MAY 11, 1999

Mateo: All righty.
Haley: Oh. I'm afraid to look.
Mateo: You can always tell a great party by the mess the morning after.
Haley: Well, this was the Mamacita of all fiestas.
Mateo: "S.O.S. Is mucho caliente."
Haley: Oh, says who?
Mateo: Quentin tree, "Pine Valley Journal." That's right, we're the late-breaking success story. "Haley and Mateo Santos rescue Pine Valley's sinking nightlife."
Haley: You're -- oh. With this, and with Erica doing the shoot here, we are made.
Mateo: I know. Oh. You know, with the club up and running and Raquel signing the divorce papers, it doesn't get much better than this.
Haley: Well, it could better, if I'm as pregnant as I think I am.

Raquel: "The Latin quarter comes to Pine Valley via club owners Haley and Mateo Santos as their new venue, Sounds of Salsa, opened its doors. The hot and happening hosts lent their own sizzle to this trendy nightspot, as a capacity crowd partied till dawn. Live music and electric fusion of Latin flavor spelled runaway success for S.O.S. And the golden couple."
Max: What's wrong, mommy?
Raquel: Max, you sneekareenie, I didn't hear you come in. Mmm. What's nurse Kelly making you for breakfast?
Max: Waffles.
Raquel: Mmm. Your favorite, huh? With maple syrup? Ohh.
Max: I'm happy you're home.
Raquel: So am I, mi hijo.
Max: It doesn't look like you're happy.
Raquel: Well, you turned my frown upside down. Come give me a sugar kiss. Careful. Mmm. And a butterfly. Ooh, that tickles.
Max: That's Daddy.
Raquel: Yeah. It's Daddy and Haley dancing at their new club.
Max: I wish he was dancing with you, like on New Year's Eve. Don't you wish that, Mommy?
Raquel: Yeah, mi hijo, that's my wish, too. But sometimes -- well, sometimes wishes can't come true. Your daddy loves Haley now.
Max: I wish he still loved you.

Marian: Oh, thank God you're all right. Oh. Stuart and I were absolutely frantic, weren't we, Stuart? Now, you got to tell Mimi absolutely everything, my darling, and don't leave out one single, solitary moment. I mean, I can't believe I missed Colby's debut. Look, Stuart and I were in New York shopping for baby clothes. We found this fabulous boutique, Liza. You're going to love it. It's on Madison Avenue. It's got everything from sailor suits to formal wear. And, of course, in the midst of all that, I realized I hadn't got something borrowed, something blue for you. And I thought, first, maybe giving you the pen you gave me that was something borrowed and something blue. But then I thought that was very tacky, so we just scoured the whole city of New York. We got back early this morning, and then we got all of Adam's messages. Oh, my God, Liza. I mean, he took you to the sleepy hollow inn, you went into early labor, and then the bridge was washed out. I mean, I pictured you on the side of some road having a baby like those women do, those remarkable women who just drop their baby in the fields and then they go on picking corn or cotton or whatever the heck they pick. I mean, I've been absolutely frantic.
Liza: Mother, Mother, please take a deep breath. You're going to pass out.
Marian: Yeah, I think I am.
Liza: There's somebody really special that I want you to meet.
Marian: Oh, Liza. I thought the happiest moment of my life was the morning you were born, but I think Colby's leading by a whisker.
Liza: Well, I'll let her take the lead.
Marian: How are you feeling, my darling?
Liza: Oh, completely bedazzled. I had no idea that I was going to feel this way, and I feel so much more than that.
Marian: Oh, good. Oh, do you think Mimi could hold her granddaughter?
Liza: Oh, yes. Are you kidding? That's exactly what I was hoping.
Marian: Oh, Stuart.
Liza: Hello. There's somebody I want you to meet.
Marian: Oh. It's ok. It's ok.

[Colby cries]

Liza: Oh, I know. There's somebody very important that I want you to meet who's very special to me. Very special. She's going to spoil you and she's going to love you. It's my mom. It's your grandmother. That's Mimi.
Marian: Ohh. Oh, hello. Hello, hello, hello. Hello, my precious angel. Oh, Liza. Liza, she looks just like you the day you were born -- with the same quizzical eyebrows and the tip-tiddly nose and the rosebud lips.
Liza: Oh, and she has 10 fingers and 10 toes. I checked. Everything's perfect.
Marian: Of course. She's Colby Marian Martin. She's perfect in every way.
Liza: Oh, come on. Sit down.
Marian: Oh. Oh. I know, I know.
Stuart: Where's Adam?
Liza: Oh, he went home to change and shower. It was quite an adventure last night.
Marian: Are you sure you're feeling all right, darling.
Liza: Oh, I'm -- I'm fine.
Marian: Oh, come on. Give us some details, all the details.
Liza: Oh. Well, Adam was taking me to the sleepy hollow inn, but Colby had other ideas.
Stuart: A surprise birthday party.
Liza: Oh, I tell you, the surprise was on us. Because, you know, we were at the sleepy hollow inn, and I went into labor just as the storm hit, of course, and so Adam tried to take me to the hospital, but the bridge had been washed out because of the storm. And then, boy, Colby -- she wanted to come out and see the world. And the only snag was that she was faced in the other direction.
Marian: She was a breech?
Liza: Yeah.
Marian: Oh, Liza. That's so dangerous. The two of you --
Liza: Oh, no, no, mother. I don't even want to think about it. We were really lucky. David Hayward was there, and Adam coached him with all the breech delivery information on David's laptop computer, so --
Marian: Thank God you're both all right.
Stuart: Yes. That goes double for me. But how did David Hayward get there?
Liza: He was at the Sleepy Hollow Inn, and he got caught in the storm just like we did.
Marian: What was a type-A cardiac surgeon doing at a rustic retreat like that?
Liza: He was coming to bring us a wedding present.
Marian: Well, what was it?
Liza: I don't know. We never got to the wedding present. I was just really, really thankful that David was there to usher Colby into the world.
Marian: Somebody was really looking over the two of you, weren't they?
Liza: I've really given a lot of thanks. Really have from the moment I heard her cry.
Marian: Oh, Liza, you must've been terrified out there in the wilderness, knowing that your baby was ready to come. Colby, you are just like your mother. You are a force of nature to be reckoned with. Really.
Liza: The three of us.
Marian: The three of us.
Stuart: All right, the three of you hold it because we got to get a picture of this.
Liza: Oh, good.
Marian: This is your first photo. Come on, Colby, smile. Smile. Come on. You got -- is she in? Can you see her?
Stuart: Ok, now. Ok, I got you. I got you in there. Ok, cheese.

Nurse Kelly: Max, Hon, wash up. Your waffles are ready.
Max: Can I pour the syrup on myself?
Raquel: Hmm, ok. But easy on the sugar, sugar.
Nurse Kelly: What a cutie.
Raquel: Yeah. I hope he hasn't been any trouble. .
Nurse Kelly: Oh, not at all.
Raquel: Good.
Nurse Kelly: Is that all the breakfast you're going to eat?
Raquel: Yeah. I don't really have the stomach for it.
Nurse Kelly: Well, let me fix you something else.
Raquel: Maybe later, Kelly. Thank you. .
Nurse Kelly: Ok, I'll take this out of your way.
Raquel: Thanks a lot.
[Doorbell rings]

Nurse Kelly: You expecting company?
Raquel: Maybe Max's dad.
Gillian: Hi, I'm here to see Raquel.
Nurse Kelly: You up for a visitor? Raquel: Hi, Gillian. Come on in. This is my friend, Gillian Lavery. Kelly's helping me out while I'm stuck in this bed.
Gillian: Nice to meet you.
Nurse Kelly: Likewise. Can I get you gals something to drink? Coffee, tea?
Gillian: Yeah. Well, actually, I would love a big huge glass of cold water and two aspirins, if that's not too much trouble.
Nurse Kelly: Back in a flash.
Gillian: How are you feeling?
Raquel: Better than you look.
Gillian: Yeah, well, I have the world's worst hangunder.
Raquel: You mean hangover.
Gillian: Yeah, well, whatever. I went to the Sounds of Salsa party.
Raquel: Oh. Margaritas hit you hard, huh?
Gillian: Yeah. I saw two of everything. Two bands, two dance floors, two Ryan's.
Raquel: Two Ryan's? That doesn't sound too bad.
Gillian: I tell you, it was horrible. I made such a fool of myself. Thank you. He had to take me home and put me to bed.
Raquel: And that's all that happened?
Gillian: Yeah, yeah. He had enough of me.
Raquel: So did you say anything that you regret?
Gillian: Yes. But that was before I got drunk. How did you do it, Raquel? How did you pick up that pen and sign those divorce papers? I mean, where did you get the courage to do that?
Raquel: It wasn't courage.
Gillian: You know, I want what my husband wants, and what he wants is a divorce, so I'm going to give it to him.
Raquel: Gillian, why would you do that?
Gillian: I wanted to be strong and brave just like you. Only now, I feel like my life is over.
Raquel: Gillian, you made a terrible mistake.

Mateo: You really think you're pregnant?
Haley: Well, I don't know. I mean, it's too soon to know for sure, but I get this feeling.
Mateo: It's like a woman's feeling, right?
Haley: It's kind of like a Mom feeling. I don't know. I could be wrong.
Mateo: Well, you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, you try and try again.
Haley: Kind of our own built-in insurance policy.
Mateo: Yeah, which we're the prime beneficiaries.
Ryan: Hey.
Haley: Hold that thought.
Ryan: Guys, have you checked this out? You're a hit.
Mateo: Yeah.
Haley: We're a hit. We're all a hit.
Ryan: No, no. I'm not taking any of the blame.
Haley: Oh, yeah, please. If it wasn't for your input, we'd still be, "Hey, what's the name of that club down on third street?"
Mateo: That's right. If it wasn't for your input and your brainstorming.
Ryan: Well, you know what? You guys are the golden couple.
Haley: Well, you know, it's bad karma to believe your own P.R.
Ryan: There's no spin here, Haley. There's no spin here.

[Telephone rings]

Ryan: What did the music critic say? The music critic said, "this is the next wave. This place is the next wave of Latin fusion." Food guy gave your guacamole five chili peppers. Check it out.
Haley: Ah. But did he mention the free moist towelettes that we handed out with our hot and spicy chicken wings?
Ryan: Haley, you did good. There's no shame in owning the moment.
Haley: Well, you know, there's plenty of glory to go around. Now -- and you know I'm going to stare you down until you tell me what's up, right?
Ryan: Gillian is divorcing me.
Haley: What?
Ryan: She broke it to me last night.
Haley: Well -- that's crazy. You're Gillian's whole life. That's a mistake. There's got to be a mistake.
Ryan: No, no. There's no mistake, and just leave it alone, Haley. It's -- it's over.
Ryan: It was a pipe dream, Haley. Gillian woke up.
Haley: Oh, no, no, no. Words like "it's over" are not in Gillian's vocabulary. She's more familiar with "eternal," "undying," and the granddaddy of them all -- "love."
Ryan: She changed her mind.
Haley: Ryan, your wife came to me. She begged me for advice on how to get you back. It was -- I was the one that told her back off, give you some space so you make your own decision. She wanted no part of it. She did not want to lay off. She wanted you in her future. Now, she does this complete 180. It doesn't make any sense.
Ryan: It makes sense to Gillian. And frankly, Haley, it's about time that I do something to make that woman happy

Gillian: I don't want a divorce.
Raquel: Then why do it?
Gillian: Because of you. You put Mateo ahead of your own happiness. You let him go. I mean, it was the most unselfish act of love I've ever seen.
Raquel: Gillian, our situations are totally different.
Gillian: How so? I love Ryan as much as you love Mateo.
Raquel: Yeah, but Mateo doesn't love me. He's made that perfectly clear. His heart is with Haley.
Gillian: So?
Raquel: So Ryan still loves you. He never stopped. It's just that -- well, his feelings are all mixed up. He doesn't trust them because of what happened with kit Montgomery and his brother.
Gillian: Braden betrayed him, and so did I.
Raquel: Ryan forgave you, didn't he? Honey, he just feels like he let people down. No one's saying he did, but that's how he feels. Once he gets his life back on track, he'll feel better about himself, and with no other woman in his life and no child whose needs have to come first. It'll just be you and Ryan. And you'll be able to find your way back to each other.
Gillian: Ryan wants to get out of this marriage. He wants me out of his life. I mean, he made that so clear.
Raquel: I don't believe that.
Gillian: I -- I wish it weren't true. I wish he would put his arms around me and just hold me and tell me that everything's going to be ok. You know what? I've prayed and I've prayed for Ryan to love me again the way he used to, but it's hopeless. He even moved out of the boarding house to get away from me.
Raquel: He just needs a little bit of time to get his head back together. Once he does, I'm sure that everything will be ok. It doesn't mean that this is final. I mean, it's not final, he doesn't want the divorce. We don't know that.
Gillian: Then -- then why didn't he stop me when I said that I'm going to give him the divorce? I mean, all he had to do was just raise a finger, an eyebrow, some -- some kind of sign, but he didn't. He didn't even move a muscle. In fact, he told me to go ahead and file for the divorce. It's just -- it's so clear that he wants nothing more to do with me.

Marian: Oh, she is so precious. Isn't she precious?
Stuart: Beautiful.
Jake: Hey. Can I come in?
Liza: Please.
Jake: Getting to know your granddaughter?
Marian: Oh, she's an absolute dream.
Jake: She is. You look rested.
Liza: I slept for about 10 minutes last night. Colby and I were talking through the evening.
Jake: How is my little girl this morning?
Liza: Great. She took her 6:00 A.M. Feeding like a champ.
Jake: Oh, did she? I would expect so. Is it me, or is she looking more and more gorgeous every minute?
Marian: Well, we Colby women don't come into full bloom for years and years, darling.
Jake: Well, she's very lucky then because the bloom is still on grandmother's rose.
Marian: Oh, well, you're making it harder and harder for me to dislike you, Jake.
Stuart: Can I hold her for just a minute?
Liza: Oh, of course.
Marian: Here you go. Support her precious head, now, come on.
Stuart: Yes, ok. I got her.
Marian: Oh, look at her little eyes. They're just bright as buttons. Oh, dear.
Liza: Did I tell you she scored perfect on the apgar?
Marian: Well, who's surprised?
Stuart: Hello, little one. Hello, new life. Did you know that today is the first day of the rest of your life? Yes. Yes. Oh, I wish -- I wish I'd had Scott when he was a baby. I didn't get to hold him like this.
Marian: Scott's coming back from college next week.
Stuart: That's right. You're going to meet your cousin. Oh, he's going to want to munch you up. Ok. There.
Adam: I see you got my messages.
Stuart: Yeah, we rushed right over.
Adam: Well, what do you think of our angel?
Marian: Oh, she is beautiful.
Adam: Jake. How is little Colby?
Jake: Oh, she's fine. She's in the pink.
Adam: Good. Sweetheart, are you ok?
Liza: Top of the world. Is that for me?
Adam: Yes. Open it up.
Liza: Oh. You incredibly sweet man.
Adam: It's not real. I didn't want to bring any bad karma back on Colby because I made some poor bird family homeless.
Marian: Pardon my asking, but is that symbolic of something?
Liza: It's a spring thing.
Stuart: Adam, this little girl's going to give you a heaven right here on earth. Congratulations, Daddy.
Adam: Thank you, Stuart.
Stuart: You know, it's kind of weird.
Marian: What is, darling?
Stuart: Well, I know it's not possible because I know Jake is the natural father, but the more I look at her, the more she looks like Adam -- and me, when we were babies.
Marian: Well, it's hard for me to imagine Adam as a child, much less an infant.
Stuart: Well, look at her face. She's got that strong brow bone and that little pointy chin. Oh.
Liza: I don't think I've ever seen pictures of the two of you as children.
Stuart: Oh, I have one. It's the one that mother kept beside her bed all those years.
Liza: I'd love to see it.
Stuart: I'll bring it with me next time I come. I swear, Colby looks like she stepped right out of that photograph.
Adam: Don't be ridiculous, Stuart. Colby doesn't resemble either one of us.
Stuart: Here. Here, look, look. Look, see the way she's -- she sticks out that lower lip. That's Adam's pout for sure.
David: Stuart is absolutely right. The baby does look like Adam. And I know the reason why.

Gillian: You know what? I didn't come here to pour my heart out about my miserable love life.
Raquel: Well, I'm a captive audience.
Gillian: I thought if we could read about other people's problems, ours wouldn't seem so bad.
Raquel: Ok.
Gillian: Ok. Hmm. "Statue of Elvis found on Mars."
Raquel: Uh-uh.
Gillian: "Infant swallows bowling ball."
Raquel: No.
Gillian: Hmm. "How to turn a man into a love slave."
Raquel: Gillian, you're not serious.
Gillian: Oh, honey, at this point, I need all the help I can get. Ok, I know I have a copy of "The Sun" here.
Raquel: The hard news.
Gillian: Oh, my goodness.
Gillian: This is Erica Kane. She was in this car crash that scarred her face.
Raquel: I know. I heard.
Gillian: This incredibly beautiful woman has to hide behind a mask.
Raquel: You know, I read her book, "Having It All," and I envied her life.
Gillian: Fate can be so cruel. I wonder if I should call her.
Raquel: You know Erica Kane?
Gillian: Royalty has its privileges. No, well, she helped me and Ryan when we were on the run. I mean, this poor woman, you know, she can't even go to the grocery store without being mobbed by fans. Paparazzi waiting like hyenas behind every little corner to snap her picture when she gets out of a restaurant. Nothing in her life is private, not even her pain.
Raquel: Who's that standing near her?
Gillian: "Erica Kane with Mrs. Vanessa Bennett, mother of prominent P.V.H. Cardiologist David Hayward, tries to dodge photographers at the opening of the S.O.S. Bar." Well, if she's anything like her son, she's a snake.

Stuart: I don't know much about biology.
Marian: Oh, nonsense, Stuart. You're a whiz when it comes to nature's ways.
Stuart: I know, but what -- how can -- I don't understand how she can look like Adam if she's not Adam's child. David: Well, that's easily explained, especially when you take into account the sort of man that Adam is -- a devoted parent. Your brother loves this child so much that he sees her as if she were his own. Stuart: But why the resemblance?
David: It's called transference, Stuart. Now, you want to see Adam as Colby's father, so you project his likeness onto the baby.
Stuart: You think?
Jake: It's common for people to think that children look like their adoptive parents.
David: That 's right. The same way that dog owners start to resemble their precious Rex or Fido.
Marian: Oh, I won't have you comparing my granddaughter to a cocker spaniel now.
David: Oh, no, no. I'm sorry. All I meant was that we see exactly what we want to see. It's the mind, not the eyes, playing tricks.
Stuart: Well, I know you're a doctor and probably know what you're talking about, but I could swear I can see my face and Adam's when I look at Colby.
Adam: Good grief, Stuart. Stop all this wishful nonsense and give the baby back to her mother.
Adam: Could I see you outside for a moment?
David: Excuse me.
Adam: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't choke the life out of you right now.

Haley: Can I just say one more thing in Gillian's defense?
Ryan: Gillian didn't do anything wrong.
Haley: Yeah, well, neither did you, but you're both paying through the nose. Look, how much more can both of you take?
Ryan: The divorce is going to end this.
Haley: You really don't believe that, do you?
Ryan: Look, Haley, I appreciate you being on our side. I do. I really do. I just -- I simply cannot take it anymore. I can't take it. We gave it a chance and we blew it. Gillian cutting me loose is probably the best possible thing that she could do for herself, and let's just leave it at that, ok?
Haley: Ok. I mean, it's not ok. I just -- well, you have my two cents. How you choose to spend it is up to you.

[Music plays]

Ryan: Hello. Where'd you get the energy?
Haley: What energy?
Ryan: You party till the wee hours of the morning looks like you just spent a week in the tropics.
Haley: Rested, tanned, and ready to rock 'n' roll.
Ryan: What are you running on?
Haley: Happiness.
Ryan: If I didn't know better --
Haley: Yes?
Ryan: No. No, no, no, you're not. Are you? Are you?
Haley: From your lips to my womb!
Ryan: Haley, congratulations. That's fantastic. Hey, congratulations. Haley just told me the good news.
Mateo: I think it's a little early to get our hopes up.
Haley: Don't you know by now that hope is what you live on when you're waiting for a dream to come true? And I've got this feeling in my soul that somewhere inside of me there's a new life growing so kick all your doubts to the curb and hop aboard the baby train.

Raquel: Men - But we better look out or we're going to end up sharing a double-wide trailer with 95 cats and a satellite dish.
Gillian: Raquel, you can't find a mate in the want ads.
Raquel: This is America. Hello? You can find anything in the want ads. Ok, let's see here. All right, here we go. "Single male seeks female to share good books, long walks, romantic dinners, and size seven cha-cha heels. Pumps and orthopedic oxfords need not apply."
Gillian: Next.
Raquel: All right. Let's see here. Ok. "Single male looking for a zaftig woman."
Gillian: What's "zaftig"?
Raquel: Pleasingly plump.
Gillian: All right, anything else?
Raquel: No. The rest are women looking for guys.
Gillian: Ok, that's just wonderful. Two available bachelors in the entire Pine Valley. One's got a shoe fetish, and the other one's asking for more than I can offer.
Raquel: Well, honey, you're out of luck, unless you're looking for a message in a bottle or a yellow-and-green plastic waterproof pouch.
Gillian: What was that about a pouch?
Raquel: Yeah, look. It's right there.
Gillian: "One yellow-green waterproof pouch found in Pine Valley lake. Owner must identify contents. Please write to P.O. Box 7710, Pine Valley, PA." Do you mind if I take this?
Raquel: You have a pair of cha-cha heels looking for a mate?
Gillian: Maybe. Take care, Raquel, and I'll stop by later, ok?
Raquel: Ok. Bye-bye.
Gillian: Bye.

Raquel: Hey, how were your waffles?
Max: I ate four.
Raquel: Four waffles! Oh, my gosh! Let me see your stomach. You're the watermelon man. Come here. Come tell me what you want to do this morning. Careful.
Max: I want to see daddy. Can I call him?
Raquel: Oh, I don't think so, honey. Your daddy's really busy with the new club.
Max: Maybe he didn't have waffles.
Nurse Kelly can make him breakfast.
Raquel: No, mijo.
Max: Please, please, please, please.
Raquel: Ok. The number's over there by the phone. You can call the club. You remember how I taught you to dial?

[Telephone rings]

Mateo: I guess I'll get that.
Mateo: S.O.S.
Max: Daddy, it's me.
Mateo: Hey, buddy. How you doing?
Max: I miss you, daddy. Can you come see me?
Mateo: Oh, wow. I'd love to see you now, max, but I'm really swamped down here at the club.
Max: But I miss you, daddy. Can't you come see me for a little while?
Mateo: Ok. Yeah. I'll be right over. Ok? Honey, that was Max. I hate to do this, but he's feeling kind of lonely, so --
Haley: Oh. Well, you better get over there and make the little guy feel better.
Mateo: I really am, you know, sorry about leaving you here with all this mess.
Haley: No, don't be silly. Ryan and I can handle it.
Mateo: Don't overdo it.
Haley: In my delicate condition? I don't think so.
Mateo: What do you think Max wants, a baby brother or a baby sister?
Haley: Why don't we give him one of each?
Mateo: Sounds like a plan. I love you.
Haley: I love you, too. Tell Max and Raquel I say Hi, ok?
Mateo: I will.

Adam: I want you to cease and desist from dropping thinly veiled hints in front of Liza.
David: I don't have to do anything but sit back and watch you disintegrate. You're bound to crack sooner or later. My guess -- sooner.
Adam: Don't underestimate me, Hayward.
David: Really? You're already showing tell-tale signs -- just like the guy from that Edgar Allen Poe story, "The Tell-Tale Heart." Have you ever read it?
Adam: What is your point?
David: Oh, it's a story about a man who lives a lie. He kills this old geezer who never did him any harm, and he stuffs his body underneath the floorboards of his house. Now, since there's nothing to tie him to the crime, he thinks he's home free. But then his conscience starts to get the best of him. He imagines that he hears the old man's heart beating under the floorboards of the house. Ta-tump, ta-tump, ta-tump. The sound grows deafening. He's convinced that everybody can hear, including the police. So, in the onset of his madness, he confesses his crime.
Adam: I fail to see the parallel.
David: Every year, Adam, Colby is going to grow older and older, and when she does, she's going to resemble you more and more. At first the similarities are purely physical. But by the time she's 5 or 6, while the other children are throwing little temper tantrums, little Colby is going to be gearing up for her very first hostile takeover. Her target? The tree house down the street. Blood tells, Adam. There's no denying it. The little tyrant on training wheels is a chip off the old block.
Adam: Pure rot.
David: You have to wonder -- does Liza notice that Colby is nothing like Jake Martin? Hmm? You have to wonder how long before your secret's out, your guilt becomes overwhelming, your mind tormented. You confess, while I'm sitting at home, sipping a nice brandy and reading a good book. Ta-tump, ta-tump, ta-tump.

Liza: What's wrong with her?
Jake: Nothing's wrong, nothing's wrong. It's perfectly normal. Standard procedure. I just need to give her her first physical. Oh, oh.
Liza: You ready?
Jake: I think. Let's try this. Oh, good. The doctor will give me the findings, which I expect will be perfectly normal.
Liza: Well, you'll be back soon, right?
Jake: Yeah.
Marian: Mimi loves you, darling.
Jake: Within the hour, she'll be back.
Stuart: Uncle Stuart loves you, too.
Jake: Say good-bye. Say good-bye.
Marian: Bye.
Jake: Bye-bye.
Marian: Bye-bye.
Liza: Help him with the door, Stuart.
Stuart: Yeah.
Liza: Ok. Ohh. You know, I got to tell you, I owe both of you such an apology.
Marian: Whatever for?
Liza: Because I ruined all your wedding plans.
Stuart: Don't give it a second thought.
Marian: Darling, you can get married any time, but it's not every day you give birth to a precious little baby.
Stuart: There'll be plenty of time for a wedding later on.
Marian: Yes. We'll call all the guests and explain what happened. But in the meantime, we should call the "Bulletin" with Colby's birth announcement.
Liza: Well, actually, I skipped you on that one. WRCW announced Colby's birth this morning.
Marian: Oh, but we still need something to cut and paste into her little baby book.
Liza: Yeah.
Marian: Honey, where's the paper? There's the paper. Let me look in the calendar area. Classifieds or whatever. Oh, here, it's right here on the back. Ok, the -- oh, Stuart, look. Here's that ad we placed about the pouch we found in Pine Valley lake.
Stuart: Yeah.
Marian: Do you think, if no one claims it for 30 days, that we'll be able to keep it, darling?
Stuart: Now, this is the first day that's been in the paper. The rightful owners 29 days to claim the money.
Marian: I know. Hope we get to keep it.

David: If I'm needed, I'll be in the solarium.

Haley: Looks like you got company. Two's company, three's a crowd.
Ryan: So, how's your hangover?
Gillian: Well, I'm alive. Thank you for your help last night. Listen, I know you don't want to see me, but this is important. You'll never guess what happened.

[Doorbell rings]

Mateo: Hi.
Nurse Kelly: Hi.
Mateo: Morning.
Max: Daddy!
Mateo: Hey.
Nurse Kelly: Three guesses. Well, forget the first two. You're Max's dad.
Mateo: Yeah.
Nurse Kelly: Nurse Kelly.
Mateo: How you doing?
Nurse Kelly: Can't complain. Can I get you anything?
Mateo: No. No, I'm fine. Thanks. How you doing, partner?
Max: I missed you, daddy.
Mateo: Yeah, I missed you, too. Tell you what -- why don't you saddle up, and we'll go over and talk to your mom, ok?
Raquel: Hi.
Mateo: Uh-oh. Wait a second.
Mateo: Max, I think we need to have a little talk.
Max: Did I do something wrong, daddy?

[Doorbell rings]

Adam: Erica, it's Adam. Open up. Come on. You can't hide from me forever. We need to talk.
Vanessa: Adam. What's all the urgency?

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