MARCH 27, 2001

Leo: Greenlee, come on. Let's not play these games, ok?
Greenlee: You think I'm playing?
Leo: I'm sorry. I was a jerk. You offered me money. You put a solution to my crisis of the day right there on the table, and I turned you down.
Greenlee: You didn't just turn me down, Leo. You dissed me.
Leo: I know. And I was stupid.
Greenlee: "Was"?
Leo: Ok, and insulting, Greenlee. But I was hot. I did not know what I was thinking. But now I do. Please -- I'm in big trouble, Greenlee. I really, really need your help.
Greenlee: You mean my money.
Leo: Yeah.
Greenlee: Do I look like a savings and loan? Do I have a little ATM sign on my forehead?
Leo: This is for real, Greenlee. That guy I was talking to earlier is a loan shark. I want you to believe me when I tell you this -- he's hijacking the Fidelity right now --
Greenlee: What?
Leo: At gunpoint. He's holding Ryan, Gillian, and Laura hostage.
Greenlee: And you know this how?
Leo: Because I was just there.
Greenlee: But you got away, is that it?
Leo: I escaped through one of those little portholes, and I took a boat back here.
Greenlee: Oh, please.
Leo: Look -- there's a rip in my pants. You know how I feel about my pants, Greenlee.
Greenlee: You want me to buy this?
Leo: Actually, yes.
Greenlee: Well, I don't. And the offer's off the table anyway, so --
Leo: What do you mean?
Greenlee: I offered you the money and you turned it down. I'm not going to offer it again.
Leo: You think that I'm making this up, Greenlee? He has a gun. He's waiting for some cargo or fugitives or something. I don't know. And if he pulls it off, do you really think that he's going to just let us dock the boat, wave good-bye, and say thank you? No, he is going to kill every one of them. And he's going to dump the bodies overboard.
Greenlee: You know what doesn't work?
Leo: What?
Greenlee: You and melodrama. Where'd you get this flair for the dramatic, huh? Mommy Dearest? It doesn't fit you, Leo.
Leo: Fine. You know, I actually was mistaking you for a viable human being. You know that?
Greenlee: Hey -- Leo: After all the times that I saved your behind, Greenlee -- stay away from me.
Greenlee: Damn it. Leo --

Gillian: Leo's not here.
Ryan: Where did he go?
Gillian: To get some air.
Ryan: Gillian, where did he go?
Gillian: He went ashore.
Ryan: What?
Gillian: Shh. Shh. They might hear you.
Ryan: How the hell did he get ashore?
Gillian: With a motorboat.
Ryan: He took the skiff?
Gillian: I think so. He went through the bathroom through a porthole.
Ryan: Oh, the idiot! Why did he go alone? What is he up to? What is he doing?
Gillian: I don't know because what else can he do?
Ryan: All right, all right. Look, I know -- I know you're scared, all right?
Gillian: Ryan, what -- what if Mr. Miller don't want witnesses? What if he's just using us as -- as -- as protection and then knocks us off after his delivery? What then?

Vince: You know you're a lot prettier in person, don't you? I mean, those photos of you on the internet weren't exactly Mario Testino.
Laura: I'm really tired, and my boyfriend's going to be here any minute. Vince --
Vince: Yes, Laura?
Laura: You move one step closer to me, I'm going to scream so loud the coast guard's --
Vince: Shh.
Vince: Don't you say a word. Not a word.

Phil: He fouled out early in the fourth quarter. Bianca?
Bianca: Tom fouled out. Right.
Phil: I know what happened with Shannon and your mom.
Bianca: Does everyone?
Phil: Pretty much.
Bianca: I guess I'm not surprised.
Phil: Just so you know, I totally know why you did it.
Bianca: Thanks, Phil.
Phil: I mean, she was high. How could you let Shannon work for your mother?
Bianca: I hated that I had to rat her out. I don't think I could have done it with somebody else, but it was my mom and her company and her reputation, so --
Phil: You did the right thing.
Bianca: Would you have done it?
Phil: I hope so. Shannon's scary.
Bianca: Thanks, Phil.
Phil: You don't think she's trying to put a hex on you or anything, do you?
Bianca: Who, Shannon?
Phil: Yeah.
Bianca: Well, she was pretty mad. But then she came to see me later and she said that she was actually grateful that I did it.
Phil: Really?
Bianca: Yeah. She's doing this outpatient rehab, and she asked me to be her interim sponsor until she finds a real one.
Phil: You?
Bianca: I know. I told her I didn't know if I could help her, but I really want to believe that she was sincere.
Phil: Oh, can she even spell "sincere"?
Bianca: I'm being careful, Phil.
Phil: I could loan you my pepper spray.
Bianca: You have pepper spray?
Phil: Yeah. I get home late at night a lot, you know, because of work and computer lab and stuff. My dad bought it for me.
Bianca: Thanks, anyway. I don't think I need it. I think I can handle them.

Shannon: I cannot believe what a total bore that game was up in the stands with nothing to do.
Mindy: I bet it would have been more fun if you had some X.
Shannon: I have to take a urine test every morning, Mindy.
Mindy: Gross! Ew!
Heather: I mean, that alone is enough to go ballistic over, really.
Mindy: I cannot believe what you have to deal with because of that queer.
Heather: And what was she doing at this game, anyway? Rubbing your face in it? I mean, it's bad enough that you can't cheer or anything, but then she just shows up and acts like normal?
Shannon: Bianca Montgomery is not normal. And once I get through with her, she never will be.

[Bianca and Phil laugh]

Jack: So you may want to clear this up with Bianca.
Erica: Jack, I didn't mean to keep this from Bianca.
Jack: Yes, I know that. I just think Bianca's a little sensitive when it comes to anything having to do with Sarah. Plus she was very disappointed to hear that Sarah was going to end up in France for Easter holiday.
Erica: But, Jack, I just found out from Sarah's mother five minutes before I had to leave on a -- on a press junket.
Jack: Yes, I know that. You can stop defending yourself.
Erica: I'm not!
Jack: Yes, you are. But I think all you really have to do is just reassure Bianca that you're not trying to keep her in a free-free zone and you'll be ok.
Erica: Ok. Is that what Bianca thinks?
Jack: I think Bianca is very fond of Sarah still.
Erica: And she thinks that I would try to keep them apart still?
Jack: I think maybe you better ask her that question yourself and you better have an answer prepared.
Erica: What a minefield. Oh, there's Opal. Hi. Well, now, what's that all about? Opal? Opal? Is everything all right?
Opal: Oh, dandy.
Erica: Well, I mean, I just got the impression that you might be trying to avoid me. I mean, it looked like you saw me and then it looked like you were acting like you didn't.
Opal: Oh, did I?
Erica: Yes. And now you're acting like a pod person. Is it Jack?
Jack: Me?
Erica: He can leave us alone to talk. Is that what you want?
Opal: Well, I don't know what I would have to talk to you about, Erica.
Erica: Oh, Opal, for heaven's sakes. Are you mad at me about something?
Opal: I'm so mad I could spit.
Erica: Why?
Opal: Two words -- Roger Smith. Ring any bells?

Greenlee: I can't give you my name. Does this sound like a prank? Just check it out, will you? Fabulous.

Roger: This must be my lucky day.
Greenlee: It's not mine.
Roger: Hey -- I wander in here for a beer and I find my daughter? I think that's --
Greenlee: Beer? You?
Roger: May I join you?
Greenlee: Whatever. What's this all about, Daddy, hmm? Erica Kane's dance card was full?
Roger: Hey, I told you I had dinner with Erica Kane for you.
Greenlee: Right.
Roger: To mend fences. She's a very influential personality in this town. It would help your standing to curry her favor.
Greenlee: I don't think you care at all about my standing in this town.
Roger: Greenlee --
Greenlee: But I think you give a real damn about your own.
Roger: I'm sorry you're angry with me.
Greenlee: Look, if Erica Kane is your target of opportunity, don't let me stand in the way. Knock yourself out.
Roger: There's no reason for you to be rude to me.
Greenlee: There's a lifetime of reasons.
Roger: You know, you would do well to learn from a woman like Erica Kane. She's -- she's beautiful. She's powerful. She's wealthy.
Greenlee: She's been married, like, 17 times.
Roger: Well, she obviously doesn't let men take advantage of her.
Greenlee: Oh, and I do? Just so you know, Dad, my ex asked me for money tonight and I turned him down flat. I'm getting pretty good at this.
Roger: Good at what, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Not letting any man take advantage of me ever again.

Laura: Get off me! You -- help!
Vince: Ah --
Laura: Oh, God -- Ryan.
Ryan: It's ok, it's ok.

Phil: Just watch out for them, Bianca. That's all I'm saying.
Bianca: You're sweet to worry Phil, but I'm not afraid of Heather and Mindy.
Phil: Just don't trust any of them. Shannon included.
Bianca: Ok.
Phil: Well, I got to go on-line and post the box scores on the internet. Don't hang around and let them hassle you.
Bianca: Ok. I won't. Thanks a lot.

Mindy: Oh, look, Heather. It's Bianca the narc.
Heather: She wants to be Clarice starling when she grows up.
Mindy: Who?
Heather: You know, the FBI agent. Get a piece, the whole look.
Mindy: Oh, yeah.
Shannon: Back off, Heather.
Heather: I just have one question. Isn't the girls' basketball team more your speed, Bianca? What's that girl's name? That loser --
Mindy: Jane. Jane --

[Mindy and Heather laugh]

Heather: Shannon, there's a big party at Kent's tonight.
Mindy: Heather, she can't.
Heather: Oh, that's right. She's grounded.
Mindy: Come on, Shannon. I'll drive you home so that your mom doesn't know you stayed late after school for the game. Pa-the-tic.
Heather: Let's go change.

Shannon: I hate this. I don't care if I get in trouble again. I'm going to that party.
Bianca: Shannon, wait. Are you sure you should?

Opal: So, all through the dinner, all Mr. Smith could talk about was you, Erica.
Erica: Really?
Opal: Yeah. Guy asks me out to dinner so he can talk about you. I mean, can you believe the nerve? We had no sooner ordered our Slo Gin Fizzies when all Roger could say was, "how long have you known Erica? What's Erica's favorite restaurant? Does Erica like caviar?"
Erica: I'm shocked, Opal. I really am.
Opal: Oh, you are not. It's the story of your life -- and mine.
Jack: So, who is this guy, anyway?
Opal: He's Don one-track Juan, that's who.
Erica: I hardly know him, I will tell you. I mean, I met him here. He lit a cigar, and I put it out.
Jack: And the rest is history.
Erica: There is no history, Jack.
Opal: Well, there isn't yet.
Jack: You know anything about this guy?
Erica: I -- he's from out of town, I know. And he has a daughter here, apparently. I believe they're estranged.
Jack: So that means he's divorced?
Opal and Erica: Separated.
Erica: Recently, I think.
Opal: Yeah, well, he wasn't shedding any tears over the ex-Mrs. Smith. No, he is all ga-ga over Erica and thinks he's scared her off.
Jack: Well, now, that's not easy to do. Why would he think that?
Erica: Because he came on too strong, thank you very much. And, yes, I was put off.
Jack: Do I need to talk to this guy?
Erica: Oh, Jack, I don't mean in a physical way. Nothing like that. I just mean that he -- I don't know -- he just -- he was very pushy, I thought, and he was, I think, a little too sure of himself, and I didn't like it.
Opal: Hmm. Well, he wasn't trying any of that with me. He just felt real bad about setting you off, giving you the wrong impression. I'm telling you, Jack. I mean, she didn't do a thing, and they're falling at her feet.
Erica: Roger Smith is not falling at my feet.
Opal: Well, he sure as paint isn't falling at mine. I mean, what am I, refried beans?
Jack: What, are you kidding?
Opal: Well, I mean, I still think that I am a dish, aren't I?
Jack: You are a total dish, Opal.
Opal: Well, thank you.
Jack: Absolutely.
Opal: Thank you, Jackson.
Jack: If I ever find somebody that I think is worthy of you, I'll wrap him up in a box with a bow --
Opal: Yeah, well, you don't even have to. He doesn't even have to be that worthy, if you know what I'm saying.
Jack: I'll certainly keep that in mind. Do you want me to run a check on this guy?
Erica: What?
Jack: A check, a background check.
Erica: Are you serious?
Jack: Yes, I'm very serious. You're not exactly the girl next door, Erica. I mean, I'm looking out for your best interests here. So you say the word and I'll do it.

Gillian: Is he breathing?
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, he's breathing, but he's out cold from the cognac and from the hit.
Laura: I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come in, Ryan. I couldn't fight that guy off.
Gillian: What a terrible man!
Ryan: I just -- I just hate the fact that you guys have to be a part of this.
Gillian: Well, at least he's not going to bother us now.
Ryan: Well, we still have Carl to worry about. And Vince is going to wake up with a bump, a hangover, and a very bad attitude.
Gillian: Ryan, we should tie him up.
Ryan: Yeah, I know. But I can't go on deck right now and get a rope. And we got to keep our voices do so Carl doesn't know what's going on. This should hold him for a little while.

Ryan: Where the hell have you been?
Laura: Leo --
Leo: What happened here? What happened?
Ryan: This pig went after Laura.
Leo: Laura, are you ok?
Laura: Yeah. Ryan took care of it for me. I just -- I want to get off the boat, all right? It's cursed. First time I was on the boat, Greenlee Smythe pushed me off, and now this.
Gillian: So why don't you take some pictures, Laura?
Laura: Of Vince?
Gillian: Yeah, yeah. You're the official photographer, right?
Laura: Right.
Ryan: Why the hell did you disappear?
Leo: I had some business I had to take care of. It didn't work out.
Ryan: Did Carl see you come back on board?
Leo: No. I saw him playing video games in the radio room.
Ryan: All right we got to figure a way -- I don't know -- to get in there and radio for help.
Leo: You got any ideas?
Ryan: No, no, I don't have any ideas. Come on, let's get this thing tighter so he can't get out.

Erica: I appreciate your concern, Jack, but I don' want you to run a check on Roger Smith. I mean, I don't want to live in fear that way.
Jack: Look, you need to be a little more careful than most, and so do you.
Opal: No, Jackson, I think if this guy was a fortune hunter, he'd have been after me, too. And he wasn't, I swear. All he wanted to do was to, you know, make things right with Erica because he felt bad about being overeager. And I think he was sincere, don't you?
Erica: Well, I don't know about sincere. I guess I could say he's more debonair. I don't know that he's sincere.
Jack: Invisible man here. Hello?
Erica: Jack.

[Pager beeps]

Jack: Well, it looks like you two are off the hook.
Erica: What?
Jack: Because I have to go take care of this that means you guys don't have any pressure on you to come up with superlative adjectives to describe me in my presence.
Opal: Oh, Jackson --
Erica: Jack, we only have superlative adjectives to describe you, in our presence or not.
Jack: Sure you do. You two talk amongst yourselves, ladies. But please -- be kind.
Opal: See you later.
Jack: Bye.
Erica: Bye.

Erica: Opal, I feel very bad about your being so angry with me before.
Opal: Oh, Honey. You know, I was just acting out my inner child. It broke loose and had a temper tantrum. I'll be all right.
Erica: So, do you have any feelings for Roger?
Opal: Well, yeah, of course I do. He's a good-looking guy. You know, he's got -- he's got those lips to die for and for once he isn't a hick or a poser. Why wouldn't I? But he's only got eyes for you.
Erica: I'm sorry.
Opal: Well, just been a while, that's all. I got my hopes up. I'll get over it.
Erica: Opal, exactly what is it this Roger Smith wanted to know about me?
Opal: Well, it's not like he was being nosy or anything. It was more just like he -- he couldn't believe what a down-to-earth kind of gal you were considering all your fame and everything.
Erica: "Down-to-earth"? Me?
Opal: Yeah. Oh, please, please. You know you had that 120-watt bulb in when you were talking to him.
Erica: I was just being me.
Opal: Oh, just being you. So much so that he could not stop talking about you and the campaign and everything.
Erica: Campaign? What campaign? You mean Ms. Young Enchantment?
Opal: No, no. He is interested in the teens against addiction.
Erica: Truly?
Opal: Yes. Yeah. In fact, he even said he wanted to make a donation but he was worried that it might look a little -- what was the word he used? -- Machi--
Erica: Machiavellian?
Opal: Yeah, that's it. Yeah.
Erica: Huh. I don't know, Opal. Maybe I haven't given Roger smith a fair chance after all.

Roger: You know, saying no to an ex-boyfriend looking for a loan doesn't exactly make you Gloria Steinem, Greenlee.
Greenlee: You don't know who I am. You never even bothered to look, and I'm not so sure why you're spending all this time looking now, frankly.
Roger: Well, I know you well enough to know that you don't have any direction in your life.
Greenlee: Look at my role models, Daddy.
Roger: Oh. I see. So this directionless existence is my fault and your mother's.
Greenlee: I kissed a lot of frogs to make up for all the attention and love I didn't get as a child.
Roger: Is there a statute of limitations you've imposed on your mother and me for our neglect of you?
Greenlee: Haven't thought that far ahead.
Roger: Well, then, is it so impossible for you to believe that I care about you?
Greenlee: Daddy, until recently, my trust fund was much more important to you than I was. You never even pretended to care about me because you could just get a little withdrawal slip and sign your name and get a cash advance in my name. But now the rules have changed and so have you.
Roger: Greenlee, I know that I've been a selfish man. And I know I may very well end up alone. But despite what you think of me, I certainly don't want you to suffer the same fate. I really don't.
Greenlee: I've taken care of myself as long as I can remember. I'll be fine. I need to make some calls. I need someplace private, like the ladies' room.

Roger: Well, of all the gin joints.
Vanessa: Roger.
Roger: Vanessa.
Vanessa: This is unexpected.
Roger: Is that really you?
Vanessa: You are -- you look wonderful.
Roger: Oh, I'm older, but you -- you've still got it.
Vanessa: Something tells me so do you. How long has it been?
Roger: Oh, God. A lifetime.
Vanessa: Remember Tijuana?
Roger: It was the hottest weekend of my life.
Vanessa: I don't exactly remember the weather.
Roger: No, neither do I.
Vanessa: But I do remember something. Some things haven't changed.
Roger: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Vanessa: Well, your penchant for young women. I mean, especially young, lean, loaded ones. Greenlee Smythe certainly seems to fit the bill. Be careful, Darling. She's this new generation -- a little bit hard to crack, you know. Then, of course, you've always loved a challenge, haven't you?
Roger: Oh, Vanessa. You've got me all wrong.
Vanessa: Darling, I never got you wrong. Not even once.
Roger: Oh, but, you see, Greenlee Smythe is my daughter.

Leo: I didn't want to call the police because I didn't -- you know I -- I wanted to get the money, so I didn't want to bring --
Carl: What did I miss?
Gillian: He's not dead. He's not dead. He tried --
Carl: Cut that out!
Leo: Easy there.
Ryan: It's ok. It's all right, it's all right. We really don't want any trouble. No trouble, no trouble.
Gillian: Oh, my God --
Carl: All right. Which one of you wants to go first?

Derek: Fidelity, this is the Pine Valley Police. Prepare to be boarded.

Bianca: I hate that I'm in the middle of this, Shannon.
Shannon: What are you talking about?
Bianca: Giving you advice. But you asked for my help. I've been through a lot of therapy in my life, and I just don't think I can walk away from somebody who asks for help.
Shannon: I just want to go to this party. I, like, live to party.
Bianca: That's -- that's kind of my point, Shannon.
Shannon: Look, I know you're trying to --
Bianca: Listen, ok, I can't tell you what to do.
Shannon: But you're going to tell me what you think. Bianca: You asked me to be your sponsor. I just think that there's a really, really good chance that there's going to be drugs at this party tonight.
Shannon: Not everyone who goes uses.
Bianca: I know.
Shannon: But you don't think I can go and not use.
Bianca: I think that you're in a fight with yourself right now, Shannon. Look, you take Ecstasy tonight, you fail your urine test tomorrow, and then what are you going to do?
Shannon: I'm not an addict.
Bianca: The labels aren't helping you.
Shannon: Well, I'm not. I mean, I don't cop on the street from strangers. I don't have to have it. But because I got caught -- I hate this.
Bianca: I know. But you're getting help. Shannon: I didn't need help before.
Bianca: Ok.
Shannon: "Ok"? What's that, like, shrink speak?
Bianca: Shannon, can I tell you something?
Shannon: Can I stop you?
Bianca: I didn't tell my mother that you do Ecstasy to get back at you or to be mean. I did it for my mom, and -- even though we're not friends, I want you to get help, and that's the truth.
Shannon: Did you know that Marcus dumped me?
Bianca: Shannon, he did not.
Shannon: He did, too. I, like, completely bore him now.
Bianca: Well, I'm sorry. That's -- that's too bad.
Shannon: Can I tell you how much I hated seeing Mindy in my slot during halftime cheers? Did you see her miss her mark, like, four times?
Bianca: Shannon --
Shannon: I just want to go to this party and hang out. Is that so awful?
Bianca: No.
Shannon: But you don't think that I can go and not get high.
Bianca: I think that you're -- I think you would be putting a lot of pressure on yourself, but it's your choice.
Shannon: What am I supposed to do all night? Homework?
Bianca: I have an idea.
Shannon: If you're going to tell me to go home and bake bread or something lame like --
Bianca: No, listen. Have you ever written in a journal?
Shannon: What, like a diary?
Bianca: Yeah.
Shannon: No. Why?
Bianca: Here. I write in one all the time, so I always keep an extra. You can have that one if you want. Look, you might think it's kind of lame, but it really works.

Derek: That was a really nice collar.
Ryan: So you picked up the guy that Vince was here to pick up?
Derek: Yeah, we got him. And I got to tell you something -- he was a pretty big fish.
Leo: How did you guys know to come out here?
Derek: An anonymous phone call, actually.
Leo: From who?
Derek: You don't know what "anonymous" means?
Leo: Was it a woman?
Derek: Yeah. How'd you know?
Leo: 50/50 guess.
Derek: Well, I got to tell you-all something. You are pretty lucky.
Ryan: Well, I got to tell you, Vince Miller really seemed legit when he contracted for this pleasure cruise. I'm just happy that our company was involved in picking up a criminal before anybody was seriously hurt or any illegal activity actually took place.

Greenlee: Just -- just tell me if the cops and the coast guard got on board the Fidelity, ok? No, I'm not the press. I called in the tip, ok? Are they all right? All of them? Great. No injuries? No, I'm not giving you my name. Bye.
Thank God.

Roger: Why are you so stunned, Vanessa
Vanessa: Well, I just had no idea you were Greenlee's father. When I knew you, you weren't even Roger Smythe.
Roger: Well, names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Vanessa: So you married into the Greenlee fortune.
Roger: Yes. I suppose you could say I married up.
Vanessa: Oh, one could say that. But it's funny -- I've never seen you at any events.
Roger: Events? What events?
Vanessa: Well, we do travel in the same social circles as your in-laws.
Roger: "We"?
Vanessa: I am now Mrs. Palmer Cortlandt.
Roger: Why, Vanessa, you've come a long way from your days as Vanessa Hemingway, a distant cousin to Papa -- wasn't that the story?
Vanessa: Did you know that my son and your daughter were living together?
Roger: Your son? Your son is Leo du Pres?
Vanessa: Oh my, my. Our world is getting smaller by the millisecond, isn't it?
Roger: However did you manage to get that boy a name from French aristocracy?
Vanessa: Leo and the rest of the world around here believes that his father is Count du Pres. Am I clear, Roger? And for the sake of everyone involved -- and in the name of our past -- it would be wonderful if you kept that to yourself.
Roger: Why, Vanessa -- I would be glad to help.
Vanessa: Well, I don't need your help, darling. I need your silence.

Shannon: So you're, like, telling me that if I write in this journal, I'm not going to want to take Ecstasy anymore?
Bianca: No.
Shannon: Because just so you know, I like X. And it's not some bad drug like heroin or coke.
Bianca: Look, all I know is that when I was in rehab for my eating disorder, writing in a journal really helped me. I still keep one, and I write in it every day.
Shannon: What does it do for you?
Bianca: It helps me get out my feelings when they're jammed up inside.
Shannon: How?
Bianca: I write down whatever I'm feeling.
Shannon: You write better than I do.
Bianca: You don't know that, Shannon.
Shannon: You get A's in everything.
Bianca: Shannon, journal writing is not about how good a writer you are. You're not going to publish it. In fact, nobody should ever read it.
Shannon: Why?
Bianca: Because knowing that you're the only one that's going to look at it allows you to write down what you're really feeling. It's pretty cool, actually -- unless somebody gets their hands on it.
Shannon: Did that happen to you?
Bianca: Once. My mom. Look, it doesn't matter. It worked out. It could've been kind of bad, though. So will you take that and give it a try?
Shannon: I guess.
Bianca: Ok. Do you want a ride so that you don't have to say no to those guys who are going to the party?
Shannon: It's ok. I -- I won't go.
Bianca: Ok. Good luck with the journal.
Shannon: Thanks.

Heather: Were you talking to the queer the whole time?
Shannon: You guys, I so know how to get to Bianca now.

Erica: So, am I forgiven?
Opal: Oh, what, for being irresistible? Yes, I'm used to it.
Erica: I do think this was good for you.
Opal: What, being dumped?
Erica: No. Telling me that it's been too long since you've been with someone. I'm going to take this on as my personal crusade now.
Opal: Oh, you are? You mean you know some eligible guys who don't want you?
Erica: Stop it, Opal. How about -- how about that very sweet Chet in accounting?
Opal: Oh, thanks a lot.
Erica: Well, what's wrong with Chet?
Opal: Oh, nothing -- nothing at all except for that wall-to-wall shag he wears on his head.
Erica: Oh, that is so mean. You are mean.
Opal: Well, it's true. Now, if you could tell me that you had an in with Sean Connery, then we'd be in business.
Erica: Oh, if I have an in with Sean Connery, you are never knowing about that, let me tell you.
Opal: All right. Well, then, I heard that Harrison Ford is looking. He could leave his slippers under my four-poster any day.
Erica: Yeah, well, you'd never know about Harrison Ford, either. I tell you, does his wife know that he's looking to put his slippers under somebody's bed?
Opal: Listen, this town is entirely too small.
Erica: Well, that's true. I think I might have to farm you out to Philadelphia and see what I come up with.
Opal: All right. You just do that.
Erica: Well, don't go now, Opal.
Opal: Honey, I got to fly. But I think you better stick around, see what the wind blows in. Tood-oo.
Erica: Toodle-oo.

Erica: What on earth is she -- oh, Roger, hello. How nice to see you.
Roger: I'm glad you feel that way, Erica.
Erica: I'm afraid I may have been a bit harsh on you, Roger. But I always feel that everyone deserves a second chance.
Roger: Well, then, may I call you?
Erica: Yes, yes, I'd like that.
I'm not in the book. Roger: I'll work that out, I think.
Erica: Yes, somehow I thought you would.

Gillian: Derek, why did you call the man Mr. Miller was trying to smuggle a big fish?
Derek: We've been tracking this guy for years. He was wanted by the government.
Ryan: Drugs?
Derek: Actually, income tax evasion.
Ryan: Really? How big we talking?
Derek: 100 Million plus.
Laura: Oh, wow.
Ryan: Yeah. That's unbelievable.
Derek: Look, I -- I might have to question you again tomorrow.
Ryan: No problem.
Derek: All right. In the meantime, I'm just glad that you guys are ok. I'll be in touch.
Ryan: Thanks, Derek.

Laura: I can't believe this night. Hey, where's Leo?
Ryan: Oh, he snuck out of here about 20 minutes ago.
Laura: What's he doing?
Ryan: Only Leo knows that. Can you believe the characters that that guy gets mixed up with? \$100 Million tax evaders?
Gillian: Technically, you had something to do with it, too, Sweetheart.
Ryan: What?
Gillian: Your bad investments?
Ryan: Leo told you that?
Gillian: Yes. So don't be too hard on him, ok?
Ryan: Ok, I won't.
Gillian: Thank you.
Ryan: I'll just tear his head off his shoulders with my teeth next time I see him.

Greenlee: What are you smiling at?
Leo: You.
Greenlee: I'm not so funny.
Leo: You did it, didn't you?
Greenlee: Hmm?
Leo: Greenlee, you made the anonymous phone call.


Anna: Why are you being so nice to me?

Jake: Who said I'm making a point of taking out the new residents? I only take out the attractive female residents.

Leo: You still care about me, don't you, Greenlee? Come on, it's ok. You can admit it.

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