MARCH 29, 2001

Greenlee: You're delusional. I haven't called you or anyone else, so if you'll excuse me, I'd like to continue enjoying my evening.
Leo: Give it up, Greenlee. The cops got an anonymous phone call this evening. You called them after I left, didn't you?
Greenlee: You know I didn't buy that "we're hijacked on the yacht" story. Why would I call the police?
Leo: Well, I don't know. Because you thought about it, realized that I was right and didn't want me to turn into shark bait.
Greenlee: Ok. So let's say you really were in danger and you got lucky and the police showed up. Everyone's ok now?
Leo: Yeah, but things were about to get pretty ugly right after I got there.
Greenlee: I thought you escaped. Why would you go back?
Leo: They're my friends. I just didn't want to leave them hanging, just like you didn't want to leave me hanging.
Greenlee: Out of friendship? So you and I are friends now?
Leo: I don't see why we have to be enemies.
Greenlee: I don't get it, Leo. You begged me for money, and I turned you down. You told me to stay away from you. Why would you want to be friends --
Leo: You know why.
Greenlee: Or anything else with me.
Leo: You know why. Greenlee, we've been walking around like we hate each other for how long now? But you still came through for me. Why was that?
Greenlee: I don't know what you're getting at.
Leo: Ok, well, then, I'll tell you what I'm getting at. You still care about me, don't you, Greenlee? Come on, it's ok. You can admit it.

Edmund: Anna. Anna, are you awake?
Anna: Who are you? What do you want?
Edmund: Nothing, nothing. It's Edmund.
Anna: You stay away from me. Please, stay away from me. Get away from me. I don't know anything. I don't -- I can't tell you anything. I don't know --
Edmund: I don't want anything.
Anna: I have to get out of here.
Edmund: No, you don't have to go anywhere. You're sick. You're sick.

Joe: Hey, Jake. You can't go in there.
Jake: Did you hear Alex? She sounds upset.
Joe: Well, she'll be all right now. Edmund is in there with her.
Jake: Dad, she could be having a relapse.
Joe: I'll have a look.
Jake: Well, I'm almost dressed. I'm going right in.
Joe: It's Alex's wish that she be attended only by her specialist or by me. I mean, like it or not, that's the way it is.

Anna: Where is he?
Edmund: No, no, wait, wait. Look, your IV. Look, you've got an IV.
Anna: Oh. Oh, I have to get out of here.
Edmund: Just please be careful. Please.
Anna: Out of my way! Get out of my way!
Edmund: Alex -- Anna, Anna, Anna.
Anna: Please let go! Let me go!
Edmund: Shh, shh, shh, shh. Who do you have to se? Who needs you? Is it Robert Scorpio? Is it Robert? Have you remembered something?

Jake: She is obviously upset. Listen, I don't get this. First, I'm told she is suffering from seizures, then she was fine yesterday morning when she was in the office, and then last night they brought her in here with some infectious tropical disease. Now she's in quarantine and she won't let anyone but a specialist treat her --
Joe: And me. And me. You know, well, you can understand. We had to take certain precautions.
Jake: Dad, Dimitri and Edmund are allowed to pass freely in and out of there whenever they want.
Joe: Well, they're family. They're adhering to procedure.
Jake: So am I.
Joe: Let it go, Jake.
Jake: I want to know what's going on.
Joe: What's going on is this --I'm giving you an order, Doctor. Please comply.

Edmund: Ok, let's get you back in bed.
Anna: Oh --
Edmund: Ok? Back in bed. It's good. It's ok, it's ok. Little better now?
Anna: Did I have another seizure?
Edmund: I don't think so.
Anna: Oh, what -- oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know what happens to me. I --
Edmund: It's ok. What do you remember?
Anna: I woke up terrified. Not for me, though.
Edmund: For Robert?
Anna: Robert?
Edmund: Yeah, Robert Scorpio. You didn't say his name, but you kept saying, "I need to get to him to save him."
Anna: Oh -- I don't -- did I say that? I don't know. I don't know anything about Robert Scorpio except what Alex has told me.
Edmund: What do you think you were remembering?
Anna: I don't know if it's a memory or not. I don't know. I woke up thinking that he needed -- somebody I love needed me, and I can't help them. I -- oh -- this is -- I hate this.

Jake: There's something going on in there. Dad, I happen to like and respect Alex a great deal. We worked together very closely after Gillian's accident, and my concern for her is not only professional, it's also personal.
Joe: I understand that, Jake. But you must understand that we are handling this situation according to Alex's wishes.
Jake: You know, that sounds to me like the old martin stonewall.
Joe: I don't like to pull rank on you, but you must let this go. Anyway, what are you doing here? Your shift is over, isn't it? I mean, don't you have anything better to do with your time?
Jake: Yeah, yeah. As a matter of fact, I do have somewhere that I need to be, so I'm going to trust your judgment on this one, all right? Ok, I'm going to take off and I'm going to stop hassling you.
Joe: That's a very good decision.
Jake: All right.

Joe: Edmund, how is everything? I heard a bit of a commotion.
Anna: That would be me.
Edmund: Oh, Anna just woke up momentarily confused. You may want to check her IV.
Joe: Oh, yeah, sure.
Anna: Ow.
Joe: Ok. You remember me, don't you?
Anna: Yeah, Dr. Martin.
Joe: All right.
Joe: And your temperature's been down for two hours. Fever must have broken. Antibiotics are kicking in. How are you feeling?
Anna: I feel better. I do.
Edmund: That's great, and you're on the mend.
Anna: Is that what you call it? I call it making a fool of myself.
Edmund: You didn't make a fool of yourself.
Anna: You're being kind. Why can't I just wake up without feeling disoriented?
Joe: Wish I could tell you why, but it's beyond my expertise. However, what I can tell you is that Alex is working very, very hard to make a diagnosis and to find a treatment. Meanwhile, the best thing you can do is get all the rest you can, ok?
Joe: Now, Anna has stabilized, but we're going to be having a problem continuing with this plan of yours. Jake is already suspicious. The rest of the staff on the floor are wondering openly why they're being kept away from Alex.
Edmund: What about the quarantine?
Joe: Well, that can't go on forever. The usual protocol is 48 hours. After that, the staff is bound to assume that she's still infectious or that she's not stabilized, and that's going to give rise to a whole new set of problems.
Edmund: I understand what you're saying. I appreciate what you've done, Joe, really. We just need a little more time. Can you give us that?
Joe: Well, I'll certainly try. The thing is, you know, Alex's popularity is working against her. If we had David Hayward in here --
Edmund: Yeah.
Joe: People wouldn't be all that much concerned. Anyway, I'm going to take this with me. Want to show it to Alex. You get your turn, Anna.
Anna: Oh, I heard some of that. I guess I'm really bollixing up the entire hospital.
Edmund: Well, the cafeteria staff hasn't weighed in yet, but there seems to be a considerable concern for your sister's well-being.
Anna: She's worth it, though, isn't she?
Edmund: Yeah, she is. So are you.
Anna: You don't even know me.
Edmund: Reporter's instinct.
Anna: Oh, are you any good?
Edmund: I've done all right.
Anna: Why are you being so nice to me?

Greenlee: Was your life really in danger?
Leo: You don't want to know.
Greenlee: I do.
Leo: Ok. Well, when I got back to the Fidelity, Vince was already unconscious. He tried to rape Laura. Luckily, Ryan was there and knocked him out. Greenlee: Then what?
Leo: Well, when we finally managed to tie up Vince, his hit man Carl showed up and we were staring right down the barrel of a .45 Caliber. I tried to wrestle it away from him, but he held on to it. That's right around the time I heard the glorious tones of Lt. Frye. Remind me to send him a box of Cuban cigars, will you?
Greenlee: Not a good idea to send a police lieutenant contraband cigars, Leo.
Leo: You see? There you go, Greenlee. You're always looking out for me. Now, why don't you just admit that you called the cops.
Greenlee: What if I did?
Leo: Well, then, you saved my life.
Greenlee: And Ryan's and Gillian's and Laura's.
Leo: My point is, Greenlee, that you still care about me. Come on, we know who we're talking about here. Now, let's quit playing games.
Greenlee: You're accusing me of playing games?
Leo: Yeah.
Greenlee: You came in here to get some gooshy confession from me. And why? So that you know that I still care about you, that I'll just break down and tell you I can't live without you or something?
Leo: What? No. That's not -- that's --
Greenlee: So what if I called 911? What? Would that change your feelings about me? Would you tell me that you still love me, too?
Leo: You know what, Greenlee? I didn't come here for all this. Why do you have to make everything so complicated? I ask you one simple question, and, wham! Everything becomes all difficult and messy.
Greenlee: Well, that pretty much sums up our relationship.
Leo: Sorry I even asked, ok?
Greenlee: No, you know what? You came for an answer, I'm going to give you one. I didn't call the police. And you want to know why? Because I don't care, ok? You could charge into a Colombian drug lord's beach house, slap him in the face, and dance the hoochie-coochie. I couldn't care less.
Leo: That was very cute, Greenlee. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, Jake! Perfect! If you're looking for an order of pain-in-the-butt, she's sitting right over there, buddy. She's all yours.

Jake: Hello, Leo. Uh -- dare I ask? Never mind. Waiter, excuse me. If you get a chance, I think we could use a cleanup over here.

Edmund: Why am I being nice to you? You didn't kick my dog when I wasn't looking, did you?
Anna: No.
Edmund: That's good, because I don't have one.
Anna: Where's Bart? I need him.
Edmund: I can find him. Something I can do for you?
Anna: I don't understand. You have absolutely no investment in me whatsoever. You're just a kindhearted person, I suppose. I really appreciate what you're doing for me. I do.
Alex: Dr. Joe said your fever's broken.
Anna: Yeah, I feel better. How about you? Did you get any rest?
Alex: Enough. Don't you worry about me.
Edmund: Did you have any difficulty coming in?
Alex: No. I waited for the shift to change, and it wasn't quite so busy. You're all risking so much for me. It's all right, Anna. Everything's going according to plan.
Anna: And my recovery? Is that going according to plan?
Alex: Yeah. I think I've finally put together the right treatment -- finally.
Anna: So I'm not going to get any more seizures?
Alex: Mm-hmm. I hope not.
Anna: Why do you blame yourself for not coming up with the correct dosage earlier?
Alex: How do you know that?
Anna: I just do. You have to know that I have the utmost confidence in you. Now, I wouldn't even be breathing if it wasn't for you.
Alex: Well, let's not get dramatic.
Anna: I don't mean to embarrass you, but I'm really very grateful for what you've done. How could I not be?
Alex: You still have a ways to go, Anna.
Edmund: Alex, did Joe tell you about Anna's confusion when she woke up?
Alex: Yes, he did.
Anna: Why is that still happening?
Alex: It could be a side effect from one of the drugs you're taking. That's a possible reason.
Anna: And another reason?
Alex: The seizures. You have those because you experienced scarring to the brain tissue after the explosion.
Anna: So, if you were to get a handle on the seizures, then I wouldn't be so confused and I would get my memory back.
Alex: I hope so.
Anna: Is that all it is? You can tell me the truth.
Alex: I'm doing everything I can to get your memory back without --
Anna: Without what?
Alex: Without surgery.
Anna: Why? If that's the answer, why don't you just go ahead and do it?
Alex: I'm not saying the medication won't work.
Anna: Do you know if they will?
Alex: We have to try.
Anna: I can't! I can't keep doing this anymore! You helped me piece together bits of myself, enough to know that I am half a person. Just go ahead and operate.
Edmund: Anna, the surgery is not without risks.
Anna: I don't care! Oh, I can't take this anymore. I constantly feel like I'm on the brink of something -- a memory, a feeling, something that's going to unlock who I am -- was! Ooh, this is torture.
Edmund: I can't understand what you're going through, but Alex can. You're going to have to trust her judgment.
Anna: I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm so frustrated.
Edmund: I know. But just believe this -- you are going to get your memory back.

Greenlee: Talk about a self-serving, egomaniac. Leo actually made me calling the police completely about him.
Jake: So you did call the police.
Greenlee: Yes! I called out of civic duty, and, of course, I didn't want Leo or anyone else to killed.
Jake: Well, Greenlee, why didn't you just admit it? Why did you lie to him?
Greenlee: I had to lie.
Jake: Why?
Greenlee: Because. Leo was just stroking his own ego. He doesn't care about my feelings. He didn't even bother to say thank you.
Jake: Well, that's too bad. I mean --
Greenlee: You want to know something? Never again. If I saw Leo on the side of the road bleeding to death with a telephone pole through his chest, I wouldn't lift a finger to help him.
Jake: Wow. Wow. I'd say you really got it bad, don't you?
Greenlee: Got what bad?
Jake: A terminal case of Leo du Pres. You really love him.
Greenlee: Love him? I hate him.

Laura: Stay away from me!
Leo: Hey! Hey! He hey! Hey! Hey!
Laura: Oh. Leo.
Leo: Laura, what the -- what the hell are you doing here? And why did you just try to smash my brains out with that thing?
Laura: Sorry. Really, really. It's nothing personal. I thought that you might be Vince or one of those guys came back.
Leo: Oh, unless there's been a jailbreak, those guys are booked and behind bars. Are you all right?
Laura: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little jumpy.
Leo: Too jumpy to drive?
Laura: No, no. I'm fine, Leo.
Leo: Uh-huh. So, why don't you put this thing down before you decide to use it as a weapon, please.
Laura: Right. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to come here and shoot a real crime scene. I stuck around while all those guys were getting arrested.
Leo: You took pictures of a guy who nearly raped you and one who nearly killed us all, Laura.
Laura: Yeah. Yeah, photojournalists -- they do it all the time. You know, they take pictures victims of war or children who are starving in third-world countries. I mean, it breaks your heart, but you have to be able to remove yourself.
Leo: And that's what you were doing?
Laura: Yeah, yeah. Being behind the camera helps me detach, you know. Sometimes something can be going on on the other side of the camera, and it's, like, it's not even -- I'm not a part of it, and, you know, I'm just documenting it. I'm not really living the situations.
Leo: Why don't you just sit down for a minute?
Laura: I can't. I got to go. And you must have stuff to do. Lt. Frye was looking for you. Did you find him?
Leo: Yeah, I'll catch up with him in the morning.
Laura: Ok. Where'd you go? We looked up. You disappeared.
Leo: Nowhere in particular. I just needed some breathing room, that's all.
Laura: Well, I'll give you some space. I'm off. See you.
Leo: Laura, wait. Don't go.

Jake: Greenlee, you wear me out. It must be exhausting being you.
Greenlee: It's worth it.
Jake: Well, you never answered my question. Do you love Leo?
Greenlee: Honestly?
Jake: Honestly.
Greenlee: I don't have a clue. Everything's so mixed up now. Leo came to me for money, and I completely blew him off. And then I went insane thinking he could seriously be in danger. Now I want to kill him.
Jake: Well, I don't even know where to begin.
Greenlee: Don't. Let's leave it at that. You didn't come here to listen to me whine about Leo. How'd you know I was here anyway?
Jake: What? You assume that I drove here to see you?
Greenlee: You drove? Great. I took a cab. Can I get a ride home with you?
Jake: What? I'm your driver now?
Greenlee, I'm not ready to leave. I'm going to hang out for a while.
Greenlee: Ok. But how about a change of scenery? I've been here all night. What do you say we go to the valley inn? Have you had dinner?
Jake: Well, I --
Greenlee: I'll treat.
Jake: I appreciate the offer, really, but, actually, I'm going to stick around BJ's.
Greenlee: Why? It's not like this place is the hot spot of Pine Valley.
Jake: Well, it's hot enough. My reason for being here just walked in.

Alex: Looks like you have the right touch.
Edmund: Oh, I don't consider putting beautiful women to sleep a gift, unless they're under the age of 4.
Alex: Don't be modest. She trusts you. It's obvious that she feels comfortable around you.
Edmund: Well, maybe I remind her of her husband, Robert.
Alex: Did she mention him?
Edmund: No, not by name. She sort of spoke around him. She said she doesn't remember him, only what you told her about him.
Alex: Oh, I really couldn't give her much information. If anything, it'd just raise more questions.
Edmund: Well, that's understandable. Listen, it's late. I got to go back to Wildwind, check on Sam and Maddie. Call me if you need me.
Anna: Edmund? You're not leaving, are you?
Edmund: Oh, I'd stay here all night if you need me, but I really think it'd be better if you got some rest.
Anna: Yeah, I will sleep better knowing you're in the room now.
Edmund: I bet you say that to all the guys.
Anna: Not all of them.
Edmund: How about I stay here until you fall asleep?
Anna: That's what Bart does.
Alex: I'm going to try and get your meds without anyone seeing me. You're in good hands.
Anna: I know.
Edmund: You be careful.
Alex: I'll just be a minute.
Anna: Is everything all right?
Edmund: Yeah, sure. Why shouldn't it be?
Anna: I just -- I hate being so needy. I just feel safer with you in the room, and I really don't feel like that with anyone except Bart.
Edmund: I'm flattered.
Anna: You should be. If you need to go, though, it's --
Edmund: It's too late. You're stuck with me.
Anna: Are you sure it's not too much to ask?
Edmund: Yeah, well, you know, it's a tough job. Somebody's got to do it. But don't you think, you know, can you go back to sleep? I mean, you really need your rest.
Anna: You know any good bedtime stories?
Edmund: Aha, you've hit on something I'm very good at. What do we have here? Aha. Oh, now, here's something interesting. "The Boston Small Pox Vaccination Controversy of 1903."
Anna: Ooh, goody. My favorite.
Edmund: Mine, too. Once upon a time -- "in 1903, an unrecognized outbreak of smallpox occurred in several neighborhoods in Boston. The attack rate was three cases per thousand, with a fatality rate of 17%. A detention hospital on Southampton was designated as the main hospital, with additional beds in a quarantine facility --" a quarantine --

Jake: Hi. I'm really glad you could make it.
Patricia: Me, too. For once, I got out of ER on schedule.
Jake: Yeah, what's really nice is to see you out of the scrubs and a lab coat.
Patricia: Why, thank you. You clean up pretty good yourself.
Jake: Thank you. Thank you. Would you like to have a seat?
Greenlee: Hi. I'm Greenlee.
Jake: Greenlee, this is Pat Trowbridge.
Patricia: Hi.
Jake: Greenlee, you were just taking off, weren't you?
Greenlee: I was planning on me getting an early evening. I'll go have my drink over there. So, you're a doctor?
Patricia: Yes, I am.
Greenlee: A sacred calling?
Patricia: It can be. What do you do, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Cause trouble. Just ask Jake.
Patricia: I think we have other things to talk about.

Jake: Here, why don't you have a seat?
Patricia: Thanks.
Jake: So, long day?
Patricia: Is there any other kind? But it was interesting. Check this out. A father teaching his son how to fly a kite ran into a tree and broke his nose.
Jake: Oh. Well, at least he's trying to be a good dad.
Patricia: Then there was a woman who staple-gunned her husband in the foot by accident.
Jake: Weekend warriors. What are you going to do? It's never dull in that ER, Is it?
Patricia: Don't remind me. I'm off duty. It's good to get out. You know, all I seem to do is drag myself from the hospital to my bed and vice versa.
Jake: Yeah. Well, I know that syndrome well. Patricia: Is that why you make a point of taking out all the new residents for a drink?
Jake: What, who said I make it a point of taking out the new residents?
Patricia: That's the word in the ER.
Jake: Oh, oh, that's the word, huh?
Patricia: Mm-hmm.
Jake: Hmm. Well, that's not entirely true because actually I only take out the attractive female residents from the ER.
Patricia: Do they all accept?
Jake: Oh, only the ones with extraordinarily good taste. No, I'm just kidding. That is a joke, Pat. I'm kidding.
Patricia: Well, on behalf of all that have come before me and all that will follow, thank you. One other thing.
Jake: What's that?
Patricia: You invited me here for a drink, right?
Jake: Yes.
Patricia: So, where is it?
Jake: Oh, it's coming right up, Ma'am. Waiter?

Laura: Leo, what are you doing?
Leo: I'm helping you lighten up.
Laura: What makes you think I need to lighten up?
Leo: Who doesn't? I'm famished. How about you?
Laura: No. I don't like eating at this hour.
Leo: Oh, Laura, don't believe the hype. You can eat whenever you want to. It's all about the metabolism. When Vanessa and I lived in Paris, we used to always eat at this time. We had this routine where we would call room service from the theater, and by the time we got back to the hotel, the food was there.
Laura: Did you guys go to the theater every night?
Leo: Not every night, no. Sometimes we'd go to the follies or the cabaret.
Laura: They let you in? You were just a kid.
Leo: Well, my mother knew every stage manager in town. They'd take us through the back door. I'd watch from the wings, and she'd be up front with her date. They were like my babysitters, actually, the show girls and the stage managers.
Laura: Wow. What was that like?
Leo: Hmm -- it wasn't so bad. [French accent] I really got to know the women -- [normal voice] if you know what I mean. And the drag queens and -- I learned to really, really hate smoking cigars.
Laura: Yeah, I understand that. My mother and I used to live in hotels. Oh, not like yours.
We lived in SRO's. Leo: Oh, yeah, the single room occupancies.
Laura: Yeah, yeah. Definitely no room service. But we'd eat late sometimes too. We'd show up at certain restaurants after they closed, and sometimes the chef would give us whatever they couldn't sell that night.
Leo: Oh, five-star dining on a shoestring budget.
Laura: Hmm -- not really, though. The four- and five-star places -- they were the worst. But the mom-and-pop restaurants and diners -- they were more generous.
Leo: Well, let's forget about the sandwich, shall we? I'm more in the mood for popcorn, chocolate, and sodas, anyway.
Laura: That's an interesting alternative.
Leo: Oh, no, no. It's perfect.
Laura: For what?
Leo: For the all-night video fest. Here, I want you to have a seat. I'm going to wrestle up some grub. We've got popcorn, Gillian's got some chocolate stashed away here somewhere, and Ryan likes Gummi bears. So we're good to go.
Laura: Oh, wait, wait. Leo, I mean, it sounds great, but I don't think I should stay here all night.
Leo: Well, why not? Your mom?
Laura: No, no. My mom trusts me. I just -- well, I'm wired. I'd probably keep you up all night.
Leo: No -- no way. After everything that happened today, there's no way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.
Laura: So, you'd feel better if I stayed and kept you company?
Leo: I'd feel much better. I love watching videos with other people anyway. What do you say? We've got Groucho Marx right in the VCR there, if you're interested.
Laura: All right.
[As Groucho Marx] say the secret word. I'm all yours.

[Video plays]

Laura: [Normal voice] What?
Leo: Oh, I just -- nothing. I just wanted to say thanks for staying. This place could use a karma boost after all the hairy stuff that's been going on lately.
Laura: Yeah. Bad vibes here.

[Video stops]

Leo: Do you mind?
Laura: No.
Leo: There's something I have to say. I'm sorry that I left the boat and I left you alone with that guy.
Laura: No, Leo. It's not your fault.
Leo: No, it is my fault. I'm the one that got everybody into this mess in the first place.
Laura: No. I mean, thanks for the apology, but it could have been worse. I mean, Vince or guys like Vince could have, you know, been at the parking lot outside BJ's late at night.
Leo: Oh, no, no, no. Laura, don't even say that.
Laura: Well, no. I have to think that way. I mean, I posed nude for pictures that ended up on the internet, Leo. There are guys like Vince everywhere. That's just my reality.
Leo: Says who? You can totally makeover your past. I'm living proof of that. I've done it, like, a dozen times. I'm, like, a constant work in progress.
Laura: My past isn't going to go away with a change and a haircut and a new address, I mean, unless I permanently relocate to someplace else in the world.
Leo: Laura, that was then. Who cares what other people think about you? Laura: Well, believe it or not, Leo, I do. I'm not proud of what I did, but my biological mom was sick. We were broke. I just did it for the money.
Leo: Yes. That's a very noble reason, Laura.
Laura: Yeah. How many women you know do it for a noble reason?
Leo: You weren't a woman. You were a kid. This creep guy took pictures of you. It wasn't your fault.
Laura: Leo, I knew what I was doing. I have to take responsibility. I have to. I don't, I'm just going to be a victim for the rest of my life.
Leo: I don't see you as a victim.
Laura: Well, I used to. When I was living on the streets, I thought I had to act all tough, or else someone was going to find out what a loser I really was. But Brooke made me realize I have to believe in myself, that it takes courage to stay in one place, you know, stand up for yourself, face your mistakes.
Leo: You're awesome, Laura. You know that?
Laura: Thanks, Leo.
Leo: And don't worry about what other people think about you, please. Look at Erica Kane. She's made a heartbreak into a best-selling triumph of the human spirit.
Laura: You're right. I better get living.
Leo: Yeah.
Laura: I only have material enough for a couple of chapters.
Leo: Yeah, well, you just stick with me and I will have you on "Oprah" in about a week and a half.
Laura: Yeah, I'd think I'd probably hang out with you, though, even without the book deal.
Leo: So what are you saying? You'll stay?

Edmund: Well, I should be heading out now. You should get some sleep too, you know.
Alex: Yeah, Edmund. Edmund? Thank you very much for looking after my sister. You seem to have a calming effect on her.
Edmund: I'm really a hypnotist. Just don't tell anybody. But actually, it was this.
Alex: Oh, yeah. That'll do it. Seriously, though, thank you.
Edmund: My pleasure. Good night, Alex.

Leo: Oh. I forgot the sodas.
Laura: Maybe it's because you were too busy stuffing your face with popcorn.
Leo: Hey, I told you that I was hungry. We only used four bags. There's two left.
Laura: Leo, I don't know if this is a good idea.
Leo: Well, I can get more popcorn tomorrow.
Laura: No, it's not the popcorn. I mean, this -- me staying here through the night.
Leo: I thought you were cool with everything. We're just hanging out.
Laura: Well, I am, and I'm not, like, reading anything into this. It's just --
Leo: Look, Laura, it's late. We've already made the popcorn. I think that it would do both of us some good just to have a little fun.
Laura: Yeah, that's your specialty, huh?
Leo: Ah, yeah. Look, you can go if you really want to go. I'm not going to pressure you or anything.
Laura: No, and I wasn't saying you were.
Leo: It's just that I thought that, you know, after everything that happened tonight it might be good just to relax and have some fun, that's all.
Laura: Yeah, appreciate the offer. I mean, it's not that I don't want to hang out with you. It's --
Leo: Look, I know that I'm completely wrong for you, Laura, that you deserve somebody with more than charm and a dazzling smile.
Laura: My mom.
Leo: Yeah.
Laura: Yeah, you heard everything that night. I just hope we can forget that whole night.
Leo: I heard her say that I made you cry.
Laura: Come on, Leo. We're cool.
Leo: Remember what you said about not letting people catch how you really feel about yourself? I understand that. I've never really had that many friends before. And the ones that I do have, I want to hold on to. You know what I'm saying?
Laura: So, are we going to watch this video or what?
Leo: So you'll stay?
Laura: Yeah. I'll stay. Let the good times roll.
Leo: All right. Just let me turn the volume back up, and -- action! All right.
Leo: I love these guys!

Patricia: I like this place. Is it a hospital hangout?
Jake: Well, I'm not really one to ask because I don't hang out too much. Despite my reputation, I haven't been out in a while.
Patricia: I heard.
Jake: You heard? Who's doing all of this talking over there anyway?
Patricia: Are you kidding? You are quite the hot topic of conversation.
Jake: Oh, Pat.
Patricia: You are. Handsome young doctor, son of the chief of staff, suddenly single --
Jake: Oh, no. And certainly in no hurry to change that status. So you can report that back to the grapevine for me.
Patricia: Believe it or not, I don't have time to gossip. You've seen me. I'm usually stitching up something on someone.
Jake: I know. I know you are. But if it ever comes up again, for the record, I'm staying as far away from relationships and entanglements as I can possibly get.
Greenlee: I'm heading home. I'll leave the light on for you. Good night.
Patricia: Oh, really?
Jake: Well, actually, this is a little complicated, but what happened was I bought --

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