MARCH 14, 2000

Ryan: No, it's -- that's fine. No message. Thanks, Peggy.
Greenlee: Ryan.
Ryan: Hey, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Is everything ok?
Ryan: Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. Everything's fine.
Greenlee: You know, this being real that you're always talking about? Do that work both ways or is that just talk on your part?
Ryan: Point taken. I'm just trying to, you know, figure out what happened with the custody trial. So I couldn't really call the Martins. I called Wildwind and got Peggy.
Greenlee: And?
Ryan: No word. Not yet.
Greenlee: Really that worried about Liza?
Ryan: Yeah, you know, and Jake and the baby.
Greenlee: I'm sure you'll hear something soon. In the meantime, how about my face and my neck? You know, the rash and the big lump on my forehead?
Ryan: Where? It's gone. You're back to your beautiful self.
Greenlee: Oh. Is that skin-deep beautiful or hard-to-be-my-friend beautiful?

Leo: Ryan. You got a message from Malcolm Muller.
Ryan: You're kidding me.
Leo: No way.
Ryan: Oh, I've been trying to get this guy to return my calls for a week. Listen, tell him that I'm going to get my notes and I'll call him right back.

Greenlee: Your timing stinks, you know that?
Leo: You didn't say that at the Pine Cone Motel when that goon was all over you.
Greenlee: You know I appreciate you helping me out, Leo. That's why I'm not suing you for practically destroying my face with that disastrous infomercial.
Leo: Hey, all I did was move the plaster out of the way. I'm not the one who slathered it all over your face. Oh, got to go. Looking for me?

Becca: No. Scott. Have you seen him?
Leo: Ouch. Next time try not to leave skid marks on my face.
Becca: Hi, Leo.
Leo: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the rush? And what is that intoxicating scent that you're wearing? Wait, no, let me guess. I smelled this once before in Paris. An art student at the Sorbonne. I followed her around the Louvre for hours.
Becca: Hours, huh?
Leo: Yeah, she was hauntingly beautiful. Like you. Wait, it's coming to me. Se Rendre.
Becca: Surrender?
Leo: Oui.
Becca: No, I'm wearing a little thing called Savon. Otherwise known as soap!

Ryan: Damn!
Scott: Yeah, tell me about it. What's messing up your day?
Ryan: Oh, I'm just getting the runaround from this potential sponsor. I was supposed to close the deal by the end of the month, but, you know -- why, what's the matter? What's up with you?
Scott: Oh, not much. Just thoughts of murder and mayhem all directed at Leo du Pres.

Hayley: Greenlee.
Greenlee: Hey, Hayley. Hey, you know what? The timing on your Jamaica trip is perfect. The weather's great, the crowd. You know, the tourist crowd's dying down --
Hayley: Yeah, listen, I need you to make a phone call for me.
Greenlee: Sure. I know a great travel agency.
Hayley: No, that's not it. I want to call a local cab company. Have it run over to my uncle's house and pick up my mother. This is very important. It is not to stop, not even for a red light -- not until it dumps my mother off at the Pine Valley airport.

Arlene: I'm not asking to stay here forever. I just -- just long enough to get my feet back on the ground, you know? No one -- no one knows how bad I feel. And I can't tell anyone. And with my past, it's just no one would believe me, anyway. Janet, I know it looks bad, but when Ron died, I just -- I fell apart. I mean, the truth of the matter is I really loved him.
Janet: But all this talk about sexual harassment -- it was all a lie?
Arlene: Well, Hayley already thinks I'm dirt. I couldn't tell her I was carrying on with a married man. I mean, Ron and I had plans. His wife wouldn't give him a divorce, that's all. That's why she started all those rumors about me. She knew he had to leave her in order to be with me.
Janet: Arlene, this is starting to sound awfully complicated.
Arlene: Yeah. Yeah, I know. That's my life -- a maze of confusion. You know, every time, every time I think I get back on my feet, I hit that damn wall. You know what that's like, don't you?
Janet: Yes. I know. But I've got Amanda to worry about.
Arlene: Yeah, I know. Of course you do. I love my niece. I don't want her to know anything about Ron and me. I mean, the only reason I told you is because -- well, you understand what passion is. I mean, you and Trev had it.
Janet: Yeah. We did. Ok, look, you can stay here for a little while longer.
Arlene: You won't be sorry.
Janet: Hayley's not going to like it. She doesn't trust you. And frankly, Hayley usually has pretty good instincts.
Arlene: I'm a different woman than Hayley remembers.
Janet: Well, I think people can change if they really want to.
Arlene: I have. I really have, honest

Greenlee: Ok, I will call a cab for your mom. Anything else? Return some phone calls, check out a few fashion shows?
Hayley: Why would you do that?
Greenlee: Practice. As your assistant, I can fill in for you while you're gone and then catch you up when you get back.
Hayley: Gee, that's awfully nice of you, and I'll tell you what -- if we do go to Jamaica, you can take messages for me, but I'll handle everything else. Don't worry -- I'll leave you a to-do list so you won't get bored.
Greenlee: Anything to help you out. I'd hate to see you miss out on your trip. Eli's got everything planned. All you need to do is pack.

Hayley: Doesn't she seem more excited about me going away than I am?
Mateo: Watch out for that one, I'm telling you. All right, look, come on, forget about your mom. She'll be gone in a couple hours. Then we'll celebrate at our engagement party, then it's off to Jamaica. Ok?
Hayley: Ok.
Mateo: All right, so kick back, think about good friends, warm beaches, clear blue water.
Hayley: Hmm.
Mateo: Hmm.

Greenlee: Maybe you should immerse yourself in a tub of warm water.
Leo: That a proposition?
Greenlee: No, standard practice for hypothermia. Things looked a bit frigid between you and the Virgin Princess.
Leo: Get over yourself Greenlee.
Greenlee: Whoa. Don't tell me you have a case of Becca-itis, too. Her hard-to-get routine really works, doesn't it? But here's the cure -- get Miss Purity in bed and then call me in the morning.
Leo: Haven't you ever heard of the thrill of the chase, Greenlee? I'm in no hurry to catch the little fox, so don't rush me.
Greenlee: Translation -- you have no clue how to wipe Scott off Becca's mind.

Ryan: Wait, wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait a minute. What did Leo do to get you so upset?
Scott: This time? He's moving in on Becca.
Ryan: She's a beautiful girl. I'm sure she gets hit on all the time.
Scott: They kissed.
Ryan: Really?
Scott: Yeah.
Ryan: All right. How do you know this?
Scott: I heard the two of them talking about it. I caught it all on tape at the infomercial for the Glamorama. They didn't know the tape was running.
Ryan: Scott, don't tell me you're getting into all that again.
Scott: Oh, come on, man, it was an accident. But anyway, you know, I don't know, I don't know. I'm thinking, you know, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to tell becca I love her. You know, I mean, I told her I love her, I gave her a really nice bracelet, and maybe -- maybe she freaked out.
Ryan: Did she say, you know, "I love you" back?
Scott: No. No, but I didn't want to push it, you know? I figured she'll tell me when she's ready.
Ryan: She will. She will. Becca is the kind of person who says what she feels, man. She will.
Scott: So why didn't she tell me about that kiss?
Ryan: That's a good question. I guess maybe because it wasn't that important to her. Look, if she has feelings for Leo, believe me, she'll tell you.
Scott: Very comforting.
Ryan: If, if, if she has feelings for Leo.
Scott: If. Right. So, don't say anything and hope that she will? Or won't?
Ryan: You know what? Why you asking me? I am the last person on this planet to be giving advice on relationships or on women.

Gillian: I thought you'd be here.
Gillian: I wanted to see you myself. This is a lovely room. Jake, what you did in court today was so brave, so noble.
Jake: You're right. It's a lovely room. But I'm not brave or noble, Gillian.
Gillian: Jake --
Jake: Why didn't you tell me?
Gillian: I tried. First, there was the accident, and then I couldn't speak. And then when I finally could, I just got confused. Everybody was telling me different things. Liza was begging me not to tell you, and Adam was trying to force me to tell you, but he only did that because he wanted to destroy you, so I waited.
Jake: For what? What were you waiting for?
Gillian: Jake, I never -- I never wanted to keep this secret from you. And I'm not saying this to make excuses. I tried to tell you so many times. But every time I wanted to tell you, it was like fate tried to stop me. I even wrote you a letter once and I left it on your chest while you were sleeping.
Jake: When -- when I fell asleep on the sofa at Wildwind?
Gillian: Yeah. And there were a thousand other times, too. I -- I should've told you. But, Jake, I was a coward. I didn't think our love could -- could make it, and I couldn't bear seeing you in so much pain.
Jake: Just like everybody else. Can't tell poor Jake because he can't handle the truth.
Gillian: I honestly thought I was sparing you pain. You're such a noble, strong man, Jake. Jake: Don't make me out to be some kind of hero, please.
Gillian: Well, you don't deserve what happened to you. And I was wrong. I know that now. Can you ever forgive me?
Jake: I don't know. I don't know what I'm feeling. I mean, I could say yeah, sure, I forgive you, Gillian, but then later on I might feel something else.
Gillian: I understand. Your whole life is in shambles now and -- and nothing makes any sense to you.
Jake: I'm not sure it'll ever make sense.
Gillian: Well, it will, Jake. You have to believe me. I know from experience. As soon as everything settles, we -- we can start fresh again. We'll have nothing hanging over our heads -- no Adam Chandler, no David Hayward --
Jake: What does David Hayward have to do with this?
Gillian: He's the one who told me about Colby.

Erica: Well, you might have had the decency to pay my bail and get me out of that wretched jail cell, Adam. I mean, the only reason I was even there in the first place was because of you. Yes, yes, I'm sure that you were all taken up with the hearing, but you know what? I was taken up with something myself. You just called me out of the blue, you begged me to drop everything and come over there to help you. I certainly did not expect to spend my afternoon behind bars. Yes, you do owe me, and I intend to hold you to it. Well, I might just take you up on that, Adam. But you know what? As generous as that is, you still owe me.
David: And what generous offer has Adam made you?
Erica: His private jet. It's ready and waiting to take us wherever we like.
David: Really? Will it take us back, too?
Erica: It's at our disposal for the next few days. That is if you can get off.
David: Well, I have to check my schedule. Things have lightened up lately. I'm not operating today.
Erica: I know. So sip your cocktail and relax.
David: Hmm. Well, Adam's gesture has put you in a good mood.
Erica: No, I did the right thing, you know, in spite of the consequences. Justice is its own reward.
David: Mm-hmm. Still, your relationship with Adam intrigues me. Why did he come to you for help?
Erica: Well, because. He needed me to alert the judge to the truth of Colby's paternity. And he knew he could count on me.
David: Well, you see, that's the part I don't understand. How did he know that you wouldn't tell him to take a flying leap?
Erica: Because, thanks to me, he had the DNA report that helped him prove that he was really Colby's father.
David: Thanks to you? You mean you helped him get that for the hearing?
Erica: He had it for months. And no, I did not help him to get it. I walked in on him when he was going through your files in your office. But he had already found it.
David: You let him walk out with it?
Erica: Well, David, surely you didn't expect me to wrestle him to the ground.
David: You knew this for months and you're just telling me this now?
Erica, how could you do that?

Vanessa: Leo.
Leo: Mother. What are you doing here?
Vanessa: Well, since you weren't at your other job, Cortlandt Electronics, I took a chance I might find you here. Hello, Greenlee. How are you, dear?
Greenlee: Hi, Mrs. Cortlandt. Excuse me. I have a phone call to make.
Vanessa: And I can certainly understand your wanting to spend a great deal of time here, dear, but I'm afraid you're going to have to tear yourself away from Greenlee to spend a few hours at your other job at Cortlandt Electronics.
Leo: Why? Palmer's out of the country.
Vanessa: Uh-huh, and he's flying back soon. Is it going to pain you to put in a few hours? Just rearrange some papers on your desk.
Leo: Well, airline travel is getting riskier these days.
Vanessa: Hmm.
Leo: Did Papa Cortlandt rewrite his will yet?

[Vanessa chuckles]

Vanessa: I am still working on that.
Leo: Oh, you're losing your touch, Mother.
Vanessa: Nonsense, nonsense. Now, grab your coat and meet me in the limo because I am taking you to lunch, dear. I mean, what's the point of having you around if I hardly ever see you?
Leo: I'll meet you outside in a minute.
Vanessa: Hmm, that's my boy.

Mateo: Here you go. So are you guys coming tonight -- you and Scott -- to the engagement party?
Becca: Well, I can't -- I can't speak for Scott, but I'll definitely be there.
Mateo: Oh, all right. Well, I'll see you there, then. Becca: Ok.
Leo: And where are we going tonight?
Becca: Well, I'm going to S.O.S. And you're going wherever you like. Leo, would you stop sneaking up on me?
Leo: Sorry. Are the tire marks gone yet?
Becca: Scott.

[Becca takes Scott aside and kisses him]

Janet: Hey, you don't have to do that.
Arlene: No, I want to pitch in.
Janet: Thanks. I was just going to make a pot of tea. Do you want some?
Arlene: Sure. I love the way you do it.
Janet: Ok.

[Telephone rings]

Arlene: I'll get it. Dillon residence. Who's calling? She's not available right now. Uh-huh. Sure. Sure, I'll give her the message. Bye.
Janet: Was that the phone?
Arlene: Mm-hmm. I took a message for you.
Janet: Why didn't you just give me the phone?
Arlene: Well, I thought this might be a call you wouldn't want to take. It was Dr. Jaffe's office. They haven't heard from you since you canceled your appointment there over a month ago. They want to know if you plan on rescheduling.
Janet: Uh, thanks. I'll take care of it.
Arlene: Isn't Dr. Jaffe your head shrinker?
Janet: What if she is?
Arlene: Hey, I don't blame you, you know? I'm not into therapy, either. I wouldn't go.
Janet: I mean, Dr. Jaffe's ok as far as therapists go, but I just don't feel like spilling my guts right now.
Arlene: Well, then why'd you set the appointment?
Janet: Brooke pressured me into it. It wasn't my idea.
Arlene: Janet, you're a grown woman. Obviously, you didn't want to go blabbing on the couch because the truth would come out that you killed Sophie.
Janet: I didn't say I killed her.
Arlene: Hey, you didn't have to. I knew the minute Trev split. I figured it out on my own. Don't worry, Janet. I told you, I can keep a secret.

[Tea kettle whistles]

Arlene: I'll turn it off.

[Tea kettle stops]

Image: I like Arlene. She covers your behind better than you do. It was a good idea keeping her around.

Jake: Of course. Hayward. All his snide comments about my perfect little family. "Oh, Jake, you'll have someone to keep all your secrets."
Gillian: He said that to you?
Jake: How the hell did he find out?
Gillian: I don't know, I don't know. He -- he just told me to get back at Adam and I walked in on them arguing.
Jake: I bet he was just waiting for this day. I'm surprised he wasn't in court taking pictures.
Gillian: Jake, listen, I don't want to waste my breath talking about Hayward. I hate him. And I hate him even more after what he did to us, putting us in this impossible position. But we can't let him tear us apart. We can't let him do this to us.
Jake: Gillian, my daughter is not my daughter. And everybody else seemed to know about it but me -- my family, my -- my friends, my wife. I -- I don't know how to handle this.
Gillian: Jake, I know, I know your heart is breaking. But -- and you love Colby. You'll probably always love her, but we have us. And we're going to get through this and we're going to be stronger because of this.
Jake: Answer me. Just honestly, tell me something. Honestly.
Gillian: I promise you, Jake, no more secrets.
Jake: If I hadn't have gone after custody of Colby, would you have married me?

Scott: Becca, what'd I do to deserve this? What's going on with you?
Becca: Um -- I guess I'm overcompensating a little bit.
Scott: For what?
Becca: Because I feel bad about something that I should've told you.
Scott: Yeah? What for?
Becca: Well, Leo kissed me, and I let him, but I shouldn't have let him and I didn't even mean to. It really isn't even a big deal, but I've been making it a big deal because I've been keeping it a secret.
Scott: I know.
Becca: You know?
Scott: Yeah.
Becca: Wait, how do you know?
Scott: I heard the two of you talking about the kiss. It got caught on the videotape from the Glamorama infomercial.
Becca: Wait, you mean you've known all this time?
Scott: Yeah.
Becca: You didn't say anything?
Scott: Well, I wanted to, but, you know, I figured I'd let you bring it up. I figured you would sooner or later.
Becca: You're the best. Thank you for trusting me.

Ryan's voice: Don't give up on him. Don't give up on each other.
Gillian: He's so angry at me.
Ryan: And he's probably going to stay angry for a while. The anger covers up the hurt. But just give him some time, Princess, because he's going to be able to figure this out on his own. And when he does, he's going to realize that you stood up to Adam Chandler and you risked your life for him and for Colby, and then he's going to stop. And he's going to look at you and he's going to fall in love with you again because no man can look at you and not fall in love with you.

Greenlee: Ryan? Did you get through to Malcolm? Is he going to buy airtime on "Wave."
Ryan: What? Who?
Greenlee: Malcolm Muller, the guy who owns Glorious Golf, 17 shops throughout the state.
Ryan: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, not if we keep playing phone tag. He only calls me back to cancel appointments.
Greenlee: He's such a dolt.
Ryan: What do you mean? You know him?
Greenlee: Gramps usually buys his clubs from Malcolm. In fact, he's part of Gramps' foursome. Do you want me to introduce you? Hey, do you play golf?
Ryan: Wait, wait a second. I don't want to impose on you.
Greenlee: How do you think people meet each other? At the golf course or at the club or through connections. Hello? Connection. And I can even tell you where Malcolm is right now -- at the Valley Inn having a three-martini lunch.

David: So you let Adam steal a file from my office.
Erica: You know, David, you're really a fine one to talk. I mean, that information wouldn't even have been there in the first place if you hadn't stolen Adam and Colby's information from them for your own little revenge plot.
David: So that's how you justify being his accomplice?
Erica: I was not his accomplice. But I am very glad that Adam removed that file from your office because you had no business having it in the first place.
David: All right, and what exactly were you doing in my office alone with Adam Chandler?
Erica: I was looking for you. What do you think?
David: Well, who knows? Maybe the two of you were backing up the hard drive on my computer.
Erica: Is this your idea of righteous indignation? Because I completely resent your tone and your nasty innuendos.
David: You resent my tone?
Erica: Of course I do.

Vanessa: Oh, my, my, my. Squabbling in public. David, darling, certainly you know better. What, Erica pushing your patience to the limit here? Darling, I think you're going to have to get used to playing with a high-powered, high-maintenance woman.
Erica: Oh, Vanessa, stuff it.
David: This is none of your business, Vanessa, so why don't you move on or else I'll complain to management that we're being harassed.
Vanessa: Unless, of course, somebody else complains about you first, darling. Well, do try to keep it down while we eat. Come on, Leo.

Leo: We could go somewhere else, if you like.
Vanessa: Nonsense. I can put up with David and Erica. Besides, that is not going to last much longer. Poor David. Relationship's been doomed from the beginning, but I see that it is self-destructing even faster than I anticipated.

Gillian: Jake, we're married. There's no need to speculate about what ifs. It's not going to change anything. What?
Jake: I have my answer.
Gillian: I couldn't answer you!
Jake: You answered it, you answered it.
Gillian: Jake, just focus on what's real, on us, our life.
Jake: What's real? Look around you! There's nothing real here! I don't know how I feel anymore. Nothing makes sense to me.
Gillian: Then don't think, baby, feel! Think about what we had! Remember -- remember how we used to play basketball and our picnics on the beach. And our dreams and the Crystal Ball and this house. We can still buy this house. We can have our own baby.
Jake: Oh, jeez.
Gillian: I didn't mean that. I'm sorry. I know, I know. We can't replace Colby. There's no replacing Colby.
Jake: I can't -- I can't hear this right now. I'm sorry.
Gillian: Jake, please just wait. Come on, what about us? We love each other. What about our love? Jake!

[Door opens]

Hayley: Hey. Relaxing?
Janet: Well, just for a moment. I just finished the laundry.
Hayley: Oh, must be nice to have the whole house to yourself. Did Arlene's cab come?
Janet: Yes.
Mateo and Hayley: Good.
Janet: I sent it away.
Hayley: What? Why?
Janet: Hayley, Arlene is a member of Trevor's family. I can't just throw her out of the house. I can't let her go out into the street.
Hayley: She'll manage, trust me.
Janet: Arlene needs a helping hand right now.
Hayley: So you're going to let her stay here with you and Amanda?
Janet: Just for a little while.
Hayley: But can't you just --
Janet: I've made up my mind, ok? The decision is settled.
Mateo: Maybe we could reschedule Jamaica. I wouldn't mind, you know.
Hayley: No, I can't. My whole business for going there is this Reggae Festival they're having.
Janet: Please, please do not reschedule because of me. I don't need a sitter.
Hayley: No, with Arlene around, you need a bodyguard.

Arlene: Oh, I thought I heard voices.
Janet, I finished washing the dishes.
Janet: Thanks.
Hayley: I don't know what kind of number you ran on Janet, but it's not going to work on me. You got that? I'll be watching you.
Arlene: Well, you're not going to cancel your trip, are you?
Janet: I certainly hope not. I mean, if you postpone because of me, I'm going to feel terrible.
Arlene: Well, so would I.
Janet: Tell you what -- would it make you feel better if Dr. Jaffe told you I was up to it?
Hayley: Honestly? Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Janet: All right, then.

[Janet pretends to call Dr. Jaffe's office]

Janet: Hi, this is Janet Dillon. Is Dr. Jaffe available, please? I see. Well, I'd like to leave her a message. Could you please tell her to contact my niece, Hayley Vaughan? What number will you be at?
Mateo: We'll be at the club, right?
Hayley: Yeah, S.O.S.
Janet: Tell Dr. Jaffe to call Hayley at the S.O.S. Club. And I authorize her to give Hayley a full report on my condition. Thank you. There. Feel better? Oh, you guys get out of here. You got a big party to get ready for.
Hayley: Yeah, you're coming, right?
Janet: Of course. Amanda's staying overnight at Carrie's, so I'll be there.

Greenlee: Well, I didn't see Malcolm at the bar, either, and it's still too windy to be playing golf, so I doubt he's at the country club.
Ryan: Well, don't worry about it. It's ok.
Greenlee: Hey, you know what? I'm hungry. How about you?
Ryan: Yeah, I'm always hungry.
Greenlee: Well, the food here is good and we could eat while we wait and see if Malcolm turns up.
Ryan: Yeah. Ok. Should we let them know that we're sticking around?
Greenlee: No, they'll figure it out. Come on.

Leo: Mother, you have been on a tear about Erica Kane for years -- I mean, even before he met her -- before you came to Pine Valley, for that matter. I mean, did she do something to you?
Vanessa: Oh. What, other than offend every single sensibility I have? No. Actually, I did not know her personally, but I've certainly followed all of her escapades through the years. And I have actually waded through the garbage she calls autobiographies. I mean, for heaven's sakes, the last one she might as well have named "Me, Glorious Me." I mean, the woman's conceit is so extreme, it is laughable.
Leo: Then why aren't you laughing?
Vanessa: Hmm?

Erica: You know, if we're really just going to sit here in silence and eat, we should leave.
David: Fine. Can I have the check, please?
Erica: Oh, stop it. You know full well that short of shooting Adam Chandler there was no way for me to prevent him from taking that file from your office.
David: You could have at least told me.
Erica: Look, the last thing I wanted was for you to lock horns with Adam Chandler again.
David: So you didn't tell me to save me from doing something that I might have regretted?
Erica: Yes. Because if you had gone charging after Adam, heaven knows what he would have done. I mean, he certainly would've been very suspicious about why you had all this information to begin with and he would've had an investigation begun. And heaven knows, David, you do not need anymore negative publicity.
David: I'm telling you, the way you're spinning this, I may have to buy a plane and let you use it, too.
Erica: Not necessary. I hope you're noting exactly how supportive and caring I am.
David: Note taken. I do hope you've also taken notice how discreet I've been regarding the whole Adam/Colby matter.
Erica: I already have, David. You kept your word about not telling anyone, and I'm proud of you. It means a lot to me that you kept your promise to me.

David: Jake is not Colby's biological father. Adam is.
Gillian: How can that be?
David: Oh, it's really quite simple, actually. You see, moneybags here bought the clinic that Liza was being inseminated in and, when no one was looking, he pulled what is called a classic switcheroo. He switched his sperm with Jake's. So, Adam is a daddy.
Gillian: No, that can't be.
David: Oh, but it is. It is. You know, the ugly part of this is this -- that Jake and Liza have no idea that Colby is Adam's child. So imagine what they're going to do when they find out.

Scott: Well, now that we're alone, is there anything else you'd like to confess?
Becca: No. Why?
Scott: Well, I just love the way you overcompensate.
Becca: Oh.
Scott: Go on, tell me everything.
Becca: Well, you know, talking's not the only way to clear the soul.

Tina: And Adrian is out getting some scrumptious desserts for the party tonight.
Mateo: Knowing him, he's making those desserts himself.
Hayley: Sounds good to me.
Mateo: So we're all set, huh?
Tina: We are good to go. And let me tell you, tonight is going to be completely off the hook.
Hayley: Hmm.
Tina: But you guys did not tell me about Jamaica. Adrian said you might go after the party?
Hayley: Oh, it's a possibility. Tina that's awesome.
Hayley: Yeah.
Tina: I've always wanted to go to Negril and see those cliff divers. Oh, and there is this waterfall that you can climb up in Ocho Rios.
Mateo: Yeah, we've been there before.

[Telephone rings]

Hayley: It's so nice.
Tina: I know. It's gorgeous.

Mateo: S.O.S. Oh. Yeah, yeah, hold on. She's right here. It's the call you've been waiting for.
Hayley: Oh. Hello, this is Hayley Vaughan. Dr. Jaffe. Yes. Hi. I'm sorry. I know this is unorthodox. I just -- I'm trying to plan a little trip and I just wanted to make sure that Janet was, you know, ok.
Janet: [As Dr. Jaffe]
Janet's doing well in therapy. She's very self-aware. There's no need to put off your trip, Ms. Vaughan.
Hayley: Really? Dr. Jaffe says we can go to Jamaica. Oh. Well, thank you. Thank you very much for the call, Dr. Jaffe. I really do appreciate it.
Janet: I'm glad I could put your mind at ease. Enjoy your trip.
Hayley: Oh, thanks.

Mateo: Come here.
Hayley: Ah!
Mateo: Come here.

Arlene: You didn't even sound like yourself. Now, don't take this the wrong way, but I now know why people call you Janet from another planet. You've got talent from out of this world.
Janet: [Normal voice] I'm nothing like that woman anymore.
Arlene: Hey, hey, you won't get any judgment from me. Now, I'm going to grab a bite from BJ's. You want to come?
Janet: No, I'm going to stay here and get ready for tonight.
Arlene: Ok, suit yourself. I'll bring you some fries.

Image: What did I tell you? Arlene cleans, she brings food, and she's on our side. She's definitely a keeper.

Erica: You haven't touched your cocktail.
David: Well, actually, it's a little sweet for my tastes, and not exactly the dessert that I had in mind. Why don't we go upstairs? What's the point of fighting if we can't make up afterward?
Erica: I think I can rearrange my schedule.
David: Good.
Erica: Besides, now that you've brought it to my attention, I should reward you for keeping your promise to me.
David: Why is that such a surprise?

Gillian: There you are, you heartless monster.
David: Gillian --
Gillian: You've ruined my life again.
Erica: Gillian, what are you doing? Stop this. You're making a scene.
Gillian: Jake and I were happy. And now I may have lost him forever.
David: All right, Gillian, why don't you calm down, ok?
Erica: And why is this David's fault?
David: It's not.
Gillian: Why did you have to tell me Adam is Colby's father? Now Jake hates me for keeping this secret.
David: Look, Gillian, that's not exactly how it happened, all right, but now that you've brought it up, it's better for you. Now you don't have to raise Adam Chandler's little brat.
[Gillian throws a drink in David's face and runs out of the restaurant]

[Erica gasps]

Greenlee: Let her go. Ryan --

On the next "All my Children" --

Leo: The only reason you're attracted to Erica is because she reminds you of our mother.

Scott: If we both want each other, what's stopping us?

Ryan: I'm not here to see Gillian. I'm here to see you, Jake.

Arlene: I'd like to make a toast to my baby.

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