MARCH 9, 2001

Ryan: I don't think I can wait a month to put a wedding ring on your finger.
Gillian: A month is no time at all. Time's already flying by.
Ryan: Not fast enough for me. Not fast enough.
Gillian: Do you know how many people I still have to reach? It's the florist and the baker and the caterer --
Ryan: Oh, did you order the invitations?
Gillian: Oh, the invitations. I knew I was forgetting something.
Ryan: Listen, listen, listen. Why don't we do all that stuff together, all right? We can start after we have breakfast.
Gillian: I love you.
Ryan: And I love you.

Tad: Ryan?
Gillian: Who's that?
Ryan: That sounded like Tad.
Tad: Ryan? Listen, that tape, the one you gave to Hayley, was a total bust. She said you had a whole box full of them.
Ryan: Hello. Yeah, they're right over there.
Liza: Maybe you'd want to take a minute just to be polite.
Tad: Sorry. I've been on edge lately.
Ryan: Yeah, I can see that. What's going on, Tad? What's up with this tape?
Tad: That tape had nothing to do with the party. It was just some science fiction thing. Listen, has David Hayward been here?
Gillian: No. No, of course not.
Liza: Tad --
Tad: Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure? He could have snuck in here when you weren't watching and then snuck out again. The man gets around like a mouse.
Gillian: Tad, David wasn't here. I'm sure.
Tad: Yeah, well, that's terrific. Once again, he's too smart to get caught. No one can prove anything.
Liza: Tad, calm down.
Tad: Don't tell me to calm down. The footage on that tape was the evidence that I need.
Liza: I know that. We all know --
Tad: Now, that tape was here. And if Hayward didn't steal it, then who did?

Leo: The nurse at the desk is cute.
David: I may have to fire her. She's not supposed to let anyone in without an appointment.
Leo: I'm family. Doesn't it make you all warm just thinking about that?
David: What do you want, Leo?
Leo: Merry Christmas. Happy Birthday. Happy -- whatever special occasion you're going to be celebrating for the rest of your life.
David: What is this?
Leo: Your salvation. Go ahead, pop it in. And don't bother rewinding. It's already cued up just for you.
David: Where did you get this?
Leo: That's for me to know and for you to find out. Oh, actually, don't even bother trying to find out.
David: Don't play games with me, Leo. Where did you get this?
Leo: You like playing games, David. You're the numero uno game player, right? And this is as about as good as it gets. The stakes are high. Life as you know it is on the line, and this tape -- this tape is proof that you have definitely been the baddest boy in town.
David: Are there copies?
Leo: That's a smart question. What do you suppose the smart answer would be?
David: Don't play with me, Leo!
Leo: David, this doesn't feel like --
David: Are there copies?

Dimitri: There's no one here. Bring her in, Edmund.
Bart: Is she going to be all right? Maybe you should check her again.
Alex: No, we'll let her rest. I checked her downstairs.
Dimitri: That was some episode on the airplane.
Alex: Yeah, her seizures are really intense now.
Bart: Those have been happening more and more. That's why I brought Alex to Canada.
Edmund: Alex, anything you want. What do you need?
Alex: I need to do some diagnostic tests, but we're not equipped to do them here.
Dimitri: We're going to have to get her to a hospital when she can be moved again.
Alex: That would be best, yes.
Bart: No.
Alex: I have to do an MRI., An EEG. --
Bart: I said no. Anna's not going anywhere.

Ryan: Tad, there is no way that Hayward snuck onto this boat and stole that tape. It didn't happen.
Tad: Ok. Let me ask you again. If David Hayward didn't take it, then who did?
Liza: Why are you assuming that somebody stole the tape in the first place?
Tad: Because that's exactly the way this whole thing has been playing out ever since the Libidozone mess started, ok? My life is going down a sinkhole, and every time I am close to proving that David's behind it, he's one step ahead of me.
Ryan: What are you talking about? What else has been going on?
Tad: Well, for one thing, somebody just broke into Leslie Coulson's office and stole something out of her desk that would have incriminated him.
Ryan: Tad, listen, nobody wants to put this guy away more than I do, but I really think you're reaching.
Tad: No. No. No, I'm not. I'm not reaching anything. That is exactly the man's MO. You accuse him of doing something outrageous, and he shoots it down for being impossible.
Gillian: David would do anything to get what he wants.
Tad: Yeah, well, there you go. Maybe you should listen to Gillian because it's obvious her memory is better than yours.
Liza: Maybe there's just a different explanation.
Ryan: The tape that I gave Hayley wasn't labeled. I've got tons of tapes just like that, Tad.
Liza: So maybe somebody recorded over it by mistake.
Gillian: We do it all the time.
Tad: Well, that makes me feel just loads better. What you're telling me is I had the correct tape but you just managed to record some cheesy TV science fiction thing over it. Is that it?
Ryan: I hate to say, Tad, but it's very likely that's what happened.
Tad: No, it's not. That tape was here. David's responsible for its disappearance. I know it.
Liza: Well, you know what? Maybe he did it, but we don't have the evidence, so we can't go around accusing him if he didn't do it.
Tad: I know, Liza. I know that. That's why I'm here, ok? Because I was praying that the footage of David at that party was the evidence that I need. All I want is a break. Is that so much to ask?

David: I'm not playing with you, Leo. Did you make copies of this tape or not?
Leo: David, it's hard for me to remember anything when I'm being physically threatened.
Leo: Now, let's see. Did I make a copy of the tape? No, as far as I know, that's the only copy.
David: What do you mean, as far as you know?
Leo: Well, I didn't say there weren't any copies. I said I didn't make any copies myself. There may be others. I don't know. But why would Hayley ask Ryan for the tape if she's got the original back at WRCW?
David: Are you saying this is footage Hayley took for her show?
Leo: Yep. And you, my friend, either have the biggest cojones I've ever seen in my life or you're just careless. I'm not sure which. But, you know, the next time you try to do something nasty, David, you should try not to get caught on tape.
David: This really doesn't prove that I spiked that punch.
Leo: David, you're fishing a flask out of the punch bowl.
David: So what? What, you assume that ere was Libidozone in that flask?
Leo: Only a jury can say for sure.
David: Is that all?
Leo: Am I being dismissed now, David? Is that it?
David: I have work to do.
Leo: Like what? Running a magnet over that videotape?
David: Is there something that you want, Leo?
Leo: No, I'll let you know.
David: I'm sure you will.
Leo: When are you going to check that attitude?
David: Excuse me?
Leo: For the record, the last time I saw you, I wasn't coming for money.
David: Yeah, but I'm sure you cashed the check, right?
Leo: Just because I have a heart doesn't mean I'm stupid. You can afford to be generous.
David: Yeah, and you didn't have a problem taking it.
Leo: Look, if I found that tape and you hadn't given me a dime, I still would have given it to you for free.
David: You'll have to excuse my shock at your generosity, Leo.
Leo: David, the last time I came to see you, I was trying to act like your brother. Maybe even your friend. But the first thing you do is you accuse me of blackmail.
David: Can you blame me? Come on, Leo. Think about your track record.
Leo: People can change, David. Sometimes they even want to. I was reaching out to you. Think about that the next time you want to grab me by the throat.
David: Leo -- thanks for the tape.
Leo: That's a start.
David: You forget -- I came to you once wanting to be brothers.
Leo: Yeah, I know, and I blew you off, but I'm not doing that now.
David: Well, like you said, people can change, right?
Leo: Oh, one last little detail I forgot to mention. Before you destroy that evidence, you might want to rewind back a few minutes. You'll find that there's a witness that you might have to deal with.
David: Who?
Leo: Alex Marick is on that tape watching you. She saw you with the flask. I don't know if she saw what you did with it, but, you know, the miracle of miracles is that she conveniently disappeared, so --
David: I had nothing to do with that.
Leo: Do you ever get tired of saying that? See you later.
David: Yeah.

David: Unbelievable. Well, I guess I better get rid of this tape.

Alex: I don't have time to argue. Anna needs to be in a hospital.
Bart: Why not strap a target to her back and drop her at the bus stop.
Dimitri: Listen, Bart, she's finally going to get the treatment she needs. We all want to save her.
Bart: Anna? Do y know where you are?
Anna: Cinderella's castle?
Bart: No, we're in Pine Valley. Your sister's husband owns this estate. It's called Wildwind.
Anna: Yeah, I'm kidding. Oh, my head.
Bart: You had a seizure on the plane.
Anna: I'm very tired.
Bart: You just rest now, dear. Everything's going to be fine.
Alex: She's getting weaker by the minute. The longer we wait -- Bart: If she's exposed, someone will try to kill her. She's not going anywhere.
Alex: Fine. I'll treat her here.
Edmund: We'll get all the equipment you need.
Dimitri: I can do a lot. I don't know if I can get a MRI machine in here.
Alex: There's some portable machines I might be able to evaluate her with. Maybe Joe can help.
Bart: You want to bring someone else in on this? Look, when she's stable, I'm going to take her --
Dimitri: Bart, listen to me. You've taken care of her for a long time. We appreciate that. It's now time to let Alex care for her sister.
Bart: You want to bring equipment here?
Alex: Yes, if I can. I need to run some tests so that I can prescribe a treatment for her.
Edmund: This can work, Bart.
Bart: Looks like I don't have a choice.
Alex: You don't.
Bart: All right.
Edmund: Ok. We'll go. Just tell us what to get.

Jake: You're stable, Leslie. Hang in there. Whoa. Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing?
Greenlee: I came to see you.
Jake: Yeah? Step out here, step out here.
Greenlee: Pate, brie, gourmet crackers, smoked oysters, a bottle of merlot.
Jake: So, what's the occasion?
Greenlee: You've been the perfect Eagle Scout. To thank you for everything you did after that basketball attacked me.
Jake: Oh, well, you didn't have to do all this.
Greenlee: Oh, I wanted to. I'm not the easiest or the nicest person in the world.
Jake: Who says you're not the nicest person in the world?
Greenlee: After you found me last night drowning my sorrows, I said some harsh things.
Jake: I'm a big boy. I think I can take it.
Greenlee: No, Jake. I mean, you took care of me. You treated me here. You took me to your parents' house to watch over me.
Jake: Well, you had a concussion, and you couldn't be up running around, so --
Greenlee: To be honest, that meatloaf you guys nuked in the microwave?
Jake: Yeah?
Greenlee: A stretch for me. That hard-boiled egg thing in the middle?
Jake: Huh?
Greenlee: Frightening. So I thought that the next time I come over --
Jake: Next time?
Greenlee: We may end up having dinner together again someday, and I wanted to make sure you have everything that I like.
Jake: Oh, I see. So, what, chocolate truffles and caviar?
Greenlee: Yeah. Just open and serve.
Jake: Mm-hmm. You know, actually, I asked my mom to get some more caviar.
Greenlee: Ah.
Jake: So this is really nice. I appreciate you doing this.
Greenlee: My pleasure. I mean, who would have guessed I would have had such a great time spending the night with Dr. Jake Martin?

Tad: This is just absurd. Look, there has got to be some tape of that party somewhere.
Liza: I will have every PA at the station looking for the master footage. We will look for every inch of the footage that was shot on the yacht that night.
Tad: That's a start. I apologize. I didn't mean to break up your breakfast.
Ryan: Hey, no problem, Tad
Liza: He's desperate. I hope you understand.
Gillian: David makes people desperate. And the point is, Liza, I believe Tad. Who else would have poisoned the punch at the party?
Ryan: Hayward's got half the town after him, Liza. He ruined my company. He ruined my reputation. The only good thing that came out of that evening is that I got Gillian back.
Gillian: That would have happened without the Libidozone.
Ryan: All right, listen, if there's anything we can do at all, you let us know, all right?
Liza: I'll let Tad know what you said.
Ryan: And, Liza, watch him.
Liza: Yeah. That's what I'm here for.

Leo: A Greenlee gift basket. Who's the lucky Schmo?
Greenlee: Dr. Jake Martin, of course. He's every bit the gentleman. Now, if you'll excuse us, we're kind of busy.
Leo: Don't let me keep you.
Greenlee: I won't.

Greenlee: So, where were we, hmm?
Jake: I was about to go back to work.
Greenlee: Oh, so soon? Oh, once again, I had a fabulous night last night. Hope we can pick up where we left off.
Jake: Tell you what -- why don't you take this gift basket back to my office for me. I'm going to finish my rounds. Ok?
Greenlee: Sure, Jake.
Jake: Thank you.
Greenlee: Leo -- would you help me carry this? Thank you.

Jake: Oh, hang on there. Where do you think you're going?
David: Is that Leslie's chart?
Jake: Sure is.
David: May I see it?
Jake: No.
David: I'd like to check on her.
Jake: Oh, I'm sure you would, David. You can forget it.
David: Who do you think you are, Jake?
Jake: Right now, I'm the guy who's standing between you and Leslie Coulson, for her sake.
David: I have as much right to check on Leslie as you do.
Jake: Don't start whining with me. I uphold an oath to do no harm. You ever heard of that?
David: I saved the woman's life. Did you forget that?
Jake: Oh, I'm well aware of what you did, David. And I also know what you tried to do.
David: You listen to me, you little Hack.
Jake: "Hack"?
David: Don't you start throwing around accusations that you can't prove. Look, I don't want to start a scene here.
Jake: Good. Leave.

Edmund: Jake?
Jake: Hey, Edmund.
Edmund: Yeah, Dimitri and I have been looking all over for you. We're in a bit of a jam.
Jake: Something I can help you with?
Edmund: Here's a list of items I would like you to just take a look at.
Jake: Pretty serious stuff here, Edmund. Who's it for?
Edmund: We found Alex. She's alive.

Bart: How is she?
Alex: Honestly? Without the proper resources, I can't say. She's slightly fevered, which has me worried.
Bart: Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but it was a mistake to bring her here. Whoever's after her is going to look here first. And you're in danger, too, Alex.
Alex: Dimitri made sure nobody saw us enter the grounds. The staff aren't going to be coming around. This is the safest place for her to be.
Bart: I don't know my way around this place, and I hate depending on other people.
Anna: Do you think it was a mistake to come here?
Bart: Anna, I'm only trying to protect you.
Anna: Your mission in life?
Bart: You bet.
Alex: I don't want you to worry yourself. We're doing everything we can.
Anna: I am worried. I put you and your family in danger. And there are children here, right?
Bart: I've been thinking about that, too.
Alex: Well, the children are going to go to their grandmother's. It's going to be fine. I have to go downstairs to my kitchen. I left something down there.
Bart: We can't stay here, Anna. It's suicide.
Anna: What else can we do?
Bart: I know of another safe house. We can go there. It's the only way I know to make sure everybody's all right.
Anna: We just vanish again?
Bart: Easily.
Anna: What if I fall apart in the process, though?
Bart: I've taken you so far, haven't I?
Anna: You have.
Bart: Well, come on, now. It's important. We've got to go. Let me help you. Easy. You, ok?
Anna: Yeah.
Bart: Here, here.
Alex: What are you doing?
Bart: Get out of the way, Doc. We're leaving.
Alex: You're not leaving. She can barely stand.
Bart: You should come with us, too. You're twin sisters, and you're in danger. I can protect you both, but not here.
Alex: She won't make it.
Bart: She will with me. You'll see. Anna!
Bart: Was it a seizure? I usually see them coming.
Alex: No, it wasn't a seizure. She was too weak to be moved. She passed out from the effort. What were you thinking?
Bart: Don't you understand? This woman means everything to me.
Alex: Yes, I do understand. She's the only real family I have left.
Anna: Bart?
Bart: Anna, I'm sorry.
Anna: So much for a quick getaway, huh?
Bart: You tried. Always the brave one.
Anna: Alex?
Alex: Yes?
Anna: Don't be angry with Bart.
Alex: We just don't agree on what's best for you.
Bart: That's it.
Alex: Nobody's angry.
Anna: I don't want you to argue, really. We're supposed to be family. I want to share myself with both of you.
Alex: That's what we should be doing. We should be concentrating on getting her well. Please, you have to stay here. Can't you think of this as your home?
Anna: We have to stay. I can't -- I can't.
Bart: All right.
Alex: Good.
Bart: You just rest now, dear. We're not going anywhere.
Anna: Ok. Thank you.
Bart: The ball's in your court, Doc. Don't drop it.

Ryan: Hungarian Goulash has become my new favorite. Maybe we could try toast for breakfast.
Gillian: Sure. I'll burn some for you for tomorrow for breakfast.
Ryan: Thank you. Thank you.
Gillian: How is it?
Ryan: Very ghoulish. I'm kidding. Actually, it's very good. It's very good. Wow.
Gillian: Yeah?
Ryan: I'm surprised. Hey, you know what I found?
Gillian: What, a new recipe?
Ryan: No. No, not a new recipe. The perfect musician for our wedding. She's a soloist for the Pine Valley Philharmonic.
Gillian: Oh, it sounds expensive.
Ryan: Would you stop worrying about that, please?
Gillian: I told you I'm happy to get married in city hall.
Ryan: And happier if I pull out all the stops, which I'm going to do. I have a -- I have a special fund for the wedding and for the honeymoon, all right? So just take care of the arrangements, and I'll take care of the tab. Are you all right?
Gillian: I don't think I could love you any more than I do.
Ryan: You don't have to because the way you love me is perfect. What's going on?
Gillian: Do you ever just stop and think about how long it took us to get here?
Ryan: I'm grateful every single day that we're together.
Gillian: I sometimes feel guilty that we're so happy.
Ryan: Guilty? Gillian, why? I mean, I think we earned it.
Gillian: I don't know. I'm just not always proud of the things I've done along the way. I've hurt so many people -- you and Jake and his family.
Ryan: Hey. Growing up the way I did taught me that life isn't perfect. And no matter what you did, your heart was always leading the way, and, believe me, Jake knows that.
Gillian: When we take our vows, I want the whole world and everybody to know how grateful we are to have each other, how much we appreciate each other, and that we will never take each other for granted.
Ryan: Then why don't we write our own vows.
Gillian: I wouldn't know what to say except that I love you, I always will, and I always have.
Ryan: Hold that thought.
Gillian: Hey! Where are you going?

Edmund: So, even after finding Alex, I wish the news were better. And that's why she gave us this list, hoping you could help us out.
Jake: Well, I'd like to, and I'm really glad you found Alex. Why don't you let me see her, Edmund? It's not a good idea for her to treat herself.
Edmund: Listen, I don't think it's a good idea, either. But you know Alex. Jake, it's unorthodox, I know. That's why we're here to see you.
Dimitri: Jake, I'm sorry I was late.
Jake: Yeah, Dimitri, Edmund's filled me in. This is really against my better judgment, guys, but I'm going to do it for Alex. It's just between us, all right?
Dimitri: Jake, thank you.
Jake: All right, give me a minute to put this together. I'll be right back.
Jake: Ok.
Edmund: Jake, we owe you.
Jake: No problem. Let me just see if I can get the rest of the equipment that you need, ok?
Edmund: Ok.

David: Come on, David, think. What do these three people have in common?

Greenlee: I'm sorry that you had to see Jake and me.
Leo: You are far from sorry, Greenlee, you were preening.
Greenlee: Why would I want to hurt you, Leo?
Leo: Oh, I don't know.
Greenlee: We all have to move on.
Leo: Is that what we're doing?
Greenlee: It's for the best.
Leo: I agree. Maybe an upstanding guy like Jake can help reform a chronic liar like you. God knows I didn't do you any good.

Vanessa: Well, I see everything's going according to plan. I knew he wouldn't let me down.

Gillian: Ryan, a gardenia. Where did you get it this time of year?
Ryan: I'm a dream maker, remember?
Gillian: Oh, mmm. It smells heavenly.
Ryan: It's going to be part of my wedding vows because it's like you -- delicate, sweet.
Ryan: I really don't think I can wait until you are my wife. Can we please elope? Please?
Gillian: No. No. No. No, I want to share this with the whole world. But there is something else that we don't have to wait for. I just got a call from the doctor this morning, and he said it was ok.
Ryan: Are you sure?
Gillian: Mm-hmm. I have never felt better. But, then, you could probably make me feel a little better.

Leo: It was good seeing you again, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Really?
Leo: Yeah, well, I guess I should let you get back to whatever it is that you're doing here.
Greenlee: I just came to see Jake. Thanks for helping me with the basket.
Leo: No problem. My pleasure.
Greenlee: Leo --

Vanessa: Oh, my. Well, look at you two.
Greenlee: Hello, Mrs. Cortlandt.
Vanessa: Greenlee, dear, I haven't seen you in so long. How are you?
Leo: She's doing fine, Mother. As a matter of fact, Greenlee was just leaving.
Vanessa: Oh. Well, what brings you to the hospital, then?
Leo: She's seeing Dr. Jake Martin now, Mom.
Vanessa: Oh. On a professional basis? I mean, what did happen to your forehead, Darling?
Greenlee: Oh, it was a sporting accident.
Vanessa: Oh. Well, it hasn't diminished that beautiful face one bit, has it, Leo?
Leo: Actually, she's dating Dr. Jake Martin now, Mother.
Vanessa: Excuse me?
Leo: Yeah, she -- you know, she spent a wonderful evening with him last night. All night.
Greenlee: Something like that.
Vanessa: Oh. A doctor. Well, how nice for you, Dear.
Leo: Well, I'm sure Greenlee's got a million things to do today. Isn't that right, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Not really.
Leo: Nice seeing you, Greens.
Greenlee: You, too.

Vanessa: Leo, go after her.
Leo: Forget it. Jake is far better for her than I could ever be.
Vanessa: Oh, come on. There's no way that double do-gooder could ever appreciate all that Greenlee has to offer.
Leo: What, like a fat bank account?
Vanessa: Honestly, Leo, I thought you were past this noble cause kick you were on.
Leo: I guess nobility is sticking these days.
Vanessa: Oh, Leo, Leo.
Leo: Mother, please. How many times -- please just stop it, all right?
Vanessa: Fine. Fine, fine.
Leo: Good. Thank you. So, how goes it with Palmer the great?
Vanessa: Well, you're right, I do actually care about him. But even with genuine affection, I can't manage to talk him into including me in his will just yet.
Leo: Hmm. He probably knows that the only thing keeping him alive is having you around.
Vanessa: All right, stop it, stop it. You would think he'd give me one credit card just for surviving an assassin's bullet, huh?
Leo: I'm sure you'll be all right, Mother.
Vanessa: Yes, well, I am not so sure, dear, which is why I'd like to sit down and have a little chat with you about our plan.
Leo: How many times do I have to tell you? There is no plan, Mother. Don't even think about mentioning it in front of me again, ok? Do you got it?
Vanessa: All right, I heard you.
Leo: Good.
Vanessa: I heard.
Leo: Good.
Vanessa: I heard.

Jake: Tad.
Tad: You don't sound too happy to see me.
Jake: Not here. You heard what Dad said. He doesn't want you around Leslie.
Tad: Jake --
Jake: He doesn't even want you in this hospital.
Tad: Give me a break, ok?
Jake: Tad, she is in a coma.
Tad: Listen to me. Just listen to me. The tape I was going to use as evidence against David turned out to be a total waste of time. That means I can't prove he drugged anybody the night of Ryan's party.
Jake: I'm sorry about that.
Tad: Yeah, so am I because that means that she is my only hope. She knows exactly what Hayward did. She can testify.
Jake: Well, he has already been in here today trying to see her.
Tad: He tried to get in?
Jake: And I stopped him.
Tad: Thank God. Listen, if there is even the slightest chance that she can hear anything I say, then I have got to talk to her.
Jake: Tad, it is not going to do any good.
Tad: You don't know that. And I am running out of time. I am begging you. Please.
Jake: Man, I'm sure being the nice guy today.
Tad: Thank you.
Jake: Keep it brief.

Tad: Leslie, it's Tad. Look, I don't know whether or not you can hear me, but you are my last hope. I need you to pull out of this thing. I need you to tell me what David did to you. And I know that somewhere inside there is a part of you that wants to -- wants to make everything right. I can help you do that if you wake up. You want Hayward to pay, and so do I. With your help, together we can make that happen.

Jake: That's enough, Tad.

Alex: Did you get everything?
Edmund: As much as we could.
Bart: No problems? You weren't followed?
Edmund: Here's the medications you wanted. No, Bart, everything's fine.
Alex: Where's Dimitri?
Edmund: He's back at the hospital to gather more stuff. Listen, I got to check on my kids. Bart, the rest of the stuff is in the car.
Bart: Go see your kids. I'll bring everything in.
Alex: I'll come with you.

David: Alex. You're alive.
Anna: Who are you? Did they send you to kill me?


Tad: Who are you?
Dixie: He's my lawyer, Tad. He's here to talk about a legal separation.

Erica: I was looking for David. Why are you carrying his medical bag?

David: Whoa!

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