MARCH 7, 2001

Bianca: I'm missing something.
Laura: Connect the dots. At best, Shannon thinks of us as toxic waste. Tonight we're her best friends. Group hugs, wanting us to crash the cast party. I mean, her mind is definitely altered.
Bianca: You mean she's high?
Laura: Yeah, but not on life. How do you spell Ecstasy?
Bianca: What? No way. Drugs? Shannon is, like, a jock, the whole cheerleader thing.
Laura: Well, that's figures. It's an instant pepper-upper.
Bianca: Are you sure?
Laura: Well, I mean, I haven't given Shannon a drug test, but she's acting pretty flaky.
Bianca: Maybe she's just high coming off of starring in the school play.
Laura: Maybe. Hey, I got negatives back from the Valentine's day bash.
Bianca: Laura, are a lot of kids at school using?
Laura: Hello. The girls lounge has more traffic than Front Street.. I mean, haven't you noticed the busy bathrooms?
Bianca: I guess I've been so wrapped up in my own stuff. What would my mom think? Young Ms. Enchantment, handpicked by Erica Kane to be America's teen spokes model - on drugs?
Laura: Look, , you're not going to rat Shannon out to your mom, are you?
Bianca: Laura, my mother is a recovering narcotics abuser. She chairs the teens against addiction.
Laura: So?
Bianca: So if one of her employees is using drugs --
Laura: Bianca, don't say anything, ok? I mean, you thought coming out was nuclear. If you elect yourself as campus Narc, your social life at PV high school will be over.
Bianca: So what am I supposed to do, just pretend that I don't know?
Laura: Ecstasy isn't that big of a deal. I mean, it's just the drug du jour. People are just trying it.
Bianca: Does that include you?
Laura: I've dropped a couple of times and I'm still standing. Look, do yourself a favor, ok -- don't invite more trouble. Just leave this one alone.

Shannon: Hey, look, it's JR
Heather: Junior.
Shannon: JR, JR
Heather: Sorry, sorry, JR

Tad: You know, I can walk 10 feet behind you if you want. So, need a menu or you know what you'd like?
JR: I've got soccer practice tomorrow. I should be home sleeping.
Tad: You've got to eat something.
JR: I'm not that hungry.
Tad: Well, I guess I'm not, either. We, uh -- we have to have a serious talk.
JR: Look, if this is about me punching Hayward, I'm not --
Tad: No, it's not about it's just kind of tough, that's all. You remember when you were a kid and you'd get a banged-up knee, you'd have to pull off the band-aid, couldn't decide whether doing it slow or fast hurt more? Well, either way, it hurt me just as much as it hurt you.
JR: Get it out, Tad.
Tad: Your mom and I talked after she came home from the hospital, and we've decided that it'd probably be a good idea if we looked into a legal separation. Not a divorce. It's just what it is. It's a legal separation.
JR: You've given up on us, Tad.
Tad: I will never do that. I love you and I love your mom.
JR: You let him take over. He's got it all now.
Tad: No. I'm not. I'm just trying to give your mom and me some time to just cool off, decide our next step.
JR: The next step is divorce, Tad. You're out and Hayward's in. I wish he was dead.

Vanessa: Before you. I hope you do like it, of course.
Leo: Of course you did.
Vanessa: Your taste has gotten even more expensive.
Leo: So how's your heart?
Vanessa: My heart? My heart is better and better every day, Darling.
Leo: Good.
Vanessa: Thank you for asking.

David: I should've known. So how much did you sell me out for, Leo, 10,000, 50,000? Huh? I hope you weren't cheap, Vanessa.
Leo: We're not talking about you.
David: Oh, come on. You couldn't wait to run to Vanessa. So did you come straight from the hospital? Whatever dirt you think you have --
Leo: We were not talking about you.
Vanessa: But, well, David, since you've insinuated yourself into the conversation, Darling, well, just how dirty is this dirt I'm supposed to have on you?

Jake: Finally.
Greenlee: What do you want, Doctor?
Jake: Well, you left the house kind of suddenly.
Greenlee: I'm a creature of impulse.
Jake: All right, well, look, I know that you overheard me and my dad talking. I'm sorry. I didn't want you to find out.
Greenlee: What? What, my father would rather do the town with Erica Kane than stay by his daughter's sickbed, hmm?
Jake: Greenlee, I want you to come back to the house with me.
Greenlee: For what, more meatloaf so you can check me off as your good deed for the day? Forget it.
Jake: You have got a concussion, all right? You shouldn't be drink or driving.
Greenlee: Yo, Steve, can you freshen this up for me?
Jake: You know what? While you're at it, Steve, will you bring me a beer, please?

Dimitri: Alex, what can we do to help?
Alex: Give me the blanket. Really, without the proper meds, there's nothing we can do except let the seizure run its course.
Bart: Can she be moved?
Alex: No. Not yet.
Edmund: Is this as bad as they get?
Alex: Well, they're more frequent, they're lasting longer. I've been keeping records. Bart: I think she's coming out of it.
Alex: Thank God. These do scare the life out of me.
Bart: Anna, are you all right?
Alex: I'm your sister, Alex. I'm here to help you. Bart saw my photo in the paper and he brought me here. I'm a doctor.
Anna: Bart?
Bart: Your good friend Bart, taking care of you, keeping you from harm.
Anna: My dear, dear, dear, dear friend. Alex. My sister.
Alex: And this is my husband, Dimitri, and his brother, Edmund. You've only just met them. We'd like you to think of us as your family. We're going to help you get well.
Anna: Oh, worse this time. Bad, bad, bad. I saw those faces, same as before.
Alex: Did you recognize them?
Anna: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Alex: It's all right.
Bart: She's overtired. She needs rest. Come on.
Alex: Can you manage?
Bart: We always have before.
Dimitri: You all right?
Alex: I'm fine. She's so fragile.
Edmund: What do you think caused the seizure this time?
Alex: Stress probably.
Dimitri: You say the seizures are getting worse?
Alex: Mm-hmm. They're more intense. They're more frequent, too. She needs to be in a hospital where I can run a full neurological panel and figure out the treatment she needs. I know you think that's too risky, that Charlotte wants her dead.
Edmund: Well, you've got that dead body out there as evidence of that.
Dimitri: If we take her to a hospital, whoever sent him is going to send someone again.
Alex: Then we'll take extra precautions.
Dimitri: Alex, you're going to be a target, as well.
Alex: I don't care. She doesn't know who she is, who those faces are that she sees. I know how that feels. I have to help her. And you have to help me.

Jake: Thank you.
Greenlee: I know what you're doing, Jake.
Jake: I'm having a beer.
Greenlee: Have it someplace else. I don't need a babysitter.
Jake: You need observation for the first 24 hours.
Greenlee: Fine. I'll leave the shade up in my bedroom. If the perv across the street with the telescope sees my head explode, he'll give you a call.
Jake: I am not trying to hassle you. I have a professional obligation here, Greenlee. After all, you did walk into my ER.
Greenlee: A few days ago, you walked away from your precious ER.
Jake: You know what? And it's patients like you that make me question my vocation.
Greenlee: Hmm, you've got the God complex down pat.
Jake: Oh, really?
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Jake: Well, I'm not the one who tried to dribble a basketball off my head.
Greenlee: Yeah? Well, you -- you --
Jake: Snappy comeback.
Greenlee: You're giving me a headache.
Jake: Are you serious? Let me see your pupils. Put that down.
Greenlee: I was speaking metaphorically. Please leave me alone.
Jake: Just because you were discharged from the hospital does not mean that you're released from my care.
Greenlee: I release you, ok? Poof -- you are released.
Jake: You got two choices -- you go back to the hospital or you come back to the house with me. What's it going to be?
Greenlee: Why the hell do you care?

Vanessa: David, if I'm allegedly gunning for you, darling, what ammunition am I using?
Leo: Mother, I think that Palmer's waiting for you in the dining room.
Vanessa: Oh, Palmer has a perfectly good vodka Gimlet to keep him company. David, it really pains me that you think I'm out to get you.
David: Given our history, it's really not much of a stretch.
Vanessa: Oh, Darling -- good Lord, you just saved my life.
David: You sent Leo to the hospital to spy on me.
Vanessa: I sent Leo to the hospital to find out how you were after you happened to be stabbed by that Coulson woman. Are you all right, Darling?
David: Growing up with you has given me remarkably thick skin. Besides, I'm used to being stabbed -- usually in the back.
Vanessa: And not by me and not this time. I was absolutely sick with worry. You know, David, you don't know, but if anything ever happened --
David: You know something? I got to go. I hope you two can continue whatever you're plotting.
Leo: David, David, I need a private word with you. Mother, you know how Palmer hates to be kept waiting, so --
Vanessa: All right, all right, I'll disappear. Just know, David, that if -- if you ever need me, call me.
Leo: All right, let's go.

Leo: David, whatever you're thinking, I didn't share your secret with Vanessa.
David: Look, I've had a hell of a day.
Leo: No, there's only one person who can wreck your life, and it's not mother.
David: What are you trying to say, Leo?
Leo: Leslie Coulson. She knows you spiked the punch at Ryan's party with that sex drug. She must've threatened to expose you, so you let her take the fall to shut her up, only she didn't die. And if she rats you out, you lose Dixie.
David: You listen to me, Leo -- a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.
Leo: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're cool. I'm your brother, right? I'm not going to give you away.

Tad: Listen -- what you said about Hayward --
JR: You're always dissing him, Tad.
Tad: Yeah, I know, I know, and that's a big mistake, ok? Because it doesn't solve anything. All it does do is upset your mother.
JR: I don't understand why she can't see that he's just a waste of flesh.
Tad: Neither can I.
JR: It's not fair. You and Mom were great before he came and wrecked everything.
Tad: I'm going to tell you something man to man, ok? If your mother and I were really doing that great, Hayward never could've touched us.
Tad: Junior --
JR: It's JR Can't you even get that right?
Tad: I apologize. Look, I'm not a fortune reader. I mean, I don't -- I can't predict the future. But I do know one thing -- as far as I'm concerned, you are always going to be my son.
JR: I have a dad.
Tad: Well, then consider me a spare, a backup.
JR: Want to be a backup? Then you have to be there, Tad.
Tad: I am not going anywhere. Don't give up on me, please? I love you. I love you very much.
JR: The last time you and Mom got divorced, I had to move to Pigeon Hollow and go to some school where I didn't know anybody.
Tad: I know, and it was rough. I'm sorry.
JR: You don't get it, Tad. You don't. You lied to me. You said that when you married Mom that you would be together. Together forever.

Liza: Hey. Am I early? Doesn't look like you guys got a chance to eat.
JR: I'm eating later.
Liza: I could go and --
JR: I'm going to go wash my hands.

Liza: Doesn't look like your talk with Junior went too well.
Tad: I'm tearing his heart out. Again. This time it is my fault. Because when Dixie and I got remarried, I swore to him that it was for good.
Liza: I'm sorry.

Bianca: Laura, these are really good.
Laura: Yeah?
Bianca: Look at this one of Shannon. Do you think she was high that night?
Laura: I'm sorry I said anything.
Bianca: No, no, I'm glad you did. My mother is --
Laura: I know, she's Pine Valley's celebrity spokesperson for the war against drugs.
Bianca: Laura, drugs nearly ruined my mother's life.
Laura: Well, that was her experience of it. You don't have to be her snitch.
Bianca: You know, when I was in rehab, I knew a lot of girls who did Ecstasy and they said that it helped them to escape, that it was harmless.
Laura: It is.
Bianca: It rots your brain.
Laura: Well, alcohol rots your liver. People still drink alcohol.
Bianca: So, what, you think it's cool to do drugs or something?
Laura: No, it's a personal choice. Either you do it or you don't.
Bianca: Well, my mom would want to know if one of her employees was using.
Laura: Well, we don't know if Shannon is using. And even if she is, it's her business. She has a right to privacy. I mean, that's a big one with you, right -- a person's private life.

Shannon: Hey! Come here! How are you? I love your hair.

Jake: Because I'm an MD., Greenlee, and I care about all my patients.
Greenlee: Hmm. Hmm. How many patients have you invited to stay at your parents' home?
Jake: Actually, you are the first.
Greenlee: Hmm, how did I get so lucky?
Jake: Because you needed watching, remember? You needed a place to stay.
Greenlee: I could've hired a nurse.
Jake: Ha. Too impersonal.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, it sure beats a trip to Martin-Land. Meatloaf and fresh-baked apple pie, just like mom used to make. That's because mom made it fresh this morning. It's like being trapped in a 1950s sitcom without the laugh track. All you needed was Ruth vacuuming the rug in her high heels and pearls. What a load of garbage.
Jake: Oh, really? And the way you were brought up was so much better?
Greenlee: Doesn't it bother you that you're still living at home with Mommy and Daddy?
Jake: Sure doesn't. But for some reason, it certainly seems to bother you.
Greenlee: It's time you get a life, Jake. God, I can just picture you bringing Gillian home. Joe on the sofa, reading the paper, Ruth in the kitchen, baking cookies. I mean, how did you make love to your wife knowing that Ward and June Cleaver were in their twin beds in the room next door? No wonder Gillian ran screaming back to Ryan.
Jake: Ok. All right. That's enough. You know why I came and I chased you down tonight, Greenlee? Because I feel sorry for you. I never felt sorrier for anyone in my life.

David: You won't give me away? What exactly does that mean, Leo?
Leo: Well, back at the hospital, that talk about what you'd done for Dixie? David, I'm no whiz kid, but I can do basic math.
David: Go on.
Leo: Well, somebody spiked the punch at Ryan's party, and you are the most probable choice.
David: Hmm. And my motive?
Leo: Nuke Dixie's marriage, arrange for Tad to be caught with his pants down.
David: Well. Now, that is an interesting theory.
Leo: Tad's tendency to stray is what wrecked the marriage the last time, right? So you arrange for history to repeat itself. Libidozone Leslie goes after Libidozone Tad. Dixie finds out and, poof, what do you know -- the caring and sensitive Dr. David is there to pick up the pieces of Dixie's shattered life.
David: Well, that's a good try, Sherlock, but none of what you just said is true.
Leo: Really? Huh. That's a damn shame.
David: What?
Leo: Well, Mother taught me to believe that you sprang from the devil himself, that you heal hearts but didn't possess one. The portrait that she painted was meant to keep me from ever searching you out.
David: And yet here you are.
Leo: Mm-hmm. And I can see why Mother's so afraid of you. A man who would risk what you have for the love of a woman, a man with that kind of courage and devotion is something Vanessa could never fathom. I respect that.

Dimitri: Alex? Let us help you and your sister however we can.
Alex: All right. There's a clinic in Hammersmith, London. We can take her there. I have friends there.
Dimitri: Yeah, but the more people that know Anna is alive, the more she's going to be at risk.
Edmund: London's too close to Charlotte if she's involved.
Alex: We have to do something now because she is deteriorating.
Edmund: Why don't we take her to Wildwind, ok? We'll take her home. We can treat her with complete privacy.
Alex: No, I'm not putting your children at risk like that.
Dimitri: We'll take the necessary precautions.
Alex: Ever since I've been in your life, I've done nothing but disrupt it.
Dimitri: No, no, no, you saved my life. You made me want to live again. Now, let us do this for you. Alex: No, it's asking too much.
Dimitri: Isn't.
Edmund: We'll jack up security. I'll send my kids to be with their grandmother for a while. I mean, Isabella, believe me, she will love it.
Alex: I don't know.
Edmund: Alex, listen to me -- remember what you said to your sister before? We're family. We take care of each other.
Alex: That's so generous of you. It really is. All right, we'll take Anna to Pine Valley.
Bart: Not while I have breath. Anna's staying here, where she belongs.
Bart: I've taken care of her, watched over her since I saved her from that explosion on the boat. I couldn't love her more if she were my own daughter.
Alex: I know that, and we're incredibly grateful. But Anna's not safe here anymore.
Bart: Because of them and because of me. I never should've brought you here.
Alex: No, you did the right thing. She just isn't getting better. If she stays here without the proper treatment, she will die.
Bart: That's no good. That's no good at all. All right. You can take her with you, under one condition.
Alex: Name it.
Bart: That you take me, too.
Alex: Yes, yes, of course. She'll feel safe with you around. Yes, of course.
Dimitri: Bart, our home is open to you.
Alex: How soon can we leave?
Edmund: Well, there's just one hitch. Our pilot's missing. We got to find somebody to fly that plane.
Bart: What kind of a craft is it?
Dimitri: It's a jet, Gulfstream. What, you're a pilot?
Bart: Yes, I am.
Alex: You think you could get us home?
Bart: Get you home in no time.
Alex: That's great.
Dimitri: Yeah, life working out for a change, huh?
Alex: Oh, yes, as it's meant to be.

Leo: Vanessa had me brainwashed. I thought that you were this cold, calculating machine that was immune to love. But you and I are a lot more alike than either one of us will care to admit, David.
David: Really? How so?
Leo: I grew up without a father, you grew up without a mother.
David: All right, so we're both survivors.
Leo: Do you ever wonder if there's someone out there who knew what it felt like to be you? Somebody that you could confide in, somebody that you could share things with, somebody that you could talk to brother to brother? Someone like me?

Greenlee: You feel sorry for me? Better check me out again, Jake. I'm rich, I'm -- I'm -- I'm --
Jake: Stumped already?
Greenlee: I'm damn good-looking.
Jake: You've got money and a pretty face, and that's a pretty skimpy resume.
Greenlee: Go to hell. Whoa.
Jake: You're rich, you're beautiful, and you're coming home with me.
Greenlee: Leave me alone.
Jake: Why are you so stubborn?
Greenlee: I don't need you or anyone else to help me. I've taken care of myself my whole life. I used to read myself bedtime stories at night and rock myself to sleep.
Jake: All right, Greenlee, you're rich, you're beautiful, and you're incredibly brave, but everyone -- I don't give a damn who they are -- needs a little help every now and then. So just for tonight, why don't you lean on someone else for a change?
Greenlee: Well -- I hope you have your car because my legs are kind of wobbly. I'll get my coat.

Bianca: Hey, guys.
Shannon: Hey, Bianca. Did you change your mind about the cast party?
Bianca: Oh, no, I still can't make it. JR, Do you want join Laura and me for a soda or something?
Shannon: You can't steal JR.
Marcus: Bianca, Chandler's with us tonight.
JR: I'll catch up with you later, Bianca, ok?
Bianca: Sure, sure. Whenever.
Heather: Bye.
Marcus: So, Chandler, we got the party machine cranking tonight at Shannon's. You're coming, right? You're coming?
Shannon: There will be lots of party favors.
JR: Sounds happening, but I've got practice tomorrow.
Mindy: While we're on vacation? Wow, you must be really into it.
Marcus: So blow it off.
JR: Come on, Marcus, you know the coach. He'll go crazy.
Marcus: Nah, you're golden like me.
Shannon: Everybody -- everybody loves a winner. Play hard.

Tad: Hey. Did you change your mind about dinner?
JR: I'm going to go to Jamie's. They're going somewhere tomorrow. Is that ok with you?
Tad: Well, you're not going to run off like you did last time?
JR: No.
Tad: Ok. Is it ok with you, Liza?
Liza: Yeah. My car's outside. You could just ask the driver to drop you at Brooke's and have him come back and get me.
JR: I'll probably crash there.
Liza: It's no problem.
Tad: You say hi to Jamie for me, all right?
JR: I will. I'll see you later.

David: So is this supposed to be one of those big bonding moments, Leo?
Leo: It's whatever you want it to be, David.
David: You would think, given the fact that we come from the same dysfunctional family, that we would seek each other out, compare wounds, war stories. But the fact is that's not the way it works. It's every man for himself.
Leo: Your instinct for survival's what got you where you are, David. Till Dixie came along. You found somebody who mattered more than you did and you went after her as if your life depended on it.
David: You're right, Leo. I wouldn't let anything stand in my way. I risked everything for the woman who finally gave my life meaning. Now, if you're lucky enough to find a love like that, then you make sure that nothing or nobody stands in your way. Why don't you go after her?
Leo: Who?
David: Greenlee. Come on, Leo, it's obvious that you want her. So what's stopping you from getting what you want?

Anna: Sorry for all the drama.
Alex: You feel better?
Anna: I hate these bloody seizures.
Alex: They're not your fault, you know.
Bart: But they're getting worse.
Anna: Oh, I've been living with them all these years.
Alex: Living with them may not be an option anymore.
Anna: Is there something you're trying to tell me?
Alex: I need to get you to a facility where I can run some tests, monitor your brain function.
Anna: Leave here?
Alex: It's the only way we're going to get you better.
Anna: But this is my home. This is all I know.
Alex: There's a whole world of people out there waiting for you to come back into their lives.
Anna: I don't know them. They're strangers.
Alex: Well, until your memory returns, and then it'll be like meeting old friends. It'll be all right, I promise you, Anna.
Anna: Will you be with me?
Alex: Every step of the way.
Anna: It's too dangerous. Someone wants me dead.
Dimitri: Anna, Anna, let that be our worry.
Edmund: Yeah, you just concentrate on getting well again.
Anna: I don't know what to do. I'm so scared all the time.
Bart: Oh, now, come on. Alex thinks it's for the best.
Anna: But -- what about you? I can't leave you.
Bart: Of course you can't. That's why I'm going with you to America.
Anna: Oh. America?
Alex: Pine Valley. It's my home. It's our home. We'd love it to be yours, if you'll come with us.
Anna: Yeah, take me home.

Mindy: All the A-people are going to be at Shannon's party.
Heather: Brad Marley is such a fox and he's driving his dad's convertible.
Marcus: Well, don't barf from the back seat. Hurling chicks are a major downer.

Laura: Bianca, do me a favor -- skip out on the rest of high school, join me at PVU. This fall?
Bianca: What? And miss this learning experience?
Laura: Oh, I know, these are the good old days, right?
Bianca: Yeah, right. Just ask our mothers.
Laura: Yeah. I'll catch you later.
Bianca: Yeah.

Shannon: Bianca, last chance to party. I really want you to be there.
Bianca: Why?
Shannon: Because. Well, just because. I mean, don't you want to have fun?
Bianca: I'm sorry, Shannon. My mother doesn't let me have fun on weekdays.
Shannon: Aw. Ok. Well, it's been real. Hey, Marcus, wait up!

Tad: My own wife takes another man's word over mine. As far as Dixie's concerned, Hayward can do no wrong.
Liza: That's because you're accusing him of something that you can't prove.
Tad: Oh, I have proof all right. At least Leslie did. He got there first. Excuse me.
Liza: What are you doing?
Tad: Calling the hospital. I'm going to check up on her. Pray to God she's ok. She's the only one that can nail Hayward to the wall.
Yeah, hi, I'd like some information on a patient, please -- Leslie Coulson? I know. I am family, all right? I'm -- I'm her brother. I just want to know, did she regain consciousness or did she say anything? Nothing? No change? All right. No. Thank you.
When is life going to cut me a break?

Leo: Why don't I go after Greenlee?
David: Right.
Leo: I don't -- because I love her enough to leave her alone.
David: You mean you're bad for her? Says who, Vanessa?
Leo: Oh, Mother's been quite encouraging, actually.
David: Then you have the Medusa's seal of approval, so what's stopping you?
Leo: Greenlee has enough problems in her life without me making it worse, ok?
David: Oh, come on, Leo. That's such a cop-out. If you want Greenlee, get out of your own way and go after her.
Leo: It's not that simple.
David: Of course it is.
Leo: Ok, you know that club that you won't join because they would have a member like you? It's the same thing with me and Greenlee.
David: Oh, you disappoint me, little brother. You admire me because I'm willing to risk everything for Dixie. Meantime, you're sitting here, watching the woman you love walk away with another man.
Leo: Can we just drop this subject, if you don't mind?
David: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that this brother-to-brother dynamic only moved in one direction. If we're so much alike, Leo, why can't you just be straight with me?

[Telephone rings]

Leo: Hello? Oh, Stan. What's the good word? Oh, you're kidding. The deal's still stalled? Yeah, yeah, I understand. All right, just keep me posted. See you.

David: Bad news?
Leo: Oh -- an investment. Was supposed to be a sure thing.
David: Hmm. But your guy wants you to keep putting up seed money. So who's bankrolling you these days?
Leo: Nobody.
David: You're between benefactors?
Leo: Yeah, and basically broke until my ship comes in, which should be soon.
David: Hmm. Are you sure it hasn't already docked?
Leo: What do you mean?
David: Well, Palmer has Vanessa on a tight budget these days, so she's obviously not as generous as she used to be.
Leo: Right.
David: So I guess it's only natural that you would turn to me.
Leo: I don't know what you're talking about, David.
David: Let me spell it out for you, brother. You're as smooth a grifter as they come. You know, I almost bought this brother act. In fact, there was a moment there where I really thought that we were communicating.
Leo: We -- we were.
David: Shut up, Leo. Take your brotherly love and go to hell. You smelled blood and you came running. Boy, you really are your mother's son.

Dimitri: All right, let's get it done, let's get it done.
Bart: I'll stow these.
Edmund: All right, listen, we got our friend buried in the orchard, ok? Let's go. We got to get out of here.
Dimitri: Be right behind you.
Edmund: All right.

Alex: I've missed you. You forgive me?
Dimitri: If you promise not to do it again, I forgive you.
Alex: You have my word. Ok.
Dimitri: Eugenia and Gillian are going to be ecstatic to get you home.
Alex: Oh. I know one person that's not going to be thrilled.
Dimitri: Who's that?
Alex: David.
Dimitri: David Hayward. Well, if I know best, he's going to get what he deserves.

Leo: David, what the hell's wrong with you? What does Vanessa have to do with anything?
David: Everything. You're her creation. You know, it's the perfect irony that she would send you to shake me down. So how much is her share of the cut?
Leo: I did not come to you for money.
David: Oh, don't, don't, don't overplay your hand, Leo. Just name your price.
Leo: My price?
David: Yeah, yeah, that's right. That's what this is all about, isn't it? Your superstar brother, the rich and famous cardiologist, pays you x amount of dollars to keep you silent. So come on, what's the damage, kid? How much is your silence worth?

Jake: So, you hungry? Could always nuke some of Mom's awesome meatloaf.
Greenlee: No, thanks. I just want to sack out.
Jake: Ok. Well, listen, when you wake up and you see a man flashing a light in your eyes, that'll be me just checking your pupils.
Greenlee: My pupils will behave.
Jake: I know it's a pain.
Greenlee: You're just doing your job, right? Thank you.
Jake: What was that?
Greenlee: You heard me.

Liza: Well, if there's anything I can do to help --
Tad: Can you pull somebody out of a coma? Leslie's the only one that can testify that David spiked the punch at Ryan's party.
Liza: Well, that might not be so.
Tad: What?
Liza: There were television crews there. I mean, Hayley's crew from "The Wave" was there.
Tad: You think she caught something on tape?
Liza: Something or maybe someone.
Tad: Well, why the hell didn't you say so? What are we waiting for? Come on.


Leo: How much am I worth to you?

Ryan: Why don't we set our wedding date.

Hayley: What is this, a stickup?
Tad: No, Honey, it's an emergency.
Mateo: With what?
Tad: Saving my marriage.

Dixie: Why are you being so horrible? Is it resentment because Tad chose me over you?

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