MARCH 2, 2000

Erica: How did you know I was here?
David: Actually, I didn't.
Erica: Well, then what are you doing here?
David: I was hungry. You know, the procedure didn't take very long. Why didn't you wait?
Erica: I thought I made it very clear to you that I cannot sit around twiddling my thumbs while you take care of your oh-so-important hospital business.
David: Really? Hmm. Is that why you're hanging around BJ's instead?
Erica: That certainly can change.
David: Erica, ok, all right. I get it, all right? I realize that I wasn't understanding enough. I didn't make you feel like you were a priority or that you were important --
Erica: Oh, don't so this how dare you minimize my feelings with sarcasm.
David: Erica, a man was dying.
Erica: I know, you were the only Messiah available.
David: All right. I'm sorry. I apologize for minimizing your feelings. I really want to know what's going on with you.
Erica: I'm not really sure anymore whether you and I were meant to be together.
David: What? That's ridiculous.
Erica: I don't think it's ridiculous. Why don't you give me three good reasons why you and I should continue this -- whatever it is.

Hayley: I can't believe she came to my AA. Meeting.
Mateo: Neither can I. She won't pull another stunt like that.
Hayley: Oh, yeah, Arlene? She'll pull 10 more stunts like that, one worse than the next.
Mateo: Well, she won't be at a meeting.
Hayley: How do you know? What did you say to her?
Mateo: Nothing. We just came to an understanding.
Hayley: I needed that meeting today. I needed to go there for a little strength and a little support, you know, before I got up on that stand and testified, and she couldn't even let me have the time alone.
Mateo: You know, there's another place you can come for strength and support. I'm open 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Hayley: I'm sorry. I'm not going to let anything keep me from remembering that ever. Not even Arlene.
Mateo: I -- I think you're worrying about too much. All right? Forget about your mom. Don't worry about the testimony. Just -- just tell the truth about Adam.
Hayley: Right. You're right.

Ruth: Oh, hi, darling. Come on in.
Gillian: Good morning.
Ruth: Oh, my goodness. Don't you just look lovely.
Gillian: Thank you. But do I look standup? Upright?
Ruth: "Up" what? Oh, upstanding. Oh, yes. Absolutely. But I think you look wonderful. I think you'd look wonderful no matter how you were dressed.
Gillian: Thank you. It's very kind of you to say that.
Ruth: Well, it's true. And when the judge realizes how secure that you and Jake are and what a mess that Liza and Adam have made of their marriage, her decision is going to be an easy one. I mean, Colby should be raised by you.
Gillian: Yeah, but the judge has to decide who will be the best mother.
Ruth: Well -- well, what would make her think about that?
Gillian: You're so calm and confident. I wish I could be that way.
Ruth: Well, listen, honey, let me tell you the truth. It comes from years of mothering that brood of mine, that irascible brood of mine. I don't think anything really fazes me much anymore.
Gillian: I just hope that I don't get the jitters in court.
Ruth: Now, you won't. You really will not because you have backup. And, you know, we Martins, if anyone says a word against any one of us, all the rest of us will respond to that. So don't you worry about a thing.

[Knock on door]

Ruth: Everything's going to be fine.
Gillian: Thanks.
Ruth: Really. Oh, here comes Joe.

Gillian: Good morning.
Joe: Morning.
Adrian: Hey.
Joe: Oh, look who's here.
Adrian: How are you?
Joe: Got any burritos?
Adrian: No, I got some hot pepper mints though.
Joe: Oh, well, come on in anyway.
Ruth: Hi there, Adrian.
Adrian: Good morning, all.
Ruth: Good morning to you, too.
Adrian: Gillian, how are you holding up today?
Gillian: I'm a little wobbly, but I was told that I have backup.
Ruth: You certainly do.
Adrian: That you do.
Joe: I just hope there's a lot of room in that courthouse. That judge is going to find out that Colby's getting not only you and Jake, she's getting the entire Martin clan. That includes grandparents, uncles, and aunts.
Adrian: That's right. And if we don't overwhelm her in numbers, we'll overwhelm her in character.
Joe: Hear, hear.
Adrian: Yeah.

Tad: Dixie, want to tell me again why we don't just walk in there and tell everybody the truth?
Dixie: Tad, we talked about this about a million times.
Tad: I know, but all Jake does is fall deeper and deeper in love with that baby every single day. And half this town knows she isn't his. You realize this whole thing could blow up and destroy half my family in a minute.
Dixie: I know, but it hasn't so far. God only knows why or how it hasn't, but we have t hope and pray that it just -- for everybody's sake, it stays a secret a little longer.
Tad: What if I doesn't? What if Adam decides he's going to stand up at that hearing and announce to the entire world that he's Colby's father?
Dixie: He's not going to do that. If that's what he was going to do, if that was his plan, he would have done it already. I mean, besides, the issue is not biology, it's fatherhood. So, if Jake and Gillian get custody of Colby, there's a great chance that Liza might leave Adam, which would be great for everybody. So for everybody's sake, we just have to keep what we know to ourselves, ok?
Tad: Yeah. I hate Chandler for doing this to us.
Dixie: I know.
Tad: If I didn't think it would wipe everybody out, I'd announce the truth myself just so I'd have the pleasure of sending him to jail. All right. Smiles, everybody. Come on. Showtime. Don't ring the bell, just go on in.

Dixie: Hi. Hi.
Joe: Wondering where you were. You have any idea where Jake is?
Tad: No. Why? Was I supposed to?
Joe: Well, I assumed he was parking the car. I mean, he didn't go back to the hospital or anything, did he? Because, I mean, we're due at the courtroom soon.
Gillian: No, Jake had to leave. Somebody called him, and it was important. So --
Tad: Who called him?
Gillian: He didn't say. He just said he had to meet someone.

Adam: You know, we're going to have to be gone for a little while today. But we'll be back before you know it. You won't miss us. I'm not going to let anybody or anything keep us apart, Colby, all right?

[Doorbell rings]

Adam: Oh. Oh, when I come back -- I'll be gone, but when I come back, I'll take you to see the ducks. I know you love the duck pond.
Jack: Thank you, Winifred. Hello, Adam.
Adam: Oh, Jack. How are you?
Jack: Good. You all set for today?
Adam: Yeah, let's get this nonsense over with.
Jack: Nonsense? Adam, this is not going to be a cakewalk. Now, I want you to promise me when they turn up that heat that you will keep your cool.
Adam: All right, all right. I will paste a pleasant paternal smile on my face while that Coulson woman tells everybody in the courtroom what a miserable human being I am.
Jack: Well, you see that you do because she will drag out every trick she knows to provoke you into a reaction. But don't you dare --
Adam: All right.
Jack: Give her one. You follow me?
Adam: Believe me, I know what Leslie Coulson is capable of.
Jack: And nothing behind the scenes. No behind-the-scenes shenanigans. None of that.
Adam: So help me God.
Jack: Would you just please tell Liza that I'd like to discuss a few details before we go to court, please?
Adam: I haven't seen Liza in hours. I thought she was with you.
Jack: No, she's not with me. We have an hour before court. Where could she be?

Jake: Hey. You wanted to see me?
Liza: Yeah. Thanks for talking to me.
Jake: Sure. I don't know if we should be doing this.
Liza: What, talking to each other? Why can't we talk to each other? We're friends.
Jake: I know. But this goes way beyond friendship, Liza. You know that.
Liza: Yeah, of course I do. It's just that we've always been able to work things out. Whenever you wanted to see Colby, I've always let you. There wasn't once that I've kept her from you when you wanted to see her. In fact, even after you began proceedings against me, I let Colby see you because she should have been there for your wedding.
Jake: I know. And I appreciate that.
Liza: Why does it have to get to this? I mean, my God, Jake, a custody battle? That's what parents do who hate each other. And I want you to be her father always. But once this hearing starts, there is no turning back.
Jake: What is it you want from me?
Liza: I want us to be able to work this out so it doesn't go to court. I mean, we should be able to do that. We've always been able to work things out. We've always been able to work together and to be friends.
Jake: Maybe there is something, then.
Liza: There's something? Then what is it? Because I can't lose Colby. I can't, Jake.
Jake: I need you to answer me one question truthfully. I want you to be completely honest with me. Can you do that?

Adam: Marian, what the devil are you doing here?
Marian: Looking for Liza. Hi, Jackson.
Jack: Hi, Marian.
Marian: Hello, my precious.
Adam: I though Liza was with you.
Marian: No.
Jack: Well, I'm going to go out to my car and get my cell phone, check my messages from the office. Maybe she's there.

Adam: What are you doing here?
Marian: What do you think I'm doing here? I'm going to go to court to show support for Liza and Colby.
Adam: Perhaps you shouldn't do that.
Marian: Nonsense. The Martins are all going to be there looking like the all-American family. And probably one of your children will be on the stand roasting your hide. And believe me, if it weren't for Stuart, Liza, and Colby, I'd be first in line with a stick and a marshmallow. Come here, you gorgeous little darling. Come on, come to Mimi. Ooh. Up, up, up, up, up. What a beauty.
Adam: What does Stuart have to do with this?
Marian: Well, darling, he's coming, too, darling. He's going to show support. He's held up at the gallery. He's going to go home, change his clothes, meet me there. Come here. Come here.
Adam: You and Stuart at court together?
Marian: Well, of course. Why shouldn't we be together? Oh, oh, uh-oh. Someone needs their diapers changed. Ah, I'll do it for you, baby. Let me know when Liza comes, all right?
Adam: Hmm.
Marian: Come on, Colby. Let's go.

[Telephone rings]

Leo: Hello?
Adam: Yes. What happened?
Leo: Mr. Chandler. What a pleasant surprise.
Adam: I paid you money to break up my brother and his wife, d they're still together. What happened?
Leo: I don't know. Love is fickle?
Adam: Well, don't you fool with me, kid.
Leo: All I know is that when Scott walked into that room, he was extremely upset when he saw Paolo and Marian in bed together.
Adam: Are you sure that he saw them? Maybe you just think he saw them.
Leo: Oh, no, he -- oh, no, he saw it, all right. I got myself a bloody lip because of it, thank you very much.
Adam: He knows you're behind this?
Leo: Actually, you're behind this. But unfortunately, yes, Scott does know that I was involved.
Adam: What about me?
Leo: Don't worry, you're protected.
Adam: Make sure you keep it that way.
Leo: Yeah, yeah. Now, what about the business plan? Hello? Mr. Chandler?
Adam: Amateurs.

Jack: Well, Adam, Liza hasn't called, and my office has no idea where she is.
Adam: Neither do I.

Liza: I will answer you honestly. What do you want to ask me?
Jake: I miss our friendship, too. And I never, ever wanted to come to this, Liza. So I'll drop the suit. I'll do that and we can work out a custody arrangement if you can honestly tell me Adam will never be a part of Colby's life. Can you do that?

Adam: Liza, you know me better than anyone else alive. And you know there's no way on earth that I would accept your terms, not without a shotgun to my head. So go ahead, put me in prison, but I will never give up my rights to my daughter.

Jake: That's what I thought. Adam has no respect for boundaries. And if you continue living with him, the law is the only way that I can prevent Adam from taking over Colby's life. That's why I'm doing this -- to protect her. That's what it always comes down to.
Liza: So you would take her away from her mother? She needs me.
Jake: No.
Liza: Jake, I need her.
Jake: If I win custody, Liza, you can see her whenever you want. I promise you that. As long as Adam's not in the picture. And if you leave him, then, fine, we can sit down and work out a new custody arrangement. But -- I want her to know her mother, but she can't live with you. I'm sorry if that hurts you. But she's going to be much better off being raised a Martin.

Tad: Look at them. They're so set for a happy ending. They have no idea how precarious the entire situation is. It kills me.
Dixie: I know it does. We just have to tough it out and hope for the best.
Tad: Hope? What we're doing is hoping that Adam isn't going to behave like Adam and not try and pull some stunt. What are the chances of that?

Ruth: So, how about a cup of coffee, hmm?
Adrian: Yes, I'll take a cup.
Ruth: Good.
Gillian: Yeah, let me help you.
Ruth: Oh, I would love that. Listen, you're going to have to get used to my kitchen, you know, because if you and Jake buy that house, you and Colby are going to be around here all the time.
Gillian: I hope so.
Joe: I agree. I think you will be.
Dixie: I'll help with the cups.

Tad: Gillian?
Gillian: Yeah?
Tad: Could I talk with you for a sec?
Dixie: Hey, Adrian, you want to help out?
Adrian: Oh, yeah.
Dixie: Come on.

Tad: Not for nothing, but what would you say if I told you at once you and Jake win custody, the first thing you should do is take a vacation as far away from Pine Valley and Adam Chandler as you can possibly get and if you do buy a house, you make damn sure it's out of state?
Gillian: Oh, my -- my God, Tad, you know, don't you?
Tad: Yeah. After what happened at your wedding, I suspected you did, too. I just had to make sure. Gillian: Tad, I really -- I couldn't tell Jake. It -- Tad: No, no, no, no. Don't worry about it. I know, I know. Believe me, I know exactly what you're going through. It's a hell of a secret to keep. Gillian: You know Adam Chandler, he's just so despicable, and he's been trying to force me to tell the truth.
Tad: I'm not surprised. He's doing the same thing to me and Dixie.
Gillian: Dixie also knows?
Tad: Yeah.
Gillian: And does Adam know you know?
Tad: Don't worry. We'd both rather die than play right into his hand.
Gillian: You love your brother very much.
Tad: Yeah, I do. And judging by the way you've stood next to him throughout this entire thing, I'd say you do, too. Takes a lot of courage. I'm proud of you. Proud to call you my sister.
Gillian: Thank you. I don't feel very brave right now. I am just so scared, you know. So many people know the truth, and I just don't want Jake to find out the wrong way.
Tad: One battle at a time, ok? That's the best we can do. Today all you have to concentrate on is making sure that judge thinks that Colby's better off with you and Jake. You think you can do that?
Gillian: Yes. I have to.
Tad: Just remember -- we're all with you.

[Telephone rings]

Ruth: Will somebody get that?
Adrian: I'll get it.
Ruth: Thanks.

Adrian: Martin residence. Yeah. Ok, good. We're on our way. That was Jake. He's already at the courthouse. He wants us to meet him there.
Joe: Well, ok, let's go, family.

David: You don't want a man to wait on you hand and foot any more than I want some little trophy woman on my arm. We would both be bored within a week.
Erica: But we both have needs, David. And how can we possibly be there for each other when we're both so wrapped up in our own individual high-powered lives?
David: We keep trying. That's what other couples do.

[Pager beeps]

Erica: Your mistress is calling.
David: Let her wait.
Erica: Ok, this is killing you. Call the hospital.
David: Thank you. I love you. I'll be right back.

Leo: My, my. Looks like big brother's abandoned you again.
Erica: Oh, Leo, I really don't have time for this.
Leo: Looks to me like you have plenty of time. Take note, Erica, a life as a doctor's wife is supposed to be very lonely. Then again, I doubt that you two will ever make it to the altar.

Mateo: You know, Adam and Arlene, they live their lives the way they choose. And when it's time to face the consequences, I think they should stand up, all right? And don't take responsibility for their choices.
Hayley: I'm not.
Mateo: Don't feel guilty about telling the truth about Adam. It's not your fault he impregnated Liza, that he's a self-centered controlling father. All right? You shouldn't feel disloyal.
Hayley: That's how he makes me feel.
Mateo: Well, in your heart, who do you thin is a better father for Colby? Come on, Jake's a rock.
Hayley: Jake is trying to take Colby away from her mother. Liza loves that little girl.
Mateo: Maybe Liza knows that she's better off with Jake. And Jake would never keep that little girl from her mother. He just wants to keep that little girl from Adam. And to tell you the truth, I don't blame him.
Hayley: Tell you the truth, I don't blame him, either. Look, we got to get a move on. I don't want to be late for court.
Whoa -- hey.
Junior: So it's true. You're going to trash Dad in court today?

[Door opens and closes]

Adam: Liza, where have you been?
Liza: Where is she?
Adam: She's in -- she's in the parlor. With me.
Liza: Hi, my baby come here.
Adam: I was worried to death about you.
Adam: The hearing is going to start any minute. Jack and your mother already left. We should have left 20 minutes ago.
Liza: I just wanted to see her one more time. Hi, special. Hi, baby.
Adam: You're not going to lose her, Liza. If the truth has to come out, then let it come out. But you're not going to lose Colby. And we'll still be a family. And I know you're angry. And I also know you're scared. And I want you to know that no one is going to hurt Colby or you. I love you both.
Liza: I'm going to go find the nanny.

Jack: So, Marian, where the hell are they?
Marian: I don't know. Doesn't look good, does it? I mean, the Martins are taking up half the courtroom. Liza isn't even here yet, and until Stuart gets here, I'm the only one showing support.
Jack: Well, they better show up, and I mean soon. Because judge Mayo does not like to be kept waiting.

Adrian: Where do you suppose Liza and Adam are?
Tad: I was just wondering the same thing myself.
Dixie: You don't think they did anything stupid, do you?
Tad: Let's hope not.

Bailiff: All rise. These proceedings are now I session, the Honorable Judge Irene Mayo presiding.
Judge: Please take your seats. The point of this hearing is simple -- to determine whether it is in the best interests of the minor child Colby Marian Martin that her father be granted full custody or her mother retain it. Dr. Martin, you're the child's father?
Jake: Yes, your honor, I am.
Judge: And the child's mother -- is she here?
Jack: Your honor, my client is en route. I'm sure she'll be here in just a few moments, if I could ask for just another couple of minutes delay, please.
Judge: Mr. Montgomery, we've already begun.
Jack: Yes.
Judge: Dr. Martin, please explain to me why I should take the baby from her mother's home.
Jake: Ok. Um -- your honor, I'm not here to condemn Liza or take her child away from her. I think she's a wonderful mother, a wonderful, loving mother. And I want them to have a strong relationship. In fact, Liza and I were good -- we are good friends. And we both want what's best for our daughter.
Judge: And that's to live with you?
Jake: Yes. Yes, it is, your honor. Um -- I see things very clearly now. Before my daughter was born, I was dedicated to my career and -- well, I still am dedicated to my career, but I didn't really have any sense of personal purpose, for lack of a better word, in my life. But now that she's here, she's opened up my life, she's opened up my heart. And I just want to be able to give her back the best life that I can, you know, in the best environment that I can. I just want to -- I just want to be a good father.

[Gillian starts coughing]

Gillian: I'm sorry.
Jake: You all right?
Ruth: It's all right. Just get a little drink of water, darling. Just get a little drink of water.
Gillian: Excuse me, I'll just go --
Judge: Please continue.
Jake: Let me be very clear when I say that the only reason I'm here is to protect my daughter from harmful influences.

Gillian: Ryan, what are you doing here? Have they called you to testify?
Ryan: No. No.
Gillian: What -- you -- you're not going to say anything about -- about Colby because you can't. It'll ruin Jake's chances to get custody.
Ryan: Hey, hey, hey, hey, relax, relax. I know I'm not supposed to be here, Gillian but I just wanted to come by and see how you're doing and to tell you that I'm behind you.
Gillian: Why are you doing this, Ryan?
Ryan: Because I love you. Really. Even though we didn't make it, I still want you to be happy, Gillian. I really do. I do, so you don't have to worry about me ruining your chances to have the life that you deserve, Princess. I respect your choice.
Gillian: Really?
Ryan: Really. So, don't be nervous or self-conscious about anything in there, ok? You're just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. Just go in there and be yourself and I know that judge will see what I see -- a beautiful, caring, giving human being.
Gillian: There's so much at stake.
Ryan: You are going to be a wonderful mother. Colby is lucky, and Jake is lucky.
Gillian: Thank you, Ryan. Thanks.
Ryan: Well, that's all I really came to say.

Jake: My child deserves a safe, loving, and balanced home life, like any child. I just want her to be free to be herself. So, I just want to offer her the best life I can with my family and me and my wife. This is what I have to offer, and I'm afraid to say, I'm sorry to say it's more than she'll get living with her mother.
Judge: Thank you, Dr. Martin.

Jack: Your honor, as you can see, Liza Colby Chandler has arrived.
Liza: I'm so sorry that we're late, your honor.
Judge: This is your day in court, Mrs. Chandler. Ms. Coulson, you may present your case now. Dr. Martin gave us a very lovely speech about the love for his daughter, but I've yet to hear a compelling reason why I should remove Colby from her mother's home.
Leslie: Oh, there is a compelling reason, your honor, and he just walked in the door -- Adam Chandler. My client believes Adam Chandler is a potentially harmful presence in Colby Martin's life, and we will produce witnesses who will support that claim.

Hayley: Where did you hear that I was going to trash Dad today?
Junior: I heard that lawyer lady talking to tad and Uncle Jake. They didn't know I was listening, but they said that you'd be under oath and that you'd have to say how bad dad is as a father.
Hayley: Listen to me. Dad means well, ok? He's trying to do what's best for us. He just has a lot of power at work and a lot of money. And he sometimes thinks that he should use that to help us.
Junior: I'm not a little kid. I know how Dad is. I just wish that he could be like other dads. I mean, I've even wished that I was Jamie and Tad was my real dad instead of my step dad.
Hayley: I know how you feel. But I want -- I want you to understand something. Dad loves his children. And we have to accept him -- faults, strengths, everything.
Junior: We love him, even though he doesn't always make us proud?
Hayley: That's right. We love him.
Junior: Gym's over. Got to go. See you later.
Mateo: See you.
Hayley: Bye.
Hayley: Yeah. Ok. I know what I got to do.
Mateo: We're still going to court, right?
Hayley: Yeah, we --a yeah. We're going to go to court and -- um -- I'm going to keep my answers short and sweet.
Mateo: You're not going to cover up for Adam, are you?
Hayley: No, no. I'm going to tell the truth. I'm just not going to volunteer anything that might make him look bad.
Mateo: Right. You know, Jake's lawyers are going to grill you until you give up the goods on Adam. You know that, right? Are you prepared for that?
Hayley: Well, we'll find out, won't we?
Mateo: And Jake's going to be there with his family. You're going to see him. Jake's fighting for custody of his daughter, and he's trying to do what's best for her.
Hayley: Look, I'm just going to let this whole thing play out. Ok? That's all I can do. And you know my father. There is no way he's going to let Jake get custody of that little girl.
Mateo: And knowing your father, can you say that little girl's not better off with Jake?

Erica: For your information, David and I have made no plans to marry. But just for future reference -- my personal relationship with your brother is none of your business.
Leo: Hmm. That's too bad. I could be a very valuable source where David is concerned.
Erica: Oh, Leo, I hardly need help from someone whose only accomplishment in life is to be an attractive phony.
Leo: You find me attractive?
Erica: I find you inconsequential. Really, the thought that David would waste five minutes of his life just thinking about you and your welfare is just beyond me.
David: Did I hear my name spoken? Hello, baby brother.
Erica: I actually was just telling Leo how we value our time alone. I was asking him to leave.
David: You heard the lady.
Leo: Fine. I'm just trying to stay in touch, that's all.

David: Oh, yeah, right. Would you mind telling me what that was all about?
Erica: No. I'd much rather do this.

Leslie: Dr. Martin has made it clear that he has no animosity toward the child's mother. This isn't about Liza Colby's love for her daughter or her mothering ability. My client is concerned about Liza's addictive relationship to Adam Chandler, a man who considers himself to be above the law, and Mr. Chandler's undue influence on both Liza and my client's daughter. Dr. Martin asks this court remove his child from a toxic environment.

Adam: What a crock!

Leslie: Your honor, my client has a happy, stable home life, a loving wife, and a large family, which, as you can see, is very supportive and close-knit. Now, my colleague, Mr. Montgomery, will attempt to present Liza and Adam Chandler as a loving couple. But in actuality, they are anything but. Their marriages have been fraught with volatility and distrust. Now, we will produce witnesses to support this allegation. If necessary, we will even produce a videotape with Adam apologizing for trying to steal his wife's television station.

Adam: That was Stuart!

Leslie: Now, Liza stated that she would leave Adam afterward. But she went back to him. Divorce papers were even filed by Mrs. Chandler just prior to my client seeking custody. But once again, Mrs. Chandler went back to her husband. No matter what he does to her, she always goes back

Adam: Jack, they're stacking up witnesses against us. We need some of our own.
Jack: Shh!

Erica: You broke into David's files. That's against the law.
Adam: Yes, I know. But I'm asking you, I'm begging you as a parent to understand my predicament and let me go. Erica, what if this were Bianca? And some other woman -- Barbara, perhaps -- was trying to take your place in your own child's life?
Erica: No, she already did.
Adam: Well, then you can understand what my problem is, what I'm going through here. Can't you find it in your heart to help me on this? Colby is my flesh and blood. I love her more than anything else in this world. You can't take that away from me.

Adam: Jack? Call this witness.
Jack: I would strongly caution you against that, Adam.
Adam: I consider myself warned.

Adam: Erica? It's Adam. I need you.
Erica: Adam, I'm in the middle of something very important.
Adam: Tell Hayward he can wait. I'm in court, fighting for my daughter.
Erica: What?
Adam: Jake Martin is trying to take Colby away from me.
Erica: Well, Jake isn't even her real father.
Adam: Yeah, but he doesn't know that. That's why I need your help. The entire Martin clan is here trying to convince the judge that Colby would be better off raised a Martin. I need somebody to speak on my behalf.
Erica: Well, Adam, what could I do?
Adam: You can come down here and tell them the truth about her parentage. Don't let them take her away from me. Don't let them take her away from Liza.
Erica: Well, Adam, I don't think that I can prevent that.
Adam: Just come down here and tell them the truth. Come down and we'll talk about it.
Erica: All right, all right. I'll be right there.
David: You're not going to let Adam make you do his dirty work for him, are you?
Erica: Oh, don't worry. I can tell the difference between truth and lies.
David: Erica, wait a minute.
Erica: No, I'm going to the courtroom. But I'll see you later.
David: All right.

Adam: The tide is about to turn.
Jack: Well, I certainly hope you're right, Adam, because they're about to call Hayley to the stand.

Bailiff: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Hayley: I do.
Bailiff: State your name.
Hayley: Hayley Vaughan.
Leslie: Ms. Vaughan, are you Adam Chandler's daughter?
Hayley: Yes.
Leslie: Jake Martin wants custody of his daughter primarily to protect her from your father. Is he justified in his actions?
Hayley: I -- I couldn't say. I -- I really don't know how to answer that.
Leslie: Well, let me make this easier for you. As Adam chandler's daughter can you honestly say that Mr. Chandler is a good father?

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