MARCH 26, 2001

Tad: All right, Dave. There's got to be something in here that will hang you.

Tad: "For my wild and untamed heart." What a shmen.

[Telephone rings]

[Answering machine beeps]

Dixie: David, it's me. If you're there, could you pick up? I know you're not at the hospital. Derek tried paging you. He needs to ask you a few more questions about Leslie Coulson’s disappearance. Anyway, call Derek as soon as you get this message, OK? Bye.

Leo: Well, that's pretty much it for the grand tour, fellows.
Mr. Miller: Very impressive, Mr. Lavery.
Leo: Well, it suits our needs. Isn't that right, du Pres?
Ryan: Wouldn't he it any other way, Ry.
Mr. Miller: And your quarters are?
Leo: Oh, right through there.
Leo: Gillian and I occupy this stateroom.
Ryan: Yeah, and Laura and I -- we have the -- we have the suite across the hall -- you know, suite across the hall.
Gillian: Excuse me. What are you looking for, Mr. --
Mr. Miller: Carl. My bodyguard.
Gillian: Really? So in what line of work are you, Mr. Miller?
Mr. Miller: Vince, please. I'm in exports-imports.
Laura: Why do you need a bodyguard?
Vince: Protection -- against the occasional disgruntled customer.
Carl: The coast is clear, boss.
Vince: Thank you, Carl.
Laura: Mind if I get a couple of shots for the PR. -- Hey. Hey! Give me my camera.
Carl: Where's the film?
Laura: There's no film. It's a digital camera. You choose --
Vince: Lose them all.
Laura: Hey!
Vince: I just don't prefer to be photographed.
Laura: Yeah, I guess not.
Carl: Chill!

Leo: Whoa, fellows. Fellows. I want you to -- to feel like this yacht is your yacht. You know, if there's anything that I can do to make this moonlight cruise more comfortable, please don't hesitate to ask.
Vince: Carl and I appreciate your gracious hospitality. Don't we, Carl?
Laura: Yeah, Carl’s a boatload of laughs.
Ryan: Well, it's -- it's getting late.
Vince: Yes, then Carl and I will bid you good night. Sweet dreams.
Leo: Mr. Miller?
Vince: Uh, uh, uh, uh --
Leo: Why don't you guys stay in here. It would be more comfortable. We'll just -- we'll sleep on the floor out there.
Vince: I wouldn't dream of inconveniencing you. Carl and I are very comfortable in the salon. Sleep well.
Leo: Look, I’m going to go talk to the captain just to make sure that we're on course.
Vince: That's not necessary. I've installed my own navigator at the helm.
Ryan: Wait a minute. You gave orders to my crew?
Vince: Your crew? Huh. I thought this was Mr. Lavery's vessel.
Gillian: Right.
Laura: Well, it's Mr. duPraved who's the sea dog.
Leo: Yeah. He's -- he's an idiot. You know, I keep telling him. It's like -- he's like, "batten down the mizzenmast, swab the mainsail," you know, all the --
Vince: Interesting. You'll have to man your own gallery. Your Mr. -- Stavros?
Leo: Yeah, what about him?
Vince: He's on temporary land leave.
Ryan: I'd like to talk to your crew at the helm.
Vince: That's impossible.
Ryan: Well, just to, you know, check the course.
Vince: I've reset the course. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride -- or else.
Leo: Or else what?
Vince: Show him, Carl.
Leo: Hey, Carl. Come on, man. There's no need for violence. We're just all out here for a friendly little cruise, right?
Vince: My sentiments exactly. Carl, you're upsetting our hosts.
Gillian: Why is he carrying a gun?
Vince: It pays for protection in my business.
Leo: Guns are nasty little buggers, aren't they?
Ryan: Yeah, somebody could get hurt.
Vince: A firearm's just a deterrent.
Gillian: You're not really an investor, are you, Mr. Miller?
Vince: I'm invested in futures. Take yours, for example. If you behave, stay off deck, and remain in your cabin, you might be a lucky survivor.
Ryan: Hey, hey, hey. Don't you threaten her.
Leo: No, no, no. I can watch out for my fiancee, du Pres.
Laura: You know, I vote we turn the tub around, head back to port.
Vince: I'd be more happy to accommodate you, my love, but my business takes precedence here.
Leo: Mr. Miller -- Vince -- do you mind my asking what business you have offshore exactly?
Vince: What do you think, Carl? Should we trust our new friends?
Ryan: Hello. Carl. Does he speak?
Vince: Carl knows when to shut up. All right. All right, you know what I’m going to do? I'm going to tell you guys a little bedtime story, but you have to do me a favor -- you have to promise me you're going to brush your teeth, say your prayers, and go to bed like good little boys and girls, OK? An old friend of mine got irritated by the bureaucratic mucky-muck and, as a result, is persona non grata on American soil.
Ryan: This friend of yours is your business partner?
Vince: I broker a great deal of his merchandise.
Leo: The -- the import-export biz?
Vince: Precisely.
Laura: What kind of merchandise?
Vince: That's none of your concern.
Ryan: So you're just going to pick this friend up and his merchandise and take them to shore.
Leo: Hey, it's just another incredible dream come true, that's all.
Vince: I knew we'd be simpatico, Mr. Lavery. Now I must insist you all stay in your cabins for the evening -- for your own good, of course. Carl will be posted right outside.
Leo: All right. Come on, guys. We're going to -- we're going to camp out tonight. You heard Vinny.
Vince: Not all of you. Mr. Lavery and his fiancee will stay here. Mr. du Pres and his lady friend across the hall.
Gillian: Why can't we just all stay together?
Vince: I can't risk a mutiny.
Leo: Come on, you guys. Where's your spirit of adventure?
Ryan: Sometimes, I really wish I’d stayed in advertising. Come on, Laura.
Vince: I can't help but thinking I met you somewhere before.
Laura: It might have been another lifetime.
Vince: Everybody behave, and there won't be any trouble. Carl will be posted right here.

JR.: Hey, Mom.
Dixie: Hey! Hey. Oh! It's so good to see you. Welcome back.
Brooke: Oh, thank you.
Dixie: Yeah. How was the whole St. Barts thing? Was it great?
JR.: You should know. You called, like, every day.
Dixie: Well, I couldn't help it. I missed you, huh? Come here, sit down. Tell me everything.
JR.: Well, the beach was fantastic.
Brooke: Yes.
JR.: Jamie and I -- we went snorkeling every day.
Dixie: Wow.
Brooke: And Jamie took underwater pictures with his camera, so I’ll get you some copies.
Dixie: Oh, great. Oh, I can't wait to see them. Did you get a chance to go swimming with the fishes?
Brooke: No, but I mastered the fine art of balancing a tropical drink in one hand and a paperback in the other.
Dixie: Well, you look great.
Brooke: Thank you.
Dixie: Thank you so much for dropping off JR.
JR.: Why didn't you go to pick me up?
Dixie: I wanted to, but I got held up at the hospital. It had nothing to do with David Hayward, OK?
JR.: Good. So, how's Tad?
Dixie: He's OK. He -- he misses you.
JR.: Well, I mean, did you guys work things out while I was gone? Are you back together?

[Answering machine rewinds]

Dixie’s voice: David, it's me. If you're there, could you pick up? I know you're not at the hospital. Derek tried paging you. He needs to ask you a few more questions about Leslie Coulson’s disappearance. Anyway, call Derek as soon as you get this message, OK? Bye.

[Answering machine beeps]

Computerized voice: Message deleted.

Tad: Sorry you didn't get the message, Dave. Derek's going to be really ticked.

Ryan: I knew Leo was an idiot. I really did. But I had no idea he was capable of this. This --
Laura: No, no. It's not Leo’s fault entirely. I mean, this boat is jinxed. I've been drugged and thrown overboard. Now we're being held hostage by two wiseguys.
Ryan: OK. All right, all right. Let's think. This guy -- this guy Miller -- he seems reasonable. I think if we cooperate and we do everything that he says, I think he'll let us off the boat unharmed.
Laura: Or else?
Ryan: Or else? Or else -- look, look, everything is going to be fine. OK, Laura? As long as Leo doesn't pull one of his idiotic schemes, I think that everything -- everything -- yeah, we're in trouble.
Gillian: What is going on here, Leo? And why are you involved with this Mr. Miller? And who is he? And I want the truth!
Leo: OK, OK. He's a loan shark.
Gillian: What?
Leo: He's a loan shark. OK?
Gillian: Oh, you got to be kidding me. Why are you involved with a loan shark?
Leo: Well, I guess Ryan can't kill me if I’m already dead, so what the hell -- I’ll tell you.
Gillian: Ryan's involved with him, too?
Leo: Yeah, well, you see, Gillian, in the beginning, Ryan and I made an -- made an investment with this guy who we trusted. And the guy wanted more capital. So I used Ryan’s money without telling him to invest more. The only thing I didn't know was that the money was for your wedding and your honeymoon.
Gillian: Ryan kept telling me money was not a problem.
Leo: Well, it wasn't until the deal went bust and we both lost our shirts. So in order to pay Ryan back, I went to Palmer.
Gillian: But Palmer turned you down.
Leo: Of course he did. It's a no-brainer, right? That's why I had to set up this meeting with Mr. Miller. I pretended to be Ryan so that I could get the loan, and then, like an idiot, I put the yacht up for collateral.
Gillian: Leo, Ryan doesn't even own this boat. It belongs to Adam.
Leo: Yeah, but Mr. Miller doesn't know that. He loaned me the money. I thought everybody was going to live happily ever after. But it looks like Vince has ideas of his own.
Gillian: Can I ask you how exactly were you planning on paying Mr. Miller back?
Leo: Well, at a zillion percent interest compounded hourly, I was hoping that I would get hit by a bus before the first payment was due.
Gillian: Funny. I doubt that that would even satisfy him, you know?
Leo: I'll figure something out -- I hope.
Gillian: Well, I’ve been broke before, but being held hostage? That's a first for me.
Leo: I guess this is what they call the darkness before the dawn, huh?
Gillian: Oh.
Leo: I had to open my big mouth.

Dixie: You know, honey, you just got back, you know? Could we talk about Tad later?
JR.: What's wrong with right now?
Brooke: I'm going to go to the bar and get us some sodas, OK?
Dixie: OK, thank you.
Brooke: OK.
JR.: So, did you guys get back together? Tad moved back in?
Dixie: Actually, Tad went away for a little while. He needed to think about things.
JR.: Tad's gone?
Dixie: No, he's not gone. He came back this morning.
JR.: And?
Dixie: And we talked. And it was a nice talk. Nobody walked away or slammed any doors.
JR: So you guys made up?
Dixie: You know, there's a lot of things that we still have to work out.
JR: But you guys can do that, right? I mean, me, Jamie -- we could all do it as a family. I mean, I know that's what Tad wants. He told me.
Dixie: He did?
JR: Yeah. And if you guys both want the same thing, then there's nothing to stop you.
Dixie: I wish it was that simple.
JR: It is, Mom.
Dixie: It's not. The things that came between Tad and I in the beginning aren't the same things that are keeping us apart now.
JR: You mean like Tad sleeping with Leslie Cousin?
Dixie: Well, yes, actually. Um -- speaking of which, it turns out that she's disappeared from the ICU.
JR: No lie?
Dixie: Yeah, but it's nothing to worry about, OK? She's not going to come after you. As far as we know, she's still in a coma, OK?
JR: Good. So there's nothing that can come between you guys. I mean, she's in a coma. There's nothing she can do. Nothing can stop you, right?
Dixie: Listen to me -- I can't -- I can't predict the future. But for now, Tad and I are not together, OK?
JR: Sure is good to be home.

David: What's up, Taddy?
Tad: Get off me.
David: What the hell are you doing in my room?
Tad: Get off! OK. For starters, I’m trying to figure out where you've stashed Leslie Cousin.
David: What? What, you think I have her hidden under the bed?
Tad: No. But normally somebody as arrogant as you are screws up and leaves something behind, seeing as how you assume you're so much brighter than everybody else.
David: And you continue to prove that I’m right.
Tad: I wouldn't get too cocky if I were you, Dave, because whether you know it or not, I’m breathing right down the back of your neck. And when I catch you, I’m going to have a ball screwing you into the ground.
David: And how are you going to do that, Tad? You don't have anything on me. You want to search my place? Go right ahead. Be my guest. Knock yourself out. In fact -- here. Here's my safe right here, OK? And I’m going to open it for you since you're such a crack investigator, you don't have to crack it yourself. Leslie, you in there? You see? I have absolutely nothing to hide.
Tad: You're going to have to forgive me if I don't play. The hotel safe's just a little too obvious.
David: No, no, no. You see, what's painfully obvious -- your desperate attempt to try and pin Leslie’s kidnapping on me. For your information, Tad, I have an alibi. I was right here in this very room with Dixie when Leslie disappeared. But your whereabouts, however, are unaccounted for.
Tad: Why would I want to kidnap Leslie Cousin?
David: Oh, I don't know -- maybe to program what she'll say if she ever wakes up.
Tad: No. That's your game, not mine. And when she does start naming names, yours is going to be right at the top of the list -- the one guy that stands everything to lose.
David: You have as
much to lose as I do. Tad: I didn't kidnap Leslie Cousin.
David: Neither did I.
Tad: Well, she didn't get up and walk out of the hospital, now, did she, Dave?
David: Well, at least we can agree on one thing, Tad -- she had help.
Tad: And who'd be crazy enough to do something like that?

[Leslie moans]

Leslie: Please help me.
Gorton: Better?
Leslie: Thank you, Gordon. But maybe you should have left me at the hospital.
Gordon: Well, you weren't safe there.
Leslie: I know, but I’m not sure that I can hang on.
Gordon: Look, you're going to make it, Leslie, OK? I mean, believe me, I’ve made sure of that. I've got a -- a drugstore full of meds here to get you back in the pink. OK? All I had to do was check your chart for the dosage, raid the hospital pharmacy. You know, I could have been an MD instead of a lab rat.
Leslie: I owe you my life.
Gordon: Yeah, and you're going to pay me back by making sure that Dr. Hayward pays for ruining mine.

David: I'm sick of looking at your face. I should call security.
Tad: That's a great idea. Go ahead. Be my guest. Come on, David, let's have the pros toss the place. They're bound to turn up something that proves you've got her.
David: Yeah, yeah. Breaking and entering to gather evidence -- now, that's a smart idea. The desperate attempt of a desperate man.
Tad: Oh, actually, my life is on the upswing. See, I had a nice little talk with Dixie. She told me all about how she'd asked you about your involvement with the Libidozone fiasco. And your partnership with Leslie.
David: Yeah, she did. And I told Dixie that I was innocent on all counts. And you know something? She believed me with all her heart.
Tad: Don't bet money on it, Dave. See, I know my wife better than anything. If she asked you the question, she's got her doubts. Which means her faith in you isn't as rock-solid as you think it is.
David: And who's going to open her eyes, Tad? You, the adulterer? I don't think so.
Tad: You know the story about Icarus? Remember, that guy who strapped on the wings, flew too close to the sun? That's you, David. You're up there right now thinking you haven't got a care in the world, but sooner or later -- probably sooner -- you're going to crash. And when you do, trust me, I’m going to be there with my wife and a bag of marshmallows.
David: Well, thank you for the educational speech, thaddeus. Now get the hell out of my room.
Tad: Um -- just one thing, though -- I really hope you saved the receipt because -- this is really sweet. Really. But, unfortunately, Dixie’s much too classy to strap something like this on.
David: That's what you think.

Dixie: You're asking questions that I don't have the answers to. That doesn't mean that you -- that we can't talk.
JR: What is talking going to do, Mom? It's your marriage. You're going to do what you want, when you want, and I have no say.
Dixie: That's not true. I think we've always all had an equal voice in this family.
JR: Really? Well, I want you guys back together. Is that going to happen? No.
Dixie: I know that -- that you want life the way it was before.
JR: Why don't you want it, too, Mom? I mean, was it that bad? Weren't we happy?
Dixie: Yes, we were. We were happy.
JR: You know, that's a crock, you know? If we were, then we'd be together.
Dixie: Listen, I honestly don't know what to tell you, OK? Life changes us sometimes. What we want changes.
JR: Then that's it. Our family just wasn't good enough.
Dixie: That's not --
Jr.: We weren't good enough, were we, Mom?
Dixie: No, that is not true.
JR: What exactly do you want?
Dixie: Honestly, I -- I don't know.
JR: What exactly am I supposed to do while you sit there and decide my life and I have no vote? Huh?

Laura: Oh, yes! The lights are back -- barely.
Ryan: Vince must have put on the auxiliary generator. Cuts the candle power half.
Laura: Oh, yeah, looks like he cut the engine, too.
Ryan: Yeah, well, he doesn't want the coast guard snooping around when he picks up his friend and their cargo.
Laura: Nice friends we've got.
Ryan: Tell me about it. Tell me about it. I just wish I could check on Gillian to see how she's doing.
Laura: Hey, Gillian's fine, OK? She's not going to take anything from anybody.
Ryan: Yeah, well, if Leo does anything to get her in trouble, I swear to you, I will rip him apart and I will personally feed him to the sharks limb by limb.

Gillian: You do attract trouble a lot, don't you, Leo?
Leo: I'm a disaster magnet. I'm aiding and abetting a smuggler. It's like an episode of "Baywatch" gone bad.
Gillian: What are you going to do?
Leo: I don't know, but I’ll tell you what I should have done. I should have let Greenlee buy me out of this mess.
Gillian: No, no, you don't want to owe Greenlee any money, and I don't want her paying for my wedding and my honeymoon.
Leo: Yeah, well, we got to pay my cousin Vinny back somehow.
Gillian: Leo, I have some money. It's just Ryan never wanted me to use it to support us. But this is an emergency.
Leo: I don't mind. I don't mind if we use your money at all.
Gillian: OK. I'll call my grandmama, and she can meet us by the docks in the morning with the cash.
Leo: No, no, no. We can't wait that long. We have to pay him back tonight to get him off our backs and get you guys out of danger.
Leo: The incredible hulk's still standing guard.
Gillian: Yeah, so how were you thinking of getting past him?
Leo: I'll take the porthole in the bathroom, and I’ll take one of those little boat thingy-dingies back to the shore. You think?
Gillian: OK. I'm going to call my grandmama, and she can meet you at b.J.'S tonight.
Leo: OK, I’ll be back before Vince even knows I’m gone.
Gillian: I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Maybe -- maybe this is a little bit too risky.
Leo: No, no. There. That's me. That's me. Sleeping like a baby. All right? Wish me luck.
Gillian: Good luck, Leo.

Gillian: Damn it, it's the machine. Grandmama, it's me. And I need to ask you a huge favor, please. Cod you -- could you meet Leo tonight at BJ'S with your checkbook? He'll explain everything. It's a matter of life and death. Thank you. Thank you.

[Knock on door]

Vince: Ms. Andrassy, may I come in?
Gillian: I was just getting ready for bed.
Vince: It won't take long.
Gillian: Uh --
Vince: Where's Mr. Lavery?
Gillian: He's sleeping.
Vince: I hate to disturb him, but it's important that I get some information on the coast guard and the scheduled patrols. Mr. Lavery? Mr. Lavery?
Gillian: Stop it! Stop or you'll be very, very sorry.
Vince: You're warning me, Ms. Andrassy?
Gillian: Well, Ryan’s a bear if he wakes up from a sound sleep.
Vince: I'm not afraid of bears.
Gillian: I am. And besides, you know, I can answer all your questions.
Vince: Is that a fact?
Gillian: Yes, the coast guard rarely patrols these waters, and gunrunners and drug smugglers -- they all prefer the southerly lanes because that's where all the action is.
Vince: I'm very relieved to hear that. I'd hate to try to outrun a coast guard runner. Even though I have nothing to hide.
Gillian: Oh, no, of course not. You know, Vince, you look very, very tense.
Vince: I have an incredibly stressful job.
Gillian: Oh, yeah, I can just imagine. You know what you need? You need a drink.
Vince: Yes.
Gillian: So you can relax a little bit --
Vince: Thank you.
Gillian: While you're waiting for your friend.
Gillian: Actually, why don't you just take the whole bottle. That way you can have your own little private party with your friend.
Vince: Thank you. But I’d much prefer a private party with you.
Gillian: Oh. Now, don't be a bad boy. Don't you forget, I’m engaged to Ryan.
Vince: Ryan's sleeping like a baby. And I don't think he'd begrudge me several hours with a beautiful woman.
Gillian: I wouldn't risk it. See, Ryan has a really, really bad temper.
Vince: If you want me, you know where you can find me.
Gillian: Nighty-night.

Ryan: I think I hear Vince and Gillian. If he is harassing her, I swear -- I cannot stay here and --
Laura: Ryan, chill, chill. Gillian can handle that guy.
Ryan: But she shouldn't have to. That's the point. We shouldn't be here in the first place.
Ryan: Carl's gone.
Laura: OK. If you're worried about her, just go check on her.
Ryan: OK. All right, listen -- I’ll send Leo over, all right?
Laura: No. Take my word for it, Leo does not want to be alone with me.
Ryan: Well, I’m not going to leave you here with these guys running around.
Laura: I'll be fine for a few minutes. Just go before that guy comes back.
Ryan: All right, all right. You yell if you need anything, all right?
Laura: OK. Don't worry.

Dixie: JR, I'm so sorry --
JR.: Sorry's not going to change anything.
Brooke: Do you guys need more time?
Dixie: Yeah, if you don't mind --
JR.: No. We're done. Think you could drop me off at my Dad's?
Dixie: Wait a minute. I thought you were going to stay with me.
JR.: No. No. Wouldn't want to run into your boyfriend.
Dixie: David's not going to be there.
JR.: I'm not going to chance it, thanks.
Dixie: Yeah, sure, drop him off at Adam’s. I love you.

Brooke: Sorry.
Dixie: That's OK. You warned me.

Singer: Anything can happen taking it day by day yeah anything can happen everything can go your way yeah, yeah anything can happen

Leo: Excuse me. I'm looking for an older lady -- classy, good jewelry.
Bartender: Sorry, bud, haven't seen anyone like that here tonight.
Leo: All right. Could I use your phone for a second?

Singer: Don't you know that love can have many faces? You may find it in the strangest places anything can happen everything can go your way

Leo: Greenlee. I give up. You write me a check, and we'll be friends again

[Knock on door]

Laura: Leo?
Vince: Mind if I come in for a drink?
Laura: It's really late --
Vince: That's why they call it a nightcap.
Laura: I'm just -- I’m going to bed.
Vince: Oh. You and Mr. du Pres?
Laura: Uh -- yeah. So good night.
Vince: You know, ever since we met, I had this feeling that I’ve seen you someplace before.
Laura: Yeah, I guess I just have one of those faces.
Vince: I racked my brain trying to remember, and then it came to me. I saw your pictures on the internet.
Laura: Get out!
Vince: I didn't make the connection at first because I just didn't recognize you with your clothes on. So come, my dear, why don't you refresh my memory.

Gillian: You shouldn't be here, Ryan.
Ryan: I heard Vince. Was he harassing you?
Gillian: No, no, it's fine. I sent him off with a bottle of cognac.
Ryan: You're OK?
Gillian: Yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine.
Ryan: I am so sorry about all this.
Gillian: No, no, no. It's not your fault.
Ryan: Well, in a way it is my fault.
Gillian: Can we talk about this later, when all this is over?
Ryan: I want to stay here with you.
Gillian: No, you can't. You need to be with Laura. She can't be alone.
Ryan: What? I'll send Leo over with Laura.
Gillian: Um --
he is sleeping. Ryan: So I’ll wake him up. It's what he deserves for getting us here in the first place. Hey, idiot. Rise and shine.
Gillian: Ryan, don't!
Ryan: Gillian, where the hell is Leo?

Greenlee: Payable to cash, did you say?
Leo: Yes.
Greenlee: You know, it's funny -- when I made the original offer, you couldn't turn me down fast enough.
Leo: Well, I was incredibly rude.
Greenlee: You told me you'd rather die than take money from me.
Leo: I was mean. Sorry.
Greenlee: Yeah. Obviously. So -- I give you this check, we let bygones be bygones, we're all lovey-dovey again.
Leo: Yeah, I’ll be eternally grateful.
Greenlee: You admit that you need me, Leo, and that I serve a purpose in your life?
Leo: Absolutely.
Greenlee: That's all I needed to hear.
Leo: Greenlee, what are you doing?
Greenlee: You told me what I could do with my money, Leo. I always do what I’m told.

Dixie: JR Is so angry at me. He expected to come home from vacation and find you and me back together and all of our problems solved.
Tad: Well, what kid wouldn't?
Dixie: I couldn't lie to him and tell him everything was going to be OK.
Tad: Who says it's a lie?
Dixie: You know, it was so much easier when he was little. I knew how to help him when he was hurt. Now that he's all grown-up, I try and reach out to him and, you know, he just pulls away.
Tad: Don't quit. I know our boy. You just keep reaching. He'll reach back.

Singers: And, baby there's a name for what you put me through it isn't love it's robbery I’m sleeping with the ghost of you and me

David: You think you're going get the better of me, Tad? You're delusional. There's no way I’m going to let you win.

Gordon: Well, you're getting stronger.
Leslie: I don't feel strong.
Gordon: You'll get there, Leslie -- with my help. And then you'll help me.
Leslie: How?
Gordon: We're a team, remember? Two against Hayward. We are going to hammer the good doctor for trashing our lives.
Leslie: He let me fall?
Gordon: Yeah, yeah. We'll add that to the list of things we tell the police. We're going to nail David Hayward for all his crimes so that I can get my life back.
Leslie: We can't. We'll end up in jail.
Gordon: Look, Hayward has got to be punished, OK? I mean, you know, he still wants you dead, to silence you forever. That's why I brought you here -- so you can be safe while you recover. Believe me, revenge gives you something to live for.
Leslie: Tad --
Gordon: Yeah. I -- I did what you asked. I put your hospital bracelet in his car.
Leslie: A forget-me-not.
Gordon: You know, how you can still have feelings for that guy is a mystery to me. I mean, look at you, Leslie. You're held together with pins and ace bandages, for crying out loud. I mean, Tad Martin is hazardous to your health. You should just forget about him.
Leslie: Never. I'm going to get Tad. But this time, I’m not going to be a lady about it.


Erica: Are you mad at me about something?
Opal: I'm so mad I could spit.

Bianca: I'm not afraid of Heather and Mindy.
Phil: Don't trust any of them.

Jack: Well, of all the gin joints --

Ryan: I know you're scared.

Leo: I'm in big trouble, Greenlee. I really need your help.

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