MARCH 7, 2000

Myrtle: Now, over there is Miller's Pond.
Rae: Oh.
Myrtle: And just beyond that, over there is, is the little pond where they have the ice skating. Oh, gosh, I love to watch the skaters.
Rae: I do, too. I always wished I could skate.
Myrtle: You can't? Oh, what a shame.
Rae: No. Can you?
Myrtle: Well, I used to do a very beautiful figure eight.
Rae: Really?
Myrtle: Yeah. Hey, I tell you what. Let's go over to the pond now, and I'll teach you.
Rae: Oh, no. What about your knees?
Myrtle: Well, so I won't do a triple axel, but I can teach you to glide and stop.
Rae: No, no, absolutely not. I'm going to let you strap on skates and twirl around. Come on, let's sit down instead.
Myrtle: Darling, you -- don't be silly. You don't have to take care of me, you know.
Rae: Yes, I do. I want to. You know, this mother and daughter thing, it goes two ways. So much to make up for. We have a lot of time to make up.
Myrtle: Yeah. I know we do.
Rae: You know, I mean, there's so much I want to know about you. Like the ice skating. I mean, what else am I going to learn about -- about my mother?
Myrtle: Well, I want to know everything about you, too, but we can't do it all tonight. Which is just as well.
Rae: Why? Why can't we? Myrtle: Because you have more pressing things to do than listen to the life and times of Myrtle Fargate.
Rae: No, everything else can wait, believe me.
Myrtle: You have to find your little girl the way I found mine.
Rae: What if your little girl doesn't want this reunion to end?
Myrtle: Oh, darling, don't be silly. There's loads of time. I'm not going anywhere. Got too much to live for. And, listen, you find my granddaughter because I have got so much spoiling to do. But above everything, I want you to feel the joy that I'm feeling right now.

Ryan: This out of the way enough for you?
Greenlee: No.
Tina: Hi.
Ryan: Hey.
Tina: What can I get for you? What's with the funky getup?
Greenlee: Please, this is my new Pashmina.
Ryan: Maybe we'll just take a towel and some ice for my friend here.
Tina: Sure. But what happened to your head
? Ryan: Well, we were at a 76ers game, and --
Greenlee: One of the Knicks tried to kill me.
Tina: Get out. You got tickets to the Knicks game?
Ryan: Yeah, we did. Check it out, check it out. 12 Seconds left, and the 76ers were up by two. Sprewell's got the ball. And he's fading back for a three-pointer. Three points later, Knicks were up by one and Greenlee had a size 17 sneaker in her forehead.
Tina: Ouch. I'm there.
Ryan: Yeah.
Tina: What happened to your face?
Greenlee: Can we just change the subject?
Ryan: We were at the Glamorama earlier, and she got plastered instead of a face peel. And when I say plastered, I mean real plaster.
Tina: Girl, you got hit with the ugly stick! You know what? I'll just go get you some ice and a towel, and your first drink's on me, ok?
Greenlee: Thanks.
Ryan: You see? That was nice.
Greenlee: Yeah. The waitress pities me. Great.
Ryan: Greenlee, come on. Take the scarf off. Will you just --
Greenlee: Are you kidding? People are already staring at me.
Ryan: Would you relax? It's not so bad. All right, you could probably learn something from all this.
Greenlee: What could I possibly learn from this?
Ryan: What it feels like not to be the most beautiful woman in the room.

Mateo: Hey. So it's time for me to cheer you up, all right? We're going to grab a table, we're going to grab a spoon, and we're going to grab some chocolate pudding.
Hayley: When did you add chocolate pudding to the menu?
Mateo: I didn't. I did this just for you. It's special. It's your own little special vintage stock. I knew you'd need some cheering up after testifying about your father, so --
Hayley: That is so sweet.
Mateo: Yeah, it is, isn't it? I'm very sweet.
Hayley: You are.
Mateo: And I also have an idea about maybe something that can work a little better, that can cheer you up a little more.
Hayley: Are you going to take me in the back room for that or what?
Mateo: No, no, no, I'm going to do it right here. Right here. Yeah. Yeah, we're going to go find a little table, cuddle up in a dark corner, and we're going to plan our engagement party.
Hayley: Oh, my God. We haven't even picked a wedding date.
Mateo: How about -- how about -- I was thinking, since we haven't picked one yet, the day after tomorrow. What? You think I'm kidding?

[Judge pounds gavel]

Judge: Mrs. Chandler, you're out of order.
Jack: Liza, please --
Liza: No.
Jack: Listen to me. We can fight this.
Liza: No.
Jack: Wait, please --
Liza: Please, you have to listen to me.
Marian: Listen to Jack.
Liza: No, Mama!
Jack: No, Liza, don't do this.
Liza: You can't take my daughter and give her to Jake! He's not her father.
Jake: Liza, don't -- don't do this. I won't keep her from you.
Liza: Jake, you're not her father!
Tad: Liza, don't.
Jake: We'll work something out.
Tad: The judge has ruled. Let's just go home.
Jake: She's my daughter.
Liza: No! No!

Judge: Silence! I'll have silence in my court. Mrs. Chandler, if this is a desperate attempt on your part to regain custody of your daughter --
Liza: It's not, your honor.
Judge: Do you have true cause to believe that Jake Martin is not the biological father of your daughter? And I warn you, if you're wasting this court's time, I will find you in contempt.
Liza: I'm not. Your honor, I swear I'm not. My daughter's father --
Liza: My daughter's father is Adam Chandler.
Jake: This is ridiculous! No --
Liza: I'm sorry.
Jake: Don't -- no, no, no. It's not -- no, I -- Liza, don't lie. Don't -- don't do this. Just don't do this.
Liza: I'm sorry.
Jake: It's desperate. I promise I won't keep Colby from you. I want you in her life. But this is --
Liza: I'm sorry.
Jake: No, don't be sorry. I just -- I'll have to order a DNA. Test, and it'll prove what you're saying is silly.
Liza: I know, I know. And it'll confirm what I told you -- that Adam is Colby's father.

Tad: Your honor, could you please adjourn this thing before it gets --
Jack: Your honor, I agree. I want to officially ask for an adjournment so that Mrs. Chandler can collect herself -- please.
Judge: Mr. Montgomery, I understand how you feel, but I -- I feel it's very important that Mrs. Chandler take t stand now and explain. Do you have any objections?
Jack: Frankly, your honor, I---
Adam: No, none, your honor.
Jack: Apparently not, your honor.
Judge: Very well, Mrs. Chandler. And, remember, you're under oath.
Jake: Don't worry, don't worry. This is -- this will be cleared up in a minute, I promise.

Arlene: Hey, lovebirds.
Hayley: What are you doing here?
Mateo: You know, I thought we had a discussion about giving Hayley some space, all right?
Arlene: Well, I can't avoid her all the time. We're bunking under the same roof. Now, Hayley, I want you not to worry about me showing up at your AA. Meetings. I checked out the Pine Valley AA. Book, and I have a lot of choices, so I'll just pick one that you're not at.
Hayley: Hmm. Really? Why bother? The way I see it, you're not going to be here that long, right?
Arlene: You know how important it is to make amends. You know that. So I hope that you will accept this as a sort of early wedding present.
Mateo: No, no.
Hayley: No, really, it's not necessary.
Arlene: No? What do you think? Free carpeting for all of S.O.S. Now, this one's my favorite. The top-of-the-line restaurant grade. You'll love it.
Hayley: Really --
Arlene: It's perfect for this place.
Hayley: Please, please. The carpeting is fine. The floor is fine the way it is, ok? Thanks, but no thanks. If you don't mind, we got stuff to do. So if you'll excuse us --
Mateo: It's nice, though.

Ryan: Tina? Tina, I need to grab some more ice?
Tina: Oh, yeah, sure.
Ryan: Thanks. Yeah.

Arlene: It's too bad you weren't on the Titanic. You're so hot, that iceberg wouldn't have had a chance.

Myrtle: Finding you was the first half.
Rae: Right.
Myrtle: The second half we have to concentrate on now. Where do we -- where do we go from here?
Rae: Well, I hired a private investigator to check out Dr. Prendergast's desk and the bible -- see if it's in there. Myrtle: With all those records of what he did. I -- I don't know that anybody -- that terrible old man should write down the names of all the babies that he sold in his own bible? That's beyond me. I just hope he's facing a big fire and a pitchfork.
Rae: You are my mother. Oh. But you know what? Even if I find the bible, there's no guarantee that my name will be in it.
Myrtle: Yeah, but, look. We don't have to leave it all to the investigator. I mean, we might be able to dig up something right here in Pine Valley, starting with Lyle Wedgewood.
Rae: We, I'm sure there is a connection between Wedgewood and the doctor, but -- what are you saying?
Myrtle: But, darling, that bible is who knows where. But Wedgewood is just across town.
Rae: You're not thinking that we should break into that office because, you know, he warned me not to do that. Remember that. Myrtle honey, he did not warn me.
Rae: What, Myrtle? No, no. No, no. I am not going to let you go -- go break into his office.
Myrtle: There are a lot of things you don't understand about your mama. Now, we are going over to Wedgewood's right now, and I'm going to tell you about some of the colorful exploits of my life. And I'm going to introduce you to Myrtle Lum, the famous con artist. But first of all -- first of all, we've got to find a real beat-up old car somewhere. That's what we've got to do.

Hayley: Ryan?
Ryan: Yeah?
Hayley: I see you met my mother.
Ryan: Your mother? How do you do, Ms. Vaughan.
Arlene: Well, not as well as I'd like, Ryan. I must be losing my touch.
Hayley: Weren't you just leaving?
Arlene: Well, I thought I'd have a bite first. You know, Janet's cooking is great, but I'm getting a little sick of those casseroles. I'll see you.

Hayley: She gives me a pain in my eye, man.
Ryan: So that is Arlene, huh?
Hayley: As if my life couldn't get any worse.
Ryan: Well, if you ever need a referee, you know I'm around.
Hayley: Thanks.
Ryan: All right.

Mateo: Everything ok?
Hayley: I think I need that chocolate pudding now.
Mateo: Yeah? You ready to pick a wedding date?
Hayley: How about April Fool's Day?
Mateo: Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Hayley: Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Mateo: What did she say to you?
Hayley: Nothing. She was too busy drooling over Ryan.
Mateo and Hayley: Hmm.
Mateo: Very interesting.

Greenlee: So, who was that tramp?
Ryan: Oh, that was Hayley's mother.
Greenlee: Are you kidding? Poor Hayley.
Ryan: Why don't you use some of that ice?
Greenlee: Yu know, I should have had you get me a mask. Hey, didn't Erica Kane walk around with one for a while? I can relate
. Ryan: Greenlee, don't you think you're taking this just a tiny bit too far? Erica Kane had a serious' facial injury. You got a few blisters and a bump on your forehead.
Greenlee: You don't understand how it feels.
Ryan: Well, you know, I think I do understand. I think I know what you're suffering from, and that is what they call a bruised ego.
Greenlee: Oh. Oh, oh. So you're telling me that it wouldn't bother you if you woke up and there was a wart on the end of your nose? Or if you suddenly started losing your hair?
Ryan: I'd get over it.
Greenlee: Just like that?
Ryan: Just like that.
Greenlee: You are such a liar.
Ryan: Please. Your disfigurement is just a little bit more temporary than me losing my hair, all right? You're going to be fine in a couple days.
Greenlee: So, you don't mind being seen with the elephant woman?
Ryan: Well, it is a little bit, you know, embarrassing, I -- no, I don't mind. And you're very far from the elephant woman. Please. In fact, you know, it's kind of easier being your friend when you don't look so perfect.

Jack: I told you no tricks, no behind-the-scene meddling --
Adam: Jack, save your breath. This is not a trick.
Jack: By God, it better not be.

Judge: Mrs. Chandler, please explain to me how Adam Chandler could possibly be your daughter's biological father. And, mind you, you're still under oath. And if I discover this is an attempt to forestall my ruling, I will charge you with contempt.
Liza: She's my child. That's the only reason that I'm talking about her paternity is because I can't lose her.
Judge: Go on. And, please, be brief.
Liza: Well, I have to start from the beginning, when I decided that I was going to have a child. Jake was right. I divorced Adam, and I didn't want anything to do with him. I didn't want anything to do with anyone, and I was recovering from my divorce and a miscarriage. And I had suffered a lot of loss in my life. But I desperately wanted to be a parent. I wanted a baby. And so I went to the pine valley fertility clinic, and I selected a donor, and I thought that that was the answer -- that I could have my own biological child with no interference.
Judge: What do you mean, "no interference
Liza: Well, I wouldn't have to answer to anyone. I wouldn't have to worry about another parent's concerns. And so I chose an anonymous donor, and it didn't work that way actually, by accident, I found out the identity of the donor that I'd selected. And then all of a sudden I thought that maybe having a child with somebody that I didn't know or a perfect stranger was -- was not a really good idea. And that's when Jake decided to be the donor. He offered it to me. And he was -- he was one of my best friends. And I really loved his family. We agreed that there would no strings attached. And even though, looking back, it seems sort of naive now, that's how we went into it.
Judge: Mrs. Chandler, you have no documentation on this agreement, and I -- even if you did, I don't understand how Adam Chandler could be your daughter's father.
Liza: I was committed to having this baby with Jake. And Adam didn't really like that idea. He bought the Pine Valley Fertility Clinic. And the night before I was to be inseminated, he switched his sample with Jake's.

Jake: Oh, jeez --

Judge: Mr. Chandler, is that true?
Adam: Yes.
Liza: He told me in November. I -- I thought Colby was Jake's daughter. But ever since then, I have wished that she was.
Jake: That's a lie!
Liza: It is not a lie.
Jake: It is a lie! How can you sit there and lie like that?
Liza: I am not lying!
Judge: Dr. Martin -- Ms. Coulson, control your client.
Leslie: Jake --
Jake: Can't you see Mr. Chandler here has put her up to this? This is exactly what we're talking about, your honor.
Gillian: Jake, please.
Liza: Jake, I'm sorry.
Jake: You're not sorry. Why do you keep saying you're sorry? You sit up there, lying to me. How can you be sorry?

Judge: I'm not going to tell you again.

Joe: Please. Son. Your honor, if I may, I'm Jake's father.
Judge: Yes, I know who you are, Dr. Martin.
Joe: This whole unfortunate matter can be resolved easily with a DNA. Test.
Jake: Exactly. We don't have to listen to this nonsense anymore. Clear this --

Adam: It just so happens that I have all the proof we need. These are the results of DNA. Tests taken of me and my daughter Colby. Jack: Jake, Jake --

[Jake tries to attack Adam]

Jack: No, no, no, no, no, no.
Jake: You stay away from my daughter.
Judge: Order!
Jack: That's it, it's over. It's over, it's over. Let his brother take care of him. Let his brother take care of him, please.

Gillian: Jake, please don't do anything.
Jake: That's all right. Honey, he's not worth it.

Adam: Everything you need to know is in that report.
Jake: Everything in that report's probably been paid for.
Judge: Everyone sit down.
Judge: Dr. Martin?
Joe: Yes?
Judge: Can you look at this, please
Joe: Yes.
Judge: Can you verify if that report is authentic?
Joe: Could be, your honor. Looks as though it came from our lab.
Jake: Absolutely -- I demand -- I demand another test.
Judge: So be it. And, Dr. Martin, because of the sensitivity of these proceedings, I'm willing to overlook that brawl that just occurred, but I will not tolerate it again. Mrs. Chandler, if what you say is true, why have you waited until now to come forward with this information?
Liza: Jake is a wonderful father, and I think that Colby was very lucky to be raised with the Martin family. When Adam told me, I didn't know what to do. I wanted Colby to be Jake's daughter. In a way, she is.
Jake: She still is.

Tad: Jake, hear her out.

Liza: But you had to push this custody hearing. I wanted you to be her father. You're a better father. You deserve to be her father.

Jake: Why? Why should I hear her out?
Tad: Because she's telling the truth.

Liza: I'm sorry, Jake. I'm sorry. I wanted you to be her father. And the reason I had to come forward is that Adam would -- would never let you take her from me.
Judge: All right, Mrs. Chandler, I've heard enough. I'll take this information under advisement. Pending substantiation, criminal charges may have to be filed. This is a horrible mess. The proceedings are adjourned until 9:00. Counsel, I expect to see you in my chambers at 8:00.

Tad: Jake --
Jake, I'm sorry.

Tina: Are you sure I can't get you anything to drink?
Arlene: Oh, no, it's ok, honey. I don't drink anymore. Another thing I have in common with Hayley, my daughter. Diet soda's fine.
Tina: Ok.
Arlene: It's a good thing Hayley stayed sober during the fiasco last year, you know, when Mateo's wife showed up with his kid.
Tina: Oh, yeah. See, I wasn't here for that, but I heard about it. But, you know, it's amazing that Hayley and Mateo are back together again.
Arlene: Yeah, isn't it, though? I mean, what a mess that was.
Tina: Yeah, yeah. God. You know, for everyone, especially that little boy and Mateo.
Arlene: Mateo?
Tina: Yeah. Well, I mean, he thought his first marriage was annulled, right? And then along comes Raquel with the son he doesn't even know he had. He caught a lot of flak for that.
Arlene: Yeah, rough times.
Tina: Yeah.
Arlene: I was on the phone the whole time with Hayley talking about it. It was hard for me, too. You know, I was down trying to do my job at the carpet factory, and I really wanted to be here. This tragedy with my brother -- you know, I finally quit so I could be here with my family. You know, I realize that you can always get another job but you only have one family.
Tina: God, Hayley is so lucky to have a mom like you who cares.
Arlene: Well, thank you.

Greenlee: You know, I don't recall you hanging out with any trolls, Ryan. How can you say it's easier being my friend when I look like this?
Ryan: Well, you know, I'm -- I'm a man. You know, it's -- sometimes it's just -- well, when you look your normal, beautiful self, it's a little bit more difficult to concentrate on the platonic part of our relationship. That's all.
Greenlee: Really?
Ryan: Yes, really. You know, like when you got your hives, you couldn't hide behind your perfect complexion. Know what I'm saying? When you got knocked in the head by that basketball player, your pretensions kind of got knocked away, too. I'm serious. I got to see beneath the surface. So, in a way, you being so beautiful and having such a beautiful body kind of prevents you from being really who you are.

Rae: Myrtle, Myrtle -- listen to me. I can't go in there. He'll recognize me.
Myrtle: Darling, that's why I'm going in.
Rae: No, no, I'm not going to let you go in there by yourself.
Myrtle: I won't be long. I won't be -- listen, this is what we'll do.

Man: No, Mr. Wedgewood, I haven't found her yet. Is that Cummings with a C or a K? Yeah, right. And when I do find her? Shred it? You're sure? Ok, Mr. Wedgewood. You're the boss.

Myrtle: Excuse me. I want to see attorney Wedgewood.
Man: He's not here.
Myrtle: Oh. Will he be back real soon, do you think?
Man: No, he's working in his uptown office.
Myrtle: I need to see him now. I don't know what to do.
Man: I'm sorry, lady, but he's not here.
Myrtle: But he's so powerful and so rich, and I'm just me.
Man: Attorney Wedgewood?
Myrtle: No, no, no, no. The gentleman in the limo who back-ended my car. I tried to get the insurance information from him, and he just laughed. He told the driver just to sweep on. And I was hoping that the attorney would be able to get some money for my car and for my doctor's bills because I tell you something -- I'm going to need a doctor for my back.
Man: And you weren't able to get any of his insurance information?
Myrtle: Well, I did get his license. And a very nice lady gave me her name and address just in case I need a witness, you know? Would you like to see the damaged car?
Man: Oh, now, wait. You say the guy was driving a limo. It might have been rented. He may not even be from around here.
Myrtle: Oh, no, no, he's from here. Oh, yes, he's from here. Listen, I would know Palmer Cortlandt anywhere.
Man: Palmer Cortlandt?
Myrtle: Oh, large as life. Well, I suppose if Wedgewood can't do anything, I'll just -- there's got to be --
Man: No, no, no, at won't be necessary. In fact, I can probably help you.
Myrtle: Oh --
Man: Oh, you must be careful. Back problems are very tricky.
Myrtle: Oh, you're right.
Man: You should see a doctor right away. In fact, I can recommend one to you who is excellent.
Myrtle: Oh, that would be so kind.
Man: Now, what about your poor little car?
Myrtle: Oh, it's right downstairs.
Man: Well, let's have a look, shall we?
Myrtle: Yes, yes.

Rae: Ok.

Leslie: Jake, I'll ask for a new hearing. Listen to me. We can still win this. I'll come up with something. Jake? Jake, are you all right?

Jack: So, you've known about this since November. So when you came to me to research a story for WRCW about the legal ramifications of a woman who's impregnated against her will, you weren't researching a story. You were researching your options, weren't you?
Liza: I needed your help.
Jack: Yeah. Well, maybe I could have helped you as your attorney if you told me the facts.
Liza: Maybe.
Jack: What's the matter? You couldn't trust me?
Liza: Jack, I trust you.
Jack: Yeah? You have a hell of a funny way of showing it. I don't represent people that play me for a fool. So next time you need a lawyer, why don't you look in the yellow pages under "ambulance chasers."

Gillian: Did you see his face? He's in so much pain, and I'm part of his pain. I should have told him the truth.
Dixie: No. It's ok. Just give him a little space, you know? Maybe it'll be all right.
Gillian: I don't -- I don't think so, Dixie. I don't know if it's ever going to be all right again.

Marian: Are you satisfied, Adam? You wanted this all to come out. Well, it has. Happy now?

Joe: How long have you known?
Tad: Not long a few days.
Joe: Both of you? Hell of a turn of events. Your mom was so excited by their moving just down the street.
Adrian: Can I have a word with you?
Tad: Sure.
Dixie: Joe --

Adam: It's for the best, believe me.
Marian: Just shut up, Adam. Just leave her alone.
Liza: Oh, Mama --
Marian: Oh, baby. My baby. Come on. Come on. Let's go.

Gillian: My sweet darling. I'm so sorry.
Jake: I don't understand. How could they do this to us?

Adrian: Tell me something. How could you do that to your own brother?
Tad: What are you talking about? I was just protecting him.
Adrian: From the truth? Well, I got news for you -- you didn't. You made him feel like the world's biggest idiot.
Tad: Adrian, I was praying it wouldn't come out like that.
Adrian: Is that so? Then congratulations. You're the idiot.
Tad: Yeah, well, maybe so. But all I was doing was what I thought was in Jake's best interests -- and Colby's.
Adrian: By sitting on something that big? My God, Tad, is that what the Martin family is all about? Lying to protect the innocent, keeping secrets?
Tad: You don't understand.
Adrian: Why don't you tell me? Why don't you enlighten me and tell me when exactly did you think you were going to get around to telling Colby the truth about her father? Or were you just going to let her stumble upon it when she grew up? Don't u people understand anything?

Dixie: I'll never understand you. How do you live with yourself?
Adam: No, I'm sure you don't understand me. I did what I did for love, Dixie.
Dixie: Oh. Don't make me sick.

Adam: Liza -- Liza -- look, I know you're upset. But we will never have to worry about someone taking our daughter away from us ever again. It's over now. It's for the best.
Liza: Are you insane? Is that what you call destroying our lives? Is that what you call "for the best," you miserable bastard?

Greenlee: You know, who I am and what I look like are the same thing.
Ryan: Ok. This is what I'm trying to say. Tonight you're real. You got blisters on your face and you've got a bump on your forehead. But to me, you've never been more beautiful.
Greenlee: You're giving me a headache.

Hayley: Everybody, listen up!
Mateo: Hey! We have an announcement! Ladies and -- cut the music. Stop, stop -stop the music. All right, we have an announcement to make.
Hayley: After much deliberation, Mateo and I have finally set a wedding date!
Hayley: Well, we figured may was perfect.
Mateo: Yeah, because we - we couldn't wait till June. Hayley: So, look
for your invitations. Details will follow.

Greenlee: Congratulations, Hayley. I hope you'll be very, very happy.
Hayley: Are you ok? You look flushed.
Greenlee: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I will be.
Ryan: Congratulations, guys. I'm very happy for you.
Mateo: Thanks a lot.
Hayley: Thanks. Are you sure she's ok?
Greenlee: Hey, let's get out of here before anyone else asks what happened.
Ryan: Ok.

Arlene: That is such wonderful news, you two. I am so happy for you. Well, you know, being in a bar is not the greatest thing for me, so I'm going to split.
Hayley: Yeah, why don't you do that.
Arlene: See you soon, sweetie.
Hayley: Great.

Tina: Oh, I'm so happy for you.
Hayley: Oh, thanks. Thank you.
Tina: And what perfect timing, with your mom here to help you plan for the wedding and everything.
Hayley: Oh, she won't be here that long.
Tina: She didn't tell you. She quit her job so she could be here for her family.
Hayley: What?
Tina: Oops. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Table four is calling me.

Hayley: I knew it. I knew that whole leave of absence story was a crock.
Mateo: All right, all right.
Hayley: I knew it.
Mateo: Listen, listen. Your mom's up to something, all right?
Hayley: I knew it.
Mateo: And I'll get to the bottom of it. Don't worry. She's not going to ruin a thing for us. Nothing. Come here.

Rae: Damn.
Rae: This is it. This is it.
Myrtle: Rae, honey?
Rae: I found it, Myrtle. I finally found it.
Myrtle: Yeah, that's wonderful, darling. But could you look around just for a minute?

Adrian: Come on, Tad. You saw how tough it was for me when I found out that Opal was my birth mother. I mean, all those questions I had about myself but not an answer in sight. You saw it with your own eyes. I thought you understood that, but obviously you didn't. So let me break it down for you. Nobody has the right to lie to their children. You don't play god with people's lives. You got that, everybody? Write it down.

Dixie: The road to hell is paved with good intentions, huh?
Tad: I should've known better.

Adam: Liza, don't listen to Adrian Sword. There had to be some fallout. But the worst is over now, and we can go on with our lives. The important thing is that we have Colby again and we can be a family together again. That's God's will, Liza.
Liza: Don't touch me. Don't ever touch me again.

Jake: I know how much you love her. I know. You two really bonded. I know. We'll get through is. I don't know how. But I really appreciate you standing by me. And I'm just -- I'm just sorry that --
Gillian: No. Jake, please don't apologize to me.
Jake: Hey. Gillian -- what's wrong?
Gillian Jake, I'm so sorry. Jake: Oh, my God. You knew?

On the next "All My Children" --

Man: What, is the old bag having a coronary?
[Myrtle moans]

Joe: If beating you were an option, my whole family would join in.

Greenlee: I am ugly and tormented, and you're more interested in me than ever.

Gillian: I love you, Jake!
Jake: You love me? Gillian: Yes.
Jake: You couldn't.

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