MARCH 8, 2000

Man: Get in there.
Rae: Please, please don't do this, please.
Man: Don't you be giving me orders. Get over there.
Myrtle: He's a little irritable, darling. You have to excuse him.
Man: Now, you broke into my office.
Rae: Well, no, technically, that's not really true. You see, I was looking for my mother and the door was open.
Myrtle: And you can't blame my daughter for that.
Man: Shut up, the both of you. Now what are you doing with that file?
Rae: Alphabetizing?
Man: Are we paying attention yet?
Rae: Yes.
Myrtle: Darling, are you all right?
Rae: I'm fine, I'm fine. I think we should let this gentleman think --

[Myrtle moans]

Rae: Oh, my God, Myrtle?
Man: Holy Moses.
Rae: Myrtle?
Man: What, is the old bag having a coronary?
Myrtle: Oh.
Rae: Oh, my God.
Myrtle: Oh.
Man: Oh, gee.

Greenlee: Will you do something for me?
Ryan: Now, that depends.
Greenlee: Ryan, I mean it. You confused me tonight and I need -- I need --
Ryan: Clarification?
Greenlee: Yeah. Sit.
Ry: You know, I roll over, too, but just, whatever you do, don't ask me to beg.
Greenlee: Don't start.
Ryan: Ok.
Greenlee: Ok, let me get this straight, all right?
Ryan: All right.
Greenlee: I got a facial with plaster that gave me a rash. Then I got kicked courtside in the head. And now I look like something you'd scrape off a shoe.
Ryan: Well, I don't know if I'd really go quite that far, but what's your point?
Greenlee: My point is that I'm ugly and tormented and you're more interested in me than maybe, like, ever.
Ryan: And this confuses you.
Greenlee: Totally.
Ryan: Well, a little confusion in a girl is kind of healthy, and in you, practically unseen.
Greenlee: My head is going to explode.
Ryan: Come on, Greenlee, use the brain cells.
Greenlee: Are you having fun?
Ryan: Yeah, I'm actually having a really good time.
Greenlee: Do you have any sense of what this is doing to me?
Ryan: Yes, and I kind of like you like this.
Greenlee: Like what? What, you think I'm nicer and, what, more vulnerable when I look like crap?
Ryan: All right, how do I say this. The lack of pretense that you've had since they've had to scrape that plaster off your face at the Glamorama earlier today is, well, kind of refreshing. So sue me.
Greenlee: Do you have any
idea what it's like to be me? Ryan: No.
Greenlee: Well, let me tell you, being born Greenlee Smythe is not all diamonds and roses and trust funds. It's damn hard work being under my grandmother's magnifying glass, and if I'm not perfectly dressed and perfectly behaved and perfectly perfect every second of my life, there's a high price to pay. Do you hear me? A really high price.
Ryan: No new shoes for a week?
Greenlee: Oh, my --
Ryan: What? Wait a minute!
Greenlee: Ow.
Ryan: What are you doing?
Greenlee: Ow.
Ryan: Hey, careful. Look, I was just trying to make you smile, that's all.

Liza: I said don't touch me.
Adam: Liza, I know you're a wreck. Who wouldn't be?
Liza: Adam, for the love of God, just disappear.
Adam: People will start calming down after -- very soon. You'll see. I swear it.
Liza: Really? Are you going to lobotomize us? Because the Martins are never going to get over this. Neither am I.
Adam: Oh, Liza, please.
Liza: Do you have any blood left in your veins? Do you realize what you've done? Do you realize the life that you've created for Colby? Or can you not see any of it because you've created ownership?
Adam: Liza, I am on your side.
Liza: You don't even know what that means. You have ripped Colby out of the most loving, most gracious family I have ever known.
Adam: I don't give a damn if they're Ozzie and Harriet. Colby is either theirs or she's ours. That's the game they're playing.
Liza: Did you see the devastation on Jake Martin's face?
Adam: Yes, ok, he's stunned.
Liza: He's not stunned. We broke him! We took his daughter away. We killed him!
Adam: Oh --
Liza: Obviously, you don't see this wreckage as a part of your problem.
Adam: Jake killed us when he sued for custody in the first place.
Get your hands off of me!
Tad: I should just beat you to death.
Joe: If beating you were an option, my whole family would join in.

Jake: You knew?
Gillian: Jake, I'm sorry.
Jake: You knew? You knew Colby wasn't my -- my daughter.
Gillian: She's your daughter. She'll always be your daughter.
Jake: No, no, don't.
Gillian: Jake, I know I --
Jake: When?
Gillian: It --
Jake: When did you find out she wasn't my daughter? You tell me right now.
Gillian: Halloween.
Jake: Halloween? Halloween? That was six months ago! You knew before Liza? Gillian, my -- my God. We've been through -- we've been through new year's, we've been through our engagement, our marriage, and you just -- you sat on this for six months?
Gillian: I didn't know --
Jake: Why?
Gillian: I didn't know --
Jake: Didn't you think that maybe I should know something about this, I should know this little secret?
Gillian: I didn't know what to do. I love you, Jake.
Jake: You love me?
Gillian: Yes!
Jake: You couldn't! You couldn't possibly love me.
Gillian: Jake, what I did to you was the worst thing anybody can do. But I'm not going to let you stand there and tell me that I couldn't love you. I love you more than I can say. And I know we made a mistake starting this whole marriage with this secret between us, believe me.
Jake: Yeah. You could say that. It's so easy to say that now that it's blown up in your face.
Gillian: Jake, listen to me. Ok? I'm sorry. I -- I did this to protect you, and so much happened and -- and everything just came in the way of th--
Jake: In the way of the truth? Hmm? God.
Gillian: Jake, do you honestly believe that I wanted you to look at me this way? Do you for one second think that I wanted to see you hurt this much? My God, Jake. This -- this pain that you're feeling right now, this enormous pain was exactly what I wanted to avoid. But it all backfired and -- and it all just ripped you apart, and if I could change things, I would.
Jake: You know, it's a little bit late, don't you think?
Gillian: I'm sorry. I -- I was just -- I was trying to protect your heart, Jake.
Jake: My -- my heart? My heart is broken.
Gillian: Oh, God, Jake, I know. I'm so -- I'm so sorry. If I could go back in time, I would.
Jake: You should've told me.
Gillian: I tried.
Jake: No. You tried? You tried? When? You had a million chances in the last six months. You had a million chances to tell me!
Gillian: And the first chance I had to tell you the truth, I almost killed myself!
Jake: What?
Gillian: The night that I found out you weren't Colby's father, I was on my way to tell you, and that's when I had the car crash. That's the truth and that's what stopped me.
Jake: Oh, my God.

Adam: Joe, do you really think after all these years that your empty threats can rattle me?
Joe: Oh, why, nothing ever rattles you. Nothing ever will because you've got no conscience. You've got no soul.
Adam: Spare me.
Joe: All you ever think of is what you want, what you want and how you're going to get it, consequences be damned!
Adam: No, you're leaving one thing out, Joe, because I am doing what I am doing because I feel it is right for my child. Now, that's something that you and I should be able to understand about each other. Don't you agree?
Dixie: You know, there's just a little bit of a difference, Adam. You impregnated Liza as a way to hold onto her. You're the only man I know who uses a mother's love against her children.
Adam: Righteous indignation coming from you, Dixie? That's rich. You had no qualms about sleeping with a man and somebody else's husband and then bearing his child.

Joe: Tad, Tad, Tad!
Adam: Here it comes!
Tad: Why not? Why not?
Adam: The Martin hooligan has been manifested!
Tad: At this point, it's justifiable homicide!
Joe: But don't dirty your hands on that --

Dixie: Don't you know what you do to your children? Don't you understand what you do? Couldn't just one of them slip by without inheriting the legacy of therapy that you have to put on every single one of them?
Adam: This is delightful, Dixie. It truly is.
Dixie: Don't you see that your children live in fear of you, Adam?
Adam: No, you are afraid that you won't be able to turn Junior's mind against me -- you and that buffoon that you married three times.
Tad: I wouldn't start a spitting contest as to who's warping Junior's mind if I were you. You'd lose by a landslide.
Dixie: Adam, your children are afraid of what you would do to them if they displeased you. And if you spent more than five minutes with any one of them, you would know that.

Adam: Liza, let's go. I've had enough of this for one evening.
Tad: Who do you think you're talking to, Adam? You lost Liza a long time ago.

Tad: He's never going to stop, is he?
Dixie: Oh, no, he has to stop. He can't be allowed to see Colby. I mean, he just can't.

Greenlee: I don't like being made fun of.
Ryan: Oh, so that's what you think this is.
Greenlee: No, I am trying to tell you all of the expectations that are put on me and what my family wants me to live up to every second of my life, and you make a joke about my shoe budget.
Ryan: Wait a minute -- you actually have a shoe budget?
Greenlee: Ryan!
Ryan: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Ah.
Greenlee: You keep telling me that you want me to be real -- whatever that means -- and honest. Well, here I am, real, honest, and hideous, and all you do is tease me about it. This is a friend?
Ryan: Well, I'd be a worse friend if I let you get away with it for two seconds.
Greenlee: With what?
Ryan: With your horrible whining, that's what.
Greenlee: You e so incredibly mean.
Ryan: No, I'm not, I'm not. You don't understand what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to walk you through this. This is obviously very new territory for you.
Greenlee: Ah. Ah.
Ryan: Come here, sit down. Sit down. Listen, these expectations that you feel are real from your parents. I'm sure your parents feel they're real and your grandparents probably feel they're real. But outside you live -- and your private space station --
Greenlee: Hey!
Ryan: You didn't actually think I'd let you get away with this so-called burden of yours, did -- hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey now. Don't get all upset.
Greenlee: Oh, so you're right about everything and I'm wrong about everything, right?
Ryan: Pretty much, yes.
Greenlee: What are you saying? Do you know how much work I put into being the me that I am? Do you know how much time it takes to gain the kind of sophistication and status that I've attained in the circles that I travel in? And you mock me.
Ryan: No. No, I mock your blind side. Ahem.
Greenlee: What blind side?
Ryan: The side of you that thinks you know who you really are and what it's really like out there. You see, I figured this out. You're deprived.
Greenlee: Deprived of what?
Ryan: Culture. Culture. It's as plain as that really big bump on your forehead.

Myrtle: Oh, oh.
Man: Well, do something! Give her mouth-to-mouth or whatever before she croaks.
Rae: Tell me you're all right. Please, Myrtle, tell me --
Myrtle: Of course.
Man: Lady, do something!
Myrtle: Oh.
Rae: Uh -- call 911, for heaven's sake. Can't you see she needs an ambulance?
Man: Wait a second. You're on your own with this one. I can't have the cops and the EMS. Crawling all over this place. Wait a second! Is this an act?
Rae and Myrtle: No!
Man: Oh, ho-ho.
Rae: No, she's quite --
Man: She's faking it!
Rae: No!
Man: All right, you two, over here!
Rae: Over here.
Man: What, do I look stupid to you?
Myrtle: Oh, well --
Man: Don't answer that. You trouble-making pain in the neck -- the both of you. You know, I hate women. I hate all women.
Myrtle: Well, trust me, they hate you, too!
Man: Shut your trap, lady.
Myrtle: Mind your manners. Were you born in a stable or something?
Rae: Oh, Myrtle --
Man: Do you realize that I could wipe the both of you out right now?
Myrtle: Oh, you couldn't do nothing of the kind. You'd be the first one that they'd be looking for.
Rae: You know what? You're baiting him. That's not --
Myrtle: Darling, if he wants to fight rough, let him fight with me.
Rae: No, no, Myrtle.
Myrtle: Listen, I tell you what I'll do. I'll tell you what I'll do -- you let my daughter go, you let her take the file with her, and I will stay here and you can kill me. Now, how about that?
Rae: Oh, my God.
Man: You kidding?
Myrtle: Go on, go on, you coward. Pull the trigger.
Man: You --
Myrtle: Well, are you going to do it or are you
Man: Ouch! Oh!
Myrtle: Sock him, darling!
Myrtle: Good shot.
Rae: Do you think he's dead?
Myrtle: If only. Look, darling, I'll take that now. You did a good job.
Rae: I can't believe I actually whacked him like that.
Myrtle: Oh, honey, it doesn't matter. He's barely human. Let me see. You see? He's breathing.
Rae: Would you please tell me what it I you were doing, daring him to shoot you like that?
Myrtle: Well, sweetheart, he wouldn't have done anything. He was all talk.
Rae: You wanted him to let me go with the file so you could stay and he could kill you? Did you really think that was going to work?
Myrtle: Honey, I just wanted to make him nervous, which I did --
Rae: Nervous?
Myrtle: So that we could take care of him.
Rae: You scared me to death! You know that?
Myrtle: I was just playing the odds, you know.
Rae: Well, you were doing a lot more than that, let me tell you.
Myrtle: What do you mean I was doing a lot more than that?
Rae: You were -- you were -- you were --
Myrtle: What?
Rae: You were going to give up your life to save me, weren't you?
Myrtle: Well, so what if I was?
Rae: I just found you. I don't know what I --
Myrtle: I don't know, either. You know, I don't won't anything to happen to you.
Rae: Can you please tell me why?
Myrtle: Because you're my daughter. And I love you.
Rae: Oh, boy.

Arlene: Hey. Two rum and colas, and run me a tab, sweetie.
Bartender: Sure. Arlene: Thanks.
It's nice and quiet in here. No one to ruin my evening. Gracias.
Arlene: I'm gong to grab me a table. Will you bring another in about, oh, five?
Bartender: Sure.
Arlene: It's not a slip if no one sees you drinking.

Adam: Scotch on the rocks, please.
Adam: Oh. Arlene, leave me alone.
Arlene: Oh, drinking alone is bad for your disposition, Adam.
Adam: How do you gauge your sobriety, by counting minutes?
Arlene: This is cola. You want to taste it if you don't believe me? Go ahead. Come on.
Adam: No, thank you.
Arlene: How was court, Adam? That good, huh?
Throw me another shot, ok?
Bartender: Sure.
Arlene: Thanks.
Arlene: So tell me, Adam --
Adam: Keep it up and I'll throttle you right here.
Arlene: How many people got up on that stand and said you were pond scum, huh? You should've listened to me, Adam. I would've testified for you. I would've told that -- that nice judge that you were the best father since Bill Cosby. Hayley nailed you to the wall, didn't she? What did you expect, Adam? She comes from the two of us.

Gillian: Jake, on the night of the accident, I was so desperate to tell you the truth. I really was. And then -- well, you know what happened. And when I woke up in the hospital, I couldn't make the thoughts in my head match the words coming out of my mouth, but I tried. I really tried.
Jake: You were trying so hard. I couldn't understand you.
Gillian: I was. I was really trying, even then. And then you came to visit me with your daugh-- with -- with the baby and I -- at that moment, when I looked at you, I -- I couldn't tell you. I just couldn't. All I could see was you and Colby and your future together. And then al of the desperation to tell you the truth just vanished. And -- and I just realized how important she was to you and I -- I let it go. I did it for you, Jake.
Jake: Is that why Tad did it? Is that why Dixie did it? Why Liza did it? Did it for me?
Gillian: Jake, listen, it really doesn't all matter. We love you. We all love you and we just wanted -- we wanted to protect you, and if maybe you can just try to see past all the pain and the hurt.
Jake: No. No.

Joe: Jake, how you --
Tad: Jake, talk to us, come on.
Joe: Come on, Jake.

Greenlee: And there was the Degas Exhibit in September, the Rauschenberg in June. I went to the Philadelphia symphony -- one, two -- three times over the summer, Beethoven's Seventh, Handel's whatever, and a Chopin retrospective. Do you want to hear about the ballets, too?
Ryan: No, not really. I don't.
Greenlee: Variations on a theme by some Italian guy, "The Nutcracker" at Christmas --
Ryan: Ok, I give up.
Greenlee: And that's not all the operas that I have to endure.
Ryan: I give up. Don't.
Greenlee: Does that sound like cultural deprivation to you?
Ryan: It sounds like torture, the way you put it.
Greenlee: See?
Ryan: The thing is I like those things you're talking about. In small doses, I like them.
Greenlee: Well, that's my point.
Ryan: Ok, all right, wait. I want to give you a pop quiz.
Greenlee: What?
Ryan: I want to give you a pop quiz, find out if you really know what's going on out there.
Greenlee: No sports questions.
Ryan: Fine. Fine. Question one -- what is a W-2?
Greenlee: It's the stuff you open frozen car door locks with. What?
Ryan: Nothing. Nothing. Food stamps. Do you know what food stamps are, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Oh, is that what this is about? You think because my family comes from money --
Ryan: Don't avoid the question. I want to know, do you know what food stamps are?
Greenlee: My grandfather says they're a waste of taxpayers' dollars.
Ryan: Oh.
Greenlee: Oh, come on. Does this make me an awful person?
Ryan: Tell me you're not serious about that.
Greenlee: Listen, I know all about food stamps and philanthropy, ok? I write checks to charity all the time.
Ryan: Oh, you do?
Greenlee: Yeah.
Ryan: And how does it make you feel?
Greenlee: Fine.
Ryan: Really? Do you have compassion for people that have less than you?
Greenlee: Sure. What do you think? I feel sorry for them.
Ryan: No, that's not the question.
Greenlee: Ugh!
Ryan: Listen to me -- how can you have compassion for people out there if you don't really listen to what's going on in the real world.
Greenlee: I listen.
Ryan: I say to you that you're culturally deprived and all you do is you list off the art galleries and the symphonies you've been to in the last year. That's not what I'm talking about, Greenlee. I'm talking about the culture that we live in. I'm talking about the people that share airspace with you that don't really know what it feels like to go to sleep at night not knowing if they're going to have food on the table in the morning.
Greenlee: I am very sorry for their pain. It's a terrible thing. Oh, come on, Ryan. What's it going to take for me to join your little club, huh?
Ryan: My what? My club? What club?
Greenlee: Your real people club.
Ryan: All right, you know what? Enough. I don't know how we got off on this tangent. I'm sorry I got so preachy.
Greenlee: Well, I'm sorry that I didn't say what you wanted to hear.
Ryan: Yeah, well, I'm sorry, too. I think we're both a little confused. Let me walk you home. Come on.
Greenlee: Well, you know, Gran is out for the evening. We could go back there and --
Ryan: Green --
Greenlee: Ry?
Ryan: We make great friends. We make great friends. Don't ruin this. I need a friend around here.
Greenlee: Ok, you're right. Forget I mentioned it.
Ryan: Come on.
Greenlee: Oh, thank you, sir.
Ryan: You sure you don't mind showing up on your circular driveway with a townie like me, right?
Greenlee: Oh, yeah, I'm sure.
Ryan: All right.

Arlene: So I hear Mateo wasn't on the up-and-up with our little girl, that he had another wife and kid and Hayley didn't know?
Adam: That's very old news, Arlene.
Arlene: Just making small talk.
Adam: Well, make it with yourself and your cola.
Arlene: I heard they set the date.
Adam: What are you blabbering about?
Arlene: Hayley and Mateo -- their wedding date. So do you think you can get sentimental enough at the reception that you'll spin me around the dance floor once or twice?
Adam: Arlene, this has been the best and the worst day of my life. And I don't need any more contributions from you, all right? There's just one thing I would I like to leave you with for the record -- if you ever see me again anywhere, I want us both to pretend that you've never been born.
Arlene: No can do, Adam. We got a kid together. Nothing can change that.

Adrian's voice: Tell me something -- how could you do that to your own brother?
Tad: What are you talking about? I was just protecting him.
Adrian: From the truth? Well, I got news for you -- you didn't. You made him feel like the world's biggest fool. My God, Tad, is this what the Martin family is all about? Lying to protect the innocent? Keeping secrets?
Tad: You don't understand.
Adrian: Why don't you tell me? Why don't you enlighten me and tell me when exactly did you think you were going to get around to telling Colby the truth about her father? Or were you just going to let her stumble upon it when she grew up? Don't you people understand anything?
Bartender? Give me a scotch, neat. Hey, make that a double.

Myrtle: Did you have a chance to look at the file when I was downstairs?
Rae: Not really, but my name is on it and it was in the section labeled "Adoptions." Where do you think it is? Oh, my God. You don't suppose it's under him, do you?
Myrtle: Oh, nothing's easy.
Rae: All right.
Myrtle: Scoot him over.
Rae: All right, here. Oh, here it is.
Myrtle: Grab it, grab it. That a girl. Now, let's look at it.
Rae: Ok. All right.

Dixie: Honey, come on now. Let's just give Jake a little bit more time.
Gillian: He found out that I knew along. You should have seen the look on his face.
Joe: Gillian, you kept this from Jake?
Gillian: I didn't know what to do, Dr. Martin.
Joe: He's just -- he's so lost.
Gillian: Oh, God, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for what I'm doing to your whole family. I'm sorry.
Joe: Gillian, it's your family now, too, you know, and nobody's putting any blame on you or on anybody else.
Tad: Except Adam.
Joe: Yes, except Adam. Adam and Liza. They're the ones who did this to my son, not you or anybody else. Let's go home now. Together.

Marian: Liza, everything's going to be all right, I promise you. And, darling, you did the only thing you could do, you know, because the judge was going to give your baby away to Jake. So Jake deserves what he got. I know he was trying to keep Colby away from Adam, and nobody understands that desire better than I do, but if he had just let you raise her and go on raising her the way you wanted, he could've remained her father forever. Liza, everything will be brighter tomorrow, I promise you. Oh, my precious. You look so lonely. You don't have to feel that way, Liza, because you've got me and you've got Stuart.
Liza: And I have my daughter.
Marian: That's right. Darling, please try to see it that way. Please? Why don't I make us something to eat?
Liza: I'm fine, mother. I don't need anything.
Marian: I'm only trying to help.
Liza: I know. Why don't you just let it be. All right?
Marian: All right.
Marian: But, Liza, if you need anything -- I mean, anything at all -- just ask, ok? Because I'm your mother and I love you more than my life.

[Colby talks]

Liza: Hi, baby. You know, I hope I didn't ruin things for you today. I wanted you to have the best. The best mother and the best father, the best life. And I think I might've ruined that for you today. I hope I didn't. But if I did, if I -- if I somehow took away the best love a father could give you, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Oh, baby. My God, I should've been stronger. I should've been smarter. I shouldn't have trusted Adam. I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what he'll do.

Jake: God. Does anybody tell the truth?

Edmund: You know, Ryan said that this wedding was going to be based upon a lie
Alex: What did he mean?
Edmund: I don't know.

Tad: I want you to make peace with Liza. I want you to fire your lawyer and settle the custody suit.
Jake: What?
Tad: Just do it, do it. I'm begging you, please. Just -- just come up with any agreement that you can live with, anything that doesn't rip that baby girl in half, ok?

Gillian's voice: Jake, listen, I'm sure Tad only wants what we all want, and that's for you to be Colby's father.
Liza: You know, I want to give you one last chance --
Jake: No ,I --
Liza: Jake please change your mind. --
Jake: I've given all the last chances I can give with her..

Arlene: I've been watching you for about 10 minutes.
Adrian: Hmm. And why would that be?
Arlene: Oh, I see. You're one of those beautiful men who have no idea what you do to a woman, huh? Not having a great night, huh?
Adrian: No, I'm not.
Arlene: Well, I'm real good at changing the mood of a room. Any room.
Adrian: Not tonight. But thank you.

Arlene: Ooh, big tipper. Hey, you know what? He stiffed you. But get me another one and I'll pay for us both.
Bartender: All right.
Arlene: That's ok, handsome. I'll catch you another night. I'm going to be here a long time.

Rae: I don't think there's anything here that's going to help us.
Myrtle: Well, don't forget, darling, you know, we've still got the doctor's -- the --

[Rae chuckles]

Myrtle: We've still got the doctor's desk with the records in it, darling.
Rae: Well, well, I don't think there's much of a chance of that happening.
Myrtle: Sweetheart, what were the odds of me having a beautiful daughter and that beautiful daughter coming home? I don't think that's lean odds. I think we're on a roll.
Rae: You really are an optimist. You know that?
Myrtle: Just don't call me cockeyed. Let's go home. Oh, here, put this back under him.
Rae: Under him?
Myrtle: Yes.
Rae: Really?
Myrtle: Absolutely.
Rae: All right.
Myrtle: He'll never know. Ok, let's go.

[Man groans]

Rae: Hurry.
Man: What the heck?

Adam: But the worst is over now and we can go on with our lives. The important thing is that we have Colby again and we can be a family together again. That's God's will, Liza.
Liza: Don't touch me. Don't ever touch me again.

Adam: I'm not going to give up. I -- I've got my Colby back and I'll win Liza back. And then I'll have everything I want. Everything I deserve.

[Knock on door]

Liza: What are you doing?
Jake: How could you do this to me?
Liza: Oh, Jake, please --
Jake: How could you -- tell me, how could you do this to me?

On the next "All My Children" --

Alex: Thinking about Maria?

Myrtle: Your PI., I think, has hit pay dirt.

Ryan: No man can look at you and not fall in love with you.

Liza: If the judge gives me custody, Colby will remain your daughter.

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