MARCH 23, 2000

Arlene: Hey, you want to go to the mall and check out the spring fashions?
Janet: Got to get these bills paid.
Arlene: You can't let yourself go just because times are tough.
Janet: Well, I'm doing the best I can. I was wondering, can you stay with Amanda for a little while? I have to go into Enchantment.
Arlene: Sure. That's why I'm here. Oh, my goodness. Trevor's been getting this magazine ever since he was a kid. You going to renew?
Janet: It was always one of his favorites. But there's no sense spending money on a magazine no one's going to read.
Arlene: So, cancel it.
Janet: Well, I can't really do that, either.
Arlene: Do you always have this much trouble making decisions?
Janet: If I don't renew the magazine, it's like admitting that Trevor's not coming home. And I can't do that.

Arlene: Oh, hey, sweetie. How was school?
s Amanda: All right.
Janet: Amanda's gotten all A's this semester. Did you -- did you get your history test back?
Amanda: Nope.
Janet: Hey, your Aunt Arlene's going to stay with you for a little while. I've got to go to Enchantment and do some work.
Amanda: Sure.
Janet: If you get your homework done, I'll watch a video with you when I get back.
Amanda: Ok.

Arlene: I remember that monosyllabic stage when Hayley was a kid.
Janet: Only with Amanda, it isn't just a stage. She just gets quieter and quieter.
Arlene: Well, maybe we should find her a little boyfriend. That will perk her right up.
Janet: I've got to get the rest of these bills done. Darn. Out of ink. Know where there's a pen?
Arlene: Yeah, maybe she has one. Whoops. What's this? Amanda's history test.
Janet: Amanda's history test? . Amanda got a D?

Dixie: Whoa. What happened? Do I pass?
David: I give you an A.
Dixie: Ah.
David: Though your blood pressure is a little high.
Dixie: Oh, is that bad?
David: Given how well you're doing, I would say it's only temporary, probably stress related.
Dixie: Well, that would make sense, considering the fallout from the custody hearing and Tad being in jail.
David: Yeah, I heard. For what it's worth, I'm sorry.
Dixie: You are?
David: What Adam did was over the top. I mean, swapping sperm, manipulating Liza, letting Jake believe that he was Colby's father for so long. He hurt a lot of people, including you.
Dixie: Yes. You know, I've been thinking about this Adam thing and what he did, and it seems to me the kind of thing that he really wouldn't be able to keep a secret for very long.
David: Yeah, I suppose you're right.
Dixie: I mean, you know, seems to make sense that somebody, you know, would have discovered it. At the hospital, perhaps. You knew, didn't you?

Greenlee: Where is it? Where is it?
Ryan: Classifieds. So, did you find him? Single, sensitive, trust fund baby of your dreams?
Greenlee: I found a perfect match -- for you.
Ryan: For me?
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: "Venture capitalist seeks enterprising, energetic idea person for new internet biz."
Greenlee: What do you think?
Ryan: Gut reaction -- too good to be true.
Greenlee: Ok. How about "Used car salesman makes lemonade out of lemons. Guaranteed commissions." Or "Actuary wanted. Good benefits." What is an actuary, anyway?
Ryan: All right. I have no idea. Point taken. I'll call the venture capitalist guy, see what the catch is.

Ryan: Hi, yeah, I'm calling about the ad in the paper about the idea person. Ah, well, just wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about the position. Sure. Ryan Lavery. Great. I'll see you then.

Greenlee: Well?
Ryan: I have an appointment -- right now. Does that seem a little weird to you? Do you think this is legit?
Greenlee: You're so suspicious. Even if it's not, what have you got to lose?
Ryan: An afternoon with you giving me a hard time?
Greenlee: Get out of here.
Ryan: Ok.
Greenlee: Get out of here. Good luck.
Ryan: Oh.
Leo: Excuse me. Sorry about that.

Greenlee: Go ahead. Tell me how brilliant I am.
Leo: I need your help.
Greenlee: Well, I'm on a streak. You got that right. But I'm going to get a mocha. Can I get you something?
Leo: 30 Grand.
Greenlee: Would you settle for a latte?
Leo: I'm serious, Greenlee. I need $30,000. You can get your coffee and a cashier's check before anybody will even miss you around here.
Greenlee: Have you lost it?
Leo: I'm going to be losing more than my mind if I don't come up with some cash. Come on, we're friends. We help each other out. Like when I rescued you at the Pine Cone.
Greenlee: I didn't know there was a price tag on it.
Leo: That's not what I meant. I'm desperate.
Greenlee: I can see that. What's happened?
Leo: Not "what." Who.

Erica: Well, you have me at a disadvantage, Paolo. You seem to know me, but I know nothing about you.
Paolo: I think we have a lot in common.
Erica: Such as?
Paolo: Love of fine things. I couldn't help noticing your shoes. Fine leather, sophisticated design, a perfectly shaped heel, and -- and, if I may say, such a tiny foot. So dainty.
Erica: If this is a foot fetish --
Paolo: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, forgive me. I -- my family makes leather goods. For generations, we've had a company that caters to a very small but exclusive clientele.
Erica: Not Decaro Leathers?
Paolo: You've heard of us?
Erica: I love your shoes.
Paolo: Perhaps you would allow me to join you for a moment?
Erica: I really was just finishing.
Paolo: Ah, this is -- I can't believe this. I mean, my good fortune to run into Erica Kane. Che Bella. Do you believe in fate?

Dixie: Am I right? I mean, you knew that Adam was Colby's biological father. You knew for a long time, right?
David: Yes, I knew. But I had no idea that it was going to blow up like this.
Dixie: Didn't you -- did you notice what happened? Did you notice Adam got everything that he wanted? Did you notice all the bodies everywhere? Tad, Gillian, Jake?
David: That secret was going to hurt a lot of people, Dixie, whether I was involved or not.
Dixie: Did you -- were you the one that told Gillian?
David: Yes.
Dixie: Do you realize that Jake left her because she kept it to herself?
David: What, are you saying that Jake left her for good?
Dixie: I don't know. I don't know if he did. But I -- I hope not.
David: All right, look, I know you're not going to believe me here, but I was hoping that Jake would remain Colby's father.
Dixie: I don't believe you. You don't like Jake.
David: You're right, I don't. But he's a great father -- a hell of a lot better than Adam Chandler. I mean, what kind of chance is Colby going to have for a stable childhood with Adam Chandler as her father?
Dixie: My goodness, David, it seems that you -- you have a heart.
David: I have eyes. It's a shame that Colby's not going to be able to enjoy the happiness that her half brother does. I mean, luckily for Junior, he has a great mother like you
. Dixie: I don't know about that. Tad has a lot to do with that.
David: Well, speaking of father of the year, when are they going to let him out of jail?
Dixie: I don't know. It's up to the judge.
David: Well, for your sake, I hope it happens soon. As far as Adam's concerned, he can rot for all I care. You know, maybe I should have let his secret out earlier. Would have been in jail a long time ago.
Dixie: Do you remember Adam and Liza's wedding?
David: Mm-hmm.
Dixie: You were going to tell then, weren't you? Yu didn't. Why not?
David: I did it for Erica. She begged me not to tell. And I was determined to prove to her that I was trustworthy. What a fool.
Dixie: Hmm. I take it things aren't going so well with you and Erica, huh?
David: Erica gives new meaning to the term "high-maintenance."
Dixie: Hmm. So I take it you're not going to propose anytime soon?
David: No.

Paolo: Mmm. Almost as good as a Montalpuciano. You've been to the region?
Erica: Oh, it's one of my favorites.
Paolo: Woman of taste.
Erica: And not much time. I'm sorry. I've had a very difficult day.
Paolo: Then I will speak plainly. I want Decaro leathers to become the Enchantment of the leather goods world. And that's where you come in.
Erica: Me?
Paolo: I would like to explore the possibility of a partnership between our companies.
Erica: Well, that's very ambitious. What is the angle?
Paolo: Why don't we decide that together? Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I truly believe that anything is possible, especially if the right people are involved. Would it be possible for me to have a tour of Enchantment? I mean, if it's not an imposition, of course. I actually have some time this afternoon.
Erica: Well, I'm sorry. My schedule is completely full. However, I would be happy to arrange for a member of my staff to show you around.
Paolo: Thank you very much. You're too kind.
Erica: Well, can you be there in about half an hour?
Paolo: Nothing could keep me away.

Greenlee: What kind of trouble are you in?
Leo: You have to swear to me that you're not going to tell a soul.
Greenlee: I swear.
Leo: Do you remember Paolo?
Greenlee: That gigolo for hire that got Marian in bed? Yeah.
Leo: Yeah. He threatened to blab his mouth about seducing Marian unless I give him 30,000 bucks.
Greenlee: Let Adam give him the money. It was his idea.
Leo: I told you not to mention his name. Look, if Paolo goes to Adam, am dead. Look, I was warned if Stuart or Marian discovers that I was involved with Adam that he will make my life miserable -- if he doesn't kill me first.
Greenlee: You can't give Paolo the money. It's blackmail. He'll only come back for more.
Leo: Great. Either Paolo bleeds me to death or Adam just kills me flat out. Slow death versus quick death. Not good options. How the hell am I going to come --
Becca: Have you seen -- have you seen Scott?
Greenlee: Yeah, he's on a location shoot, but the crew will be back in a few minutes. I'm going to go get that latte.
Leo: Ok.
Greenlee: Ciao.

Becca: Hi. You know, I have some time before Scott gets here if you want to do some math drills.
Leo: I'll be dead before I learn eight times eight.
Becca: Is David harassing you again? He was so cruel to you the other night.
Leo: E deficiency in my education is just an excuse. David's bent because I won't worship his trophy girlfriend, the incomparable Erica Kane.
Becca: She's beautiful, and she's opinionated.
Leo: So, are you ever going to tell me what she said about me?
Becca: She said that were you like your mother and that your only interest in me was to use me.
Leo: Oh, she did?
Becca: Uh-huh.
Leo: That overrated Prima Donna.
Becca: Leo -- are you --

Janet: I can't believe Amanda got a D. I'm going to have to call her teacher.
Arlene: Are you going to give her a talking-to?
Janet: Now may not be the best time.
Arlene: Well, I hate to put a damper on things, but when will be the best time? I mean, Trevor might never come back.
Janet: How can you say that?
Arlene: Hey, it's just a reality check.
Janet: Trevor is coming home. He promised.
Arlene: Things change, Janet. I mean, when was the last time you heard from him?
Janet: Well, he's never contacted me directly. It was always through Brooke, and now Brooke's in China, so --
Arlene: You mean he's never made an effort to get in touch with you?
Janet: Look, I've got to go to Enchantment while I still have a job.
Amanda? I'm leaving, honey. Good-bye. I'll be back in a couple of hours.

Arlene: Credit card city.

[Telephone rings]

Arlene: Hello.
Adrian: Hey, it's Adrian.
Arlene: Oh. Well, hello. It's nice to hear your voice.
Adrian: Well, I had some free time, and I figured with Trevor gone, you two ladies could use some repairs done around the house.
Arlene: Well, you know, your ears must be burning because Janet just said it would be nice if you would drop by sometime.
Adrian: Oh, ok. Then I'll come right over.
Arlene: Bring your tool box.
To fix my broken heart.

Ryan: Hi.
Greenlee: Hi. Oh, my -- what was that for?
Ryan: I got the gig!
Greenlee: You did?
Ryan: Yes!
Greenlee: That's awesome!
Ryan: I know. All I got to do -- all I have to do now is impress him with my proposal for the best e-commerce site ever. He's going to give me a little time to work it out, though.
Greenlee: So, was there a catch?
Ryan: No. None. I'm telling you, we hit it off.
Greenlee: Is he legit?
Ryan: Well, he's got some major, major references. Not the kind of references you can fake, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Well, that sounds really good. Did he say anything about you not having any dot-com experience?
Ryan: No, no. He just liked my sales record. He doesn't want some techno-geek. He wants someone who can come up with some good ideas and someone who can sell those ideas.
Greenlee: And you're his man.
Ryan: When he sees my business proposal -- ah -- I'm going to blow him away.
Greenlee: So you have ideas?
Ryan: Do I have ideas?
Greenlee: Yeah.
Ryan: What, are you kidding me? Prepare to be amazed.
Arlene: Mood. Music.

[Music plays]

Arlene: Kid. How you doing, sweetie?
Amanda: I'm hungry. I'm going to make a snack.
Arlene: Yeah? Well, you want to take your snack outside and play with your friends?
Amanda: No.
Arlene: No? Well, the fresh air would do you some good.
Amanda: Do you want to take Smokey for a walk?
Arlene: Let me see. Oh, darn, it looks like rain. Hey, how about a movie? This one looks good.
Amanda: What is it?
Arlene: Two hours and 40 minutes. It's your favorite. Your mom told me.
Amanda: Well, my mom wants me to do my homework.
Arlene: Well, it'll be a secret between the two of us, ok? Tell you what. You start watching this now, I bet you'll get to see the whole movie and be studying like a champ by the time your mom gets home.
Amanda: Ok.
Arlene: Oh, sweetie, you don't have time to make a snack if you want to watch the whole movie. How about a roll of mints?
Amanda: Thanks.
Arlene: Ooh. And a chocolate bar.
Amanda: Both? Wow.
Arlene: Yeah. Live it up. Ooh, and close the door so you're not interrupted, ok?
No, better not.

[Knock on door]

Arlene: Just a sec.
Arlene: Come on in.
Adrian: Hey. So, where's -- where's Janet?
Arlene: Let me take your coat. You know, right after you called, Janet said she had to go to Enchantment. She just realized it.
Adrian: Well, what about Amanda?
Arlene: Silly me. I forgot that she had a play date.
Adrian: Oh. Maybe I should come back, then.
Arlene: Oh, no, don't go. Janet will be right back.
Adrian: All right, then, what needs fixing?
Arlene: What's the rush? We can just wait here together for Janet. You know, I couldn't have planned this out better myself.
Adrian: Oh, yeah? Why is that?
Arlene: Well, I have to tell you, I -- I want to thank you in private for your gallantry after Hayley and Mateo's engagement party.
Adrian: Well, actually, Mateo plans for you to be gone when he gets back from Jamaica.
Arlene: What do you mean? Because of my toast? I didn't mean any harm.
Adrian: I think it has a lot more to do than that toast.
Arlene: Yeah, I saw the two of you talking at the party. What'd he do, warn you against me?
Adrian: Mateo and I are partners. We talk about a lot of things.
Arlene: Mateo is intimidated by me, and that's why he wants me to leave Pine Valley. You, on the other hand, are -- well, you strike me as a different kind of man that's not threatened by a woman that knows what she wants.

Erica: Oh, Janet, I'm so glad you're here.
Janet: Those are the financial statements that you requested. Just take a look at them and call me if you have any questions.
Erica: All right. Well, Janet, wait a minute. Is everything all right?
Janet: It's tax time. Things get a little crazy.
Erica: Well, can you wait a minute? I mean, I'd love to catch up.
Janet: That would be great, but I've got to get home. I try to stay close to Amanda these days.
Erica: Oh. Of course. Well, how is she?
Janet: She misses her daddy. She's having some problems in school, which she isn't talking to me about, but I called her teacher.
Erica: Well, look, Janet, if there's anything you need from me -- I mean, do you need some money?
Janet: No. We'll get by, financially at least. It's just that -- it's just that we both miss Trevor so much. I'm sorry.
Erica: No. Of course. I mean, Janet, please, you don't have to pretend with me that everything's all right.
Janet: I know that. But I can't fall apart every time I think about Trevor. I mean, I have to put up some kind of a front. What kind of an example am I setting for Amanda?

Leo: Erica!
Val: Excuse me.
Leo: Erica!
Val: Sir, you cannot just barge into this office!
Leo: Too late.
Val: I'm sorry, Erica.
Erica: No, it's all right, Val, really. I can handle Mr. du Pres. So, I assume you're here to apologize for all the despicable things you said to David and me.
Leo: Do I look like I'm sorry?
Erica: Well, you should be. How dare you compare me to Vanessa.
Leo: I was wrong.
Erica: Well, no points for sincerity, but your apology is accepted.
Leo: I said that you were the pale clone of Vanessa. Well, that is a compliment that you don't deserve.
Erica: Oh, get out.
Leo: You know, I don't care if David has convinced you to hate me and my mother, but you keep your nasty opinions to yourself.
Erica: Well, I will say whatever I please to whomever I want.
Leo: Hey, I can take your arrogance, Erica, but you keep my friends out of this.
Erica: You have friends?
Leo: You tried to turn Becca against me.
Erica: Is that what this tantrum is about? Did she dump you?
Leo: Fortunately, Becca isn't impressed with your lies.
Erica: Oh, I didn't have to lie. Becca's just too unsophisticated to spot a parasite when she sees one. I, on the other hand, could spot you from a mile.
Leo: Really?
Erica: Really. You know, cute doesn't last very long, and, well, before long, everyone will know your life's totally empty and they'll know what a big loser you are.

Val: Mr. Decaro is here for his tour.
Erica: Thank you, Val. Bring him in.

Adrian: So, Arlene, what do you -- what do you want out of life, huh?
Arlene: Everything. And I'm not ashamed to say it or go after it.
Adrian: So, is that why you came to Pine Valley? A career move?
Arlene: I was dedicated to that job. You know that? I had a real future. It's just that my boss -- well, he decided he needed to shag me instead of the carpet.
Adrian: Well, why didn't you go after him for sexual harassment?
Arlene: I did. I tried. But my lawyer said, with my looks, no jury would be on my side.
Adrian: Really?
Arlene: Mm-hmm. And I thought, why should I hide my light under a bushel when I -- well, to make all the uglies of the world happy. You know what I mean?
Adrian: Guess beauty can be a burden, huh?
Arlene: I knew you'd understand. What about you? You're good-looking. I bet a lot of women have come on to you. You always been in the nightclub business?
Adrian: Actually this is my first time. I used to work for the government.
Arlene: I.R.S.? You could do my long form anytime.
Adrian: Um -- actually, I used to be undercover.
Arlene: A spy? Oh, my goodness. I've never met a real spy before. You got to tell me everything.

Ryan: Do you know what this means, Greenlee? Do you know what it means? It means I don't have to keep coming to work every day just to earn a buck. It means I'm going to be creating something, part of something new and exciting.
Greenlee: No job could be that thrilling.
Ryan: The possibilities are endless!
Greenlee: Well, that's great. But do you have any ideas?
Ryan: Well, you see, that's just it. That's just it. When I was pitching this to this Midori, the ideas were, like, flowing out of me. It was like I'd been working on this forever.
Greenlee: I've never seen you this excited.
Ryan: I feel like things are finally coming together for me, Greenlee. I mean, I've been treading water for such a long time, spinning my wheels, my head all over the place. And all the time this is what I wanted, and I didn't even know it. I am going to make this happen, Greenlee. I've finally caught the brass ring.

Dixie: I don't know. I thought she'd be wearing your ring right about now.
David: Well, that's rather presumptuous of you.
Dixie: Really?
David: Erica and I have a very complicated relationship.
Dixie: Oh, really? Name me a simple one.
David: Think about it. Considering her track record, I'm wise to be cautious, wouldn't you say?
Dixie: Yeah, you have a point. But love --
David: No, no, no. Please, don't te me that love conquers all. Believe me, Cupid never met Erica Kane.
Dixie: Why do I think I shouldn't tell her that you said that?
David: You're a very wise woman, Dixie.
Dixie: David, love is the glue. It can get you through absolutely anything. If you had told me a year ago that tad and I would be remarried after Liza broke us up, I would not have believed you.
David: But you made it work.
Dixie: Yeah. After a lot of heartache and soul-searching.
David: All right. Come on. Spill it. How'd you do it?
Dixie: I don't know. I guess it's just -- it's just communication. You just -- we just get it out in the open before it festers and turns into something unsolvable.
David: Hmm. What a novel concept.
Dixie: What, you and Erica just don't talk openly?
David: Yeah, right. Not a chance.

Erica: Welcome, Paolo. I'm so glad you could make it.
Paolo: Thank you. If I'm interrupting, I can leave.
Janet: Excuse me --
Erica: No.
Janet: I'm sorry to interrupt. I finished the state returns. If you want to sign them, I can get them in the mail today.
Erica: Ok. Will you excuse me for a moment, please?
Paolo: Of course.
Erica: Be gone when I get back.

Leo: Well, you've come up in the world. What's with the name, Decaro?
Paolo: I'm ambitious.
Leo: You actually think that you can land Erica Kane? She doesn't need you. A woman of her status? What, are you delusional?
Paolo: [Italian accent]
Leo, Leo. Huh? A man has to eat. So why not do so with the most exquisite woman he can find, hmm?
Leo: At her expense, of course.
Paolo: [Normal voice] naturally.
Leo: Look, man, you do not know what you're getting yourself into here. We need to talk about this. Come down to the Valley Inn in about an hour. All right.
Paolo: Unless she has other plans for me.

Arlene: An honest-to-goodness spy. You know, that's a coincidence because my favorite movie is "The Spy Who Loved Me."
Adrian: Yeah, well, I'm no James Bond.
Arlene: No, that's true. You're better. You're real. So, what was it like?
Adrian: Nothing special.
Arlene: Oh, I see. Top-secret stuff. So, what were the highlights, huh? Any scars?
Adrian: A few. Nothing -- nothing major.
Arlene: Nothing major? Rug burn is nothing major. Now, scars received in the line of duty -- that I got to see.
Adrian: Ok, I got shot in the back of the neck here.
Arlene: What, here?
Adrian: Yeah.
Arlene: From a bullet?
Adrian: Yeah. I got shot in the chest once, too, but there's nothing really to see.
Arlene: I'll be the judge of that.
Adrian: You know, actually, I was protected. My mother gave me a little bible I used to carry around to -- you know, to block the bullet.
Arlene: Oh, I love that -- you were saved by the book. So, don't you miss the excitement?
Adrian: I really don't like martinis, stirred or shaken.

[Talking from TV in background]

Arlene: What do you like?
Adrian: Is that the TV I hear?
Arlene: Yeah, Janet must have left the TV on. She likes to tape her soaps.
Adrian: Well, tell Janet sorry I missed her, ok?
Arlene: Wait. You're going? Don't. Don't go.
Adrian: I have to. I got a club that I need to open.
Arlene: Look, let's get together again sometime. You can tell me about your life undercover.
Adrian: I will. You know what? You're one of a kind, Arlene, but I got to go.

Amanda: Somebody here?
Arlene: Yeah, not long enough. It's just you and me, kid. Hey, sweetie, if I'd wanted to hear that movie, I would have joined you.
Amanda: Too loud?
Arlene: Yeah. Listen. Even with the door closed. Can you hear it?
Amanda: I'll go turn it down.
Arlene: Great.
Janet: Hi.
Arlene: Oh, that was quick.
Janet: I thought Amanda might want some help with her homework.
Amanda: I can handle it.
Janet: Are you sure?
Amanda: Positive. I better go study.

Janet: Is Amanda watching TV?
Arlene: Yeah. She begged me. I'm kind of a pushover. I hope you don't mind.
Janet: No, it's all right. I would have done the same thing. I'd give her anything she wants. Only I can't come close to bringing her daddy back.

Greenlee: So, what's the deadline for your proposal?
Ryan: Well, you know, Midori said as soon as I get it on paper, I can submit it. But I'm not going to wait around and let somebody else take advantage of this opportunity.

Becca: Hey, Ryan. Scott and I are going to get something to eat. Do you want to come with us?
Ryan: No, thank you. I got too much work to do, starting, like, five minutes ago.
Becca: Really? What's going on?
Greenlee: Something that doesn't concern you.
Ryan: Something that's actually very exciting and great, but I don't want to jinx it by talking about it. I'll tell you about it when it happens, ok?
Becca: Ok. Well, good luck, whatever it is.
Ryan: Thanks. Thanks.

Greenlee: I am so excited for you.
Ryan: Yeah, I know. Just keep your fingers crossed.
Greenlee: Well, I can do something more than that. I'm telling you that I can be your sounding board.
Ryan: I don't know.
Greenlee: Listen, listen. Listen to me, listen to me. At 2:00 A.M., You may think that selling polka-dot elephants is a great idea. But I can keep you on track. You know, I've surfed the web enough to know what works and what doesn't -- business-to-business, research, retail. You're looking at a really valuable tool.
Ryan: Sounds like you just made me an offer I can't refuse.
Greenlee: Good.

David: You know what this all means, don't you, Erica? The constant fault-finding, the mutual distrust?
Erica: "Mutual"? You have no reason to distrust me.
David: It means that our relationship has come to that point where either we move to the next step or we self-destruct.

Val: And that's it.
Paolo: Thank you.
Val: Maggie in research said if we could package Paolo's charm, we could make a fortune.
Paolo: Please, please. It's I who was charmed. Everyone was so gracious and attractive.
Erica: Well, I'm very glad you had a good time.
Paolo: I was inspired. If you have the time, I would love to talk to you about a possible cooperative venture between Decaro and enchantment.

[Telephone rings]

[Erica removes one earring to answer the phone]

Erica: Excuse me. Hello. Yes. Oh, no, no, no. I want to look at that myself. Absolutely. Yes, I'll be right there. Will you excuse me?
Paolo yes, of course.
Erica: I have an ad campaign I need to look at. Be right back. Will you bring your notepad, Val?

Paolo: Flawless. Color, cut, clarity, and -- whew --
[drops earring]
Paolo: Carats.
Woman knows her C's.

Erica: I'm sorry for the interruption. So, you wanted to discuss -- Paolo: I would actually be honored if you would consider finishing our discussion over dinner. You have to eat, so why not with me? Unless, of course, you have plans that take precedence.
Erica: Nothing important.
Paolo: Good. Valley inn, where our paths first crossed?
Erica: All right, fine. I'll meet you there in, what, two hours?
Paolo: Till then.

Janet: I've got to do something to make this right before it's too late.

[Doorbell rings]

Janet: Derek. Is it Trevor? Is he ok?
Derek: You know and I know that he will never be ok until you tell the truth.
Janet: What are you talking about?
Derek: We both know you killed Sophie Malinowski. Give it up.
Janet: What?
Derek: This is a confession. All you have to do is sign it. The charade ends, your husband comes home, and your little girl gets her daddy back. You know it's the right thing to do.

Greenlee: So, what's the plan? You want to hang here?
Ryan: Uh -- you know, I got to get going, do some work. What's your schedule like?
Greenlee: Well, I just have to do this research for "Wave" and e-mail it to Hayley, but I'm free after that.
Ryan: Ok. Ok, so -- I don't know. Why don't meet back here later, all right? Just bring your brain. I'll spring for the pizza.
Greenlee: You're on.
Ryan: Ok.

Greenlee: Gramps, it's me. Yes, it worked like a dream. Just be sure Midori doesn't slip up. If Ryan finds out who's backing this internet company, everything will be ruined. Thanks, Gramps. You're the greatest.

David: You're upfront, Dixie. It makes talking easy. Erica is a jangle of insecurities and fears. It's like I'm walking through a mine field. I never know what's going to set her off.
Dixie: Well, you know that trust takes a lot of time and patience.
David: Well, I've never been a patient man. If she would just trust what we have, maybe we could make it work.
Dixie: Why don't you tell Erica that?
David: Believe me, I have. She's too busy protecting herself to be able to hear anything.
Dixie: David.
David: All right, look. Just -- why don't we just drop it, ok? If Erica wants to make a go of it, great. But, frankly, I'm tired of trying to talk her through it.

Leo: So, what gives with Erica Kane?
Paolo: We're having dinner. Impressed?
Leo: No, not really. And she won't be, either.
Paolo: Don't be too sure about that. She knows my family.
Leo: Decaro. And how exactly did you come up with that name?
Paolo: I didn't. Erica did. I now come from a long line of fine Italian leather craftsmen.
Leo: You do realize that when she finds out that you're a con man, she will tan your hide personally?
Paolo: Why are you so concerned about my well-being?
Leo: I'm not.
Paolo: You could have busted me in the office today, but you kept your mouth shut. So, why is that?
Leo: Flooz, pal. $30,000 -- I won't say anything if you don't --
Paolo: Say anything, either? Too easy.
Leo: Look, if you land Erica Kane, you will hit the mother lode, my friend. You stop shaking me down, and I won't get in your way.
Paolo: Leo, isn't Erica your brother's girlfriend?
Leo: So?
Paolo: So you have no scruples about scamming somebody who's almost related?
Leo: Not if it works for me.
Paolo: And you thought I was cold.

On the next "All My Children"

Gillian: Did you have to destroy the one good thing that's ever happened to me?

Arlene: Don't sign anything!

Tad: Are you crying?

Liza: Why don't you come to my house. I think that you'll find what I have in mind fascinating.

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