of what you did to me -- I can't help it. I do, I still hate you.
David: But I told you how sorry I am. I took responsibility for hurting you.
Erica: And how do I believe one word that you say?
David: Erica, look at me. Please. I am trying really hard to get you to understand me. You know, deep down, that I am telling you the truth.
Erica: I went to your mother. And I told her what you said about your father's death. And she told me a completely different story.
David: My mother wouldn't be able to face the truth --
Erica: Your mother told me that -- that you brought the gun into the room and that you killed your father. Is that the truth, David? Did you kill your father?
David: I told you how my father died. You know that I was telling you the truth.
Erica: I know that it caused you a lot of pain to tell me. And having heard what you said, I did think that I was beginning to understand something about you. And, no, I don't believe that you just told me that just for the effect it would have on me. But knowing what I do about you, David, no, I'm not sure that you were telling me the truth.
David: I don't know what else I can say to have you believe me, Erica.
Erica: Well, I don't know, either. Maybe there's nothing more to say.
David: Ok. Then I won't. But if you don't trust me, then don't trust Vanessa, either.
Erica: I told Vanessa to move out of my house.
David: Good. Stay as far away from Vanessa as you can. If you don't believe anything else I say, believe that she means you no good.
Erica: David, I must say, I'm not afraid of Vanessa. I mean, what is it you're trying to tell me? What could she possibly do to me?

[Telephone rings]

Erica: Excuse me. Hello? Bianca, hi. Hi, sweetheart. No, I'm wonderful -- yes, really. I swear I'm fine.
Honey, Dr. Fascinella said that I'm really going to make a very complete recovery. In fact, I'm almost completely recovered already. It's just going to take just a little more time, that's all.
Honey, did you get those designs I sent to you? Yes, those are the gowns that I'm going to wear in my first shoot. Well, Antoine did a very good job, though, don't you think so? Exactly, yes -- that's exactly my favorite gown, yes.
So what about you, honey? What are you up to? Oh, a speech? Oh. Oh, well, that sounds very interesting. I would love to hear that. Yes, honey, yes, of course I understand. You go ahead, you go do your studying. But, honey, please do me a favor and don't stay up all night.
Ok, sure. 7:00 -- I can do that. I will call you exactly at 7:00. Ok, baby. I love you, too. Bye. Bianca hates alarm clocks. Every time she has to get up early, she really wants me to call her.
David: Why did you just lie to Bianca?
Erica: I didn't lie to her.
David: Well, you weren't truthful about the speed of your recovery.
Erica: Dr. Fascinella has been very optimistic about my recovery -- and so have you. Are you telling me now that I can't believe that, either?
David: You know that you're not going back to modeling any time soon.
Erica: Well, I will just tell Bianca that the shoot was canceled, but, my goodness, she needs some hope to hang on to.
David: And that's not lying to her?
Erica: Look, my daughter, Bianca, has a lot to worry about right now. Should I tell her that her mother's face may be scarred for life? I don't think she wants to hear that.
David: You don't think she wants to hear that? Or you don't want to say it?

Liza: I mean, when I think about all the times that he was kind to me, when he was trying to figure out if something could come of us, he was doing this to Gillian?
Adam: Yes. And he would have done the same thing to you, Liza. He would have hurt you, just like he hurt Gillian, and reveled in it.
Liza: Oh, yeah, let him try.
Adam: No. No, I know you are a veritable warrior princess, but don't push the envelope here. Let me handle him.
Liza: And you really think that you can get him out of our lives for good?
Adam: It's my top priority. He will try to ruin our lives, just the way he ruined Gillian and Ryan's. He is so jealous of anyone who's happy, who has love in their lives.
Liza: Then those letters, they were just lies, meant to hurt us?
Adam: Yes. I'm quite convinced of that. And there may be more, there may be more letters and more lies. And if that happens, if they come here, you must remember everything I've told you. I want you to give them, unopened, to me. Now, I know you don't need me to protect you, you can take care of yourself, but, please, let me do this. I will take care of Hayward.
Liza: No. We will take care of this together.

Petey: How come you didn't let me go with Daddy?
Opal: Oh, honey, your daddy and me, we just goofed up, that's all. We got all confused with the schedule. But we'll get it straightened out, and then you can visit with your Daddy again, ok?
Marian: Opal, we've got to get going. We've got so many wedding plans to handle.
Opal: Oh, sure, sure, honey. Listen, tell Liza that I'll be by with my bag of beauty tricks first thing in the morning.
Marian: Ok, she'll be thrilled.
Opal: Yeah.
Stuart: I'm so sorry I had to tell you what I had to tell you.
Opal: Oh, Stuart, don't be sorry. I'm glad you told me.
Stuart: Well, if you ever need us, we're right here.
Opal: Thanks.
Stuart: He's just -- he's just a mean old sourpuss. Not everybody's like that, you know. Most people aren't like that.
Opal: I know that, Stuart. I can tell that, just by looking at the two of you.
Stuart: Oh, when you get your Glamorama all set up --
Opal: Yeah?
Stuart: Be sure to put us down for a mud bath.
Marian: For two.

Petey: Is it my fault that I'm not going to my dad's tonight? Did I do something wrong?
Adrian: No, you didn't do anything wrong. You know how, when it gets really close to Christmas Eve or your birthday, and you just can't wait until it gets there? Well, that's what happened. Your mommy and daddy were so anxious about spending time with you, they got all confused. And you know what? I can't blame them because I get excited when I get a chance to spend time with you, too.
Op: Okey-dokey, who is ready for a game before bed?
Petey: Me.
Opal: All right, come on, last one upstairs is an old poot-bug.

Belinda: You were really wonderful with Petey just then.
Adrian: Oh, he's a great kid. And he deserves a lot better than having a creep like Palmer for his father.
Belinda: You're not planning to do anything to Palmer, are you?
Adrian: Shouldn't I?
Belinda: Yeah, you should, but going up against somebody like Palmer can get you into a world of trouble.
Adrian: Oh, no, the trouble is going to be all his.

Mateo: I'm sorry.
Hayley: For what?
Mateo: For the situation that would make you want to trash the back room.
Hayley: That's not your fault.
Mateo: But I --
Hayley: Listen, you don't have to say anything else. It's a rotten situation. Right now Max is -- has to remain the center of our universes for a while. We don't have to say anything else.
Mateo: Yeah, we have to say something else. I love you.

Adam: Well, you know everything now, Liza.
Liza: Well, David does not stand a chance against us.
Adam: Liza, I know you don't need me to protect you. You're a formidable opponent, but -- but I can handle David on my own. Let me do that. Jake agrees with me. He doesn't want Hayward anywhere near you. Please, just to indulge my male ego?
Liza: You guys really need to be protectors, don't you?
Adam: Well, sure we do.
Liza: And what did you call me? You called me, what, formidable?
Adam: Oh, formidable -- at least formidable.
Liza: Really. Is that like a battleship?
Adam: Formidable like -- like a goddess.
Liza: Oh, well, then.

Erica: So now, in addition to all the other advice you're giving me, you're giving me parenting tips? I guess you learned so much watching your mother, Vanessa. Well, sometimes a little white lie can protect a child.
David: And sometimes a child doesn't need to be protected.
Erica: I am not going to undo all e progress Bianca has made.
David: Your daughter Bianca is a very intelligent young woman. I'm sure she knows more about this accident than you've given her credit for. Certainly she reads the newspapers. If not that, she's seen shots of you on the television.
Erica: And she believes what I tell her
David: Then she needs to know the truth. She needs to be able to help you through this this time.
Erica: No, it's not her job to help me.
David: I think that she would disagree. I have seen how loyal she is towards you, Erica, and how much you two love one another
Erica: Yes, we do. But she's just 12 years old, and she shouldn't see me like this.
David: Why not?
Erica: You know very well that until recently she was extremely ill.
David: But she is much stronger now. And it might even help her to be the strong one.
Erica: No.
David: Erica, be honest. Will Bianca love you any less because of your scars?
Erica: No, of course not. But she doesn't have to face this.
David: Why not? Do you think that it really matters to your daughter -- your looks?
Erica: Looks matter. It would be ridiculous to think anything else.
David: But to your daughter? Erica, do you really think that you're nothing but your beauty, even to Bianca? Do you honestly believe that you're not worth loving for who you are despite your scars?
Erica: Adam and Liza saw my face. My mask slipped, and they saw my scars. I mean, they really tried to cover, but I -- I could see the revulsion in their faces. So I've seen how hideous I am.

Adrian: Palmer doesn't understand anything but force.
Belinda: Ooh, I don't like the sound of that.
Adrian: Oh, don't worry, it's not like I'm going to kill him.
Belinda: Well, what are you planning to do?
Adrian: I'm going to teach him a very, very valuable lesson that he'll never forget. But I need you to help me. Are you with me?
Belinda: Am I with you? Hmm. Am I with you?
Adrian: Are you with me?
Belinda: Am I with you?

[Music plays]

Mateo: Dance with me Hayley.

Marian: Liza, darling, I knew you'd want to hear this. I just talked Opal into coming over tomorrow to do your hair and makeup. You are going to be such a dazzling bride we're going to have to pass out sunglasses to the congregation.
Liza: Well, that's great, mother.
Marian: Oh, did I interrupt something? Well, just carry on. I don't mind.
Liza: Mother. You know how when you and Stuart are being affectionate and people barge in on you, you -- well, you kind of get off on it?
Marian: Well, yes, I guess we sort of do.
Liza: Well, the gene skipped a generation. So I require privacy.
Marian: Oh, I'm sorry, darling. Of course, I'll just leave you two alone. Oh, listen -- oh, we saw the cake, and I just want to --
Liza: Bye, Mother.
Adam: Bye-bye, Mama.
Marian: Oh, yes, yes. Bye-bye. Ok. Oh, listen, if that gene does skip a generation, you realize that Colby is going to be just like me!
Adam: That is a terrifying thought. Does she ever stop?
Liza: Who? Was there somebody here?
Adam: No, absolutely not. Nobody here in my world except you, me, Colby, nobody else.
Liza: Hmm.

David: I've bathed your face. I've seen your scars. And I don't think you're hideous.
Erica: Will you please go.
David: The simple truth is this, Erica. You are truly beautiful.
Erica: Please leave. David: Ok. I'll leave. But I will be back.

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