MARCH 27, 2000

Janet: Daddy was here? And he gave you that necklace?
Amanda: He said this angel will look after us when he can't.
Janet: Is he still here?
Amanda: No, he had to go. Oh -- but he told me to tell you something, mommy.

[Gillian speaking Afrikaans]

Myrtle: Look, darling, darling, calm down. Just calm down and tell me what is in the letter.
Gillian: It says that Jake now knows why I did what I did -- because I loved him. Another reason he can say that is because Ryan helped him see that.
Myrtle: Well?
Gillian: Myrtle, I said horrible, hateful things to Ryan.
Myrtle: Look, darling, you -- Ryan will understand if you explain it to him the moment you've calmed down. All right? In the meantime, it's wonderful news about the letter.
Gillian: Yeah. At least he understands, and that's good.
Myrtle: Is he coming home?
Gillian: No, no. He still really needs some time to think about everything. But he'll be in touch.
Myrtle: I'm very happy for you, darling.
Gillian: Oh, Myrtle. I wouldn't even let Ryan explain anything.
Myrtle: Well, I tell you what -- you pick up that phone and you fix it. And you'll feel better and Ryan will feel better. Ok? Go on.
Gillian: You're right.

Gillian: Hey, Scott. It's Gillian. I'm ok. Is Ryan there? Oh. No, there's no message. Thank you. Bye.

Gillian: He's at the studio, so I'm going to go over there. I don't want to go to bed without apologizing.
Myrtle: All right.
Gillian: Thanks, Myrtle.
Myrtle: Bye-bye.

Greenlee: All right, Ryan, once we come up with a name for your web site, we're going to have to check to make sure that it's not already taken. Ryan?
Ryan: Hmm? Sorry. What?
Greenlee: Are you losing your confidence?
Ryan: What? No. No, no, no.
Greenlee: Good, good, because by the end of the night, we are going to have a name and we are going to have brainstormed the best dot-com idea ever. Fueled by pizza. Ryan? Hello?
Ryan: Yeah, no -- um -- believe me, Mr. Midori, out-of-town personal money source, is not going to know what hit him.
Greenlee: All right, that's it. Why are you so down?
Ryan: I'm sorry, Greenlee. I really am sorry. I thought I could shake this mood.
Greenlee: Did I do something?
Ryan: No, no, no. It has nothing to do with you, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Oh.
Ryan: It's -- it's Gillian.
Greenlee: Did you see her again?
Ryan: Yeah, I did. I did, I did. And she really -- she really laid into me. You know, I guess I deserved it.
Greenlee: Well, you know, you can talk to me. I'm your friend.

Adam: Nothing was happening with Stuart. As if it's any of your damn business.
Tad: Adam, be serious. We're sharing a nine-by-nine cell and a toilet. Everything you think is my business for the duration. And anyway, what am I supposed to think, huh? I come back to our junior suite after a nice, hot shower, pass Stuart in the hall. He acts like he doesn't even know me. Then I walk back in here and find you curled up on the cot crying like a little girl.
Adam: Do you see any tears on my face? Do you?
Tad: No. Not after you mopped up. I got to tell you, I'm actually a little disappointed. Means you might actually have something other than raw sewage flowing through your veins, which means I would have to retool my theory about you as a complete monster.
Adam: What's it going to take to get you to shut up?
Tad: The fact is, pal, I got nothing better to do. So let's think about this, shall we? I've always known Stuart was your soft spot, but it's deeper than that, isn't it? Huh? Yeah. Stuart's your moral compass. Without him, you'd just go screaming off into oblivion, wouldn't you? You need him to love you or you're lost. Is that right?
Adam: Shut up, shut up, shut up! If I had a moment of weakness this evening, it's because I'm condemned to spend yet another night in this hole with you.
Tad: Nah, that's not it. Nah, something definitely happened between you and your brother. The question now is, what? What does Stuart know now that he didn't know before? Huh? Is it about you, or is it about him? Stuart is honest, loyal, loving. You? You're pond scum, you're filth. You wouldn't know a decent thought if it crawled up --

["Ride of the Valkyries" plays]

Leo: You want my help? Why?
Liza: It's important and it's highly, highly confidential.
Leo: Do you always take meetings in the candlelight?
Liza: Only the ones that intrigue me. Would you like a scotch?
Leo: Maybe.
Liza: It's a magnificent unblended 16-year-old. My favorite kind.
Leo: Ok.
Liza: To adventure.
Leo: To adventure.
Liza: Wow. Wow, the trust you have is amazing.
Leo: Trust?
Liza: Well, to take a big gulp like that with somebody that you hardly know.
Leo: I know you, Liza.
Liza: You do?
Leo: Yeah.
Liza: That didn't taste funny?
Leo: What, the scotch? Liza: Or what I might have put it.

["Ride of the Valkyries" plays]

Tad: "Ride of the Valkyries." That's good. It's nice. It's appropriate. Probably your theme song. After all, it was written by Hitler's favorite composer. Yeah. What the hell? Everybody needs role models, right, Adam?

[Rock music plays]

Adam: Stop it.
Tad: There you are. Now you're talking. You know, your son's actually fond of this stuff. But you don't know that, do you? See? I'm kind of partial to it myself.
Adam: Give it, give it!

["Ride of the Valkyries" plays]

Adam: Richard Wagner was one of the greatest operatic composers that ever lived.
Tad: Yeah, well, you're high if you think I'm going to sit there and listen to a fat lady screech all night. Forget it, pal.

[Music stops]

Adam: Give me that.
Tad: No, come here. Get it.
Adam: Give it. Give it here!

Guard: Hey! You know you're not supposed to have that.
Adam: Officer, I -- my son brought this for me. I was going to put it next to my pillow on my -- to my ear so I could get some sleep. And this maniac --
Tad: Don't believe him.
Adam: Jerked it out of my hand and turned it up full volume.
Tad: He's a liar. Look at him -- he's lying through his teeth. Do I look like the kind of guy that would listen to opera? Please.
Guard: Look, I hear it, I take it. Clear enough?
Adam: Yes. Thank you.
Guard: I never saw that thing.
Adam: Understood.

Adam: You satisfied?
Tad: "I was going to sleep with it next to my pillow! Eeh! Why don't you just ask him for a good-night kiss?
Adam: God, if I'm going to be stuck in this hellhole with your inane blatherings, I need something -- anything -- to divert me.
Tad: I got it. I'll play you for it.
Adam: For what?
Tad: Musical selection. What do you think?
Adam: Well, what do you suggest we play? Go fish?
Tad: Junior sent you a chess set, didn't he?
Adam: You want to play chess?
Tad: That's right.
Adam: You're joking.
Tad: No. You afraid? Huh?
Adam: Stunned is more like it -- at your audacity.
Tad: Oh, pal, I hope you know what you're in for.
Adam: Oh, yes, yes. You are in for Wagner, Strauss, and Beethoven.
Tad: U2, Marvin Gaye, Bruce Hornsby and the Range, and anything else that makes you choke, you old gasbag.
Adam: Give me the white. I get the white.
Tad: I get white.
Adam: I get the white!
Tad: God, I hate you.
Adam: And I loathe you. I loathe you and everything you stand for. Let's play

Liza: You know, it's really easy to drug someone.
Leo: You drugged me?
Liza: You know, I think about my mother -- my poor mother, who never let anybody take advantage of her. And she took this drink from Paolo Caselli, and all of a sudden she started getting dizzy and disoriented and confused. Can you imagine how frightened she was?
Leo: Liza, what --
Liza: The room was spinning, everything was in a blur. And her next conscious moment, she -- well, you were there. She had no idea how she happened to be there the way that she was. That's terrifying, don't you think? You know, that's Adam's favorite scotch. You might want to finish what you got in the glass.
Leo: Liza, what is this?
Liza: How are you feeling? Leo: I'm fine -- I think.
Liza: Really?
Leo: Liza, did you drug me or not?
Liza: No, I didn't. But I did want you to think -- feel, for just a minute -- helpless. Helpless kind of stinks, don't it, Leo?
Leo: What is -- what is this all about?
Liza: You know, being drugged is a little like blackmail from somebody more eminently powerful than yourself. You know what I mean, don't you?
Leo: No. Not at all.
Liza: Oh, sure you do. Your current association with my husband is a fine example.
Leo: I don't have any association with Adam.
Liza: Oh, please don't be lame. You were the middleman between Paolo and Adam. Adam's not going to dirty his hands, but he's not hesitant to get a hired gun to do his bidding.
Leo: I don't know what you're talking about.
Liza: Sure you do. Adam wants to destroy my mother's marriage. He hates her. He doesn't care that she makes his brother happy. All Adam cares about is revenge. And he got it by hiring the little grifter wannabe.
Leo: What do you want from me? If you're going to fire me, why don't you just do it.
Liza: Oh, Leo, how can I fire you? How can I force you to help me if I fire you?

Arlene: Amanda, honey, tell us what your daddy said.
Amanda: Well, he said he loves us a lot. And he's going to try to come home as soon he can. And when he does, we're all going to be together again, like we used to. And then he said that no daddy loves his little girl like he does. That's what he said.
Janet: Where did you see him?
Arlene: It's ok, sweetie. You can tell us.
Amanda: I was walking home from school, and he walked with me.
Janet: And that's when he gave you the necklace?
Amanda: Uh-huh.
Janet: Sweetheart, it's just a little hard to believe. I mean, Daddy has to keep out of sight until things get straightened out here. Now, that sounds very risky for him. I just can't see him putting any one of us in danger.
Amanda: But that's what's so great about it. We're all safe. Do you know why?
Janet: No, I don't.
Amanda: Nobody can see him but me.
Janet: Arlene, could you put some water on for tea for us?
Arlene: Sure. Tea's a great idea. And some hot cocoa for you, just like you and your daddy like it.
Amanda: Three marshmallows.
Arlene: No more, no less.
Janet: Amanda, sweetheart, could you come sit by me for a minute? I know how hard things have been for you. We've asked you to handle so much -- so much more than any little girl should ever have to handle. But I want you to be car about one thing.
Amanda: What?
Janet: I want you to understand that you matter more than anything else to me no matter how hard things get.
Amanda: It's ok now.
Janet: Because he's back.
Amanda: Yep. Janet: I know you've got a lot of pressure on you with your schoolwork and your friends, people asking you questions about what happened, saying things about your daddy.
Amanda: I don't care what anyone says anymore.
Janet: That's not easy. Believe me, I know. I want you to know that I'm sad, too. I miss your daddy every second of the day, just as much as you miss him. In fact, I miss him so much that sometimes I think I hear him. I want every car that drives up the driveway to be his. I want to hear the jingle of his keys when he puts them in the front door. Sometimes when I'm very, very sad, I actually do think I hear him. But it's not real. You know what I'm saying, sweetheart? That is a pretty necklace. I remember the day that you and me and daddy saw it in the window of The Lost Pearl.
Amanda: That's why he gave it to me.
Janet: Are you sure that Daddy gave it to you? Are you sure you don't just wish that he did? Sweetheart, you can trust me. Just tell me. Where did you get the necklace? If you took it, we can go back to the store and pay them for it and tell them that it was all just a big --
Amanda: I'm not giving it back.
Janet: Amanda --
Amanda: I'm not giving back a present that Daddy gave to me. No way, no how.

Greenlee: All right, here's my theory, ok? Gillian is just so in love with Jake and she misses him so much that she's taking it out on you. It's not personal. It's just she's feeing guilty, you know? She's wanting her husband back.
Ryan: You're right. You're right. What can I say? Every encounter I've ever had with Gillian has turned out to be a disaster, believe me. I mean, you know, in the long run and everything. It's over. It's over. I promised that to Gillian, and I am going to keep my word.
Greenlee: Well, that's very brave of you, Ryan.
Ryan: You think that's brave. I'll tell you what's brave. Brave is coming up with a kick-butt idea of what to do with all that money that Midori's going to throw at me.
Greenlee: That's the spirit.
Ryan: You want to know what else I think I can do?
Greenlee: In detail.

Tad: Got to hand it to you, Chandler. You're 100% consistent -- cheat at everything.
Adam: I'd accuse you of cheating, but that would imply you know how to play the game.
Tad: I know exactly how to play the game. You're just upset because I wouldn't let you move your Bishop illegally.
Adam: What about your Rook?
Tad: What about my Rook?
Adam: You're moving it all over the place, like a line dancer at a biker bar.
Tad: Yeah, it's called castling, Moron. Look it up. Your move. Love to know what you're going to do with that Knight. Thank you.
Adam: Oh, no!
Tad: Oh, yes. You lost.
Adam: No, no, no --
Tad: You lost your Queen.
Adam: You distracted me. I didn't lose her. You took her.
Tad: Idiot. Village idiot. I took your Queen. Does that sound familiar?
Adam: What is that supposed to mean?
Tad: Does that sound familiar -- "I took your Queen"?
Adam: You took my queen?
Tad: Yeah, yeah. Liza, Dixie, Brooke, Gloria.
Adam: What is this compulsion you have? What is th --
Tad: Compulsion I have --
Adam: Why are you all tied up in trying to protect the women of Pine Valley from me?
Tad: Play the game, Adam.
Adam: Do you hear how psychotic that is?
Tad: Play the game.
Adam: No, no. I'm answering you a question. What is your obsession with all the women who've chosen me? Is it because they didn't choose you, Tad? Or is it just Liza?

Leo: For the life of me, Liza, I don't know what you're getting at.
Liza: Look, Adam was at the center of this little horror show concerning my mother, and you were involved in it as well. In fact, he's going to be extremely upset when he figures out his little plot has failed. He hates that.
Leo: What do you want from me?
Liza: I want facts, Leo. I want to know who was involved. I want to know all of it. My mother may look like some little helpless victim, but she's actually a viper. She makes Adam look like a puppy dog when it comes to revenge, and she has vowed revenge on everyone who is involved in this. She's going to go to the police. She's going to go to Palmer, actually, in your case. You know how he hates scandal.
Leo: I am not admitting to anything, but if in some way I was involved --
Liza: Yes?
Leo: Look, I don't have anything against Marian or Stuart. I never did. I still don't.
Liza: Oh, come on, Leo. Grow up. You're halfway there. Come on, spit it out. Tell me what Adam has, how he's getting you to play along.
Leo: No. You just want to get me to confess so that you can use me against Adam. But I am not getting sucked into whatever the hell this is. I'm leaving. And I hope that I can walk out of this place without some booby trap snapping me into some secret passageway.
Liza: Well, all right. All right. I'll tell you everything. I already know what Adam did, and I'm going to ruin him for it.
Leo: I don't know what you're talking about.
Liza: Look, Leo, you have a choice here. And there's only one that's going to leave you standing. You can choose Adam or you can choose me. And let me remind you that Adam is in prison and I'm standing right here. Because you're drowning, Pal, and I am the only person who can get you back to shore.

Tad: I admit it. You're a user. No, you're worse than that. You're a one-man walking disaster area. I'm not the kind of guy that stands back and lets bad things happen to my friends. And as far as protecting the women of pine valley from you, it's a full-time job.
Adam: You and Dixie are a perfect match.
Tad: Don't you ever talk about Dixie.
Adam: Sanctimonious snobs is what you are.
Tad: You have no right to talk about Dixie or my family or anything else!
Adam: I will say anything I want about Dixie!

Jack: Boys, boys, boys. Am I interrupting something?
Tad: No. As a matter of fact, Jackson, your timing's perfect, as always.
Jack: Adam, if you're not too busy here, I've go papers for you to sign.
Adam: Who in the hell do you think you are, bringing those to me here?
Jack: Oh, I know you think you can stall indefinitely. But let me explain to you why it's to your advantage to sign these tonight.
Adam: No. Not now, Jackson.
Jack: If you contest this divorce, I'll ask for an early court date, and I'll get it. And then that two-year waiting period for a no-fault divorce? That goes right out the window with about half of your assets because, boy, do we have a clear-cut case of emotional and mental cruelty.
Adam: Liza wants to take this to court?
Jack: We have no problem whatsoever with airing your dirty laundry.
Adam: Oh, please. You think you can intimidate me just because I'm temporarily stuck in here?
Jack: Think about this, Adam. If I make this a matter of public record, what kind of visitation rights do you think you're going to get with Colby, huh?
Adam: How dare you!
Jack: No, how dare you. Liza's not going to let you drag this thing out. She's certainly not going to sit at home on the sofa knitting while you learn humility. And why should she? She's a powerful businesswoman, smart as a tack, and beautiful to boot.
Adam: Just what are you driving at, Jackson?
Jack: My God, you are thick, aren't you? My point, Adam, is that she does not need you. So why don't you for once in your miserable life do the compassionate thing and set her free?
Tad: Yeah.
Adam: Shut up. Go away.
Jack: Fine, I'll go. But, Adam, I got to tell you, you snooze, you lose. Everything -- Liza, Colby, your reputation, and a good portion of your assets. Now, however, if you sign these papers, well, now, then we can talk. So, Adam, what's it going to be? What do you say?

Liza: I know what it's like, Leo, to get roped in by Adam and not be able to get out. You feel vulnerable and you feel stuck. What has Adam got on you? Some sort of scandal? Does he have proof of it? Photos, maybe? Otherwise, you wouldn't look so caught. Does Adam have it in his hot little hands? Or does he have it in his hot little safe?
Leo: How could you know that?
Liza: I'll be right back. Why don't you pour yourself some confidence, Leo. Did you ally think I couldn't get into that safe? Really?

Janet: Amanda, I know you're afraid to tell me things.
Amanda: I told you about Dad, didn't I?
Janet: You didn't tell me about the D on your history test. Don't worry, honey. I'm not mad. I just -- I understand that it's hard for you to tell me things since Daddy's gone. I guess you're probably afraid that something you say might upset me. But I want you to know that you can tell me anything. Anything at all.
Arlene: All right. Tea and cocoa, ready to drink. Just like you like it, ma'am.
Amanda: Can I go drink it out on the porch?
Janet: Ok.

[Door closes]

Janet: I don't know what I'm going to do.
Arlene: You're doing fine, Janet. You're a great mom. She's just going through a phase.
Janet: What if it's not a phase? What if there's something wrong with this fantasy life she's having and she really needs help?
Arlene: Well, what do you mean? What kind of help?
Janet: Psychiatric help.
Arlene: No. No, you don't want to do that. Look, she'll be traumatized. I mean, she has enough to deal with. And who can love her better but her mom? Huh?
Janet: Arlene, she's not opening up to me.
Arlene: Well, maybe I can be of some help here. Let me earn my keep. Let me help you, Janet. It's going to be ok. You don't have to do this alone.

Greenlee: Oh, Ryan, you are losing focus!
Ryan: Oh. How could I not be losing focus? We've been here for hours. We're the last people in this place, and I still don't know what I'm going to do with all this money that Midori is throwing at me.
Greenlee: Dream it.
Ryan: What?
Greenlee: Dream it and it'll happen.
Ryan: What are you talking -- like "Build it a they will come"?
Greenlee: Yeah, why not? Listen to me -- what would the world's greatest web site be?
Ryan: Nothing like thinking big, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Well, why play small?
Ryan: Ok. You're right. World's greatest web site. I guess it would be something I could log on to and get anything I wanted.
Greenlee: Virtual wish fulfillment.
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah.
Greenlee: Like a crave site.
Ryan: Like a what?
Greenlee: Yeah. You have a craving, you go to the web site. And you want red leather pants, you click, you charge. You want ribs from the best place in Georgia, you got them. Lgian truffles -- I don't know. Top-of-the-line stereo equipment.
Ryan: Anything.
Greenlee: Anything!
Ryan: Yeah, yeah. Maybe, maybe. We're getting there. But it's got to be absolutely anything, not just stuff you can buy. Like you got to be able to get a job there.
Greenlee: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Or something cool, like a date with Jude Law.
Ryan: What? Like a date with Jude Law? What if I want to get a date with Cher or something?
Greenlee: Cher?
Ryan: Yes.
Greenlee: You like Cher?
Ryan: You know --
Greenlee: Is that what you're into? Fishnet tights, black, tattoos?
Ryan: Yeah, sure. It's all good. It's all good.
Greenlee: Oh, yeah. Spiked heels?
Ryan: Well, look at Jude Law. That's not a lot better. Please.

[Gillian hears Greenlee and Ryan and leaves]

Greenlee: What was that?
Ryan: Somebody's out there.
Greenlee: Anyone out there?
Ryan: No. No.
Greenlee: Well, come on, come on. I think we're on to something here. This virtual wish fulfillment.
Ryan: Yeah, yeah, ok. All right, all right. It's a good idea. I just -- I don't know if it's realistic.
Greenlee: What? Do you think someone said that to the Wright Brothers?
Ryan: The Wright Brothers?
Greenlee: Yes.
Ryan: Please. What, you think that my dot-com company is going to be the best thing since manned flight?
Greenlee: Well -- are you getting negative on me? Am I going to have to reprimand you?
Ryan: Oh.
Greenlee: Huh?
Greenlee: Ha-ha. You wish.
Greenlee: That is entirely up to you.
Ryan: Oh, really?
Greenlee: Yes, really.
Ryan: Really? Let me see that. Come here, you little peanut.
Greenlee: Ah!
Ryan: Get over here. Come here.

Myrtle: Hello?
Rae: Hey, Mama.
Myrtle: Darling, how are you?
Rae: I'm ok. And you? Are you ok?
Myrtle: Yeah, yeah. I'm just fine. You sound a little bit troubled, honey.
Rae: Oh, no, no. Well, you know, I do have some news. I just can't figure out if it's good or not.
Myrtle: Well, well. Tell me, what is it?
Rae: Well, I finally tracked down that desk.
Myrtle: Oh, glory, hallelujah!
Rae: In fact, if anybody needs any information on one of these roll top desks, ask me. I know everything there is to know by this time.
Myrtle: Listen, what is the bad news about that?
Rae: You know what? I go to all this trouble to find this desk, and what if there's nothing in it that's going to give me information about where to find my daughter?
Myrtle: Look, darling, I know it's very hard not to know. But, look, you found the desk. That's a great big step.
Rae: Let's just hope that Dr. Pendergast's desk has his old Bible in it, and in that bible are a list of all those babies he sold.
Myrtle: Listen, darling, we are going to find her. We're going to find your girl.
Rae: Ok. You know what? I'm going to hold on to that.
Myrtle: Yeah. Listen -- listen, darling, how did you manage to track down the desk?
Rae: Well, actually, the private investigator did it. He found it in a town in upstate New York. I never even heard of it before.
Myrtle: Well, what's the name of the town?
Rae: Port Charles?

Jack: Last chance, Adam. Ok. Well, as much as I wanted to help Liza be rid of you as soon as possible, I can't say I won't enjoy making you look as pathetic to the rest of the world as you look to me right now. I'll see you, Tad.
Tad: Yeah. Always a pleasure, Counselor. Give my best to Liza.
Say, what do you think, huh? About Jackson with Liza. I mean, you know, as a couple. They got a lot in common. They're both tall, blond mammals, you know? He's successful. He's smart, good-looking. She could do worse. What am I saying? She already has. Yeah, and I hear that happens a lot -- you know, divorcees going out with their attorneys. It happens all the time. What, with Liza being out there with the rest of the world and you being trapped in here -- well, it's just a matter of time before somebody decides -- you know.
Adam: We need to make a deal.
Tad: "We" who?
Adam: You and me. Liza doesn't testify against me, I don't testify against you. I need to get out of here. And we both need to get out of here. Come on, Tad. For once in your life, see the forest for the trees.
Tad: Adam?
Adam: Yes?
Tad: Not a chance.

Liza: Well, that was easy. A confidential business plan belonging to your stepfather? I gather you stole it from Palmer, Palmer doesn't know it, and Adam is hanging on to it until he gets you to do what he wants. I bet if you return this, your life would look a whole lot simpler. It's yours. It's yours if you tell me who else was involved in trying to ruin my mother besides Paolo and Adam.
Leo: There was no one else. Adam gave me orders. I found Paolo and hired him to seduce your mother. But I swear to you that I didn't know he was going to drug her. I'm just thankful that nothing else happened.
Liza: You sure about that?
Leo: Paolo isn't a rapist. He romances women, and Marian wasn't interested. He used the drug just to make it look like something happened so he could get paid.
Liza: Thank you.
Leo: But I will go to my grave denying that I ever said any of that. You can't use this against me, Liza.
Liza: After everything that we've meant to each other this evening, and you still underestimate me?
Leo: No, no, no. It's your word against mine.
Liza: Oh, no, no, no. It's your word against the videotape.

Ryan: You know what?
Greenlee: What?
Ryan: I just came up with a great name for the company.
Greenlee: Great.
Ryan: It just came to me.
Greenlee: Ryan?
Ryan: Green?
Greenlee: That is fabulous.
Ryan: You think so?
Greenlee: Yes! You're a genius.
Ryan: You are the best partner anybody could have! Oh! Yes.

Myrtle: Oh. You're back.
Gillian: I forgot this box that I packed earlier. I hope it's ok.
Myrtle: Oh, it's fine. But, darling, you're not looking so good. Did you talk to Ryan at the station?
Gillian: No. I missed him.
Myrtle: Well, you can talk to him tomorrow.
Gillian: You know, maybe it's better that I didn't get to see him. Maybe it's better to just let it go, to let him go. I'd just say the wrong thing or give him the wrong idea. You know, I made my break, and he just deserves his freedom as well. So maybe it's better. Bye.

Janet: Thanks for helping me calm down.
Arlene: Well, your kid comes first. I know that.
Janet: She's still out on the porch. Maybe I should go --
Arlene: No, no, sweetie. You know, give her a little space. Don't push it. Janet, she'll be fine.

Image: I know what you're thinking. But Arlene is right. You should listen to her. The last thing that kid needs is a shrink. Look at what good it did you.
Janet: But what if she needs my help?
Image: Trust me on this one. If Amanda spends any time on the couch, the little men in white coats are going to come and take you away. Hell, they'll take Amanda, too. I mean, like mother, like daughter.
Janet: I won't let that happen.
Image: Then don't be a jerk, Janet. One more thing. I'd take that mirror out of the kid's bedroom. Like, yesterday.

Amanda: Oh, I love my necklace, Daddy. And, yes, I'll wear it every day till you come home for good. I love you, too, Daddy.

Adam: You'd rather see me suffer than be home with your wife and family?
Tad: Nice try, Adam.
Adam: That's the choice. They need you. What about your job? What about your TV show?
Tad: What about it? I'm thinking of doing a broadcast in here. Think of the ratings.
Adam: Are ratings all you care about, Tad?
Tad: No. What I care about is making sure you're stopped permanently. And I am prepared to sacrifice everything and anything to make sure that happens. So if I have to listen to opera on your weenie little radio from now until hell freezes over, so be it. No deal, Adam.

Leo: I can't believe this.
Liza: Sorry.
Leo: What do you think Adam's going to say when he gets out of jail and finds out you took this from the safe?
Liza: You know what? When Adam gets out of jail, his plate's going to be so full, it's not going to be funny. Actually, it is going to be funny.
Leo: I cannot believe that you just videotaped me.
Liza: That's nothing. Wait till you see what I have planned for Adam.

On the next "All My Children"

Alex: Think I can't handle David? Watch this.

Tad: What are you talking about?
Dixie: I'm talking about Liza, Tad. This whole little escapade. You're doing it for her.

Liza: When I get done with Adam, he's going to be begging for mercy.

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