MARCH 8, 2001

Ryan: I thought you were going to rest.
Gillian: I tried. Ryan: I wish I could make it better.
Gillian: Oh, you do. You help me so much.
Ryan: But I can't take away the pain.
Gillian: No, losing a baby is like losing a part of yourself. Grandmama said it's going to take time to get better. I just wish time wouldn't pass so slowly.
Ryan: I have an idea to get time back on our side. Why don't we set our wedding date.

Mateo: So a gallon of that butter brickle ice cream, and that's it, right?
Hayley: Yeah. Oh, you know, get some fresh fruit and veggies and a 10-gallon drum of that Thai peanut sauce that I like so much.
Mateo: That's going to give you heartburn, Baby.
Hayley: No, no, no. Are you kidding? Being pregnant has turned me into a spice girl. I'm late. I got to go.
Mateo: Ok. Oh, do you want me to come with you --
Hayley: No, no, no, it's --
Mateo: For some moral support, because I don't --
Hayley: I know, I appreciate it, but it's a woman-to-woman thing.
Mateo: Ok.
Hayley: Let's never forget how lucky we are.
Mateo: We won't.
Hayley: I got to fly.
Mateo: Go.

Tad: Drop that purse. You're not going anywhere. Come on. Mateo.
Hayley: Why? What is this, a stickup?
Tad: No, Honey, it's an emergency, and I need your help badly.
Liza: Actually, both of you.
Mateo: With what?
Tad: Well, for starters, saving my marriage.

Dixie: Hi.
Brooke: Hi.
Dixie: You guys all packed for the Caribbean?
Brooke: Yeah, we're getting there.
Dixie: I brought some of Junior's snorkeling gear.
Brooke: Oh.
Dixie: I hear the coral reefs in St. Bart's are just breathtaking this time of year. The boys are going to have such a great time. Thank you so much for including JR In your plans.
Brooke: Well, I think it's good for both of the boys to get away for a little while. I mean, I know Junior's going to miss his soccer practice, but --
Dixie: Right. Did you talk to him? Is he ok with it?
Brooke: Yeah, he seems to be.
Dixie: Good. Good.
Brooke: I'll get him.
Dixie: Ok.

Brooke: Junior? Oh -- JR? I'll get it right one of these days.
Dixie: Don't worry.
Dixie: Hey, kiddo. How you doing? I brought some of your snorkeling gear. You're going to have a great time. You excited about the trip?
JR: Yeah. I guess.
Dixie: Good. Did you talk to Tad?
JR: Yep. He said you guys are getting divorced.
Dixie: No, we're not getting divorced. We're just getting separated.
JR: Yeah, same thing, Mom. You guys are splitting up so you can be with some creep named Hayward.
Dixie: That is not true.
JR: Mom, you know, you act as if I don't know what's going on.
Dixie: Junior, Tad and I both love you so much.
JR: Stop calling me Junior. And stop it with the I-love-yous and "it's going to be all right" because they're all lies.
Dixie: We do love you, and I hate what's happening.
JR: You know what? Save it for someone who cares.

Brooke: It's -- it's just a lot for him to deal with right now.
Dixie: He's so angry with me. I wish there was something I could do for him.
Brooke: You can. You can get David Hayward out of your life.

Leo: How much is my silence worth? David, am I hearing you right?
David: Don't look so shocked, Leo. You learned extortion at our mother's knee.
Leo: You want to buy my silence?
David: Yeah, that's right. Name your price. What's the going rate for keeping your mouth shut these days?
Leo: You are beyond believable. You know that?
David: Oh, you want to talk about credibility? Fine, let's talk about mine. I'm a respected cardiologist. My reputation means everything. And you just made two very nasty insinuations -- number one, that I drugged half of this town to get between Dixie and her husband. Number two, that I purposely allowed that psychopath Leslie Coulson to fall from the building, hoping she would die. Now, I can't afford to have my little brother spreading that kind of slander, so I'm going to talk the language that you and Vanessa know -- money. So come on, Leo. That's what you're hoping for, right? The big payoff. In fact, let's go to my room. I'll cut you a check for your blood money.
Leo: You wait a minute. You think you know me? You think you know me? You think that I would blackmail you like this?

Dixie: I am not with David Hayward.
Brooke: That's not what I heard.
Dixie: Well, you heard wrong.
Brooke: You didn't sleep with him?
Dixie: That is none of your business.
Brooke: It is my business because the consequences affect my son.
Brooke: Look, Junior and Jamie may not be blood brothers, but they love each other as if they were.
Dixie: Yes, of course they do. They're family. We all are.
Brooke: Well, it's a family that's being torn apart. I mean, Tad has moved out. Junior's been farmed off to Adam.
Dixie: It's so not fair.
Brooke: I think so, too. I think it's a shame that everybody's life is being turned upside down, and for what? What is the end result of all of this?
Dixie: I don't know. I just know that things couldn't go on the way they were.
Brooke: Look, you know -- you and Tad have problems, then, you know, you work them out. You don't just throw your life away. You don't just uproot your children because you've been edged out of your comfort zone.
Dixie: And what exactly do you know about it? What do you know about my life?
Brooke: I know more than you think, Dixie. I mean, watching you is like watching a rerun of my life. And believe me, you are not going to like the end. I guarantee you are going to hate it and you're going to hate yourself if you don't put on the brakes before it's too late.
Dixie: You know, honestly, I don't know what you're talking about.
Brooke: You know, you -- you have so much to be grateful for. You're a beautiful, intelligent woman. You have a husband who adores you.
Dixie: A husband who can't quite keep his promises.
Brooke: Tad makes mistakes -- whoppers. And it wasn't a news flash for you, was it? Didn't you know that when you remarried him? Wasn't it for better or for worse?
Dixie: Tad betrayed me.
Brooke: And you betrayed him. You know, you hurt each other the way -- the way that two people in love can hurt each other. But, Dixie, you know, you made it even worse.
Dixie: How can you say that?
Brooke: Becau-- I'm not talking about the adultery. I'm talking about the fact that you're just -- you're giving up on your life and on Tad and your children, and it's for some man who is not going to even appreciate everything that you have sacrificed.
Dixie: You are so far off base.
Brooke: I have been there, all right? I know what I am talking about. You find a man who's been damaged by life, who's incomplete, and you think that you can make him whole. You think that all he needs is the love of a good woman. And it's not true, all right? There's not enough love in the world, Dixie. There isn't. And there's no fix big enough to help your broken man.
Dixie: All right. You're right there. I mean, I thought I could help Tad. I thought that if I loved him enough that --

[Brooke sighs]

Brooke: I'm talking about David Hayward. You know, you're on a one-woman campaign to save him from himself, and it is doomed to fail, the same way I failed with Jim Thomason.
Dixie: Wait a minute. You are comparing David with Jim Thomason?
Brooke: Dr. Hayward could be his twin.
Dixie: Oh.
Brooke: Dixie, you'd better face that fact, or you're going to regret it for the rest of your life.

Leo: Ok, here we are -- the world-famous doctor and his blackmailing brother.
David: Just name your price so I can have the pleasure of kicking you out.
Leo: Well, why don't you tell me, David? Now, you're so smart, why don't you tell me how much it's going to cost you to keep my mouth shut?
David: All right, let's see. You need enough to keep your business deal afloat, right? And your women and champagne and caviar, no doubt.
Leo: Yeah, and there's also a cashmere topcoat over at Lacey's that I've had my eye on.
David: All right. Well, then I guess 50,000 should cover your expenses. Very generously, I might add.
Leo: 50,000? Come on, David. You can do better than that. What do you charge to fix a heart these days? Half a mil? Now, that ought to keep me in cashmere and Spanish leather for a while.
David: Boy, you are Vanessa to the teeth.
Leo: Well, David, I have to live down to your image of me. Why aim for greatness when I can tap you for instant cash? I mean, we are brothers, right?
David: Well, at least you're man enough to admit what you are, Leo.
Leo: Oh, I can fool the ladies, David, but you -- you are a tough audience. You would never believe that there's a kinder, gentler Leo.
David: Let's just get this over with, shall we?
Leo: You know what? You're the actor of the family. You know that? You really are. David Hayward wows the critics with his convincing portrayal of a cardiologist with a heart. And the Oscar goes to --
David: Look, you keep your voice down, all right?
Leo: Well, I have to play to the back of the audience, David. I got to project that image. Leo du Pres also stars as the fool who tries to connect with his brother. You know, I almost believed myself. I was that good. But you saw right through me, David. You didn't believe it for a nanosecond. You knew right to the core of your rotten heart that your kid brother doesn't give a damn about you or your troubles. I just wanted a piece of the pie, right, David? So tell me, what does the best dressed blackmailer make these days? How much am I worth to you?

Hayley: Are you saying Hayward drugged a boatload of people?
Tad: Mm-hmm. He's a real prince, huh?
Mateo: He put us through hell.
Hayley: That sick, sick man. I mean, he has brought on that whole episode with Arlene -- everything.
Liza: He is a very disturbed and dangerous man.
Mateo: Whatever you need. Whatever you need, we'll help.
Hayley: Yeah, well, how can we help?
Tad: You had a "Wave" crew taping that entire night, right?
Liza: There were cameras rolling the whole night, right?
Hayley: Right.
Mateo: The primary setup was in the yacht's main salon.
Hayley: Which is on the dance floor next to the punch bowl.
Tad: Which means a camera might have caught him in the act, and that's proof I can take to Dixie.
Liza: And the police.
Tad: She won't think he's so hot in a prison-issue jump suit.
Liza: Now, we never aired the show, right?
Hayley: No. After the party tanked and got so much negative PR, we shelved it.
Mateo: No, no, the footage is in the library, though.
Tad: Guys, we got to see those tapes.
Mateo: Let's get it.
Liza: Let's get the tapes. Let's go.
Hayley: Ok.

Mateo: You coming?
Hayley: I don't think so.
Mateo: Are you sure? I mean, Hayward put us through a lot, Hayley.
Hayley: I know, and I think he deserves to be punished, but, you know, I have this new life inside of me, and I got someplace I got to be.
Mateo: I understand.
Hayley: You always do. I love you.
Mateo: I love you.

Ryan: Well, April Fool's Day is out of the question, so forget about it.
Gillian: You know, actually, I do have a date in mind.
Ryan: Name it.
Gillian: Guess.
Ryan: I'm thinking of a number between one and -- is that right?
Gillian: Yep. April -- April 8, the date when we got married the first time.
Ryan: God, that seems like a million years ago.
Gillian: Yeah, well, it wasn't the most romantic wedding ever.
Ryan: You married me for your green card.
Gillian: And you married me because you thought I was an heiress. Oh, boy, we fought. We fought a lot.
Ryan: Yes, we fought a lot, but, boy, did we have fun on the honeymoon.
Gillian: Yeah, I remember.
Ryan: We didn't exactly marry for love, but we -- we found it anyway. Looking back, that was the happiest day of my life.
Gillian: So then April 8 it is?
Ryan: I can't wait.

Hayley: Hello. Permission to come aboard?
Ryan: Hayley. Perfect timing.
Hayley: Hey.
Gillian: We were just setting our wedding date.
Hayley: Oh, well, set away. No matter when it is, Mateo and I will be there with bells on.
Gillian: Hey, sit. Can I get you something to drink?
Hayley: No, nothing, nothing. Thanks, really. I'm sorry about the miscarriage. Tell me how you're doing.
Gillian: I'm ok. I'm better.
Hayley: Really?
Gillian: I mean, you know, I still feel a little lost, so --
Hayley: I can't imagine what you must be going through, which is why this makes it harder for me. I -- I have some news to share with you which I didn't want you to hear from somebody else because I love you both, but I understand if you're not overjoyed when you hear it.
Gillian: You're pregnant.

Dixie: Look, I'm very sorry for what happened between you and Jim, but, you know, to compare David with Jim Thomason is so far out there.
Brooke: Are you going to tell me that David is a hero?
Dixie: Yes, he is. He saves lives.
Brooke: Yeah, so was Jim Thomason. He was the hero of flight 149, you remember? The hero of flight 149. He did child pornography on the side.
Dixie: I can't believe you're actually equating David with a child pornographer.
Brooke: It's not that far a stretch. Tad told me that David was responsible for the drug that was in the punch at Ryan's party -- the Libidozone.
Dixie: Tad should know not to spread rumors.
Brooke: Yeah, are you so sure that they were rumors?
Dixie: David told me that he didn't do it, and I believe him.
Brooke: And I believed Jim Thomason until I found out that he was responsible for the crash that killed Maria. I put my faith in him, Dixie, you know? I risked my children's lives.
Dixie: I would never endanger my child's life.
Brooke: JR Was kidnapped.
Dixie: That was Leslie Coulson.
Brooke: And Leslie Coulson came after you.
Dixie: That had nothing to do with David. That had everything to do with Tad.
Brooke: Tad told me that David and Leslie were working together to separate you.
Dixie: Well, do you just believe everything that Tad says?
Brooke: Well, I certainly would believe him before I'd ever believe David Hayward. My God, Laura almost drowned because of that drug.
Dixie: I know, and that was horrible, but Leslie was the one who drugged those guests, ok? Not David.
Brooke: Boy, what am I missing here, you know? You and Tad went through so much to be together. Why are you throwing it all away to be with that man? Dixie, look at his track record. He had sex with Gillian and blackmailed her. He injected Adam with some sort of drug that caused him to have a cardiac seizure, and the rumors are very substantial about his involvement with the Libidozone. It's more than a warning. It's a man who lives on the edge. Don't -- don't let him push you over.
Dixie: Why are you being so horrible? Is it resentment, because Tad chose me over you?
Brooke: Tad did choose you over me because he wanted to be with you. Doesn't that mean anything to you? Dixie, I just -- I just want what's best for you and Tad and Jamie and JR David Hayward is poison. Believe me, I know what I am talking about.

David: Here. $100,000, Leo. That's a hell of a bankroll. Frankly, I hope you choke on it.
Leo: You know what, David? I feel sorry for you.
David: Take it and leave!
Leo: You know what? There was a moment when I had hope. You know, everything that you've done for Dixie, all the risks you took, I actually believed that you had a heart. I guess I was mistaken. You are a hollow man. You feel nothing. You care for no one. You might as well be dead.
David: Just take the damn money!
Leo: You go to hell! I came to you as a brother, and you treated me like a piece of garbage!
David: You are what you are, Leo! I may not be what every brother dreams of, but that is your misfortune, not my fault!
Leo: Oh, it never is, is it, David? For five lousy, glorious minutes, it could have been you and me against the world.
David: Yeah.
Leo: You and me, finally -- a fighting chance. What a joke. What a frigging idiot I am.
David: Then get smart. Then get smart fast. You forget what everybody said about me and you keep your mouth shut!

Tad: This is ridiculous. How could all of the tapes be missing?
Mateo: Most likely they were taped over.
Liza: Budget concerns. You know, we recycle things.
Tad: Well, no tape, no evidence. So once again, Hayward skates away scot-free.
Mateo: No, no. No, no. He's going to pay for what he put Hayley through.
Liza: Well, what he put everybody through.
Tad: We can't do anything without proof. Is there a chance that those tapes could be anywhere else?
Liza: Sometimes the tapes get stored in the editing bays.
Mateo: Let's go. Come on.

Hayley: Yeah, I'm pregnant. I know my timing must seem really bad.
Gillian: Hayley, a baby is a blessing always. And you and Mateo have wanted a baby for so long.
Hayley: I just wish that we could have been pregnant together. It would have been nice. Our babies would have been born at the same time, about.
Gillian: They could have been playmates. We could have taken them to the park together, and swinging on the swings.
Hayley: Sweetie, I don't know why these things happen. I -- something so sad and so pointless.
Gillian: When your baby comes, just hold her tight. Never let her go.
Hayley: I won't.
Ryan: I'm really happy for you, Hayley.
Gillian: I am, too. Truly, I am.
Hayley: Thank you.
Ryan: So is Mateo handing out cigars?
Hayley: Oh, no. No smoking anywhere near me, and I have to eat spinach all the time and he's talking to my stomach in Spanish.
Gillian: Well, maybe I can give your baby some lessons in Hungarian.
Hayley: Great. My kid will be trilingual.
Ryan: Hey, how about taping the birth and showing it on "wave"?
Hayley: I actually teased Mateo about that.
Ryan, hey. The tape of the party?
Ryan: I really don't want to go back there.
Hayley: No, no, no. I was just thinking about, you know, you could really find out who sabotaged the party by spiking the punch with the Libidozone.
Gillian: Do you know who that is?
Hayley: Well, I mean, Tad and Liza seem 99.9% Sure that it's David Hayward.
Ryan: Well, that was our theory, too, but, I mean, we had no concrete proof.
Hayley: But did you watch the rough cut that I gave you of the tape?
Ryan: Yeah, well -- I mean, I skimmed through it. I don't remember seeing anything incriminating on the tape, Hayley. I mean -- of course, there was tons going on after the party, so I wasn't really focused on that.
Hayley: I'm telling you, your copy of sex, lies, and Libidozone could nail Hayward to the mast.
Gillian: Well, then we have to get this tape.
Hayley: Do you know where It is?
Ryan: I don't remember tossing it out. It's got to be around here someplace.
Hayley: Well, it's in a white unmarked -- you know, videotape case.
Ryan: Yeah. I mean, I used to keep my tapes here in this room, but since Leo moved in, I don't really know where anything is, so --

Leo: Is somebody using my name in vain?
Ryan: Leo. Listen, we're looking for a videotape that belongs to Hayley.
Hayley: It's just some footage of Mateo and me and --
Leo: Ah, a blue film production?
Hayley: Yeah, that's it, Leo. No, no, it's just not --
Ryan: Listen, listen, why don't we check the stateroom, and you can check the computer room. You know where that is?
Hayley: Yeah, ok.
Leo: What about me?
Ryan: There's some tapes behind the bar. Check it out.
Hayley: Yeah, it's -- it's in an unmarked video case. It's white, so if you see it, holler.
Leo: Will do. Good luck.

Leo: "Galactic wars," "Galactic Wars," "Stomachs of Steel." Where the hell is -- smile, David. Little brother's watching.

[Knock on door]


David: Go away.
Dixie: David, it's me.
David: Dixie?
Dixie: Hi.
David: You are a mind reader. Come on in. I have never needed you as much as I need you right now.
David: Dixie, what is it?
Dixie: You know, I went to see JR And to say good-bye to him because he's going on his spring break, and he didn't want to talk to me. He could barely bring himself to look at me. And when he did, it's like he hates me.
David: JR Doesn't hate you, Dixie.
Dixie: He hates what I've done. He hates what I'm doing to the family. Tad and I are filing for a legal separation. I'm going to go see the lawyer tomorrow, sign up the necessary papers.
David: Well, then I guess that's why you're all shaken. I'm glad you came to me, Dixie.
Dixie: You can't help me, David.
David: Yes, I can, if you would just let me.
Dixie: No, you are part of the problem. That's why I came here this evening -- to tell you that I think I need to put some space between us.

Brooke: Hey.
JR: Hey.
Brooke: Oh, listen, I'll put this with Jamie's gear. I just got the weather report from St. Bart's. I'm sorry to tell you it's going to rain. No, we're going to have sunshine all week. It's going to be great.
JR: Thanks for letting me tag along with you guys.
Brooke: Oh, come on. We're thrilled to have you.
JR: Think my mom's going to be ok?
Brooke: I think that she's got a lot to deal with right now, but I think your mom is holding her own.
JR: I shouldn't have yelled at her.
Brooke: Oh, come on. You know, stuff happens. Your mom understands that.
JR: I guess I just don't know what's going on right now.
Brooke: Well, life gets complicated, you know? Sometimes more complicated than it needs to be.
JR: I wish it was last year when Tad and my mom, Jamie and I -- we all went skiing on Mt. Evangeline --
Brooke: Oh, yeah. JR: And Tad tried to teach my mom how to snowboard. And he fell quite a few times, and we had a huge snowball fight. It seemed like we laughed forever.
Brooke: Honey, there will be good times again.
JR: I don't think things will be like they used to be.
Brooke: Well, maybe not. Maybe they'll be better.
JR: How do you figure? I mean, my mom chose some dirt bag over me and Tad.
Brooke: That's not true. Your mom loves you and Tad more than anything else in the world.
JR: Then why did this happen to us? Why didn't they get back together? And how come they broke their promise?
Brooke: What promise?
JR: They promised that they would be together forever.
Brooke: Oh. You know, parents make mistakes. They do. They make them when their kids are watching. Because we're not perfect -- you know, none of us. We make messes. But Tad and your mom, you know, they have a lot to work out. But they will do it and they will find their way back to each other and they will forgive each other because that's what you do when you love somebody. And one thing that I know without a doubt is that Tad and your mom -- they love each other. Love forgives all things. It has to. For your sake and for Jamie's.

Ryan: We came up empty in our search.
Hayley: Guys?
Gillian: Nothing.
Hayley: Me, either.
Ryan: Leo?
Leo: Hmm?
Hayley: The videotape. Did you find the videotape?
Ryan: Leo, did you find the videotape?
Leo: Sorry, I -- I forgot to look. Hey, this Gwyneth could break my heart just walking into the room.
Ryan: Ah, I got them. Let's see. How did this get here?
Gillian: I don't know. What is it?
Ryan: This is old copies of the -- "Galactica." But I don't know that tape. How'd they get here?
Leo: Oh, me. I pop one into the VCR when I can't sleep. You know, the chick who plays the part human, part cheetah? Meow!
Gillian: Isn't this the tape you were looking for?
Ryan: Hey, is that it?
Hayley: Yeah -- oh, yes.
Ryan: You sure? That's the one?
Hayley: Well, positive.
Leo: Hey, what's the big deal about that tape, anyway?
Ryan: You'll find out soon enough.
Leo: Hayley, are you sure that's not you and Mateo, you know --

[Leo whistles]

Hayley: Yeah, Leo. That's it. Thanks for everything. I'll call you after we watch it.

Ryan: Tired?
Gillian: A little.
Ryan: You want to go to bed?
Gillian: Uh-uh, not yet. I hope that tape will help Hayley and Tad.
Ryan: Hayward deserves what's coming to him.
Gillian: He was responsible for letting your company go under, and I'll never forgive him for that.
Ryan: Well, we're getting a little sidetracked. We have a wedding to plan, a Hungarian honeymoon, things to look forward to.
Gillian: It's amazing how life works out -- or doesn't.
Ryan: I'm very proud of you, Gilly. It must have been tough to find out Hayley's pregnant.
Gillian: Yeah, I have to admit I was a little bit jealous.
Ryan: It's a natural response.
Gillian: Mainly, I was happy, I really was, because babies are a blessing, and they're -- they're our hope for the future, and I think Hayley and Mateo will be wonderful parents.
Ryan: So will we when it's our turn.
Gillian: I hope. I pray.
Ryan: We both will.

Leo: Hey, anybody up for the late show?
Ryan: I thought you called it for the night?
Leo: No, I couldn't sleep. Thought I'd catch another spine-tingling episode of the Galactic Wars. You guys want a hot wing?
Ryan: Anybody ever tell you that you need a life?
Leo: Hey, this is my life. I got a yacht, I got a plate of hot wings, a hokey sci-fi.
Ryan: Any idea what you want to be when you grow up?
Leo: Hmm. Probably just sponge off you.
Gillian: That's it. You know, we can adopt Leo after we get married.
Leo: What, are you insane? I'd rather get a dog.
Gillian: Oh, no, no. Dogs shed.
Leo: And I'm potty-trained. Did I hear something about wedding bells?
Ryan: Yeah, we're getting married. April 8. Mark it in your calendar.
Leo: Wow. Congratulations.
Ryan: Thank you. And try and stay out of jail, all right? I want you as one of my groomsmen.
Leo: I'd be honored. Thank you.
Ryan: All right.
Gillian: What, Leo?
Leo: You two. I mean, you almost make me believe that life works out sometimes, that's all.
Gillian: It'll work out for you if you just give it half a chance.
Leo: Hey, I've got no complaints. You're looking at one happy man, believe me.
Ryan: All right, we're going to call it for the night.
Gillian: Sweet dreams, Leo.
Leo: You, too.

Leo: Sometimes life works out after all.

Dixie: Please understand, David. So much has happened. I just need some time alone, just a little time away from you to sort of process everything that's happened.
David: What's going on, Dixie? Has Tad gotten to you? Has he been filling your head with lies about me?
Dixie: No, it's not Tad.
David: Who has? Somebody's been talking to you. Somebody has been turning you against me. I can see it in your eyes. Fear and -- and confusion. That's never been there before.
Dixie: Yes, it has. It always has.
David: No, no.
Dixie: Yes, I've always been just a little afraid of you, David. The way that you make me feel -- like I'm not my own person, like my feelings are beyond my control.
David: What? Letting go? Giving in to your heart? Is that bad?
Dixie: It's hurting everybody that I love. I can't keep on doing it this way, you know? I have to take a little time and go inside and find some answers. The biggest question that I have is whether I should go on seeing you.
David: Look, I'm grateful that you've been honest with me, Dixie. Just don't shut me out of your life. You might as well cut my heart out.
Dixie: David, don't say that, please.
David: No, it's the truth. Any goodness that I have, it's because of you. Your trust in me, your belief in me -- that is my lifeline, Dixie.
Dixie: David --
David: You cut me loose, and I'm lost.
Dixie: Don't say that.
David: Do you still believe in me? I haven't changed, have I? Have you stopped caring for me?
Dixie: I care for you. I care for you so much, I do.
David: Dixie, I love you. Trust that. Take as much time as you need. Just as long as you come back to me.

Hayley: Luck, my friends, is with us tonight.
Mateo: Good thing because our search for the footage was a total bust.
Liza: Thank God you remembered this tape that you made for Ryan.
Tad: If David went anywhere near that punch bowl, we got him live and in living color.
Hayley: Are we ready?
Liza: Yes, push play, push play.
Hayley: Ok, all right.
Tad: I'd like to thank my agent --
Hayley: Shh, shh, shh. Here we go.

[Music plays]

Mateo: What the heck is this? Liza: "In a parallel universe, galaxies away --"
Hayley: "This is the saga of galactic wars."
Tad: You got the wrong damn tape.

Leo: You better be on your best behavior, bro. The camera doesn't lie.
Leo: Got you, right where I want you.


Greenlee: I had a fabulous night last night.

Alex: Anna needs to be in a hospital.

Ryan: Can we please elope?

David: What is this?
Leo: Your salvation.

Tad: You are my last hope. I need you to pull out of this thing.

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