MARCH 2, 2001

Jake: Greenlee, get up. Come on, knock it off. No, it's fine, it's fine, thank you. She's fine. Listen, what do you think, I'm going to fall for this? You take one acting class in college, you know how to do the dead weight thing, you think I'm going to buy it? Hello. Fine, fine. Just get -- gosh. You are -- Greenlee.

Tina: Jake?
Jake: You know, if you can just open your eyes, you're going to see --
Tina: I had to park the car.
Jake: How unimpressed I am --
Tina: Is she all right?
Jake: What? Did you bring her here?
Tina: Oh, no. Did she pass out again?
Jake: "Again"? What happened?
Tina: Well, she got so angry when you left the center, she hurled this basketball at the wall, and it bounced back and hit her right in the head. She hit the ground really hard.
Jake: Was she knocked unconscious?
Tina: Yeah, for a few minutes, and then I got her up and I got her in the car and I brought her over here.
Jake: Greenlee? Greenlee? Greenlee, wake up. It's me, Jake. Greenlee?

Joe: She said one word. Tad, how do you make out from that that she was trying to incriminate David?
Tad: I don't know that she was trying to incriminate David, but I think I do know what she was talking about.
Joe: How do you know that?
Tad: Leslie has a sister Pam whose middle name is Hope. That's what everybody called her in high school. It was her nickname because Leslie was always teasing her about it. I think Leslie still calls her that. Maybe Leslie was trying to reach out for her sister.
Joe: Do you know where she lives?
Tad: I think so. I also think I should get her here as soon as possible.
Joe: Yes, I think you should, too. Tad -- you need to concentrate on what's really important. Forget David Hayward. You've got to work on saving your marriage.

David: I don't want you to feel obligated, Dixie.
Dixie: That's not why I asked you to stay.
David: I've already caused you so many problems.
Dixie: You didn't cause me anything. You're not giving me any comfort by taking the blame for something that you didn't do.
David: Yeah, but none of this would have happened if I --
Dixie: Look, sometimes things just happen because they're meant to, ok? I really believe that.
David: Do you? Junior was tied up in an attic and you were hanging off the side of a building. I never would wish that kind of pain on you, Dixie. But if I could have just stopped Leslie --
Dixie: But you did stop her.
David: I meant sooner.
Dixie: You saved my life.
David: I almost didn't.
Dixie: Look, you've got to stop beating up on yourself, ok? You're tired. Your wound is probably infected. You just need to take antibiotics and rest.
David: I would have died if I lost you, Dixie.
Dixie: But you didn't, ok? Now, will you let me help you get better? Please?
David: Yeah.

Man: Yes?
Alex: Oh, I can't stand this. How much more can I do out here in the middle of nowhere? We should be in a hospital.
Man: No.
Alex: But I can't help.
Man: I said no. You know the risk.
Alex: Doing this here without any research, without any support -- that's more dangerous. I wish you could see that.
Man: We can't take the chance.
Alex: But I can't do what I need for --
Man: Then keep doing what you've been doing since you got here. It's been working. Until it doesn't, we don't change. You've already compromised us. If whoever you called knows our location, you have no idea how sorry you'll be.

Dimitri: Malcolm, we landed at the airport I indicated before, didn't we?
Malcolm: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I'm sorry it took so long. We were fighting headwinds the whole way. Do you need me for anything else?
Dimitri: Yeah, give us a moment, I'll let you know.
Malcolm: Ok, sure.
Dimitri: All right.

Dimitri: We landed in this quadrant of Ontario.
Edmund: Ok. And this is where Alex is supposed to be.
Dimitri: Yeah.
Edmund: Whew. We're not going to be able to catch a limo --
Dimitri: That's not important. We'll get an SUV. We'll wing it, Edmund. I'm not leaving Canada without my wife.

Malcolm: I'm sorry to interrupt.
Dimitri: Yeah, Malcolm, I thought I asked you to stay in the cockpit
Malcolm: Yes, I was just curious how long you thought we'd be on the ground here. That's ok to ask, isn't it?
Edmund: Malcolm, you know, we're going to take a little time here. Can you hang loose?
Malcolm: Yeah. I'll just be on standby for you.
Edmund: Great. Thanks.
Malcolm: So, where you guys going to, exactly?
Dimitri: Malcolm, there's no need for you to know that.
Malcolm: Yes, I know. I just thought maybe I could help. I'm not doing anything else.
Dimitri: I need you here, ready to go at a moment's notice, all right?
Malcolm: Ok.
Dimitri: All right.

Dixie: Ready? Ah. What?
David: I'm just looking at you.
Dixie: How you feeling?
David: With you as my doctor, pretty damn good.
Dixie: Just tell me about your shoulder, ok?
David: It's going to be fine. But of course, I'll take that back if it means you're going to stop all this TLC.
Dixie: Not likely, my friend. I think I should take a look at that dressing, hmm?
David: You sure you want to do that? I mean, it could be pretty nasty.
Dixie: Please. I live with two kids that are in a constant state of bandage grossness. I think I can handle it.
David: All right. Suit yourself. Oh.
Dixie: Careful. Ooh. Ready? I'm just going to pull this off.
David: Ok, go. Go.
Dixie: Ready? Sorry. Oh, my goodness.
David: What'd I tell you?
Dixie: Well, that's definitely infected. I think I should change the dressing before you go to sleep.
David: You sure you want to do this?
Dixie: Yeah. It's the least I can do for you.
David: Thank you. I mean it, Dixie.
Dixie: So do I. I got to put this thing in this way. Ok, got it. At least it's not bleeding. That's a good sign.
David: Good. Boy, this is so weird.
Dixie: What? Your being here? Yeah, I know, that's kind of weird for me, too, but you are hurt.
David: No, I mean I don't usually let people care for me like this -- certainly not like this.
Dixie: Well, you have no choice. It's my house, it's my rules.
David: Well, I do have one thing to say about it.
Dixie: Oh, yeah?
David: Yeah. I like it.
Dixie: I'm glad.
David: It feels wonderful. Really, Dixie. You don't know how much.
Dixie: That's two things.
David: I'm kind of delirious.

[Dixie laughs]

[Knock on door]

Dixie: I know that knock anywhere.
David: You do?
Dixie: That's my mother-in-law. Give me a second, ok?
David: Yeah, yeah.
Dixie: Sorry. Sorry.

Dixie: Opal.
Opal: Oh, Dixie --
Dixie: Hi, Darling.
Opal: Dixie, Dixie, oh, my -- I heard all about what happened to you and Junior because of that wackadoodle Leslie Coulson. Are you ok?
Dixie: I'm fine. David stopped her, so I'm --
Opal: David? Oh, are you still giving that snake in the grass -- what the hell are you doing here?

Jake: Greenlee? Greenlee. It's Jake. You're here in the hospital in the ER. Can you hear me?
Tina: Is she going to be ok?
Jake: Well, I think so.

[Greenlee moans]

Jake: Hey, you're a little sleepy, huh?
Greenlee: My quilt --
Tina: Oh, no.
Greenlee: With the poodles. Poodle-Dee and Poodle-Dum.
Tina: Jake?
Jake: Greenlee, do you remember what happened to do and why you're here? Do you know why you're here?
Greenlee: I brushed my teeth, Millie.
Tina: Millie?
Greenlee: Did Daddy call, Millie?
Jake: Ok, Greenlee, Greenlee, listen. You need to stay awake, ok? Can you hear me?
Tina: Do you think she has a concussion?
Jake: Well, she might have. I need to keep her awake. Greenlee, you're in the hospital. Can you hear me?
Greenlee: No! No, I want to keep my tonsils. Daddy said I could last time I was home.
Jake: Ok, Greenlee, you are not here to take your tonsils out.
Greenlee: Good.
Jake: Ok. You were hit in the head with a basketball. You might have a concussion.
Greenlee: Millie's not my Mommy. She can't make me stay here.
Jake: Ok, all right, that's it.
Tina: What are you going to do?
Jake: I'm going to have to get her a Cat scan.
Tina: Ok.
Jake: Listen, I need you to go to the nurses' station and tell them that I asked you to get her father's phone number. It's in the file.
Tina: Ok.
Jake: All right, it's from the last time she was here, ok?
Tina: Ok, do you want me to call him?
Jake: Yeah, please, please. You can use my office. Will you catch that door for me, nurse, please?

[Greenlee groans]

Jake: Thank you.
Greenlee: I want my own bed!
Jake: All right.
Greenlee: Millie, don't make me stay here!

Tad: Pammy?
Pam: Oh, Tad, hello.
Tad: Hey.
Pam: Wow, you haven't changed a bit.
Tad: Neither have you. Come on, have a seat. Listen, I'm really sorry to call you out of the blue like that, you know, especially with such bad news.
Pam: Is there any change?
Tad: No. I'm afraid she's still in a coma.
Pam: Oh, God, I can't believe this. Thank you for thinking to call me.
Tad: Well, you're her family.
Pam: Tad, I haven't spoken to my sister in years.
Tad: I'm sorry. I had no idea.
Pam: No, I'm grateful that you called me. You said -- you said Leslie asked for me?
Tad: Actually, she asked for Hope. And then she lost consciousness.
Pam: Hope? Nobody's called me that in years. Leslie was the last holdout. She knew how much it bugged me. Do the police think she tried to kill herself?
Tad: I don't think so.
Pam: Well, what -- she got pushed?
Tad: They're calling it an accident, but there's a lot of questions that nobody has any answers to yet.
Pam: How did you get involved?
Tad: It happened where I work. I mean, the terrace is right off my office, and I walked in right after Leslie fell.
Pam: When did she ask for me? I mean, she's comatose, right?
Tad: Well, no. She came to for a bit, and I tried to talk to her to find out what happened, but she was just having too much trouble speaking.
Pam: So you knew her? I mean, recently.
Tad: Yeah. Like I say, I knew her through work. You know, I gave her a lot of Chandler business.
Pam: You were always so nice to her when she was a kid. She drove me crazy.
Tad: Listen, you said that you two hadn't spoken to each other for a while. Do you mind if I ask why?
Pam: Remember when we were in high school and Leslie was always trying to be like me?
Tad: Yeah, she always stole your clothes, but I always thought that was kind of cute.
Pam: Yeah, well, that cute little trait didn't die down when she grew up.
Tad: What does that mean?
Pam: I got married 10 years ago, and Leslie was my maid of honor. It was great. And then I -- I came back from my honeymoon, and she waited about a week before she tried to seduce my husband. Rich is a really good guy. He's very patient. But he was beside himself about the way she was behaving. And when he told me, I kind of lost it. We tried talking to her, and she just started acting like I was invisible. She had this heat-seeking thing for rich, so we finally just had to cut her off. I mean, completely.
Tad: I'm sorry, Pam. Very sorry.
Pam: And now she's hurt and alone.
Tad: Listen, listen -- maybe you should see her.
Pam: May not help.
Tad: It might. There's a lot of people around this place that think that every -- that people in comas can hear everything you say. I'm not sure, but it's worth a try.
Pam: I've had this sick feeling about Leslie for about a month now.
Tad: Why?
Pam: Because I got a package messengered to me from Leslie, and it was the only time we'd heard from her in years. And the note that came with it was bizarre.
Tad: How so?
Pam: Classic victim stuff. I thought she was just starting up with me and rich again or just being a drama queen.
Tad: Maybe it was more than that. What does the note say?
Pam: Well, read it if you want. Maybe you can make some sense of it. Basically Leslie says if anything should happen to her, I should take this key and go to her office for the proof against the person who's responsible. Maybe -- maybe I should go now and see what she's talking about.
Tad: Pam, do you know what that key is to?
Pam: Not a clue. I thought maybe it was a desk drawer or a file cabinet. I was going to forget it --
Tad: Can I have it?
Pam: The key?
Tad: Yeah. I'd like to take it to Leslie's office, look around. What if she was right? What if she knew she was in danger and somehow she left some proof behind?
Pam: What kind of -- Tad, do you think someone pushed my sister off that terrace?
Tad: I think that somebody didn't try as hard as he could have to save her.
Pam: Who are you talking about? Was there someone in that office when you got there after Leslie fell?
Tad: Pam, wait, wait, listen. I don't know anything, all right? All I'm saying is if I take that key to Leslie's office and look around, this note might make more sense.
Pam: This is unreal.
Tad: I can take you to her office with me, then.
Pam: I should see her first.
Tad: Yeah, you're right. Listen -- listen, I'm sorry, ok? I know you have a lot of mixed feelings about your sister.
Pam: I never wanted Leslie to be hurt.
Tad: Of course you didn't. Hey, hey, listen, she knows that. She knows that. That's why she sent you the letter, right, and the key. She knew that you would do right by her, no matter what happened between the two of you. Look, the one word she said so far is your nickname, a name she used when you two were close to each other. It's because she trusts you, ok? Now, I'm asking you to trust me. Please, let's do this for Leslie. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Pam: Please tell me what you find, Tad.
Tad: I will, ok? I swear.

Opal: Would you mind telling me what you are doing unbuttoned in my son's living room?
Dixie: Opal, this is my house as much as Tad's.
Opal: Oh, you want him here? Is that what you're telling me, Dixie?
Dixie: David was stabbed in the shoulder trying to save my life.
Opal: Oh, really?
Dixie: Yes, really. And now he's running a fever, he has got an infection, and I am just trying to have him here so I can take care of him, ok?
Opal: I don't think the word "ok" is in the same alphabet with what I am thinking and feeling right now, Dixie. Did you know that Becca came over to my house to ask if she can stay with me and Petey?
Dixie: Fine.
Opal: Oh, no, it is not fine.
Dixie: Look. I was just about to change the dressing on David's stitches when you came storming in here, so don't get any crazy ideas, all right?
Opal: Where is my son?
Dixie: Tad is not here.
Opal: Well, I got that, but does he know who is?
Dixie: Opal, you know Tad and I are in trouble.
Opal: Oh, I know. I know all about it, Dixie. And I don't like it -- or this -- one bit.
David: You know, maybe I should go.
Dixie: No, no, no, no, no. Look, you're running a fever. I don't want you to move. Please just stay still?
Opal: Are you sure that's what you want, Dixie?
Dixie: Look, Opal, I love you and I don't want to hurt you, but David is my friend, ok, and I'm going to make sure that he's all right.
Opal: Oh, that he is all right while Tad is off god knows where --
Dixie: If Tad -- if David hadn't sensed where I was and stopped Leslie, I would be the one in the coma, not her, ok?
Opal: David is the one that got Leslie all riled up and made her go crazy in the first place!
Dixie: And who told you that? Tad, your son who had an affair with the crazy woman in the first place?
Opal: What? What -- what?
Dixie: Opal, look. I -- I know this is really hard for you to accept and I'm sure this is going to be really painful, but the fact of the -- and it's very hard for me and it's even more hard for the kids -- but the fact of the matter is, is that your son had an affair with a very dangerous woman. She kidnapped my son. She practically almost threw me over the balcony. And David has been the only one who has been there for me consistently through all of this without me even asking.
Opal: And have you asked yourself why -- why that is?
Dixie: Look, he saved my life. I can't and I won't forget that.
Opal: What about your marriage?
Dixie: Well, what about it? I mean, I was fine. I was perfectly content. Tad was the one who threw it away -- again. And what has David done but been there for me like a real partner is supposed to be, like Tad hasn't been for the past six months --
Opal: Oh, now, you just wait just a little red-hot minute here --
Dixie: No, no, no, look. This has been going on for a really long time. Tad went back to Chandler for Liza, of all people, because she needed him. And I let him do what he needed to do. And what do I get for that? I get a husband who has cheated on me again and who has brought my family into complete jeopardy. Well, no more. Do you understand me? No more. I'm not going to stand here and take your criticism. And if you insult David when he's been the one constant in my life, after Tad has thrown away everything that we have built -- you got that?

Alex: You're making me nervous.
Man: Then do something different.
Alex: If they'd traced the call that I made yesterday, they would be here by now. What, are you going to just stand there all night?
Man: I might.
Alex: I'll never forget what you've done. I do appreciate it more than I let on. But we can't live like this forever.
Man: We'll live like this as long as we have to. I just want to protect us.
Alex: I know, I know. What?
Man: You look tired.
Alex: I am.
Man: Why don't you go lie down for a while?
Alex: Yeah. Don't let me sleep too long.

Edmund: This is what the shopkeeper described. There was no marker or sign or anything.
Dimitri: Well, there's only one way to find out if we're right.
Edmund: Let's do it.
Dimitri: What?
Edmund: Are you sure this is the right way to go about this?
Dimitri: Edmund, we decided to take the tact two guys lost, looking for some friendly direction.
Edmund: I know. Right, right, right.
Dimitri: And now?
Edmund: Now I'm worried. Look at this place. It was so remote and it was so hard to find. Whoever's got Alex went to a lot of trouble to make sure nobody finds this place.
Dimitri: What do you want to do?
Edmund: I want to find out how many people are in there, all right? I'll go check the other window in the back --
Man: What the hell are you doing here? Who are you?

Jake: Got some good news here. Cat scan's clear.
Greenlee: Oh, excellent. I so want out of here. The color scheme in here is nauseating.
Jake: Well, you're just going to have to put up with the old hospital decor for one night.
Greenlee: Yeah, right.
Jake: Greenlee, you blacked out twice. You were hit in the face with a basketball.
Greenlee: Did you have to bring that up again?
Jake: Hey, I just wanted to keep an eye on you. It's nothing major.
Greenlee: It is to me. Oh. Maybe five more minutes.
Jake: Yeah, you're staying.
Greenlee: I hate hospitals, Jake.
Jake: Oh, yeah? Well, gee, that's new because you've always liked the hospital when you needed one for one of your sympathy ploys.
Greenlee: Is this payback for that one teensy, tiny error in judgment?
Jake: No. But you're still staying.
Greenlee: I can't.
Jake: Why not?
Greenlee: I won't sleep. Not in this sorry excuse for a gown. And I don't like the hospital staff, either. The nurses sneer at me.
Jake: Hmm. Well, I tell you what. I'm going to stay with you for a while, and then I'm going to turn you over to the hands of the snickering nurses' staff. How about that?
Greenlee: What do you mean, you're going to stay with me?
Jake: Still feeling a little foggy in there?
Greenlee: I mean, why are you being so nice to me?
Jake: I didn't realize I was. Guess I'm just a sucker. What can I say?
Greenlee: For who? Me?
Jake: Gee, you are feeling bad. I think I might have to keep you here for a whole week.
Greenlee: No! No, Jake, I'll die.
Jake: Ok, all right. Listen, I have a question for you. Do you remember when you got hit in the face by that basketball?
Greenlee: Oh. That again? Is my face swollen?
Jake: No, not yet. I'll ask you one more time. Do you remember when you got hit in the face with a basketball?
Greenlee: I remember smashing the ball against the wall because I was hopping mad. I should have known better because last time I was near a basketball, I got hit in the head with some player's size-14 foot. You don't want to know. I was with Ryan. I was trying to impress him. It wasn't pretty. Neither was I for, like, a week. My face looked like a road map.
Jake: Well, you're the one who's into all this holistic stuff. Maybe that should tell you a little something about karma and all that stuff.
Greenlee: What are you talking about, Jake? You're making my brain hurt.
Jake: Oh. Sorry -- didn't realize you were trying to think.
Greenlee: If I had a basketball, I wouldn't be the only one with a concussion. Oh.
Jake: Relax.
Greenlee: My head really does hurt.
Jake: Well, that's normal, considering what all you've been through. So, how old were you when you had your tonsils taken out?
Greenlee: What?
Jake: Yeah.
Greenlee: Are you kidding?
Jake: No.
Greenlee: I was 6. Am I having tonsil complications?
Jake: No, no. Your tonsils are fine.
Greenlee: Then how did you know that I had them out? Were you sticking one of those things down my throat when I was out of it? Oh!
Jake: You told me.
Greenlee: When?
Jake: When you were drifting in and out of your consciousness, you told me.
Greenlee: What else did I say?
Jake: Well -- no, I'm kidding. Nothing embarrassing.
Greenlee: Are you sure?
Jake: I'm positive.
Greenlee: Gosh, my subconscious must have known I was in the hospital or something.
Jake: So it must have been a pretty bad experience, this tonsil little thing.
Greenlee: I was petrified.
Jake: Your parents there?
Greenlee: You kidding? My grandmother Millie was. She was nice enough, but s was very old-school. I wasn't allowed to cry or embarrass her.
Jake: She's not even your mother.
Greenlee: Well, my parents were on safari in Africa or shopping in Milan or who knows what. All I know is that I was sick and I was scared and they were on some other continent somewhere.
Jake: That's a pretty traumatic thing for a 6-year-old to go through.
Greenlee: It was. I was sick, and I was alone, and -- and I wanted my Mommy and Daddy, and they weren't there for me.
Roger: I'm here now.

Opal: Well, I shouldn't have come. I mean, I've been trying to keep quite a distance, keep out of my kids' personal business. But this is just so terrible, Dixie.
Dixie: I know. It is. It's hard. It's hard for me and for Tad and definitely -- mostly for the kids.
Opal: Well, maybe you should be thinking about them now.
Dixie: I am thinking about them, Opal.
Opal: What, with him here?
Dixie: Maybe you should be asking Tad what he was thinking when he slept with that woman.
Opal: You and Tad -- you are meant to be.
Dixie: I don't know, Opal. Apparently not. Listen, I know this is hard for you and I don't want to hurt you, but this is incredibly private stuff, ok? And I'm just sorry that you got so involved.
Opal: Well, it's just hard to imagine -- it's impossible to imagine you and Tad splitting up. Where's Junior?
Dixie: He's over at Adam's, and he wants to be called JR. now.
Opal: Oh, really? Anything else? I'm just so sorry.

Dixie: Ugh.
David: Thanks for defending me that way.
Dixie: No. I was defending myself, too.
David: I don't belong here, Dixie.
Dixie: No, you do. You do. Please. Listen, you're still feverish. Will you do me a favor? Will you go upstairs and just lay down in the guest room?
David: Are you sure?
Dixie: Yes, I'm sure. Do this for me, please?
David: All right.
Dixie: I'll be up in a minute, ok?
[Knock on door]

Tad: I have the answer to everything.
Dixie: What are you talking about?
Tad: Right here. Dixie, if you love me, if you've ever loved me, you will come with me right now.
Dixie: Come on, Tad. Don't say things like that. What is this about? What's the key?
Tad: This is something in Leslie's office.
Dixie: Something?
Tad: Yeah, yeah. A locked drawer, a file cabinet, a safe -- I don't know.
Dixie: And --
Tad: And this is what I've been praying for. Come on, please? Just come with me. I'll explain about everything on the way, please.
Dixie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you can explain it right here.
Tad: All right, fine, fine. Leslie's sister Pam gave me this key just now at the hospital. She said it was sent to her with a note from Leslie instructing her that if anything bad ever happened to her, she was supposed to go to her office and use it.
Dixie: Why?
Tad: Because obviously there's some kind of incriminating evidence there that Leslie wants used to nail whoever was trying to do it to her. What do you think?
Dixie: I think you think all roads lead to David.
Tad: Who else?
Dixie: I can think of a few people.
Tad: Dixie, please, please, come on, Honey. Just trust me one more time.
Dixie: Why, so you can blame David for Leslie's accident? I mean, really, Tad. If David wanted to let her fall off the terrace, why did he do everything in his power to save her life at the ICU.? I mean, she could have been dead if he hadn't shown up. You know that! I mean, even your dad was impressed.
Tad: All right, ok. All right, listen. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. I'll make you -- I'll make you a deal, all right? If you come with me now, just go with me on this one, if I am wrong -- if I'm wrong, I'll never mention it again. Ok? I promise. Never, forever, done.
Dixie: You'll leave David alone?
Tad: If he's not the one that Leslie was warning her sister about, I promise.
Dixie: Ok. Let's go.

Greenlee: How did you know I was here?
Roger: Your friend Tina called my cell phone, told me what happened.
Tina: Well, you can thank Dr. Martin. He told me how to get a hold of you.
Roger: Remind me to thank you later. You're all right, then?
Jake: Well, actually, we're just keeping Greenlee right here for observation for now because she's sustained a slight concussion. Dr. Jake Martin.
Roger: I came as soon as I heard. I hate the thought of you hurt or sick. I was worried I -- I was worried I was too late.

Jake: What exactly did you tell him?
Tina: I just told him that she had a concussion. I didn't say she was dying or anything.

Roger: Look at that smile, huh? You're making me very happy now.
Greenlee: Oh, Daddy, I'm the one who's happy.
Jake: Well, I guess we'll give you two some privacy.

Roger: Yes, that would be appropriate. Now, you tell me what happened.
Greenlee: Oh. It was ridiculous.
Roger: Well, I want to know if anyone is responsible for harming my little girl.
Greenlee: Oh, no, no, no. No one is to blame but myself. I was at the Community Center.
Roger: The what?
Greenlee: I was volunteering my time at the homeless shelter, and that's -- and I was hit with a basketball.
Roger: Well, we'll sue for damages, then.
Greenlee: Oh, no, it wouldn't be worth it, Daddy. Like I said, it was my fault.
Roger: You sure? I mean, I know people are shying away from litigation these days, but nevertheless --
Greenlee: Daddy, it's a homeless shelter, and it's where kids go to play. They're always strapped, you know.
Roger: Oh. Yes, you're right. You're right. I don't want to say anything to upset you.
Greenlee: Oh, you're not. I'm thrilled you came.
Roger: You're my little girl. I care deeply for you.
Greenlee: You don't know how good it is to hear you say that. You know, after that fight and everything.
Roger: Greenlee, I have a new perspective on things. This divorce from your mother and hearing tonight that you could have been hurt, it's given me a new understanding of what's important -- my family. Now, you tell me what I can do for you.
Greenlee: Oh. I could use a sugar rush big-time.

[Roger laughs]

Greenlee: Could you get me a soda, a real one?
Roger: I can do that. I won't be long.
Greenlee: Thanks, Daddy.

Jake: I just thought you wanted to know, sir, we've run a number of tests on your daughter and everything has come back --
Roger: Typical, isn't it, this kind of prank?
Jake: Excuse me?
Roger: She's lying in there perfectly healthy, and I'm called out of a crucial business negotiation to hold her hand? I could have lost a fortune on this deal.

Man: I want some answers. Why are you trespassing on my property?
Dimitri: We -- our car broke down just down --
Edmund: Our cell phones don't work here.
Dimitri: Yeah, we saw your light -- the cottage lights and --
Edmund: Listen, we just want to, you know, borrow a phone, call a tow truck. I'm sorry we spooked you, but you can put that poker down.
Man: I don't have a phone.
Dimitri: I saw some phone lines outside.
Man: I said I don't have a phone. Do you hear me?
Dimitri: Whoa. What can we do here? Maybe we could borrow your car? Maybe we could just --
Man: I don't have a car.
Dimitri: Ok.
Edmund: You're a regular Unabomber, you know that? Except your digs are a little bit nicer.
Man: So where were you headed when your car broke down?

Dimitri: Give me that! Hold him. Oh, I got it.
Alex: Can I help you gentlemen?
Dimitri: Oh, my God, Alex. Alex, we have got to get you out.
Alex: I don't think so. Who the hell are you?

Roger: Well, I don't think she's hurt at all, Mary. Some doctor told me that she's perfectly all right, but I think this entire thing was staged. Well, this shouldn't surprise either one of us, Mary. Greenlee is your daughter. She learned her histrionics from the master. Well, of course it's a ploy for attention, but I do not intend to give in.

[David reading Leslie's note at her office]

David: "If something should happen to me and I am not here to say what it is, it will be because I'm being framed for a crime committed by Dr. David Hayward of Pine Valley Hospital. You will find attached to this letter a sworn affidavit from Gordon Feimster."

David: Gordon, that little troll --

Tad: Right over here.
Dixie: You should know.

Malcolm: We're on the ground, and I have no details. No, they were being careful, you know. They -- yes, but I do have something. I've got something. I went to the rental agency where they got the SUV. Mm-hmm. And the rental agent said that Mr. Marick and his brother asked for a map of the Sachigo River area, and I got one, as well. Uh-huh. Yeah, it's right near the Manitoba border. As good a place to start as any.

Edmund: Alex, do you recognize me?
Alex: I've never seen either of you before in my life.
Dimitri: Alex, what have they done to you?
Alex #2: They haven't done anything to me, Dimitri. I'm fine.

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