MARCH 20, 2001

Gillian: Ryan?
Ryan: I hope one of those is for me.
Gillian: It's your favorite.
Ryan: Hmm. You're my favorite. And could you please wear negligees all the time? Please, please?
Gillian: Oh, you know, it might get a little chilly.
Ryan: Well, yeah, you see, I would warm you up.
Gillian: Would you? Yeah? Well, that's when you're around. Where'd you sneak off to?
Ryan: Ahem. Business call, you know.
Gillian: Business call?
Ryan: Mm-hmm.
Gillian: Well, I was kind of hoping that we could pick up where we left off yesterday. Remember?
Ryan: Well, you might have to remind me.
Gillian: Remember now?
Ryan: You see, I thought we were a little bit closer to --
Gillian: You know, maybe Leo won't come home.
Ryan: He'd better come home.

Leo: Palmer, come here. I need a major cash infusion right now. Oh, it's too on the nose. Palmer, I made a bad investment. No. Dad, I -- I'm not that desperate. My God.

Palmer: Well, you must be. Otherwise, why would you call me?
Leo: How are you doing? Thank you for coming, Palmer.
Palmer: Stop the fawning. Let's get down to the point.
Leo: Ok, can I get you something to drink?
Palmer: Oh, so I can pick up the tab? No, no, no, no. Thank you anyway. Thank you. Now --
Leo: There you go.
Palmer: What kind of trouble are you in? Did you max out a credit card? Is it gambling debts?
Leo: No.
Palmer: No?
Leo: Nothing like that, no.
Palmer: Well, it can't be one of your usual predicaments. Otherwise, you would've called your mother.
Leo: See, I knew that I could rely on you, Palmer. I knew it.
Palmer: Don't tell me you got a girl in a --
Leo: No. No. Palmer. No, it's business. I'm a virgin.

[Palmer laughs]

Palmer: Business? Well, if you think that I'm going to rehire you at Cortlandt Electronics, uh-uh.
Leo: No, I've got a job. For now, anyway.
Palmer: Yeah, you screwed up.
Leo: Yeah. Palmer, you're the only person who can help me.
Palmer: And what makes you think that I would?
Leo: Well, it sure as hell isn't because we're family.
Palmer: That's very astute.
Leo: Actually, the truth is, Palmer, that you wouldn't be helping me as much as you'd be helping a friend of mine who's in a jam because I made a mistake.
Palmer: Ah -- ah -- and how much would it take to correct this mistake?
Leo: You got a pen?
Leo: Cash would be great.
Palmer: You must be out of your mind.
Leo: I take that as a no.
Palmer: Yes. You must take me for a bigger fool than you are. Give me back my pen.

Alex: You think we can sneak Anna into Pine Valley Hospital?
Dimitri: Alex, I think we can do it.
Alex: How? I work there. You both have friends on the staff. Might as well just parade her down Main Street.
Edmund: Sometimes hiding in plain sight is the best solution.
Dimitri: And we've taken her this far safely.
Alex: You think? We should assume that we're being watched at all times.
Edmund: Alex, Anna's going to die if she doesn't get the right treatment.
Alex: But taking her to the hospital -- that's too dangerous. I'm not going to take that chance.
Dimitri: Alex -- it's Anna's only hope.
Edmund: Seaview doesn't have the right equipment.
Alex: Then we'll get it from the Andrassy Foundation.
Dimitri: Wait, wait. And create more questions, more suspicions? Alex, I trusted you with my life, and you saved me. Now, let us help you save Anna.
Alex: I don't want anything to happen to her.

Anna: You already risked your lives for me.
Edmund: Hey. Listen to me. You're just starting to remember your past. You trust us, you'll be thinking about a future, too.
Anna: But I can't stand hospital food.
Edmund: You know anybody who can?
Anna: No.
Edmund: This is for the best. I'll slip you some of Peggy's cooking, I promise.
Anna: You do promise?
Dimitri: We're ready, then?
Alex: All right.
Edmund: Let me make a call.
Alex: I don't know whether I'm helping you or harming you. Maybe you would've been safer without me in your life.
Anna: Then I'd probably be dead.
Alex: All right. We're going to make this work.
Dimitri: Hey, hey -- we're going to make this work, hmm? Now, I'll carry Anna to the car. As soon as Edmund gets back, we'll head for the hospital.
Bart: No. You're not taking Anna anywhere.

Jake: You're usually a little quicker to come up with an answer, Hayward. My dad asked you a question. Where have you been for the last few hours?
Dixie: David, just tell them.
Joe: David?
Jake: It's just what I said. He doesn't have an alibi.
Dixie: Yes, he does.
David: Actually, I don't.
Jake: Then you tell me what you did with Leslie.
Dixie: Hey, he didn't do anything with her.
Jake: Why are you defending him? No one else had a reason to come into this room to remove her but him. And he hasn't come up with a reason for it yet.
Dixie: He was with me.
David: Dixie --
Jake: Why are you lying for him, Dixie?
Dixie: I'm not lying. It can be verified.
Jake: By who? Him?
Dixie: By a clerk at the Valley Inn. He came by and gave us a message shortly after we arrived.
Jake: What's the clerk's name?
Joe: No, no, no, no. Let it go. We've got our answer.
Jake: She's obviously defending him.
Joe: Hey, Jake, come on --
Jake: Dixie, Dixie, he is using you. You are the perfect cover. While he was romancing you in that room, he hired somebody to come in here and kidnap Leslie. Isn't that right, Hayward? No, you don't want to get your hands dirty, so you hire some lackey to do it for you, didn't you?
Dixie: You are so out of line, Jake.
Jake: You need to open your eyes.
Dixie: I have. But what I see disgusts me.
Jake: Really? Have you looked in the mirror?
Joe: Ok, that's enough. Jake, enough.
Jake: What has David done to you, Dixie? What's happened to you?
Dixie: David didn't do anything to me.
Jake: Is that why you spend your afternoons in his hotel room?
Joe: Oh, come on, don't do this.
Jake: No you've shredded your family, Dixie. And for what, him?
Dixie: Why are we talking about me and David? Shouldn't you be looking for Leslie Coulson?
Jake: He ruined Leslie's life, and he's going to ruin yours. And you better pay attention before it's too late.
Dixie: My life was already ruined, ok? David is the only person that's been there for me, unlike your brother.
Jake: Are you telling me that you trust David Hayward over Tad? You need to wake up, Dixie. This man wants Leslie dead.
Dixie: Says Tad.
Jake: And that's why she's conveniently gone.
David: I had nothing to do with her disappearance.
Jake: Then what other explanation do you have?
Dixie: Joe, would you please talk to Jake and make him understand how crazy he sounds?
Joe: Everybody -- we've got a critically ill patient who's missing, and finding her is the only thing that matters now.
Jake: All right, let's hear it, Hayward -- what's your theory on her disappearance?

Leslie: David -- well, should I tell them or will you? I didn't think so. You don't have the guts to come clean with your precious Dixie Belle. Too bad she has to get the skinny from me. But I'll enjoy watching you fall from grace. David dropped me from the balcony. And you already know David spiked the punch at Ryan's party with Libidozone. And poor, dumb you. David used me to lure your husband away so that he could have you all to himself. When David's done with you, stay away from high places. I told you I believe in payback. [Leslie laughs]

Jake: Well? Any ideas, Hayward?
David: I've absolutely no idea.
Jake: No help, like usual.
David: So this is all my fault? Is that it, Jake? Frankly, I'm more concerned with the fact that she's not on life support, which diminishes our chances to save her.
Jake: Oh, this -- this coming from a man who tried to convince Leslie's sister to take her off life support? What the hell is this?
Dixie: Jake, instead of badgering David, why don't you concentrate on finding out who really did this? I'm getting out of here. I'll see you later.
David: Thank you, Dixie.

[Pager beeps]

Joe: Look, I have a patient in recovery. I've got to go. Jake, I want you to call Lt. Frye. Leslie's sister has probably already contacted the police, but just in case. And you better stick around, doctor. Derek will have some questions for you.

Jake: Where the hell are you going?
David: You get your hands off me, Jake.
Jake: You can't hide behind Dixie forever. I know you did this, just like you spiked the punch and wrecked Tad and Dixie's marriage.
David: Do you parrot everything your big brother says?
Jake: You know what, Hayward? You're going to go down for this. I'm going to make sure of it.

Bart: But a hospital? She'll be a target. You might as well kill her now -- and all of us.
Dimitri: Bart, listen to me. Edmund and I have a plan.
Bart: Don't tell me about your plan. The last plan you had, someone ended up in an unmarked grave. I can't trust you.
Dimitri: We will do anything that we have to to keep her safe.
Bart: Can you guarantee that?
Dimitri: Did you get through?
Edmund: Yeah, yeah. He's prepping a room, and we can bypass the usual check-in.
Bart: You told someone?
Edmund: Yeah, someone we trust.
Bart: You use that word so lightly.
Edmund: We're running out of options, Bart.
Dimitri: And we're wasting precious time.
Bart: No, wait, wait, wait. Let's just give the medicine some more time to work.
Bart: You don't have to go. You know what this can mean.
Anna: I know, I know. But I trust them.
Bart: Anna --
Alex: You've looked after her all these years. Please give us a chance to help her.
Anna: What do we have to lose?
Bart: All right. If that's what Anna wants, let's go.

Gillian: Hey, why are you so anxious about Leo?
Ryan: That's a business thing.
Gillian: Business?
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: Well, are you sure?
Ryan: Yes. I'm positive. Now tell me about, you know, what you're planning for the wedding.
Gillian: Well, since we're getting married for all the right reasons this time --
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: I've decided that I want to invite my family -- all my family.
Ryan: That sounds great.
Gillian: Yeah? From Hungary? You're sure?
Ryan: From Hungary?
Gillian: Yeah.
Ryan: Wow. Yeah. No, that's great. Like how many people?
Gillian: It's about 50. I'm so excited that you're going to meet them. You know, I didn't realize how much I missed them until I started making the guest list. And then once I invited the one cousin, I had to invite, you know, all the others.
Ryan: No, no, no. Absolutely. You can't leave anybody out. Your family is my family.
Gillian: Oh. And they're going to love you just as much as I do. I'm so glad that we've decided to have a real wedding. I'm so glad. I'm so glad that you're giving me this gift. I'm so glad.
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: And they're going to love you so much.
[Telephone rings]

Ryan: Hold on, Baby. Got to get that, got to get that. Yeah -- oh, sorry. Hello. Excuse me? Yeah. She's right here. Something -- yeah? Ok. Limo company.

Gillian: Hello? Oh, yes. Listen, can I call you right back with all the details? Ok. Thank you. It's the limo company.
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: I have to arrange all the shuttles, you know, from the airport to Pine Valley and to -- to the Wildwind, and -- and -- everything. Maybe they can give us a group discount.

Ryan: Ok. Leo, where are you?

[Telephone rings]

Leo: Hi. This is Leo.
Ryan: Where's my money?
Leo: It's -- it's coming.
Ryan: When? When? What is the holdup?
Leo: I'm getting really, really bad reception here.
Ryan: Leo? Leo, don't hang up on me.
Leo: I can -- I can barely hear you.
Ryan: Leo, don't hang up on me!

Palmer: What was all that about?
Leo: A pitch. I wasn't buying.
Palmer: Well, this was very professional.
Leo: Thank you.
Leo: Palmer, I've never asked you for anything, hardly.
Palmer: Leo, I've never seen you sweat before. Now, you've got to tell me the truth about this -- friend. Is it a loan shark? Are your kneecaps in jeopardy?
Leo: No, it's Ryan Lavery. He's totally legitimate.
Palmer: Oh, yes, yes, of course. He certainly is -- except when he's lacing drugs into the punch for his guests. What has he done now, embezzle some funds from Whoo-hoo. I'd like to see Adam's face.
Leo: No, no -- Palmer, ok, this is what happened. A while back, Ryan and I invested some money in this real estate investment deal. And, you know, it was going so well that, you know, when he asked me to -- to reinvest money into the bank account, I just reinvested it back into the investment property deal.
Palmer: You invested his money without his knowledge?
Leo: The deal tanked, Palmer. The money's gone.
Palmer: Well, why don't you tell Ryan all about it and just arrange some kind of, you know, repay schedule.
Leo: There's no time for that. The money is for his wedding and his honeymoon.
Palmer: Well, perhaps you should suggest to him that he elope.
Leo: No, I can't do that, Palmer. I need the money today.
Palmer: I know you won't believe this right now, but, Leo, I really am doing you a favor by not giving you this loan. One day you will learn a healthy respect about financial matters.
Leo: There is no someday. There is no future. There's --
Palmer: Always like your mother. Everything dramatic.

Joe: Hi. I'm Joe Martin.
Anna: Thank you very much for helping me. Thank you.
Joe: Going to do everything we can to get you back on your feet and to keep you safe.
Edmund: Joe -- your safety is also a concern.
Dimitri: Yeah, the people that tried to kill Anna are just as eager to see her dead today.
Edmund: And, unfortunately, that threat extends to anybody who helps her, so we hesitated to ask you.
Joe: Well, I'm very glad you hesitated no longer.
Anna: You can always change your mind.
Joe: The only thing on my mind is getting you well and keeping you safe while that happens.
Edmund: Thank you.
Joe: Now, since we've quarantined the room, the only people allowed here are authorized personnel. I've done the initial paperwork. We've admitted Anna as Alex Marick, as you requested.
Dimitri: Thank you, Joe.
Joe: I must tell you, however, that Alex's co-workers are very devoted to her and they're going to be very curious as to why she's admitted. So it's going to be most difficult to keep her sequestered from the rest of the hospital population.
Dimitri: We understand that. Our cover story is that Alex contracted a contagious disease while on a trip of South America.
Edmund: Hopefully that'll, you know, keep some of the people away who want to make a bedside visit.
Dimitri: Yeah, the tricky part is getting Alex in and out undetected so she can treat Anna.
Edmund: Well, that's why we've got these outfits. It'll serve as some sort of camouflage for her.
Joe: Sounds all right to me. Sounds like you've thought this through.
Dimitri: We couldn't have done any of this, Joe, without your help.
Anna: Thank you.
Joe: You've got a long way to go, so don't thank me quite yet.

Jake: It's just you and me now, David. Why don't you tell me what you did with Leslie.
David: Why don't you give it up.
Jake: No, I never give it up. Not when it concerns my family.
David: You think everything wrong in the world is my fault, don't you, Jake? Well, maybe the problem is you and your brother Tad. Neither one of you seems to know how to hold on to your wives.

Guard: Is there a problem here, doctors?
David: No, not at all. Right, Jake?
Guard: You want me to stick around, Dr. Martin?
Jake: No, we're fine, we're fine. Actually, have -- what about the patient, Leslie Coulson? Any word yet?
Guard: Not yet. We're conducting a floor-by-floor search.
Jake: Thank you.

David: What, you want to take a swing at me? Go ahead. Your brother Tad has, your nephew has. Come on, Jake. Give it your best shot.
Jake: I don't know what Dixie sees in you.
David: Nothing you would understand, believe me.
Jake: You know, Hayward, ever since she got involved with you, I don't even recognize her anymore. She used to be fair and rational. And nobody was more loving or loyal than Dixie.
David: Yeah. The perfect Martin wife, right?
Jake: Well, that's something you'll never understand. What did you do to her?
David: Hmm. Nothing she didn't want, Jake. Go ahead. You want to hit me?
Jake: You aren't even worth it, Hayward. I'm going to get on the phone, I'm going to call the police, and I'm going to file a report on Leslie's disappearance, and you're going down.

David: Damn it, Leslie.
Leo: David --
David: No, Leo, this is not a good time.
Leo: I need to borrow more money from you.
David: You're kidding.
Leo: No.
David: No, no, no. That was a one-time deal.
Leo: David, this is an emergency.
David: What happened to all the money I gave you?
Leo: I can't explain right now. Please. I'm in trouble.
David: That should be your mantra.
Leo: No, David -- please. I'm desperate. Please.
David: I got to hand it to you, Leo. You have Vanessa's knack for faking sincerity. I'm sorry, brother. I can't help you this time.

Leo: Strike three. There's got to be somebody.
Leo: Mr. Miller? I need your help.

David: Leslie?

Dixie: No, David it's just me. How could it be Leslie?
David: I don't know what I was thinking. The last time I saw her, she could barely move.
Dixie: What are you so afraid of?
David: I'm surprised that you would even ask me that. She's obviously insane.
Dixie: Yes, I agree with you, but she certainly knew what she was doing to me and Tad and my son.
David: And she did it out of love.
Dixie: Love? She obviously -- she was obsessed with Tad. That's not love.
David: Sometimes there's a fine line.
Dixie: Not this time.
David: Yeah, well, that's why I want to make sure that Leslie stays as far away from you as possible.
Dixie: That's going to be a little difficult. The woman is in my head. You know, every time I close to go to sleep, she's there and she's trying to make me fall, yelling at me to make me balcony.
David: Believe me, I have the same nightmare. If I had lost you, Dixie --
Dixie: You're the reason I'm still alive.
David: I don't want your family striking out at you because of me.
Dixie: Oh. Is that why you were so protective of me with Joe and Jake? Is that why you didn't tell them that we were just in your room together?
David: You've been hurt enough. I know how JR feels about me. I didn't want to make your life any more difficult.
Dixie: Oh, ok. I can understand why you did that and all of that, but, you know, you're just making things more difficult for yourself.
David: I don't care about me. All I care about is you. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you.

Ryan: What are you up to, Leo? What are you up to?

[Telephone rings]

Leo: This is Leo.
Ryan: Where are you? And don't pretend your phone is broken.
Leo: I'm getting your cash.
Ryan: What did you do with it?
Leo: I -- I put it in a safe place.
Ryan: I need that -- I need that money in my hands now. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to fly 50 people here from Hungary?
Leo: No. How much? No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm on it. Trust me.
Ryan: Yeah, I thought I could.
Leo: Look, listen, I'm going to have your cash today, ok?
Ryan: Leo, what aren't you telling me?
Leo: If you would quit calling me, like, every five minutes, maybe I could get something done.
Ryan: You know what? Forget it. Where are you? I'm coming over there.


Ryan: Hello? Leo!

Leo: Mr. Miller? Man: Kid, you are definitely not my type.

Leo: Mr. Miller? That's a very popular look you're wearing.
Mr. Miller: Nothing wrong with blending in with the crowd.
Leo: Yeah. It must be very helpful in your line of work.
Mr. Miller: How did you get my name?
Leo: An old friend. Wade Randall.
Mr. Miller: That's not much of a recommendation.
Leo: Well, we're not very close. A few poker games, a couple parties. He told me if I ever needed quick cash that you were the man.
Mr. Miller: I'm usually the last resort. What do you need?
Mr. Miller: You don't fool around.
Leo: I've never been more serious in my life, sir.
Mr. Miller: A loan like this, I just don't hand it out. What's your collateral?
Leo: A big yacht -- "Fidelity." I live on it. It's back at the marina.
Mr. Miller: You have a yacht? You don't need me. There's plenty of conventional sources out there that take care of you.
Leo: Look, I don't have time for the red tape. All right? I needed the money by 15 minutes ago. So, are you going to help me or not?

Singer: Still something after all this time

Mr. Miller: Your yacht could be a dinghy, and I don't know who the hell you are. I don't think we have a future.
Leo: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just stop -- are you sure you don't recognize me?
Mr. Miller: No, you don't look familiar.
Leo: Where the hell have you been? You don't recognize me? I'm Ryan Lavery. You know, the Ryan Lavery.

[Music plays]

Gillian: Do you think it's always going to be like this?
Ryan: Yes, I guarantee it.
Gillian: Now we can dance by the fire when we're old.
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: Unless you want to dance with Leo.
Ryan: Yeah, that would be great. Wait a minute. Did you say Leo? Oh, I'm -- I'm --
Gillian: Honey, Honey, listen. You've looked at the door a hundred times. You've looked at your watch a thousand times. The phone rings, you jump up. What's so important about this meeting with Leo?
Ryan: Everything's fine. It's fine.
Gillian: Are you sure? Is it the wedding? Is it the money? Because, you know, the bride's --
Ryan: No, no, no, no. The wedding is my present to you. It's my present to you.
Gillian: Ok, ok. But then I need to ask you for something else.
David: Name it.
Gillian: No more secrets. I can tell that something's wrong, something's bothering you about Leo, and you need to tell me if there's anything you want to tell me, if something's wrong.
Ryan: Don't worry about it.
Gillian: Ok, because I need to know if he's hurt you or anything.
Ryan: Where are you going?
Gillian: I'm going to call Leo. What's his cell phone number?
Ryan: No, no, no, no. No, don't. Don't. It's not him. It's me. All right? I made a mistake, and I trusted the wrong person. I should have taken care of it myself.

Mr. Miller: You're Ryan Lavery?
Leo: That's right.
Mr. Miller: The guy who started
Leo: That's right.
Mr. Miller: What are you trying to pull? You're not him.
Leo: I can -- look, I can explain.
Mr. Miller: I saw the commercial Lavery made for his company. It wasn't you.
Leo: Oh. Oh. The commercial no, that wasn't me. That was an actor.
Mr. Miller: The guy said he was Ryan Lavery.
Leo: Well, welcome to the world of advertising. I mean, that was an actor friend of mine. I mean, I just didn't want my face splattered all over the media. You know what I mean? I like my privacy. I'm sure you can appreciate that, right?
Mr. Miller: Privacy is important. All right.
Leo: So you'll lend me the money?
Mr. Miller: 20 Points plus 10%.
Leo: No problem. What now?
Mr. Miller: We go to my bank. I assume you want cash?
Leo: The greener the better. So -- so, do you want me to sign anything?
Mr. Miller: I don't work that way.
Leo: Ok, well, I'm good for it. You don't have to worry about that.
Mr. Miller: I'm not. I know where you live. And like you said, everybody knows you. So I can find you anywhere, anytime.
Leo: All right.

Joe: I'm due in surgery, Anna, but I will be back later on to make sure you have everything you need, ok?
Anna: Thank you.

Anna: I understand why you trust him.
Dimitri: He's a good man. Are you feeling a little safer now?
Anna: How are we going to get Alex in here?
Dimitri: Well, we're going to work together on that.
Anna: I mean, I'm not very good at being myself. I don't know how I'm going to pull off being Alex.
Dimitri: If everything goes the way I hope it will go, I don't think you're going to have to impersonate Alex often. Ok. You rest.

Jake: What's going on here?
Dimitri: Jake, you didn't see the quarantine sign outside?
Jake: Yeah, yeah, the sign's on the door. Who's under quarantine? Alex. What's wrong?
Edmund: Jake -- Alex -- she developed some strain in South America and your dad had the room quarantined so he could run some tests.
Jake: Wait. My father had this room quarantined?
Dimitri: That's right. Alex spiked a fever. It was her call to be admitted.
Jake: Yeah, well, this morning in your office you were full of energy and you were all excited to get back to the Andrassy Foundation. What's happened here?
Dimitri: Well, actually what's happened, Jake, is that she hasn't been feeling well since she got home but insisted on going back to work. Sometimes your enthusiasm just gets a little too much. You understand that, Sweetheart?
Anna: Yeah. See, I lied. I have been feeling unwell for some time, but I had thought that maybe it would just pass. And now I'm getting these seizures.
Jake: All right, well, listen. I need to have a look at you right now while we're waiting for those tests.

Dixie: You know, I should be getting home.
David: Yeah, well, you're not going home alone. Not until we know where Leslie is.
Dixie: What could she possibly do to me now?
David: Dixie, you can't let your guard down, not even for a second. I doubt that she put the tarantula in those flowers by herself. She must have had an accomplice.
Dixie: Oh.
David: So as long as there's even the slightest possibility that you're in danger, I don't want you to be alone or out of my sight.
Dixie: I'm just tired of living in fear, you know? I want this to be over.
David: Well, it's not. Not until we know where Leslie is. So, come on.
Dixie: What? Where are we going?
David: I'm taking you home.

Gillian: What happened, Ryan? What did he give you, huh? Was it Leo? What did he do?
Ryan: No, I -- I gave him --

[Door opens]

Ryan: Leo!
Leo: Sorry I'm late.
Gillian: What -- what is it, Leo? What were you supposed to give him? What's going on here?
Leo: Wait, just a mix-up. Ryan told me to open up a new account, and I went to the wrong bank. I -- you know, I tried to get the money back. And you know how banks are. They hate to give up a dime. So I had to convince two tellers, the assistant manager, and the bank head. It would've been easier to rob the place.
Ryan: Are you sure you didn't?
Leo: Oh, it's all right there. Go ahead, check.
Ryan: I trust you.
Leo: Thank you.

Anna: I'll pass on the exam, Jake. I'll wait for my specialist, if that's all right.
Jake: Well, wait. Who's this expert?
Edmund: Alex has a friend who's a specialist in infectious diseases, and she's due any minute.
Jake: Well, that gives me enough time to do a preliminary exam. Guys, if you'll excuse us. The quicker that we isolate what's wrong with Alex, the quicker we can facilitate her recovery, ok?
Dimitri: Jake, Alex and Joe are on it. What she needs right now is, you know, some good rest.
Jake: Well, first let me talk to her physician to physician. I insist, guys.
Dimitri: All right, all right, Jake. You got two minutes. She's very tired.

Jake: Dimitri's certainly protective.
Anna: Oh, yeah. What?
Jake: Why don't you tell me what's really going on?
Anna: It's what I said. I've been really unwell.
Jake: Yeah, I know it's what you said. It just doesn't ring true, Alex. I mean, yesterday Edmund and Dimitri were spiriting meds out of this hospital so that you could treat yourself for a mystery illness. This morning you were the picture of health. Now you're saying that you have seizures and that you've contracted a contagious disease in South America. What's going on? You're not yourself.


Alex: Go in there, and you pick Jake up and carry him out if you have to.

Anna: Please don't kill me.
Jake: Relax.
Anna: What do you want?

Jack: Is there something I can do for you?
Shannon: No, but Bianca can help me. I have some things to tell you.

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